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Greg" (Past Police Investigator for the Los Angeles District Attorney's office,
retired Police Officer and Secret Military Police)
Sullivan became Vice President of the
Academy. Doug King (
President of the International Association of Police Surgeons) was
awarded Membership in the Academy.
And, the Academy was granted protection from the U.S. Copyright Office on
October 14th, 1998. Academy members can expect to start receiving more in-depth
coverage of case-studies, how-to's, and AAJTS course notes. (If you are on the mailing
list, be sure to download the material on to your personal computers for future
The Web Page will be upgraded to have a multi-media look and sound. That's
right, visitors will soon be able to HEAR the official Academy Music which will be played
when they check out various pages at the InfoJustice Journal.
Norm Udewitz, life Academy Member
was recently spotlighted in "The Bulletin" the Official
Journal of the Association of American Railroads.
Norm Udewitz is a retired Senior Claim Specialist with Union Pacific
Railroad in charge of Investigations and Litigation. He has received degrees from
the University of Wyoming attended the University in Geology and Business Administration
from the University of Wyoming. He is also a veteran of the U.S. Navy.
Norm is a seasoned world traveler and is currently writing a book on
his railroad claim's experiences. He and his wife of 35 years have 23 (yes, 23!) grown
little guy
Janssen Pharmaceutica, Inc., of Titusville, N.J., has announced that it is voluntarily
withdrawing the prescription antihistamine, Hismanal (astemizole) 10 mg., from the market.
Since risks outweigh the benefits, other medicines today are far better for the
intended utility, and the USFDA opinion was consistent with the manufacturers, the drug
will be withdrawn from the consumer market.
Patients who have been taking Hismanal for their allergy symptoms should consult with
their doctors to determine appropriate more modern medicine.
little guy
Dr. Scott Neff and Norman Udewitz FFAAJTS, signed formal contracts for
their up and coming book on 33 years expertise focused on health care cases, primarily
dealing with fraudulent court cases, yet of course some legitimate and sad
multimillion dollar verdicts. These were tried in Mostly Superior and Federal Courts
around the nation with inconceivable claims, hilarious blunders and comments from the
stand, and huge verdicts. After editing some hundred cases thus far, the Academy
Secretary, Past Vice President and Dean of the College Dr. Diana Brief Ph.D. states
"I have found the reading most enjoyable, hilarious and intriguing. The
court-room drama's and their investigations are some of the most unimaginable true
life cases crossing this nations borders all relative to Federal Medical
Fraud cases".
little guy InfoJustice Beats the
The Food and Drug Administration issued a public health advisory to physicians
concerning the risks of liver toxicity associated with the use of Trovan (trovafloxacin,
an oral antibiotic) and Trovan-IV (alatrofloxacin, the intravenous formulation of the
drug). This action follows postmarketing reports of rare
but severe liver injuries leading to transplants and deaths.
In issuing this advisory, FDA is informing physicians that Trovan should be reserved
for use only in patients who meet all of the following criteria:
- Patients who have at least one of several specified
infections such as nosocomial (hospital-acquired) pneumonia or complicated intra-abdominal
infections that, in the judgment of the treating physician, is serious and life- or
- Patients who begin their therapy in in-patient health
care facilities (hospitals or longterm nursing care facilities);
- And patients for whom the treating physician believes
that even given the new safety information, the benefit of the product outweighs the
potential risks.
FDA is further informing physicians that, in general, therapy with Trovan should not
continue for longer than 14 days. Therapy should be discontinued sooner if the patient
experiences any clinical signs of liver dysfunction, including fatigue, loss of appetite,
yellowing of the skin and eyes, severe stomach pain with nausea and vomiting, or dark
FDA is also advising physicians that for most patients who meet the treatment criteria,
therapy would most likely begin with intravenous Trovan. After clinical stabilization
patients may be switched to the oral dosage form. Although oral therapy might be
appropriate in some cases as an initial therapy, the agency emphasizes that the oral form
of Trovan is not warranted for infections other than those specified.
It is estimated that 2.5 million prescriptions have been written for Trovan, a
quinolone antibiotic, since its February 1998 market launch in oral and intravenous
formulations. Trovan was initially approved for treating a broad range of infections, from
minor skin infections to severe infections in hospitalized patients.
No reports of liver failure, liver transplant, or death due to liver problems were
reported in the 7,000 patients studied in premarketing clinical trials for Trovan. In July
1998, FDA worked with the manufacturer to strengthen the product's labeling concerning
liver problems after receiving reports of elevated liver enzymes and symptomatic hepatitis
in patients after short- and long-term therapy. Since then, FDA has continued to receive
reports of liver toxicity, including reports of a more serious nature.
FDA is now aware of 14 cases of acute liver failure that it has concluded are strongly
associated with the drug. Six of these patients died: five due to liver failure and one of
four additional patients who received liver transplants. Three patients recovered without
requiring liver transplants, and for the remaining two patients the final outcome is still
More information about Trovan, including FDA's public health advisory, is available on
the World Wide Web at www.fda.gov/cder/news/trovan/default.htm
and from Pfizer, the manufacturer of the drug, at 1-800-438-1985.
Because of reports of increasing numbers of illnesses
associated with consumption of raw sprouts, the Food and Drug Administration is advising
all persons to be aware of the risks associated with eating raw sprouts (e.g., alfalfa,
clover, radish). Outbreaks have included persons of both genders and all age
categories. Those persons who wish to reduce the risk of foodborne illness from sprouts
are advised not to eat raw sprouts.
This advice is particularly important for children, the elderly, and persons with weakened
immune systems, all of whom are at high risk of developing serious illness due to
foodborne disease. People in high risk categories should not eat raw sprouts.
This advisory is updated from a previous health advisory issued August 31, 1998, and is
based on additional information from clover and alfalfa sprout-associated salmonellosis
outbreaks from January through May 1999. Two outbreaks were associated with clover
sprouts: one occurred in California in May and involved approximately 30 cases; a second
outbreak in Colorado from March through May involved approximately 70 cases. In addition,
from January through March an outbreak of salmonellosis affecting approximately 85 people
occurred in Oregon, Washington, and California and was associated with the consumption of
alfalfa sprouts
Since 1995, raw sprouts have emerged as a recognized source of foodborne illness in the
United States. These illnesses have involved the pathogenic bacteria Salmonella and E.
coli O157. Alfalfa and clover sprouts have been involved most often, but all raw sprouts
may pose a risk.
The sprout industry has been working in cooperation with government, academia, and other
industry segments to enhance the safety of its product. These efforts have focused
primarily on seed treatment strategies, good manufacturing practices, and sanitation.
Despite all these efforts to make raw sprouts safer, we continue to receive reports of
illnesses associated with raw sprouts. Consumers need to understand that, at this time,
the best way to control this risk is not to eat raw sprouts," said Jane E. Henney,
MD, FDA Commissioner.
Although infections with Salmonella and E. coli O157 can cause serious illness, the
illness is generally self-limiting in most healthy adults. However, an E.coli O157
infection can lead to hemolytic uremic syndrome with resultant kidney failure or death in
children, and equally serious complications in the elderly. Salmonella infections can
cause serious illness in children, the elderly and the immune compromised. Healthy persons
infected with these bacteria experience diarrhea, nausea, abdominal cramping and fever for
several days.
FDA offers the following advice to all consumers
concerning sprouts:
Cook sprouts. This significantly reduces the risk of illness. Check sandwiches and
salads purchased at restaurants and delicatessens. These entrées often contain raw
sprouts. Consumers who wish to reduce their risk of foodborne illness should specifically
request that raw sprouts not be added to their food. Sprouts grown in the home also
present a risk if eaten raw. Many outbreaks have been attributed to contaminated
seed. If pathogenic bacteria are present in or on seed, they can grow to high levels
during sprouting even under clean conditions.
Consumers who have eaten raw sprouts and are experiencing diarrhea or other symptoms of
foodborne infections are advised to consult their health care providers.
FDA has planned immediate preventive measures as follows:
FDA will issue national guidance to the industry based on a more thorough review of the
recommendations made in a 1999 report of the National Advisory Committee on
Microbiological Criteria for Foods. This guidance will focus on microbial testing,
sanitation, seed quality as well as seed treatment strategies with appropriate performance
FDA will send investigators to sprout facilities to test water used to grow sprouts (spent
irrigation water which is a good measure of microbial contamination) for Salmonella and E.
coli O157. FDA will also increase surveillance of sprouting facilities and monitor the
extent of industry adoption of enhanced production practices as recommended in the FDA
FDA will closely monitor the safety of sprouts and will take further actions, including
preventive controls, as necessary to protect consumers.
The USFDA &FSIS, CONSUMER WATCHDOG'S are proposing to require safe handling
statements on labels of shell eggs to warn consumers about the risk of illness caused by
Salmonella Enteritidis (SE). FDA's proposed handling instructions will contain the
following statement on each carton of eggs:
SAFE HANDLING INSTRUCTIONS: Eggs may contain harmful bacteria known to cause serious
illness, especially in children, the elderly, and persons with weakened immune systems.
For your protection: Keep eggs refrigerated; cook eggs until yolks are firm; and cook
foods containing eggs thoroughly.
In addition, for the first time, there will be a uniform federal requirement that all
eggs and egg products packed for consumers be refrigerated at 45 degrees or below. Retail
establishments governed by the proposed FDA regulation include supermarkets, restaurants,
delis, caterers, vending operations, hospitals, nursing homes and schools. In addition,
FSIS is issuing a directive applying the refrigeration requirement to warehouses and other
distribution locations that store shell eggs packed into containers destined for
consumers, including transport vehicles. A joint FDA-FSIS risk assessment found that
refrigeration makes it more difficult for SE bacteria to grow.
"The Clinton Administration has made ensuring food safety a top priority,"
said Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman. "These additional steps will help educate
consumers and reduce foodborne illness caused by contaminated eggs"
"Eggs are a good source of protein and can be a healthy and economical
contribution to a well-balanced diet," said HHS Secretary Donna Shalala.
"However, they need proper handling or they could potentially be the source of
foodborne illness."
SE outbreaks have been attributed to undercooked eggs or foods containing undercooked
eggs served in homes, private gatherings, commercial establishments such as restaurants,
hospitals, nursing homes and schools. Persons infected with SE microorganisms may
experience diarrhea, fever, abdominal cramps, headache, nausea and vomiting. Children, the
elderly and persons with weakened immune systems may develop severe or even
life-threatening illness.
The FDA proposal is on display today in the Federal Register. Written comments and
recommendations on the proposed rule will be accepted for the next 75 days. FSIS's
directive takes effect on August 27, 1999. InfoJustice
Beat the Press
It is a well-known fact that one of the side effects
of nicotine withdrawal is mood
alteration (including, for example, depression, anxiety, and restlessness).
To help individuals try to curb these symptoms and
"fight the craving," a number of products have come on the market that deliver
relief by delivering nicotine in small, manageable dosage's that hopefully will allow
those who are hooked to kick their habits.
Reports from the Mayo
Clinic indicate that a multi-pronged approach to treatment, including
psychosocial counseling, nicotine substitutes, and even acupuncture
is the most appropriate way of treating nicotine addiction.
Products serving as nicotine substitutes are available
by prescription (e.g., Habitrol and ProStep)
and over-the-counter (e.g., Nicotrol and Nicoderm CQ).
Because there are medical side effects associated with the use of Nicotine, a smoking
cessation program should be undertaken in consultation with medical professionals.
The nicotine "substitutes" are available in
several forms, such as a transdermal patch, nasal spray, and gum. The nasal spray can
produce quicker withdrawal relief than the gum. An alternative, non-nicotine substitute is
available through use of the prescription medication Bupropion, which has for many years,
been available as an antidepressant, but which is also approved by the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration as an aid in smoking cessation. Researchers believe that Bupropion (marketed under the brand name, Zyban) may aid in alleviating withdrawal
symptoms, because it acts similarly to nicotine at a physiological level.
A typical length of treatment using the smoking cessation products
is from 6 to 12 weeks.
To find out more about these smoking cessation products/programs,
click on one of the highlighted stories in the box below.
Note that your physician or healthcare provider may recommend one
or more of the products/treatments described above for a program that will be
appropriate for your needs and lifestyle.
The bottom line

For more information |
WINNER FOR WINTER 1999 QUARTER. Mayo Clinic Ties with USFDA, AMA, CMA, CDC, US Department of Justice and
States who have partnered with FDA to fight against children's Tobacco "Some say that the age of chivalry is past,
that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as
there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles
Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a
continual Christmas." Ben
Franklin, Poor Richards Almanac. INFOJUSTICE
Arthritis affects millions of Americans. Greater than 3 million
with rheumatoid arthritis, and 16 million with osteoarthritis, the most common form of
arthritis affecting the elderly. Both cause painful inflammation and joint
deterioration. FDA has approved Celebrex (Celecoxib), a new product to treat
rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Celebrex is an NSAID or nonsteroidal
antiinflammatory drug that blocks production of prostaglandins by inhibiting the enzyme
Cox-2 (cyclooxygenase-2). Unlike other NSAIDS, Celebrex does not inhibit the enzyme
COX-1. Inhibition of COX-1 is believed to contribute to some of the adverse effects of
NSAIDS, including upper gastrointestinal ulcers. Thus Celebrex may have safety advantages
compared to other NSAID products. Additional studies and post-marketing experience will
add substantially to the understanding of how the overall risks and benefits of Celebrex
compare with those of other NSAID products.
Celebrex was compared to other NSAID products in several clinical trials by using
endoscopes (a device to examine organs of the GI tract) to determine the incidence of
stomach and upper intestinal ulcerations following the use of these products. These
studies showed that patients taking Celebrex had a substantially lower risk of ulcers
detected by endoscopy over the study period of 12 to 24 weeks compared to patients who
took other NSAIDS.
The drug labeling for Celebrex will include the standard warning for doctors and their
patients about the risks associated with all NSAIDS, including risks of GI ulceration,
bleeding and perforation. The labeling advises patients taking these drugs to be alert for
ulceration and bleeding that can occur with or without warning. Patients should promptly
report signs and symptoms of GI ulceration or bleeding, skin rash, unexplained weight
gain, or swelling to their physicians. In addition, Celebrex does not affect
platelet aggregation (clumping) an important part of the blood clotting process. Celebrex
is manufactured by Searle of Chicago, Illinois. InfoJustice
Beat the Press 12-31-98
Dr. John L. is the 1998 California Senior Assemblymen of
the Month (April), Legendary Attorney and FBI Criminal Profiler for J. Edgar Hoover,
Author of Numerous Federal and State Laws,
President of the American Academy for
Justice Through Science, Creator of Police Departments and innovator of Forensic Police
Science Departments within the United States, the Caribbean, Africa, and the first Ph.D.
graduate of the College of Justice through the American Academy for Justice Through
Science. Contributions to Society include:
- Counselor and instructor for the F.B.I.
Academy & Co-Founder AAJTS
- Accomplished author of books pertaining to the criminal justice system
- Development of the first police academy on the West Coast
- Head of a large, Southern California Police Academy
- Original member of the International Police Association
- Senior Assemblyman for the County of Los Angeles for two terms
- Recipient of the Los Angeles County Assembly Award
- Mayor for Two Terms
- Professor of Police Science, Engineering and Technology
- Original Author Forensic Police Science Books (MO)
- Author of Laws
- Recipient of the California State legislative Award for good Government
- "Outstanding Educator Award
" for 12 years of being the Police Science Coordinator and Professor of Police Science.
- Outstanding Educator Award for "Dedicated and Outstanding Service as a Criminal
Justice Educator" given by the America Administration of Justice Educators.
- Recipient of the Ralph Story Award for outstanding service
to a Southern California City College and Community (1974) as well as the Southern
California City's Chamber of Commerce distinguished service community award.
- Recipient of the Award of Appreciation for outstanding service to the community by the
Pasadena City College Faculty Association.
- President of the Holy Name Society with a certificate of Diplomat signed by Los Angeles' Archbishop Timothy Manning.
- Life member of Alpha Lambda Epsilon College Law Enforcement
- Life Diplomat of the California State Board of Education for teaching police Science
- Special District Supervisor of Police Science Classes.
- Coordinator for Trade, Industrial and Public Service
- Appointed to start the first Police Academy in the Virgin islands
- Recipient of the Zambia Police Academy Award of Africa for
teaching Operations and Protocol to the Chief of the Zambia Police.
- Lead Instructor for the Academy College of
We Congratulate and honor,
AAJTS President John
L. Sullivan Esquire, as the
Person of the Year.
WORST AUTO CARRIER TO BE INSURED WITH Mercury Insurance has been rated
as the worst Auto Carrier in the Nation by the American Academy For Justice Through
Science. In our Investigation we discovered that they do no quality investigations
relative to their insured, sell med-pay coverage to their insured after they total a
vehicle, and much much more to make money over the health or well being of their
insured. If you are involved in a serious accident, do not expect any forensic
science from Mercury. It is our opinion they are only in it for the buck not
American Civilian Insurance. Read the entire Story Coming Soon. Learn it first at InfoJustice.
"Who is Dr. Scott David Neff, Editor, News
Anchor and Author of Beat the Press?"
By Diana Brief
"DC to
Protect Consumers...Scott Neff DC has been accepted as a member in full standing with the California Council Against Health Fraud. He is the first...
Chiropractor to ever be accepted as a member of this prestigious body" reports the ACA Journal in 1982. One editor of an
International Press wrote in 1985, "David
is still taking on Goliath--and winning. However, today it is in the form of Dr.
Scott DAVID Neff-a young, tough advocate for rational, responsible actions on the part of
professional people and organizations...Dr. Neff has been published on many occasions and
you can be certain he does his home work before submitting a paper". Loma Linda University Professor of Health Education Chairman
in 1982 writes"Dear Dr. Neff...Thank you very
much for the presentation you gave before my graduate research methods class in the School
of Dentistry today. You did an outstanding job of presenting the material from a
scientific perspective". University of
Southern California School Of Medicine Professor and Director of Rehabilitative Medicine
M.D., writes "Scott David Neff's articles are
extremely well written, well documented and substantial in their neurophysiological
concepts". Workers Compensation Defense
Forum M.D. Chairman writes "I thank you very
much for your published papers. I seriously congratulate you about the scientific
quality of the papers." Clinical
Associate Professor of Medicine M.D., UCLA in 1989 writes"I have known Dr. Neff for...ten years. He is a person of high moral
character, good judgment, unquestioned integrity and I have learned to respect his
dedication to patients and his perception of honor...Dr. Neff is capable of working long
hours and possesses stimulating intellectual curiosity. He conducts himself with
dignity and quiet restraint and has great compassion for sick people". Impairment and Disability Judge Glow in 1989 writes "I am a specialist...for over thirty years. I have found Dr.
Neff to be a very thorough examiner and a doctor who writes a very comprehensive medical
report." Social Security Attorney Jonathan E.
Wexler in 1989 wrote "Dr. Neff has an
unparalleled concern with ethics and propriety, which one does not often find in the
medical/legal and/or forensic practitioner and I know I can always count on a prompt, thorough, and honest report
from Dr. Neff". The 1992 Deputy Regional
U.S. Food and Drug Director wrote "...He is
intelligent, astute and knowledgeable... He has assisted me and my staff in
developing evidence to pursue regulatory action...in several cases involving health
fraud...I have found his character to be exemplary...as a team player not seeking publicity or recognition... His comments and ideas have been incorporated by the agency in our
planning as well as in our regulatory program..."
In 1988 Consumer Affairs Officer Department of Health & Human Services writes "Dear Dr. Neff...Please make a list of topics we could
include...It would be appreciated and helpful to have a list of...matching topics with
speakers...please prepare a list of names."
In 1991 The Assistant Attorney General (male), wrote, "Please give us your best effort at an editorial response...Your
cooperation and thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated".
The Assistant Attorney General (female), in 1992 wrote "Integrity is defined as rigid adherence to a code of behavior. Dr.
Neff's integrity was demonstrated by his commitment..."
Governor Pete Wilson in 1992 wrote "I encourage
you to express your concerns... perhaps together, we can enact meaningful reform that will
relieve exorbitant costs and abuse in the workers' compensation system". Tufts University admissions committee Physician and
Surgeon in 1992 writes "I am writing ...about
Dr. Scott Neff who has been helping patients for many years...He is an outstanding person
and has depth of knowledge." Professor of
Health Promotion and Education January 1993 wrote "I have worked with and observed him for nearly a dozen years...During that
time he has exhibited exceptional courage and integrity." Manager of Fraud Investigations of American International
Adjustment Company wrote "I have found Scott
Neff's penchant to pursue abusers in the medical provider system to be above a
reproach. Dr. Neff has devoted a great deal of his practice to the pursuit of
abusers in the medical provider systems in the United States." Read the entire History from 1976-1998 coming soon and read about
the US Ghost and Speech writer first @ InfoJustice.
FDA today approved tiny, transparent crescents that can be implanted into the eye to
enable people who are mildly nearsighted to see without glasses or contact lenses.
Nearsightedness results when a person's cornea is too steeply curved. The devices,
called KeraVision Intacs, consist of two half-circles made of thin acrylic material. They
are surgically inserted in the periphery of the cornea, the membrane that covers the front
of the eye, which results in a flattening of the cornea. This change in the shape of the
cornea reduces or eliminates nearsightedness.
Nearsightedness is most commonly corrected with glasses or contact lenses. Other
surgical procedures to correct nearsightedness are also available. One involves changing
the corneal shape by cutting into the cornea. Another uses a laser to remove small amounts
of tissue to change the shape.
Intacs are considered to be permanent implants, but they can be removed if necessary.
In most cases, vision returns to its pre-surgery level, but some patients may have visual
symptoms (glare, halos around lights, etc.) after removal.
FDA approved the devices, made by KeraVision Inc., of Fremont, Calif., for adults 21
and older who have mild nearsightedness ( 1 to 3 diopters of refraction), with mild
astigmatism (l diopter or less), whose vision has been stable for the past year.
Approval was based on a review of safety and effectiveness data submitted by the
manufacturer and on the recommendation of the Ophthalmic Devices Panel, a group of outside
In clinical studies in the United States, the corneal rings were implanted in
approximately 450 eyes. Initially only one eye per patient received the implant; six
months later, if all went well with the first eye, the procedure could be repeated on the
second eye.
After 12 months, 97 percent of the eyes were corrected to 24/40 or better and 74
percent were corrected to 20/20 or better.Some patients (39) chose to have their Intacs
removed because of side effects or because they were unhappy with the corrected vision. Of
those, 19 reported symptoms such as glare, halos and problems with night vision. Fifteen
reported under-correction or over-correction of vision.
At FDA's request, KeraVision is continuing to collect data on patients to determine the
long-term effect of the implants on the cornea.
The implants were approved for mild nearsightedness only. Their safety and
effectiveness have not been established for moderate or severe nearsightedness.
- Quality Health Info-en Español @ www.healthfinder.gov/justforyou/espanol/,
you'll find sections on cancer, diabetes, and infant mortality. The site also offers
Spanish materials on pregnancy, children's health, and healthy lifestyles, along with
special information for handicapped people, residents of rural and agricultural areas, and
professionals. The Healthfinder site is managed by the Department of Health and Human
FDA's Website also has a lengthy list of health publications available on-line
in Spanish. Included at www.fda.gov/opacom/catalog/spanlist.html
are materials on the importance of fiber, stroke, lead poisoning, arthritis, eating for a
healthy heart, and using medicines properly.
About Breast Implants
How long will breast implants last? What kinds of illnesses have been associated with
breast implants? Under what circumstances are silicone gel-filled implants available?
These and just about any other questions you may have concerning breast implants are
answered on FDA's Breast Implants Website. The site offers information on implant
availability, surgical risks, special medical considerations, and how to report adverse
reactions to FDA. Also included are a chronology of FDA activities related to breast
implants, a bibliography of implant references, and sample patient product inserts for
implants. Go to www.fda.gov/oca/breastimplants/bitac.html.
President Clinton has proposed
defining murder to include the death of a child resulting from a pattern of abuse.
The President stated "It's time to send a message through the court that when a man
assaults or kills someone in the presence of a child he has committed not one horrendous
act but two,". "Time to ask why a bank robber who unintentionally kills an
innocent bystander can be charged with felony murder but a repeat child abuser who
unintentionally kills a child cannot be."
The president announced his "Children Exposed to Violence Initiative" in a
Roosevelt Room ceremony with law enforcement officials. He went on to indicate that
a child who experiences serious violence is 50 percent more likely to be arrested as a
juvenile and nearly 40 percent more likely to be arrested as an adult. They also are at
greater risk for substance abuse, mental illness and suicide. "If you want to
keep the crime rates going down, you have to do more to break the cycle of violence to
which children are exposed," he said.
President Clinton's four part initiative:
The Justice Department will propose legislation that would make it easier for federal
prosecutors to prove a felony murder charge involving the death of a child without having
to prove it was premeditated. It also will propose defining murder to include the death of
a child resulting from a pattern of abuse and set criminal penalties for committing acts
of violence against others in the presence of a child.
Giving additional training to police, prosecutors, investigators and court personnel in
ways to avoid unnecessary trauma and emotional stress on child victims and witnesses in
abuse cases.
Helping states and communities develop projects that involve mental health
professionals and other members of the community in responding to children involved in
violent situations and educating parents about abuse and neglect. To get this started,
Clinton is making available $10 million in "Safe Start" grants from the Justice
Department to help 12 cities reduce the impact of violence on young children.
Increase public awareness of the problem. The Justice Department will sponsor a
national "summit" conference on children and violence in May 1999 to bring
together experts in law enforcement, mental health, child development and related fields
to discuss the issue of child victimization.
According to our President approximately one-third of all victims of violent crime in
the United States are teen-agers with an additional 2.8 million children abused or
neglected each year. Finally about 9 million adolescents aged 12 to 17 have
witnessed serious violence. 12-28-98
DEVICE-T-Scan 2000
The Food and Drug Administration has approved a new imaging device that will help
radiologists determine whether a woman should be evaluated further when the results of her
mammograms are ambiguous. It is not intended for use in patients with clear mammographic
or non-mammographic indications for biopsy.
The device has the potential to reduce the number of negative biopsies, thus saving women
worry about breast lesions that turn out to be non-cancerous. It also has the potential to
increase the identification of women who should be referred for early biopsy.
The T-Scan 2000, manufactured by TransScan Medical, Inc., of Ramsey, N.J., is intended for
use as a follow-up step to mammography for patients whose mammograms are ambiguous.
It does not replace conventional methods of detecting or diagnosing breast cancer, such as
mammography, clinical breast examination, ultrasound, or biopsy evaluation, but is
intended to be used along with conventional methods.
The T-Scan uses a hand-held scan probe placed on the breast to evaluate certain suspicious
areas detected on the mammogram. The probe is connected to a computer, which displays an
image of the involved areas of the breast.
The T-Scan images are based on differences in the electrical impedance between malignant
tumor tissue and surrounding normal tissue. Impedance is a measure of how any material
affects the flow of electricity.
The device measures impedance by passing a small electrical signal through the body and
displaying on a computer the result from sensors in the probe contacting the breast. The
computer image contains bright spots where the impedance values are consistent with a
Approval of the device was based on the results of three clinical studies of safety and
effectiveness performed by TransScan Medical and on the recommendation of an advisory
panel of outside experts.
In the first study, the radiologists evaluated the screening mammograms and T-Scan images
of the entire breast from each of 504 women without knowing which patient's images they
were reviewing or whether the women were suspected of having cancer. The results showed
that in women with ambiguous mammograms, the additional use of T-Scan images improved
diagnostic accuracy, i.e., detection of potentially cancerous lesions and discrimination
from non-cancer.
A second study of 657 patients, under conditions more closely resembling actual use,
showed that targeting the T-Scan examination to suspicious areas of the breast can improve
diagnostic accuracy to a greater degree than imaging the entire breast.
In a third study, of 36 women with mammograms with ambiguous results, the T-Scan was
targeted at the equivocal mammographic lesion and reviewed simultaneously with the
mammogram. This third study, which reflects the approved intended use for the T-Scan,
showed even greater improvement in diagnostic accuracy.
Together the three studies showed that, when used along with screening mammography, T-Scan
gives doctors a useful tool to enhance care of women whose mammogram results are
ambiguous(FDA). InfoJustice
1999 AAJTS
Executive President James Weitzman MD; Vice President James A.B.
Drury Psychiatrist; Treasurer Dr. Diana Brief Senior Research Scientist; Secretary Debra
Bond; Sargent of Arms Steve LeeVandon; Executive Director Scott Neff; Inspector General
Dr. John L. Sullivan; Board of Investigations Advisor Norman Udewitz-President Board
Against Health Fraud, Board of Investigation & Anti-Crime-President Greg Sullivan,
Board of Forensic Presidents: Medicine-Dr. Arthur Weiss CFMFE; Dentistry-Dr. Douglas King
CFMFE; Chiropractic-Dr. Scott Neff CFMFE, CFE; Osteopathic-Dr. James Drury Psychiatry;
Acupuncture-Dr. Scott Neff CFMFE; Anti-Crime-Greg Sullivan; Anti-Fraud-Dr. Norman Udewitz,
Scott Neff; Law-Dr. John L. Sullivan Esquire CFMFE. InfoJustice
Glen Rice Equals the missing peace in the illusive puzzle relative to the
legacy of the deadly outside "knife in the heart" during key moments in a heated
game. Much like Jerry West, Jamal Wilks, Byron Scott, etc., the deadly outside
knife has been missing. Combine the Knife with Shaks defensive energy in the fourth
quarter makes, gives the Lakes that old time basket ball set of plays for all of their
players to shine, combined with athleticism which should serve them well. Good Luck
Lakers from the Los Angeles Academy Home Office. InfoJustice
One of our Academy Forensic Medical Examiners underwent the multiplanar gamma knife which
in February successfully removed tumors from his brain. The gamma knife is a special
machine that focuses high intensity radiation into a small area of the brain which gives
physicians an option to neurosurgery when treating some brain tumors and other brain
abnormalities. And because gamma knife radiosurgery is "scalpel-less," patients
who undergo the procedure often leave the hospital later the same day.
The gamma knife is being used in more clinical settings to treat a broader range of
neurological problems. Thousands of people in the United States received gamma knife
treatment in 1998 and the number is likely to increase. The gamma knife was found to be
especially useful in treating deep brain sites evidenced by the success on one of our
Board of Governors.
In addition to treating problems directly within the brain, the gamma knife is being used
to treat associated disorders such as Trigeminal neuralgia. Trigeminal neuralgia is a
disorder that causes recurrent and sometimes extreme pain on one side of the face. The
pain originates from the fifth (Trigeminal) cranial nerve. Traditional surgical approaches
often are effective, but are invasive and frequently the pain recurs.
The precision that the gamma knife offers is enhanced by the use of magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI), which gives physicians a three-dimensional look at the area of concern
within the brain. Evidence proved that when coupled with
modern computer dose-planning software, the gamma knife's working accuracy is considered
to be 1 millimeter or less.
"The gamma knife is a cylindrical array of 201 sources of radiation aimed at one
tumor at a time. The dose also can be varied at different parts of the tumor, depending on
the its proximity to other structures in the brain. This is done to protect against damage
to other areas, but still maintain the radiation's effect on the target area.
Initially, a special frame (called a stereotactic headframe) is attached to the patient's
head. Local anesthesia is used before the headframe is secured in place with pins that are
placed in the forehead and behind the ears. The frame is used in conjunction with an
imaging procedure to accurately locate the area within the head to be treated.
Once the headframe is in place, the patient has a MRI or CT imaging study or, in the case
of certain blood vessel malformations within the brain, cerebral angiography. This allows
physicians to precisely identify the area to be treated.
Data from the imaging is sent to a computer system. While the patient rests, a team that
includes a neurosurgeon, a radiation oncologist and a medical physicist develop a dose
plan and prepare for the procedure. This takes 1 or 2 hours to complete, depending on the
complexity and location of the problem. Once the individualized dose plan is
completed, the patient is positioned on the gamma knife couch. The total time for delivery
of the radiation generally ranges from 15 minutes to several hours. After the radiation
delivery is completed, the patient is taken to an outpatient area and often leaves the
hospital later that day.
Treatment of benign tumors is one area in which the gamma knife has been found to be very
effective. Surgery is often unable to get at an entire tumor because of possibly
damage to surrounding brain tissue. With the gamma knife, treatment is much more precise.
Stay Informed with
Recent incidents of blood contamination of internal components of hemodialysis
equipment at a number of treatment centers have raised concerns about patient safety. The
cause of the contamination is still being determined and may include many factors,
including faulty blood lines and transducer protectors.
The possibility that the equipment cross-contamination with blood could permit the
transfer of blood-borne pathogens from patient to patient. It is thus critically important
that hemodialysis facilities be on the alert for signs of equipment contaminated by blood,
and that they take corrective steps as necessary.
USFDA has learned that since December 1998, several incidents of blood
contamination of equipment during hemodialysis treatments have occurred. During an ECRI
investigation of these incidents, it was reported that staff members noticed fluctuation
of fluid levels in the arterial drip chamber, rapid and frequent change in blood line
pressures, and/or wetted transducer protectors. Some of these incidents resulted in breach
of transducer protectors and subsequent contamination of the hemodialysis machine.
It is important to note that under normal conditions of daily use, such internal
contamination with blood of the hemodialysis machine would not be readily evident to staff
members. Under certain conditions, cross-contamination is possible despite the use of new
blood tubing sets and external transducer protectors. USFDA is continuing to work with
industry, ECRI and the healthcare community to better characterize the problem and
identify a solution. In the meantime, USFDA recommend the following steps be taken to
minimize risk:
- Immediately have qualified personnel inspect all machines, including the internal
pressure tubing set and pressure sensing port, for possible blood contamination. If
contamination has occurred, the machine must be disinfected before it is used again.
- Always use an external transducer protector and utilize pressure alarm capabilities as
indicated in the manufacturers instructions.
- If the external transducer protector becomes wetted, replace it immediately and inspect
it. If fluid is visible on the side of the transducer protector that faces the machine,
have qualified personnel open the machine and check for contamination (as identified in
the first bullet) after the treatment is completed.
- If contamination has occurred, the machine must be taken out of service and disinfected
before further use.
- Frequent blood line pressure alarms or frequent adjusting of blood drip chamber levels
may be an indicator that this problem is occurring.
While these incidents, taken separately, might be characterized as isolated
malfunctions, we believe that the number of incidents, and their public health
significance, makes it imperative that all future incidents of equipment contamination be
reported without delay. We therefore urge hemodialysis facilities to voluntarily report
these and similar problems, so that we can quickly identify trends and expedite a solution
Submit voluntary reports directly to the FDAs voluntary reporting program,
MedWatch; by telephone at (800) FDA-1088, by FAX at (800) FDA-0178, or by mail to:
MedWatch, Food and Drug Administration (HFA-2), 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD
I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy, A Yankee Doodle
Do or Die. A real live nephew of my Uncle Sam, Born on the Forth of Ive got a Yankee
Doodle Sweet Heart, She's my Yankee Doodle Joy, Yankee Doodle went to London, Just to ride
the poney's, I am that Yankee Doodle Boy-It's a grand old Flag it's a high flying Flag, in
peace for ever may she wave. She's the emblem of, the land I love, Born on the forth of
July, For Every heart beats true to the Red White and Blue, forever may she wave. May old
acquaintance not be forgot, keep your eye on that grand old Flag- Have a Happy and Safe
4th of July from the American Academy For Justice Through Science
© &
The InfoJustice Journal
© God Bless America-InfoJustice (Lyrics by GMC)
The USFDA has approved Pletal
(cilostazol) a new drug for treating stable intermittent claudication, a severe pain,
aching or cramping in the legs that occurs with walking. Intermittent
claudication results from "peripheral arteriosclerotic vascular disease" -- a
condition more commonly known as atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries.
Atherosclerosis occurs when deposits of fatty substances build up, in this case in the
legs, leading to an inadequate blood supply to the leg muscles.
This drug is the first to be approved for this indication in more than 15 years. Pletal
has not been evaluated either for safety or effectiveness among patients with more severe
peripheral vascular disease who have claudication pain at rest, leg ulcer or gangrene.
Intermittent claudication affects several million, predominantly elderly, Americans. It
can greatly impair their ability to walk without considerable discomfort and can seriously
affect their ability to exercise or even engage in ordinary activities of daily life.
Standard effective treatments have included intensive exercise regimens, and drug
treatments, i.e., pentoxifylline (Trental), and under certain circumstances,
re-vascularization procedures (operations to open the leg arteries or provide a
replacement artery).
Labeling will remind both physicians and patients that Pletal should never be used (is
contraindicated) in patients with heart failure. The labeling will also point out that
there is insufficient information to determine whether Pletal has an adverse survival
effect in patients without heart failure.
The second concern is that Pletal has not been studied in combination with Clopidogril,
a drug recently approved for use in patients with peripheral vascular disease to reduce
the rate of serious events (heart attacks, stroke, and death). Clopidogril was not
available while Pletal was being developed, but is potentially important for patients with
peripheral vascular disease. Concern arises because both Pletal and clopidogril inhibit
platelet function, and it is possible that combined use could lead to excessive bleeding.
Pletal was, however, used with aspirin, which also inhibits platelet function, without an
apparent adverse interaction (increase in bleeding). Studies of Pletal and clopidogril
will be conducted after marketing of Pletal. Meanwhile, labeling will remind physicians of
the lack of information on this concomitant use.
The drug will be marketed by Otsuka American Pharmaceutical, Inc. of Rockville, Md.
The Honorable and Distinguished Dr. Drury has Professional Associations
with the American Medical Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the American
Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, the American College of Neuro psychiatrists,
the New Jersey Medical Society, New Jersey Psychiatric Association, North Carolina Medical
Society, North Carolina Psychiatric Association, as well as a Founding Fellow for the
American Academy For Justice Through Science. He has been nominated to be try to
fill the Vacancy of Everybody's favorite Psychiatrist, and run for Vice President of the
Board of Psychology. Soon he will have earned his BACHELORS OF SCIENCE in Forensic
Medical Anti-Fraud Examination with his emphasis on the Psychiatry of Forensic Anti-Fraud
Examination from the InfoJustice College of Justice. The Board of Governors, Board
of Advisors, Executive Board and Fellows, Diplomats and members are honored to add Dr.
James Drury to one of the Leading Forensic Police Science Law, Medicine, Mercy, Justice,
Anti-Fraud, Ethics, Investigations, Morals, American Idealism through The American College
of Justice; American Academy For Justice Through Science. God Bless America
The College of Justice has begun
courses. The curriculum includes: Forensic Medical
Examination of Traffic Collisions: Myth, Waste, Fraud, Abuse, Criminal Intent or Fact
(Chapter 4:1-6) ; understanding Medical Neurodiagnostic Devices for Agents,
Investigators, Psychologists and Medical Examiners; Neuroscience History, H-Reflex, and
F-response Utility; how to write a decisive report, Needle-Electroneuromyography; Utility
and writing/interpreting a sound report; Sensory nerve action potential & motor
conduction velocity studies; Somatosensory Evoked Potentials, Somatosensory Evoked
Potentials with Case Studies; Surface EMG's Imaging investigations combined with
Electroencephalography; Actual Case Studies with Electroencephalography, Sensory nerve
action potential & motor conduction velocity studies; Somatosensory Evoked Potentials,
EMGs, and ECG's (Chapter 2:1-6); cancelled for Winter, rescheduled for Spring.
After sustaining the loss of our dear, departed
J.P., and finding that one of our
Executive Board Members and another co-founder, was diagnosed with lung metastasis
made February challenging and brought Life into perfect focus.
In fact this places into focus how much precious time folks waste by
fighting and bringing legal actions against one another frivolously, and so forth...
Reality has ordained that the Academy has proven as seen written in the past issues
of Beat the Press to be the
Pulse of America and as to be on the correct course from our inception.
Thus our members have even a greater motivation to pass legislation to
protect the sick, the suffering, the poor, the helpless, the disabled, those on fixed
incomes, those of little intellect, when your back is turned, when you are sleeping, or
too ill to make healthy contemplations about lotions, potions, decoctions, medications,
and medical testing.
Each year, approximately 1,000 people in the U.S. are
diagnosed as having cutaneous t-cell cancer (CTCL), a slow-growing form of non-Hodgkin's
lymphoma. CTCL , causes itchy, dry skin patches that can develop into tumors in the skin
and other organs.
Today, the USFDA approved a new, biotechnological drug treatment for CTCL. The
drug is called Denileukin Diftitox and goes under the brand name, Ontak. Denileukin
Diftitox is a "fusion protein" created by genetically fusing protein from
the diphtheria toxin to interleukin-2 (IL-2), a naturally occurring immune system
protein. The resulting stable, fusion protein targets cells with receptors for IL-2
on their surfaces (including malignant cells and some normal lymphocytes) resulting in
cell death. Only patients with IL-2 receptors and only these patients have been
shown to benefit from Denileukin Diftitox.
Denileukin Diftitox was approved under the USFDA's accelerated approval regulations.
As part of the agreement for the drug's accelerated approval, manufacturers will test
Denileukin Diftitox by conducting a placebo-controlled study to ensure that the drug is
safe and effective.
Ontak will be marketed by Ligand Pharmaceuticals, San Diego, Calif., and manufactured by
Seragen, Inc. of Hopkinton, Mass., a subsidiary of Ligand.
InfoJustice Beat the Press
Serious crimes dropped another 5 percent in the first half of the year,
continuing a six year trend the FBI reported.
Violent crimes were down 7 percent and property crimes, which are
far more numerous, were down 5 percent, compared to the first six months of 1997. All
seven major crimes showed declines, led by drops of 11 percent for robberies and 8 percent
for murders. Both aggravated assault and rape were down 5 percent.
In property crime, auto theft dropped 8 percent; larceny-theft
declined 5 percent; and burglary dipped 3 percent.
The national murder rate has reached its lowest point in 30 years.
President Clinton stated "This is
remarkable progress, and it shows that our strategy of more police, tougher gun laws and
better crime prevention is making a difference,". Attorney General Janet Reno said
"the country has turned "a historic corner" on crime".
Happy Easter
and Pass Over from the American Academy for Justice Through Science
Do not purchase or consume products, some of which are labeled as dietary
supplements, that contain gamma butyrolactone (abbreviated as GBL). Manufactures
have been asked to voluntarily recall them. The agency has received reports of serious
health problems -- some that are potentially life-threatening -- associated with the use
of these products. Although labeled as dietary
supplements, these products are
marketed unapproved new drugs (This is a Super Day in this editors
life. This is the protocal that I wrote which was excepted into law many
times. "Big Business has many experts in the
area of semantic manipulations. For example presently "Confidential" (an assumed
name) gums state they are sugarless gum. In this example, it is true that Confidential
sugarless gum will not cause tooth decay. However, the active sweetening ingredient is
sorbital. Sorbital, once in the body's physiology (glycogenesis), turns to glucose prior
to utilization or storage. To a diabetic, however, this can
be life threatening (acting as a
drug)...or "Further on this issue 2: Is there sufficient
scientific data and information to allow the use of pseudo-scientific liberalized health
information on dietary supplements or breakfast cereals and the like? Obviously,
controversy exists because the "scientific truth" on vitamins, minerals, grains
and so forth is still forthcoming. The biological definition of a "vitamin" used
to be that "it was a specifically necessary nutritional source needed by the body in
small quantity". Once the F.D.A. was removed as the
valid regulatory body involved in regulating prophylactic, medically necessary nutritional
supplementation, this definition was changed to a "food source needed by the body in a small
quantity." Even though the Food and Drug Administration has the word "food" in its name, it was still removed
as a regulatory agency with any potency in relation to vitamin and mineral supplements.
Thus, the development of today's food faddist and supplement
quackery industry. Individuals today advocate massive dosages
of vitamins and minerals, even though they know the body may not need the supplement.
However, the question must be asked, "What is the body
doing with the rest of the unused supplement?" Common
sense, deductive, inductive reasoning, as well as logic, would dictate that because the
massive dosage is beyond what the body may need, the substance
may become a drug with side effects, possible manifestations,
and as yet other un-regulated and unpredictable reactions-written for the Deputy
Commission's Team"). Products containing GBL are marketed under
various brand names, including Renewtrient, Revivarant or Revivarant G, Blue Nitro or Blue
Nitro Vitality, GH Revitalizer, Gamma G, and Remforce. GBL is also known by the chemical
names 2(3H)-furanone dihydro, butyrolactone, gamma-butyrolactone,, 4-butyrolactone,
dihydro-2(3H)-furanone, 4-butanolide, 2(3H)-furanone dihydro, tetrahydro-2-furanone, and
butyrolactone gamma. GBL-related products have
been associated with reports of at least 55 adverse health effects, including one death.
In 19 of those cases, the consumers became unconscious or comatose, and several required
intubation for assisted breathing. Other reported effects included seizures, vomiting,
slow breathing, and slow heart rate. There are reports of at least 5 children under 18
years of age who have been injured or who have suffered these kinds of effects.
taken orally, GBL is converted in the body to gamma hydroxybutyrate or GHB. GHB
is a very potent unapproved drug. It is
currently being investigated under the supervision of doctors for the treatment of
narcolepsy. Because of its serious side effects, GHB
should not be taken unless in the context of these FDA-approved investigations. The FDA
and the Justice Department have ongoing criminal enforcement actions against GHB. GBL
should not be taken.
Consumers are advised to dispose of any products of this type in their possession. If
they have experienced adverse health problems from the use of these products, they should
promptly contact a physician. The FDA requests consumers and physicians to report adverse
events to FDA's MEDWATCH 1-800-332-1088.
The FDA is considering all potential regulatory actions at its disposal if products
containing GBL are not recalled. The agency will act
expeditiously to protect the public health.
"The Executive Board of the American
Academy for Justice Through Science strongly commend the Honorable Janet Reno, the working unelected life members of the
United States Department of Justice, and the men and women of the USFDA". InfoJustice Beat The Press
working in Urgent Care, clinically differentiating between various forms of food poisoning
(ranging from neurogenic sock to general complaints about various signs of gastritis),
prove that the prevention of foodborne illness is a priority.
Under new guidance published today by the FDA, top priority will be given to reviewing
food additive petitions for products designed to decrease the risk of foodborne illness.
Specifically, expedited review will be given to food additives intended to significantly
decrease pathogenic strains of E.coli, Salmonella,
Campylobacter, Cyclospora, and Listeria or their toxins that may be
present in food. According to statistics from the
for Disease Control and Prevention, Campylobacter bacteria causes the greatest number of
foodborne illnesses and Salmonella ranks second. All five pathogens
are capable of causing serious and even life-threatening illness. Every year millions of
Americans become ill and thousands die as a result of infections caused by foodborne
pathogens. "Food Additive Petition Expedited Review -- Guidance for Industry
and Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition Staff" was published in the Federal
Register on January 5, 1999. Written comments may be submitted at any time to the Dockets
Management Branch, Food and Drug Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, Room 1061, Rockville,
MD 20852. Comments will be considered when determining whether to amend the guidance.
More information on this subject is
available at the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition's Website.
InfoJustice Beat the Press
As I watched the President give the last State of the Union Address of this Century, it
became clear all over again why this man won the confidence and hearts of the American
people not once, but twice.
He spoke for 1 hour and 17 minutes, but each and every one of those minutes was
engaging. As the Republican congresswoman from Washington stated, you could feel history
whirl by as the President spoke. When one realizes what President Clinton accomplished
during his presidency, it becomes easy to overlook transgressions such as having an
extra-marital affair. This one Democratic president
accomplished in 6 years what every president since Nixon could not accomplish during the
whole of their residencies. During his time in office, gays and
lesbians have at least been acknowledged in the military, the governments budget has
been balanced, Palestine has become an official state and its official propaganda is no
longer the destruction of Israel, people are now required to think rationally before
buying a legal weapon, tobacco has been recognized as an
official people killer, men and women can take time off from work for
family crises and not have to worry about losing their jobs, medical care has become more
accessible and big insurance companies have had to become more accountable to their
insureds, and overall crime and murder rates have diminished and stayed stable.
The list goes on. No matter what we might think of
the man, President William Jefferson Clinton, personally, one cannot deny the fact that
future generations must look upon him as one of the great presidents of American history.
This is a man who came from the people, who recognized real problems of the people, and
who tried to address and solve these problems. He hasnt always been completely
successful, but as someone once said, "You can please some of the people some of the
time, but you cant please all of the people all of the time."
While the Presidents trial is paraded before the Senate, we can only wonder how
many of the Senators who sit before Bill Clinton in judgement have never transgressed as
he has. One wonders if these Senators would have been placed in the same predicament as
Bill Clinton, they would not have done the same. Recently two Jealous and small
humans proved that their lies and evil motivations are some of the most heinous, evil, and
repugnant attributes demonstrated by mankind/or womanhood. This is what we see in the far
right Republicans.
One can say that the President has maintained his pride, continued to run the executive
office in a professional and efficacious way, and has never shown duress.
He has truly shown himself to be a world leader.
The Republicans couldnt quibble with what was said. Their response to the
Presidents State of the Union: what would I do as the next president. The
Republicans should have taken the hintthe presidency is not regalia; its not
about "I"; its about the future of America, about one nation, indivisible,
and liberty, and justice for all. InfoJustice Beat The
With over 33 years of experience,
well over twenty thousand cases settled, the honor of being asked by not only the
United States Government but also
Canada to sit as a panel of
Three Judges to settle Federal as well as Intercontinental Cases
ranging from railroad rights of ownership of lines to professional ethics,
duties and conduct by Lawyers and Investigators, the
Honorable Dr. Norman, our latest Doctoral Graduate of the College of Justice, joins the
team which has stopped the largest criminal and consumer
protection cases in US History. We are proud to
accept the honorable Dr. Norman as a Founding Fellow of the Academy for Justice Through
Science and Vice President of the Academy Board of Law.
Beat the Press
(Jack) Northrop was responsible for developing many US military
fighter planes and weapons. On his first visit to my office in early 1981, he paid a crisp
$100 bill for his treatment and introduced me to
his personal quality-control spy. Later that day, while standing outside the medical
clinic on a 5-minute break looking at the rain, I saw a man ride up on his bicycle.
The man was the old Navy World War II Vet, Tools Manager and Finished Parts Quality
control spy Mr. Northrop had paid cash for. My uncle Marine Fighter Pilot Major
Corneal Barney Barry Neff (Heavy Weight Boxing Champion of the Marine Core World War
2)said "John built them, Joseph made sure the
quality control was there, and I flew them". Over the
years, I had learned much from the man (J.P.) that checked every weapon, missel head, and
airplane to ensure that the government was never billed for a fraudulent device or charge.
J.P. was a co-founder of measuring anti-espionage and anti-fraud billing for
military weapons, which has become the standard for the US Military Complex. He was
an inspiration on courses contained within the curriculum at US Copyright making many of
our students "chomp at the bit".
Today, J.P. passed away, and the world lost another one of the great souls which made
this country a better place to live. He truly embodied the goals of the Academy.
We sincerely wish our personal sadness, deepest and sincere sympathy to Mrs. Shirley
Loughmiller his bereaved spouse. In addition to his wife, J.Philip is survived by
his son and a multitude of friends and admirers who owe their lives to a man who
never asked for much more than the satisfaction of knowing
that he did a good job for his country.
A was received into Heaven. Across Heaven flashed scenes from
his life. For each scene, he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand, one
belonging to him, and the other the LORD. When the last scene of his life flashed before him, he looked back
at the footprints. He noticed that many times along the path of his life there was
only one set of footprints. He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and
saddest times in his life. He questioned the
you said that once I decided to follow you, you'd walk with me all the way.
But I noticed that during the troublesome times in my life, there were only one set of
footprints. "Did you leave me when I needed you the most"? The
LORD Replied, "My precious, child, I
live you and I would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering, when
you saw only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."
InfoJustice "Half-Mast-Dark 2 weeks in memory of Joseph
Loughmiller, Born Holton, Kansas September 2, 1922: Passes Away Harbor City, California
February 9, 1999"
Senior citizens are special targets of
the quacks and con men who are out to sell worthless medical products. Their claims are
highly deceptive and usually promise miracles. Watch out for such exaggerated claims as
"instant cures for arthritis," "lose weight without effort,"
"grow hair overnight," or "look years younger."
The pills, lotions and creams sold by these con artists will supposedly cures
arthritis, rheumatism, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, cancer,
obesity, impotency, and a host of other ailments. Hardly any of these products have been
properly tested or proven medically effective, and some are even dangerous to your health.
These medically ineffective or dangerous products are sold by professional con men who
have no medical training, and will use every trick to get you to buy their products. Sales
gimmicks include bogus testimonials from "satisfied customers," emotional sales
pitches to play on your problems, and outright lies regarding a product's effectiveness.
To avoid being taken by a worthless or quack cure, remember that you should not trust
your health to a salesman. Also, remember:
Don't believe claims that a product available only by mail or from an
"exclusive" supplier contains a "special," "secret,"
"foreign," or "ancient" formula that will provide the cure or relief
you seek.
Don't believe claims that a "miracle" drug or product will effectively treat
a wide variety of illnesses or ailments.
Don't accept "testimonials" or case histories from "satisfied
customers" as the only evidence that the product actually works.
Don't believe claims the medical establishment overlooked or suppressed a
"scientific breakthrough" the promoter is trying to sell you.
If you have any doubts about a product someone is trying to sell you that promise the
relief you have been looking for, discuss it first with your family doctor or other
informed health professional. And remember, money-back guarantees are usually worthless,
and a product that sounds too good to be true probably won't do what it claims to do. If
you've been victimized by a health product fraud scheme, report your experience to your
local postmaster or nearest Postal Inspector.
If the Y2K threat has got you down, the National
Institute of Standards and Technology has created a Web-Site to solve your most vexing
concerns. This Department of Commerce Web-Site not only has answers to novel
questions relative to the Y2K problem but offers tools to remedy the problem. Please
realize that even if computers are not used in your business or personal life, you
may be affected through the international finance system, the telephone system, local
traffic control systems, or any of numerous contacts you may have through vendors,
customers, or personal business affairs. Thus the need for the Y2K Web-Site at your
fingertips. At the NIST Web-Site you will find:
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year From AAJTS
This last year of being your editor and Publisher have taught me much about being
responsible for communications, entertainment, scientific responsibility, clinical
reality, fiscal feasibility, publishing, editing web writing, international communications
link, law enforcement link, and membership motivation. I would like to thank the
entire body of the founding members of the Academy, Board of Advisors, Board of Governors,
College of Justice Alumni, Executive Members of the Board, and our family for the
support. Obviously, we have been paving the way for future justice in America.
We have no time to waist, ask nothing but give much. It is only with the support of
our family that we could as a team, accomplish so much. We have won elections,
proved we can change the vote, defeat anti-health care frauds, Criminal Racketeering,
Expose Crimes as well as protect consumers. Simply spend a day reading the Archives
of the Academy
Beat the Press. We won awards
and wonderful comments from the Association of Certified
Fraud Examiners, the FBI, the CIA, the Department of Justice, the USFDA, the AMA, CMA as
well as the US Postal Service, etc. We would like to thank
Canada, New Zealand, Australia, England, Germany, Korea, and
Austria for the Web Awards.
Finally, and most importantly I would like to thank Dr. John L. Sullivan Esquire (Retired
FBI, the first Graduate Ph.D. College of Justice and long time friend from Minnesota) for
his support, wisdom, guidance and foundation. It is my hope that from this
declaration, our team work will not be forgotten history; rather the building blocks and
strong foundation which the Academy will grow and gather to itself so much vibrancy and
vitality that it will live on to bring multidisciplinary medicine, law, Crime Control and
investigations into the 21st Century along a strong and sturdy pathway to freedom to care
of the sick, suffering, poor, weak, disabled, elderly, and those of a fixed income only to
receive the finest care in mankind's experiential existence. I thank you for
allowing me to be a part of this legacy.
Christmas and a Happy Healthy New Year from the
American Academy for Justice Through Science. "Justice is InfoJustice in Action" Dr. Scott Neff CFE CFIFE
Certain key figures in the distribution and employ of the
prostitution and exploitation of children has been uncovered. Many agents and
investigators are on the case. If you locate any of the following categories contact
the Alert Tip Line: 1. To report the possession, manufacture, or distribution
of child pornography on the internet. 2. Do you know someone who deals
child pornography on the internet? 3. Do you have the names of anyone who is
involved in the manufacture of child pornography on the internet? 4. Do you know
anyone who has child pornography on their hard drive or in their homes? 5. Do you
have the names or email addresses of anyone who has sent you child pornography on the
internet? 6. Do you know anyone who uses the Internet to entice, invite, or persuade
a child to meet for sexual acts? 7. Do you know children who are sexually exploited
by adults who encourage or force them to prostitute themselves or the adults involved? 8.
Do you know anyone who is involved in Child-Sex Tourism? More specifically,
traveling to a foreign country in search of adult-child sex? Do you know an adult who is
molesting a child? If so, call the
1-800-843-5678 or U.S. CUSTOMS AT 1-800-BE-ALERT
Early in the year when this Press beat the research world, and put
together the heinous nature of today's tobacco, the AMA Ethics Institute simply stated the
great difficulty in bringing true health to our nation. The Tobacco Lobby blocks AMA
at every turn. This examiner edited that section and similar sections out.
However, it is clear why they were so bold. It takes bold leadership to make
change. Lets review. Today's new FDA Commissioner was off line for some time
because the Congress had to make sure she had little ties to the Honorable David Kessler
MD. She could not have any relationship to Big Tobacco and the government crackdown
on Fraudulent and Deceptive advertising especially to the deadly nature of Tobacco and
second hand smoke. To Review Press the following:
Medical Association Joins the InfoJustice Call to Arms and replies on the May 2, 1998
Scooping the Medical Press exposure risks still not fully reported until then by
This examiner opines that it is a grave crime to stop honest experts in
health care from the prudent and necessary policing of their expertise; Food and Drugs.
Nicotine is a drug in the body. It causes a change in human physiology.
A deadly change. Thus to stop the search
for truth relative to the American Public and the world health for that matter, and then
indicate the maximum abhorrence to alleged lies not relative to matters of state
is hypocritical and inconsistent.
House Republicans act as if they are Holier than God and get Big Tobacco
Promises. Remember, it was they who acted out this Six year campaign to dethrone a
sitting President. We will take you inside Politics tomorrow. Now that's
What about that Bob still the War Hero
Dole. Dole is still the biggest man in the nation.
Neither Bullets in War nor Political Bullets (which
prove that any Majority party can and will in the future Impeach),
will dissuade that Great Statesman, Republican Extraordinary, Representative of the Heart
Lands, Keeper of the historical consistency of party matters, from taking the high,
merciful, sensible debate on appropriate punishment for minor offenses albeit
Presidential. Damage is being done to the State. Someone forgot to feed
the House Republicans. Their ravening the issues. "The world is weary of statesman whom democracy has degraded
into politicians".
Disraeli. The InfoJustice Journal
President Clinton Directs the Secretaries
of Agriculture and HHS to create Joint Institute for Food Safety Research
Joint Institute for Food Safety Research would: (1) develop a strategic
plan for conducting food safety research activities consistent with the President's Food
Safety Initiative; and (2) efficiently coordinate all Federal food safety research,
including research conducted with the private sector and academia. The report to the
President articulates the concept of the Institute and provides a proposed structure,
operating principles, goals and outcomes, and an implementation schedule for the
Institute. This report can be obtained from Ms. Sarah Poythress, (202) 720-4423 or by
email at spoythress@reeusda.gov. The
USDA and DHHS are announcing a public meeting to solicit input from individuals regarding
the role of the Joint Institute for Food Safety Research. Agency personnel will use the
input as they begin to develop a detailed proposal for the Institute. The ultimate goal of
the Institute's research agenda is to reduce the incidence of adverse human health effects
associated with the consumption of food. The objective of creating the Institute--and all
other Administration food safety activities--is to reduce the incidence of foodborne
illness to the greatest extent feasible. Scientific information about prevention of
foodborne illness and detection of organisms that may cause it is critical to reduce
further the incidence of foodborne illness. The meeting is open to the public. Written
comments and suggestions on issues that may be considered in the meeting may be submitted
to the CSREES Docket Clerk at the address below. DATES:
meeting will be held on December 1, 1998, from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
The meeting will be held in Room 107A, Jamie L. Whitten Building, United States Department
of Agriculture, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20250.
Reports are coming in from Doctors of Chiropractic that a lowering
standard of care is occurring in Canned Chiropractic. Doctors, cannot ethically
state "I disagree with ethical advertising or front-office principles and even
practice". A callous attempt to hurt or injure neighborhood and family
Chiropractors or interested Chiropractors is also reported. One Chiropractor, who is
the leading expert on health care fraud in the Medicare-Medicaid system, tried to explain
that he could not, in good conscience, give his social security and drivers license number
over the phone, or again in the office for a questionnaire...only on a job application
form. When he tried to explain what "Joint Venture Fraud" from the IG's
perspective and pursuant to 42 U.S.C Section 1320a-7b(b) was, (to simply explain why they
do not routinely give out his social security number), the Representative named a
Chiropractic Review doctor as an alibi and acted as if their was much to hide. In
fact they report the only reason Canned Chiropractic (faxed him the
questionnaire and did not pay any attention to the lengthy number of pages filled out, nor
any of the other data), came to their office was to get the social security
number. Remember, never give out your social security number, your federal tax i.d.,
or your drivers license number on any questionnaire. We have previously done
articles on Slamming, Cramming, Medicare and medi-cal/medicaid fraud. I can even
remember my first investigation into social security numbers fraud in the early
80's. This examiner still maintains the video of the Checks being printed in
Sacramento with the fraudulent social security numbers on them. Even Canned
Chiropractic continued in the same vein, became mean and walked out.
Obviously, Corporate Chiropractic would be colder than the CHIROPRACTIC IDEALS
OF LIFE, or the very precepts which form the foundation for the Chiropractic Way, the life
style including food, frame and factor changes, to the health profession which boasts the
longest life span for its practitioners. Did you know some people become Doctors of
Chiropractic because they want the benefits or secrets of naural health for their own
lives? This is what all of us share with our patients and patents. Not a cold,
offensive, rude, uncaring nor empathic understanding
Chiropractic care claiming the mistakes are due to being big business.
Wrong. Bad Business practices. That's why doctors should be able to have
input on what is advertised or stated relative to truth in quality chiropractic care.
If you have had a similar experience, feel great about yourself. You did the
right thing. If someone is truly interested in you, the Business Ethics will be
clear. Please send in your experience Doctors of Chiropractic.
Chronic liver disease is the tenth leading cause of death among adults in
the United States, and accounts for 25,000 deaths annually. Current estimates of
medical and work-loss costs of HCV-related acute and chronic liver disease are greater
than $600 million annually, and HCV associated end stage liver disease is the most
frequent indication for liver transplantation among adults. 30-49 year old are the
most HCV infected persons and the number of deaths attributable to HCV related chronic
liver disease could increase substantially during the next 10-20 years as this group of
infected persons reaches ages were complications form chronic liver disease typically
occur. Infection is due to blood transfusion, injecting-drugs, employment in patient
care of clinical laboratory work, exposure to a sex partner or household member who has
had a history of hepatitis, exposure to multiple sex partners, and low socioeconomic
levels. There is no association with military service, exposures from clean
acupuncture, ear piercing, medical, surgical, or dental procedures. However,
Non-invasive care such as Chiropractic Medicine is deemed the safest care. HCV
positive patients must be evaluated for presence and severity of chronic liver disease.
Initial evaluation for presence of disease should include multiple measurements of
ALT at regular internals. Chronic hepatitis C patients must be evaluated for
severity of their liver disease. Antiviral therapy is recommended for patient s with
chronic hepatitis C who are at greatest risk for progression to cirrhosis. Most
clinical trials of treatment for chronic hepatitis C have been conducted using
alpha-interferon. Recommended regimens of 3 million units administered
subcutaneously 3 times/week for 12 months is used, approximately 50% of treated patient s
have normalization of serum ALT activity, and 33% have a loss of detectable HCV RNA
in serum at the end of therapy. The FDA approved treatment for chronic hepatitis C
in patients who have relapsed following interferon are a combination therapy with
interferon and ribavirin, a nucleoside analogue. Other treatments, including
corticosteroids, ursodiol, and thymosin, have not been effective. High iron levels
in the liver reduce efficacy of interferon generally. Finally Hepatitis C has been
identified in virtually every country in the world. It is the most common cause of
post-blood transfusion hepatitis, accounting for about 90 percent of cases in the United States, Japan and Western Europe. Health experts
say the number of deaths from hepatitis C may soon surpass the number attributed to
AIDS. Because patients are becoming more
interested in alternative therapies (e.g. Chiropractic Medicine and, Chinese Medicine),
physicians must be prepared to cooperate with experts in these areas and able to answer
questions regarding these topics.
A Special
thanks to the CDC and USFDA. For More Information go to our Health Care Links page
link number four (4) or press
Hepititis C non-A/B 21st C/Epidemic
Now. InfoJustice
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has issued a ruling that PP&L (formally Pennsylvania Power & Light )
illegally terminated its Manager of Nuclear System Engineering at the company's
Susquehanna Nuclear Power Station. This terminated manager, Donald Ranft, was one of
the highest level managers employed at the facility, with direct responsibility over
nuclear engineering issues. In a letter dated November 18, 1998, the DOL ordered
that PP&L reinstate Mr. Ranft and pay him back wages and attorney fees.
The DOL found that PP&L discharged Mr. Ranft on
February 17, 1998, because he "engaged in protected activity" in raising
concerns about the improper "restart" of the nuclear plant after the plant had
"failed" a required safety related test. The DOL also found that Mr. Ranft
was illegally fired for "advising that a culture
existed that prevented him and other(s) from raising issues, some of which were safety
related, without fear of reprisal."
"Discrimination and
intimidation at nuclear plants must be nipped in the bud"
said Michael D. Kohn, General Counsel of the Washington, D.C. based National Whistleblower
Center and attorney for Mr. Ranft, "Illegal
harassment and intimidation of whistleblowers in nuclear plants will eventually lead to catastrophic safety problems and management failures
similar to those that doomed the Challenger Space Shuttle."
Mr. Kohn went on to state that, "Employees
must be free to promptly, and without fear of reprisal, voice concerns
related to nuclear safety."
Mr. Ranft was aggressively recruited by PP&L's top
executives for the position of Manager-Nuclear System Engineering and was hired on
December 2, 1996. His termination came one year later when his safety concerns
delayed the restart of the plant's nuclear reactor. He had over 20 years of
experience in the nuclear power industry prior to his illegal discharge. The U.S.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Office of Investigations is currently investigating
allegations related to safety issues that have been raised by Ranft and others
at the facility. The ruling by the DOL was appealed by PP&L on November
24, 1998.
FDA and Pfizer Inc. are advising doctors about new warnings and
information in the product labeling for Viagra (sildenafil) in response to postmarketing
reports of serious adverse events. The new information augments the original drug labeling
which warned against the concomitant use of
Viagra and
Revised in consultation with FDA, the new labeling is intended to help make sure that
consumers and doctors are fully informed about the benefits and risks of using Viagra,
know that consideration must be given to the
status of patients prior to prescribing Viagra, and know how to safely use the drug.
As with all approved drugs, there have been postmarketing reports of important side
effects with Viagra. These have been reviewed carefully by FDA since Viagra's approval in
April l998. Although a causal relationship cannot be established from these reports, they
are being mentioned in the labeling. FDA typically requires manufacturers to update their
labeling with such information. It is important to note that the postmarketing reports
involving Viagra constitute only a small fraction of the more than six million
prescriptions written for this drug. FDA continues to believe Viagra is safe and effective
if used according to the updated labeling.
The company is providing the updated information about the serious postmarketing events
in a letter to health professionals.
The labeling notes that it is not possible at present
to determine whether the cardiovascular events are directly related to Viagra, to sexual
activity, to the patient's underlying disease, or to a combination of these factors.
Information added to the labeling includes:
cardiovascular events: The revised labeling addresses postmarketing
reports of heart attacks, sudden cardiac deaths, and hypertension.
Risk of sexual activity: Sexual activity in
patients with preexisting cardiovascular disease carries a potential cardiac risk. Pfizer,
therefore, advises doctors that treatments for impotence, including Viagra, generally
should not be used in men for whom sexual activity is inadvisable because of their
underlying cardiovascular status. Vasodilatory effects
(effects on blood pressure): Physicians should consider whether their
patients with heart disease could be affected by transient decreases in blood pressure,
especially in combination with sexual activity.
who were not studied in clinical trials: Several groups of patients
were not studied in the clinical trials for Viagra. The new labeling notes that if Viagra
is prescribed for these patients, it should be done with caution. These include patients
who: - suffered a heart attack, stroke, or life-threatening arrhythmia within the previous six
months, - had significant hypotension (lowered blood pressure) or hypertension (uncontrolled high
blood pressure of greater than 170/110), - had a history of cardiac failure or coronary artery disease causing unstable angina, and
- had retinitis pigmentosa, an eye disorder.
erections or priapism: The labeling now includes a warning about the
rare occurrence of painful, prolonged erections. This is a serious condition that requires
immediate medical attention. The labeling advises patients to seek prompt medical
attention if their erection last longer than four hours.
Health care professionals are encouraged to report any unexpected adverse or serious
events associated with the use of Viagra (sildenafil) directly to Pfizer Inc. at
1-800-438-1985 or to the FDA MedWatch program
at 1-800-FDA-1088, by fax at 1-800-FDA-0178, or by mail (MedWatch, HF2, FDA, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857.
FDA has proposed
allowing health claims about the role soy protein may
have in reducing the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) on the labels and labeling of
foods containing soy protein. This proposal is based on the agency's
determination that soy protein, as part of a diet low in
saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of CHD.
CHD is the most common, most frequently reported, and most serious form of
cardiovascular disease, and is the number one cause of death in the United States. Despite
the decline in deaths from CHD over the past 30 years, this disease still causes more than
500,000 deaths annually, and contributes to another 250,000 deaths.
blood total cholesterol and high low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels are
proven risk factors for CHD.
In proposing this health claim, FDA concluded that foods containing protein from the
soybean as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of
heart disease by lowering blood total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol.
The amino acid content in soy protein is different from animal
and most other vegetable proteins, and appears to alter the synthesis and metabolism of
cholesterol in the liver.
Foods containing soy protein include soy milk, tofu, meat substitutes (such as
vegetable burgers) and baked goods made with soy flour. Because soy protein occurs in or
can be added to a wide variety of foods and beverages, it is possible to eat soy protein
containing products as many as 4 times a day (3 meals and a snack).
Studies show 25 grams of soy protein per day have a
cholesterol lowering effect. Therefore, for a food to qualify for the health claim, each
serving of the food must contain at least 6.25 grams of soy protein,
or one-fourth of the 25-gram amount shown to have a cholesterol-lowering effect.
An example of a claim using this food-disease relationship is:
"Diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol that include 25 grams of soy protein
per day may reduce the risk of heart disease. One serving of (name of food) supplies
____grams of soy protein."
FDA is soliciting comments on this proposed
regulation. Written comments will be received until January 25, 1999,
and may be addressed to:
Dockets Management Branch (HFA-305) Food and Drug
Administration 5630 Fishers Lane, Room 1061 Rockville, MD 20852
A Florida firm whose unapproved
lasers used in eye surgery were seized last year at the request of the Food and Drug
Administration has agreed today to stop making, selling or distributing unapproved lasers
in the United States and also has agreed to the disposition by the government of the
seized products.
The lasers, which have not been evaluated by the FDA for safety and effectiveness, were
being marketed for use to surgically correct nearsightedness and other vision problems.
The sale or use of unapproved excimer lasers for eye surgery is a violation of the law.
FDA has actively investigated this practice in recent years and has seized a number of
unapprovedlasers. The agency is concerned about the potential for serious eye injury from
the use of unapproved lasers.
The firm has agreed to pay civil fines for potential future violations of the
injunction in the amount of $25,000 per violation. The firm has agreed to put $100,000 in
escrow to pay such fines. In addition, it has agreed to execute a $100,000 penal bond to
insure that they comply with all the conditions of the consent decree.
FDA will monitor PDI's compliance with the consent decree through inspection of its
P.T. Barnum said "There's a sucker born every
minute" and now you could die Part 3.
Manipulative Therapy is the oldest medicine known. However Magnetic healing has been
documented for several thousand years. For the first time the new- age MSOM's
(Doctor of Oriental Medicine) have been acting as the health
Care Gatekeeper. P.T.'s statement is alive and
well. Magnetic therapy, one which has been debunked by
time itself and not by any advocates, is now a mom- and-pop shop operation to cure all of
your most vexing aliments. Many many ancient rulers used
magnets, but just as as the outcome failed expectations, the therapy comes into- and
out-of vogue quite regularly. Of course it is a therapy for today's death-bed
patient. Anything that may help is being tried with little medical success.
For example when a patient has an MRI, during the study, magnetic eddy currents become
endogenous and able to penetrate the body. This delivery of two- and one-half times
the non-therapeutic or alleged non-physiological effect (today's cure-all claim magnetics
purchased only through a multi-level marketing method), or Above ten Gauss has had no
demonstrable therapeutic effect! If the MRI had an effect, then would not that
effect's help be measurable? For the magnet to be physiologically beneficial to a
human test subject, the tissue and interstitial spaces would have to have massive amounts
of polarized ions beyond that able to sustain human life. Therefore there is no
basis to make claims about a human. However, if the example were the water of your
age, and said water was full of chlorine, lead, or other particulates of a plus- or minus-
binding status, theoretically, a magnet could pull or leach certain charged
materials. This is an excellent example, because you can understand the applied
forensic, human, biomechanical model vs. the case-mechanics of the ergonomic- device
model. Further, lines of flux, be they electrical or magnetic, have been associated
as co-carcinogens; claims made on non-traditional, alternative therapies must be
monitored. There is no cheap other alternative to care for human society. We
must be concerned with consumer protection. Snake Oil Salesmen are selling Magnetic
Gizmos. Who needs a brain? A Doctor's education has been
replaced by a Gizmo. Gizmo-Sale's Representatives are contacting Doctors
throughout the nation to profiteer off your ill health. They turn Doctors into Charlatans who will sell you hope, but leave you in despair, too penniless
to seek out quality care and bank on the hopes you will die. Thus no witness.
Further they bankrupt the HMOs and PPOs and even quality Insurance. Keep in
touch, and we will continue to expose scams, shams, schemes, bait & switch and
fraudulent health-care techniques. InfoJustice is Truth in
Action. AAJTS
My story
regarding Dr. Dollar:
I was feeling symptoms of nausea, headaches and dizziness. I went to all kinds of
Doctors, dizziness specialists, gynecologists, ear nose and throat specialists and regular
physicians. I had blood tests taken, examination after examination and we found nothing wrong with me. Nothing wrong
accept that I still felt nauseated everyday at work and when I stood up and walked around
I was very dizzy and had blacked out in the bathroom twice. I had many different
medications I was taking to cure the symptoms, but the pills were making me too tired to
function at work. I was feeling very discouraged so I spoke with my fiancé about possibly
going to a chiropractor to see if that would help. A friend of ours recommended Dr.
Dollar who Treats all diseases with Manipultion.
I went to my first appointment and Dr. examined me for at least an hour, asked me
many questions about my past health and
had I ever had back
problem and I said "Yes, I was seeing a chiropractor in 1996 for
lower back pain." So Dr. Dollar took ex-rays and
scheduled an appointment for three days later. When I came back to look at
the ex-rays, Dr. Dollar told me that my spine was extremely
crooked as well as my neck and that this is what was causing the trouble.
After hearing this news, I was very upset because I did not
want to have to go to the doctor for a long period of time. I was
very angry, I started crying and my fiancé was very upset at the news as well. Dr.
Dollar suggested intense back treatments from August 24th -
November 5th, 1998 where I would come to him three times a week for adjustments. November
26th - December 19th, 1998 I would be reduced to two times a week and then we would
schedule for 1999 when January rolled around. Dr. Dollar said that this is the only
treatment that would make my back straighter. However, my back would never be completely
straight. My fiancé and I went ahead and reluctantly agreed to the
treatment because we thought we were doing the right thing. We also
that if we didn't do these treatments we would have a difficult time being pregnant.
I was going to Dr. Dollar because I had symptoms of nausea, headaches and dizziness. I did
not go in because my back was hurting or bothering me. Since being treated, my neck pops
in and out quite regularly as does my back. Although my symptoms of nausea, headaches and
dizziness stopped after the 4th visit.
Dr. Dollar
set me up on an automatic payment plan to
automatically deduct $131.00 out of my account every month on the 15th for 12 months plus
he bills my insurance company $55.00 for every visit. I am very
angry. I don't feel like I need intense back treatment and I feel like I have been mislead
by Dr. Dollar. Dr. Neff, please tell me what I can do to take care of this
problem. I am afraid that the treatments that Dr. has given me to this point could have
some adverse effect on me in the future.
Please note
this case has been solved.
coming soon from the Consumer Protection Fellows
The Food and Drug Administration
announced today that all over the counter (OTC) pain relievers and fever reducers must
carry a warning label advising people who consume three or more alcoholic drinks every day
to consult their doctors before using these drugs.
This announcement is based on a final rule, which is on display today in the Federal
Register, requiring manufacturers to add this warning to the labeling within six months
for OTC products and combination products intended for adult use that contain aspirin,
other salicylates, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, naproxen sodium, or ketoprofen.
FDA is issuing this final rule after the Nonprescription Drugs Advisory Committee and the
Arthritis Drugs Advisory Committee concluded that chronic alcohol users should be warned that they may be at an increased risk of liver damage or stomach bleeding from use
of these drugs. The specific warnings concerning "liver damage" and
"stomach bleeding" are being required because the agency believes that consumers with a history of chronic alcohol use need to
know the potential risk that use of OTC analgesic and antipyretic (fever reducing) drug
products may pose to them.
FDA's final rule, includes the following specific warnings:
Acetaminophen: "Alcohol Warning: If you consume 3 or more alcoholic drinks every day,
ask your doctor whether you should take acetaminophen or other pain relievers/fever
reducers. Acetaminophen may cause liver damage." Aspirin, carbaspirin calcium,
choline salicylate, ibuprofen, ketoprofen, magnesium salicylate, naproxen sodium and
sodium salicylate: "Alcohol Warning: If you consume 3 or more alcoholic drinks every
day, ask your doctor whether you should take [ingredient] or other pain relievers/fever reducers. [Ingredient] may cause stomach bleeding."
Combination of acetaminophen with other analgesic/antipyretic ingredients: "Alcohol
Warning" "If you consume 3 or more alcoholic drinks every day, ask your doctor
whether you should take [insert ingredients] or other pain relievers/fever reducers.
[Insert ingredients] may cause liver damage and stomach bleeding.
The Food and Drug Administration today announced a new
final rule that substantially expands the prescribed uses of aspirin for patients with
cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems. The rule, which is on display in the Federal
Register, also provides information for its use in treatment of rheumatologic conditions.
Under the rule, Chiropractic Doctors, Physicians and health care professionals will be
provided with full prescribing info about the use of aspirin in both men and women who
have had a heart attack, stroke and certain other cardiovascular conditions as well as rheumatological diseases. For
stroke and cardiovascular conditions, lower doses are recommended than those previously
prescribed by physicians in practice. Information on the use of aspirin for rheumatologic
disease has also been expanded to include specific dosing information as well as info
about side effects and toxicity.
The rule updates the professional labeling of over-the-counter aspirin, buffered aspirin,
and aspirin in combination with antacid that had been proposed by the agency in 1988 (to which Dr. Neff Contributed) and 1996.
The new labeling is based on FDA's evaluation of multiple studies, both here and abroad,
on the use of aspirin to treat cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, and rheumatologic conditions.
The rule, which provides labeling to help guide health care providers, does not recommend
or suggest the use of aspirin by healthy individuals to lower their risk of heart attack.
The final rule also concludes that there are insufficient data to recommend the use of aspirin in
patients with peripheral vascular disease, such as those experiencing intense leg pain due
to blockage of blood flow to that area of the body.
The following are highlights of the updated professional labeling:
The product is recommended for use in both men and women to treat transient ischemic
attack (TIA), ischemic stroke, angina, acute myocardial infarction (MI), recurrent
MI, specific revascularization procedures, and rheumatologic diseases.
To minimize adverse events, low dosages (50-325mg) are recommended for cardiac and cerebral vascular uses. (75-325mg are recommended for angina and previous heart attack.)
Aspirin manufacturers who wish to disseminate labeling on the professional uses of aspirin
must use the labeling specified in the final rule. The new labeling, which goes into effect in
a year, will be provided directly to practitioners licensed to prescribe drugs.
The agency has determined that the advice and supervision of a health care provider is
required for these professional uses. Patients should be careful to ask their doctor or
health care professional before deciding whether aspirin is right for them and how much
aspirin they should take. "InfoJustice is Truth in
Released Documents Show Major Safety Issues Confront First Utility to Request 20-year Nuke
Plant License Extension.
documents, which consist of nineteen (19) letters sent by the NRC Staff to Baltimore Gas
& Electric Company ("BG&E") about the utility's pending license renewal
application for the Calvert Cliffs nuclear plant, reveal unresolved aging-related safety
issues concerning every significant safety component of the plant, including serious
questions about the following matters:
safety related "effects of erosion/corrosion,"
"wall thinning," "corrosion degradation" and "piping
cracking"; "boric acid corrosion" and "microbiologically induced
corrosion"; issues related to the "Fatigue Monitoring Program,"past
"fatigue failures" at Calvert Cliffs, "vibrational fatigue" and
"stainless steel fatigue"; "preventive actions that will mitigate or
prevent aging degradation"; aging problems with the "Reactor Coolant
System"; "crack growth," "leakage of primary coolant" and
"cracking" of the large and small "piping"; "thermal
embrittlement"; "cracking of reactor vessel"; "aging degradation of
heating and ventilation systems"; "design and installation deficiencies,"
"mechanical wear" and "stress corrosion"; "seismic adequacy of
equipment"; "concrete cracking" and the "recurring degradations of the
structural components" of the plant; "corrosion of steel,"
"corrosion" and "degradation" of "protective coatings";
"preventative maintenance" to detect "electrical stressors"; and
"risk" of "potential core damage" and a "loss of coolant
BG&E is the first electric utility in the United States to seek permission from the
NRC to operate a nuclear plant beyond its initial 40 year approval time-frame. The 19 NRC
Staff letters in question were improperly withheld from the Center and the Licensing Board
in violation of standing NRC orders which mandate that public interest interveners, such
as the Center, be promptly notified of such matters. In addition, the NRC Staff and BGE
held a meeting on September 28, 1998 concerning the status of the Calvert Cliffs license
renewal application without providing proper public notice in violation of the NRC's
policy on open meetings. InfoJustice is Truth in Action.
P.T. Barnum said "There's a sucker
born every minute" and now you could die Part 2.
statement is alive and well. Even in sacred areas such as health care, you have to
be more informed today then ever before. Snake Oil Salesmen are selling
Gizmos. Who needs a brain. A Doctor's Brain has been
replaced by a Gizmo. Gizmo Sales Representatives are contacting Doctors
throughout the nation to profiteer off your ill health. They turn Doctors
into Charlatans who will sell you hope but leave you in
despair, too penniless to seek out quality care and bank on the hopes you will die.
Thus no witness. Further they bankrup the HMO's and PPO's and even quality
Insurance. They even have Gizmos to replace the Independent Medical Examiner! Keep
in touch and we will continue to expose scams, shams, schemes, bait & switch and
fraudulent health-care techniques. InfoJustice is Truth in
Action. AAJTS
The State of Georgia is one of 53 states and territories
that are eligible to contract with FDA. Under the contract, the State of Georgia
will receive $572,821. President Clinton has requested $134 million for tobacco
regulation in his FY 1999 budget submission to Congress.
"Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is
dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left
unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley, Vol, II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas."
Ben Franklin. "Truth is InfoJustice in Action"
The American Academy For Justice
Through Science.
- United States Postal Service
Responds to InfoJustice Award
you for the honor.
The Postal Service has been working
hard to provide the American people
with the greatest Postal services in the world,
and we are very proud of our recent accomplishments regarding our service and financial
performance. We hope to continue to improve our services and to be responsive to the needs
of our customers. Thank you again,
United States Postal Service.
"Mine honor is my life; both grow in
one; Take honor from me and my life is done".
Shakespeare, Richard II,I,i, 182.
The InfoJustice Journal from
- Largest Whistleblower Award Yet
under Federal Protection Statute
The U.S. Department of
Labor has awarded a nuclear whistleblower over $2,000,000.00 in damages, plus attorney
fees and reinstatement to a high-level corporate position. The whistleblower, Marvin
D. Hobby, is a former high level manager at Georgia Power Company who was illegally fired
in 1990 for raising nuclear regulatory concerns. The Judge's ruling awarded Mr.
Hobby the following: Back pay in the amount of more than $1,750,000.00; $250,000.00
in compensatory damages for loss of reputation and humiliation; Payment of all attorney
fees and costs (to be determined at a later date); "immediate" reinstatement to
a high level general manager position; Reinstatement and payment for lost medical,
life insurance, stock options and retirement programs; All training necessary to
re-assimilate Mr. Hobby into his position; All lost benefits; 19 weeks of vacation
time; Expungement of negative references; and repayment for certain tax
penalties. InfoJustice is Truth in Action
"Some say that
the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry
is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley, Vol, II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience is a
continual Christmas."
Ben Franklin.
"Truth is InfoJustice in Action" from
The American Academy For Justice Through Science.
- The Mayo Clinic Reports Live Better
with Anti-Oxidants
Antioxidants: Rats given a diet rich in fruit and
vegetables experienced slower age-related declines in mental function compared with rats
on a standard diet, according to a study in the latest issue of the Journal of
Neuroscience. Rats given vitamin E supplements also did better in mental tests than rats
on a standard diet, but not as well as the rats that ate lots of fruit and
vegetables. In 1982 I published "The
Wisdom of Science bends in the Currents of New Knowledge". FDA has authorized the following based on a review of the scientific
evidence. Or, National Academy of Sciences, that shows or describes an established
diet-to-health link. As of this writing, certain dietary supplements may be eligible to
carry disease claims, such as claims that show a link between: the vitamin folic acid and
a decreased risk of neural tube defect-affected pregnancy, if the supplement contains
sufficient amounts of folic acid, calcium and a lower risk of osteoporosis, if the
supplement contains sufficient amounts of calcium, psyllium seed husk (as part of a diet
low in cholesterol and saturated fat) and coronary heart disease, if the supplement
contains sufficient amounts of psyllium seed husk.
Some sources for additional information on
dietary supplements are: Food and Drug Administration: Office of Consumer Affairs HFE-88
Rockville, MD 20857, Food Information Line 800-FDA-4010 (202) 205-4314 in the Washington,
D.C., Federal Trade Commission Public Reference Branch,Room 130Washington, DC 20580
www.ftc.gov, National Institute on Aging NIA Information
Center, P.O. Box 8057 Gaithersburg, MD 20898-8057 1-800-222-2225 American Dietetic
Association Truth is InfoJustice in Action!
President Clinton Still has Time to
Protect our Children and their
Futures. FDA will use a portion of the $34 million it has budgeted this year to
assist states in enforcing the regulation and to educate retailers and the general public
on the new provisions that went into effect in last February.
Clinton has requested $134 million for tobacco regulation in his FY
1999 budget submission to Congress. The Food and Drug Administration contracted with
the California Department of Health, Food and Drug
Services Branch to enforce FDA's new regulation that prohibits
retailers from selling cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products to children under 18.
Under the contract, the State of California will receive $554,427 to conduct approximately
4,500 unannounced retail compliance checks over the next 12 months. Minors in typical
dress, accompanied by an adult, will attempt to purchase cigarettes or spit tobacco in
retail stores throughout the Golden State.
"Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is
dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left
unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley, Vol, II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas."
Ben Franklin. InfoJustice
the Press from AAJTS.
USFDA today licensed a new biologic approach
for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer, or cancer that has spread beyond the breast
and lymph nodes under the arm. The new intravenous product, trastuzumab (trade-name
Herceptin), is approved for use alone for certain patients who have tried chemotherapy
with little success or as a first-line treatment for metastatic disease when used in
combination with paclitaxel (Taxol).
Herceptin is a monoclonal antibody bioengineered from part of a mouse antibody which is
altered to closely resemble a human antibody. It binds to a protein called HER2 which is
found on the surface of some normal cells and plays a role in regulating cell growth. In
laboratory experiments, Herceptin inhibited tumor cell growth by this binding action. In
the case of metastatic breast cancer cells, approximately 30% of tumors produce excess
amounts of HER2. Only patients who have tumors with this characteristic have been studied
and shown to benefit from the new, targeted approach using Herceptin.
Herceptin is the second monoclonal antibody approved to treat cancer. The first, Rituxan,
was approved in Nov., 1997, for patients with one type of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, a cancer
of the immune system.
Herceptin is manufactured by Genentech, Inc., San Francisco, Calif. FDA's Center for
Biologics Evaluation and Review (CBER) granted fast track and priority review status to
Genentech's application for Herceptin and reviewed and approved it in approximately 4.5
months. For further information about the availability of Herceptin, physicians or
patients can call the company at 888-777-4464
P.T. Barnum said
"There's a sucker born every minute" and now you could die.
statement is alive and well. Even in sacred areas such as health care, you have to
be more informed today then ever before. Snake Oil Salesmen are back in the guise of
almost every type of Alternative Health Practitioner, who may litigate their ability to
perform social security exams and rob Uncle Sam, to unlicensed
who will sell you hope but leave you in despair, and then penniless to seek out quality
care. Keep in touch and we will continue to expose scams, shams, schemes,
bait & switch and fraudulent health-care techniques.
Brother has been destroyed. Now you must protect yourselves and save your
precious money. Look for Diploma Mill Credentials (i.e. Forensic or Police Doctor,
nutritional advisor) who may even have a badge but is not a "peace
officer" and who did not matriculate through any
course-work nor courses of quality content, and not tested on said quality
materials; simply bought and paid for their Degrees, Certifications,
and much, much more. Brought to you as a service of the
American Academy "College of Justice"
for Justice Through Science. Your source for American
Education in Police Science.
Partners with
Virginia, Main, New Jersy, Louisiana,
New hampshire, New Mexico, Missouri and Tennessee to Protect Children from Tobacco.
All states that unite in the fight against Children's Tobacco,
tie for first place.
Join the fight against the enemies of truth
"Some say that
the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry
is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley, Vol, II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas." Ben Franklin, Poor Richards Almanack.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has contracted with the
various States to enforce FDA's new regulation that prohibits retailers from selling
cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products to children under 18. Did Mr. Kenneth
the 62 Million Dollar Tax Spender Star act as Council to Big Tobacco,
or No!
The Food and Drug Administration has approved
efavirenz, a new drug, to treat HIV and AIDS in children and adults. Efavirenz, in
combination with other antiretroviral agents, was approved to treat HIV-1 infection after
24-week studies showed it to be effective in suppressing HIV. The effect of efavirenz on
viral suppression beyond 24 weeks has not been demonstrated. "This action
significantly boosts the arsenal available in the fight against HIV and AIDS," said
HHS Secretary Donna E. Shalala. "It is
important that people with HIV and AIDS have as many treatment options as
possible." Read about it first from the
Academy that cares about caring
The Honorable Inspector General
June Gibbs Brown Hero & Role Model for the 21st Century.
Medicare Carrier Agrees to Pay Record $144 Million
Settlement. The Medicare carrier for Illinois and Michigan today pleaded guilty to eight
felony counts and agreed to pay a record $144 million in criminal and civil penalties to
settle federal charges stemming from a whistle blower suit, it was announced by the
Honorable Inspector General June Gibbs Brown of the U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services. Read about it first
@ InfoJustice.
Approves New Medicine for Arthritis Sufferers.

The FDA has approved Arava
(leflunomide) the first oral treatment for active rheumatoid arthritis approved for
slowing progression of this painful and disabling chronic disease. It is estimated that
rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disease, affects more than two million Americans.
Read about it first @
Release from NCJA on Sex Offender Community Notification: States' Use Technology for
Public Safety.
"To prevent recidivism and promote public and community safety, 48
states have passed legislation that allows or mandates some form of notification when a
sex offender is released into the community. Many states are using or considering
using technologies such as 800 and 900 lines, searchable World Wide Web sites like
InfoJustice and CD-ROM's to allow citizens to obtain information from sex offender
registries maintained by their states. State policymakers and practitioners are
facing such critical issues as the availability of resources to conduct community
notification, the amount and nature of information on convicted sex offenders the
community needs to ensure safety, who should control the information, and the potential
for vigilantism". Read about safety in neighborhoods first
@ InfoJustice.
American Academy For Justice Through
Science President's Report On the Economy and the Future
Reagan Republican Speaks Out on the Economy and healthy
future for the United States and World Economical Health. Read about it first
Hypocrisy has Reached Democracy
As nutty as it sounds a Federal panel of
judges ruled 2 to 1 that the US Food and Drug Administration cannot regulate
foods and
Read about it
first @ InfoJustice.
Dear Dr. Neff. I am writing to
you from behind bars. Of course it is not a prison, however I am temporarily
restrained and committed. I had sought out care from a Ph.D. Psychologist, who
graduated from a distance learning College in California. I have contacted many in
Health fraud, and they state you have vast experience in the nation in these areas as
well as being very compassionate and forgiving. My crime was that
the Quack and I made love. She was oh so beautiful. My reason for
seeking out help was that my wife was having an affair with a crack cocaine dealer.
She would sleep away from the home and I had to take care of the children, work, and
basically be the entire family. Instead of going to Law Enforcement, I went for
help. It is true that I am a Republican who has made quite a lot of money. Now
as I reflect, it is clear that I am the victim of two women and the drinking that came
after my only affair. My wife, who loves speed and the other, so paranoid that after
the affair, my first in 56 years of life, and I might add persuaded by the Quack, she
reported the sex and my eventual drinking and worked the system to were I am losing
everything. The Psychiatrist suggested I contact you. He is a member of your
academy and states you have a way of finding out things. End of Part One.
Dear Mr. America. I have
interviewed your Psychiatrist at a meeting and we will turn this lemon into lemonade.
My first thrust will be to investigate this collage where the quack graduated.
However, my suggestion is to listen to your Psychiatrist. He is an expert in
medico-legal Psychiatry, a person I am hand retraining to become a Certified Forensic
Medical Anti-Fraud Examiner, and a graduate of one of the top three Universities in the
Nation. I will go undercover to see what type of consistency etc. can be found at
this alleged California Diploma Mill. I will keep you appraised of my findings.
My personal impression is however that if one goes to a Ph.D in psychology,
remember they have had no Anatomy, no neurology, no bacteriology, no neuroanatomy, human
phsycial examination, nor disection, Geriatrics, EENT, Gynecology, Obstetrics, no
Nutrition, no Microbiology, no physiology, and basically know nothing about the human
body etc. They do however spend a
concentrated effort into theories of Psychology. In fact I have a BA from the Great
University of Minnesota in Psychology from 1978; a superior University. During my
last term, I worked in the U of M Hospital taking histories for a Psychiatrist in a ward
similar to that which you are temporarily in. It was from that 8 credit course that
I changed my mind. During my matriculation there was a Hispanic man Jose who starred
up into the corner of the ceiling and only saw Jesus. Every time a Psychologist
walked into the room he would spit on their shoe. They said horrible things about
him. Thus they would send me in since we got along. During my first interview with
this now dead patient, I asked him if he liked the Minnesota Vikings. He said
he was a big fan of Bud Grant. I was able to get him to watch Football Games and
stop the spitting. However he was locked away for similar reason that you
state. A Psychologist violated his oath of patient confidentiality and reported
their bizarre affair. I left temporarily because my Uncle (father died my forth term
in College) died and when I returned I found out that Jose had committed Suicide by
jumping off the bridge between the St. Paul Campus and the Minneapolis Campus during the
winter. Thus he fell hundreds of feet and hit ice. When I asked what happened
I had found he had a visit from the Quack. Perhaps one more homosexual affair.
I am extremely straight and this should in no way place any view on choice. However
this event changed my life and I went to Chiropractic College where patients get results
from care. My point is that if you are going to go to a Psychologist they should have
graduated from Harvard, the University of Minnesota, UCLA etc. Yours is one of many
stories I have recorded from patients who recieved care from by licensed Psychologists who
graduated from a Diploma Mill, but were allowed to sit for licensure and treat
patients. In fact I will send you letters of correspondence between myself and our
Governor where I reported and it was determined the number one fraud in California Workers
Compensation was Psychologist Stress Cases. I left for Florida to gain another
Masters Degree while the governor Cleaned up California through Workers Compensation
Reform. I will keep you informed on my investigation of this alleged college
of learning. 04-06-98
The Board of Governors,
Board of Advisors and Executive Board of the American Academy for Justice Through Science
voted on the 11 Propositions in California as well as who would best serve the Golden
State and the Great Western Region of the US. All Candidates and Propositions were
voted on by the people for the people and our recommendations were achieved in toto.
Congratulations to all Winners in this election. This Great National has proven once
again, that Political boasting failed and that the health of the nation came first in the
minds of the American People. A special Congratulations to the minorities of America
for turning out to Vote. The American Academy for Justice Through Science has proven
that we can influence voters and will play a larger roll in future Elections. The
Academy wishes the nation good will and God Bless America.
Monday November 9, 1998, the week-end after the GOP tea-party. Wall Street
is down after last weeks comeback in lieu of the Presidents overwhelming support voiced by
the American people. This Examiner had forecast through feeling the pulse of
American ethics. The elimination of the GOP House Speaker, by the obvious political
shake up and his desire to leave congress demonstrate inconsistencies. The former
GOP House Speaker was always brilliant if not off track. The former House speaker
would however have placed the best foot forward with that southern smile. Yet
Wall Street is down again. The American people voted for a smaller, kinder
more rational, responsible, just and merciful government. However the actions taken
by the GOP were not gentle, nor kind. The people who voted for the previous speaker
now have only a Republican, no-one actually representing their vote! Why is
this not the most important task of an elected official? This GOP is more of a
Fraternity. Two things are clear. The GOP is acting as if it has something to
hide! We may be in for a colder, more distant, out of touch representation then we
had. InfoJustice
- Report Card "F" for Ken
Starr & The Boss (Ethics Advisor) Quites
302 conflict of interest
ethics clause now under scrutiny, Big Tobacco is linked, a Universal Answers with 360
degree investigations undergoing and interviewing now this moment! Starr responded
foolishly, on Exculpatory evidence related changes in his opinion. He came off as a
egotist, know it all dictator, in denial about exculpatory evidence presented within the
body of the thought process used to produce unethical armchair evidence especially to
Congress. The Democrats Came off as above it all. Starr's fact presentation
was inconsistent. This is the crime. Finally Congress is acting like Congress
(Democrats). Violations of the hair trigger psychosituational event violates
6C. Perhaps we will find out who or what mechanism was used for the leaks.
This was the best Show in Town. Ken Star came off as a Clown. America had the
best laugh since Henny Youngmen on a hot night. He could not get along with David
Schippers. What a team. Who would have believed it. The two
could not work harmoniously as a team. Starr
did not know who was on his side at times. That's the real story. A Paranoid
man, not confident about issues relative to discussion. Motivated by special
interesst, of many natures, personal and professional, for the good of the fraternity are
Unethical Joint Ventures Fraud. Ethics Advisor and
Sam Dash, Quits, and explains Starrs ethics violations quite simply and
succinct. Starr revealed himself during his first day of testimoney as a man on a
ission. Not an INDEPENDENT agent, acting for the good
of the nation. He must be seriously applauded for this. Not only does Dash
represent the reason for the undertaking of such IC examinations, but when its over.
Starr would have all Americas acquire a government TV Camera in our homes. Our
nation under surveillance at all times. He may have unlawfully intruded and
violated IC rules and regulations especially relative to conducting his investigation as
an Independent rather than a Crusader! If you didn't see the whole 12 hours, see
it. Make up your own minds. We the people must monitor our government a bit
closer. He laughed at a woman (Lewinsky) being at suffrage unable to attain lawful
representation at its optimal convenience. When you represent Congress Buster, you
better have your facts straight, have the objective measurable loss to the nation or
against the nation. Period. Finally he said letters are not used in Grand
Jury's. Not true. This examiner so swears, that on occasions, in the course of
fighting criminal health fraud, I was asked to write letters to state Attorney Generals to
provide lists of experts on cases such as the USA vs. USA Inc. Further, this
examiner was one of a panel of five doctors appointed by General George Brown to the Grand
Jury System as an Expert Wittiness on Health Fraud in 1985: inconsistent. Sadly,
every thing the Republicans do backlashes. Even when they applauded to Starr as he
left, it appeared as if it was because of his sacrificial lamb approach to seek and
destroy for his party, successful or not had been established! They have to break this
extremist pattern. Americans are in control of their lives again after a long
time! There is no national mood for this Ken Starr fiasco.
Years National Criminal Justice Association Convention in Las Vegas Giant Success
Secret Service Details intensive Profile
by your editor, Domestic Terrorism and Threat Assessment, Educating Future
Criminal Justice Practitioners, Program Evaluation for the New Century, Technology
Resources for the Asking, Empowering Communities Through Strategic Planning,
Communications for the Future, Data Collection for Law Enforcement by FBI, Harnessing the
Power of Computers, Sex Offenders, Research, New Robots to disarm villains, Robots to
disarm bombs, low Frequency Radar to denote if a Driver has a gun, where from 30 feet
away, Bullet Proof Glass which officers can shoot out of and much much more. Read
about how the states have joined together and called this year's meeting
Justice Through Technology. Read about it
first at Justice Through Science's Beat the Press.
The New England Journal of Medicine -- October 8, 1998 --
Volume 339, Number 15 A Comparison of Physical Therapy, Chiropractic Manipulation, and
Provision of an Educational Booklet for the Treatment of Patients with Low Back Pain
Conclusions. For patients with low back pain, the McKenzie method of physical therapy
and chiropractic manipulation had similar effects and costs, and patients receiving these
treatments had only marginally better outcomes than those receiving the minimal
intervention of an educational booklet. Whether the limited benefits of these treatments
are worth the additional costs is open to question.
The fact remains the comparison is not for
Care" only Spinal Manipulation.
"Sadly these
studies did not Compare Actual Physical Medicine with Both".
Truth is InfoJustice
Scientists have confirmed the presence of
impurities in some 5-hydroxy-L- tryptophan (5HTP) products currently marketed and widely
promoted as dietary supplements. These products are being used as aids for insomnia,
depression, obesity, and in children with attention deficit disorder. One of these
impurities is known as "peak X." Although the significance of finding "peak
X" and other impurities in dietary supplements containing 5-HTP is unknown, past
experiences with these products suggests vigilance is warranted. "Peak X" was identified in one
case of the illness eosinophilia myalgia syndrome (EMS) associated with 5HTP in 1991.
Impurities similar to "peak X" were also found in L-tryptophan that was associated with a 1989
epidemic of EMS. 5HTP and L-tryptophan are related in that 5HTP is synthesized from
L-Tryphophan in the body. The InfoJustice Journal
- The New England Journal of Medicine -- October 8, 1998 --
Volume 339, Number 15 Provides A Comparison of Active and Simulated Chiropractic
Manipulation as Adjunctive Treatment for Childhood
Results. Eighty children (38 in the active-treatment group and
42 in the simulated-treatment group) had outcome data that could be evaluated. There were small
increases (7 to 12 liters per minute) in peak expiratory flow in the morning and the
evening in both treatment groups, with no significant differences between the groups in the degree of change from base line (morning peak expiratory flow, P=0.49 at two
months and P=0.82 at four months). Symptoms of asthma and use of (beta)-agonists decreased
and the quality of life increased in both groups, with no significant differences between the groups. There were no significant changes in
spirometric measurements or airway responsiveness.
Conclusions. In children with mild or moderate asthma, the addition
of Chiropractic "spinal manipulation" to usual medical care provided
no benefit.
"Truth is
InfoJustice in Action" The College of Justice
Whats the old saying? If you search hard enough youll
find what youre looking for? I think its time that the American people put
their foot down and tell Mr. Starr and Congress that were madder than hell and
were not going to take it any more. If one looks at the parade of presidents and
other politicians who have marched through Washington, one would see only a small minority
who could pass by without the Scarlet Letter. Read about it first
Now AAJTS "Best Buy" to Aid Americans; Buy "MiniMed".
gained a fast-track status for the Federal review of its devices to begin marketing a new
glucose-sensing device for diabetics. The device the size of a pager will allow diabetics
to painlessly test the glucose level in their blood, which of course is the key factor in
determining how much insulin they need. The micro-infusion pump, delivers
insulin into the bloodstream throughout the day. Only 65,000 diabetics presently are using
the pump (including the newly crowned Miss America). MiniMed is the biggest player
with $100 million in annual sales. with nearly 85% of the market. As patients
and physicians become more comfortable with the technology so goes the company
growth. The company is only beginning to tap the 3.2 to 3.5 million diabetics who
require daily insulin therapy.
McGuire Ties the 37 year old Roger, the "Dodger" Maris Record! Watch Base-Ball
St. Louis Cardinal's Mark McGuire says
"Im a human being. I did it for myself and Roger Maris in Heaven." When
will the most humble man in baseball, Yankee Slugger Roger
(the dodger) Maris be inducted in the baseball Hall of Fame?
InfoJustice predicts with the type of unselfish and godfearing attributes that
McGuire has demonstrated, he will soon break the 37-year old record and reach new
heights. You can bet dollars for doughnuts that Maris in Heaven with God, Ben
Franklin, Honest Abe Lincoln, Jesus, Moses, and all the heavenly folks, are helping Sir
Mark McGuire's hits fly. Read about it first
@ InfoJustice
Beat the Press. 09-07-98
InfoJustice Announces Labor Day has the dubious distinction
of having the most injuries of any day or holiday of the year. Parents watch your kids
and advise them. More kids dive into the shallow end of a
swimming pool, hit their head, become paralyzed or die during this holiday,
than on any other holiday of the year. Parents, watch out for dives into shallow
parts of the ocean, other injuries and drunk drivers. Protect
your health please & Read
InfoJustice Now. 9-05-98
InfoJustice Announces FDA WARNING
health please & Read InfoJustice Now.
After two years of performing
Admirably as the Academy's Vice President, and after confirming exceptional scholarly recording and aptitude she
passed examinations today, placing her as a new member of two Academy
Boards and was then voted unanimously to preside over the InfoJustice College Board of Psychologists.
Read about it first @ InfoJustice
News Bureau.
The United States Food and Drug
Adminstration announced on April 27th, 1998 in today's notice, the agency's
probable guidance and recommendations on dietary supplements consistent with your consumer
writer's work of 1988. Read about it first @ InfoJustice Press.
Another heroic state takes the stand on Big Tobacco.
Tobacco smoking can thicken arteries irreversibly leading to stroke, heart attacks and
kidney failure. Read about it first @ the InfoJustice Press.
A new sugar free high intensity
sweetener has been approved by the double blinded study scientifically reproducible people
at FDA. Separate fact from fiction and find out
"Sweeter" in the News @ InfoJustice News Bureau.
Fiscal Year 1999 Performance Plan begins
now. $34 million budgeted this year available to assist states in enforcing the
regulation. President Clinton has requested $134 million more for 1999 budget.
InfoJustice calls to all states for "Justice Through Science."
Web-Scam Exposed by US Department of
Health and Human Services, Division FDA; Unapproved Pregnancy Kit is death equation for
mother and fetus. Birth defects also associated. Internet scam won't go
away. Protect the Innocent through the principles of
Justice Through Science Find it @ InfoJustice News.
Those double
blinded study & scientifically reproducible people at FDA are prepared to take on the
important issues that face our nation such as big tobacco, human drugs, food safety,
medical devices etc. consistent with the telelearning courses brought to you by
InfoJustice. Be the best you can be, and get informed now.
It has been a long time coming, but
big business men have to go home to their wives and face the truth.
Read about the settlement and how this all could have been avoided
with proper consumer protection laws on the books via the InfoJustice Mission Code.
Attorney General Reno after care-ful study of "Convicted by Juries,
Exonerated by Science; Cases Studies in the Use of DNA Evidence to
Establish Innocence After Trial" re- established the
principles of
Justice Through Science for our Criminal Justice System. Find it first
@ InfoJustice News
Some risk but Breast Cancer Prevention Trial
(BCPT) forecast in the next few weeks. For details of the monumental achievement,
details of the study, and where to get your inside life- saving details read this at
InfoJustice news.
April 8th, 1998, $65 billion dollars of the
balanced budget earmarked for social and medical programs is off. For today the deal
between Big Tobacco and the Government is over. Get the details now from the
InfoJustice Press.
USFDA will actively monitor this recall and take
whatever appropriate steps are needed to assure its completion. If you were not
aware read about it in the InfoJustice Press.
You must have your applications in by April 24, 1998. Outstanding men and women of this
nation, who are exceptionally accelerated intellectually, get your applications in now.
See details here at InfoJustice.
- As an InfoJustice Journal subscriber, you will get more great articles like this.