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May 19, 1998

FBI Legendary (J. Edgar Hoover) G-Man, Ghost Writer for Laws, Original Criminal- Justice Profiler and Bureau-Policy Author for Hoover, Creator of Police Departments in the Caribbean, California, Europe and Africa: The Superlative & Honorable Dr. John L. Sullivan is voted President of The American Academy for Justice Through Science.

The Honorable J. Edgar Hoover autographs picture to Dr. John L. Sullivan and his Son (03/09/56).


As an oveview, Dr. John L.'s credits include:

  • Counselor and instructor for the F.B.I. Academy
  • Accomplished author of books pertaining to the
    criminal justice system
  • Development of the first police academy on the West Coast
  • Head of a large, Southern California Police Academy
  • Original member of the International Police Association
  • Senior Assemblyman for the County of Los Angeles for two terms
  • Recipient of the Los Angeles County Assembly Award
  • Mayor for Two Terms
  • Professor of Police Science, Engineering and Technology
  • Original Author Forensic Police Science Books (MO)
  • Author of Laws

On May 17, 1998, Dr. John L. Sullivan (Badge # 507) was appointed by the American Academy for Justice Through Science as the Inspector General of the Academy as well as the Executive Auditor Inspector General over all Boards under the InfoJustice Tele-learning College. In addition, Dr. John L. was made an honorary Certified Forensic Medical Anti-Fraud Examiner (passing both the Certified Fraud Examiner and Forensic Medical portions of the examination), a Certified Forensic Judicial Anti-Fraud Examiner and a Certified Forensic Engeneering and Technology Anti-Fraud Examiner. The Academy has been joined by the actual legend's legend--Dr. John L. Sullivan, an extraordinary, legendary, brilliant and astute credit to his profession and our nation.

To meet the man is to find the lost mentor of American Society.  Fortunately, I had the opportunity to do so on numerous occasions over the last 20 years and still I feel the lingering chills going up and down my spine after administering his examination today.  Listed below you will find just a few highlights of Dr. John L.'s curriculum vitae.  Unless you were one of J. Edgar's G-Men, operations and law writers, or profiles, you will never have seen anything like it.   It is a comfort to know that great men like John L. still exist in the U.S. 


Dr. Sullivan was born in Minnesota and moved to California where he graduated from UCLA.  He received his undergraduate and law degree or (L.L.B.) and a Class A as well as Supervisor's Credential in Vocational Education. He was a 1941 graduate of  the F.B.I. National Academy in Washington, D.C. and acted in a multi-faceted capacity.  He performed as an F.B.I. Special Agent Counselor at Quantico, as well as an official Ghost, Operations, Protocol and Law writer, Supervisor, Public Speaker, Lecturer, Law Enforcement Instructor in Forensic Science, Criminal Profiler, Engineering & Technology Chairman, and Firearms Expert.  He retired from the FBI after 21 years of service with the most incredible FBI record of Achievement.

John L. immediately made an impact on his community by again becoming a Supervisor, Public Speaker, Professor, Police Instructor, and again, Firearms Expert for a Southern California City College.  He also served as a teacher, Coordinator of Police Science, and Acting Chairman of the Engineering and Technology Department there (1962-1974).

Dr. John L. was elected three times to the City Council of a Southern California City in Los Angeles County (1966-1978) and then was elected Mayor there for two terms.  He was twice elected and chosen as Chairman of the Commission for Senior Citizens Inc. and twice elected and chosen as Outstanding Citizen for the Southern California City.

As one of the first Law Enforcement Strategists G-men for  Director John Edgar Hoover, he wrote many Operations manuals and Laws for him.  During his retirement he continued where he left off with a series of books published in 1966, 1971, and 1977 for McGraw-Hill Book Co. on Police Science and Law Enforcement Protocol.



In 1974, he received the Outstanding Educator Award, from the State of California (presented by the California Association of Criminal Justice Educators).

John L. then wrote three separate laws which are on the books in California and received an award from the California Senate Rules Committee for his legislation. 



Further accomplishments include:

  • Recipient of the California State legislative Award for good Government 
  • "Outstanding Educator Award" for 12 years of being the Police Science Coordinator and Professor of Police Science.
  • Oustanding Educator Award for "Dedicated and Outstanding Service as a Criminal Justice Educator" given by the America Administration of Justice Educators.
  • Recipient of the Ralph Story Award for outstanding service to a Southern California City College and Community (1974) as well as the Southern California City's Chamber of Commerce distinguished service community award.
  • Recipient of the Award of Appreciation for oustanding service to the community by the Pasadena City College Faculty Association.
  • President of the Holy Name Society with a certificate of Diplomat signed by Los Angeles' Archbishop Timothy Manning.
  • Life member of Alpha Lambda Epsilon College Law Enforcement Fraternity.
  • Life Diplomat of the California State Board of Education for teaching police Science
  • Special District Supervisor of Police Science Classes.
  • Coordinator for Trade, Industrial and Public Service
  • Appointed to start the first Police Academy in the Virgin islands
  • Recipient of the Zambia Police Academy Award of Africa for teaching Operations and Protocol to the Chief of the Zambia Police.

This examiner can assure you that the aforementioned  has not even scratched the surface of Dr. John L. Sullivan's Patriotic Contributions and his demonstration for Love of Country as his C.V. would have gone on for days.

Presently, John L. is the 1998 California Senior Assemblymen of the Month, and now, the Inspector General of the American Academy for Justice Through Science. 

Enroll in the Academy and join the team which stopped the largest dollar crimes in the history of the United States. Learn from J. Edgar Hoover's G-Man and his teamJoin now for the Premier Education in Forensic Science and Medicine as well as Anti-Fraud, Impairment Rating and Disability Analysis through Both Packard Thurber (excellent for Somatic Injury and Disability) and AMA Guildlines (exceptional for Disease related Disability) Operations and Surveillance, Engineering and Technology, Tele-communications, Forensic Law and the entire forensic medico-legal investigative core curriculum.

Act now as our Student Body of Physicians, Surgeons, Coroners, Agents, Investigators, Lawyers and Doctors who are filling our classes have  requested that we make the program longer and even more difficult for future students to acquire the elusive Forensic Science and Anti-Fraud Methodology which you cannot find as an expert until you run into one of us in court or through Judicial Review.  Make your vote count at the Academy Meetings.  Dr. John L. Sullivan looks forward to meeting and assisting your Judicial Forensic Science, Law, Medical, Disability Analysis, Investigative and Anti-Fraud Education as do all of our instructors.

  "Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead.  The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."  Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas."  Ben Franklin, Poor Richards Almanac.

By Dr. Scott Neff, Editor, Author, Executive Director of the InfoJustice Tele-learning College. Director of the American Academy for Justice Through Science.        

© & TM 1998 American Academy for Justice Through Science. All rights reserved.

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