MIDLAND, Mich., April 2 (UPI) Dow Corning Corp. and its Canadian subsidiary have
announced a $35 million ($50 million Canadian) proposed settlement covering about 10,000
breast-implant claims in Ontario and Quebec. The settlement, approval is dependant on
courts in each province as well as on a U.S. bankruptcy judge. The bankrupt
silicone- maker's latest global reorganization plan is still pending in the United States.
The global reorganization would cover the Canadians as well as 150, 000 women in the
United States and 40,000 in other countries who alleged disfigurement and horrific
lifestyle changes, loss of love and depression secondary to the silicone-gel breast
Justice Through Science warns we all must support FDA's funding so that the pre-1993
laws of Big-Brother Research can once again protect consumers. The outcome of having
small individuals to fight the big manufactures is too costly compared to quality,
scientific double-blinded studies conducted first by the FDA then subsequent to horrific
claims made or allegations by humanity. For a sample of the actual dockets in which
the early 1978-1993 bills and laws had basis and support see the Telelearning articles