Life-threatening health risks pregnancy kit
sold on the Internet. FDA warns consumers not to purchase home abortion kits and
female self-sterilization kits off the Internet. The abortion kits inaccurately
touted as a "complete kit for early pregnancy termination absent surgery alleges it
is scientifically proved safe and unrisky.
The kit is actually a combination of drugs that are not approved by FDA and through
FDA's health hazard assessment unit the kit absent a physician's supervision will cause
heavy vaginal bleeding and lead to death. Birth defects are also a result if the
pregnancy is carried to term after drug ingestion.
Pellets of quinaccrine hydrochloride, an unapproved drug, which can cause ectopic
pregnancy, abnormal pregnancies, and permanent damage to a women's reproductive organs
will be the outcome.
FDA urges consumers not to purchase or use these drugs or similar products promoted via
the Internet or any media for that matter. The US Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
explicitly prohibits the sale and promotion of unapproved medical products.
As a retired consumer writer for various federal agencies including HHS and USFDA join
with InfoJustice Journal and the FDA to report these health robbers. Any women who
has suffered an adverse event as a result of using these "kits" and health
professionals who have treated such patients are urged to report the action to the
agency's MedWatch adverse event and product problem hot line at 1-800-FDA-1088. If
you are too scared or afraid of reprisals contact this author, and we will get the message
to FDA Interstate commerce agents for fast efficient and expedient protection. FDA
is there for you. Act now and protect others and don't let these health robbers
profiteer any additional women into the promise of hope left with death or brain dead or
deformed children.