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Your Editor Dr. Scott Neff - the Little Guy


Six years old

Mother's University Graduation

The Best of the Best Presentations list 2011

"Trash Talk Humor"

 "Pictures Never Seen Before-NEVER FORGET"-911

"Déjà Vu ©"

Love for all time-(When Your Hot ©)

Amazing Drug Lord  Photos and Story

The Muddied Shoes Blues ©

The Best of the Best Presentations list 2010

American Rising

The Patriotic War

Strangers on my Flight

Fauna music and love

Ancient Hanging Monastery

What Tiger should have seen first!

Another Senior moment in Police Science History

Patriots in action

US Marine Corps Answering Machine

Best Train vs. Tornado

Bud Light Clothing Drive Commercial Banned from the Super Bowl

Who packs your parachute?


Frank the Duck

Obama Man Can

B-17 fighter pilots in World War II

Worlds Most Expensive Catastrophes

Worlds largest spectacular entities

Enjoy fabulous and spectacular 3D Trick of the Eye Murals

View the largest and most terrifying holes in our Universe.

911Aerial Surveillance Photos

View this amazing town with their more amazing road sign

A330 Air France photo with passengers being sucked out of the gaping hole in the plane

Homeland Security Warnings.

"When its was not your time to die"

Your homeland security at work for you

Are you safer in a 1959 Chevy or 2009 Chevy

Barry the Fishermen

Airplane Disasters with Airline Humor

The Family Grizzly knows but did you know?

Advice for InfoJustice Readers

One day since Obamacare of March 21, 2010= $12,405,962,943,990-US National Debt

Eight days since Obamacare=$12,703,125,187,720,18

45 days since Obamacare=$12,835,321,207,657.37

218 days since Obamacare=$13,623,275,060,280.12

663 days since Obamacare=$15,228,709,802,653 and climbing

910 days since Obamacare=$16,888,545,617,999 and climbing exponentially

national debt  


We liked your piece on the Cost of Freedom and how Barack Obama and Bill Ayers never understood it.  But you left out that is why they leap from reality into a bizarre dream world or the danger involved with trying to force folks to live in a "dream world".  

Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence

Five signers were captured by the British as traitors, and tortured before they died.  Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned.  Two lost their sons serving in the Revolutionary Army; another had two sons captured.  Nine of the 56 fought and died from wounds or hardships of the Revolutionary War.

They signed and they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor.  What kind of men were they?  Twenty-four were lawyers and jurists.  Eleven were merchants, nine were farmers and large plantation owners; men of means, well-educated, but they signed the Declaration of Independence knowing full well that the penalty would be death if they were captured.

Carter Braxton of Virginia, a wealthy planter and trader, saw his ships swept from the seas by the British Navy. He sold his home and properties to pay his debts, and died in rags.

Thomas Mc Keam was so hounded by the British that he was forced to move his family almost constantly. He served in the Congress without pay, and his family was kept in hiding. His possessions were taken from him, and poverty was his reward.

Vandals or soldiers looted the properties of Dillery, Hall, Clymer, Walton, Gwinnett, Heyward, Ruttledge, and Middleton.

At the battle of Yorktown, Thomas Nelson, Jr., noted that the British General Cornwallis had taken over the Nelson home for his headquarters.  He quietly urged General George Washington to open fire. The home was destroyed, and Nelson died bankrupt.

Francis Lewis had his home and properties destroyed.  The enemy jailed his wife, and she died within a few months.

John Hart was driven from his wife's bedside as she was dying. Their 13 children fled for their lives. His fields and his gristmill were laid to waste.  For more than a year he lived in forests and caves, returning home to find his wife dead and his children vanished.

So, take a few minutes and silently thank these patriots.  It's not much to ask for the price they paid.  Remember: freedom is never free!  We thank these early patriots, as well as those patriots now fighting to KEEP our freedom!

Stormin Norman and Mr. V,

Thank you for your patriotic contribution.  By sending in your thoughts, there is an almost endless possibility that such a fine review of what our founding fathers paid to give us the chance to better our world, would be reviewed by the world wide web. 

Clearly our founding fathers were antithetical to our current President and in fact warned us about those who would usurp power, and as it turns out Barack is creating the WEAKEST US MILITARY RELATIVE TO OUR POTENTIAL EVER IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES OR THE COLONIES, THE POOREST FOREIGN RELATIONS and almost disrespect from other POWERS WITH ARMIES AROUND THE GLOBE (Barack has almost zero influence evidenced by how the world took one look and listen to Barack and a world wide free for all broke out with even a fairytale like Caliphate as a result...), a very weak and VULNERABLE economy struggling to improve but IS anything but American by ideal, poor wrongheaded choices on Energy, a stranglehold on business and new innovation, an atmosphere to continue to chase Manufacturing from our soil through unnecessarily high corporate taxes and basically a lack of competitiveness with foreign nations courting the manufactures of our times, poor judgment on who to trust, who to make friends with, tossing aside nations who would be friends but must survive the stronger bully on the block, be it Russia over Eastern Europe, Iran and Terrorists groups in the middle East, North Korea and China in the orient but for diametrically apposed reasons and ideologies (Which demands some future Administration with a brain for foreign affairs spend more time in the Orient), doesn't know how to govern a nation because our President doesn't know how many states we have or where our borders are or what borders do.  Everything is beneath the current administration as there is lip service for all, but only personal service for fun stuff like Fund Raisers, or DNC stuff. 

Folks ask why and its because they have taken the cost of freedom for granted.  Spoiled, as they are like Princesses and Princes where the snot got too heavy in their heads, assume that if they claim there are pink unicorns and offer love-in's that everyone is invited to, there would never be others who might look at the whole thing, Nuke it, and go on to make a Caliphate

Thank you for your time and contribution.  Perhaps together we can continue, as we have for the last 20 years or more, to kindle AND REKINDLE the American spirit.  the little guy   fights back for you 7/15/14

ERIC HOLDER CORRECT PRESIDENT OBAMA HAS BEEN TREATED BETTER THEN ANY PRESIDENT IN HISTORY "Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin - "Today's Executive branch can be understood as too many negative coincidences past odd!" - lg

Today Eric Holder opined that President Obama had been treated differently then all other Presidents.  Folks its true.  Because of President Obama's skin color, SOMEHOW he has been treated thousands of times better then other Presidents.  Because folks are sooooooooo concerned about being fair during race relations it would seem, Barack Obama has received the greatest pass on his total absence of Government ability, his total absence in the way of understanding folks, he has a total pass for being able to boldly lie where no liar has ever gone before, but then gets away with wrongdoing by bringing up race relations which confuse everyone but Barack Obama and Eric Holder.  Folks these guys have this stuff down to a science to the extent that Barack usually flips the subject for out of the blue anti-Republican rhetoric and then leaves the big guns (SHOCK VALUE) for Eric.

Yet with what we know today with real world events as evidence to the contrary of Barack's explanation of events (Claimed al-Qaeda and Terrorism was beaten, no need for a war on Terrorism, Russia is really Shari Lewis's Lamb Chop, THE BORDERS WERE SECURE and too much more) setting up poor Romney for a suckers fall, much of the rhetoric Barack used to defeat Romney were simply bold face lies and falsehoods.  But of course they cover facts when brought up by changing the subject and falsely impugning the character of the messenger.  Thus the messages get lost and all we hear is false rhetoric and spin.   And the problem with all that is that Barack then gets out of doing his job.  Benghazi, the VA, causing the Chaos in Iraq and single handedly throwing out all the lost blood and treasure lives of American Iraq Veterans and losing Iraq to folks worse then Saddam, spending like a drunken sailor so were in debt over 17 TRILLION DOLLARS and always asking for more, sending a message to the world that we will not be enforcing our immigration laws now that an election is coming up and thus creating the horrific chaos and humanitarian crisis at our southern border, all (And there is much much more) prove Barack has not done his job and has ignored Presidential responsibilities which include finding ways to get along with the Republicans because after all that is what successful politicians do in order to get the peoples business done.

If Barack Obama had been a white man, he would have been tarred and feathered and then rode out of the country on a rail LONG AGO.  But because he and Eric are black, they have demonstrated exactly how to use any accusation no matter how truthful as an insult, something that would not be said to a White AG and so forth, when in reality when a Black man accuses a white person of racism, and their 100% wrong, perhaps walked with Martin Luther King once, even that falsely accused person would feel so horrible, there is much pause and an inability to respond until perhaps days later when a well thought out response to such a horrific evil false and unfounded accusation could occur.

Barack Obama and Eric Holder are like two spoiled Princes and it matter's not thus far how they deceive, how they manipulate the truth and thus the listeners, and so much more because of their Black Shield, Eric Holder is absolutely correct when he opines President Obama has been treated differently then all other Presidents who had their feet held to the fire throughout their Presidencies.  Barack has had a complete free pass from the Liberal Media although losing their audiences will continue over the next many years because MORE AND MORE OF THE FOLKS realize they offer zero credibility, or no one wants to read or hear such trash.

You see Eric Holder and President Obama use race as a shield which is why they say they are only attacked because of race.  Just like President Obama claimed he did not go to see the poor, weak, ill, suffering ILLEGAL immigrant children that had just traveled thousands of miles outside on a train, in the trunk of a car, raped, and too much more because he did not need any photo opportunities when the TRUTH IS HE WENT TO FUNDRAISERS WHERE HE USES PHOTO-OPPORTUNITIES AS A LURE TO ATTRACT CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTORS.  You see how Barack flips everything?  Eric claims they are attacked because they are black when in reality they use being black as a Shield; Eric just flipped that subject like a now warn out record SMART folks are just beginning to hear AS SUCH!  Folks are starting to hear THE TRUTH THROUGH THEIR RHETORIC.  These guys are really slick aren't they, but what is so painful and wrong is they use their race as a shield to hurt innocents who simply are asking what happened, as what appears to have gone on behind the shield may be impeachable offences, and thus of course the questions must be asked to either vindicate them or identify the facts.  It's just that simple.

Let me know what you think. the little guy fights back for you 7/14/14

THE COMMUNITY DISORGANIZER BRINGS UNCHECKED DISEASE AND POSSIBLE DEATH TO US COMMUNITIES"Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin - "Today's Executive branch can be understood as too many negative coincidences past odd!" - lg

Well folks Barack's government just sent over 900 unaccompanied terrified and from all reports diseased and unchecked and unvaccinated to Illinois and Nebraska.  Barack's government didn't even tell his home state folks nor Nebraska he dropped off un-vaccinated children complaining of disease and possible sexually transferred diseases.  Barack has truly earned the title by deed of Community Disorganizer.  And folks, "you just can't make this stuff up". 

It has just been revealed that while at detention facilities the children prior to jetting around the nation did not and I repeat did not get complete shots for their ages, vaccinations, and treatments for the many illnesses from bizarre Pneumonia's, Scabies mites, Lice's, Ticks, Chagas Disease, Dengue fever, Measles, Chicken Pox, Tuberculosis and Venereal Diseases to only name a few and now Barack in his hast and absent any true love of "we the people" contaminated the aircraft used, and busses, Social workers, Law Enforcement, and of course anything they come into contact with in Illinois and Nebraska and if not stopped, there could be deaths of our young and innocents around the nation who may come in contact with these children.  Now folks, does this seem like someone who loves America?  Today's Executive Branch situation can be understood as too many many negative coincidences past odd!  Barack could have had all the children examined, vaccinated and/or treated for conditions which arose out of their crazy arduous trek, then notified state governors to discuss the best way to approach the issues prior to sneaking them into a state (Folks this is not only zero transparency or cooperation with the States its exactly akin to Barack's failures to try to communicate/work with the Republicans in Congress which is too much of another seems like we live in Barackland rather then the United States of America!).  And the poor kids which seem to be used during the worst times in their lives for some kind of Political gain and Theater seems like icing on the cake. 

What is needed follows:  1.  Emergency action by the congress to improve the law which would allow treatment of non-Mexican or non-Canadian illegal immigrants the same as Mexican and Canadian immigrants.  2.  Secure the border.  I am sorry I do not believe the Texas governors plan is enough.  I want the border secure so no out of their mind Middle East Terrorist with a nuclear weapon become one of the Insurgents crossing our Southern border illegally.  We must be safe and by the way, that solves the external illegal immigrant problem.

Shame, shame, shame on our current administration for its errors seem to be never-ending and often times disastrous while concomitantly leaving us in a far worse position then we were in before anyone ever considered Barack as a viable candidate such as in Iraq, Syria, allowed ISIS, Egypt, Jordon, Libya especially Benghazi, Israel, the Ukraine, all those in Eastern Europe who no longer have any protective missile shield against Russian aggression, the Sudan, Nigeria and spreading throughout Africa, Afghanistan, and now the US Southern Border to cause disorganization in communities around the Republic, to only name a few.

Folks we need help and the Congress better act soon on a number of fronts.  Lets start next week with a new motivation to change our nation back to the great republic she was prior to all this progressive democrat incompetence, inaction, the wrong actions and nonsense. the little guy fights back for you 7/13/14

ONE POLICY DECISION BARACK MADE THAT WAS GOOD"Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin

Well folks to be fair, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu went out of his way to point out that Barack Obama's team cooperating with Russia and did work out the correct agreement relative to Syrian Chemical WMD's albeit this editor opined this solution (Here at the Journal over and over again until Putin rather then Obama picked it up!  Simply look up the date and drop down until you find the correct data) three weeks before Putin claimed it was his idea!  In any event, folks this is the road map for Iran yet as the Prime Minister pointed out, there is much work ahead to achieve such a rational and responsible Iranian Nuclear Policy. 

Well there you have it, this Sunday the 13th day in July in the year of our lord 2014, it took the Prime Minister of Israel to come up with a policy decision President Obama made which was correct and successful relative to its intent. the little guy fights back for you 7/14/14

BARACK TOPS PINOCCHIO AS THE GREATEST STORYTELLER AS A SUBJECT TO PONDER THIS SUNDAY THE 13TH OF JULY Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin

Folks have you even pondered to what degree Barack, the Progressive Democrats, Hillary Clinton and the rest "really" love our nation?  With the world ablaze questioning those that have sidestepped our constitution, our supreme court, tried to overthrow our three check system for absolute Dictatorship like Presidency would seem prudent at least for discussions sake?  With the  world and our southern border ablaze , whose job performance would you review?  Those in power; the Progressive Democrats in the White House, the Senate, the House and the Supreme Court. 

Do you really think Barack loves our nation when you consider Ambassador Steven's requests for ample security were denied, he should have never been sent into harms way absent ethical, rational and responsible protections in play but was nevertheless and absent said protection sent into harms way needlessly relative to the cost of a heinous death at the hands of al-Qaeda, and our nation failed to put up a 100 percent effort in rescuing them?  Horrible!  I opine the belief the US is not exceptional spewed the absence of response.  Thus it was a hidden problem of the progressives character and not a real problem which precluded giving an all-American try at the prophylactic protections all average Americans would assume would be in place or the rescuing of the abandoned Benghazi Americans.  It was so idiotic one must question how much thought or how much did folks really care about doing a good job at that time?

Do you really think Barack demonstrates a love for our nation as he created a FIRST OF ITS KIND IN THE ENTIRE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES AND THE COLONY'S (400 YEARS!) bait/lure foreign children to our nation only to be raped or beaten on the way, travel through unsanitary conditions and catch and then bring each others diseases to spread to innocent law abiding citizens?  Folks as this Catastrophic human Barack Obama US Bait and Switch trafficking tragedy continues (Unbelievable folks) Barack remains steadfast at failing to secure our border and send the poor kids home to their families and familiar environments after American Health Care services?  To cause such a massive influx of ill-trained, ill-equipped folks most of whom cannot speak the language and half dead or raped by the savage trek through Mexico while simultaneously taking away from you, your children, the poor, our weak, our helpless, our struggling Americans often stressed to live from pay check to pay check, the funds we have and then suddenly Barack finds a new and additional way to drain funds creating a further scarcity of jobs and money in circulation, IS heartless and could perhaps create the environment for the next great Depression.  It only makes sense.  And this all should have been predicted as it is really oh so easy to predict this mess with the actions taken by this administration over the last couple of years or so.  This is not only awful governance, the damage being noticed from all aspects of the responsibilities of the executive branch bring such action into question as suspect on intent.  Is there an intent to hurt America and her closest allies?  Leaks put the US signaling no resistance to Russia to invade Crimea and Iran to send Hamas at Israel.  And of course now that has to be investigated.  Or is it a massive series of coincidences?  All actions taken by Barack or his inactions and leaving for a Fundraiser every time a catastrophe occurs has repeatedly caused harm to our nation and our interests!  Do you yearly believe that someone who loves America would allow this?  To put it simply if there are not enough jobs in play today, how does increasing those out of work by huge numbers help all folks find a job?  It makes the job market more difficult, increases a drain on our social services as well as our federal and state coffers, so that there is even less help for legal Americans in need.  This seems like folks in charge simply don't give a damn although their speak creates the image or illusion they care?

Do you really think Nancy Pelosi demonstrated a love for America when she tricked those that would still listen to her bait and switch folks, actual bait and switch coming from an elected official, telling you that a bill must be voted on first so that "we the people" and the rest of the legislators could learn what was in it?  Is that a love of America, a love of doing good for America, or a heinous hypocritical example of Sorority over Justice, Sorority over humanity, power and control over creating avenues which would ease the difficulties all of us face?  Clearly she made things much much worse; you can't keep your doctor and you could not keep your insurance plans.  And remember Barack stated you could keep your doctor and your insurance...PERIOD!  Then this week Nancy openly lied and stated a simple Diaphragm option was taken away from women, when this device was never even mentioned nor the topic, proving factually she did create a falsehood to further Sorority over God, her Nation, over the affirmation she took to become a Senator which is an impeachable offense.  She has placed into evidence that that truth matters not in the Progressive Democrat World!  Do you really think folks who teach manipulate the citizens at all costs demonstrates a love for this nation?  Really?  Or is it they use this nation to further their own egregious secret needs.  Too many coincidences.  Folks are wising up.

Do you really think Barack demonstrated a love of country and our citizenry when he threw out the very meaning and reasons our sons and daughters fighting in Wars for us; now dead and maimed Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan who surged and won your safety and won the relative peace in those nations, only to be thrown away like used tissue paper; he indeed threw the American Baby and Spirit out with the bathwater?  Do you really think Barack demonstrated a love of our nation placing us in direct peril from Insurgents coming across our Southern border with the intent to destroy us sooner rather then later?  Do you really think placing "we the people" in this catch 22 of insurgents coming into the homeland with their own terrorist designs, a demonstration of a love of country? 

Let me ask you another obvious question about Benghazi?  Do you really think Barack demonstrated a love of country when Ambassador Chris Stevens et al were heinously attacked and murdered and that afternoon Barack left to go to a fund Raiser with all the photo ops as a lure for campaign contributors in Los Vegas?  Really?

Do you really think Barack demonstrated a love of country when Russia attacked Crimea and Barack took off for to a DNC fundraiser with all his photo opportunities to lure donors?  Really?

Do you really think Barack demonstrated a love of country when ISIS attacked Mosel, and rather then saying enough was enough, he went to Laguna Beach to attend another fund raiser?  Do you really think these last three are coincidences?  Do you?  If so, I would opine you have a problem noticing the simplest things in life.

Zero demonstration of love of country but 100% dedication to continue Democrat Rule knowing Sorority trumps what is good for the nation, our citizenry, or the world as look at all the horrible world chaos which directly resulted either after a Barack speech, withdrawal of American presence, or Barack's switching sides against Israel in favor of terrorists groups such as Hamas or Hezbollah evidenced by his financing for all intent and purposes the rocket attacks.  America is paying a salary to Hamas for its time and effort to attack Israel while Iran provides the missals!  Do you really think that violating the affirmation to further American interests and doing business in any way with Terrorist organizations is not an impeachable event?  Let us hope our nation switches back to the side of the just.  Do you really think backing or even negotiating with Hezbollah or Hamas, Terrorist groups dedicated to the death of a race of people, demonstrates a love for our nation?  CONGRESS MUST PULL THE PLUG ON FUNDS FOR THE TERRORIST GROUP HAMAS once and for all.

Do you really think Barack demonstrated a love of country as our southern border is now proven to be overrun by disease, individuals from banned terrorist nations known to be crossing our southern border probably to prove they could supply a dirty weapon to a catalogued US citizen infiltrator, and his not visiting the scene of the crimes, our Texas Mexico border in lieu of a political fund raiser again demonstrated a love of country?  Do you really?  In your hearts do you really?

I must ask my liberal friends who are plentiful in the neighborhood as well as my friends at NBC, CBS and ABC, are these the choices you voted for and have obviously been manipulating for?    What kind of choices are these?  As the nation experiences more and more uncertainty because there is a vacuum at the level of our office of the President (FOR ALL INTENT AND PURPOSES MISSING IN ACTION USUALLY FOR A FUND RAISING PHOTO OPPORTUNITY TO LURE POLITICAL DONORS) and further NO LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD, and as Barack abandoned that which he never understood and may never understand due to some blind dislike for various aspects of our government, our constitution, and our way of life, IT SHOULD MAKE CLEAR how the choices made by Progressive Democrat leadership during this cycle, only make American life more difficult and filled with tumult? 

No folks, all other Presidents tried to grow in the office and to become the person required to fill the greatness of a President of these once united, United States of America.  Why even Red state Blue State shtick was indeed shtick as he has divided and continues to divide the nation with every speech.  In fact Pelosi, Reid, Obama and Clinton are very divisive and demonstrated an all out war against conservative values blinded by the "ra ra" of Sorority or Party over spending the little precious time in offices to serve the people, and abandoned the people as Clinton and Barack did in Benghazi, as our own VA had and from all reports continues to abandon those in most need of life saving services, as WELL AS the EPA and other Agencies proven to hurt various sectors of society needlessly and have violated requirements for mandatory record keeping; and too much more!  Is this love of freedom and equal justice for all?  Is this the same degree of love of nation that you feel?  I wonder?

Never in this nations history has there been such a massive amount of Higher Court decisions reversing legal wrongs done by the executive branch.  And all this waste of their and our time, become mistakes against the nation, and crimes against those that were supposed to have been served.  High mistakes are not bank robbery but more of abandoning Israel by stating they would be willing to negotiate with the terrorists on Israel's behalf?  Really.  If bombs were being lobed from Mexico and Canada against "we the people" at that point would survival be paramount or trying to make deals with Terrorist factions while you die?  Of course we always separate out the moderates from the crazies during unethical wars such as declared by Terrorist organizations Hezbollah or Hamas.  They must be defeated, so the folks in the neighborhoods of Gaza would never again be asked to stand in the way of weapons fire aimed at evilly employed weapons systems.  Israel, left alone would be freeing the good people of Gaza if nothing else.  Barack is so wrong and on such important matters and heart felt matters to our nation, that it is becoming a matter of national security; multiple terrorist threats from multiple nations growing while our illegal immigration attitude is one of inviting the insurgent terrorists to make the effort to cross our southern border. 

But what I don't get is Hillary standing silently by in all this.  She and Bill were looking awfully bad after their scandals and then the Impeachment hearings, but on one of the last trips to Jerusalem Israel, standing one night at Ceremony, "we the people" did see a new light shinning a countenance down on her face, and the world took notice.  I believe she has abused the gift she was given that day and will pay somehow.  But I can't believe she of all folks has been silent while Israel is being destroyed.  Why can't folks dedicated to simply loving God, be left to be free and then solve the social ills of society which is a normal process for societies.  But to be attacked simply because one lives must end, for it is the same plague which has persecuted any and all peoples since the inceptions of thinking mankind; radical racismTERRORISM, TERRORISTS AND TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS AND NATIONS IF BARACK SO ALLOWS MUST BE ERADICATED AT ALL COSTS FOR CIVILIZATION TO SURVIVE.

Of course once a war is won (so it potentially ends forevermore), avenues of creating a melting pot as we have done in these United States occurs.  Folks "we the people" were and still are the great historical example, that Barack and the Progressives ignore on their quest to change "all that was good" about America into some kind of loony Marxist Regime.  The US is an example of good mankind can create if simply given a chance to self govern, given the freedoms of religion, and given the tools to correct mistakes of wrongheaded elected officials, and are a direct result of our Constitutional system of government with all three branches working in harmony. 

With much of the business of our nation ignored for what is wrongfully perceived as "the greater progressive democrat good" of creating more Democrat voters and money,  truly the unspoken most hidden truth of all appears to be at least up to this point, to hell with the United States order of business, her citizenry's future and their children's children's futures, and to hell with United States allies and friends to be.  If your not a convicted anarchist or anarchical supporter against our constitution, then you are unwelcome into today's US life and politics.  If you love God, Christianity and as it is now appearing Jewish life around the globe, you will not be welcome in the Progressive new order .  And if it only seems this way to most folks perhaps it is time to eliminate all these new inequities and take real action steps to secure our nations borders, eliminate ISIS, eliminate Hamas and Hezbollah, help the world free Crimea, eradicate world terrorism, terrorist organizations or any wood be terrorist nations, create Energy Independence for our Republic, bring home world manufacturing for the new cheep energy and tax incentives by hiring legal American workers only, a rebuilding of our nations total infrastructure from the new tax wealth generated by the 1 million new jobs from the energy independence and from the new tax wealth generated from the new industry resulting from our nations total Energy independence.

From the wealth we could generate from my tips we could then go about the order of all the humanitarian and philanthropic needs and desires the majority of Americans would wish for.

Folks of Hispanic origin should study the Democrats more closely as there could be a bias against your Christ and perhaps you are more conservative then you realizePerhaps we should have listened to those that warned us back in 2010?

Is it even reasonable that our White House never sees the problems which face our nation coming? Is it reasonable that every problem which faces our nation is learned about through the News Papers by our executive branch?  Is it reasonable that we must always lead from behind the eight ball?  How many coincidences does it take to form a pattern even much of the liberal public can recognize?  Do you really think that love of country by Barack has been demonstrated by all the coincidences that no other president in history presented?  Do you really?  Or is he a little mixed up perhaps?

Folks of decency "we the people" of these United States have a better way which did lead to tranquility.  But to revert back to horrible existences of the past from other nations and to force such notions upon our government and then the people in lieu of our constitution and three tier check and balance system of the Legislative Brach the Executive Branch and the Judicial Branch constitute a travesty of justice against these United States.  No, love of the US is a love of our constitutional government, a love of our three branch checks and balance system and a love of all the good our nation has done for our world as a result of our traditional American way of life.

Today is it love of country which motivates the Executive Branch to be the supreme sole voce of government in our nation?  Is it love of country to claim the Executive Branch knows better then anyone in the other branches of government or anyone else within the nation?  Is that love of country to DICTATE law and change our laws?  Isn't it out of bounds to run the government antithetical to our constitutionally designed government and in violation of the very precepts which created and preserves our nation?  Do you believe folks love our country when they must violate the constitution in order to service the citizenry as an unchecked supreme governor?

Well folks, I must opine I haven't made up my mind on these questions but since these are the questions most asked by my readers, I thought these should be asked on a Sunday where once upon a time in these great nation, every Sunday in every Church and pew, questions like these were asked and discussed and then spread to the people.  Not the answers but that there are important questions which must be asked, and with each person's asking eventually leads to the majority opinion necessary to save this great nation from a camouflaged tyranny which has attack God, attacked Christianity, and now proves the path leads to attacks against Jews and the nation of Israel, and absent correction, eventually these paths lead to attacks against you.

Let this editor know your opinions and may you all have a blessed Sunday of rest and repose. the little guy fights back for you - 7/13/2014.

PROBABLE DEMOCRAT SPIN ON BERGDAHL, BAGHDADI AND THE GETMO 5  "Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin

Has anyone noticed how the left with a loser (Barack lost the War in Iraq folks and doomed us to be exactly where we are) turned it into a winner and again Bush was to blame for related ills?    President Obama was elected and promised to examine and change anything President Bush did that was wrong.  President Bush did sign a soon to be defunct agreement as you will see, the Status of Forces Agreement which required the US to turn over all prisoners to the custody of Iraq's criminal system as brilliantly negotiated by the Bush administration in 2008.  However once Barack took over, there was no Status of Forces Agreement as Barack would not leave first 20,000 US troops, then the negotiation was 10,000 troops but Barack only offer a bit of 3,000, Iraq refused the deal, and Obama pulled out. 

Please remember Army Col. Kenneth King, the former commander of Camp Bucca indicated Baghdadi was handed over to Iraqi justice system late in 2009 shortly before Camp Bucca closed.  It was the Obama Defense Department that said Baghdadi was released in 2004.  Folks with Barack's track record do you believe one of Barack's agencies (Remember the VA Folks, Remember IRS said they would turn over all the Emails and almost one year later...- Don't get fooled again...The Who), or do you believed the Camp Commander who is now under so much attack by the left he has gone into seclusion?  Do you?  Get it yet?  Too many famous folks have bit the bullet for Barack and the bucks stops here.  If one of our government famous folks claims something, the Burdon of proof is on the proponent and it is up to the Government to prove itself correct.  It sure is convenient for Barack that the commander of Camp Bucca remembers one thing and when asked for clarification, Barack's Defense Department came up with its Bush's fault.  I want hard copy documented proof which only Barack's Defense Department can produce. I want verified forensic evidence with the likes of the greatest fairytale speak executive branches in US history.  And the only one with the forensic evidence is Barack's Defense Department.  Until such examination, facts are not in evidence and there are two sides to this story.

Thus if we go with Col. King then it is perfectly clear that what President Bush negotiated was moot as Barack tried to get his nutty way, the Iraqis knew 3,000 troops compared to what Iran was offering would be nothing, and Iraq threw in with the likes of Iran who promised so much more.  Now, reports Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was released in 2004 are meaningless as he was captured in 2005.  Second of all, once the agreement fell apart and we lost our Iraq Base option, Barack ran on that he would examine what Bush had done and change it.  But he didn't.  Get it.  He broke yet another campaign promise.  Now you can't have it both way's.  Either you give Bush the credit for what he negotiated and the US thought we had, or you state the release of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was under Obama's watch, he failed to change anything and in fact if giving up, turning tale and running and while running shrink the US armed forces to levels pre World War II, thus Obama made us weak while withdrawing and giving back all the US gains our heroic dead and wounded blood and treasure purchased.  Friends I have an antique bridge for sale for 5 Million dollars and expect payment from you sight unseen now; not right?  I don't care what the press, Internet or Cable claim, I don't care what Encyclopedia produced by liberals opines and so forth, those that get these facts wrong are directly responsible for aiding and abiding the enemy.  And folks better start getting it right if we want our nation to survive the inevitable attempt by terrorists to nuke our grand Republic and her citizens.  Hello!  Get the facts right and survive.  Get them wrong and bye bye

I stand firm on understanding the facts as they exist until the time Barack's Defense Department releases documents proving Baghdadi's release date, and I will not blame poor now brow beaten Bush for something which was changed and we ended up without a protection of our armed forces should we leave them in Iraq.  No matter what, Barack lost the war and we are exactly where we should be do to Barack's actions and inactions when action was indicated.

Thus no true Bush negotiated Status of Forces Agreement, and thus while under Barack's WATCH WHICH MOST FOLKS TODAY KNOW IS HE SIMPLY WASN'T PAYING ATTENTION, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi WAS RELEASED, AND BARACK IS THE CAUSE OF THE ISIS TAKE OVER TODAY.  EITHER HE WAS PRESIDENT AT THE TIME OR HE WAS MISSING IN ACTION.  LIKE BERGDAHL.  Birds of a feather folks....  Notice Bergdahl and Baghdadi have eerily similar sounds.  Barack and his birds of a feather flock together gang.

If the Defense Department releases proof to the contrary, then it is only a coincidence that Bergdahl and Baghdadi were both released and turned out to be the greatest blunders in American Military History coincidently  with the horrifying release of the Getmo 5.  Further a coincidence that absent pressure, the Camp Commander remembered Baghdadi as being released in 2009.  But now under liberal pressure, the poor guy doesn't even know what time it is!  I would bet you dollars for donuts that someone who looked like Baghdadi, and whose named sounded like Baghdadi was released in 2004. 

Now for a side thought.  If Baghdadi was released in 2004 and the Obama CIA failed to learn that releasing Baghdadi spawned the first successful attempt at a Caliphate in modern history, then Barack would be missing in action relative to Foreign Affairs!  Under Barack Obama's watch ISIS went from a bad dream to a reality spanning two large Middle Eastern Countries!  Further, if Baghdadi was released in 2004, then with experience Barack Obama should have known better then releasing the Getmo 5.  Heck we have real world evidence of how catastrophic it has become in Syria and Iraq.  No, Intelligence circles being what they are, it is even more realistic to place Baghdadi's release in 2009 which gives some credence to notions that they were in a vacuum and even Israeli Intelligence didn't know about ISIS?  Folks we the people would have to be fools to believe that.  Unless of course we have no acting President which in that case would give another reasonable explanation for world events.

I hope this clears up all the haze .  Folks can't you see the world wide chaos Barack Obama has caused?  In power for only 6 years and America goes from the most powerful and respected nation on the globe, to one which just underwent a Military vasectomy while having to cope with world wide terrorism and on the rise concomitant with a Terrorist Nation State built on Sharia Law, and dedicated to our nations destruction, concomitant with emboldening Russia to act like NAZI Germany and start concurring innocent folks and carving up Eastern Europe again, while China hints it may act evilly and attack innocent Japanese concerns while North Korea and Iran develop there long distance nuclear weapon systems while threatening our nation and Israel the entire time.  Way to go Barack!

Until the final proof comes in that's the way the world works this July in the year of our lord 2014 in the United States of America. the little guy fights back for you 7/8/14


There is no greater waste in Washington then having witnessed the Democrats from the President down to their pundits in the press, witnessed as a smack down of President Obama's recess appointments, a smack down on the Democrat War against Religion evidenced by the Hobby Lobby victory, smacked down Democrats in Illinois so they can't rob or tax folks on their welfare suffrage and then giving said funds to a Union or smacked down Democrat buffer zones for Abortion Clinics, smacked down Democrats fraudulent claim of a war against women by anyone other then themselves when it was revealed Mrs. Hillary Clinton used lies, deceit, and harassment of a FEMALE CHILD rape victim in order to get a guilty male rapist off Scott free, a peoples smack down as Democrat Leadership caused the middle east to implode to where the rule of law, something which has had the greatest minds in history help mold it has been democratically destroyed by evil death squads causing beheadings, crucifixions, the wholesale capture and rape then resale of females throughout the middle east and Africa proving yet again the true WORLD WAR AGAINST WOMEN WAS AND CONTINUES TO BE CAUSED BY DEMOCRATS albeit done consciously or unconsciously, Democrats threw out all the gains made of lost blood and treasures in Iraq throwing DEMOCRAT WASTE into the faces of the parents of US Veterans for the first time in our nations history, and a smack down of the notion that Democrats are even good for our nation during this cycle!  Just as it was logical to elect an African American to the office of the Presidency to demonstrate we are all equal in American it is logical to elect someone of a more conservative party simply to try to bring balance and harmony back to our spiraling out of control nation.  Clearly democrat politics creates a waste of all of our time, taxes, blood and treasure.  Barack will waste more of your time and money unless you can delineate the very complex details of the most important issues which face our nation.  You know, stuff I write about all the time.

Folks when the truth is discussed I would personally want to be anything but a Democrat these days because an honest democrat would admit the supremely embarrassing truth.  And it is anything but American to continue down the wrongheaded road the democrats have put us on or for them to continue to live out their now famous play, "Denial".  Democrats have wasted six years with their  anti-progress.  Benghazi, VA abandonment, Fast and Furious, IRS Targeting, releasing the top command and control terrorists which costs the United States trillions to capture and take off the streets of our world, only to see them take over Iraq and Syria to create a new nation (CREATE A NEW TERRORIST NATION-WAY TO GO BARACK?1  HELLO...FROM MY TRUTH TO YOUR TRUTH CAN'T YOU SEE HOW BAD THE DEMOCRATS HAVE BEEN FOR OUR NATION THIS CYCLE?.) known as ISIS and giving a new beating heart and brain to the Taliban.  Making heroes out of deserters and making criminals out of war heroes rotting in jails at every turn (Mexico for example).  Major crimes against America?  Why?  Can any of you remember Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama telling Mrs. Smith their son died due to a YouTube Video-EYE TO EYE?  Folks the truth is the Democrat leadership has ripped the heart, strength and spirit out of our military, injured military veterans, families of our military and injured veterans, innocent Christians minding their own business for the lords sake, guilty of simply wanting to get involved in their own party, folks at Embassy's around the globe wondering if they will be lost to another Benghaz-911-like Terrorist Catastrophe, old folks living in border states worrying about kidnappings and international mafia muscle infiltrating the border states, catastrophic proportions of illegal immigrant children who will never get the types of care needed and as a result of a Benghazi like lack of preparedness when they should have known and thus our borders have been overstretched beyond any ethical, rational or responsible capacityLuring such immigrants with promises of hope but with the deliverance of child rape, disease and illegal entry and the absence of a coherent foreign policy where after six years surly the plan should have been employed and accordingly the world would be in harmony, all proves abandonment of the responsibilities of the office of the President done unconsciously or consciously.  Democrat waste folks, Democrat waste.

The problem of being the party of lies, suppression of the truths when the truths were known/Benghazi fraud and "you must pass a bill to know what's in a bill", are words that may win debate points but when no one and I mean no one believes the person or persons any longer, the points are heard but discarded because folks simply can't stomach much more of the chaos Democrat leadership has brought to our nation, our border nations, Democrat induced world wide chaos.  Look at Iraq.  Look at Syria.  Look at Crimea.  Look at Benghazi Libya.  Look at female children kidnapped and sold into slavery in Nigeria.  Look at our own US borders!  Democrat waste is everywhere in our world today.  Democrat waste.

On the foreign front much of the problem was caused by the vacuum Barack Obama created.  But to make matters worse Barack Obama aided by Hillary allowed the Russian-Syrian-Iran axis to take over, which common sense would dictate then let Russia go in and clean out the terrorists since they took over as any military actions we take with the Russian-Syrian- Iranian axis will be highly spied upon to learn how to defeat our weapon systems, our airpower, our command and control, our codes, our manners of battle strategy all handed over on a silver platter by Barack Obama.  Remember how mysteriously under Barack's watch a drone was gifted to the Iranians.  And now isn't it interesting how their drowns mimic our drowns in real action in Iraq?  Done consciously or unconsciously, Barack Obama and the democrats are making it almost impossible for us to win a world war if we were attacked.  It is as if they are purposely causing our "metal to rust"!  You see done purposely by them is for reasons they won't tell us but the result is Democrat waste folks.  A total waste of your votes, your time, your hopes and dreams for your nation, a wasting away of our military, our VA, our influence in the world today.  Democrat waste folks, Democrat waste.

Lying for six years creates the problem that folks just can't trust a democrat to secure the border if they say they will, to create oil independence if they say they will, to increase jobs by creating a positive business atmosphere as they proved almost an enemy to the business world, and thus, no matter what they say, who in their right minds would believe them?  This is a problem which the Democrats created and is fascinating to ponder on this weekend celebration of the birth of our nation.  Yes a birth of liberty, freedom and real democracy yet today we have Democrats loyal to any proposition which destroys our true history in our history books, which destroys the subject of civics for our elementary and junior high students, a Democrat party which attacks Christians and weakens any of our allies who must defend themselves against world terrorism or the Russian-Syrian-Iranian axis of evil.

And I say to you that government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish and if abandon all of the democrat poppycock we have endured over the last six years, and brick by brick work with all that will come round to help rebuild American in her own image, and not the backwater Marxist image of America formed in terrorists nations from Africa .  You see Barack and others like Bill Ayers think freedom comes at no cost.  They don't get that for men to be free sometimes one must fight for it.  And suddenly all of Bill Ayers and Barack Obama's and others entire world begins to collapse in on itself which folks understand the true costs of freedom.  Barack is smarter then Ayers, and he can learn.  That doesn't mean from his history he will do what he says he will do.  And remember folks won't listen to those who have made so many broken promises any longer as Democrat waste is being realized by more and more folks from all walks of American life and from all age groups.

That one man will defend all men and that all men will defend the one man is often the cost of freedom which then begins to build layers as each generation contributes to make the nation stronger and more able to end a threat quickly which only overwhelming strength brings to the battle.  And that Barack and the Democrat methods have so weakened our nation, other nations, hell bent on Terrorism or conquest of its neighboring nations, feel a new freedom to act badly if you will, now that Barack Obama has withdrawn the US Military and downsized the US Military knowing it would take much much longer to respond to a threat.  Democrat waste and abuse folks.

The weakening of our nations own borders to borders we fought with all our might to build and protection in both Iraq and Afghanistan almost demonstrate that the person running the show is the wrong person for the job and should be replaced.  What was perceived as wrongheaded  actions by folks now remind me of those with all the oars in the water which on the surface seems alright but in reality some of the oars are defective causing almost savants like retards camouflaged in grace and liberal education.  That in and of itself is a scary prospect as some of these folks are running high level government offices.  And what have they produced in six years?  Democrat waste.

For what ever reason, the results we live with today are too sobering to trust the office of the Presidency or a Senate opening for that matter to Democrats with any notions similar to those progressive Democrat principals which has so injured a generation of our youths by their tricked out liberal education, abandoned those that have served in our military, an abandonment of most Americans as they or their relatives immigrated to our nation legally which is considered a joke to be laughed at by Democrats today and a Democrat weakening of the very fabric which had made our nation great; that great fabric of mankind after they all arose out of the melting pot called America prior to Barack Obama's term as president.

On this great weekend which brought us the birthday of the greatest nation in mankind's experiential existence, ponder America's world status before Barack Obama and with Barack Obama for this weekends Sunday time for repose'.  For if you be truthful to yourself, it may well be time to ignore or humor the Democrats while the rest of us get on with the order of business.  We must go out onto the people and for at least the next four years get folks from all walks of life to support the conservative causes which by the end of the story, all add up to a stronger, healthier, oil independent, and homeland manufacturing rebirth concomitant with a re-building of our armed forces past tense set of polices.  We change from Democrat waste to Constitutional Conservative action, production, and growth in all sectors of our economy, world affairs, and new rules and penalties for those who take an affirmation to lead us and violate any constitutional rules of law.

Lets all join hands for the project rebuild America at home and our image around the globe through images like those of Ronald Reagan, John F. Kennedy, Ike, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Ben Franklin and the rest of the patriots, for if we emulate our greatest patriots, we will most assuredly be back on the right road for a successful America.  Happy Sunday the 6th, folks, and lets have a great new patriotic life beginning with the up coming week.  May the lord continue to bless America. the little guy fights back for you 7/6/14


I wish all Americans a Happy 4th of July, as we celebrate our nations birth day.  Happy Birthday America. 7/4/14

SECRETS OF THE SECRET SERVICE-WHAT KESSLER THINKS OF THE PRESIDENTS HE SERVED AND MORE "Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin

Interesting snippets from Ronald Kessler's book about our presidents.


A philanderer of the highest order.  She ordered the kitchen help to save all the left-over wine during a State dinner, mixed it with fresh wine and served again during the next White House occasion.


Another philanderer of the highest order.  In addition, LBJ was as crude as the day is long. Both JFK and LBJ kept a lot of women in the White House for extramarital affairs and both had set up early warning systems to alert them if/when their wives were nearby. Both were promiscuous and oversexed men.

She was either naive or just pretended to not know about her husband's many liaisons.

A "moral" man but very odd, weird, paranoid. He had a horrible relationship with his family and was almost a recluse.

She was quiet most of the time.

Nice, decent man. Everyone in the  Secret Service was surprised by his downfall.


A true gentlemen who treated the Secret Service with respect and dignity.  He had a great sense of humor.  

She drank a lot!


A complete phony who would portray one picture of himself to public and very different in private e.g. would be shown carrying his own luggage but the suitcases were always empty.  He kept empty ones just for photo ops.  He wanted people to see him as pious and a non-drinker but he and his family drank alcohol a lot! He had disdain for the Secret Service and was very irresponsible with the "football" with nuclear codes.  He didn't think it was a big deal and would keep military aides at a great distance.  Often did not acknowledge the presence of Secret Service personnel assigned to serve him.

She mostly did her own thing.

The real deal, moral, honest,  respectful and dignified.  They treated Secret Service and everyone else  with respect and honor, thanked everyone all the time. He took the time  to know everyone on a personal level. One favorite story was early in his Presidency when he came out of his room with a pistol tucked on his  hip. The agent in charge asked: "Why the pistol, Mr. President?"  He replied, "In case you boys can't get the job done, I can help."  It was common for him to carry a pistol.  When he met with Gorbachev, he had a pistol in his briefcase. 
She was very nice but very  protective of the President and the Secret Service was often caught in  the middle.  She tried hard to control what he ate. He would say to the  agent, "Come on, you gotta help me out."  The Reagan's drank wine during State dinners and special occasions only otherwise they shunned alcohol.  The Secret Service could count on one hand the times they were served  wine during family dinner.  For all the fake bluster of the Carters, the Reagan's were the ones who lived life as genuinely moral people.

Extremely kind and considerate, always respectful. Took great care in making sure the agents' comforts  were taken care of. They even brought them meals.  One time she brought warm clothes to agents standing outside at Kennebunkport. One was given a warm hat and, when he tried to say "no thanks" even though he was  obviously freezing, the President said "Son, don't argue with the First Lady.  Put the hat on." He was the most prompt of the Presidents.  He ran  the White House like a well-oiled machine.

She ruled the house and spoke her mind.
Presidency was one giant party.  Not trustworthy.  He was nice mainly because he wanted everyone to like  him but to him life is just one big game and party.  Everyone knows about  his sexuality.
She is another phony.  Her personality would change the instant cameras were near.  She hated with  open disdain the military and Secret Service.  She was another who felt people were there to serve her.  She was always trying to keep tabs on Bill Clinton.

An egotistical ass who was once overheard by his Secret Service detail lecturing his son that he needed to do better in school or he would end up like these guys, pointing to the agents.

The Secret Service loved him and Laura Bush.  He was also the most physically in shape who had a very strict workout regimen. The Bushes made sure their entire administrative  and household staff understood that they were to respect and be considerate of the Secret Service.*
She was one of the nicest First  Ladies, if not the nicest.  She never had any harsh word to say  about anyone.

Clinton all over again - hates the military and looks down on the Secret Service.  He is egotistical and cunning.  He looks you in the eye and appears to agree with you but turns around and does the opposite.  He has temper tantrums.
She is a complete bitch who basically hates anybody who is not black, hates the military and looks  at the Secret Service as servants.

A TRUE STORY ABOUT GEN Mc Chrystal's resignation in Obama's office, Worth reading from Gen Mc Chrystal's book! 
NEVER STAND IN LINE AGAIN (Gen. Stanley Mc Chrystal)
Some men carry and handle their diplomacy better than others........

When former U.S. Military commander in Afghanistan, Stanley Mc Chrystal, was called into the Oval Office by Barack Obama, he knew things weren't going to go well when the President accused him of not supporting him in his political role as President.

"It's not my job to support you as a politician, Mr. President, it's my job to support you as Commander-in-Chief," Mc Chrystal replied, and he handed Obama his resignation.  Not satisfied with accepting Mc Chrystal's resignation the President made a cheap parting shot. "I bet when I die you'll be happy to pee on my grave."  The General saluted. "Mr. President, I always told myself after leaving the Army I'd never stand in line again." Norman Udewitz  the big guy fights back for you -8-19-2014

LIFE UNDER THE PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRATS IS SAD FOLKS "Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin

A tremendous disservice to our nation has plagued Ferguson because folks are hot under the collar for things which MAY HAVE never occurred.  Thus far the President hurt the cause of truth, justice and the American way but I don't think he knew what he was doing.  Barack and Eric are as lost as the average person and they have no answers because their preconceived notions were dead wrong.  Preconceived notions on life or how normal folks felt about folks of color.  Many of us had girl friends or boy friends of color once in our lifetimes, but never knew how much evil was in the minds of some powerful Black folks and the nth degree of wrongful paranoia they apparently lived with.  They were wrong but I feel their pain because they carried around this horrible Burdon that never existed in reality, but in their minds was pain of living under notions which did not exist in the minds of folks who were looking them square in the eye.  It's sad folks , its sad. 

Where in the world are we to go now that everything is upside down and headed in all the wrong directions relative to the truth.  Folks in Ferguson who are upset to that n'th degree must understand that if things happened the way a few trouble makers have it I would be made too.  Buuuuuuuuuuut it may not have and the growing body of evidence does not support that narrative.  Lets dissect the YouTube video. 

An on the scene witness said, "I mean, the police was in the truck...and he was, like, over the truck,...So then he ran, police go out and ran after him.  The next thing I know, "something and I think" he comes back towards them....The police had his guns drawn on him (It is what it is folks and sorry it was difficult for me to understand the tape completely).  Now during the explanation you could hear a women and one man taking excerpts from what this man just explained.  As soon as he finished rather then repeating whoa he turned and attacked the police the women and the man left out the facts and said "oh the police shot him", and you can hear them telling the story they wanted it to be rather then what they just learned.  They are frauds but are the best example of how this whole thing could have started.  Then you have Mikes accomplice in Robbery hearing the false narrative and then taking it to an extreme.  The situation is horrible.  Just horrible.

Folks life has been bad for Afro-Americans in Missouri because it has a megalomaniac for a Governor.  Do you know he tried and convicted the all alone Police officer, who had risked his life for the last six years by simply being a peace officer who must often go into situations no one else would go into.  Tried and convicted by an elected official.  Mr. Nixon is on in violation of the affirmation he took to be Governor and has committed high crimes and misdemeanors as defined by the founding fathers and not Mr. Nixon's manipulable law to suit Mr. Nixon's wants.  Caligula Nixon.  This is all horrible for the great state of Missouri and now a blemish against its highest office in the land.  Caligula Nixon wants to be popular over the affirmation he took to be a Governor.  Yes he tried to sway the Grand Jury through the media, or so it would seem to any thinking folks.  He speaks and then the Jury convenes!

No matter what, it is imperative that we have to find a way for folks to get along with one another, and somehow rescue that poor suburb.  It may not be the same for a long time and folks, how in the world will you ever get the hate out of those folks even if they find out they were wrong.

Clearly I have not made up my mind as evidenced by the changes you will note in my witnessing the facts as they have come in.  My greatest fear now is that Justice will not be served.  the little guy fights back for you 8/19/14 


Well folks after listening to all the hate and all vial lynch mob mentality it is now clear what life would have been like in the old west were the rule of law was weak.  Clearly even Democrat pundits call for a lynching rather then justice.  The entire Ferguson affair has become sickening.  Don't you wish we had another Wyatt Earp as town Marshal and Ronald Reagan as President.  This would all stop.

I feel that anyone who supports the continuing lynch mob mentality should be arrested themselves.  This morning my fiancé had one of the FIVE on and shame shame on him.  He was ready to lynch the poor officer who will never get a fair trial now in Ferguson which is odd as this unnamed member of the Five had been showing some maturation of late but perhaps the excitement got the best of him.  Too many folks made a rush to judgment. 

We need all the facts to come in absent the involvement of outsiders.  Finally although the President Called for calm, and is sending down Eric its all for the wrong reasons.  Zero leadership from the top.  President Obama needed to be strong and not washy washy kind of supporting both sides and kind of siding with the Lynch Mob. 

Let us all pray for peace and good will in Ferguson as that is where it all should have started rather then all the Lynch Mob destruction of property and mass scale incivility. the little guy fights back for you 8/19/14

THE CONTINUING SAGA OF BIG MIKE LET HIM REST IN PEACE AND THE DESTRUCTION OF A CITY FOR POSSIBLY NO REASON "Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin

Folks can you name one time when a Chinese man was shot or a White man was shot, and predominantly Chinese or White folks destroyed the city they were in?  Clearly the Obama years have been bad for the American people but especially hard on the Black Community.  Barack is there for them when all they need is talk, or Eric Holder just as he intervened on behalf of the Black Panthers, but the types of change Black folks need Is equal love by other folks from bland skin color to a little orange yet Barack has done a good job in separating out the people and causing them to remain divided.  He has caused Christian and much later Jews to be held in a lower esteem then Terrorists and today he has proven once again to be less then supportive to our Border Patrol, our State and Local Law Enforcement, and of course we know he cut our military down to size of our pre-World War II levels, so he took them on first.  Well we now know a community organizer is much in the way of persuasive talker like Harold Hill in the play The Music Man, with zero in product or productive action, but the soaring rhetoric is the action or so seems the case with mid north westerner Barack Obama.

Well today more sad news relative to the case of Big Mike Brown, let him rest in peace.  It appears that a fellow that looks like its Big Mike, wears a Red hat which looks like what Big Mike was wearing, and shoes which looks like Big Mikes shoes were released to the public with him not only causing a theft, but an unnecessary beating of tiny tiny male store clerk during the mayhem.  If such Bertillon-like objective findings combined with the photographic findings suggest Bit Mike was the dastardly person it would be prudent to match his finger prints so folks like myself will find out the truth.  Clearly the news report that on Big Mikes person were the stolen cigars if true would show a man out for trouble un-afraid of anything, not even a smaller peace officer and with evil intentions 10 minutes before he was spotted walking down the middle of the street, which of course would be someone advertising for a confrontation.  But we don't have the finger prints!  However please note the other fellow on the video again clearly looks like one of those to tell a big tail of what happened. In other words if he was a co-conspirator in the Robbery it would of course benefit him to change the subject to it was all the police departments fault.  This could be a crime covering up other crimes.  But we don't have his finger prints yet to tie him to the horrible robbery save again a video of his twin perhaps aiding the Robbery.

Today while checking out YouTube I listened to one of the Videos which demonstrated a witness who said of Big Mikes demise, "I mean, the police was in the truck...and he was, like, over the truck,...So then he ran, police go out and ran after him.  The next thing I know, "something and I think" he comes back towards them....The police had his guns drawn on him."  It is what it is folks and sorry it was difficult for me to understand the tape completely.

Today the police officer's statement recorded the day of the incident reveals a law enforcement victim, who not only called attention to Big Mikes looking for trouble walking down the middle of the street, which had police cars on it (Folks when I see enforcement on the street or the side of the highway I find it normal to give them a wide birth even if they don't seem to require one.)!  It sounds like Big Mike may have attacked and outmuscled the police man trying to get his gun, now a felony assault crime, and when he failed to get the gun from the peace officer he began to run.  The victimized peace officer true to duty and truly brave pulled himself out of the car and told Big Mike he must stop, which everyone knows would happen if the police are on official business, called him to stop. 

Suddenly according to the peace officer, Big Mike turned and attacked him again.  Afraid for his life, and exercising due diligence he hollered to stop or he would fire yet Big Mike continued to come at him with his head down, and the police officer fired his cylinder or clip, with one of the rounds hitting Big Mike exactly where it would if he was rushing with his head down about level with the officers pistil.  Forensically the remnants are coming together and if the Office's statement is true, we just lost a city, a county and sustained damage to a state, by many lying folk that for some reason or another would wish to attack folks who protect them whether they like them or not, when their back is turned, whether their guard is down, when their are sleeping or come to rescue them if a crime is occurring, the local police department.

I don't know yet who is telling the truth but the forensic evidence, Bertillon-like, photographic, ballistics relative to the deceased and the police officers story now backed up by an independent witness on the YouTube Video for all to see, does paint a picture with many many consistent variables which form a chain link proving what happened; one variable is a witness.  Far more damming then three of the same variables by impeachable witnesses who clearly from all that has been seen thus far appear folks, appear to have it out for the police.  Or so it seems so clearly. 

If the peace officer proves innocent, this event is an indictment of how our President failed to make life easier for our Black neighbors and friends.  And to see that those people may have unnecessarily destroyed their own roots or damaged the image of the great state of Missouri, as well as the reputations of the local Police Chief, the Captain of the State Police, the National Guard, and thank the lord the military wasn't called in because they would blamed them to.  It appears to be another stab into the heart of our innocent republic with of course racism as the blame when it appears to be poverty, a day of troublemaking and a failure to support your local sheriff...or in this case the local Peace Officers.

I still remain open, but forensic evidence once again is proving the truth albeit nowadays in our nation, living in a Progressive Democrat world, I want to see what the truth is worth, again under the current Administration and national temperament.

Let us hope the facts come in sooner rather then much later, so we can not only put this under the bridge and behind us, but join hands together with the conservative folks and finally fight for more jobs, bring home manufacturing, make us energy independent so that all folks, of every color, creed, race and religion can benefit from living in an America which is functioning at its financial potential rather then have a government installed attenuator placed on small business as well as big business and the EPA assault on our ability to have a modern effective efficient cheap energy gridSomething I consider of national importance and part of the national defense but of course I face Barack who wants open borders so the Islamic State or anyone for that matter can freeload onto the US taxpayers dole, as long as you can come here ILLEGALLY.

Illegally = legally somehow to the Progressive Democrats, and it makes things awfully difficult when you have to sort out complex puzzles involving law, justice, human rights and the elimination of terrorism or evil in this Progressive Democrat World

Let us all hope that the lord will continue to bless all  Americans and help us through these most trying of times, perhaps the most trying times in the United States since the great depression. the little guy fights back for you 8/18/14


A Dyslexic man walks into a bra -

I was in in the public restroom
I was barely sitting down when I heard a voice in the other stall:
"Hi, how are you?"
Me: (embarrassed) "Doin' fine!"
Stall: "So what are you up to?"
Me: "Uhhh, I'm like you, just sitting here."
Stall: "Can I come over?"
Me: (attitude) "No, I'm a little busy right now!!"
Stall: "Listen, I'll have to call you back. There's an idiot in the other stall who keeps answering all my questions! -

3 drunk guys entered a taxi. The taxi driver knew that they were drunk so he started the engine & turned it off again. Then said, "We have reached your destination". The 1st guy gave him money & the 2nd guy said "Thank you". The 3rd guy slapped the driver. The driver was shocked thinking the 3rd drunk knew what he did.  But then he asked "What was that for?".  The 3rd guy replied, "Control your speed next time, you nearly killed us!" -

Have a great weeks folks. the little guy fights back for you 8/18/14


Since our world is made up of multiple events which must be handled but which have been neglected by the folks we elect today, lets briefly delve into immigration, the economy, our military, threats against our nation and the civilized world, and perhaps we can come up with a few things we agree on to turn things around and bring us the booming renaissance economy all of us deserve.

Folks lets review the statistics on immigration and damage to our economy and health care system by illegal aliens as it was time to fit it into our Sunday ponderings.

Now I want to make this absolutely clear, the facts show under Barack Obama our economy is in decline .  When the president opened up our nation to accept approximately 50,000 illegal immigrant kids this year, which is the size of a small US town, and next year well over 140,000 kids and on and on it goes, he will be sheltered and protected for the rest of his life by the Secret Service yet you, your children and their children and so forth must fend for them selves in his more global Terrorist infested model with only outdated Marxist values rather then good old American Superpower strength Barack so amply destroyed.  Remember his gutting of our military and leaving us with an enormous national debt, over 10 trillion more then he inherited, has produced the expected weakness    and a continuing weakening unless "we the people" can right this upside down world Barack and the Democrat party produced.  It is impossible for our nation to be as healthy economically or militarily and thus can't easily cope with problems which should have been anticipated.  Barack and the Democrat party appears to have been a complete failure for our nation .

Lets review our economy once again from the most current data we have.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimated that a half a million fewer people then the last report of 1/2 million fewer folks were participating in our labor force giving the false impression that the unemployment numbers dropped to levels which are actually higher then reported.  No one volunteers to fix the faulty math recording but reporting a healthier economy than exists is just one example of weak underpinnings to Barack Obama's and the Progressive Democrat economic plan.

This week Michael Snyder of the Economic Collapse blog noted some interesting correlates to those I posted thus the threat must be seen as real.  We know from above a new stress will be required of the system from Obama's decision to break the law and unwisely break the entire immigration system as our legal program is harsh and extreme compared to our illegal program under Obama.  Real violations of our constitution have occurred and continue.  But combine this fact with the fact that our work force has shrunk as drastically as our Military that there is less access to good jobs in the future for our children.  Joining the military is gaining a patriots job but employ it is.  There is a massive shrinkage of job opportunities under the Progressive Democrat system just as Marxism, Communism and Socialism all proved in the end to construct; a jobless society unable to pay for its entitlements and welfare and then the collapse.  Folks I don't understand why the Republicans can't simply copy my work and others who see the signs of decline and outline the road back and beyond success as illustrated here in the Journal when I take about Oil Independence and the American Renaissance it will produce.

But we have to illustrate that there is a problem because the current Administration is leaving too heavy a Burdon on future governments and our people.  Did you know the four week moving average for mortgage applications just hit a 14 year low, lower then during the worst moments of the 2008 financial crises (Snyder)?  Did you know that there are mass layoffs in the tech industry to the tune of 68 percent ahead of last year's pace (Snyder)?  Now combine that with my research which proves by January of this year we had 92 million folks who waited for work during any unemployment period, could not find work, and thus gave up or some 24 Million out of work as compared to Obama's first year in office of only 2.6 Million out of work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  What he inherited was better then what we have today.  Now that's shocking. 

Snyder warned the same-store sales at Wal-Mart have declined for five quarters in a row and the outlook for the future is dim.  Now combine that with my research which proves over 7 million folks are now paying for their own Medical insurance as apposed to when Barack took office.  Folks lost their employ luxury insurance benefit and now have a new big bill to pay!!!!!!!!!!  Folks don't have enough money to shop even at the best prices.  Folks don't have enough money after their monthly bills and it is showing up as declining sales at Wal-Mart.  These are facts folks showing the economy is weakening.

Forty Percent of all house holds in the United States are currently showing signs of financial stress reported the Federal Reserve (Snyder)!  Folks we already had 1 in 5 of our children living in Poverty and 1 and 6 adults living in Poverty.  What ever fixes there have been are outweighed by folks shrunken income relative to the cost of living.  I expect the poverty numbers to increase and this sign is a big negative for our economy. 

During the last six years Barack Obama has re-allowed the same sort of Toxic loans in housing as Bush had which caused the least recession.  When are folks going to wake up?  During the last administration that formula = depression and Obama gives Toxic loans With almost 50 million folks on food stamps and lets say it was necessary in every case, and the Median House hold income dropping $5,000 per household across the board ($50.964), is not enough to PAY MONTHLY rent, car payments, Edison, Gas, Water, Trash Service, Auto Insurance, Medical Insurance, TV either cable or Satellite, Internet Service cable or Starlight, Food, Gas, Auto maintenance, Lunch breaks from work, MONTHLY CELL PHONE BILLS, bathroom needs such as toothpaste, shaving cream or electric blades and such assorted accoutrements, toilet paper, paper towels, soaps, hair shampoo and cream rinse, cleaning supplies, bug spray if needed, perhaps a student loan which today often causes families to go into bankruptcy. $50,000 could only work if you rotate payments leaving some large bill unpaid every month.  This life under Barack Obama and the Democrat economy is not the American dream or the American Way.  This is not quite living from month to month and its a tough road to hoe.

Look if Barack Obama would have simply had our banks stop accepting Russian credit cards receipts, we would have had a rational policy to hold Russian expansion in check.  But as a result of the conflict in the Ukraine, the United States, Canada and the European Union sanctions on Russia, caused Russia to slapped sanctions in return with the potential to shut down our entire economy if Europe goes down (Snyder). 

Folks US Beef is at 264.00 cents per pound which is up from 107.13 in 2009!!!!!!! 

All of this adds up to a disaster as none of the correct types of jobs are being created.  Barack's EPA has strangled American Business and Industry and green jobs and government jobs don't offer a venue for entrepreneurial success. 

Snyder reported that in one survey 76 percent of Americans do not have enough money saved to cover six months of expenses and combine that with the fact that U.S. homeownership rates have fallen to their lowest level since 1995 all proved the Progressive design for economics is a failure but words don't describe the pain of all the folks across the land.

Sadly down in Missouri, if the guy that looks like Big Mike with the Red hat on like Big Mike's wore and looks like Big Mike, it will prove a horrible side only 10 minutes before his death albeit we have not received the final how it happened or why it happened.  But it would prove his state of mind when he was walking down the middle of the street ten minutes later with his day's booty in his pockets.  If Big Mike is a different fellow then was in the video, how in the world did the day's booty get into Big Mike's pocket as has been reported?  Lets give things time because maybe the reporting is inaccurate.  But poverty is the real culprit.

Thus, the poverty in the nation under Barack Obama has caused irrationality to overcome a common sense approach to improving ones status in life.  I must opine if teenagers like Big Mike had the opportunity to use their incredible strength in pursuits which were legally profitable such as MMA ($100000 per win, $10,000 per loss) for example, professional wrestling, football, it would most probably preclude them from ever being in a similar situation.  But today poverty keeps many many folks too far from the type of good advice which comes from being able to attend a University, or have a job while in High school.  I always had one in Junior High and Senior High and thus could take out a girl every Friday night for Dinner and a Movie which began my weekend.  With the shortage of jobs, folks degenerate and have too much time on their hands.  With such time they can see all the beheadings in Syria and Iraq and again, first the mind is in shock but the sick and weak, in the heat of the moment don't make good decisions.  Which is what happened in Missouri.  Folks, the community reports fear of the law.  And my sources tell me, the police were scarred out of their wits when all the insanity occurred.  We as a people have still not matured.  Thus first and foremost as the big kid in the room it seems I warn you that we must create jobs and opportunities just as in the Plan I sent to Barack in 2010, which was picked up by some in the industry and blossomed in North Dakota and Texas just as I predicted, but we need the million plus jobs that comes with my entire plan.  Of course and again Manufacturing would come from around the globe for cheep energy to lower its production costs concomitant with a tax break for coming home if American and another for hiring legal Americans only would cause the greatest renaissance in this nations history.  And from this progress would come avenues for the Big Mikes and others seemingly a bit lost, to be employed and absent the excess time on their hands for the devil (Weak mind...) to do his devil think.

Remember when Bush was leaving office and the national deficit was 10.2 Trillion?  Well here is our debt thanks to the Democrat Politicians.  National debt          

Finally, there has been an awful amount of craziness on who is causing most of the trouble around the world and an amazing thing just happened.  For the first time the Muslim establishment spoke out against the insane folks who hide and abuse the meaning of being a good Muslim citizen of our world.  Let us review the facts.

Do you remember them?

1. In 1968, Bobby Kennedy was shot and killed by a Muslim male.

2. In 1972 at the Munich Olympics, Israeli athletes were kidnapped and massacred by Muslim males.

3. In 1972 a Pan Am 747 was hijacked and eventually diverted to Cairo where a fuse was lit on final approach and it was blown up shortly after landing by Muslim males.

4. In 1973 a Pan Am 707 was destroyed in Rome with 33 people killed when it was attacked with grenades by Muslim males.

5. In 1979, the US embassy in Iran was taken over by Muslim males.

6. During the 1980's a number of Americans were kidnapped in Lebanon by Muslim males.

7. In 1983, the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut was blown up by Muslim males.

8. In 1985, the cruise ship Achille Lauro was hijacked and a 70 year old American passenger was murdered and thrown overboard in his wheelchair by Muslim males.

9. In 1985, TWA flight 847 was hijacked in Athens and a US Navy diver trying to rescue passengers was murdered by Muslim males.

10. In 1988, Pan Am Flight 103 was bombed by Muslim males.

11. In 1993, the World Trade Center was bombed the first time by Muslim males.

12. In 1998, the U.S. Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed by Muslim males.

13. On 9/11/01, four airliners were hijacked; two were used as missiles to take down the World Trade Centers and, of the remaining two, one crashed into the US Pentagon and the other was diverted and intentionally crashed by the passengers. Thousands of people were killed by Muslim males.

14. In 2002, the United States fought a war in Afghanistan against Muslim males.

15. In 2002, reporter Daniel Pearl was kidnapped and beheaded by, you guessed it, Muslim males.

16. And now, the Boston Marathon bombings?  You’re right --- done by 2 Muslim male brothers!

17.  The most heinous crimes the world can remember since the Nazi's withdrew the male genitalia from living Jewish concentration camp victims and transplanted them onto the bellies of women to see if the male genitalia would work.  Just to see...  They took the teeth and hair from Jewish concentration camp victims for teeth and hair of their dolls which sold in Germany during the Nazi rain.  No, not since the Nazi atheists has there been such horrors and once again, the concept of Allah was taken from the Jewish concept of the Lord most High and thus in the hearts of the people they are the same.  It is blasphemy to claim Islamic Terrorists are doing their terrorist evil for anything other then their own personal insanity.  Folks we know mass insanity can occur as evidenced by what the Nazi's did.  We know what "IS" or the Islamic State will do.  What is an equal crime under US law is to know the murders will occur, live with the knowledge and don't stop it.  Any one who does not speak out to eliminate the Caliphate Terrorists has some responsibility for the evil.  Since the US is the last remaining Superpower it is a crime against humanity and a mockery of the Nobel Peace prize to fail to allow peace a chance and what is the best way to ensure world peace while evil makes war on the innocent?

1.  End the KILLER of peace in Iraq and Syria to start, The Islamic state .  Bring a consensus that anyone who wishes to make change through Terrorism is evil.  Only the peaceful civilized folks are invited to the table.

2.  Bring energy independence to the homeland, rebuild our industrial bases, and create jobs for the American citizen so they can pull themselves up by the boot straps with all the internal unconscious reward that brings.  That is the greatest medicine to produce the happy and stable mind in all folks no matter the color of their skin, or the religion they practice.

3.  Bring the cost of higher education down, end the strangle hold student loans has on all folks alive today and if someone passes the test for bankruptcy by a judge, then the student loan is included as it is not above reason or the wisdom of the law.

4.  See if it is possible to secure the border.  If Congress and the American people feel we have achieved a safe and secure border, then tackle the illegal immigration debacle.

5.  Create a moratorium against unnecessary, frivolous and even low priority spending.  We need to rebuild the Military which if done American only can rebuild our economy through increased industry.  We must agree to cut the deficit and present a roadmap to a balanced budged.  Perhaps the one cent solution where the government cuts one cent out of every dollar of its total spending (excluding interest payments) per year for five years, and then caps overall federal spending at 18 percent of national income from then on.  This will reduce federal spending by a whopping $7.5 trillion over ten years which balances the budget by 2019.  A done deal and a real plan that will work.

Well we covered a lot for our Sunday ponderings, but I will look forward to hearing from you and reviewing again what Sunday repose was meant to be.  A time we can enjoy the world, feel free to practice our faiths, and a time we can jointly discuss all that has transpired during the hectic weeks produced by this most chaotic of times in perhaps our worlds modern (1800-2014) history.  We have monstrous terrorist murdering beheading sex torture and slavery in many many, and too many more nations around the globe filled with evil and all caused by the vacuum created by Barack's harebrained naive view of the world and while living in his dream world pulled necessary and hard fought and earned "inches of soil" where sanity and hope rang out like small but powerful beacons of hope for "all folks that are good" could relay on as America had in Germany and South Korea for example and the wisdom of such prophylaxis protects all good souls and gives them the spirit needed to allow truth and justice to march on.  Barack ruined Iraq and Syria and the blow back has been trouble in Africa, Israel, Syrian and Iraq of course, Libya, Lebanon and Jordon in the immediate future but Barack's vacuum while creating a love affair/10 Billion Dollar Bail Out with and for Iran is causing Qatar to fund world terrorism and is attempting to divide our nation according to "IS", all causing problems eventually for Saudi Arabia, the Arab Emirates, Pakistan, Turkey and eventually India.  Of course when that happens North Korea will start trouble along with China in the manner of Russia.  Lets end the evil doers axis before it begins as the linchpin is the Islamic State, then Syria, Iran , Hezbollah, Hamas , The Muslim Brotherhood , al-Qaeda , Russia and we have turned the world around.  China will want to make money so if we get the rest straightened out, China will be happy to profit from it all as it has patience.

Lets have a great week folks.  G-d Bless. the little guy fights back for you 8/16/2014

HOW MANY FOLKS MUST BE EXTERMINATED MISTER PRESIDENT BEFORE YOU ACT RESPONSIBLY ALTHOUGH YOUR SO HAPPY "Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin

How many folks must die in some heinous way or be displaced, starved, dehydrated, forced under sun backed barren desert under constant threat of death, to walk just a little bit further then what their capable of, before we evacuate them or save them?  1, 2, 10, 100, not 4,500, not 1,100000,000, and just after Mr. Obama said "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED SAVING THE YAZIDIS, today folks, 90 Yazidis were slaughtered mercilessly.  90 men were slaughtered all while Barack is so happy he claimed to save them while Evil is a brewing.  When Barack so loudly SIGNALED we are cutting back that OF COURSE emboldened "IS."

All Barack wants to do is take credit for something, everyday its something else he failed at but reported mission accomplished.  Look how dumb Barack's excuses are.  We saved the Yazidis because their not there..."I'm Barack Obama and mission accomplished; I am the supreme leader from behind who saved the Yazidis, and by the way, I'm so happy"... 

No, because there was no food water or shelter, folks slipped away with their last once of strength.  Would you sit on top of a mountain at 110 degrees in the shade with little in the way of shade?  Of course not.  To announce Mission Accomplished when nothing was accomplished makes me think Barack may have gone too far this time.  90 more special men dead and the wives, sons and daughters taken as sex slaves as reported on the BBC news.  What in the world happened to that guy?  Well less then 24 hours after he claims to the world he saved the Yazidis, 90 husbands were massacred in their trek northwards and read this again folks, dozens of their wives and children were kidnapped for sex slaves, torture and beheadings

What in the world are we going to do with a dishonest reporter standing in as President.  I get he isn't interested but he is nothing like me folks.  So long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth, and it is to the tune of over 1 Million one hundred thousand Christians and other minorities wondering around dazed, confused and displaced after being thrown out of their homes and forced to sign away their deeds, having all their worldly possessions and money taken IS A SIGN TO ACT.  Yet Barack is smiling, and running around happy, he's so happy, happy, he is happy, smiling, golfing, schmoozing, photo ops to lure the innocent to donate funds to the Democrat party, and he's happy, lying to the American People about Benghazi, he's happy, lying about his IRS hit men, he's so happy, lying about Louis Lerner, he's so happy, lying about saving the Yazidis, he so happy, lying to gin up revolt against all that was good in our nation and he's so happy, lying about immigration and how many were detained, how many were released, how many and where are the kids he shipped from pillar to post around the nation absent discussing it with the governors and he's so happy, lies about Fast and Furious and he's so happy, causing many of our children and border patrol to comedown with Tuberculosis, Chagas Disease, Bacterial Pneumonia, Chicken Pox, the Measles and so much more pain and suffering by illness folks did not need but he's so happy misleading the folks on everything including deals with Russia but he's so happy, fundraising exactly when he should be in the oval office due to a world catastrophe affecting the United States and he's so happy, folks have to say Barack Obama is a happy guy.  But anything else "we just don't know because he has lost his trustability".

If there are any real Americans out there lets give an earful to our congressmen and senators while their home so they know exactly what "we the people" expect.  And that is a rational and responsible government never caught lying.  Never.

Our executive branch and the entire progressive democrat bunch has made a horrible mess out of our Health Care, gutted our Military, is leading us to a Market Crash that will make Bush's look tame because this time it will be across the spectrum financial bubble and not just trouble with bank lending practices.  And when folks can't put money in the banks another deep recession begins.  Even Germany is fighting off a possible rescission and with Europe more talk then success, the world is much closer to the brink then it was when Banking Institutions around the globe tried to get away with a fast one which left a happy Barack Obama ready to spend all our nations savings since the time of the President Andrew Jackson Extraordinaire who paid off OUR national debt.  Facts folks only the facts national debt.

Everyone knows the prices for necessary accoutrements of life has gone sky high yet Barack's government claims we have no inflation.  Lies while Barack is so happy, smiling yes he is happy, while he has destroyed many of the fabrics which made this nation seamless and today has created division between all sectors of society, war of the have not's against the haves, war of Blacks against the police, a war between most all peoples and between all colors, creeds races and religions.  But Barack say's Mission Accomplished and he is so darn happy folks.

What say you folks? the little guy fights back for you 8/15/2014

THE NATION TURNS FOUL FOR THE INNOCENT AS I TRIED TO TEACH HOW COPYCAT CRIMINALS EVOLVE "Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin -

Wellllllllllllllllllll, I have to tell you I told you so folks.  Those of you who have been with me for the last twenty years on the internet know about the viral contamination theory of crime.  Back in the days of my late twenties and early thirties, I would go from FBI agents desk to FBI agents desk dropping off my lessons on how to stop a crime, my explanation for how crime becomes widespread and diverse was accepted by the FBI in that I was advised to send everything to home office, but I was just visiting John L, and we would then go out to lunch, but I did send stuff more importantly to the Secret Service Labs, who took my course on how to solve a Murder and put it into a pamphlet with some folks from Justice, which said Department of Justice on it.  I agreed to allow it to be a ghost writing experience, and they recruited a young MD to put on the cover as author.  Of course I still have the original course work.  Why I can determine the time of death in ways you never see on TV but is based on forensic data and simple tools and some simple math. 

In any event (Sorry about that but there are new folks that stop by), President Obama and Eric Holder have taught the nation lessons I guess they might be proud of because I admit it, to me they don't seem to make sense any longer.  I don't get it or I would opine because they are illogical on almost everything relative to deed, my little pea brain can't understand all the fear of hatred they show, although I would bet you dollars for donuts they think it doesn't show, accusing innocents and always trying to gin up hate against all forms of Justice because Afro-Americans, Marxist Terrorists in the 60's-70's and Hispanics were disproportionately arrested.  Never were they just relative to the original slaves in the Bible, so if the shoe is on the other foot, they would cut off that foot to spite it, and for reasons that escape everyone.  There actions do not demonstrate mental health but rather some deep seated issues which would perhaps be solved in a Shrinks office.

Crime rates in the United States as reported by the New Century Foundation of Oakton VA prove that Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.   When blacks commit crimes of violence, they are nearly three times more likely than non-blacks to use a gun, and more than twice as likely to use a knife.

Believe it or not the Foundation reports Hispanics commit violent crimes at roughly three times the white rate, and Asians commit violent crimes at about one quarter the white rate.  Thus the single best indicator of violent crime levels in an area is the percentage of the population that is black and Hispanic.  It is my hope that a great Independent or Republican President comes along that can leave the impression on how we all can grow together and deliver a pathway to economic success for the Blacks and Hispanics and thus they would be free to police themselves first and foremost which will then go a long way to a more civilized society.

Today I am sad to report that a sitting president gave strength to the flames of fire in Missouri when he so wrongfully advised that Blacks and Hispanics were singled out rather then the truth that their simply involved more often in gun and knife murders and thus the proof and reason for the misrepresentations our President made.  Shame shame shame on President Obama but at this point, he doesn't seem to care about the heartfelt feelings of the majority of folks and is breeding hatred among "we the people"; he is causing us to divide further and perhaps he is doing it unconsciously and in that case he is poison for the nation.  And in that one statement today has caused local law enforcement around the nation and later around the globe to be on alert, NOT FROM CRIMINALS, BUT FROM THE PROLETARIAT as Barack would say, and thus gave reasons for violence from the people as well as the criminals and only then asked for calm; again only after he worked folks up with his alarming misrepresentation of "real" crime statistics.

Of course after the Declaration of Independence, each successive president tried to move us to liberate all folks of color until on occasion the progress slowed.  For example when Franklin Pierce became president.  Please try to understand that two months before the election Pierce's son died before his eyes in a train accident I believe, he took the office of the presidency broken hearted.  Then Proslavery leaders demanded that Pierce appoint Wilson Shannon to head the Kansas territory, which resulted in the famous slogan from history, "Bleeding Kansas" as the violence and bloodshed over slavery took its root causing our next president to suddenly and for the first time in our nations history make a decision to either end any slavery, or allow the nation to have slavery as a matter of law.  Well we all know what that next president then young honest Able Lincoln did when he was elected, but it is true these examples would prove why a NORMAL black person would have perhaps a sensitivity to such matters which others don't, and it would be wrong to deny the human condition.  But to stoke the flames of hatred and violence after the Peace Officers, the job only the best of the best dare take, as they were shot at, had fire bombs thrown at them, and the folks that are most vocal don't seem to be there for the poor lost soul "Big Mike".  But rather are living vicariously through "Big Mikes death", and trying to profit through theft, some personal revenge against all peace officers, and frankly its so simple that if the police shooting had error, a jury of those folks peers would decide and deliver an open and fair outcome, again of folks from the areas peers unless Sharpton, Farrakhan, the Black Panthers and only the lord knows who else continue to color the demonstrations with hatred, which will result, just as it did in the Martin Case, to move the hearing elsewhere and out of the local folks sphere of influence.  

In any event we don't even know what is what with the case, and only after all facts are in, could we as reasonable and sane intelligent folks be able to make the correct decision.  But the riots and the craziness continues proving there are some dumb folks mixed in with some trouble makers making the rest of the folks act foolishly.  Peaceful demonstrations with kindness and propriety the theme.   No crude ruffian or criminal behavior.  Let us hope goodness will shine through in the end.

Look at the Trayvon Martin case which unlike most in the press, I thought was innocent and shot dead out of fear of a butt kicking (Never fear for his life!), rather then probable cause.  But in that case the state was slow to act and I understood the reason to stand hand and hand until the state acted, but not the rioting because that's nuts.  However in this case, everything is moving quickly by both the local and state officials as today even the State Police (For you rookie Justice enthusiasts, that is what the Highway Patrol are; State Police) were put in charge today to insure Justice yet the folks there are turning their own city into a mess, they are hurting themselves and innocents folks who just want to get from point a to point b, and again the same crew that showed up for their own personal gain like Al who(?), the black panthers and so forth, which only causes more trouble then we had to start with.

Thus I bet you wonder why I never put the devil next to Barack?  I would opine Barack feels like he came, the thing that stimulated him the most was winning the office of the presidency but after that, its all a distraction from his desire to play golf, call some friends up for some private non-contact basketball, perhaps if he is lucky he can get that old adrenalin rush back by doing photo ops to lure campaign donors to the democrats side of the isle, and I must imagine he wants to travel and even find a new place to live.  Sure he liked the Affordable care act even if it was a heinous experiment which killed the doctor patient relationship relative to free choose of physician, folks lost their carrier which they liked, and from what I am reading, Obamacare is going to cost so much in time, most folks will eventually opt out.  Why was he so interested in something?  It has his name on it; Obamacare.  He is in love with himself and thus he loves Obamacare!  But the rest, "IS" BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORING!

Everyone always brings up his home is in Chicago and he is horrible because he never comments on the massive crime wave of gang against gang violence when I would opine he still has a home there but today, he is a different man relative to wealth and in his heart he is done with Chicago and will find his home somewhere a new.  Reports surfaced relative to North Carolina I believe but don't quote me on that one.

Barack finds Putin to be an un-cool "goofy" White Guy and perhaps a thug which is why he is always placating Putin and making promises to the Russians he would rather not bring up to "we the people", or that is my take on his open mike comments that once he was reelected he would have more flexibility with Russia.  Which he did succeeding Crimea which is a war crime for-crine-out-loud!  Putin must leave Crimea for our world to have truth and rule of ethical laws for mankind.

In any event I know love can motivate Barack Obama, and he likes girls, he loves Basketball, he likes Golf more and more, he likes music, but government, clearly he hates any past US government, no one was any good ever save perhaps Abraham Lincoln and himself of course. 

We have a goofed up soul in the White House, and perhaps it is time to admit he doesn't want to be a heck of a lot of folks President, and well, I would opine that is his loss, but with his level of disinterest for the peoples true needs or what is best for the United States, Militarily, Economically, or any notion of support for the freedom of religious beliefs and practices, well he is against it all, and from the last three cases he has spoken out about which all resulted in a continuing of division between the folks in the nation, PROVES very very sad folks, as you have to put it all in perspective.

Lets see how this plays out but once again, Barack has sided with the dark side and dark actions of humanity, and frankly we don't have time to have a President who isn't interested in protecting Americans from "IS", or saving the lives of innocents.  How many dyeing people does it take to want to rescue them?  5, 10, not 5,000, so life is cheep to Barack and that is something I would never have thought of if his actions did not speak louder then his words?

Barack should make any thinking American worry about whether our nation will survive another attack from al-Qaeda or "IS", and it is so sad because it all could have been prevented if Barack acted a year ago when he was asked to by our own Intelligence Agency and our Military Generals.  But he simply doesn't know better, and absent that Presidential conscience we all assumed a candidate would have, with his interests as outlined above, he simply doesn't care for much that "we the people" feel is so very very dear to all of us.

Barack kind of makes a true patriot worry about our Republic and if it will stand the test of time with the likes of Barack Obama achieving such a lofting position as President of these grand United States of America. the little guy fights back for you 8/14/14

BARACK OBAMA'S COLD HEART TURNS AGAINST REFUGES IN IRAQ AND WANTS "IS" TO SUCCEED "Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin -

Well Barack did it again.  Again.  His speech the other day telling us how heroic he was going to be saving the Christians in Iraq was again a Token for Time.  In other words he fibbed again.  Any time our President says he is going to do something which the world demands or the American people demands, he gives a speech with soaring rhetoric but does nothing.   Many folks are seeing Barack and his progressive democrat party as a cold hearted party which is against Local Law Enforcement, against the Border Patrol (Remember Brian Terry), against the US press, yet pro-lawlessness, pro-Russia, and pro-terrorists.  The Obama administration wants you to believe the itty bitty air strikes turned the situation around in Iraq although all other nations including the UN claim its not true.  What else is new?  Heck if there is a rescue it will be for show but I would bet you dollars for donuts it will be some kind of combination sham rescue mission.

I find this situation to be very sad indeed.  Barack truly is like Nero because his speeches are his fiddling while our nation and the world burns (Even the press copied my analogy yesterday because it is so obvious and thus so true).  It is a sad day when infamy dominates our US politics and thus assuring infamy for our world.  The Barack Obama Presidency "IS" the most disappointing in history. the little guy fights back for you 8/14/14

PRESIDENT OBAMA PLEASE HELP SOLVE THE CRISIS OF OUR GENERATION "Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin -

The only road back to peace is the elimination of the Islamic State.  Today the IS made it known to the world they are beheading little girls and boys; little children.  Of course you know the reported carnage because of your two prong action.  Yet results tonight suggest a scope of horror and death not seen since the Nazi's death quests for folks of color, religion, or any land with a military which could appose them.  Mr. President you must act.

Any inaction in the face of such horrors is Murder.  As a lawyer, what is the person who knows about a Murder but does nothing to stop it?  Aiding and abetting is always considered in facilitation law?  It would be outrageous to not help.  Hell you would be earning your Nobel Peace Prize; something you have not done thus far in fact history will show your unwillingness to act like President of the United States facilitated evil throughout the world!  How did Nobel end the Franco Prussian War?   Fate has given you an incredible challenge.  It is up to you to prove your up to such a challenge.  Wishing something into reality by having a heck of a lot of supporters echo a wish wont work with real evil.  No one wants to have to go to another country to save the day.  But the sad fact is the heinous and most gruesome acts of the IS are insidiously infecting folks around the globe.  It can be seen in the race riots in the south where the facts are there has not been a court hearing.  And the same folks are causing the trouble as they did in the Trayvon Martin case.  Do you believe two wrongs make a right?  Of course note.  But until that time, anyone who acts out like the race rioting in the south, are themselves acting evilly;burglary, massive destruction of others properties...i.e. Rioting, also an attack against law enforcement in Arizona because an illegal alien was apprehended making an illegal turn.  Is Law Enforcement considered the bad guy's in your view of our Republic.  Of course note but this anti-peace officer epidemic all comes from way's outside our nation.  Let's fix the problem at its root, and watch the world blossom again rather then the withering vine we see in Iraq, Syria, Crimea, Libya, the Lebanese border, the US southern border, in the Sudan and truly too many more.  Yet if the United States would lead again rather then hide from world events I must opine folks around the globe would be joyous in celebration.

End the beheadings in Iraq and Syria and watch folks calm down around the globe.  But today it is now perfectly clear that folks might get a litter more angry then they would have before, get into a fight when they would not have before, riot in response to an alleged injustice when it all seems so out of proportion.  The evil deed infection is spreading and it is simple psychology that the health of all nations, around the globe are in jeopardy as long as such dastardly deeds against humanly continue on such a grandiose scale.  Mr. President you must act.  

Robin Williams deserved his honors as he always supported the troops.  But with life itself being extinguished on a mass scale, perhaps thousands of future doctors, lawyers, comedians, actors, journalists, teachers, perhaps another one of a kind Robin Williams comedian/actor like soul and so forth were exterminated in Iraq absent a funeral, nor a burial , often beheaded because they were the more beautiful human; they believed in forgiving their enemy, in treating others as they would like folks to treat them, turning the other check rather then running wild beheading rampages, raping all the fathers daughters, and all the mothers sons, simply because they forgave and loved their murderers until the end of time.

It is time to act and I know you can do it unless evil has crept into Washington.  It's time to place all the things you learned which you were wrong about into a new equation and come up with a plan.  If not, it is perhaps the greatest human failure for one in a position to eliminate such problems in the history of mankind.  Removing IS from the Iraq while saving all those IS displaced living but destitute, starving, and in hiding dyeing from exposure because IS stole all of their worldly possessions and homes, would set many nations on the mend, with the United States with you as commander and chief getting the credit as the President who brought peace, much like Roosevelt had during World War II.  Mr. President you must save the vanquished destitute and displaced fellow human beings in Iraq and Syria, displaced by the greatest evil since World War II.  Mr. President you must act.

Mr. President you must act in the past tense.  But because you failed up until now creates the environment which demands immediate remedy.  It is your destiny to be so much more then a failure leader of the VA, a failed leader of the IRS, a failed leader of those lost in Benghazi on 911, a failed leader who would protect folks privacy from the NSA, or any of the problems just bubbling up of late, bad decision on Bergdahl, super stupid decision on releasing the Getmo 5 now that you know your 2009 release of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi cased the CREATION OF the IS, keeping your campaign promise to stop wars when the world changed while you were out fundraising, and speaking, and what you do.  Barack you must change with the world.  The world is looking to the United States no begging the United States for leadership, and your the Leader.  You wanted this job.  Heck you fought for this job like no one else and because I realize that, I know you can must up what it takes to change your self from within.  I am sorry Mr. President, you have to release your gray hounds, or as Roosevelt finial realized, you have to release your Military Generals to do their thing, do their clean up to return life to its simplistic tranquility where politicians and governments can given.  Where local police can police without the treat of terrorism by lunatics.  It is very sad Mr. President, but it is time for you to do your President thing, if you ever had to be heroic now is the time.  Just think of it has being the very worst part of being President.  But if your successful and your military will make you that, you will go down in History as the man that saved the Middle East and perhaps you will save you from yourself, or that is, the old you.  I hope you act Mr. President this is a somber duty. the little guy fights back for you


Folks, if Hollywood or the world for that matter realized how the men and women of our Local, State and Federal Police/Peace Officer Departments sacrifice their bodies often simply to make an arrest of another lunatic in this new millennium era of mass lunacy affecting our times, perhaps folks would stand back and give a good officer the respect they disserve.  I would opine it is sadly overdue.

Today, out of the blue a Highway Patrol Senior Officer from the Command Center gave me a California Highway Patrol patch.  Clearly he feels I was better then a good physician rehabilitating him from multiple surgeries and other surgeries and rehabilitation after he returns to work for perhaps six months, when he presented this humble servant, simply caring for him the way I would want to be cared for and rehabilitated from surgeries, and thus probably didn't disserve such respect.  However, I will cherish the patch and place it in a nice book of gifts I have from others in the Federal Government, State Government and Local Governments.  And I thanked the officer .    However, not to be outdone, one of my California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Officer patients, recovering from a difficult surgery opined, "Doc, I think you have gone above and beyond the call of duty in my rehab.  How would you like a Department of Corrections patch?"  I probably presented with the biggest smile the officer had ever seen.  I advised him I would be honored to have such a patch.  He went to his automobile and presented me with the following patch   .  Perhaps I will mention this to one of my three LAPD patients, my Sheriff or other active law enforcement patients I am so honored to be rehabilitating.  In any event, I am going to add these to my collection which contains Secret Service Badges which were gifted HX`o`the`West`Brothers~Identification.jpg (26834 bytes) (1st Set of Fingerprints used to solve a crime in US- process sent from Scotland Yard to Edgar which he then authorized to be used that first time in our nation as illustrated above; A fellow was arrested and convicted of murder although he advised he was innocent. However when they went to put him into Leavenworth penitentiary, he was brought to the office of the record clerk to customarily be Bertillon measured and photographed.  Yet from the clerks records including a picture of him and Bertillon skull and physique measurements, he opined Will West was already in said Penitentiary yet he could not be behind bars yet also be trying to get into Leavenworth, or be in two distinctly different places at the same time.  This impossibility prompted Edgar to request the new technology from the Yard and indeed Will West was innocent) to me, as well as other Justice and various Police/peace Officers, Sheriffs, IG Investigator ID cards and so forth in my collection, that I keep in a very nice "5 inches thick" book  .  It's been one of my hobbies since 1980. the little guy fights back for you 8/12/14

OBAMA WALLOWS IN HIS OWN DOINGS BREAKING THE MILITARIES ABILITY TO FIGHT ON TWO FRONTS TO PONDER ON THIS SUNDAY THE 10TH OF AUGUST 2014 -UPDATE   "Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin - "Lets avoid the disaster and rebuild our military now, eliminate the Islamic State threat against the world while we happen to be there, build a base that will last in the Northwest Kurdish zone, and clean out Iraq and Syria while the getting is good.  Perhaps the Syrian King may have to go for the World cleaning their house which simultaneously weakens Putin and Iran".

To liberals it must seem odd that they thought they understood the world and after only 6 years into their heavy handed force their way methods, all foreign policy attempts and polices enacted were failures

Barack stepped up to the plate but if this were baseball he would be expelled for throwing the game.  What sounded so promising the other day now appears according to our president to be a long stay in Iraq.  Soooooooooooooooooooo, these last few day's of these super tiny pin prick strikes are going to be the method?  It would take forever and a day at this rate and by then ISIL would be the greatest evil in the entire history of mankind.  It's as if Barack is again saying what had to be said and as usual at the last moment of the breaking point for his administration, but has delivered at least thus far, again his now famous device called a "Token for Time".  Now he may use the war to distract away from his policy failures which created this new problem among so many problems Barack's administration created.  Or so it seems again.  However just think, if our Military strength was at the levels of production under President Bush no-one, no one folks including Putin would have taken any of the wayward nation building or destroying steps we have witnessed under President Obama.  His own actions which tore apart our military and continues with pink slips to our most patriotic and trained has caused foreign militaries to play cat and mouse knowing we can still kick their butts if we threw what we have against them but as time goes on and with Barack's inactions, it will take a strengthened US Military if for nothing but POSTURE, TO CAUSE OUR ENEMIES TO THINK THINGS THROUGH A SECOND TIME. 

The lesson from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars was to never again be in the position where we have to re-rotate our forces in and out of the war zone with too many tours of duty for some folks.  But Barack did exactly the opposite that needed to be done.  Indeed.  He did it because he said he would during an election but when the world changed after his first surrender speech in Egypt, he failed to realize anything, and as you see has made a mess out of every important foreign policy strategy, economic strategy based on capitalism which he attacked and controlled and he has caused a divide in every neighborhood in the land.  And he better get it together soon or his floundering actions and inactions when actions were mandatory and flowery speeches will be like the rubber hitting the road, and as it wears thin, a disaster is eminent.  Lets avoid the disaster and rebuild our military now, eliminate the Islamic State threat against the world while we happen to be there, build a base that will last in the Northwest Kurdish zone, and clean out Iraq and Syria while the getting is good.  Perhaps the Syrian King may have to go for the World cleaning their house which simultaneously weakens Putin and Iran.

TO THIS VERY DAY BILL CLINTON'S LIFE UNRAVELS WHEN THE SUBJECT COMES UP THAT HE DOOMED AMERICA TO EXPERIENCE 911 BECAUSE HE DIDN'T TAKE ONE MAN OUT.  HISTORY WILL BE UNFORGIVING OF CLINTON BUT WILL CALL Obama a Buffon of a leader if he allows ISIL to hit the homeland.  In fact to date, destroying our nations multi-front war capabilities which is something Obama has bragged about now proves to be incredibly foolish, naive, absent any wisdom, absent any vision, and frankly shows a Buffon of a leader and the progressive democrats harmful to our grand Republican, but also harmful to the world.  Proper American leadership has proven the guiding hand for a wayward world.  Think of all the exterminated Christians with the most ancient practices and variations of love of the Lord; exterminated by the Islamic State.

REALITY CHECK-ISIL in Iraq, Syria, linking with Hezbollah and take Lebanon and eventually linking with Hama take over Jordon, Egypt, Libya and then on to Saudi Arabia, the Arab Emirates and up to Pakistan and Afghanistan to link with the Taliban.  Then the world.  Yet the US under the ridiculous and foolish, now that reality has set in, PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRATS can only fight in one place effectively if a war broke out such as Iraq, and with a military the size it was prior to our attack at Pearl.  All US leaders from the past are rolling over in their graves facing the facts we are led by blithering idiots called PROGRESSIVE liberals.  I have used this illustration in the past but it is so apropos. Barack Obama and the Progressive wing of the Democrat Party or the Democrat politicians in power today are all like the Priest in the original War of the Worlds movie when he ran out in front of the Martians crying he was like they are when they simply and expectedly disintegrated him.  And that disintegration is in store for our nation should we re-elect any more of these hubris and almost soulless progressive candidates who are anti-Bible, anti-the folks who love the Bible, who love the lord most high, who represent the best of class when they pray may "my soul be humble and forgiving unto all" said daily by the Jewish folks for over six thousand years or by the Christians when they teach us to "forgive our enemies".  Yet the folks Barack has aligned himself and our nation with have been the Muslim Brotherhood who spawned al-Qaeda , Hamas , Hezbollah and ISIL who then acquire their funding for heinous crimes against humanity from Iran and Qatar.

The evidence is undeniable save the fools, racists, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, anti-Bible, anti-Capitalism loons, both female and male from the Progressive Democrat leadership and throughout their taking heads keep supporting the evil doers because they either don't share the same love of Republic that we do, or their foolishness is boundless.  And it is my hope that there are some Democrats left who are not of the progressive dogma.  Its frankly shocking to hear the Democrat folks, the Democrat racists, the Democrat anti-Semitic loons, the Democrat anti-Christian loons or the anti-founding father loons all simply part of today's Democrat party speak about Republicans or anything good they didn't think of, as a very sad indictment of these individuals, but also a sad experience for folks old enough to remember JFK or the penultimate president of the present American conscience, the true blue, all-American President, Ronald Reagan. 

Folks Obama had folks to believe the Caliphate was in Latin America causing refugees just like not supporting Israel to the nth degree or in the lords case through infinity. Therefore my soul cries because of the heartless absence of prophylactic contingencies which would auto start should there be a Caliphate, should Christens in mass numbers be under threat of total extermination, should evil take over a large nation as has been the case of Russia over and over again, but clearly our present administration and its supporters are blind when "we the people" see things so clearly, blind when folks have always done good above and beyond the call of duty like my love, "The Little Sisters of the Poor".  When I was young Sister Louisiana would always come visit me on the weekends at my 'grandmothers house and my grandmother, recipient of the Mother of Minnesota Award, would go to the home for the Little Sisters of the Poor where they cared for countless beds of ill folks for a song and a dime.  In the name of my experience, be dammed with the liberals that would touch a hair or the soul of any of the pride of innocence, the little sisters of the poor.  And who is attacking them?  Progressive liberals. 

Barack ended a struggle in Iraq which was soooooooo controllable because of his naïveté claiming it was such a WRONG tough war THAT he wound not have gone yet Barack ending things so wrong headily relative to experienced War experts WARNINGS, spawned the very danger President Bush warned us all about.  Folks that is a fact!  And Obama, blind to the IMMEDIATE LESSONS OF THE PAST caused the greatest citizen nation in history to step in it big time.  Thus Barack has doomed us to remain in the dung of threat of attack by Terrorists, until the time he either wises up completely, or our nation survives to elect someone who has the ability to perform as the President of these grand united States and function well with the greatest legal document of laws this world has ever known, the United States Constitution as well as the behaviors addressed in our greatest of legal causes of separation from what Barack causes us to face today within the Republic, our Declaration of Independence from the stupidly of man.

Someone must go house to house and neighborhood to neighborhood then from city to city all over again and reinvent the wheel in Iraq because Barack was President. 

Frankly my plan would follows:

Operation Christian Savior and Savior of All Middle East Free Peoples


Immediately deliver state of the Art Tanks, Helicopters, Stealth to an airfield we take over.  We send experts for recon, sniper, select special forces to be made by the Commander of Forces, but completely dominate on the ground in our own patented way, like General George Patten as President Bush did.  However this time all foot soldiers forces are Iraqi, French, German, Saudi, Jordanian, and Libyan and whom ever wishes to prove they would fight for REAL FREEDOM in our world, FREEDOM FOR A TYRANNY WHICH THREATENS ALL OF CIVILIZATION, as the United States did during Bush ERA, and America deserves others stand tall and prove they deserve to be the friends of "we the people" and true members of civilized society.

Total Air Domination to the extent of stifling, wildling down ISIL force size, eliminate any tank or armed vehicles not of our coalition, and then let the Freedom Fighters chase these cowards, killers of women and children, destroyers of their own young children's minds with the childish view the world causing them to kill all but themselves in the world.  These are truly psychopathic killers drawing every mentally ill person who may be Muslim to use the peoples they concur as human shields as they cower behind the lords children, hiding and laughing using their evil weapons at anyone who is good.

In the Northwest, arm the Kurdish freedom fighters.  Also fly with the Iraqi Fighter planes if necessary, but the North handled wisely would be the easiest of the tasks presented.  The Kurd's have been begin us to build a base in their territory soooooooooooo Shazam, build the base and solve our problems.  As long as were handling the easy stuff demand Qatar stop funding ISIL and Hamas .  Now that is the Diplomatic Mission a Reagan would have sent day one or six years ago during Barack's first months in office.  But now that more and more folks are realizing who the dastardly players are, its time to ask Qatar to turn off its bankrolling of Terrorism in the middle east.

Folks, we need to be at the least a little more aggressive in Iraq, for surely ISIL will come here.  THE MORE TIME ISIL HAS TO SELL THEN INSANE MAN PHILOSOPHY, LIKE A VIRUS IT WILL SPREAD UNLESS A VACCINE IS ADMINISTERED.  We could be that Vaccine now and end the madness.   Sadly however, the President seems to AGAIN have spoken well, but is delivering too little BUT ITS NOT TOO LATE.  Of course what he just did albeit so very late in the madness of death and extermination of races and small sects of peoples, was great.  But this is the fourth day in and taking out a couple of armed vehicles and a tank in the entire scheme of things is very disappointing and gives ISIL much more time plot, murder, maim, cut off heads placed on polls for the world to see  like Vlad the Impalor who was inspiration for Dracula!  Because "you can't make this kind of stuff up", it is time to urge the President to make the tough decisions rather then hide behind Progressive Democrat Dogma.  The first time in world history, a very evil man was released while sitting President was in office, one Barack Obama, as I proved below, very soon after his release becomes the MASTERMIND of the first TERRORIST BASED ENORMOUS STATE CALIPHATE.  Which cannot continue.  Where is the sanity and wisdom of our President? 

In an attempt to improve the problems as outlined above, I have presented my plan which would work QUICKLY.  Give this little guy some of those undeniably great United States Armed Services Generals and Admirals, and it would be over, over there!  And the world would be free again, to take a vacation, chase the butterflies, rekindle their love or find love in a peaceful world, where their children could roam free of fear from evil and then their dedication to improving their lives and the lives of their children, the traditional American Way.

Barack and the Progressives say they ran on ending any war, yet now when things change and our interests are under attack, thus we are under attack proves the Progressive Democrats have dithered and dallied with nonsense until now.  Things have changed and the party of change failed to in change with the times as Bush learned and thus we all knew and have had to live with the nightmare of total hypocrisy, a lot of fear from our own, and a world of chaos caused by the actions of the most confused man to be elected to the office of the Presidency of these grand United States of America.  We need an American President who will rebuild our military to the force which has second to none capability on a two war scenario.  If it was good enough for President Reagan and could then protect us up until know, it is time to simply rebuild.  If nothing else it will means jobs, good paying jobs and America regains her strength.

May the lord continue to bless us all and keep us all.  And once again, and now with one arm tied behind her back because of all the unnecessary downsizing, may the lord continue to bless the men and women of the United States Armed Forces.   And finally, may the lord guide us all in selecting an exponentially to perhaps the n'th degree better President for these United States the next presidential election cycle. the little guy fights back for you. 8/10/2014


It has become perfectly clear that Barack Obama's Presidency is based on his belief system which he hid well.  And being President his way must be an incredible disappointment to someone who was treated like some kind of a Movie Star until his second term, when lying as a standard was discovered and failure to uphold the affirmations he took or laws he doesn't like (which I believe will haunt him) became an established Barack Obama standard he works with. 

Antithetically today, I saw a more mature man, one who is demonstrating he is starting to understand what kind of heart American Presidents are expected to have.

Folks, "we the people" understand that all the good forces in Iraq and its neighbors may not be sufficient to deal with the evil intent of ISIL.  Such evil and especially once experienced as the Nazi's, Stalin, and Genghis Khan taught us, once the psychology of a person fighting in the name of evil occurs, their motivation overcomes their victims until they find the the meaning of "all that is good" and are defeated. 

Today, and looking around the globe there is only one nation the Lord G-d blessed above all other nations, and as such has the power Hamas.  It must be defeated until they are so neutralized, they age and they fall into total unimportance as the world moves on.

Not completely happy with the long delay in acting to stop the Genocide of numerous types of Christianity in Iraq, the birth place of Abraham (Ancient Iraqi city of Ur albeit in the South), but it is so wonderfully better to act when we are the only ones that can, and President Obama rather then being the door stop he has become known as, today he began to act like the President of the United States.  And I salute him for it. 

Let us hope there is a continuation of the maturity process going on inside the presidents mind, but for now, I must personally congratulate him for doing what seems so obvious to many many folks, but with a growing understanding of his actual belief systems as outdated in time as they have become, Barack demonstrated a glimmer of growth, and I must say, that is the Barack I have been waiting for.   Today Barack upheld the American symbolism "Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin , and he did it well.

Let us all share the hope that the lord continues to bless us and keep us, and bless the men and women of the greatest humanitarian military force in mankind's experiential existence, the superlative United States Armed Forces. the little guy fights back for you 8/7/14


''Wikipedia is the first place I go when I'm looking for knowledge... or when I want to create some.'' -Stephen Colbert     

''Corporations are the only reason the tax code is so complicated in the first place. Those off-shore loopholes didn't get craved out by poor people.'' -Jon Stewart  

''Bush gave an interview and he said people will vote for him because 'They've seen me weep, they've seen me laugh, and they've seen me hug.' These are the same qualifications for a Tickle Me Elmo.'' -Bill Maher 

Have a great week folks. the little guy fights back for you 8/4/14

PRESIDENT BURNS THE WORLD BY DEMONSTRATING CONSISTENT DIVISIVENESS TO PONDER FOR OUR SPECIAL SUNDAY THE 3RD OF AUGUST 2014 "Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin

Never a fully thought out idea with a road map to study, of course never with prophylactic INTERNAL CONTROLS for the startup, down the winding road encountering multiple countries with terrorists ready to strike our people and our interests again absent internal controls in place, and no prophylactic contingency plans should everything else fail when emergency action is needed, all with a missing piece in it all, following the money to a strong fishy stench of Qatar payola in the air.  Is it a wonder Kerry had to go and get instructions from Qatar whether he knows or knows not of what he does?  Do the bread crumbs of events add up to a possible motive for it all?  Certainly eye opening to say the least .  Indeed!

Never does the President nor the very over top and often too loud and aggressive Progressive Democrat politicians show a paved road to work with the apposing party.  Folks evidence is Barack most famously promised there weren't red states and blue states just American states.  And as soon as he was elected, and with control of all branches of government for no reason, day one attacked the Republicans putting them down when they had just lost an election and were low.  Folks the Bush Republicans were removed.  What we have today are a new group of Conservatives, untarnished yet were slandered at every turn explaining the slow start reacting correctly to President Obama, but folks are catching on.


Don't play the FOOLS GAME ANYMORE, the President and the Progressive Democrats and their supporters failed to perform as a President should have or as Democrat Senators should have, taught every department it seems in the Government, Society, especially our wayward and our immature to lie it seems, and of course influenced Putin and all the evil terrorists to lie in even a grander style then was once imagined, and spin, while rarely producing "goodness".  Yes there are those that spin sanity while spinning their beautiful BS rhetoric, now copied from our unnamed top politician, and have witnessed such influence so the enemy even under a peace agreement with the US and UN, snuck out evil forces to kidnap Israeli Soldiers or any nations peoples the second a piece agreement is made (=) proving you cannot make deals with Iran , Syria, ISIL, Hamas , Hezbollah , Qatar, Russia, North Korea, Boko Haram, al-Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, or any Islamic Terrorist group or faction, which in any event is a violation of US law by having talks with terrorists.  Continually making mistakes NO OTHER PRESIDENT MADE indicates either "we the people" are very stupid on the subject, retarded, grossly incompetent or evil which is out of the question, or as evidence is indicating it is done by our Progressive Democrat leadership before Congress or "we the people are notified".  "We the people" cannot deal with terrorists by dealing with an intermediary.  That is fraud against our own law.  This is so stupid or planned.  The second a peace treaty is implemented, terrorists sneak off to kill behind our back.  Now this is simply one example of recent events to learn from for those using the excuse they never studied American policy or why we have such polices; things our President and his supporters need to learn on the fly because we are out of time

In fact it is becoming odd that we keep falling for anything democrats in power today say.  It is crazy and I hope folks are sane enough to join me, and like Martin Luther King, march for the principals that all men are created equal and that these truths are self evident.  No killing Christians anywhere in the world.  No killing Jewish folks and no killing of Muslims in China because they are Muslims.  No, no, no, none of this is just.  The president of the UN should be impeached and so should anyone who attacks folks because of their color, creed, race or religion.  That is the American way antithetical to Barack's continuing deals with Terrorists like giving 10's of billions of dollars to Iran for nothing or dealing with Hamas and its intermediaries like your still not dealing with terrorists.  Bush had it right when he taught us we must take the fight to them in their country or any country hiding terrorism or they will surly bring the terrorism to us.  At least Bush tried to be President.  At least Bush tried to protect "we the people" for surely if we stay on the tract our nation is on something horrible will happen. 

Is it sane to give evil untrustworthy captors of our Embassy staff not that many years ago and just this year appointed the Terrorist who was spokesperson for Iran when they held our folks captives, proving they are all about trickery and deceit, yet we gift them essentially 10's of Billions of dollars; what in the world are we doing to ourselves?  We pay them more money then requested FOR INNOCENTS OUR EXECUTIVE BRANCH LURED TO OUR GREAT REPUBLIC WHICH IRREPARABLY DAMAGED US FOR MANY MANY YEARS TO COME AS IT WILL TAKE YEARS TO CONVINCE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS TO BE, WE ARE A NATION OF LAWS SO DON'T IMMIGRATE ILLEGALLYWe are paying the enemy to be the enemy and develop their bomb no matter what these justice robbers say.  Barack allows Iran to outsmart the greatest citizen nation in mankind's experiential existence, the United States of America.  If someone asked you to name the trouble makers in the world most Americans would place Iran on the list.  Iran sells the missiles to Hamas with money from Qatar save now with our Billions and Billions and Billions of tax dollars Iran can again finance terrorism without the help of Qatar who is only too happy to have good folks murdered because they believe in G-d.  We are sending 10's of Billions of dollars which finances the entire Terrorist operations for the next year with bonuses for all the Hamas and Hezbollah camps!  Its a nice scam against us isn't it!  "We the people" are being ripped off like fools all while Iran develops a nuclear bomb and has gone on the record to say that the United States is the big Satin while Israel is the little Satin.  We are also paying Iran to produce a nuclear weapon that could be used against us.  This is just like Barack wanting to make deals with Hamas and then when he does immediately evil slips through secret tunnels of darkness to arise to kill, maim innocent women and children and kidnapping whom ever they can to torture and usually kill in some heinous manner.  I want you folks to think about this.  Presently with prudence we could reverse this almost Benedict Arnold sounding and if not that crazy bad judgment strategy to one that protects us in the future.  Shazam....that didn't cost any money and it is prophylactic protection for all nations that are good.  Folks think about this.  Lets be single minded, focused and dedicated to the interests of our Republic and not the interests of terrorist nation states or terrorist organizations.  You see having a plan in place, thus built in are internal controls, we have protected our nation and it cost zero dollars.  Our President's way sends tens of Billions of dollars OF TAXPAYERS DOLLARS to our enemy Iran, Israelis enemy Iran only because Iran has announced once they get the bomb they are going to blow Israel off the map and IS Russia's ally which are only a few earth shattering reasons this payola must be stopped.  Iran simply builds more missals and buys more tools to build a bomb and then a better bomb.  Period.  Yet through my plan you simply stop giving them money and it is harder for them to make anything and the US is protected for free!  No money for Iran (10's of billion of tax payer dollars folks-it's crazy) and no more money for Hamas.  Strategy folks rather then actions which hurt our Republic as our Administration has done and continues to do in the manners just described and referenced on this thought sharing Sunday.

Next, today in the nation and around the globe there are powerful but defeatable movements which are anti-Christian, anti-Catholic on top of anti-Christian perhaps because Popes are usually loved by the folks, anti-Semitism and racism, with a palpable paranoia developing causing some on the left and outside our Republic to act insanely.  And because of all this evidence it is perfectly clear that in the best case scenario, Barack Obama simply has the worst judgment of any President in history.  Because if there were a worst case scenario, then all this madness souring folks around the globe and now even in our nation is simply some evil individuals plan coming to fruition with their first INSIDE GUY as a president of the United States.  Lets be consistent from now on folks.  If we all work together using inductive and deductive reasoning, we will be consistent and turn our nation and our world around like Ike did, JFK did and Ronny did.  These great men changed the world for the better while improving life for all Americans within the designated borders of again, the greatest citizen nation in mankind's experiential existence, the one and only United States of America.

What in the world is wrong with folks today?  If the United States had not had Barack Obama almost daily for the last six years tell the world how horrible Republicans are, and had demonstrated class and dignity through a unity of purpose, always taking the upper road rather then the low road of divisiveness, proving the US was on the correct course, the world would have copied us and been trying to work together to make our world the best place in which to live.  Think about it.  Kids grow up together, and maybe one is a little liberal, and one is a little conservative, and the face we show to the world under the Progressive Democrat party in power, is the that little Conservative kid aka Republicans must be destroyed.  It is starting to seem like a conspiracy which had been planned out long ago, to destroy our love, the United States by our President, destroy our military, cause neighbor to hate neighbor, block almost all legislation in the Senate with the blessing of Barack who tells folks he will veto everything unless he uses his pen and his smart phone.  How dumb are we supposed to be?  And if you are aware and happen to love your country, love your lord G-d, love your Jewish friends and Christian friends, share ideas and have friends that are Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist and so much more for some reason then, your are a Conservative Independent or Republican today.  How in the world did that happen you might ask?  It all happened insidiously once Barack Obama and his Progressive Democrat associates like Hillary Clinton GOT THEIR WAY WITH OUR GOVERNMENT!  And it must stop for the health and welfare of all Americans; black, white, Hispanic, oriental, Indian, poor, rich, middle income, living from pay check to paycheck, or those on fixed incomes, all universal truths shared between people have been destroyed and must be rebuilt for a better United States of America.  Barack or the Progressives hate Christians, hate Catholics, now hate Jews, hate republicans, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate but like Iran, like Hamas, like the Muslim Brotherhood!  They can't find the good in what folks of opposing parties say because they have their blinders up, they hate, they can't see why you want the freedom to chose our own doctor, chose your own insurance company, chose to make your own mistakes so "we the people" can learn from our mistakes and become the best we can be and not be attacked for simply being conservative or using tried and true methods of self improvement, improvement of our local governments our state governments and our Federal Government.  And it comes from demonstrating something Barack Obama and the Democrat Progressive don't have during this cycle, they cannot develop unity for our citizenry, and thus for our political parties, and thus THEY TEACH other nations how to be self destructive rather then constructive, and you wonder why Russia is retaking the free peoples of nations they held in bondage, or why ISIL is placing the peoples of Syria and Iraq into bondage unless your Christian which is a death sentence by horrible means, why Iran criminally insane acts.  It is criminally insane to USE the Palestinian people as dups. as Hamas Terrorists have.  For the extermination of Christians thus far is the crime of the century, and the problem is under Barack folks take way longer then in the past to join hands against such obvious insane designs (I am hopeful those democrats that are not progressives will join us).  Yet what does it mean when our elected officials send money to enemy monstrous Terrorist Nation States and groups, so they can continue to enjoy injuring, maiming, killing innocents while exterminating entire races and religions from the face of the earth and building nuclear bombs?  EXTERMINATING the Christians in Iraq and around the globe.  I am a little fuzzy on that one.  Help me out. 

No, the evil from our Government whether they know they are doing it or not, "done consciously or unconsciously" I have taught, proves that our Democrat Progressive leaders are so lost and so secretly in love with greed, success, being on the best talk shows like Hannity, or O'Reilly, must get a head by killing every other human they meet on the Journey of life, is a pitiful spectacle of the worst mankind has to offer.  Barack is done.  His speak is so wonderful and his actions so hateful or DIVISIVE, its time to really look for the best conservative candidates we can find, and vote all the liberals out of office.  Why?  Very few Democrats ever stand up for the truth or a great idea for our nation if it was developed by a Conservative.  Look Barack has folks so befuddled and bedazzled, all you have to do to clear away the Democrat-Progressive smoke screen is to remember a few rallying cries.  Remember Detroit!  Folks Barack ran on saving Detroit and well she is bankrupt.  Remember Benghazi!  Remember Government Targeting hits!  Remember the VA! Remember Iraq!  Remember Egypt!  Heck its easy.  Try it and pick one.  Remember Crimea!  Remember the lost Getmo5!  Remember the deaths of thousands and thousands and thousands of Christians in this day and age!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Remember at the end of Bush we lost some money and with Barack Obama we have to fear for loved ones who may be Christian or Jewish who live outside of the United States and thus we watch the world burn due to the vacuum created when the leader of the free world became missing in action.   While Barack golf's and has photo-opportunities to lure campaign donors and then gives his very theatrical or theater speeches to manipulate "we the people" into think everything is peachy keen in the world, as it burns from his neglect or not having a knowledgeable and engaged president of the United States of America.  Barack seems to have been missing in action and even "feel" spooky because no one is in charge of making today's majority of Americans happy. 

I am ashamed of the Democrat Progressives in Congress, in our Judicial Branch and in our Executive Branch of the federal government.  I can't even believe any of this is happening, but then the reality sinks in and all the harm the progressives have done to our educational system, our Hollywood entertainment, to our unions, our Library reading, now harm to our military, harm to our Border Police and all the negative stuff that comes out of Democrat progressives in the media proves we must change our America back to the Yankee Doodle sweetheart she was prior to giving the Progressives their chance to lead.  We did, they failed as illustrated above, and thus have had their chance.  And now its time for patriotic folks with common sense to take our nation back; take our healthcare system back, take our educational system back, take our LAWS BACK.  It is time to back our military, back our law enforcement, it is time to secure our nations borders.  It is an interstate crime which brings in the FBI if folks commit crimes and cross interstate borders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Weeeelllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll then its time to get real, demand rational and responsible actions on the part of our elected officials, and treat our nations borders in the same way we treat our state borders.  Federal crimes are occurring on our southern border, we need to be able to fire back or call in our military to take out those who are firing or sniping at our law enforcement no matter the level by firing BACK at CRIMINALS across the Mexican border, as well as arrest, finger print, photograph, give health care if needed to illegal aliens and send them back to their nation of birth until they apply legally.  Special circumstances by rule of law would of course be acceptable once delineated and acted on swiftly by a Judge.  Are you sane, or are you the type that will continue down the path set for you by Barack Obama and the foolish democrat progressives?  Its has become just that simple folks.

Let all sane American have a wonderful weekend, and lets start on the road to health next week, tell someone of the other party "we can work it out" (The Beatles), lets secure our borders, and change diametrically from all the directions Barack Obama had set our nation on.  Lets change for the better.  And its about time.  May the lord bless you and keep you ALL.  And may the lord continue to bless America. the little guy fights back for you - 8/3/14


Tonight I was able to catch an excellent O'Reilly factor.  Sure I was in the other room a lot editing my last article as I finally have time when my Fiancé called me in to tell me "look at Billy".  Bill O'Reilly had a poll.  Would you legalize pot yes or no.  Well he had such a huge turnout, and because the majority of his viewing audience voted to legalize pot, somehow, and absent the ability to determine what he said was true, he kind of went off saying the pot-heads ruined his poll as they went out and recruited other pot heads from all corners of the nation, and said pot heads flooded his poll.  What I hear is a heck of a lot of folks don't see pot has harmful as alcohol, and have sympathy for folks who don't drink, but then ask if they can smoke in their own privacy. 

Most folks don't want to see it, definitely don't want to even smell it, but feel it is unreasonable to not allow folks who come home after a hard days work, and perhaps partake of the herb in lieu of anything else and in the privacy of said home. 

In every Chinese medicine course in the world it is taught that you take denatured Marijuana seeds, simmer them for twenty minutes in four cups of water and when you are constipated, shazam, no more constipation (Not legal to use in California so see a licensed Acupuncturist in your state for the details or herbal substitute).  As someone with a Masters in Oriental Medicine I would advise decoction ingredients must work and have passed the test of time, as Chinese medicine has.  Someday if enough money can be generated, perhaps we will be able to perform double blind studies on the many Herbal formulas I learned earning my MSOM-Masters of Science in Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture.  Did you know many formulas are over four thousand years old, older then even acupuncture itself, as Chinese Herbal medicine predated Acupuncture?  Please realize that Colleges of Herbal Medicine, for over four thousand years taught Chinese Herbal Medicine.  And when Acupuncture was introduced, added it to their curriculum thousands of years ago.

Well to see Bill get so angst about his poll, and so shocked most folks even Fox viewers wanted to let the Marijuana be legalized concomitant with Bill appearing in soooooooooooooooo much denial by then giving his pot head national recruitment allegation as the cause of again allegedly messing  up his poll was I am sorry, hilarious!  Why trying to save face on something that actually is a bit passé indicates PERHAPS some unnamed superstar is falling behind the times during his own lifetime! 

Well, I don't agree with everything Mr. Bill O'Reilly comes up with but he is a bright guy and it was hilarious to see someone like Bill O'Reilly, news analyst extraordinaire have Marijuana make him eat a little crow and then go into a huge circus denial routine; like all normal folks do at least once in their lives.  Why some folks might say, he acted a tiny bit like he tried a little Marijuana before the show.  Paranoid, you know what I mean, "Jelly Bean"!  Fun, O'Reilly's show was fun and entertaining with a little controversy thrown in at the end by nothing less then the most controversial change in society since the ending of prohibition. The legalization of Marijuana.

If you get a chance I would try to catch the rerun and then let me know if you share Bill's take on what seems more practical or likely that the folks simply don't agree with Bill on the Marijuana question or you too believe stoned folks would suddenly get motivated to call other stoned folks around the nation, to vote on Bills marijuana poll! the little guy fights back for you 7/30/14


Nancy Pelosi called Harry Reid into her office one day and said, "Harry, I have
a great idea! I know how we can win back Middle America in 2014 ."

"Great, but how do you propose we go about that, "asked Harry?"

"Well," Nancy responded, "we'll go down to a local Wal-Mart, get some cheesy
clothes and shoes like most middle Americans wear and then we'll stop at the
pound and pick up a Labrador ... When we look the part we'll go to a nice old
country bar in Middle America , and we'll show them that we really enjoy the
Countryside and show admiration and respect for the hard working people living

A few days later, all decked out and with the requisite Labrador at heel, they
set off from Washington in a westerly direction. Eventually they arrived at just
the place they were looking for. With dog in tow they walk into the bar. They
stepped up to the bar. The Bartender took a step back and said, "Aren't you
Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi?" Nancy answered, "Yes we are, and what a lovely
town you have here.  We were just passing through and Harry suggested that we
stop and take in some local color."

They then ordered a couple of cocktails from the bartender and proceed to drink
them down, all the while chatting up a storm with anyone who would listen.

All of a sudden, the bar room door opened and a grizzled old farmer came in.. He
walked up to the Labrador , lifted its tail and looked underneath, shrugged his
shoulders and walked out the door. A few moments later, in came another old
farmer. He walked up to the dog, lifted its tail, looked underneath, scratched
his head and then left the bar.

Over the course of the next hour or so, another four or five farmers came in,
lifted the dog's tail, and went away looking puzzled. 

Eventually Nancy and Harry could stand it no longer and called the bartender
over. "Tell me," said Nancy , "why did all those old farmers come in and look
under the dog's tail like that? Is it some sort of old custom?"

"Good Lord no," said the bartender.. "It's just that some-one has told them that
there was a Labrador in this bar with two asshole's!"   

Have a great week folks. the little guy fights back for you - 7/30/14

OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TODAY WARNED ISRAEL NOT TO DESTROY THE DEVIL BECAUSE SOMETHING WORSE COULD FOLLOW-REALLY "Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin  And finally, did you know that Qatar is the largest carbon bandit in the world?  And Barack would kill American coal but bent over for the worst polluter in the world.  He demands Qatar gets its way in Israel and Israel should just sit their and get hit by missals.   Here are the facts.  "By most calculations, Qataris are by far the largest per capita emitters of carbon dioxide in the world, with each person accounting for an estimated 49.1 tons in 2008. That compares with 18 tons each in the US, and 8.5 in the UK".

Well it only took one day to reveal that the appointment of some reformed Jewish Rabbi-David Saperstein as Religious Freedom Ambassador was exactly what I feared, a Token for Timing, like Bergdahl.  But because it fits Barack's pattern, it was easy to spot.  Sad, but easy.

Today the Obama administration warned that if Israel destroyed Hamas the Devil, something worse could follow!  What a bunch of BS.  If Israel doesn't destroy Hamas something worse will follow.  Anti-Semitism as well as the anti-Christian movements began with our White House.

A group of Atheists sued the IRS absent any evidence backing their loser case in order to manipulate said agency into being their weapon, their proxy to influence political decisions.  There law-suit is an oxymoron that could not be won in court.  Essentially the IRS is to use the same methods they used with the conservatives but this time it is pastors, priests and churches because they might feel a crime against humanity has occurred which is the jurisdiction of the Church, but said Church or pastor or priest might blame the mess on the Atheists which is usually the case isn't it-Nazi's for example, or they might blame a failure to protect we the people on the Liberal Democrats who have caused our borders to lack enforcement of United States laws folks and thus the LAWLESS DEMOCRATS are not protecting you and me, we were forced to vote on a bill before we knewwhat was in it, only to find the promise "You can keep your Doctor" and "you can keep your health plan" were bold faced lies and now that we know it was and is an outrage, failed to protect us from al-Qaeda on last years 9-11 anniversary in Benghazi Libya a no brainer but Barack and Hillary proved to have no brains on the issue, and now failing to protect us from ISIL and HAMAS knowing ISIL has a dirty bomb and has pledged to attack NEW YORK, while HAMAS has promised to come to the United States and help Nancy Pelosi and other racists kill a Jewish baby, child, mother, father, sister and brother, aunt and uncle, grandfather and grandmother in every corner of the United States, yet religious folks are banned from thinking freely or speaking freely when in Church or the truth needed to save America would be precluded by a Pastor, a Priest, a Deacon and all the rest.  This case should go to trial unless it was all a charade and the fix was in to hit conservatives again even though it is being investigated in Congress presently!  Shocking. 

All roads point to DOUBLE trouble for folks for love of the lord coming from our White House.  And they aren't even hiding it.  Look at Adolf Kerry or his presidential campaign buddy Mark Himmler.  Kerry actually went to two nations who presently either fund Hamas, Qatar, or support the death of all Jews, the insane Islamic Terrorist president of Turkey, Erdogen who is tied to orders which came from a Hamas leader living in Turkey to kidnap the three teenagers in Israel and kill them.  Unbelievable yet reality dictates we take action.  What has Barack done?

Folks Kerry in his haste to find someone to make a deal with and thus losing true class, real dignity or ethics and a total lack of personal morals by offering the Terrorists everything they wanted giving Jewish folks around the globe a bad signal just like the Nazi's had.   I worked very hard to get Kerry elected as President.  Writing for eight or nine months this Journal ran daily stories and even during the race ran a incredibly creative story line and when we lost, wrote a song, the Blue Flu Blues and placed the Lyrics here at the Journal.  

Today, knowing Pelosi is like a Terrorist within our nation as she forced folks to pass legislation about the health of America and all Americas without letting anyone read the bill, while SUGGESTING Qatar the funder of Hamas, told her Hamas was a humanitarian organization.....  I was waiting for her to say since Hamas is a charitable organization she is granting them tax exempt status and Obamacare coverage, which she still might.   Remember she is taking advice from Qatar; the country most folks think should have been a SANCTIONED years ago for ordering the deaths of so many thousands of folks, while paying for the attacks against poor innocent little Israel, concomitant with the Hamas claim that they will go into every corner of the US and the world and hunt down each and every; that is hunt down all living Jewish folks and kill them!!!!!!!!!!!  SANCTIONED would be too good for the enemy of THE US CLOSEST ALLIES THUS OUR ENEMY, Qatar, even though it is clear the current administration is bending over to grab some of evil Qatar's great wealth in one way or another.  Folks their active in Washington and perhaps the bread crumbs are starting to lead somewhere; you explain why Terrorists are getting all the breaks while folks of faith seem to be exterminated over seas, and in a Nation we took responsibility for, and then ran out on our friends, Iraq!

Perhaps a few million dollars per speech from Qatar, should Kerry or Barack retire (Illegal payola under the chameleon guise of a speech-NO MORALS)?  Lets keep an eye on this speech or Qatar stuff and perhaps there is much under the cloud of secret deals, like Obamacare was where "we the people were denied the right to read the Obamacare bill before our elected officials could vote on the bill concomitant with all the secret stuff we are slowly finding out about with perhaps the bulk of it not found out about for years.  And finally, did you know that Qatar is the largest carbon bandit in the world?  And Barack would kill American coal but bent over for the worst polluter in the world.  He demands Qatar gets its way in Israel and Israel should just sit their and get hit by missals.   Here are the facts.  "By most calculations, Qataris are by far the largest per capita emitters of carbon dioxide in the world, with each person accounting for an estimated 49.1 tons in 2008. That compares with 18 tons each in the US, and 8.5 in the UK".

In any event, Pelosi should be impeached and placed in jail for her racist statement regarding the very difficult situation in the middle east.  Payola or the hope for what Qatar is good at and that is payola appears to cause Senators etc to lose what they know is just. 

Kerry and his past campaign advisor Mark Himmler apparently are apart of the anti-Semitism movement in the Democrat party.  What does Barack Obama really think?  What do you think?  Is there a total absence of morals part of the progressive Democrats.  Much of their funding comes from a man who was Jewish but his father turned to become a real NAZI much like his son.  If it is true there is an absence of morals, no wonder they are out to wipe the Lord G-d off the face of the earth by allowing ISIL to go unchecked and murder all innocent Christians because they believe in forgiving their enemy and too much more, or letting the Syrian president kill hundreds of thousands of innocents, allow Christians to be persecuted and eliminated from where they began, in the middle east.  And it would explain why Barack told Israel to simply accept the incoming missiles.  Barack told Israel to live with it and not attack Hamas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Folks pundits on the left argue with such fervor but Barack has done NOTHING to help some of the most civilized peoples in the history of the planet, the Christians.

Finally and par for Barack Obama's golf course, illegal alien law breakers picketed the White House today, because they know they are above the law.  Lawlessness has become in vogue due to the current administration and folks they seem to not care.  This is the same lawlessness which motivates our government to favor Terrorist murderers over "all that is good".

More then ever before we need folks to pray to the lord for help from our current administration.  And may the lord continue to bless America.  the little guy fights back for you - 7/29/14

RUSSIAN AMERICAN RELATIONS WORST SINCE THE CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS AND ISRAELI AMERICAN RELATIONS WORST SINCE I WAS BORN  "Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin

You see folks, all of the harsh critics that pointed out Barack Obama was 100 percent wrong on everything he has said and done relative to foreign policy, was not done out of meanness, it was done because our Republic is more important then any individual.  Heck most folks wanted to like the movie star president Obama, but from his very first stumble giving his Egyptian speech, it was clear we were in for trouble.  But every time one criticized Barack, not for being Barack and more power to him once he leaves the very public job of being the leader of the United States, but because he was dead wrong and I knew from the get go of the Presidents foreign speeches and foreign policy speech, that his misuse of the most powerful bully pulpit in the history of all nations, would doom us eventually.  

Frankly folks, that entire Russian RESET WAS INDEED SO MUCH THEATER I REMEMBER WELL ONE OF MY RETIRED CFE PALS (Sat with him to be trained as a Government Certified Fraud Examiner, in fact we had the youngest Inspector General of the Army in history to that point in time, 29 years old sitting directly on my right and my pals boss at CIA sitting on our left among sooo many FBI agents and so forth, investigators for many IG's, Treasury, FTC and to much we go back a long way) telling me, "What is Obama insane...How could he let Clinton go out and make a fool out of US (he meant the United States)?  There going to think were a bunch of pansies".  Although I thought that was a bit harsh, it turned out to be spot on. 

Truly no one respects the US.  And with Barack lets say accidently to be way to kind bumbling and fumbling the way he has with such lovely rhetoric, a Barack Obama talent if you will, the United States is more divided then ever.  There were more claims of anti-black stuff during the last six years then I remember in decades.  But now to witness real anti-anti-Semitic chameleon speak coming from the Democrat left on all avenues of communication even nightly on Fox as sickening as that is to realize, it is clear much of the hate is from the left in our nation as they are paranoid and thus must strike out with make believe claims while dealing anti-Semitic rhetoric apparently well hidden in the past.

Folks I don't remember organized leftist Democrat anti-Semitism in the states before Barack's time as President.  Especially on evening TV news/media outlets!  To the left, if you disagree with them and their messengers black, your a racist that hates folks of color.  If the criticism comes from someone Jewish, the Democrat left racists attack all Jewish folks, everywhere and anywhere in the world, especially Israel.   Folks, Israel gave GAZA up for free and only asked that their giving up of all that territory, would grant them peace.  Now the GAZA fiasco has lead to many many many tunnels dug into Israel for the soul purpose of kidnapping teenagers and killing them, kidnapping women to rape and torment, kill Israelis insidiously only to escape across the border so no one knows what happed, and too much more in the way of serious catastrophic events which could be smuggled into Israel through a tunnel and cause mass destruction with a nuclear device.  Concomitantly absent Israeli aggression which is key, GAZA no matter who is at fault there, began to rain down missals.  If Israel did not have any means to defend from such attacks you would see millions of dead Jewish babies.  Is that what you want to see?  Some are beginning to see the evil chameleons hidden in the Democrat party and elsewhere.  All of these people are antithetical to the constitution, our bill of rights, or our declaration of independence.  It is time to find candidates who will re-unite the Blacks and the Jews, re-unite the Moslems and the Christians, the Moslems and the Jews, and reunite all Americans first, and then the WORLD WOULD COPY THE US.  But when the world witnesses what this Journal is exposing which is the real world based on outcomes and actions rather then BS, the world copy's us and it surly shows in Europe and the rest of the free world

Now combine that with Baracks past mistakes and no one believes in Barack.  Hell I have more faith in Barack if we could just light his fire, then most folks, but the Barack I believed in may have never existed.  It is never too late to change.

For now it has become perfectly clear there are traitors to the American way of life embedded in the homeland in the Democrat party.  Surely if the Democrats of old don't join in with the Republicans, we will never unite our nation again.  We can overcome folks, but sadly the easiest way is for Barack to wake up, start over, call back those he may have cast out because they were right but conservative, and its time to roll up his sleeves and go to work.  With the conservatives on board Barack could make Putin eat crow!

Antithetically, most folks are beginning to give up on Barack, and at least 1/3 has.  Let us hope Barack realizes his mistakes, realizes his party has betrayed all that was good and perhaps it is time for him to make new friends.  I know the Republicans and Independents would accept him, but with his track record and his antithetical to the American way new leftist Democrat party, I fear he will have to bring many gifts, and give more then he would be willing to give to PUT ALL THE BAD WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE. 

Did you know that today, President Barack Obama nominated Rabbi David Saperstein as Religious Freedom Ambassador!  I believe he would be the first Non-Christian since the inception of the position.  I see the President POSSIBLY sensing the error of his ways (Let us hope Rabbi Saperstein is not a TOKEN Jewish person for TIMING) and just took a first step in a long list of steps it will take to regain Jewish trust after Kerry blew the Jews from all corners of the globe out of the water this past weekend with his Hamas only peace offer .  Folks would be having a hardy laugh if it wasn't so horrible and heinous to contemplate.  That's a thousand steps backwards and perhaps 50 steps forward.  After Kerry exposed himself for what he truly is, Barack Obama's work is now 950 times harder (That is 1,000 steps backward and 50 steps forward)!  

For the sake of all that are good, let us hope the lord continues to bless America and Barack wakes up before his new epiphanies on how the world really works takes hold so he can preclude one of the wacko's from Russia or Russian separatist to Syria, from Nigeria to ISIS, from Iran to  Pakistan, puts a hit on someone or something important or on the homeland itself.  WE all need to agree, may the lord continue to bless America. little guy fights back for you 7/28/14

BARACK AND FAR LEFT DEMOCRAT ANTI-SEMITISM OBVIOUS AND HURTS AMERICA - OUR MILITARY AND OUR ALLIES DONE CONSCIOUSLY OR UNCONSCIOUSLY FOR OUR SUBJECT TO PONDER THIS SPECIAL SUNDAY THE 27TH OF JULY   "Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin

What are folks to think?  Barack let the world know that he was NOT going to enforce THE LAW, which is not MIA, but a conscious decision to disobey said structure, and the world began to send us their illegal immigrant children and their terrorists.  What did this do to our Border Patrol?  Destroyed it turning men into nannies for kids, thus unable to do their job!  And the Border Patrol became dysfunctional.  We all learned from this error accept who?  Barack has proposed placing 5,0000 illegal child immigrants on Military Bases.  Knowing what happened to the Border Guard, he is going to cause the same chaos for our Armed forces turning military bases within the states into nanny-homes while the best of the best (War experienced Officers) get pink slips, and cut funds for spar parts, replacement parts, new designs in our Navy and Air force while severely shrinking the size of our Armed Forces.   What party is doing this?  The Democrat Party.

Soooooooooooooooooo, while Putin takes over Eastern Europe, ISIS takes over our Iraq and parts of Syria, Hamas and Hezbollah take over Egypt, Lebanon, Jordon, and their key target, Saudi Arabia and "the promised land" for Iran, Boko Haram takes over Africa and China takes over Japan and the Philippines, Barack is only too HAPPY TO DESTROY OUR MILITARY, OUR BORDER GUARDS which many are noting he is MIA which I reported months ago, but have matured by an examination of actions taken by our executive branch during all of the multitude of crises occurring NOW!  Said maturation indicates strong anti-Semitism in the ranks of the far left section of the Democrat party which is beginning to explain a heck of a lot of events.  Heck Jesus and Moses to only name a few, for example are in the same Bible.  What does common sense based on inductive and deductive reasoning tell you?  If folks can't see the harm done to our nation, our world and our times, I would opine those folks are a bit whacky to.  Even the moderate liberals with their "crystal ball" see the difference between liberals and radicals out to re-design American in their own egregious image which done consciously or unconsciously is destroying the COMMON GOOD shared by all nations who have evolved above the animal level.  What are smart folks to think?

If Barack's America cancelled flights to Israel and in the same week sent money and supplies to Hamas, what do you imagine folks would think?  They would think that Barack has very little in the way of the type of learned character which comes with the study of Christianity.  With all the power Barack has at his disposal, far more then any nation because our kids are the best of the best, he cowers away from good deeds such as ending the Genocide OF CHRISTIANS first in Iraq to make a point and the possible Genocide of the Jewish people in Israel . Folks for almost twenty years here on the internet I have taught that "The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." - Charles Kingsley.  There has been little in the way of chivalry in the US White House these days as OUR WITHDRAWAL FROM THE WORLD STAGE HAS AIDED ALL THE NEW TERRORIST AGGRESSION, RUSSIAN AGGRESSION, ISIS AGGRESSION AND BOKO HARAM AGGRESSION.  You see they know Barack Obama is Delilah and the United States is Sampson .  And Barack has such bad judgment and inexperienced numskulls as advisors and as appointees, unless Independent folks like myself speak up, I believe and can almost palpably feel "SOMEONE CHIPPING AWAY AT THE GREAT MELTING POT and eliminating or not enforcing our immigration laws which had evolved from all past administration folks combined efforts until now!   Who would have thought an elected official would used the un-enforcement of the law or laws as a device to remold our society, our laws...our lives".   I must opine our nation is in real trouble.  However the republicans seem a bit dysfunctional as well.

Lets look at the most dysfunctional character since Barack Obama and that is Chris Christy.  These two are so much alike its scary and this time the fools are the Republicans.  Clearly from what honest Democrat folks are telling me, Barack fooled them.  The whole thing is so odd because if you mention Nancy Pelosi and I am in California, folks easily tell me she is a nut job.  If you mention Harry Reid California Democrats tell me he is an awful person but blame it on Alzheimer's.  But when they speak about Barack, relatively a new guy, it hurts their hearts and they opine they were fooled and would never support such an inexperienced personal again.  And everyone is checking out folks actions rather then their rhetoric or simply put BS.  That brings us to Chris Christy.  Today, this head of the Republican Governors association backed crazy exocentric New York's Cuomo for Governor or like Barack, simply wont act or back Astorino, a Republican running against all odds, running against a Democrat Governor in one of the most Democrat states in the Union, New York.  The republican party is dysfunction because of folks like Chris Christy, but not to the degree of the Democrat party.  It will be a long time before many many folks, consider a Democrat for President.

TERRORIST MURDERING MONSTERS ARE ELIMINATING THE CHRISTIANS AND OF COURSE JEWS SEEMED TO FOLLOW.  Folks know Barack is smart so what the most common sense deduction would be, Barack is antithetical to the personal beliefs of the Founding Fathers, antithetical to some of the greats that came later, President Andrew Jackson in 1835 demonstrated real leadership and a heroic image for kids to emulate as he paid off the U.S. debt which put money into circulation and said kids had it better then their parents.  Unlike life under Barack where the kids do much much worse then their parents! 

Lincoln demonstrated real leadership and was a heroic image for kids to emulate as he united the peoples of America.  The extraordinary President LINCOLN accomplished by his death, the unification of the Gray states and the Blue States, he united the Red states and the Blue states, he united all men as demanded by our declaration of independence, and thus from the get go the United States was designed to be on the road to being color blind when Lincoln simply made the words come true that all men are created equal, and that we hold THESE TRUTHS TO BE SELF EVIDENT.  Yet today Barack supports Terrorist organizations like Hamas, over the folks that have struggled the longest and are simply as a group of people, living in their homelands as established for over 3,000 years.  While Islam has a small sect which is out to destroy anyone that won't convert to Islam, it was established at least 600 years after the birth of Jesus.  The attacks on Israel are nothing but Racism.  Yet we would cause a temporary embargo the very days Israel would need supplies the most?  Folks are catching on that our President time and time again illustrates his poor judgment on the most important issues of our times and issues which affect our Republic and our interests negatively and severely.  Thus life today offered by Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, Iran is that life liberty and the pursuit of happiness is AGAINST THE LAW.  There is no prudence with the terrorists.  There are no self evident truths all folks of all colors, religion, races and creeds realize on their own thus inhibiting natures progress of proving if given a chance folks do think similarly on the basic principals of again life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  That normal human process is destroyed by Terrorists and even the likes of Iran, Hamas and Russia today.  Look at our precious planet today, with burning governments, burning peoples and with the absent of the rule of law as originally established by the Bible, also under attack by the weak minded or immature, people in Syria, Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Nigeria, perhaps in Afghanistan if the US abandons their reasonable civility and we witness out of fear, man turn against man always with some new INSANE MAN LEADING A CALIPHATE OR FALSE CAUSE.  The Powel doctrine was well established and we said after we win the day for peace we will leave a base to guide!  Have you ever stopped to realize or ponder the question, If everyone simply listened to our founding fathers, and openly and repeatedly espoused our views all these moronic immature terrorist attacks and take over's would be exposed as mass insane hysteria OUR LEADERS ARE FAILING TO PRESENT THE AMERICAN MESSAGE Once folks shared the self evident epiphanies and did not have to be afraid to speak out with the truth, the entire terrorist movement would be shattered.  Russian would be slapped down just as China if they go off half cocked proving they to have insane mentally ill leadership WE, MUST, BE, FIRST AND FOREMOST, AMERICANS EXPRESSING THE IDEAS OF OUR FOUNDING FATHERS AND THUS OUR INHERITANCE SHARED WITH THE WORLD.  For based on our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution, and thus the rule of law (FOLKS THE RULE OF WESTERN CONSTITUTIONAL LAW PRECLUDES ALL THE ARGUMENTS BY THE ALLEGED PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY, HAMAS, PUTIN and all the rest) and love of the brotherhood of mankind, all that is good would be shared and all that is bad would fall between the cracks and mostly out of sight.  Thus mankind's experience living freely in a just world would be the norm.

Reagan demonstrated real leadership and was a heroic image for men and women alike as he united the world.  Heck during those day, life went from Tumult to Tranquility as apposed to the fact that the only problem we had from Bush were we lost our savings and didn't want another financial crisis which really was the banking sectors greed which was at fault along with Democrat sponsored Sallie Mae and Freddy Mack.  Thus we elected Barack which resulted in American weakness, absence of American resolve, absence of a strong and vibrant economy where just today it was announced that New Home sales dropped 8.1 percent this quarter.  Combine that with the fact that our economy is contracting and shrinking concomitant with a smaller take home check but high inflation hidden by this Administrations number massage artists, but we all witness the inflation when we go to the drug store or grocery store.  What are folks to think if they are AWARE?  And of course that is what were doing here today, simply making others aware by sharing the truth.

Folks don't you think its odd that for over seventeen years now, this Journal has had the Presidents adorn the left of this column?  Some citizens must act as watch guard for our Presidency, as our constitution makes the President the citizen leader, but nothing more and by now, Barack has really disappointed this examiner and frankly every time he acts foolishly by not acting in our times of need, another tear is shed for our Republic.

Under Barack crimes against humanity are abundant around the globe and at our Southern border as crimes against the United States.  And because of Barack all Dem's copy him and there is so much lying and fraud on TV by pundits, I would have to opine this administration has taught folks its ok to commit crimes as long as you get away with it.  look at the IRS lies and now suddenly when the threat of a forensic expert was promised, oops they might have the backup tapes of Louis Lerner's hard drive.  Oh they perjured themselves again in Congress the Hard Drive was not destroyed only scratched!!!!!  If you did such things you would go to jail for years and years.  It is very sad to admit, some in our government felt they were above the law.  And still do.  It breaks a patriots heart folks.

Lies are fraud which is usually a very bad thing.  New home sales dropped 8.1 percent this quarter combined with a shrinking national economy proves no one is leading in the White House and it shows.  Barack Obama will go down in history as the worst a-wall president in the nations entire history if he does not send us back to Iraq to secure the peace.  This is securing the peace for you, me, England, France, Germany, Norway, Switzerland, Spain, and so forth.  If ISIS is successful history will prove Barack Obama as President was asked over a year before ISIS began their caliphate, and he refused to aid the Iraqi Prime Minister and thus had a hand in the brutal heinous murdering, mutilating terrorists success in such matters even if that part was unintentional!  I think Barack acted the way he did in an attempt to discredit Nouri al-Maliki and allow Iran a foot hold in Iraq.  Iran seems to hold some crazy favor with Barack evidenced with how Barack has allowed Iran to have the Bomb.  But as usual the president goofed up and ISIS has kicked the Iranian fighters butts, and they grabbed the influence.  

Even liberal Time Magazine this week announced that the United States of America, under President Obama's lack of leadership, has caused us to lose the 2nd Cold War to Russia.  Barack needs to kick Putin's butt past tense.  But Putin continues his quest to retake and remake the old Soviet Union while Barack is, well Barack.

I opine Barack uses bad judgment.  I had sent him my Energy Independence in 5 years plan and when did he use it?  To defeat Romney and then abandoned it.  He called it his "all of the above plan" which he received from me.  If you are my readers you know the story but because he received it from me, I remember this.  He only used it for its common sense value as folks loved it, but once re-elected it was proven to simply be BS.  Several weeks ago, I opined he should go on TV here and abroad telling forks to keep their children in their home countries.  He took my advise and did that.  But he had to follow-through with securing the border, he didn't and again, its all rhetoric to manipulate you, rather then actually put a good idea to work.  You see he probably isn't purposely trying to destroy America it is just that he has such poor judgment, trusts the wrong folks, angers the folks he needs and too much more, as the etiology for all the ills which face our nation today, as well as many many of the ills which face our allies today.  Barack Obama's immaturity, lack of experience, and bad judgment is hurting our great Republic and our entire world .  Who would have thought that one of the best talkers to come around in a while was just that a great talker but a fellow whose judgment is so poor he simply doesn't know how to implement the great strategies and ideas to help America.  He just was not a good fit for the job relative to actions which Presidents need to take albeit one of the best talkers that has been in the office of the Presidency.  And thus he run's out any chance he gets.  Its called AWOL.  Period (as the president likes to say).

Well folks, it breaks my heart to realize that Christians and Jews are secret enemies of Barack Obama, apparently some dark corner of Barack psyche.  His actions against Israel and for Hamas prove where Barack stands once and for all.  For the first time in history the US has stooped all flights to Israel while sending emergency money to Hamas.  Honestly it is hard to get over that one.  Hell during real war, when the chips were down and emotions were low, we never stopped all fights.   At the same time, Barack Obama is ignoring the plight of the Hispanic people and the American people and has turned a deaf ear to the most urgent border need since President General Antonio López de Santa Anna launched an assault on the Alamo Mission in San Antonio, Texas.  In other words the greatest crisis to face our nation as this incursion is not only to attack the Alamo but to attack over an almost 2,000 mile border!  Lets review, Barack did boycott Israel silently and absent consultation with the congress while sending assistance to the enemy (They wish to destroy the US next folks), and is helping to destroy the economy of our nation, destroy the low wage job market, overburden our state and social services with a massive all at once barrage of illegal aliens, overburden our health care mechanisms, and help the misguided lawbreakers and the criminally insane to cross into our nation illegally, all while his IRS seemingly guilty of fraud and wrongful prosecution, and Barack truthfully is destroying our Military, destroying Jesus in the lives of Christians within our nation and truly around the globe especially the Christian genocide in Iraq, and frankly too much more and more and more and folks are catching on. 

You see Barack has abandoned his Presidential duties in lieu of campaigning to try to keep the Senate so he wont be impeached.  He thinks he is going to be impeached!  Bill O'Reilly felt that Barack could not be impeached because only a full 1/3 of the folks said they would vote for impeachment.  You see Bill doesn't understand how ideas grow and then are shared.  It only took Barack 6 years to convince 1/3 of the folks that he is doing a HORRIBLE JOB as President.  Thus, this idea is growing exponentially, and perhaps by his seventh year in office the figure could be nearly 1/2.  And by his last year, well...? 

Now if I were Barack and he seems to appreciate my creatively but hasn't proven to take the action steps described or he describes in his rhetoric, I would slap Putin down but slightly after I sent our Yanks over there to arrest ISIS and bring them to justice, so it's finally over, over there.  And then pull out while leaving a base .  That would kick old Putin right his jewels because we would have a presence in the Middle East to counter the dastardly Putin and remove his influence.  It is horrible influence and it breeds the likes of evil Iran, evil Hamas and evil Hezbollah

You see Putin knows Afghanistan kicked Russia's butt when it was much more experienced with war then Russia is today.  But it only took the US three months and we were in charge with the huge battle of trying to secure the peace for folks, that were never given pamphlets to read about our founding fathers and what is in our Declaration of Independence.  But never try to tell them what they should do.  Simply provide the reading materials and I opine you could watch the seed of freedom grow into a tree of knowledge and become the Oasis all folks in the middle east had dreamed about now and again.  Perhaps a magic carpet ride in their lifetimes!

We won't have much of a nation by the time, Barack, Pelosi, Reid, Rice and the rest of them get done with our grand Republic.   I have to ask myself to ponder this question as the evidence is the reality happening on the ground and not the worlds of Adolf, Pelosi, Koskinen, Rice, and especially Clinton who claimed her reset won over Russia and Putin said witch, your a nobody and began shooting artillery from Russian at Ukrainian targets proving I was right when below you read I warned you Putin shot down that plane for some purpose.  Remember the night before Barack hit him with some mild sanctions, but Putin has gotten too carried away with himself, as he has proven thus far to be the better Statesmen having Barack and other leaders believe he is such a nice and understanding man, when he is cunning, smart, sharp, in better physical shape then his contemporaries, and he is on a wrongheaded mission to reinvent the Wheel by creating a modern version of the old Soviet Union which is so out of step with the modern world, that Putin may have to be slapped down, and if not by Barack by a real President of the most power nation on the globe.  Lets review Barack employs' sanctions Putin shots down a civilian plane filled with passengers.  Hillary tries to BS folks with her reset NONSENSE and the same day Putin starts SHELLING the Ukraine directly from Russia.  The DEMOCRATS ARE A JOKE WHICH HAS BECOME DANGEROUS FOR OUR UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

Folks the Barack Obama administration is the most anti-Christian and anti-Israeli administration in the history of our great Republic.  Today's Republican is similar to yesterday's Democrat (JFK was much more like today's Young Republicans) while today's Democrat seem like aliens from planet X.  That's it!  An Alien conspiracy to destroy the only nation that could stand in their way, in their quest to concur the planet and enslave the masses.  Don't you wish it were that simple!

Folks Barack knew about ISIS a year ago which is antithetical to what he told us and refused to send help to Iraq when we could have stopped ISIS cold.  The Barack Obama administration is the most anti-American interests administration in history.  He purposely caused all the folks who died fighting the war on terror to be meaningless save we get it now and "we the people" will make their lives lost or impaired, a valuable treasure and we will win the day in Iraq...someday.

Folks the Barack Obama administration is the most anti-US Military and anti-Veterans administrations in our nations grand history.

Folks the Obama administration is the most disengaged Administrations in our Republics history.  But it is now appearing to change from disengagement to inaction by design to destroy anything Christian, Jewish or American.  We don't know why, again I opine he can't get his action agendas engaged because they are often too radical and folks can't come to a consensus, but as the problems pile up, and the Democrat Rhetoric remains lockstep with their Theater Playbook called "Denial", his promises become meaningless in the lives of Americans and smart folks recognize his rhetoric, at least up to this point, has produced very little compared to Presidents that achieved greatness.

Folks the Obama administration seems missing in action, has abandoned leadership duties and thus spends three fourth of his work time out fundraising for the Democrat party; on the taxpayers dime.  Folks would not want their tax dollars spent on frivolous Political bull.   It doesn't matter what the heinous event was, Benghazi, ISIS, seizure of Crimea by renegade Putin of Russia, our loss of a southern border, and the probability or greater then 50% chance terrorists are smuggling a weapon of mass destruction across our leaky porous southern border because they know eventually Obama will be gone, and there won't be another US Government functioned above the law, so they probably could not get through with a WMD while the getting is good.  Nestce pas...Kapiert....Consiguelo...?

Further in this vein, FOSTERING illegal immigration which is exponentially attracting more and more illegal immigration while we are in debt over 17 trillion dollars, our new Home Sales are contracting or tanking while our overall economy is contracting and at best predicted to continue to be inconsistent, is a gross example of a President going A. W. O. L. or is missing while the nations is involved in unwanted situations.   Horrible situations...!

Folks do you remember when the chips were down and during the middle of the war in Iraq, our Vice President Cheney showed up to rally the troops at Balad Air Force Base in Iraq?  Or can you remember when George Bush showed up unannounced and surprised the Troops in Iraq for Thanks Giving during the War?  Folks the closest Barack Obama has gotten to being a heroic president is spending more time at political fund raisers then hours working for "we the people".  And not apparently caring.  That must take a type of guts that I find illusive to anything I would expect of a president as such behavior while the citizens worry is not presidential nor dignified.

We as a nation are in real trouble, and it's not a matter of something that we can turn away from and either hope all these problems will go away, or someone will fly in and save us at the last minute. 

Well, perhaps this is enough to ponder for our Sunday appreciation of the light of the eternal mind.  Perhaps once the issues are finally defined, we can right the ship America and get her on course to a new a greater shared experience for all her legal citizens who prove each and every day, they love America for all that she stands for.  Lets have a great new week.  G-d bless. the little guy fights back for you.


Have a great week folks. the little guy  fights back for you 7-23-14


These truths are very upsetting for me to read concerning the Fiasco at Benghazi.  Remember that there are twenty survivors who know what happened.  Sooner or later they will speak.  The following was written by a cousin of Ambassador Stevens, a US Navy Chaplain, Senior Pastor Ret'd

THIS IS A TRUE STORY...and a dirty one!  You need to read this true account of what happened to our Ambassador Stevens and the other 3 who died.  If this doesn't make you mad.........Cynthia Lee Myers wanted to share the truth of what happened over in Libya, you will not find this in the media yet but it airs tonight on FNC.....please read....

"Here is my story. A week out the Embassy in Tripoli began receiving multiple tips about an Al-Qaeda cell in the area planning an attack on 9/11 in response to the killing of Bin Laden. For the next several days, the state department and WH were asked for a security force and were denied at least six times. Ambassador Stevens and his team were given the all clear that the Consulate in Benghazi was safe and there was no need for a security force other than his 3 personal guards. (One being my cousin and a few Libyans who were not armed.) Then the attack and murders occurred.

Immediately the WH claimed it was a protest gone bad over a you-tube video. Obama made a quick speech in the Rose Garden on Sept.12before catching a plane to Vegas to campaign. He made a generic statement at the end of his speech after placing the blame on an overheated protest over the video. He said "No act of terror will shake the resolve of America. Later that day and over the next 2 days, the liberal media began saying Ambassador Stevens and the other 3 men died of smoke inhalation. This was not the case.

Out of respect for my cousin, I'm not going to be specific about his murder. However Ambassador Stevens was brutally murdered. His genitals were cut off, he was sodomized and beaten and cut and stabbed and burned. He was drug thru the streets and left for dead. This is eyewitness testimony of a local Dr. who found the Ambassador in a ditch and tried to save his life. He had no idea who he was. The other 3 men, including my cousin, met similar fates. And deaths due to smoke inhalation is a 100% fabricated LIE.

The next week I drove my aunt and Uncle and 2 others to DC to receive his body. We met with Hillary, Panetta, and Susan Rice. ALL of whom apologized and said it was a protest gone bad over a video and exited the area. Next - Obama entered with the same story and didn't apologize and wasn't sympathetic.

My aunt cried to this man and all he did was hand her flowers and walk away. I tried to get his attention, but didn't. I got upset and yelled liar to him, he kept walking. Then a secret service agent grabbed my arm and led me to a room where I was held till the proceedings were over.
America, I saw firsthand how cold this man is. What kind of liar he is. Most of you haven't a clue about this tyrant and yet you support him. And act like every word he says is Gospel. These murders and the fast and furious cover ups make Watergate look like, a kid who told his bff's secret to the class.

The stunning part of this story is that Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty killed 60 of the attacking force. Once the compound was overrun, the attackers were incensed to discover that just two men had inflicted so much death and destruction.

The news has been full of the attacks on our embassies throughout the Muslim world, and in particular, the deaths of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others in Benghazi, Libya. However, there's a little known story of incredible bravery, heroics, and courage that should be the top story.
So what actually happened at the U.S. embassy in Libya? We are learning more about this every day. Ambassador Stevens and Foreign Service officer Sean Smith, along with administrative staff, were working out of temporary quarters due to the fact that in the spring of 2011 during the so-called Arab Spring, the United States cut ties with then president Moammar Gadhafi. Our embassy was looted and ransacked, causing it to be unusable. It is still in a state of disrepair. Security for embassies and their personnel is to be provided by the host nation. Since Libya has gone through a civil war of sorts in the past 18 months, the current government is very unstable, and therefore, unreliable.

A well-organized attack by radical Muslims was planned specifically targeting the temporary U.S. embassy building. The Libyan security force that was in place to protect our people deserted their post, or joined the attacking force. Either way, our people were in a real fix.
And it should be noted that Ambassador Stevens had mentioned on more than one occasion to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, that he was quite concerned for his personal safety and the welfare of his people.

It is thought that Ambassador Stevens was on a "hit list". A short distance from the American compound, two Americans were sleeping. They were in Libya as independent contractors working an assignment totally unrelated to our embassy. They also happened to be former Navy Seals. When they heard the noise coming from the attack on our embassy, as you would expect from highly trained warriors, they ran to the fight. Apparently, they had no weapons, but seeing the Libyan guards dropping their guns in their haste in fleeing the scene, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty snatched up several of these discarded weapons and prepared to defend the American compound.

Not knowing exactly what was taking place, the two Seals set up a defensive perimeter. Unfortunately Ambassador Stevens was already gravely injured, and Foreign Service officer, Sean Smith, was dead. However, due to their quick action and suppressive fire, twenty administrative personnel in the embassy were able to escape to safety. (But all have been silenced and kept away from congress and all investigations on Benghazi!!)

Eventually, these two courageous men were overwhelmed by the sheer numbers brought against them, an enemy force numbering between 100 to 200 attackers which came in two waves. But the stunning part of the story is that Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty killed 60 of the attacking force. Once the compound was overrun, the attackers were incensed to discover that just two men had inflicted so much death and destruction. As it became apparent to these selfless heroes, they were definitely going to lose their lives unless some reinforcements showed up in a hurry. As we know now, that was not to be. I'm fairly certain they knew they were going to die in this gun fight, but not before they took a whole lot of bad guys with them!

Consider these tenets of the Navy SEAL Code:
1) Loyalty to Country, Team and Teammate,
2) Serve with Honor and Integrity On and Off the Battlefield,
3) Ready to Lead, Ready to Follow, Never Quit,
4) Take responsibility for your actions and the actions of your teammates,
5) Excel as Warriors through Discipline and Innovation,
6) Train for War, Fight to Win, Defeat our Nation's Enemies, and...
7) Earn your Trident every day.

Thank you, Tyrone and Glen. To the very last breath, you both lived up to the SEAL Code. You served all of us well. You were courageous in the face of certain death. And Tyrone, even though you never got to hold your newborn son, he will grow up knowing the character and quality of his father, a man among men who sacrificed himself defending others.

Dr. Charles R. Roots Senior Pastor
Former Staff Sergeant, USMC Captain,
U. S. Navy Chaplain Corps (Ret.)

Let us never forget Hillary Clinton's Comment, "What Difference Does It Make?"
And she wants to be our next president!  She's a joke!

Dear Mr. M,

As you from the moment Benghazi became a part of our vocabulary I had exposed the truth.  Within moments of the attack simple Intel anyone with a brain and a internet computer could find and I posted the facts.  Shocking what I had to fight against before realized the truth and I alone could not save America and all that is good.

Your note to the Journal from Pastor Roots was much appreciated by the members.  I ask you understand the two week delay in placing it at the Journal.  I hope to have time to come back and thank you again for your very thought provoking and timely evidence on what transpired in Benghazi.  I opine timely as for what ever reason, many folks never knew what happened!!!!  Thus I do believe more and more folks are beginning to listen which is why it is so important that articles like yours bring forth the truth so in the coming year or so, a consensus can develop which demands rational and responsible action on the part of this administration.  - Editors Note

A JOB TOO TOUGH TO ADMIT TO BY BARACK OR HILLARY "Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin

There is much Democrat emotion in the land and it is all probably for the good.  Because our President has done so poorly there has been almost a silent self examination going on with folks who voted for Barack.  Many look back to the Iraq War.  Readers of this Journal know, not only was I against it initially, for every bone headed piece of evidence presented, I explained it away here at the Journal.  For example, one of the wrong headed pieces of information was Colon Powel Showed trucks moving about noon time each day.  The shadows from surveillance demonstrated a signature of Nuclear transport.  It was routine and proved how busy the facility was.  I wrote here at the Journal my best sources tell me that what was shown was two satellites views both at a angle which  make the shadow look that way.  Shadow removed, they were lunch trucks  which also explained why they came at noon every day!  No one listened.

Thus many conservatives and friends of Republican Eagles were much apposed to the Iraq war just as some liberals were.  The War was driven by moderates from both the Republican and Democrat parties, aka the Establishment Candidates.  Most folks in Congress on both sides of the isle were so taken with the odd evidence, Yellow cake traced from Africa, and a whole assortment of tidbits that never added up to this examiner.  However what did add up was Saddam was a bad dude.  He had attacked Kuwait, we liberated Kuwait, and some time later in a Parade Saddam tried to have President Papa Bush assassinated, and I continued to write G W was not going to allow Saddam to try to hit his dad again.  But Saddam had the mindset of ISIS but with the power of a Government, and what I think triggered the war if I remember my time line well, was the fact that Saddam had kind of been cooperating with the WMD inspectors, (and while the whole evidence presentation stuff was so tame compared to Susan Rice twice now or Clinton and Barack on Benghazi and running around the world selling the YouTube Video, poor Colon Powel should feel much better at least...?!) suddenly he would no longer cooperate and we attacked.  Saddam suddenly would not let the inspectors finish their work, and that was the final straw. 

Once there however our children were fighting these Wars and you have to focus on winning and preventing the need to return.  A famous song from world war I written by one of my boyhood heroes (Every year from 2nd Grade to 6 grade at Highland Park Elementary School they would have me go from class room to class room and sing Over There, Give My regards to Broadway, California Here I come, Mamie, I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy, April Showers, Maria from West side Story and many more standing on a wooden box) George M. Cohan "Over There" Over There Send the word, send the word over there -That the Yanks are coming, The Yanks are coming, The drums rum-tumming Everywhere. So prepare, say a prayer, Send the word, send the word to beware. We'll be over, we're coming over, And we won't come back till it's over Over there."  Folks Americans fight to win, and we don't come back till its over, over there.  AND IT WAS A DEMOCRAT SIX TERM PRESIDENT THAT GAVE GEORGE THE CONGRESSIONAL MEDAL OF HONOR FOR PRECISELY THAT ALL AMERICAN LOGIC IN SONG so you can't say those principals weren't in the Democrat Party before the likes of Barack!  Barack Obama did the most un-American thing a leader could do, and that was to bring our troops home before it was over, over there, which doomed us to now face an entire Middle East in flames and most probably somehow fight ISISIt doesn't matter what a campaign promise was, it matters what one learns once they are President and then how they act on it.  Barack failed to learn anything from any briefing, and went about the world telling everyone how life really should be based on his own very naive and inexperienced view of the world, and because he was president of the United States even if folks were puzzled they listened and he had a horrible backlash negative affect on Domestic and World affairs.  He just couldn't do much of anything right or well unless you consider the ability to kick the Republicans butts.  But the fact remains the true job or demands of the job of President of the United States was and is too much to bear for Barack and simply a job to tough to admit, which is why we see the outcome failures with Russia, in Crimea, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Iran, Iraq, the GAZA strip, poor best pal Israel, Nigeria, Sudan, the rest of Africa becoming infected, our Southern Border or absence of a TRUE Southern Border, failed economic strength and left with a economy shrinkage or contraction concomitant with inflation for all goods and services, straining the masses ability to make a dollar stretch, gas prices soaring, harsh government regulations relative to corporate taxes and an EPA stranglehold on progress pulling our nation down to the ground from the saddle, while killing our crops and livestock due to the new EPA ban on insecticides with pestilence beginning to run wild. Barack has sent pestilence from places outside our nation to almost every corner of the Republic with unvaccinated and untreated illegal aliens all expecting government handouts to survive, a legal Americans job, and equal status to legal Americans during a time of a contracting economy and absence of a positive effect President which is why there is so much tumult in our world.  More tumult then in my lifetime I  so testify in writing under threat of perjury.  More tumult then my parents would have ever imagined possible in our nation and our world.  It has been a pathetic presidency and the world events prove it.

Folks the Job of President appears to have been was too tough for Barack to admit he could not do it, so bit by bit, this event or important occurrence which faced the nation would be let go, and over time, more and more things were given lip service but no action steps were taken on the most issues to solve, the important issues which faced our nation domestically and internationally.  Thus here we are today with Walgreens and even Pfizer running away from the United States to find corporate homes in foreign nations (Even Walgreens the once thought of all-American neighborhood drug store chain! - As President Barack has become a community disorganizer- sneaking ill contagious illegal aliens into a neighborhood coming soon near you...).

The stability and tranquility of the heart land first and foremost followed by the world as America is the leader of the free world by virtue of the inheritance we all received from the greatest minds in history, the founding fathers, has been lost.  Clearly President Obama has NOT spent his inheritance wisely, and for these reasons, and absent any malaise for our President or his choices to head his administrative offices, we as a people, Republican, Libertarian, Independent, and Democrat must join hands, put aside our differences to build Energy Independence ONCE AND FOR ALL, secure our Border ONCE AND FOR ALL, lower the corporate tax to manufactures who wish to come home to our United States, we must give tax incentives for said group of manufactures who hire legal American workers, must agree to take a portion of the great tax wealth that will come in both state and federal coffers to rebuild our nations infrastructure, agree that nothing we as a nation will do can counter Chinese and Indian pollution, but what we can do is pay to have our lakes, rivers, streams and our air cleaned up, reduce emissions in zones such as NEW YORK, LA, large cities and so forth but have more leniency to Energy grid contributors such as Coal.  There are so many options which President Obama never takes due to his ideology which unfortunately leaves the peoples business undone, creating the chaos we are living with today.  The job of President is too demanding for Barack and thus too tough a job for Barack to admit he is incapable of performing adequately, even if unwillingness were the secret excuse.  Thus we must all join hands and get the job done without a President over the next two years.  Perhaps he will help out a bit here an bit there!

Look folks, due to Barack and no one else, our friends around the world no longer trust in us and our enemies no longer respect us or fear us.  Our enemies say "oh look its Barack, lets do what ever we have always wanted to do".  Don't believe it, look at Russia taking Crimea!  That would be like Mexico taking back Texas.

Clearly everything is a mess.  Thus number one, announce to the world the date we will begin shipping Natural Gas to key European allies.  Number two, announce we are rebuilding the Missal Defense Shield to include the Ukraine.  Number three it is time to arm the Ukrainians and help them save the Ukrainians in Crimea.  Four, cut all funding to the Palestinians until they completely cut all ties to Hamas and anyone who would kill innocents either by launching missiles or by placing missiles in folks homes, mosques and so forth.  The Palestinians must demonstrate they know that it is insane to use civilians as shields for weapons of destruction.  Five, create energy Independence here at home.  Six stop all pink slip notices to Military Officers, and begin to rebuild our Military.  Seven cut the corporate tax to bring home manufacturing.  Create tax breaks to manufactures moving to the US if they hire legal Americans.  Eight secure the Southern border once and for all.  Clearly anyone who fights for an open border in light of today's knowledge ISIS has material to make a dirty bomb and has warned us they will meet us in New York, is a fool.  Secure the border which also solves the illegal immigrant desire of the world to come to America illegally.  Once the border is secure for one year, then move to working on a system of repatriation for folks here illegally but wish to prove they are lawful and therefore worthy to become US citizensNine send what ever it takes to wipe ISIS off the Iranian and Syrian maps.  Ten hit Russia and Iran hard on sanctions and place a deadline past tense that Iran prove it gives up its Nuclear ambitions and must cut all associations with Hamas and Hezbollah.

If we bring my 10 point plan into fruition , we solve many of our immediate woes while simultaneously creating the greatest economic Renaissance most probably in this entire Century with enough new tax dollars to rebuild our infrastructure, our airports, and create yearly checks for citizens living in Energy producing states.  With all the new tax money, the million new jobs from my Energy Independence program, new jobs from the new Manufacturing, money will again be in circulation and I would fully expect to see a concomitant entrepreneurial Renaissance of new ideas and products to lead us into this new millennium with the bright light of freedom and success for our nation, and our allies.

Let us hope we can all work together which of course is antithetical to the Barack Obama doctrine we have all learned to put up with, but will overcome and survive to see Barack leave office for a much better future for all Americans. the little guy fights back for you 7/20/14


Haven't folks learned from Obama that Putin deals with the world in the same way Obama deals with the US.  What a horrible coincidence that Malaysia was hit again.  I would opine this Russian controlled hit of Flight 17 was a controlled hit, just to let Malaysia know who is boss and Russia and its separatists, like Iran and Hamas, don't think killing innocents is much in the way of the international war crimes that they are.  And Putin knows absent the US which is the case today, zero US influence, no power is going to do much in the way of anything.  I will bet you dollars for donuts Putin hides the forensic plane crash evidence proving he needs to be taken to the World Court just as the NAZI's were at the end of World War II.

Folks Putin has the world spinning backwards just like Barack gets the US spinning backwards.  Today the odd balls tried to claim the hit on the airline would hurt Putin so he would never never do it!  Lets see, Putin allowed Syria to spin out of control so Iran and Syria became dependent on Putin and he received his warm water Syrian Port.  Putin did his Blitz Krieg into Crimea killed innocents, stole land and part of a nation and won for his prize Crimea with another port (Sevastopol Crimea has become even more important since Russia was forced to defend the naval base in the Syrian port of Tartus as result of the country’s civil war and ISIS-Further the Sevastopol base helps Russia regain some of the global clout that has been dwindling since the disintegration of the Soviet empire due to Reagan, but now directly due to Obama and Clinton Russian world domination and a retake of the old Soviet Union with all the evil it stood for has become a real possibility.  Thank you Barack and Hillary...) and truly too much more of a key strategic area the west needed very badly, but the odd balls think Putin would never make himself look bad?  What planet have they been on?   Non-professional inadequately trained folks on Spy Science should stay out of international intrigue and...spy stuff.  But absent a president like Reagan who changed the world which no other president since George Washington had (by causing the Soviet Union to go bankrupt and in fact Reagan was the architect for freeing Crimea to the Crimean sovereignty referendum in 1991, the final year of the Soviet Union's existence...Hello and Barack gave it back because he doesn't know history...he didn't know how many states were in the Union for G-ds' sake {During a campaign stop, Barack said that he had visited 57 states}...Tell the truth to yourselves folks), we are left with a LEADERSHIP VACUUM SPEECHES AND FUNDRAISERS CAN'T FIX.  Thus the remaining speculation is by the only sources available, leaving us with the nightly Pundits giving the nations assessments.  Putin was a big time command and control spy and frankly I believe he is playing the media, the press and most of the world powers like his own personal sock puppet. 

Let see Barack promised Putin off mike to give more then he would tell us about so Putin owns Barack, and you really think he cares what the world might do?  Do you really?  If we didn't come to the rescue of Crimea with all its strategic importance and the fact that it belongs to Ukraine, Putin knows he already gained more then all the sanctions we place, until we cave sometime over the next two years.  Putin knows he has two years to do whatever he wants, and if he is lucky and gets Clinton, he owns the parts of the world he wants.

Did Russia have something to do with the very well planned theft of Malays flight MH370 whether it crashed or not?  I would bet you dollar to donuts that Putin, Iran and others Terrorist factions may have had a hand in the theft.  Do you really think the complex theft of Malaysia flight MH370 was done single handily by a lovelorn depressed Pilot?  Do you?  Please notice, please the day before the shoot down, Barack announced more sanctions albeit very weak, yet enough to ENRAGE PUTIN.  Open your eyes, take a deep breath and smell the horrible fishy stench from the poor dead folks absent a decent burial but with Putin interfering like a Saddam Hussein, at every chance he gets.  Finally, remember one lone lovelorn depressed pilot single handedly could not dismantle all systems on one of today's jets to the extent that he could steal it so stealth-fully.  Forensic experts have been patient for a consistent event, and the Russian foot print in downing yet another Malaysian plane as heinous as it was, may be a consistent finding in a further investigation of international crimes against humanity.

This one must be well pondered for there is a deep water fishy smell coming from Putin's Russia and its coincidental involvement with War crimes. the little guy fights back for you 7/18/14

AS CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT I WOULD RUN ON AN ATTORNEY FOR EACH LATE TERM FETUS "Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin

Well, I have had a heck of a response when I opined conservatives should take a play out of the playbook of ACLU history and ask the government to provide attorneys to represent late term fetuses.  My fiancé and I are having a lot of fun with this and the response from friends has been gratifying.  Heck simply ponder the idea and if nothing else, it will put a smile on your face. the little guy fights back for you 7/17/2014

PLANNED PARENT HOOD AKA THE DEAD END CLUB HAS CROSSED THE LINE - ELIMINATE FUNDING "Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin

Cut funding for Planned Parenthood as it is the only rational and responsible thing to do.  Clearly we have forensic evidence of cases around the nation where Planned Parenthood teaches young children that sex is bondage, torture, has pain and all the sic perverted things from the halls of Sodom and Gomorra.  But alone that didn't move me to cut their funding.

Planned Parenthood teaches it's ok to kill unrepresented Human Beings in the womb once their brain, heart and limbs functions (Late Term), it is terribly wrong but alone that didn't move me to cut their funding (Conservatives take a page out of history and offer Attorneys to represent the late term fetus !  You heard it first here).

But Planned Parenthood receives most of its funding from "we the people" via government handouts.  Today, Planned Parenthood did what Hamas has done.  They took US money to attack US elected officials (Hamas took US money for salary and sent Iranian bombs to Israel; unethical, despicable and un-American) who vote on funding for Planned Parenthood.  Planned Parenthood is a unpatriotic antithetical to the bible or "all that is good" entity and proud of it so they can take in big money tax dollars cutting out living human beings often produced by stupidity and wrongdoing.  I would never again trust the JUDGMENT of Planned Parent Hood to perform abortions when needed and when not to.  If we need such an agency let it be part of the Public Health Services.  Obviously in cases of rape or incest an early abortion would be in order in most all folks minds.  Some women are disrespectful of themselves and life itself, and because they were irresponsible, the ethical thing to do is have the AMA for example develop a debate between recognized Obstetricians, and then Guidelines for Medical Abortion so no gray area exists or heinous acts take place and such an agency be placed within the Public Health Service and only allow ethical abortions.  No one could disagree with that.  Tax Dollars to a PROPHYLACTICALLY controlled transparent entity.  Since it would be a first it would begin perfect and then be expected to toe the line so to speak.

Look folks if the taxpayer is paying for it then there can be no waste and abuse; The Dead End Club offers many many abortions which if out in the open I would bet you dollars for donuts many would never have been performed.  My idea is far better then having some possibly BIASED Doctors crouched and hiding behind closed doors, unwilling to be transparent as is the case of the Dead End Club, performing abortions or claiming they are the ethical standard so the abortion was perfect! 

Now, when folks who leach off the mistakes of mankind as Planned Parenthood has, and then go out and attack Dan Sullivan from Alaska because he is running for office as a Republican, or others in his shoes, Thom Tillis from North Carolina, Joni Ernst from the great state of Iowa, Cory Gardner from the great state of Colorado, and the honorable Greg Abbott from the great state of Texas, such abuse/attack of our American system of Government and try to manipulate elections using money given TO THEM by our government (Fraud folks, you cannot take US dollars to attack the US or its system of Government or its candidates as it is a MISUSE OF FUNDS EARMARKED TO CARE FOR THOSE WITH MEDICAL NEED PERIOD) is unethical financial fraud, as such funds were not earmarked for anything but the direct care of the sick, the stupid, those that may have had too much to drink or smoke and forgot where they were in their cycle, for those to ill to make health contemplations and in lieu of going to the best physicians at the best universities, they end up at the DEAD END CLUB-PLANNED PARENTHOOD.  If the Dead End Club did not receive most or even part of its funding from "we the people" it would be fair as the Supreme Court ruled for them to spend their money any way they seem fit.  It's only fair.  But they take money from the Government and thus must be precluded from using your money in ways you would never agree to!!!!!!  Indeed.

All those in Congress must realize that financial fraud is occurring and it is time for the DEAD END CLUB to get its financing from all those majority of folks with most of the super money, i.e.. the Liberals who cry the government should be philanthropic with other folks money, but are anything but with their own!  The DEAD END CLUB ETHICALLY SHOULD NO LONGER RECEIVE ANY FUNDING FROM THE US GOVERNMENT.

In fact if the Government were to finance any institution it should be one they create, and offer as Public Health matters with ethical, rational, responsible and transparent oversight, such as a new entity in the Public Health Service. the little guy fights back for you 7/16/2014

PROBABLE DEMOCRAT SPIN ON BERGDAHL, BAGHDADI AND THE GETMO 5  "Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin

Has anyone noticed how the left with a loser (Barack lost the War in Iraq folks and doomed us to be exactly where we are) turned it into a winner and again Bush was to blame for related ills?    President Obama was elected and promised to examine and change anything President Bush did that was wrong.  President Bush did sign a soon to be defunct agreement as you will see, the Status of Forces Agreement which required the US to turn over all prisoners to the custody of Iraq's criminal system as brilliantly negotiated by the Bush administration in 2008.  However once Barack took over, there was no Status of Forces Agreement as Barack would not leave first 20,000 US troops, then the negotiation was 10,000 troops but Barack only offer a bit of 3,000, Iraq refused the deal, and Obama pulled out. 

Please remember Army Col. Kenneth King, the former commander of Camp Bucca indicated Baghdadi was handed over to Iraqi justice system late in 2009 shortly before Camp Bucca closed.  It was the Obama Defense Department that said Baghdadi was released in 2004.  Folks with Barack's track record do you believe one of Barack's agencies (Remember the VA Folks, Remember IRS said they would turn over all the Emails and almost one year later...- Don't get fooled again...The Who), or do you believed the Camp Commander who is now under so much attack by the left he has gone into seclusion?  Do you?  Get it yet?  Too many famous folks have bit the bullet for Barack and the bucks stops here.  If one of our government famous folks claims something, the Burdon of proof is on the proponent and it is up to the Government to prove itself correct.  It sure is convenient for Barack that the commander of Camp Bucca remembers one thing and when asked for clarification, Barack's Defense Department came up with its Bush's fault.  I want hard copy documented proof which only Barack's Defense Department can produce. I want verified forensic evidence with the likes of the greatest fairytale speak executive branches in US history.  And the only one with the forensic evidence is Barack's Defense Department.  Until such examination, facts are not in evidence and there are two sides to this story.

Thus if we go with Col. King then it is perfectly clear that what President Bush negotiated was moot as Barack tried to get his nutty way, the Iraqis knew 3,000 troops compared to what Iran was offering would be nothing, and Iraq threw in with the likes of Iran who promised so much more.  Now, reports Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was released in 2004 are meaningless as he was captured in 2005.  Second of all, once the agreement fell apart and we lost our Iraq Base option, Barack ran on that he would examine what Bush had done and change it.  But he didn't.  Get it.  He broke yet another campaign promise.  Now you can't have it both way's.  Either you give Bush the credit for what he negotiated and the US thought we had, or you state the release of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was under Obama's watch, he failed to change anything and in fact if giving up, turning tale and running and while running shrink the US armed forces to levels pre World War II, thus Obama made us weak while withdrawing and giving back all the US gains our heroic dead and wounded blood and treasure purchased.  Friends I have an antique bridge for sale for 5 Million dollars and expect payment from you sight unseen now; not right?  I don't care what the press, Internet or Cable claim, I don't care what Encyclopedia produced by liberals opines and so forth, those that get these facts wrong are directly responsible for aiding and abiding the enemy.  And folks better start getting it right if we want our nation to survive the inevitable attempt by terrorists to nuke our grand Republic and her citizens.  Hello!  Get the facts right and survive.  Get them wrong and bye bye

I stand firm on understanding the facts as they exist until the time Barack's Defense Department releases documents proving Baghdadi's release date, and I will not blame poor now brow beaten Bush for something which was changed and we ended up without a protection of our armed forces should we leave them in Iraq.  No matter what, Barack lost the war and we are exactly where we should be do to Barack's actions and inactions when action was indicated.

Thus no true Bush negotiated Status of Forces Agreement, and thus while under Barack's WATCH WHICH MOST FOLKS TODAY KNOW IS HE SIMPLY WASN'T PAYING ATTENTION, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi WAS RELEASED, AND BARACK IS THE CAUSE OF THE ISIS TAKE OVER TODAY.  EITHER HE WAS PRESIDENT AT THE TIME OR HE WAS MISSING IN ACTION.  LIKE BERGDAHL.  Birds of a feather folks....  Notice Bergdahl and Baghdadi have eerily similar sounds.  Barack and his birds of a feather flock together gang.

If the Defense Department releases proof to the contrary, then it is only a coincidence that Bergdahl and Baghdadi were both released and turned out to be the greatest blunders in American Military History coincidently  with the horrifying release of the Getmo 5.  Further a coincidence that absent pressure, the Camp Commander remembered Baghdadi as being released in 2009.  But now under liberal pressure, the poor guy doesn't even know what time it is!  I would bet you dollars for donuts that someone who looked like Baghdadi, and whose named sounded like Baghdadi was released in 2004. 

Now for a side thought.  If Baghdadi was released in 2004 and the Obama CIA failed to learn that releasing Baghdadi spawned the first successful attempt at a Caliphate in modern history, then Barack would be missing in action relative to Foreign Affairs!  Under Barack Obama's watch ISIS went from a bad dream to a reality spanning two large Middle Eastern Countries!  Further, if Baghdadi was released in 2004, then with experience Barack Obama should have known better then releasing the Getmo 5.  Heck we have real world evidence of how catastrophic it has become in Syria and Iraq.  No, Intelligence circles being what they are, it is even more realistic to place Baghdadi's release in 2009 which gives some credence to notions that they were in a vacuum and even Israeli Intelligence didn't know about ISIS?  Folks we the people would have to be fools to believe that.  Unless of course we have no acting President which in that case would give another reasonable explanation for world events.

I hope this clears up all the haze .  Folks can't you see the world wide chaos Barack Obama has caused?  In power for only 6 years and America goes from the most powerful and respected nation on the globe, to one which just underwent a Military vasectomy while having to cope with world wide terrorism and on the rise concomitant with a Terrorist Nation State built on Sharia Law, and dedicated to our nations destruction, concomitant with emboldening Russia to act like NAZI Germany and start concurring innocent folks and carving up Eastern Europe again, while China hints it may act evilly and attack innocent Japanese concerns while North Korea and Iran develop there long distance nuclear weapon systems while threatening our nation and Israel the entire time.  Way to go Barack!

Until the final proof comes in that's the way the world works this July in the year of our lord 2014 in the United States of America. the little guy fights back for you 7/8/14


There is no greater waste in Washington then having witnessed the Democrats from the President down to their pundits in the press, witnessed as a smack down of President Obama's recess appointments, a smack down on the Democrat War against Religion evidenced by the Hobby Lobby victory, smacked down Democrats in Illinois so they can't rob or tax folks on their welfare suffrage and then giving said funds to a Union or smacked down Democrat buffer zones for Abortion Clinics, smacked down Democrats fraudulent claim of a war against women by anyone other then themselves when it was revealed Mrs. Hillary Clinton used lies, deceit, and harassment of a FEMALE CHILD rape victim in order to get a guilty male rapist off Scott free, a peoples smack down as Democrat Leadership caused the middle east to implode to where the rule of law, something which has had the greatest minds in history help mold it has been democratically destroyed by evil death squads causing beheadings, crucifixions, the wholesale capture and rape then resale of females throughout the middle east and Africa proving yet again the true WORLD WAR AGAINST WOMEN WAS AND CONTINUES TO BE CAUSED BY DEMOCRATS albeit done consciously or unconsciously, Democrats threw out all the gains made of lost blood and treasures in Iraq throwing DEMOCRAT WASTE into the faces of the parents of US Veterans for the first time in our nations history, and a smack down of the notion that Democrats are even good for our nation during this cycle!  Just as it was logical to elect an African American to the office of the Presidency to demonstrate we are all equal in American it is logical to elect someone of a more conservative party simply to try to bring balance and harmony back to our spiraling out of control nation.  Clearly democrat politics creates a waste of all of our time, taxes, blood and treasure.  Barack will waste more of your time and money unless you can delineate the very complex details of the most important issues which face our nation.  You know, stuff I write about all the time.

Folks when the truth is discussed I would personally want to be anything but a Democrat these days because an honest democrat would admit the supremely embarrassing truth.  And it is anything but American to continue down the wrongheaded road the democrats have put us on or for them to continue to live out their now famous play, "Denial".  Democrats have wasted six years with their  anti-progress.  Benghazi, VA abandonment, Fast and Furious, IRS Targeting, releasing the top command and control terrorists which costs the United States trillions to capture and take off the streets of our world, only to see them take over Iraq and Syria to create a new nation (CREATE A NEW TERRORIST NATION-WAY TO GO BARACK?1  HELLO...FROM MY TRUTH TO YOUR TRUTH CAN'T YOU SEE HOW BAD THE DEMOCRATS HAVE BEEN FOR OUR NATION THIS CYCLE?.) known as ISIS and giving a new beating heart and brain to the Taliban.  Making heroes out of deserters and making criminals out of war heroes rotting in jails at every turn (Mexico for example).  Major crimes against America?  Why?  Can any of you remember Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama telling Mrs. Smith their son died due to a YouTube Video-EYE TO EYE?  Folks the truth is the Democrat leadership has ripped the heart, strength and spirit out of our military, injured military veterans, families of our military and injured veterans, innocent Christians minding their own business for the lords sake, guilty of simply wanting to get involved in their own party, folks at Embassy's around the globe wondering if they will be lost to another Benghaz-911-like Terrorist Catastrophe, old folks living in border states worrying about kidnappings and international mafia muscle infiltrating the border states, catastrophic proportions of illegal immigrant children who will never get the types of care needed and as a result of a Benghazi like lack of preparedness when they should have known and thus our borders have been overstretched beyond any ethical, rational or responsible capacityLuring such immigrants with promises of hope but with the deliverance of child rape, disease and illegal entry and the absence of a coherent foreign policy where after six years surly the plan should have been employed and accordingly the world would be in harmony, all proves abandonment of the responsibilities of the office of the President done unconsciously or consciously.  Democrat waste folks, Democrat waste.

The problem of being the party of lies, suppression of the truths when the truths were known/Benghazi fraud and "you must pass a bill to know what's in a bill", are words that may win debate points but when no one and I mean no one believes the person or persons any longer, the points are heard but discarded because folks simply can't stomach much more of the chaos Democrat leadership has brought to our nation, our border nations, Democrat induced world wide chaos.  Look at Iraq.  Look at Syria.  Look at Crimea.  Look at Benghazi Libya.  Look at female children kidnapped and sold into slavery in Nigeria.  Look at our own US borders!  Democrat waste is everywhere in our world today.  Democrat waste.

On the foreign front much of the problem was caused by the vacuum Barack Obama created.  But to make matters worse Barack Obama aided by Hillary allowed the Russian-Syrian-Iran axis to take over, which common sense would dictate then let Russia go in and clean out the terrorists since they took over as any military actions we take with the Russian-Syrian- Iranian axis will be highly spied upon to learn how to defeat our weapon systems, our airpower, our command and control, our codes, our manners of battle strategy all handed over on a silver platter by Barack Obama.  Remember how mysteriously under Barack's watch a drone was gifted to the Iranians.  And now isn't it interesting how their drowns mimic our drowns in real action in Iraq?  Done consciously or unconsciously, Barack Obama and the democrats are making it almost impossible for us to win a world war if we were attacked.  It is as if they are purposely causing our "metal to rust"!  You see done purposely by them is for reasons they won't tell us but the result is Democrat waste folks.  A total waste of your votes, your time, your hopes and dreams for your nation, a wasting away of our military, our VA, our influence in the world today.  Democrat waste folks, Democrat waste.

Lying for six years creates the problem that folks just can't trust a democrat to secure the border if they say they will, to create oil independence if they say they will, to increase jobs by creating a positive business atmosphere as they proved almost an enemy to the business world, and thus, no matter what they say, who in their right minds would believe them?  This is a problem which the Democrats created and is fascinating to ponder on this weekend celebration of the birth of our nation.  Yes a birth of liberty, freedom and real democracy yet today we have Democrats loyal to any proposition which destroys our true history in our history books, which destroys the subject of civics for our elementary and junior high students, a Democrat party which attacks Christians and weakens any of our allies who must defend themselves against world terrorism or the Russian-Syrian-Iranian axis of evil.

And I say to you that government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish and if abandon all of the democrat poppycock we have endured over the last six years, and brick by brick work with all that will come round to help rebuild American in her own image, and not the backwater Marxist image of America formed in terrorists nations from Africa .  You see Barack and others like Bill Ayers think freedom comes at no cost.  They don't get that for men to be free sometimes one must fight for it.  And suddenly all of Bill Ayers and Barack Obama's and others entire world begins to collapse in on itself which folks understand the true costs of freedom.  Barack is smarter then Ayers, and he can learn.  That doesn't mean from his history he will do what he says he will do.  And remember folks won't listen to those who have made so many broken promises any longer as Democrat waste is being realized by more and more folks from all walks of American life and from all age groups.

That one man will defend all men and that all men will defend the one man is often the cost of freedom which then begins to build layers as each generation contributes to make the nation stronger and more able to end a threat quickly which only overwhelming strength brings to the battle.  And that Barack and the Democrat methods have so weakened our nation, other nations, hell bent on Terrorism or conquest of its neighboring nations, feel a new freedom to act badly if you will, now that Barack Obama has withdrawn the US Military and downsized the US Military knowing it would take much much longer to respond to a threat.  Democrat waste and abuse folks.

The weakening of our nations own borders to borders we fought with all our might to build and protection in both Iraq and Afghanistan almost demonstrate that the person running the show is the wrong person for the job and should be replaced.  What was perceived as wrongheaded  actions by folks now remind me of those with all the oars in the water which on the surface seems alright but in reality some of the oars are defective causing almost savants like retards camouflaged in grace and liberal education.  That in and of itself is a scary prospect as some of these folks are running high level government offices.  And what have they produced in six years?  Democrat waste.

For what ever reason, the results we live with today are too sobering to trust the office of the Presidency or a Senate opening for that matter to Democrats with any notions similar to those progressive Democrat principals which has so injured a generation of our youths by their tricked out liberal education, abandoned those that have served in our military, an abandonment of most Americans as they or their relatives immigrated to our nation legally which is considered a joke to be laughed at by Democrats today and a Democrat weakening of the very fabric which had made our nation great; that great fabric of mankind after they all arose out of the melting pot called America prior to Barack Obama's term as president.

On this great weekend which brought us the birthday of the greatest nation in mankind's experiential existence, ponder America's world status before Barack Obama and with Barack Obama for this weekends Sunday time for repose'.  For if you be truthful to yourself, it may well be time to ignore or humor the Democrats while the rest of us get on with the order of business.  We must go out onto the people and for at least the next four years get folks from all walks of life to support the conservative causes which by the end of the story, all add up to a stronger, healthier, oil independent, and homeland manufacturing rebirth concomitant with a re-building of our armed forces past tense set of polices.  We change from Democrat waste to Constitutional Conservative action, production, and growth in all sectors of our economy, world affairs, and new rules and penalties for those who take an affirmation to lead us and violate any constitutional rules of law.

Lets all join hands for the project rebuild America at home and our image around the globe through images like those of Ronald Reagan, John F. Kennedy, Ike, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Ben Franklin and the rest of the patriots, for if we emulate our greatest patriots, we will most assuredly be back on the right road for a successful America.  Happy Sunday the 6th, folks, and lets have a great new patriotic life beginning with the up coming week.  May the lord continue to bless America. the little guy fights back for you 7/6/14


I wish all Americans a Happy 4th of July, as we celebrate our nations birth day.  Happy Birthday America. 7/4/14


PRESIDENT OBAMA ACTING PRESIDENTIAL - "not everyone who hears can learn.  But those that prove they can do both, always seem to find success". - lg

Folks, in 2009 I promised the president that if he instituted my Energy Independence in 5 years Plan, I would not speak against all of the new age (Crazy) Democrat propaganda they call policy.  Well the president did not accept my offer, did have me send my plan to his Energy Secretary, which I did and when their formal plan was announced, his Energy Secretary sent me a copy where they failed to implement my plan but at least renewed existing oil and gas leases which had been bailing out his horrible economy until we finally went over the 17 trillion national debt mark and now said debt acceleration is beginning to show in our economy.  Insidiously but it is beginning to show in slowdowns (The huge debt is a drag on the "real" economy) and a shrinking work force.

In any event I kept most of my opinions to my self.  Folks 75% of the articles I write never make it to this page as I have tried to bend over backwards for any sitting President with the types of bad grades albeit loved by his own constituency situation we have today and I worry "so" about my nation first and then whose politically correct or not.

Yesterday President Obama completely accepted my plan as outlined below.  He went on national and international TV to tell the world don't send us children that are unaccompanied, he wants an end to high profit coyotes in Mexico, apply legally, and in fact he will be ordering the Border Patrol to begin enforcing existing law with reinforcements promised and so much more.  In other words I am just kind of summing stuff up folks.

Today, he went on to threaten to take action into his own hands but do what?  The second part of my plan.  He has announced he is going to secure the border and fly illegal immigrants home.  Folks lets stop there because he is brilliant but this time has a ghost writer who say's have others do the editorial page and please keep my name out of it, but follow my chalk board and you will succeed.  He is doing just that.  Folks even if he goes beyond executive orders to secure the border, by the time an opposition party has it taken to the Supreme Court, if Barack can prove for one year he has demonstrated a secure border, and then granted the "type" of Amnesty Reagan did with today's caveats (Report, Pay fines, Back Taxes, Go to the end of the line and all the rest), he will go down in history for solving the US immigration problem once and for all.  Truly monumental.

Barack, "booby", I must even opine giving some credit to Regan (Just poking fun at the White House Misspelling this week.  Definitely spell it Reagan) for trying immigration but this time it was you that got it right; if you follow through on words this week.  More then 50% of the folks may approve this.  Further, if Barack can secure the border, by that point the conservatives would jump on board because the winning solution had been employed and lets face it folks, no Congressperson ever likes to be left behind!

Lets all witness InfoJustice aid.  When Clinton was being impeached, suddenly I began writing articles about him joining the Healthy Heart Program, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and so forth and then he championed such ideas and many many more folks, and Bill found a way out.  Ask him and he will tell you just as I chastised Bush for his wild spending (Barack makes Bush look like a penny pincher) I had chastened Clinton for a chain of what I perceived to be crazy polices.  So my aid came out of the blue at the end of his Presidency but was very successful.

Barack could be successful if he continues to do the right thing.  And remember he has folks so convinced he will act, this could be just another bluff to get the immigration ball rolling.  But if the border is not secured first, it all will fall apart.  Folks, I always knew Barack had it in him but within his political supporters continuum some are so far left, they fell of the playing board years ago and today do sound like crazy folks, to more and more of the citizenry.

Finally, I was the first to warn (Read a couple articles below new folks) that Barack had hinted he would take the phone and the pen and go beyond constitutional boundaries, but of course absent his political skills relative to politics in the homeland, it is often difficult to see if Barack is going to hold'em, or going to fold'em.  So I will pull back on my plea, as the steps Barack announced prove to me that not everyone who hears can learn.  But those that prove they can do both, always seem to find success.

Good luck Mr. President, this step of yours is fascinating and I can't wait to see if I am for you or against you on your final actions.  But for now and from what I have witnessed, may the lord help all those who wish to secure the border and then find a way for our loved ones here illegally, to find an amicable way (So all sides are satisfied) to become American citizens. Dr. Scott Neff nom de plume "the little guy" fights back for you 7/1/14.

THE WHITE HOUSE SPELLED REAGAN INCORRECTLY TWICE OFFICIALLY THIS WEEK WHICH CAUSES US TO PONDER ON THIS SUNDAY LIFE UNDER REAGAN AND LIFE UNDER OBAMA "Barack's Egypt speech inspired and emboldened terrorists while he broke the hearts of millions and millions of Americans that never did anything bad to anyone"-lg

My, my my folks, how the worm of REALITY has turned.  This week the White House spelled President Reagan's name incorrectly on two occasions.  Well as innocent as it was it caused me to ponder back to the day's when Ronald Reagan was Governor of California and then President.  As President he inherited a terrorist state uprising in Iran.  Yes terrorism just like today.   President Jimmy Carter called the hostages "victims of terrorism and anarchy," adding that "the United States will not yield to blackmail".  Those of you too young to remember the hostages were formally released into United States CUSTODY just minutes after "the" American president, Ronald Reagan, was sworn into office .  I want you to ponder life under President Reagan; strength, warmth, resolve are just a few attributes which come to mind.  Now picture in your minds eye that you were standing beside President Reagan when he said, "Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall" and next you were standing next to President Obama when he said, "There Phony Scandals that are generated".  Folks you feel "the light-years apart in qualifications" to be the "leader of the free world between Reagan and Obama".  Ronny made the world free and we experienced it while Barack has made the world burn through the world wide spread of al-Qaeda like terrorist organizations. 

"Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall" and "There Phony Scandals that are generated".  Life under which statement seems like you were a part of the most amazing breakthrough in history...Ronny made real friends with Gorbachev, we showed Gorbachev he was the head of a Mafia, and the walls were taken down brick by brick by President Ronald Reagan?  Barack gave an anti-American speech in Egypt and set the world on fire.  This is how naive Barack was and is.  His speech set the world on fire while leaving the entire middle east-THE MOST INCORRECT FOREIGN POLICY IN US HISTORY BAR NONE!  Democrats accomplished all for us!

Yes a part of history which reshaped our world with immediate world peace and freedom with folks running in the streets all over the world in joy under President Reagan as the wall feel freeing all nations include Crimea which Barack just gave away I might point out vs. life hearing Democrat psychobabble manipulative speak such as "There Phony Scandals that are generated". Now the VA Scandal is not of scandalous proportions akin to Benghazi, releasing the Getmo 5.  I would opine to never forget the Getmo 5 as the cry to keep Getmo open!  Folks its purpose is demanded by necessity while under the potential attack of so many al-Qaeda like groups in Nigeria, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran etc; we are in a world terrorist war folks.  It is the truth and only the truth to realize Denial is the mantra of today's Democrat leaders. 

Within minutes of Reagan becoming President the worry over Terrorism was nipped in the bud, but Barack's Egypt speech inspired and emboldened terrorists while he broke the hearts of millions and millions of Americans that never did anything bad to anyone.  And Barack continues to inspire and embolden terrorists and evil nations through his speeches and deeds done consciously or unconsciously.  Under Barack we have to live life with world terrorism and world terrorist groups exponentially on the rise recreating WALLS OF INTOLERANCE just as Mr. Reagan is credited with tearing them down..."Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall" while, Mr. Obama is credited with building up walls between Republicans and Democrats, Americans and our allies, while removing obstacle after obstacle from the world terrorist movements such as releasing Command and Control experts for ISIS and the Taliban.  You see only a fool would opine "we let them go because we won the war"!  The war against us is from many many countries.  If we would have simply followed by logic of all the Generals who contributed to winning the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars, then the tougher jobs of winning the peace afterword would have either remained as it was when Mr. Bush handed over the presidency to Mr. Obama, or improved if Mr. Obama would have created a base in Iraq.  But from that stability not perfection, but an earth shattering project of monumental importance in motion, Barack for whatever reasons, took out the motion, unbalanced "all that was good" in Iraq, pulled out all the Mentors, the Teachers, the Humanitarian aid and construction as well as our ability to maintain a stable Iraq   Thus Barack spoiled it as IF IT WAS NEVER IMPORTANT THAT WE WERE HIT ON 911 AND VOWED TO NEVER HAVE IT HAPPEN AGAIN!  Luckily, its not too late to help its stability and then the road to re-clearing out the majority of terrorists.  Even though all folks know this is true it is so hard to admit our Republics failures of the last six years; all obvious when the outcomes are analyzed rather then listening to the Democrat broken record called "Denial" sung by an ever widening area of individuals in the current administration and their pundits.  Nancy Pelosi said the VA Scandals are Bush's fault.  The Democrats song is "Denial" sung well by all.  What's next?

Mail fraud and electronic mail fraud, yet Louis Learner isn't in jail awaiting the decision on the amount of bail if any!!!!!!  Folks the crashed hard drive could have been recovered.  Immediately it begins with placing the drive in a vacuumed sealed room and you pay for the rest of the story.  Destruction of evidence and now the absence of evidence that a crime did not occur coincidently wide spread in two agencies?!  That in and of itself doesn't pass the fishy smell test.  It is as if some bizarre cancer is spreading through the government.  However beyond mail fraud, tyranny against the state occurred with the suggested targeting of one of our elected Senators.  Folks this is big.  This seditious , suspicious, surreptitious, malicious, vicious, capricious, pernicious, injudicious, unpropitious, and nocivus act demands justice as these were steps taken against our two party system; a traitorous act done consciously or unconsciously like a love struck fool speeding down the path of criminal violations of both state, federal and constitutional laws; an act against the Republic.

How in the world can there be such a huge disconnect where our own White House can't spell a prior Presidents name correctly between life under such a heroic President like Reagan where the world became whole again compared to our present suffrage under at best an inexperienced person in a leadership job which demands experience which has resulted in the world moving into chaos.  Folks it is true there is chaos from Crimea to North Korea, from Syria to Nigeria, from Libya to the Sudan and from Iraq to the homeland.  Further folks are divided with terrorism on the rise and a complete absence of American Strength and Influence around the globe.  There is so much obvious work which has been left undone, the Democrat method of governance LEAVES MUCH TO BE DESIRED.  This absence of American presence around the globe has caused the realization that our leadership is a sad LESSON FOR HISTORIANS AND FUTURE Presidents  TO AVOID.  Yet the truth is many of us knew when Barack gave his first crazy speech in Egypt, his apology speech, which today is indeed an example of the n'th degree of hypocrisy, that it was Barack that should have apologized to the world for getting it all WRONG.  And its still not too late. 

Before Barack we were in a fight to eliminate terrorism but freedom was on the rise.  Today Barack's absence of action when needed around the globe appears to have brought out the worst aspects of humanity with freedom under the most widespread attack in history absent a world war; Middle East Christians under attack, killed with their churches set ablaze. North and Central Africa launching bases for Terrorists, the fight to bring Crimea back to the Ukraine, the fight to make Iraq a country again, the fight to make Syria a country again, the fight so Afghanistan can remain a country, and as mentioned above, the US blindly and cruelly absent in defending all the Christians under life threatening attack in evil countries around the globe and especially in the middle east.  Many middle eastern countries would never ensure freedom of religion as our grand nation had until the opinionated crazies somehow convinced the courts their opinions were wiser then the Founding Fathers opinions.  Moses and the Ten Commandments above the heads of the justices and still some could get it wrong?!  Those mistakes could occur due to the absence of faith.  In any event the combination of such mistakes by all of us, has sadly caused an absence of a fight to keep America safe.   The largest Vacuum of Positive Influence in history; Crimea, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Pakistan and too many more. Through the second Obama Presidential election somehow the Democrats had their followers bamboozled into believing that taking out an old MOSTLY RETIRED Bin Laden somehow ended the threat.  It didn't matter if Romney explained correctly the Russian threat (A Romney Presidency would have prevented the NAZI like take over of Crimea), if McCain explained the Syrian threat early enough to have prevented the take over of much of Iraq by ISIS, it never matters what folks with experience may say on an issue they have studied, its the Ostriches head in the ground Obama Doctrine surrounded with the protection of Denial.

From bringing the world up "Talking About My Generation" we began leaving Viet Nam but we ended up under Ronald Reagan with success felt around the world.  Today under Barack Obama and the poor Millennial, the world seems to be burning from tyranny while our own beloved Republic has a knife sticking out of its chest bleeding out debt payments on over 17 trillion dollar or almost 45 cents on the dollar spent actually borrowed, to those Agencies who participated in some sort of biased hate crimes against one of our two party system entities and our Veterans in need of care; the neglect of the Business of America is horrifying.  Senators attacked, conservative groups attacked, Catholic groups, Catholic groups folks, Citizens hit (Believe it or not I received a Fraudulent Ticket the other day which is suspect.  My P.O. box came on a Sheriffs computer so he gave me a ticket because he said you can't have a P.O. Box proving I never registered with the DMV.  I advised the officer that number one, there is no mail where I live thus the DMV advised me to go out and get a P.O. Box, which I did.  Further I advised him my P.O. box would not come up on his computer unless the DMV put it there!  Finally I advised him I had valid stickers on my License Plate proving registration along with my registration he forgot to give me back.  Very fishy folks.  You have to go to court twice to avoid this this $550.00 false fine.  Well the US Postal Inspector just wrote a letter for me advising there has never been mail where I live and the DMV representative advised she had a P.O. box registration and on her Drivers License because where she lives outside of Sacramento also does not have mail) and only the lord knows who else may have been hit.  One of the founding religions of the founding fathers which built the pedestal which all this debate or actually the absence of debate as we live under executive order, takes place on.  Folks none of which would exist if it weren't for folks of faith.  Today just because an opinion exists which is antithetical to God, or loving God, it becomes manipulated into law somehow.  We must demand that folks of faith have equal protection as folks some call heathens. 

All because the Democrat party doesn't have the back bone to join the Republicans in the quest to save our checks and balances system-Legislative Branch, Judicial Branch and Executive  branch all equal under God and man.  Many Democrats today are making themselves an embarrassment to thinking humanity.  Oh no, they can't join to clean out the dirt because they can't work with Republicans!  Nonsense folks!    Barack, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Hillary Clinton among the most famous have declared war against their own nation by declaring war on the Republicans.  The desire to cause division has ruined our nation.  Harry Reid has blocked more legislation then any many in history.  With Nancy Pelosi there to use her good looks to sell things like, "you have to pass legislation to know what's in it".  Folks, that was on legislation which we now know stole your doctor from you, stole your insurance plan from you, has stolen insurance variety or a variety of plans to choose from leaving you with a forced mandate as if you never had any Freedom of Choice as guaranteed by the Constitution.  Just because an idiot shares an opinion with other idiots it seems,  and they put a tax on it, and it so confused our Supreme Court that they actually passed Obamacare (My Message to the Supreme court is "Don't  be fooled again!)!

Today all a President needs is a pen and a phone, and he can create laws bypassing the congress; an extension of some sort of claim to be all knowing like a Crazy King-like power grab with the constitution suppressed.  Why would Barack want to show he interprets the constitution as giving a far greater percentage of power to our Executive Branch when compared with the Legislative Branch and the Judicial Branch combined.  This event by Barack is very painful to folks who love our Republic, who love the American way of life, who love all the innovations we have brought to the world, all the disaster relief which in and of itself separates the truly great United States of American from Russia, a China, even Great Brittan and all the rest.  To have attacked our love of this Republic by Barack's original apology speech, and then to blame all of the Scandals which are occurring under President Obama's watch on Bush, seems to have become the final straw.  When I heard that one I felt like a Referee calling a game due to bad sportsmanship.

Do you want a life for yourself and your children which is filled with hope, jobs, world freedom on the rise as under President Reagan or the reality you live in now under President Obama.  Don't you kind of think folks at the level of our White House should either know how top spell a fellow Presidents name or expose they were confused and thought our Treasury Secretary Regan was President Reagan was Treasury Secretary.  I don't know which it was but it is a sign of the amount of focus and initiative that our White House seems to put into the expected work of a president. 

Folks the seditious , suspicious, surreptitious, malicious, vicious, capricious, pernicious, injudicious, unpropitious, and nocivus actions taken by US Government Officials against US citizens because of they were either a Democrat or Republican, and of course since they were either conservative or Christian then most certainly they were likely to Republican, perhaps some Independent, and unfortunately a few Libertarians to be sure.

Lets all work together for a United America rather then the wild and crazy Obama America we are all becoming to know all to well.

LETS ALL HOPE BARACK WAS JUST BUMMED OUT"Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin

I have never alleged Barack was solely responsible or the mastermind behind all of the scandals that plague him today.  Evidence does establish patterns of abuse in all of the scandals by the folks named, with new evidence removing some folks but pointing the arrow of truth toward others.  For example until last week I had thought Hillary Clinton made up the bone head story of the YouTube video as the etiology of the deaths of our loved ones in Benghazi.  Yet a new book on the market makes the decision making more complex.  Then combine that with obviously biased thus unblinded appointed and employed individuals either working at high levels in agencies under investigation or even commissioners proved damaging to the ability to govern by our executive branch.  If appointees cannot make their own agency function and simply are talking heads for obvious cover-ups, it brings down the expectation that the president can lead or govern effectively. 

Now place in the back ground VA failures which were never deemed humanitarian violations by the Democrats, and six of the most heinous murderers in the history of mankind released by our executive office, with the use of one of our Government agencies as a weapon against the opposition party simply because they exist, concomitant with trying to appear caring through Bergdahl which timed out to change the national focus on the repair of the VA while other folks knowing it is illegal to come into America ahead of those immigrating to the US legally report they were lied to about the legality of it all and were abused, violated and too much more finally combined with the Supreme Court Slap down of obvious abuse of power to the extent Barack knows very well he has long ago gone beyond the limits of the constitution, all prove a bad day for Barack.  Lets all hope Barack was just bummed out today.

Today he gave a speech which guilty folks say daily to local law enforcement around the nation and the globe.  Clearly there are serious problems of some nature in each of the investigations also known of as scandals today, but as this editor stated, to date Barack has not been alleged to be the ring leader of some RICO like government act.  Yet he said all of the scandals were baloney.  Heck only a month or so back, he was outraged about the IRS debacle; inconsistent.  This is one of the two reasons I say lets all hope Barack is just bummed out.  Because he can get over it.

The second reason to worry is that Barack indicated today that he was going to flaunt executive power in the face of the Supreme Court on Immigration.  Lets hope he said that because he was just bummed out.  Why?  If you feel illegal aliens just coming across the border and those that have been here for years are frustrated and perhaps stressed by their wrongdoing for reasons they felt were important such as improving their lives by becoming Americans, just think how they will feel receiving if you will Fraudulent Amnesty only to be reversed perhaps after a year by the Supreme Court again!  Talk about depression on a mass scale! 

If making a few illegal appointments was now made clear, just think about throwing out the three point checks and balance system and making law, rule of law, and enforcement of such law by a president, as if there was no Congress, no Supreme Court or no Constitution.  This is sooooooooo obvious that it bodes poorly for our future.  Abusing executive power and then experiencing the Supreme Court correcting, and then over and over for the next two years on other issues would be a horrible existence for American citizens.  Please lets all hope that Barack was just bummed out today.

It feels horrible to be an American without a President.  And if the Democrats and Barack continue down this avenue of contempt for our constitution and law, it will make life horrible until the Supreme Court and the Congress step up to the plate to defend our Constitution and American way of life.  Barack does stuff he knows WERE TABOO but feels everyone is an idiot (which seems to some kind of new Democrat SECRET mantra), and somehow he will win in the end.  Yet the winds of change are being felt by folks from all walks of life. 

Today one of our Hispanic-American Medical Assistants, actually more for our distinguished and well regarded Orthopedic Surgeon, was able to clarify some information I needed to ethically correlate and thus orchestrate perhaps the least important of all of the Doctoring responsibilities at COR, that of running the Rehab and Therapy Biomechanical Trauma Suite.  But this indicates there are very very bright Hispanic folks in all corners of American service and trade, perhaps untapped reservoirs of knowledge happy simply to function in a capacity which is needed, yet again they could do so much more.  Although I have never discussed politics with her, I trust that the events happening in our country today are being recognized by such folks, considered and I don't think the Democrats will get the lock-step zombie like support they try to groom, although I am sure the Democrats have more folks out spreading the bull at the local level then Republicans because either the Republicans are too smart to try to win that way or too dumb to go out and make new friends.  I would opine the Republicans believe the American people will eventually move over to the side of innocence and truth.  I truly believe that smart Hispanic Americans will be just as appalled as I that the powers in play would allow said exploitation of those children at our border by those who either brought them up through Mexico for pay or the Mexican authorities who are allowing such exploitation-"pass to go card".  Today in the press it was announced many of these same children have now proven to have been rapped, or abused and beaten by the time they get to America and many are killed along the way during sex or fighting their guides for their lives.

We must pray that our popular President, doesn't doom us to two more years of his own new laws and then the Supreme Court reverses them, and more executive orders and more Supreme Court reversals.  After hearing the really bad rhetoric from Reid and several other Democrats today, almost urging our impressionable president to violate the constitution simply to get "any" job done, and knowing its a real probability that in this case scenario the outcome would be reversed by the Supreme Court, should cause all folks to wish our executive branch to focus on achievable goals within the constitutional spectrum of working with some Republicans to achieve an idea he may have or perhaps believes in and wishes to bring to fruition.

Lets us all hope that Barack was just bummed out today when he indicated he may make an even further stretch of executive orders as compared with those reversed today by our nations highest court.  Frankly, it's no fun watching and then the long wait during a ping pong match between Barack and the Supreme Court with the Congress often yelling from the peanut gallery.  No fun at all.  And the prospect of two more years of such yo-yo politics causes this editor to ask that we avoid such experiences at all costs.  the little guy fights back for you 6/26/14


President Obama needs to take the time to go on national/international TV and state that from say August 1, 2014 he will be enforcing Immigration law and will send the National Guard down to the Border with the core of Engineers to create a defensible border.  Next he must tell folks to get their immigration applications in early if you want to immigrate to the United States.

Shazam.  Once the world knows the US is going to act within its means (today were actually bankrupt...Obama is simply printing money which also devalues the dollar because were out of money i.e. bankrupt), you will begin to see more sanity abroad.  We owe over 17 Trillion dollars so for any dollar spent on kids at the border almost 45% is borrowed.  And that incurs a never ending cycle of growing debt!  Of course if the American people had elected a responsible leader we would have paid off the debt and been able to afford noble humanitarian causes "lickety–split" so to speak, whenever or wherever they arose.

If the American people understand that we now have control of our border I believe there will be a great outpouring of love and sympathy for those already here illegally.  But everything depends on a balanced America and not like today where every Obama policy is literally out of control at every turn which causes the chaos folks are witnessing.  There are so many Executive Branch Scandals today that folks are wondering if denial is some new age cultist way of life for liberals?

Want to solve the problem with the children who were tricked into a very difficult life and road to hoe, coming to America illegally, the President must give a speech to the world announcing a new era of real borders and border protection for the United States.  But with that ending of the long problem of illegal immigration and ending to the real threat with today's high technologies of someone smuggling in an atomic bomb for detonation, the President will put in a proposal to aid as many of the folks here retroactive to the arrival of the proof the border has proven secure for one year.  Happiness for all.

Secure the border and end the problem with proof of success for one year, and grant universal get to the back of the line, pay any old taxes owed, and a road to amnesty could actually be a dance down the yellow brick road to happiness and shared brother and sister hood with their fellow Americans.  Essentially do what Reagan did but this time with no democrat broken promises. Yes Reagan granted amnesty under the condition's promised by the Democrats that they would secure the border.  Just another lie which caused all the disease for the kids and huddled masses at or borders today akin to the lies which created the mess in Iraq today.  These problems are made of the same cloth. 

Presented here is the simple roadmap to success.  Why its so so simple, you should be demanding why the border is not secure today and why all folks in the nation have had to wait so long for a common sense conservative (Conservative...means it will work) amnesty solution.   Back in 1984 one day a bizarre branch of the the Justice Department arrived at my Neff Chiropractic Clinic to have me sign a paper causing me to fire my live in maid because she was an illegal alien.  I advised them she had lived in Torrance when I hired her, she was a wonderful nanny to my daughter as Laura could speak Spanish and was only 6, and frankly I loved her salsa and other fine contributions around the house.  She had been with me for several years at that point (1st of three over the years).  Well I called her and she broke down on the phone crying that she was indeed an illegal alien who did live in Torrance when she answered my add in the Daily Breeze!  I told my wife to get her some cash while I then went back to the DOJ man dressed in all black to sign his document indicating that once informed, I cooperated with the DOJ.  I asked the bean counter.  "You mean after all the FE cases and work I have done, monthly lectures {See Free Samples on the Home Page} you had to check me out to expose that I didn't even know my maid was the only thing that couldn't pass the association test???  Does this have something to do with one of my new  cases?"  Suddenly the bean counter revealed he had been to a National Anti-Fraud Convention  by my group the National Council Against Health Fraud and he remembered me but the repeated he was only there that day to see if I knew Maria was an illegal alien and then have me sign Official DOJ Documentation that she no longer worked for me.

I quickly signed that I would release Maria from her work (She had become part of my family folks for many ears....many years....) and I let Maria go as mandated in writing that day by the DOJ and the law. 

We all cried when Maria had to leave our family's home in Palos Verdes California.  But from that day in 1984 on, I have fought to get that darn border secure and yet here we are with the same Immigration problem we had back in 1984.  Like a ping pong ball, back and forth between the parties issues rather then the Reagan plan.  We need not reinvent the wheel.  This time we secure the border first and secondly secure peace and tranquility within the homeland as a natural consequence of progress experienced.  To quote the Who from my generation, "We don't get fooled again (Then I'll get on my knees and pray...We don't get fooled again!")".

Lets get the border secure and get on with the business of finding a safe avenue toward amnesty for those who live within our BORDERS!   ITS ALL ABOUT BORDERS FOLKS, ITS ALL ABOUT HAVING REAL DEFENDABLE BORDERS.

Let me know what you think. the little guy fights back for you 6/23/14


President Obama needs to get the message out to the Iraqi People that he doesn't believe he has to reinvent the wheel in Iraq.  Folks the people of Iraq know all too well what we can do.  al-Maliki was never in a position to bargain with us.  Just remember Saddam started the whole thing by not letting un-fettered inspections of his WMD's.  Our Military showed him he was in no position to bargain and neither was al-Maliki.  Barack gave away our US Wins/gains/positives and lost blood and treasure and their goals, hopes and dreams for zip as we were in the drivers seat before he gave away the car just like his released "Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim Al Badry, also known as ‘Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’ the henious ISIS mastermind as well as the Getmo5 aka Taliban 5 murderers bent on continuing to cause mass carnage.  All Barack has managed to cause for the last five years relative to the Middle East are negatives.  Remember he allowed an avoidable 911 again in Benghazi.

Further and unfortunately we all knew al-Maliki was a stooge for Iran which is why we needed a base.  With that understood, while Barack has his eyes on the ground politically, since that's his fall back position, I would advise the Iraqi people to send representatives from the Kurds in the North, Shia and Sunnis because we're contemplating one more chance at a restart.  New Presidential elections should be discussed while the new interim government takes over.  Their Congress should have three party representation accordingly.  And of course with Iran backing al-Maliki, I wouldn't doubt one of the three or what ever number is selected relative to the Shia contingency with contain al-Maliki.

Obviously this undertaking perhaps is not possible.  At least if you listen to the pundits.  But a rational clever simple policy change could bring Shia, Sunnis and the Kurds to an almost United States of Iraq if you will.  Simple, gives each sect room to breath, yet maintains the integrity of Iraq making ISIS the odd man out.  You get the double knockout... ...all Iraqi forces focus on ISIS and you get folks in Iraq at least thinking about how simple it would be to solve their problems with just a little wisdom/team work. 

Not possible, well you have to read the details before you could logically join a cause or vote for a bill.  Let me know what you think? the little guy fights back for you 6/23/14

PRESIDENT OBAMA DEMONSTRATES HOW MUCH FOLKS CAN CHANGE ONCE IN OFFICE IN ONLY SIX SHORT YEARS - CAN YOU EXPLAIN BARACK ANY LONGER AS SOMETHING'S TO PONDER THIS GREAT SECOND SUNDAY IN JUNE"Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin

Of course you realize that just six years ago, and I would bet dollars for donuts that the young Senator Barack Obama would have opined how horrified he was at the huddled masses of children lost on foreign soil, overrun by the shear numbers being shipped from pillar to post away from the safety of their own homes outside of America.

Only six years ago we would have heard how the Democrats knew the answers to solving our financial problems, yet given the chance, we now have financial problems to the tune of the largest national debt by any nation in history, over 7 trillion more then we had prior to the democrats, oil dependence on nations who want to overthrow our laws, lost international esteem and respect, borders so porous only a fool would believe an Atom Bomb could not be smuggled into the homeland and detonated, that disease would run rampant throughout our border towns and states, that we would have lost the war in Iraq to al-Qaeda like terrorist nation builders, to have voluntarily seceded Iraq to Iran, Crimea to the Russians, and perhaps soon, Japanese Islands to the Chinese, Nuclear Weapons to Iran and to other Terrorists states, while our leaders would always be sheltered in an attack.  Yes we the people could be lost during the blink of an eye.  What do you think then Senator Obama would have opined about our situation today?  Just six years ago, do you think then Senator Obama would have championed such a government; absent borders, absent control of prisoners who cost us trillions of dollars to capture, absent a coherent strategy that anyone could predict, expect or understand as a logical course of events for both domestic and foreign policy matters?  Most folks today say on most actions taken by our popular president, "I personally would not have done that", or "Why in the world did Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton go on the road to sell bull to the world on the cause of Benghazi", "Whose side are these guys on anyway...secret deals for Russia, misacting in the face of Syria which now directly produced ISIS in Iraq.  Folks by Barack's dithering should we bomb or not bomb Syria resulted in Russian and Iranian influence for the region, and of course our further contributions by letting go the command and control guy for ISIS created the situation as it exists in Iraq today.  Now combine that with the absence of our presence as would have been considered mandatory for a base, Barack, Hillary, Pelosi and Reid's contributions to world peace have caused wars and increased terrorism across the globe, and frankly too much more?   There are wonderful loving democrats in the nation but their leadership has drawn blanks repeatedly on almost every issue which faces our nation.  If nothing else Democrats must realize we need conservative American principled change meaning we need new conservative leadership in the White House, at least for one term.

It is now clear that the democrats are trying to remake the world into a one man (Stalinism ,  Marxism, Leninism, views of Mao, etc)  persons view.  A lock step world governed by socialism.  Unfortunately for the Democrats and as heralded by our founding fathers this world is not to be owned by one man or by one religion, but by all men and by all religions in harmony.  Those antithetical to the harmony, such as the Democrat-Terrorist-Socialist linked ideology in vogue today, must be defeated so that common sense, the designs of our founding fathers who created a more perfect nation then history had witnessed, will again rein over the land.  It is time to shore up our borders, imprison those who come here illegally immediately and then deport them.  It is sad that the buck must stop somewhere!  There is not enough money on this planet for all its inhabitants children to come to the United States illegally.  Of course this is followed by making up lies to cover failed Democrat leadership which is why such actions are occurring today in the first place-using the lure of freedom but delivering a nightmare to our nations inhabitants and to the little children stuck in internment camps to try to create more democrats, has been just another cover-up in a long and now tiring list of cover stories. 

Only through the rule of law, will law breakers curtail their activities.  No one will want to come to the United States if we are proven to fail to protect our legal citizens whose families may have been here for hundreds and hundreds of years.  No jobs and of course perhaps another depression for everyone in the states if folks don't start using their thinking caps!

We must also shore up our national defense and our military.  We must move toward Energy Independence so we can take away the threat used by Russia, Iran, and soon because of Barack's inactions, Terrorist controlled oil for black mail and profits for the purpose of purchasing missiles with nuclear weapons; we must pay off our debts, balance our budged, clean out the unfair liberal over-reach from our educational books and out of our educational institutions so that information offered, to quote a common saying, will be fair and balanced rather then skewed to the dark forced lock-step side of liberal to the point of insanity lifestyles.  Never again should anyone listen to folks who would claim " you must pass a bill before you can know what's in a bill".  Deadly and dangerous legislation clearly have made it into the Congress, and such progressive manipulators, must be impeached for the harm they have caused to our great nation.  We had a system of government where we elect folks to go to debates on the issues for us, read each others proposed bills, make revisions to the written documents, and then send up the now examined bill so that votes were made by informed representatives.  What we we're forced into was to vote on important issues which faced our nation, yet votes were thus by UNINFORMED members of Congress!  This is a fact.  Just six years ago, do you think then Senator Obama would have championed such a government?

Why single out the Democrats some might ask?  Who is stonewalling the greatest abuse of power in the history of the United States of America?  Democrats in Congress and their pundits in the press.  Folks, can you ever remember a branch of our government going above the law and focusing on the destruction of the other party in a TWO PARTY SYSTEM?  Why this is so NAZI like that it is mind boggling!  Fraud is too light a crime for destruction of the peoples property such as hard drives and the like during the course of official undertakings by any government entity of the people and for the people or during an official investigation by the Congress.  The crime and now the cover-up smacks of a corruption which makes Water-Gate seem like Childs play.  Veterans dying because they can't get care.  Little children lured to our borders with the promises of being accepted with open arms when in reality they become law breakers.  Freeing the most heinous terrorist murderers in world history from the famed Getmo 5 aka Taliban 5 to the leader of ISIS one "Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim Al Badry, also known as ‘Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’ who upon his release told the heroes who held him that he would meet them in New York, all prove a graven disregard for the health and welfare of all Americans; Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians and Independents.  Just six years ago do you really think Senator Obama would have championed such a government?

We the people voted for our popular president so that he would fix the economic problem which devastated the savings of hundreds of millions of Americans.  And we received anything but that.  Rather then re-inventing rules and regulations to govern the banks and financial institutions, we have a re-invention of our nation.  The people were never bailed out only the super rich, the banks, and big business, but our lost money was never given back!!!!   NEVER!

One huge problem is that our nation was the best nation in the world hands down and today, our military has been defiled, our national debt has been defiled national debt , our image as a nation -  not to be fooled with by foreign terrorists or evil nations has been defiled, and the relationship between those on the right and those on the left has been so defiled by those in power, the government has become dysfunctional and broken.  Do you really believe that six years ago Senator Obama would have championed such ill contempt for one an other?  Would he have said "to hell with the red states" and "only the blue states should survive"?

Folks we must continue to try to work with each other to re-affirm our affirmations to the nation we had prior to Barack Obama, and from there we will be able to put those in jail who have stonewalled congress on its investigations into why some of those very congresspersons parties or support systems for conservative beliefs and principals were singled out for extinction by one of our own government agencies simply because they were conservative!  I would have never believed this could happen in our nation.  Clearly those in the involved agency must go to jail for what they have done, and they can sit there and say, "American wasn't owed an apology...I chose to take the Fifth"...and too much more.  40 year sentences would be too light for those folks who tried to destroy a way of life which has represented a unity of all colors, creeds, races and religions for 229 years successfully through the evolution of progress, until now!  The left is intolerant of others and this intolerance must be exposed so the cancer can be removed from the Democrat party.  Many many Democrats and liberals are intolerant just as Terrorists and Jihadists.  Do you really think that six years ago, Senator Barack Obama would have ran on creating an insurmountable division between the two party system which has brought to the world the greatest system of government in mankind's experiential existence?  Look the real world has terrorists, gangster run nations, perhaps soon terrorists run nations, evil empires like Russia, Iran, North Korea, Sudan and too many more, and when placed in this perspective how in the world can any sane person think our nation prior to six years ago, and even better nine years ago, was not the greatest citizen nation in mankind's experiential existence?  You would be crazy to not believe you lived in the greatest Republic the world had ever known.

Let us all pray this Sunday the 22nd of June, that "we the people" from all walks of life, from all religions, and from folks of all colors, can re-unite and continue in the foot steps of our founding fathers so "we the people" can continue to " hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance" of the conservatives, the Christians and the average Joe and Jane Doe under these last six years of rule by those who have been so intolerant.  They claim you must pass legislative bills which become law and taxes before you read them!  They claim you must pass legislative bills which rob you of your personally chosen doctor or your personal health plan before your read them!  They claim you must pass any legislation fascist like individuals in pig's lipstick camouflage want before your read them, because your too stupid to be able to contemplate or in the worse case scenario sit in judgment of one of their ideas and concepts!  Just be ruled and don't think...You must pass a bill to know what's in a bill!  You must let them fiddle while our world  begins to burn !

It was foolish and almost a crime against our nation to throw out all the gains we made in Iraq and leave our Republic almost powerless to make clean and whole our world in time so that our citizens can live life freely and not in any threat of terrorist actions like those on the various 911's AGAIN.  It was a crime against our nation for any single agency to abuse one of our two party system, and then beat down folks of religion, as if being pious and loving life and God was a crime against the state.  It was foolish to downgrade our military, and a crime using devices to cause delay in our veterans care and omissions in our veterans care, proving they could survive the battle fields of war, but could not survive life once they returned to their homeland.

We the people have much to strive for and yet our path is so very easy, if we simply follow in the foot steps of our founding fathers.  Look for those who falsely claim "we the people" are bad or our grand Republic is bad, should perhaps relocate to some of their favored nations.  It may be time to focus on those liberal progressive politicians whose sole purpose in life is to bring down the republicans rather then build up our two party system and thus our nation.  Self mutilation is a sign of terrible illness, and it does appear especially from the hearings this week, that many in our government and the one government agency exposed thus far, is guilty of the self mutilation of our two party system, and our American way of life.

Let us all pray for "all that is good" to ring true and clear for our grand Republic.  And let us all say to together on this 22nd day in June, may the lord bless and keep all good and honest Americans, Republicans, Libertarians, Independents and Democrats.  May our nation and her borders become healed again.  the little guy   fights back for you - 6/22/14


Out of the blue I received a call from two patients both of whom are retired from fabulous careers in Medicine and the Military, to inform me that the town's two Chiropractors will be closing and they would possibly help finance me, arrange a relationship with the VA, and assist me if I would come and open an office in their small town.   They are both die hard life long democrats, know I am a Conservative Independent, but ethical and scientific diagnostic abilities and treatment from someone who actually cares about their patients apparently is worth helping.  I am humbled.  Of course I advised I am currently employed, and we all must try to make the best out of what we're doing in the moment, but would keep their invitation in the back of my mind, and try to ponder it some.  In this vein I would like to thank WebMD's editors for writing something nice about this soul and including my new office partners location.

There truly are some wonderful Democrats out there in the homeland and we just have to try to find ways to be inclusive while rekindling constitutional conservatism for today's more sober society.  We are all in this together folks, but it will take some change back to our American roots to put out all the recent fires which arose during the course of these past six years. the little guy 6/21/14


I received an email which is eye-opening.  The Wall Street Journal has just called Barack Obama a Dummy.  Obama is destroying our world (and especially our nation), and I feel this article puts Obama into proper perspective.  If you enjoy this article as much as I have please pass it on.

Dear "Justly concerned, well meaning but this time a tad misinformed",

The part of the Caruba article I thought was thought provoking follows, "We laugh at the ventriloquist’s dummy, but what do you do when the dummy is President of the United States of America? "

This was not written by anyone at the Wall Street Journal!  This was authored by Alan Caruba some years ago.  I have placed a link to his article/page to eliminate any confusion so my readers can place things into their proper perspectives.  Hit this link now if interested.

Thank you for forwarding this to the Journal.  I hope the truth still proves meritorious to your intent.


Folks President Obama will cause our nation to be a victim of a nuclear detonation by radical Islamic terrorists sooner rather then later.  Our nation won the war in Iraq and he managed to  single handedly lose that war all by himself and destroy that country.  It was all predicted which was why we had to leave a functional command and control base to aid in many tasks ranging from Humanitarian aid, rescue and teaching in all the military and police sciences.

Next folks, look at our Southern Border filled soon by children from all over our evil and cruel world.  This will cause further bankruptcy to especially the Afro-American workers because he will insure they are pushed much further down the line of those that need assistance (Resources shift from education grants to finding homes, clothing, education and integration for the masses of children) as well as all Americans.  His invitation that all nations send their children into our nation illegally will drain all the remaining funds from the treasury to the extent we will never be able to rebuild America. It must only seem like Obama say's to hell with real Americans who are having great difficulty under this economy as he wants to give our money to illegal aliens from any nation.  Did you know smugglers are bringing children from all around the world with drugs of course? 

Obama's complete mismanagement of our nations borders, mismanagement of wars we already won causing them to be total loses has demoralized not only our military but our nation.  Look under his watch it feels as if he is saying to hell with the VA or our active veterans yet we do know the Taliban Detainees as well as Bergdahl are receiving better care than you or I or even the rest of the Veterans could receive from Obama care which we must pay for or the VA which citizens volunteered to die for their nation, survived and are owed medical services to injuries which arose out of and during the course of their official duties as one of our honored Veterans!  The man is lost in his own biased partisan dogma and has become anything but a leader albeit it is amazing how well he sells his position no matter how unrealistic it is!  Stuff still sounds good but when viewing the entire picture suddenly his actions are unrealistic for the situations in play.  Or simply too many folks have died in Libya, Syria, Africa, and now Iraq do to almost Middle East Wide deployment and Terrorist Nation Building where under Bush we had taken the fight to the strongholds of injustice which created the movements which caused 911 and all the 911-like attacks against humanity.  Today such attacks against humanity have been victims of Democrat Denial Politics even though some are now advising our popular president knew this was coming for over nine months.  It could be longer.

Lets examine a tad on his view of foreign politics.  Barack' position is not new.  President Wilson believed that if the United States could stay out of World War I, that we could be the great reconciler, the great mediator.   What happened?  World War I .  President Roosevelt was originally against going into World War II.  Early in his career he advocated his Good Neighbor Policy for South America which was a change from Teddy Roosevelt's speak soft and carry a big stick threat of intervention policy.  However this let other nations handle their own problems even if our nations interests were threatened as in the case of Islamic Lunatics in Iraq finding and/or buying any advanced weapons systems and they now have bank money to cause real mass carnage/death and destruction.  Get it?  Further, mistakes made by Barack Obama which were the same mistakes tried resulting in yet another World War was the fact that Roosevelt stated he was an isolationist.  Isolationism was in vogue at that time.  Similar to today.  Continuing in this vein, the effect of Germanys attack on Poland in 1939 brought about a declaration by President Roosevelt to be neutral in deed if not in thought. Clearly the Neutrality Acts favored Germany since Germany had no need to buy armaments, while Britain and France had great needs.  The Terrorists in Iraq now have Bank money to buy the armaments they need and its leader was released by the Barack Obama Administration just prior to his pull out of Iraq...and said criminal is the leader of ISIS.  Only a foolish President would release Command and Control operatives once our nations blood and treasure was lost capturing them.  Barack Obama makes the same mistakes from history and then repeats these mistakes over and over again.  Barack's recent trade of the Getmo 5 is the identical mistake made over and over again.  It is only that it feels as if he is saying "to hell with the lost blood and mission of our military, his political success trumps all".  Even if its not true over and over again, mistake after mistake, the same mistakes as if the Administration team just doesn't care.  Even if its not true the repetition of the same types of errors is outrageous.

Yet folks in the end, Roosevelt changed albeit not in time to prevent World War II but with wise enough methods such as secret naval and tank building proves antithetical to Barack's maturation as President.  Barack Obama has made all the same mistakes from history and has set the world so ablaze that its destabilization could cause horrific crimes against humanity to be committed by ISIS, al-Qaeda, Hamas, Boko Haram.  No matter right or wrong President Bush had these groups in hiding and on the run.  We were in control at least during the Bush era whereas today the world is spinning out of control and we are at best watching world events unfold absent any prophylactic measures in place.  Our leadership is the laziest in our nations history.  That's why at best he is always behind the curve on national and international events and had to come up with his prototypical spin "lead from behind".  Stuff is beginning to feel that way.  Outcomes don't match the sale job rhetoric time and time again.

FOLKS ALL OF THIS WAS BEING PREVENTED AND WAS A PROJECT IN MOTION WHEN BARACK OBAMA AND HILLARY CLINTON DISMANTLED THE HUMANITARIAN SUPPORT SYSTEM IN PLACE IN IRAQ AND AFGHANISTAN BY OUR MILITARY.  Today folks say "well maybe we shouldn't have gone in originally!"  What planet are they on?  The topic is Iraq and Syria are metals being molded right now in the hell fires of war, and now is the time that the mold come out correctly!  This time the outcome must be correct.  Hello!  All prophylactic contingency plans were to be in place and would have been in place with a base in Iraq but Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama were obsessed with bringing the soldiers home for political gain rather then doing the intelligent and also right thing.  Now with the mess being addressed, with of course the expectation that Obama had contingency plans, as usual he didn't.  And now he advises, "OK, I'll take a look, I'll see what it is, if its too busy I will assign a committee or create a new office so that by the time the new appointee is sworn in, no one will remember what the new appointee was to do, his memo or email was lost, it cost a million to investigate what happened but never found out because having an investigation is always enough?  Or they forget and then advise what later turns out to be some fairytale...i.e. Benghazi.  Its enough to make folks dizzy!

If the VA is under fire, this administration seems too lazy to fix it because its not a fund raiser so they create the Bergdahl device to change the national subject.  Which this administration did.  To lazy it seems to take the time to understand what was needed in Iraq such as a base which was mandatory rather then the permissive attitudes of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.  There is always some story that sounds good while the realities on the ground are a burning mess.  Essentially one must opine that Barack and Hillary set the world afire by their wrongheaded policies always followed by pig lipstick done masterfully.

Many believe Barack Obama's actions are against the humanity of our citizens as well as our Allies which undermines the national Security of the homeland.  Believe it or not Barack is going to back Iran and give taxpayer dollars to Hamas!  The 1988 Hamas Charter explicitly commits the Palestinian terror group to murdering Jews. Thanks to the formation this week of an interim government uniting Hamas and the Palestinian Authority, which the U.S. supports to the tune of more than $400 million a year, the American taxpayer may soon become an indirect party to that enterprise.  Of course this administration stated it will make sure the funds are funneled away from Hamas but once partners are joined at the hip, one cannot separate out the funds (Folks did you know these quotes...."Today we declare the end of the split and regaining the unity of the homeland," PA President Mahmoud Abbas said in televised remarks Monday. Israeli media said the government was “deeply disappointed” in the U.S. decision)  And of course this frees Iran from having to fund Hamas which is why they are so willing to spend funds on Iraq.  Thus this administration seems to have seceded Iraq to Iran, just as it seemed to secede Crimea to Russia as well as opening up all nations of Eastern Europe once the defense shield was tabled and the open mike incident could have meant secede Syria, Crimea, Eastern Europe...who knows what that meant but the realities today proved Syria, Crimea, Eastern Europe, Terrorists to retake Iraq are outcomes which were unimaginable under President Bush.  You see today Barack and the Democrats claim and sell daily two wrongs make a right.  Think about it and fill in your own blanks.

Who did more damage to the US, Barack Obama or the original 911 Terrorists?  We had to chase those terrorists around the globe, to every cubby hole they might hide in like Saddam Husain, or hidden behind a country supporting terrorism as hiding Bin Laden next to the Pakistani Intelligence Community, we would go and root them out.  We went to Afghanistan because the Taliban were the original sponsors so to speak of al-Qaida.  Sure the Taliban and its al-Qaida hit us on multiple 911's, but by Obama abandoning Iraq he threw out all the lost US blood and treasure for zero gain making that seem profitable to the terrorists, gave back the top 5 Taliban leaders we had for a foolish soul now free, brought down East European Weapons systems and Crimea is lost to Russia today.  And soon we will pull out of Afghanistan absent a base to prevent crimes against humanity arising out of those communities thus meaning the entire War On Terror was wasted by one Barack Hussein Obama.  Obama has harmed US interests, made more difficult the cost and ability to acquire freedom and for the future health and safety of our nation unless your an illegal alien.  It seems as Barack doesn't care what kind of a world mess he leaves because he will be protected for life when he leaves office.

Wake up and smell the gray pompon it has been said during a Harvard Constitution 101 class.  Done consciously or unconsciously there is a fishy smell coming from Obama policy and devices.  Folks in plain English said policies just don't seem to be working (Little Children lured to the United States by partisan Democrat Politics, left with the reality it was wrong, it was illegal, suffering and in despair concomitant with all of the pie in the sky promises made about Iraq's future once we left by Barack, Biden, Clinton and the rest now proven dead wrong with mass death, destruction and terror across poor Iraq and Syria with I would opine an enlarging vacuum creating world embarrassment for US Policy under Barack Obama due to his destabilization of  global freedom, democracy, absence of respect for territorial borders as in the Ukraine or the US, destabilization of justice and the rule law). the little guy fights back for you 6/15/14

BARACK AND BERGDAHL BIRDS OF FEATHER FLOCK TOGETHER AS BARACK NEEDED BERGDAHL AND BERGDAHL NEEDED BARACK FOR OUR SUNDAY PONDERINGS"Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin "Ethics is the grease which frees the wheels of American Justice"..."Ethics moves the world "

Barack Obama abandoned the Benghazi folks just as Bergdahl abandoned his platoon.  Birds of a feather flock together.  Bergdahl is easy to understand.  But how does Barack again and again appear to be anything but presidential, and thus anger any logical and bipartisan citizens?  Why?  I would opine it is because Barack's hopes are naive.   He is not sophisticated in world affairs, intelligence matters, investigatory maters, maters of history, maters of economics, and in fact he has proven very naïveté and improperly schooled in our US Constitution.  Shame shame shame on Harvard University if this is the best they can produce.  Almost a Constitutional Dunce.  However I do disagree with folks who this week in the media said he is dumb as evidenced by this Bergdahl debacle for International American safety from threat of kidnapping.  No Barack has outsmarted and sidestepped folks for this long, thus why would you think anything else was just attempted?

No matter what, President Barack Obama's actions, freeing the Gitmo 5, many of whom it appears are becoming Super-Stars and Legends for not only the Taliban movements but al-Qaeda, Hamas, Boko Haram and too many more, proving it is a matter of national security for Congress to rein in President Obama's actions.  Thinking folks feel his actions will go down in infamy, where progressive democrat partisans must defend him because they themselves have been caught up in a mental illness I call Partisan Democrat Syndrome.  Of course the Democrats will claim visa versa but its not true.  Never in the history of our nation has so much betrayal of our constitution been witnessed, betrayal of our over 200 years doctrine on winning wars, leaving behind a base to ensure the crimes against humanity never occur again, destroying our business sectors to be replaced by a Socialist Government (Nazi's were Socialists by the way) overreach, attempts to water down religions values and remove them from daily life, attempts to raise atheist and terrorist views and heinous archaic laws, giving up on Energy Independence from nations who support Sharia Law which is destroying our world, and frankly spreading patrician Democrat Syndrome because it blocks any normal or even conservative values while Marxist Atheist Socialist dogma is slowly introduced.  And today some claim Barack is going to back Iran by giving taxpayer dollars to Hamas!

In any event, if I could give an award this week it would be to ABC for Networks for Dummies.  Since I must be at the office from around 8:15 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. minimally, by the time I get home my wife has seen the news and wants other things.  Thus during my lunch or breaks get the news from the Internet.  CBS was the most improved Web site this week with NBC actually offering some news some days as its top topic.  But ABC News for Dummies, lead with poppycock fluff and flounder stories for folks without a life or must live vicariously through movie stars...i.e. 15 worst looking actors due to age and truly creepy stuff.  Congratulations ABC News for Dummies Award for the week of June 2nd to the 6th, 2014.  And this point exemplifies how the absence of the real news and in-depth discussion gives a permit to whomever is in power to abuse it as it will go unreported.  We have real problems America as the network news could lead our nation to destruction.  Its as if Goebbels is alive and well and working for MSNBC.  The reason Barack can't go after evil is due to the fact that he can't overcome his own fears...that folks can't do for themselves if given an even playing field, so afraid he believes we all must still have our nanny with us or where doomed to fail (Socialism is so dangerous, I can't figure out why anyone would want to play with such fire).

I have patient who is claustrophobic.  And she said something interesting.  She advised that sometimes when she considers all the new democrat regulations and infringements on what was once the common freedom to choose your own doctor, your own insurance, your own energy source, that she then has difficulty breathing.  Government monopoly over her freedom of choice has become stifling, and she can not breath.  Sensitive folks are beginning to feel the loss in the ability to easily go out and change their careers, are finding themselves in almost a trap its so costly for fuel to relocate to another part of the country, after taxes some folks can't pay their bills required to sustain basic life, the costs of foods, fuels, power, cable (Ability to remain informed), alleged clean water, lunch break from work and so forth, which drains every penny from the coffers making folks powerless to help make change in a Government gone wild.

The crux of the matter was that under what seemed an insurmountable siege due to Idiotic Democrat VA Management, Barack kind of outsmarted the media again because he through them a hot item.  He knew everything about Bergdahl thus it was perfect.  If Bergdahl didn't have a dubious record the item would not have been as hot.  Hot items change the subject and the fellow who believes in abandonment of his own platoon in the war zone, one who sent his items home as he planed to live with those he sought out, is treated poorly at first by those he sought out (Da), but if he returned home absent Presidential intervention he would certainly face a Court Martial for desertion in a war zone.  No as disgraceful as this is, it was perfect for Barack and Susan Rice.  A play from Hillary's book for Benghazi.  Use a nebulous Video as a distracter or use Bergdahl as a distracter and then make up as many lies about the initial lie as you want. 

Folks what has been achieved over the last six years is not what the majority of American want achieved.  Thus Barack achieves what he wants to achieve and what the majority of Americans want achieved falls to the wayside.  You all thought you voted for change to help our American way of life.  But what you received is the American way of life crossed out in bold, and brick by brick, piece by piece, agency by agency we are being fundamentally transformed into a Socialist State where the government has been used wrongfully against Christians and Conservative groups.  Barack is not Hitler.  But he is seizing executive powers akin to Adolf Hitler and thus the very negative outcomes of our Republic albeit again at the time Barack needed Bergdahl and Bergdahl now a proven fool, not a psychopath folks, just a fool, needed Barack to need him.  And that is what happened I do believe.  It was perfect for these two peas in a pod!

But lets not ignore the same mistakes from history being made right now.  Please remember Hitler would write bills/laws and send them up and eventually one by one over the years, Republican powers were taken away to build the third Reich or Hitler as a Dictator rather then a President (In February of 1933, Hitler blamed a devastating Reichstag fire on the communists convincing President Hindenburg to sign a decree suspending individual and civil liberties),.  Once elected  Chancellor and with the death of President Hindenburg in August 1934, he combined both chancellor's and president's positions into one when Hitler became the Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor...i.e.., Dictator.

Folks if we simply all work together, listen to each other, we can find a consensus to make our nation energy independent, rebuild our military through the new tax dollars from the one Million Jobs this would create alone concomitant with then making our nation attractive to foreign and domestic manufactures to come home for the cheep energy, with tax incentives to hire Americans.  We must give our nation its skin during this new age of heinous leaders at our borders so we can once again control our borders with pride that we are in control and not some foreign mafia in the drivers seat for our borders to profit on while killing and kidnapping the innocent.  We must join together to lower our national debt which drops the yearly deficit automatically as unnecessary and grandiose unrealistic spending programs curtailed concomitant with term limits for Congresspersons but perhaps a caveat that they sit out four years and can run again!  In any event with we the people having a new control over the congress you would see folks getting their jobs done rather then finding ways to spin Ideology.  Historians will find it hilarious that an actual senator said, "You must pass the bill to know what's in the bill".  These will be known as the Idiot or lost years where folks wanted financial security change to our Banking and Investment systems and what we received was a Totalitarian Socialist Model which heralds "Throw the Baby out with the Bathwater" and even tinkers politically with "Thou Shall not Lie" and "Thou Shall not bear false witness on your neighbor" as well as out and out contempt for our constitution.

There is a bright side if one wants to see it.  We the people have just been taken on a Merry-go-round of myth and socialist dogma guised in ever new customs called Progressive Democrat or Progressive Liberal rather then a Liberal or a Democrat.  And heck if we can simply turn things around with the next election; turn things to pro-Patriot, pro-All-American guy and gall stuff, then we can all say that we learned things we never wanted to know or experience, but now see there is far more to someone calling themselves a Democrat or a Progressive Democrat or progressive Liberal today, then simply the once great Democrat party of John F. Kennedy.  No, what we have is a Hodge-podge of pro-terrorist leaning groups, pro-Sharia law groups, pro-activists atheist groups, pro-Marxists groups, pro-communist groups, pro-witchcraft and yes this year witnessed pro-devil worshiping groups at Harvard all claiming stake in the Democratic Party.  Oh yes and then there are the folks who simply call themselves Liberals!  What a mess folks.  What a mess.

This next election lets all be very careful with our votes and perhaps we can elect folks who will achieve what most of the American people want achieved as outlined above, rather then what one man's wants to achieve.  There is no one man or woman who is all knowing, all wise, and as such we must have congress write new legislation which forces the executive branch to restrain itself within the common sense confines of the Constitution and our Bill of Rights.  In other words elect someone who would never have traded the Getmo 5 for a fool, who would always put national security first and foremost and never use situations where the Tail Wags the Dog ever again

Have a Great Sunday Folks.  the little guy fights back for you 6/8/14

"I WILL NOT LEAVE ANY VIDEO BEHIND" PRESIDENT OBAMA"Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin "Ethics is the grease which frees the wheels of American Justice"..."Ethics moves the world ".

One must opine our popular president will say and do anything because he truly believes most folks are idiots.  It further appears that the Taliban would have let Bergdahl go home eventually as they could not put up with the cry baby much longer.  Sure he was living the Taliban life but was getting greater and greater freedom.  Only a desperate President would create and elevate the now fictitious Bergdahl to the state of an American War Hero.  Much akin to the Benghazi fairytales.  Bergdahl left his fellow soldiers in harms way in Afghanistan.  The man is a disgusting traitor to all that the United States of America stands for, and a deserter to his own family, his platoon in the Afghanistan War Zone!  No American soldier would do what Bergdahl has done.  And Barack is rewarding Bergdahl dooming Americans to die as a direct result of the Getmo 5's get out of jail free card.

"I will not leave any video behind" was the joke one source shared with me.  Lets face it folks if not leaving any one behind was a true belief of Barack Obama's then he would have never mislead America on the Video he and Hillary blamed for leaving our Ambassador in Libya and our other brave CIA and American contractors to die defending themselves, which was defending the American way of life....for all of us.  Hell they were attacked AGAIN on 911 by al-Qaeda!  Hello!  Barack AND HILLARY LEFT THEM BEHIND AND DID EVERYTHING THEY COULD TO COVER THAT FACT UP!  No Barack has made a hypocrisy out of the notion of not leaving anyone behind even if done unconsciously.  And in fact it's hysterical when he says it, followed by the realistic horror that the line is being used to avoid discussing his horrible management of the VA under his watch.  How in the world can we have hypocrisy and the belief system that one man's decisions are so much smarter as to have the personal power to overrule our United States three layer insurance of the Legislative Branch, the Judicial Branch and the Executive branch.  And that no such person could occupy the prestigious office of the Presidency?  General George Washington set the stage when he would only exchange a prisoner once he won his war FOREVERMORE!  WON Forevermore period!!!!!!!!!!  He further proved as hard as it is for the right man for the office of the Presidency, and through heated and often hateful rhetoric, to stand firm on the principals of equal branches of government working together to move the US into greater prosperity for all citizens.  Today Barack, with promises of hope to unite we the people, divided folks so on every issue.  For example is ok if your powerful and its also ok to through out that commandment; to claim one man once elected as President, can suddenly seize power, write his own laws, overrule his own laws sometimes and create new laws on the books, force the elimination of Christianity from our highest offices to the Military, force sex as law through mandated paid into systems for contraception even if your too old to conceive or have lost the choice to not pay to conceive even if your not in the mood.  Barack broke America and with the likes of Humpty Dempsey, Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and too many more once thought of highly only to be exposed for again, promising hope to we the people and leaving us in despair.  For example you must pass the bill to find out what's in the bill.  Once you read the bill you find out that you can't keep your doctor which was promised to get you to sign the bill absent reading it.  You can keep the insurance plan you had.  Once your read the bill you found out that you can't keep your insurance plan which was promised to get you to sign the bill absent reading it.  Congress ethically should hold hearings on lies to manipulate fellow congresspersons and the American people.  This should move on to examination of the rest of the government.  In an ethical world or in a world which is again on the march ethically, other areas of life work together "naturally".  In other words, once ethics is re-established, all else moves easily.  "Ethics is the grease which frees the wheels of American Justice"..."Ethics moves the world".

Well Barack is proving the old adage that there is a "sucker born every minute".  Don't be a sucker, stay informed and join the movement to block out the current joke leadership we have and lets focus on finding the best candidate for the next president of the United States.  And this time lets find a man who will bring back America the Beautiful, freedom of religion, rebuild our military, pay off our debt, rebuild our credit, free up and create energy independence ASAP, bring home manufacturing through the elimination of much of the government interference, create jobs and approach full employment as a goal, find an avenue for Unions to join the Constitutional Conservative movement, lower taxes on manufactures who come back to America and hire American only workers, create a national border so our nation has respect (Our nation is like a human body with no skin folks), enforce our trade and patent laws, and bring back the War on Terror.  Heck if we do just a few of these things we will see a new renaissance in the homeland so all families and our new millennia generation will share in the type of love and free wheeling life only Barack Obama experiences today.  My way all folks live a great life and feel like Barack Obama has.  Barack's way, his supporters live vicariously through the Obama Administration.  Everyone else, suffers.  Crazy but true.  And folks, "you just can't make this stuff up". 

Best of luck. the little guy fights back for you - 6/5/14


Folks, will perhaps never know but I would bet you dollars for donuts that Hillary Clinton assured Barack he could go to sleep for she had the Benghazi thing under control.  I will bet that Hillary said that to cover up her early knowledge as Secretary of State that Benghazi had been left by all other nations, calls for security had been raised and unanswered, yet she sent her Ambassador out to a mission as yet unrevealed to the American people, and once under attack his calls for help went unheeded.   You see Benghazi should have been prevented and was simple to have prevented.

A teen ager assigned the job if warned of attacks would have sent more help.  Its so outrageous that Barack's unconsciously may be picking at it.  Look this week its the Bergdahl horrible mess.  I must opine that unconsciously it appears perhaps Barack is picking at this entire nightmare unconsciously which is why he is off his game or something.  Its looking bad.

It seems that Congress aught to do something to help someone that may be ill in office but realize because of his great personality, perhaps he even has himself fooled..

Folks because this seem so clear to me, but understand the vast differences of opinions, this editor will step back from these issues and see if I can find something educational to write about. the little guy fights back for you 6/3/14

THE TERRORISTS CONTROL THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENCY AND CONGRESS LIKE PUPPETS"Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin

For love of nation I must opine that Army Sgt. BoweBergdahl deserted the Military because of his true hatred for our nation.  Period as our President likes to say.  Bergdahl then went into hiding in Afghanistan as he feels more comfortable speaking the local tribal language and relates to the terrorists more then he does he former fellow Americans.  Why did he go into hiding in Afghanistan?  If he went back to the US he would be tried as the deserter and Terrorist collaborator.

Wanting to prove he could do something for his new Taliban friends, he promised he could deliver the top Taliban leaders ever captured by the United States Military back into the Taliban's hands.  Which he did.  To hell with all the Americans who died in Afghanistan, Bergdahl was committed to perhaps bringing about a coup d'état for the US Government.  Folks it has to start somewhere to start at all.  And if nothing else the greatest victory for the Taliban against the US in its history...up there with the heinous acts of Osama Bin Laden!

The Taliban and Bergdahl I must opine worked closely over the last several years trying to accomplish this but the Congress was to cautious to allow our nation to be played.  However last week, the poor VA and its fraud scandals rocked the nation and the Administration needed something to obscure obvious Presidential failures to lead and govern and thus brought up obscuring issues again as it has during the last election, Benghazi, Russian negotiations, using poor innocent US Government agencies to make clandestine attacks at Conservatives, Christians and to many more concomitant with a proven history of sending folks out to deceive the American people just as Goebbels manipulated the German Peoples media.  The results?  I must opine the Terrorists have been playing the US government, and absent some good old fashioned Yankee Doodle patriotic pride from Congress which has been absent from the Democrats, bodes poorly for the future health and safety of not only the American people but the American way of life.

Barack was ripe for something to change the subjects under discussion.  This is a fact.  Bergdahl deserted and disappeared in Afghanistan to the extent a 90 day search failed to locate him.  This is a fact.  Bergdahl told others he wanted to seek out the Taliban.  This is a fact.  Suddenly the Taliban a few years ago tried to exchange Bergdahl for their leaders.  Folks the Taliban doesn't want wimps in their ranks and the best they could do was to trade someone they don't much want for everyone they do want. This is a fact.  Suddenly this week, it became important in Barack's mind for what ever reasons to claim Bergdahl had to be traded for the most wanted murderers of thousands and thousands of folks from US allies, our military soldiers and even folks in the homeland.  These "Guantanamo 5 Terrorists" were command and control for all intent and purposes and with these guys back, one must ask, "what did the Taliban lose being evil?"   This is a fact.  Now what seems the most plausible which pulls the parts of the puzzle together.  Make up your own minds folks.

Obviously we don't know whose idea this was, Bergdahl or the Taliban, but one way or another, Bergdahl was traded for the most important Taliban leaders in history, Bergdahl is a deserter and enemy collaborator, and our President and Susan Rice heralded him as a hero.  There is something wrong with this picture.  Why wasn't Border Guard Agent Brian Terry heralded as a hero?  Why weren't the parents of those killed in Benghazi honored with their children's murderers brought to justice?  That would be treatment for heroes families.  Right....?

Wake up but don't say you weren't warned.  In a best case scenario Barack Obama allowed himself to be played blinded by the desire to have something blur out the news with some story making him out to be a war hero...a guy that cares about the military, someone who doesn't either dislike or perhaps hate the US Military and the men and women who serve us all...a man who prevented the VA from giving bad healthcare or prevented a shell game with no healthcare because of secret lists and some healthcare services.  The problem is there was no prevention of the VA disasters even after he ran on promising such things would never happen if he were President which is exactly what Hillary Clinton did in Benghazi.  Knowing about such problems, and failing to enact policies which would "prophylactically" protect even though they were well aware of the situations on the ground. These are problems.

Let us all, Independents, Republicans, Libertarians and Democrats alike join together in at least saying, may the Lord Bless America, and keep us safe.  It is time for all that are good to come together.   Lets face it the Terrorists don't work per say.  They spend their years plotting. the little guy fights back for you. 

OBVIOUSLY CBS NBC AND ABC ACT LIKE VERY DUMB NETWORKS - NETWORKS FOR DUMMIES"Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin

Well if folks aren't smart enough to watch Fox Broadcasting then there is a Network for Dummies called CBS, NBC and ABC.  Clearly they emboldened and gave stage to Susan Rice's latest lies.  Of course these Progressive Democrats have taken a page out of Goebbels Communications play book by continuing to send lying liars out with propaganda.  And there are Networks for Dummies ready to aid all the foolish people into believing such fraud.   And in the best case scenario, they may brush onto something monumental which could hurt our nation, but usually its the stuff of the old National Enquirer. 

Hot off the press Networks for Dummies available now.  Shame Shame Shame on CBC, ABC and NBC for their border on being traitors against humanity suppression of the truth while the truth is known relative to our Governing Liberals.  Of course it is never to late to come home.  But after cleaning up the vomit from simply seeing Susan Rice's initial image on TV this past Sunday, yet knowing enough to quickly turn her off, one must question the patriotism of CBS, NBC and ABC.  Come home to the truth old outdated networks and be reborn like the phoenix arising from the ashes of Progressive Democrat fraud. the little guy 6/3/14

BARACK PROVES BY HIS DEEDS TERRORISTS CAN BEAT US - THE FIRST SIGN IS THE BROKEN FIRST SEAL OF MILITARY METHODS INHERITED FROM GEORGE WASHINGTON"Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin

Rock Star Status was given 5 demons dedicated to the murder of Americans.  Guantanamo 5 Terrorists will now be made into superstar examples of Terrorists that beat the US by committing war crimes against the US and surviving the wonderful better then American Veterans care and codling, only to be set free by the one device which had made America stronger then any other nation.  Will not trade for prisoners.  Why?  We won't negotiate thus its a futile exercise until now.  Further this Administration did for all intent and purposes negotiate with terrorists using nations as tools to convey their messages.  This is indeed negotiating with terrorists.  Finally, since this is an obvious change from wisdom to panic methods to make it seem like Barack's engaged in Foreign Policy matters when the truth is his actions truly injured the US.  How did this happen?  Why would any president do what has been done?

To make matters worse and clearly unthinkable, now there is even whispers that our guy ran out on the US with five of our best losing their lives searching for him!!!!!!!!!!.  Clearly this was anything but an emergency situation.  With only a little study this one is clear it needed a full discussion by the congress so we could have the most elected minds possible have a hand at analysis and debate.  No this was anything but an emergency but more of something which needed deliberate actions which did not occur.

Folks how can we go from our negotiation style with Ben Laden to this?  Because the Ben Laden success had little to do with this administration.  If you can't see what's going on there probably isn't a lot of hope for the immediate future.  Lets face it this was a device to allow all good little terrorists a way home.  The "Guantanamo Bay 5" hardened murders to the middle east and a probable deserter because said deserter favors the terrorists over the US, allowed to come home!  All terrorists were allowed to go home.  This seemed to be a win win situation for anyone who hates the US!  So it seems.

The first sign of a deprivation of society orchestrated by the Obama administration was the fact that no one noticed the Crimean peoples were absent from the Ukrainian elections.  Just like Hitler did, these peoples are now for all intent and purposes dead to the world, and a sovereign country was attacked by Russia, a part of the country annexed, with the remainder of the country under attack by Russia puppets.

Combine this with the horrific act or creation of a device to trade for prisoners with terrorists which opens the door for negotiation with terrorists and emboldens them that they can beat Barack Obama and thus terrorists recruiting will skyrocket and I must opine it would seem obvious they have the rock star "Guantanamo Bay 5" speak.  Barack Obama has now built a bully pulpit for terrorists which can never b e taken back and will forevermore be used against US interests.

Foreign affairs is coming apart at the seams which hurts US interests and the homeland.  Lets hope folks that there still are a few intellectuals around because what we have today at our universities and our media is a bunch of self aggrandizing overpaid missionaries of a political view in lieu of their true jobs.  They are fraudulent unto themselves.  Thus how can we expect them to do the right thing at the right times?

Lets keep a wide eye on this one for it is a weakness never associated with the United States until this 2nd day in June, in the year of our lord, 2014. the little guy 6/2/14


I just think this is kind of cool but think folks should watch the show and form your own unabridged opinions.  After the filming next week perhaps I will get an inside after-show insight and if its approved by the patient, might opine a tad.

WEST POINT SPEECH REVEALED A MORE OLD FASHIONED OUTDATED FEMININE MARXIST VIEW OF FOREIGN POLICY "Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin - "a fatherless foreign and domestic policy".

Folks this editor finally understands Barack correctly and only wishes I knew this when he was a senator.  Barack wrote Dear Scott...This is just a quick note to thank you for your kind words...My grandmother was one of America's quiet heroes who have worked hard to make sacrifices so that their children and grandchildren could live a better life than they did.  My journey would not be possible without her encouragement and guidance. I will certainly miss..., but am comforted by the kind words and support that I have received from people across the country.  I wish you all the best, Barack Obama United States Senator.

I really liked Barack when I was in medical school and during my Hospital training.  However I never understood Barack.  With his letter in mind, and the fact his father was a Marxist who was not around for Barack to learn the way's of men finally hit home during his inconsistent and bizarre West Point Speech.  Everyone in the Military assumed he was going to explain Benghazi for the first time, explain the VA stuff, explain how he was going to help a Vet now heinously held in Mexico (Mexico tells Americans who have a brain how they treat aliens to their land even if it was due to a simple yet obvious driving blunder).  He in fact went on to explain how he and his policy was better for Syria but did not explain why the world watched him fail and bumble and fumble when the Russian-Syrian-Iranian axis endorsed the brutal slaughter of the Syrian people.  When he opined about how we must avoid any threat unless its on our soil or directly affects us and the very next sentence or two explained how only our nation could lead in such matters (when the facts are we failed to lead; he failed to lead in such matters) the inconsistency and massive absence of inductive and deductive reasoning proves a hypocrisy beyond the boundaries, but more importantly causes folks of all any ages to receive propaganda indoctrination which I fear will cause too many folks to copy and frankly, we won't ever know if we can trust things which are spoken.  The beginning of Sodom and Gomorra.  And I oppose HHS forcing Medicare to pay for sex change operations.  The left has lead us to the brink of immorality camouflaged with candy and sugar.

Military folks thought he would finally explain how we got into the mess with Russia; like cowards or little girls afraid of a bully took down our military defense shield in eastern Europe and even after the open mike impeachable statement, went on to bow and coddle Putin perhaps telling Putin you can be like Hitler as long as you don't mess with us personally.  To hell with American interests.

Folks enough with examples the point is absent a powerful father figure in the home I firmly opine he reacts to foreign policy and perhaps domestic policy like the women that raised him and gave him so much love, he could concur the highest challenges in the US.  Why as inexperienced with government as he was, he lured the nation and world into loving his image.  Today when he goes overseas there are no huge record breaking crowds to see him like there were before he actually governed or was elected president.  Folks love the image he gives off as a result of being super loved by his family and thus a lucky guy.

We have an outdated and clearly impotent old fashioned Marxist feminine view of the world.  What we don't have or lack is a male oriented foreign policy.  Which is why he is so wrong but folks have stilled liked him.  He is a charming guy whose polices were so shocking, folks at home and abroad have been puzzled like having been handed some new and impossible new age Rubik's cube-like puzzle to solve; its fun cause its a game but not fun because you cannot solve this new age unfamiliar impossible Rubik's cube-like device...Barack's foreign policy.

Folks if Hillary follows Barack you can perhaps kiss freedom and democracy goodbye.  We need a masculine foreign policy when the likes of Putin, Assad, North Koreas President, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sudan, and on and on the horrible evil foreign leaders ranging from being yellow with jealousy over our years prior to Barack to just out and out hatred of anything which spreads modern progress and freedom for all folks to share in our world.  And then there are the Terrorists!  All while we have a very outdated feminine Marxist orientation. 

If you examine his West Point speech and the realities of the outcomes witnessed from Russian to Syria, from North Korea to the Ukraine, from Iran to the Sudan, and on and on it goes, we have a foreign policy which lacks...well lacks... any balls at all...a fatherless foreign policy.  Look at Benghazi. 

Look at how Barack gave up our wins in Iraq and Afghanistan.  The world knows Barack turned the world on its ear when he suddenly turned 180 degrees on the policy to get the terrorists and lost Iraq.  That shocked even Putin.  The Chinese were speechless.  The Terrorists cheered and are emboldened to this day.  The world knows we are giving up in Afghanistan as our Soldiers get shot in the back, shot in the head etc., from folks they just trained and on and on.  Why?  Barack turned a success in Afghanistan to an outcome the world gets save the US.  Our folks aren't getting it because they listen to the spin of Nutty Pelosi, Crazy old Harry Reid and so forth, and then all of the Democrat pundits on the cable and network news.

If you think about it now you can see why he was for Reverend Wright before he was against him, for the little guy before he was only for folks who want to be on the Government dol.  Why he said he was for my Energy Independence plan aka "All of the above plan" and then was against it only renew existing leases!  Zero single minded steadfast anchored male view stuff.  He even reacts like Hillary to criticism; attacks the messenger rather then admitting they failed and probably would be in trouble if they answered the questions; i.e. Lois Lerner.

No matter what, I am convinced we have a foreign policy which is absent relative to a simple male view and in fact all policy is a tortured view trying to turn the nation to Marxism as viewed by perhaps lovely and loving ladies from old and out of touch with mainstream America, Marxist feminine views.

Well folks all I can say is "Oy vey" only in America but only in American can we turn the world around and bring back the glory days of American renaissance, American Capitalism where there is so much money in circulation, companies large and small hire and grow because its a natural result of sound American Free market Science which of course exposes Communism, Socialism and Marxism as old and outdated failed projects of wayward leaders from our past.  Yes folks, only in American could we make such a mistake and then fix the entire mess in an old fashioned American New York Minute with the election of a constitutional conservative for the office of the Presidency.  May the lord bless America. Dr. Scott Neff aka "the little guy" fights back for you.


Memorial Day is a blessed day which occurs every year on the final Monday of May.  We celebrate Memorial Day in remembrance of the men and women who died while serving in our Armed Forces.  This is very thought provoking holiday this year as we must morn the deaths of our Libyan Ambassador, and all the heroes that died needlessly and were left behind without even the good old American try to help them over the many many hours spanning two attacks by al-Qaeda terrorist linked organizations.  And the Islamic Terrorists were never caught.

Many people visit cemeteries and attend memorials as well as placing an American flag on each grave in national cemeteries.  However please remember that this is the first holiday when the sun is warm, and it is often the first chance in the year, to run and jump into an outdoor swing pool, pond, lake, ocean or reservoir.  Children excited to get into the water (oceans, lakes, rivers, and swimming pools) sustain serous neck and spine injuries including death.  Please supervise any out door water sports such as waterskiing, surfboarding and so forth.  If you or your children compete in a new spring event which requires exercise, warm up, stay out of prolonged sun exposure, and bring electrolytes or even a combination of the simple salts such as table salt, and kosher salt for their sodium and potassium respectively.  Gator-aid and Gator-aid like drinks will suffice.

With the warmest of hopes, the members of the American Academy For Justice Through Science wish all Americans, a happy, healthy, thought provoking and safe Memorial day. Dr. Scott Neff aka the little guy - May 26, 2014


''There are rumors that there is a John Edwards sex tape.  People say it's twenty minutes of Edwards caressing and stroking...And that's just the part where he fixes his hair.'' — Craig Ferguson 

''Liz Cheney said on Fox News that her father, former Vice President Dick Cheney, should run for president ....  In fact, that's apparently in the Mayan calendar too, you know.  Cheney becomes president, and then the whole world ends. That's exactly what happens.'' — Jay Leno

''President Obama says he will not support a healthcare plan where the government gets to decide whether to quote, 'pull the plug on Grandma.'  Apparently, Obama's plan calls for the much quicker pillow option.'' — Conan O'Brien

Have a great week folks.

WHEN THE TEA PARTY LOSES IT WINS - CONGRATULATIONS TEA PARTY"Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin


Looking at the events of this cycle alone produce evidence that the Liberal enormous Government model can't work and we need to trim the Government/National Debt (Eliminate the unaccountable administrators...Barack Obama is proof perfect that no one can run a big government).  All of the most horrible scandals in recent memory such as Fast and Furious I (Mexico), the IRS stuff, Fast and Furious II (Gun Running in Benghazi gone horribly wrong; heck Al-Qaeda wasn't invited to the party and they let it be known that American Weapons for Terrorists must include they hit us never thinking Clinton would spin things so even her husband was lost in the storytelling taken on stage around the globe, which to the Clintons is a job well done...), Obamacare molded after the VA and the VA and all the rest.  The President never knew a thing, he only now read about it in the newspaper!  Folks its time to move toward the center and that is Republican turf during the next cycle.  And as an independent, not a member officially of the Tea party or any other party, it all seems so obvious.

With our nation in a mess the Tea Party just wants the best for our nation, which is the best for all folks.  Thus they win when their candidates win a Republican primary akin to last week, but they also win when the best conservative candidate wins as it helps to fight for the very things the Tea Party folks want.  Look if we can take back the Senate, the new Millennial's will have a chance in their life times to experience the US as we did.  Like I WROTE in articles below, It was easier to make a living back in the 1980's under Reagan.  Back in 1984, only my third year in solo practice,  I made enough to purchase a home in Rancho Palos Verdes along the Ocean with a Beach Club with beach racket courts, basketball, volleyball, homes, and nude beach beneath me, and the gorgeous view of Catalina Island.  I lived their for 11 years with my wife Chelsea and step-daughter Laura.  Easily worth many many millions today, now back from out of state Medical School with the Doctor of Medicine Degree found a California so hard to make a living in as a caring human bringing science to a field inundated with hocus pocus belief systems which always sound good but absent a secure scientific basis remain flawed in one after another trial and tribulations experienced in the care of the ill.  Thus with far more wisdom and experience then I had when I was in my Twenty's and early Thirties, today I am trying to build a humble scientific practice at COR-Center for Orthopedics and Rehabilitation with an income of 1/7th of that in the 1980's!   The labor market is a joke and the Progressives experiment with California is a failure.  Heck when I left the great Golden state we  had fallen from the Reagan high of 5th largest economy in the world to the Wilson era 6th largest economy in the world to today's Brown era of 15th largest economy in the world and falling lower fast (Just lost Toyota Motors USA to Texas-What morons chased Toyota out of my love: - the land from the Northern Red Woods to the Mountains and from great Deserts to the vast Pacific - largest Big ocean border common wealth in the US; a most lovely state, the great Golden State-California).  

Well the examples are far too plentiful relative to Progressive Democrat failures and thus the topic is the Tea Party wins in the primaries even if their candidate loses as long as the conservatives in this cycle have the best folks from "we the people" and thus can take back America for again, "we the people" rather then all those who don't like living here, think all the horrible stuff we heard over the last six years and most folks today are sick of all the negativity the left brings, and long for a positive experience even taking the high road in debates which gets to the heart of the matters rather then perhaps the best communicator winning an election absent any governing skills and absent having the experience of a state Governor as one example.  Our nation longs for a real captain to run our ship America, as it is clear the present captain and his supporters like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, and frankly too many more Democrat folks are all talk and usually negative talk about everyone but themselves; egregious, self-aggrandizing, pontificating experts that have proven they can't govern, they can't work with folks across the isle, they force folks to pass legislation before anyone knows what's in the legislation, and frankly all that is bad is the end result.  If we can take back America we can win, "all that is good" wins and the Tea Party most assuredly wins. 

It is time to cut government, cut our national debt, balance the budget and empower the private sector with energy independence programs, good credit interstate flow due to the lowered debt and balancing budget, a much lower corporate tax, incentive to manufactures to come home to enjoy the cheep energy environment with its near full employment or low employment environment, and bring forth a renaissance period so all Americans can live freely, happily, and indeed healthfully.

The state of affairs this 20th day in May, in the year of our lord, 2014.  the little guy 5/20/2014


3 New Navy Ships:


Seeing it next to the Arizona Memorial really puts its size into perspective... ENORMOUS!

When the Bridge pipes 'Man the Rail' there is a lot of rail to man on this monster: shoulder to shoulder, around 4.5 acres.  Her displacement is about 100,000 tons with full complement.


Top speed exceeds 30 knots, powered by two nuclear reactors that can operate for more than 20 years without refueling
1. Expected to operate in the fleet for about 50 years
2. Carries over 80 combat aircraft
3. Three arresting cables can stop a 28-ton aircraft going 150 miles per hour in less than 400 feet


1. Towers 20 stories above the waterline
2. 1092 feet long; nearly as long as the Empire State Building is tall
3. Flight deck covers 4.5 acres
4. 4 bronze propellers, each 21 feet across, weighing 66,200 pounds
5. 2 rudders, each 29 by 22 feet and weighing 50 tons
6. 4 high speed aircraft elevators, each over 4,000 square feet


1. Home to about 6,000 Navy personnel
2. Carries enough food and supplies to operate for 90 days
3. 18,150 meals served daily
4. Distillation plants provide 400,000 gallons of fresh water from sea water daily, enough for 2,000 homes
5. Nearly 30,000 light fixtures and 1,325 miles of cable and wiring 1,400 telephones
6. 14,000 pillowcases and 28,000 sheets


The USS William Jefferson Clinton (CVS1) set sail today from its home port of Vancouver , BC

The ship is the first of its kind in the Navy and is a standing legacy to President Bill Clinton 'for his foresight in military budget cuts' and his conduct while holding the (formerly dignified) office of President.

The ship is constructed nearly entirely from recycled aluminum and is completely solar powered with a top speed of 5 knots. It boasts an arsenal comprised of one (unarmed) F14 Tomcat or one (unarmed) F18 Hornet aircraft, although they cannot be launched on the 100-foot flight deck, form a very menacing presence.

As a standing order, there are no firearms allowed on board.  This crew, like the crew aboard the USS Jimmy Carter, is specially trained to avoid conflicts and appease any and all enemies of the United States at all costs. An onboard Type One DNC Universal Translator can send out messages of apology in any language to anyone who may find America offensive. The number of apologies are limitless and, though some may seem hollow and disingenuous, the Navy advises all apologies will sound very sincere. In times of conflict, the USS Clinton has orders to seek refuge in Canada .


Details are vague.  But don't worry..........he has a plan

Editors Note:  Thank you Wyoming (nom de plume).  I know you like to kid the President. 

Have a great Weekend Folks little guy 02/14/14

DOLPHIN ASSISTED CHILDBIRTH RAISING EYEBROWS AS THE DOLPHINS DON'T DELIVER THE BABY Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead.  The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."  Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas." 

Well folks, of course Dolphin assisted childbirth would be the next anticipated Barack Obama era medical procedure.  Don't believe it?  Press play now. In fact one couple from Charlotte, Heather Hana age 27 and Adam Hana age 29, have signed the dotted line for this dolphin-assisted form of childbirth with the Sirius Institute in Hawaii.  Adam Hana advised in the following video that "We want to really be pioneers of sorts to really kind of open more people up to this, like it's already meant to be.  Star Newland for the Sirius Institute stated as you will hear, "Dolphins are very much about living in harmony and we feel we can learn a lot from them and pass it on to people".  Have fun and please hit play now.

My hope is the people don't bug the Dolphins and the newborn doesn't get an infection!

Well folks if that's not hot info on Medicine under the Barack Obama era nothing else is.  This editor can't wait for the next great revelation.  And folks, "you just can't make this stuff up". little guy 5/31/13


This editor is sorry that readers have had to be chomping at the bite for this article but it was originally written for some in a political position to bring this to the people of America and the floors of congress, and this editor wanted to wait to see if any implementation was forthcoming.  I would congratulate our President for praising the Wind Power utility in Pennsylvania and so forth, however we need energy independence within the next 5 years rather then waiting until some time so far in the future, that no one could predict if such a far off program would ever be implemented.  We need our elected officials to act now since we have the means and now the road map to energy independence detailed so that anyone could understand what we are doing, why we are doing it, and what the outcome would be even before we begin.  So, without further ado, below hit this link to find the Road Map for Energy Independence in 5 years now!


Well folks, you will love this stuff, and it proves that old talent can be as great as young talent if given a chance, without further Ado, please hits this first link to launch and then enjoy this second link I know you will love them and the experience.


A Polish immigrant went to the DMV to apply for a driver's license. First, of course, he had to take an eye sight test The optician showed him a card with the letters.

'C Z W I X N O S T A C Z.' 'Can you read this?' the optician asked. "Read it?" The Polish guy replied, "I know the guy."                                                            

THE PHYSICS OF FOLLISHNESS OF ANOTHER INCONVENIENT TRUTH - A MUST READ ARTICLE FOR FOLKS AROUND THE GLOBE Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead.  The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."  Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas"  Benjamin Franklin

Lets say that those paid by the Incandescent light bulb industry get (Huge Lobby) their way and the new energy efficient light bulb is placed in every high rise, every home, simply everywhere in the nation.  Well, let's think about this, it will save funds earmarked for energy.  Yet did anyone have an forethought?  Clearly this has been the problem over the last 10 years.  First we had Bush who claimed to be conservative but this editor did not think he governed as one save his military strategy.  Now we have Bush Heavy (as apposed to Bush light), which advocates many of the things President Bush did.

Suddenly a 9.0 earthquake hits off the coast of the western  sea board.  From Washington to Northern California things looked just like Japan.  Suddenly millions and millions of bulbs break in homes that remained, in buildings that remained, and of course where all the damage was.  And then a Tsunami... To read the rest of this acclaimed article please hit this link with consumer tips that could save your life. little guy


Folks to get us refocused and away from our crazy Democratic party past and of course today's similar Michel Moore, Atheist hater of the Quran HBO's Bill Maher, Sean Pen and all of the rest who would let any women and children and the aged of any color, creed, race or religion be mutilated and terrorized prior to their deaths; yes Arabs, Muslims, Christians, Germans, Swiss, Libyans what ever, let the good folks of our great Republic appreciate the American Armed forces once again. Lets examine some of the really tough places in our world to land a plane.  First of all look at the airstrip off the coast off of Malaysia called Tioman Island.  Wow!

To see the incredible Tioman Island airstrip and the rest of these amazing photographs with the mesmerizing finish hit this link now!now! 


What in the World Happened to honest Immigration?

Back in 1900 when there was a rush from all areas of Europe to come to the United States, people had to get off a ship and stand in a long line in New York and be documented.  Some would even get down on their hands and knees and kiss the ground. They made a pledge to uphold the laws and support their new country in good and bad times. They made learning English a primary rule in their new American households and some even changed their names to blend in with their new home.  To read the rest of this fascinating article with its fantastic pictures please hit this link now!


Folks it's hard to keep a straight face when famed comedian Marty Fidelman is speaking.  Your editor had spoken with Mr. Fidelman and we began this series for the Journal:  Some humor by Marty on 101 WAYS TO TELL YOUR MARRIAGE IS OVER!

She is so determined not to have children with you, she ties her own tubes.  

Her favorite belt is her chastity belt. 

She refers to you as "The defendant".

Editor's note:  Please come back next Wednesday for 101 WAYS TO TELL YOUR MARRIAGE IS OVER by Marty. little guy 3-07-2012


FRIENDS OF THE CONSTITUTION RECAP 2009 UNDER PRESIDENT OBAMA Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead.  The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."  Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas"  Benjamin Franklin

The "Friends of the Constitution" have sent this editor their recap of 2009 under our Popular President Obama.  Thus, without further Ado, please hit this link to find the  expose called "Recap of 2009 under President Obama.

EL BAMA THE 4TH AMIGO Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead.  The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."  Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas"  Benjamin Franklin

With the absence of border protection while asking our soldiers to protect the borders of Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan and more, the nth degree of Hypocrisy has been reached as our Democrat Majority claims that "we don't need no stinking' border laws."  Again a group of my readers asked that this Journal print the following article.  So without further Ado, hit this link to find the "EL BAMA, THE 4TH AMIGO" by the new group "Friends of the Constitution".

THOSE WACKY LIBERALS DON'T WANT TO HAVE FUN Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead.  The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."  Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas"  Benjamin Franklin

The United States Air Force has discovered how to eliminate "Bird Strikes" on their aircrafts.  However the Communist Chinese have already begun a direct copy of the device to fit on their aircrafts.  And you can bet dollars for donuts that the Russians are not far behind.  A further problem is how to come up with the funding to fit all US aircraft with the new device and yes, the Journal has received a special "Beat the Press" viewing of said device.  However be forewarned that this device scares the heck out of most everything.  To view the device hit this link and "good luck".

FROM DEATH COMES TAPS FOR ALL SOLDIERS AND WARRIORS Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead.  The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."  Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas"  Benjamin Franklin

Everyone should know the history of Taps.  It is a song that brings tears to our eyes, and causes us all to ponder on what had been, the glory on earth of the life or lives lost, their time on earth, and what will be the inevitable future for all mankind.  Do you know the words for Taps?  Did you know its riveting history?  Well, without further Ado, please again find the elusive answers to the difficult and often hidden truths unveiled here at the InfoJustice Journal.  I know you will enjoy, ponder, and move on a better person after you review the history and legacy of Taps.  Hit this link now.  

WORLDS LARGEST ENTITIES - TAKE YOUR FAMILY FOR A TOUR OF OUR WORLD WITH THESE SPECTACULAR PICTURES WITH SPECIAL THANKS TO THOSE MEMBERS AND READERS WHO WOULD SHARE Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead.  The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."  Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin

To view these spectacular sights hit this link now!  Enjoy. little guy  

ENJOY ACADEMY PHILANTHROPY THROUGH TROMPE L'OEIL (TRICK-OF-THE-EYE) 3D MURALS BY AMERICAN ARTIST JOHN PUGH Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead.  The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."  Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin

Enjoy fabulous and spectacular 3D Trick of the Eye Murals by hitting this link now!little guy

RECOVER FROM 911 MOURNING WITH THE MOST AMAZING 5 HOLES IN OUR UNIVERSE Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead.  The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."  Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin

These holes are not only amazing, but some are really terrifying! The sheer scale of these holes reminds you of just how tiny we areView the largest and most terrifying holes in our Universe.  Hit the preceding link now and enjoy!

GREAT STORY YOU WILL FIND ONLY HERE AT THE INFOJUSTICE JOURNAL Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead.  The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."  Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin

Read the story of the World War II American Ace with pictures of his shot up B-17 and his true adventure with the German Ace pilot over Germany, and their reunion years later.  Hit this link to read this fantastic story with actual Ariel photographs now.. little guy  

TOTALLY MAGNIFICENT PICTURES JUST IN FROM STORMIN' NORMAN - ACTUAL AWESOME SKY'S & OCEAN  BEFORE KATRINA STRUCK ONLY HERE AT THE INFOJUSTICE JOURNAL Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead.  The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."  Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin  little guy

To see these mangificent pictures hit this link now!

   Read past articles by "little guy" Dr. Scott Neff, BA BS MSOM MPS-BT DC DABCO DE IDE CFE ABDA FFABS FAABT DABFE FABFE FFAAJTS-IAPS-2010 graduate of the University of Health Sciences Antigua School of Medicine, West Indies aka the little guy

Little Guy InfoJustice Back Issues since 1996 by request.

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