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Your Editor Dr. Scott Neff - the Little Guy


Six years old

Mother's University Graduation

The Best of the Best Presentations list 2011

"Trash Talk Humor"

 "Pictures Never Seen Before-NEVER FORGET"-911

"Déjà Vu ©"

Love for all time-(When Your Hot ©)

Amazing Drug Lord  Photos and Story

The Muddied Shoes Blues ©

The Best of the Best Presentations list 2010

American Rising

The Patriotic War

Strangers on my Flight

Fauna music and love

Ancient Hanging Monastery

What Tiger should have seen first!

Another Senior moment in Police Science History

Patriots in action

US Marine Corps Answering Machine

Best Train vs. Tornado

Bud Light Clothing Drive Commercial Banned from the Super Bowl

Who packs your parachute?


Frank the Duck

Obama Man Can

B-17 fighter pilots in World War II

Worlds Most Expensive Catastrophes

Worlds largest spectacular entities

Enjoy fabulous and spectacular 3D Trick of the Eye Murals

View the largest and most terrifying holes in our Universe.

911Aerial Surveillance Photos

View this amazing town with their more amazing road sign

A330 Air France photo with passengers being sucked out of the gaping hole in the plane

Homeland Security Warnings.

"When its was not your time to die"

Your homeland security at work for you

Are you safer in a 1959 Chevy or 2009 Chevy

Barry the Fishermen

Airplane Disasters with Airline Humor

The Family Grizzly knows but did you know?

Advice for InfoJustice Readers

One day since Obamacare of March 21, 2010= $12,405,962,943,990-US National Debt

Eight days since Obamacare=$12,703,125,187,720,18

45 days since Obamacare=$12,835,321,207,657.37

218 days since Obamacare=$13,623,275,060,280.12

663 days since Obamacare=$15,228,709,802,653 and climbing

910 days since Obamacare=$16,888,545,617,999 and climbing exponentially

national debt  

WHAT WAS HE A DEMOCRAT-EVEN POLITICS ARE A MESS FOR OUR SUNDAY PONDERINGS III "Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin

Folks I felt that this Sunday a point to reflect upon is again one which could never be made up.  This week an elderly patient was presented (I work for my Clinic, for my Boss, and for my patient) for rehabilitation from a stroke who also has massive curvature of the spine.  I am continually told that my examinations neurologically and orthopedically surpass those found within the "norm" or for my patients past experience and my physical exam is very focused.  During the long course of the exam, the stroke was reveled to occur during the course of events where the women's husband spoke out about an LA City Councilman and suddenly that night the police and swat raided her home.  Fearing for her elderly husband who was not guilty of a crime and would be hurt by the Swat situational psychology in play, the demands of the situation were above the abilities of my new patient and she stroked out on the scene.

My immediate comment was "What was the City Councilmen a Democrat"?  She laughed (It turned out he was!...).  Well Alzheimer's was also in play and after walking her to Radiology, I went out to discuss matters with her children, concerned a Chiropractic Doctor had helped one of their relatives.  After advising she needs more intensive Alzheimer's intervention then the most common Alzheimer's approach used, I confirmed her story was true!?  I again told the story above to her children and asked them in the same way and timing, "What was the City Councilmen a Democrat"? and they laughed and we all shared reality but the point outside of the patient was that Democrats are known to go after folks during this cycle with numerous examples to list.  And Republicans would never even think of it?

What ever happened to the American way of life.  It was un-American to have lies beat down the opposition especially when the Dem's outnumbered the Repy's in Congress.  One example was how they passed Obamacare based on falsehoods (You can keep your can keep your insurance plan...) which has let down all of the little folks who are always hit the hardest, hit the veterans severally, hit the poor, the weak, the helpless, the disabled, those on fixed incomes or those too ill to make healthy contemplations about lotions, potions, decoctions, treatments, how to buy insurance from a government which simply doesn't offer enough verity nor variety to make folks want to pull the trigger and buy something they often can't afford and then must give up the idea of a new car payment, a new house payment, new clothing and so much more.  Folks cant buy what they want they must buy stuff they could never use for themselves like contraception or birth control waste when they and their partners are too old to conceive as just one example.  Folks robbed of their God given and Constitution granted freedom from tyranny or the forced thoughts of others when in fact the actions only hurt the intended!  Forced hypocrisy with a vengeance driven modus operandi if one disagrees or simply points out even the smallest of truths.

Is do unto others as you would have them do unto you now claimed a falsehood by these Progressive Democrats?  Benedict Arnold under our Constitutional principals had the freedom of speech and choice he needed!  But was still round up and tried for the traitor he was.  Many folks have steeped forward with traitorous ideas and concepts about our great Republic.  And it is time to call traitors what they are and kick them out of the nation or at least the limelight for their activities.  It is time to end the Progressive Democrats Culture of Unaccountability.

Well my patient received the lost so often in today's health system comfort of understanding in her care, we all had a laugh at the Democrat joke, but the epiphany of how easy it is to find examples of Progressive Democrats going beyond the boundaries of "all that is good" in our world is a shocking reality which must be admitted to in order for folks to make honest decisions on the most important matters which face our nation.  Forgive and forget, but understand and act like Americans for we have much work to accomplish in returning our nation back to the America she was, just a short time ago.  We must have not only the finest Military in the world, our Veterans health care must be second to none in this world.  And while were at it, lets bring back folks options in Health Care Insurance as only the free market system can bring.  Lets all have a great week folks and tell a friend you have joined the bandwagon for taking the high road in all of life's trials, tribulations, and joys. little guy  5/18/14



Certain laws cover most employees today who are injured while in the course of their employment.  Injured railroad employees are covered and protect by a Federal Law, entitle the Federal Employees Liability Act, also known as FELA.  The Jones Act is the only other federal law and it covers maritime workers.  Most other workers are covered for injuries, which they incur during the course of their normal and customary work duties, by State Compensation laws, especially in California.  This is a "no-fault" system covering injuries, which arose out of employment or during the course of employment (AOE/COE).

Furthermore, under the auspices of FELA, there is no formula to calculate monetary compensation or to define for a jury what the limit is in terms of the value that may be award for injuries.  Because of these pitfalls, many injured workers have found that they can wreak a goldmine from the courts for work-related injuries.  This is not to say that there are not many injuries which indeed deserve heavy compensation relative to the losses which have been incurred by workers, but it is to say that many workers have found it all too easy to exploit the system and bring home the gold, even thought they are still clearly able to work and the injuries that they have incurred are minimal.

The next section focuses on injury cases involving the railroad.  Approximately 90% of the cases handled by the railroad actually involve railroad workers themselves.  Other cases involve civilian bystanders who are incidental to the injury-causing accidents.


The following cases do not all involve railroad workers but many do.  Of the current railroad inventory of cases some 90 to 95% involve injures to their own employees with a portion relative to civilians.  These employee cases reflect judgments and settlements involving the Federal Employees Liability act (FELA).

There are two critical addenda to the FELA, which are known as the Boiler Inspection Act & the Safety Appliance Act.

The Boiler Inspection Act covers ladders, handholds, brakes, safety appliances, lighting and the cleanliness of the locomotive engine. The Safety Appliance Act covers sill steps, ladders, handholds, brakes, and other safety appliance and coupling mechanisms, and all other safety appliances on railroad cars.  If there is a violation of either one of these acts a judge in a courtroom would instruct the jury to consider the railroad 100% negligent and the only decision for the jury is how much monetary damage to award.  The only defense the railroad has is to prove the plaintiff is faking or is involved in a fraudulent claim if one of these acts applies.



A 32 year old electrician was working at the Los Angeles locomotive Facility and was in a pit beneath a Locomotive.  He had entered the pit by walking down stairs at the opposite end.  Rather than exit the same way when his work was completed, he decided to climb up the snowplow of the locomotive.  He was wearing a  hard hat and as he raise his body up his head struck a safety chain.  He alleged that he had a concussion and neck sprain and was off work for a considerable period of time.

He retained an attorney and a lawsuit was filed.  included in the suit was another matter, which involved the electrition.  Eighteen months prior to the injury one of the supervisors felt that he had been drinking on the job.  This was before the days of blood or urine testing for alcohol. Another supervisor was brought over to smell his mouth and he stated that the man had been drinking and his breath smelled like olives.

He was removed form service and fired following a formal investigation.  He was a Black man and he claimed that he was unfairly treated as it took him one year to get back to work, and that there were a number of Hispanics that had been fired for drinking on the job and they all got back to work in three or four months.  Unfortunately my research proved his allegations to be correct.  The claim for unfair firing was included in his lawsuit.

The case was tried in Burbank and his attorney was an extremely boring individual who insisted on presenting e very bit of minutia to the jury with an overemphasis on detail.  I would describe this attorney a "Paper Warrior" as he would drive the defense attorney to the edge of madness during the litigation process with numerous and massive motions, requests for production, and interrogatories.  However, once the actual trial started, the jury was far from impressed with him.  The judge became extremely displeased with him.

During the trial we found three other injuries to the plaintiff's head and neck.  Prior to the railroad injury he had been in an automobile, which rear-ended another, and his head cracked the windshield.  In addition, there was an incident where he walked into a bar in which a fight was going on and he was struck in the head by flying beer bottle.  Following the railroad injury, he was walking in a park and as attacked by two individuals who threw him to the ground and robbed him.  During this assault his head had struck the ground.  When confronted with this evidence he testified that none of these incidents caused any permanent injury, and it was only the railroad accident from which he continued to suffer pain.

This case should have been tried in about one week and we were in trial for over a month.  at the end of the trial the jury returned a verdict against the railroad.  However, they were so displease with this attorney and his case that they awarded him one penny in monetary damages!

The attorney made a motion to the court for a new trial.  We talked to the judge and pleaded with him to change the award to $5000.  The judge advised that he agreed with the jury and would not award that SOB attorney even a plugged nickel.

Unfortunately, this gave the attorney grounds for appeal and the higher court awards a new trial, because of the inconsistent verdict in the initial case.

During the second trial the supervising plaintiff attorney came to court and wanted do speak with me, and as a result of this discussion we settled the case in excess of $5,000.


Around the railroad there are many legendary characters and their wide spread reputations grow with each telling of the story.  The following is another legend that I remember.


There is a law that provides that the railroad must install a fence along the mainline tracks that will not allow live-stock to gain access to the rail line.  This is rarely done however, as the railroad has found it cheaper to pay for the occasional cow that wonders in front of a train and is struck.

This foreman was in charge of a track gang working out of Surf, California.  Whenever a dead cow or steer that had obviously been hit by a train was found on the tracks he would submit a report  Part of the report covered the disposition of the remains of the animal, and he always wrote that he buried it.  The truth was that he and his employees and their families would have a fiesta on the weekend in which the entire beef was barbecued.

Although I knew that was going on I made no complaint, as I was happy to see people eat the beef rather than bury it and I had to make payment on the claim anyway.

   Stormin Norman Udewitz  

Editor's note:  Folks, "you just can't make this stuff up"!  Come back next week for some of the most humorous injury cases in recent experience as well as devastating injuries to employees of the railroad and other involved persons. Many of these cases were brought before state and federal judges involving claimants who were represented by attorneys, and the reader will get a view of what can occur during the litigation process, especially involving large dollar cases as well as unique defense verdicts. You will be amazed and entertained by the actual process involved in the resolution of these matters.  Next Week, one case from the section called Cases and Incidents, "The Television Actor Who Got Caught" and one case from the section called Railroad Legends known as the Legend of "White Cloud".  the little guy 5-17-2014

EVEN POLITICS ARE A MESS FOR OUR SUNDAY PONDERINGS II "Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin

Folks I must opine that under the progressives (communist atheist leaning bunch) democrats almost like sheep have lost their collective (A hope is the Liberals take back the Democrat party from the Progressives and let them form their own..) way.  Our nation is a Republic and not a Union like the old Soviet Monster.  And as such all of the power lies with you.  At every turn the progressives accumulate more and more power making the vote less and less valuable.  You see by design our republic is governed by the Constitution.  Yet folks like Pelosi, Reid, Obama, Hillary Clinton, Schumer and the rest of the bunch consolidate government to be run absent answering to the voter.  It is the plan.  Why they think they are the smartest folks who ever lived and could write a better constitution consistent with all of the intolerance for others demonstrated consistently bode for a future where their intolerance becomes so great, the tide shifts and intolerance now a learned behavior to some degree even if by some desensitization causes the other side to decide to respond in kind!  Pelosi, Reid, Barack Obama, Hillary and Schumer are ants crawling on the boots of  Madison and Jefferson.   If that.  And the horrible pattern is almost complete for the Obama Clinton Cycle with lies being the most common thread folks are remembering.  For example how about the fact that when Hillary and Barack looked into the eyes of Motherhood in the body of Sean Smiths mother and said his death was due to a YouTube Video, and they would bring the murderers to justice and call her, exemplify this heinous lie as symbolic for all that is wrong with today's Progressive Democrat party.  And remember they are beyond liberal and in fact have given that fine alternative on the scale a black eye and a name to be avoided.  Let me ask you a question?  Wouldn't you feel horrible if asked to lie to a mother grieving the heinous death of her son in foreign lands and the prospects of our Ambassador alleged to be sodomized (We want the corners report) and dragged through the streets of Benghazi before he was dressed and dropped to hide the most heinous American death under fire in our nations history ?  And of course his murderers have gone free.  Anything but American if you know what I mean?

Justice is ensured when your vote kicks the bums out of office and yet now that lying has become the standard, promises of hope by the progressives on almost every front leaves the voters in despair and none of the great rhetoric comes to fruition.  Why?  Power is the goal of the progressives and anything but sharing any wealth.

The progressives will say but we have had too many hearings, and its old news when the facts are today, during this cycle, it took all those hearings to demonstrate how different their findings were from the facts now in evidence relative to executive branch manipulation of Benghazi talking points, and we even know the author, his power position in the White House, his relatives and friends involved, as well as a clear statement indicating said fraud is cover for failed policy.  Even Fraud has been knocked down in importance as it is OK for Progressives to be above the law, while the rest of America is held under the knuckle of persecution with the costs of defense in many cases too high to afford and folks are wrongfully charged and on occasion wrongfully convicted; thus too often ill advised or poorly counseled and thus the absence of enough money becomes the true reason for many unjust decisions.  While those in power use the taxpayers moneys to fight their battles and thus the costs and time needed to uncover the truth allow Big Government to act unjustly and foolishly, getting away with literally murder as in the case of our four Benghazi dead loved ones.  No it takes dogged professionals who mandate elected officials must act rationally and responsibly in all actions.  And it takes such excellence in professionalism to uncover well hidden and well financed (with the wealth of the entire US Government) wrongs which may have occurred consciously or unconsciously by elected and appointed officials.

It is time to make your vote count and during the next cycle eliminate those in power today through new term limits and by starting fresh with new folks untied to the power structures which have a strangle hold on both parties.  Why absent the power structures in Washington the Republican party would have corrected the Progressives destruction of Egypt, Syria, Libya, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, the Ukraine and too many more.  Freedom and liberty has fallen far from where it stood just six short years ago.  America has given up everything because of one economic bump in the road where the Progressives promised answers as it appears while possibly guilty of dereliction in duty and making a mockery out of the affirmations taken to sit in the positions of power offered by the seats of government. 

We must take back our nation so that your votes count.  If we the people pass a ballot in a state, that trumps executive trickery to manipulate and take away from the power of the people.  It is time to think about what is good for America rather then the false talking points of Progressive democrats.  Lets face it folks like Jay Carney will never be believed by even his best friends and worse of all with friends like his, they will never tell him what they really think.  Our nation was built on principals antithetical to the ways of the Jay Carneys of our world, the Harry Reid's of this world, the Nancy Pelosi's of this world, or even the above the law Hillary Clintons of this world.  They talk about how she was always flying from country to country but folks who lived and paid attention during her escapes from justice don't remember this was done to avoid coming to congress to answer for failures in Benghazi, Libya, Syria, loss of Eastern Europe's defense shield as it appears she and Barack bowed down before the communist model although fairly well hidden.  Just as the recent John Kerry ploy of last week.  Manipulation of everything rather then simply following the rules.

It may be time to rain in executive power by limits on executive orders.  So much has been manipulated that many believe there has been more damage done to our Constitution and our system of government during the last six years then from actions arising out of the entire history of the republic.  Only through a simplification of government can our votes make the difference they were designed to do by our founding fathers.  That includes not tinkering with our election system as the progressives are trying to do.  During the last presidential election it came to light that many examples of poll workers voting many many times for the same candidate constituted real election fraud.  Any change to our election system ensures an easier pathway for more voter fraud or fixing our presidential elections.  And did you notice the outrage by those accused in the progressive movement?  Why if this was done in any situation it would be a sign of guilt rather then the false cover it has granted the progressive manipulators of truth.  The outrage is a cover to avoid answering the question.

One foolish man has heralded "bring it on" for Hillary Clinton to answer the music on her Benghazi failures as if its a debate between crafty but clearly in the wrong Hillary and the Chairmen of the committee investigating Benghazi when it is anything but?  No debate morons, but a search for truth based on the growing amount of evidence proving all prior investigations were simply the legs in which the arc of truth was built upon, and will not end until every minute and action is accounted for all members of government during their "charge" OF HANDLING MATTERS FOR WE THE PEOPLE as designed by the founding fathers.  Failures are failures and the guilty must be brought to justice.  Of course once the facts are out innocents will be vindicated. 

Why I even look at Barack differently then most folks.  After living only two miles from his home when he was Senator, and achieving great things in my clinical clerkships in medicine by learning so much and earning honors (Above A+) in 8 out of 10 Hospital Rotations serving the patients, my attendants and hospital, I became very familiar with then Senator Barack Obama.  We even wrote each other and his short letter to me was so well written and packed with punch about the love from his mother and grandmother I must opine it is a sad day, to believe a great man, for party and fraternity, became untrue to himself.  Yes, it appears he is now 100 percent antithetical to that young man's expressed hopes and desires for America, but did you even ponder what the Progressive Democrats in his party such as Nancy P, Harry R and Hillary C did to such a guys psyche?  No one can be an honest soul and change so much after an election unless he had a heck of a lot of help.  I believe in my heart Barack's skills and talents were used by the Progressives to make our nation more like the old communist soviet union, want the government to have totalitarian controls, want to tax the people akin to the very ways folks were taxed which caused our great nation to be formed, with radical atheist extremists, and a large group who lobbies for the interests of the Terrorists and establishing Sharia laws in violation of the law/Constitution hidden well within the groups that make up the Progressive Dogma.  You have to miss the old Democrat party of John Fitzgerald Kennedy.  Liberals outside of the Progressives like partners of old who helped make our system better, which in turn makes all folks lives better.  The American Democrat party has been hijacked and folks better wake up.  I would accept almost anything rational but the Progressive Democrat Dogma of forced change away from a Republic to more of a Union where the parts such as the executive branch for example are greater then the whole.  In a Republic the whole is greater then the make up of the parts; where the history and love of country working to fix any flaw noticed (Such as Racism, or Hatred of folks who believe as the founding fathers did in the precepts of the Judeo-Christian Religion-Freedom of Religion) is a better system then a Big Government Plutocracy/Communist system, where all power and decisions come from a Stalin, a Hitler, a Mao no matter how you moderate things.  Heck the way many folks view it, most broadcast stations today save Fox are so boooooooooooooooring because they are afraid to report the news, that the Big Government one voice news model has a foothold in America today.  If nothing else, this must be remedied some how, as we need the less anchored but often creative inspiration of true liberals to work with the grounded tried and true (Proven Success) systems of fare play and safe conservative modalities and views.  We must find a way to bring back CBS, ABC and yes NBC from the brain dead boorish now warn out unsuccessful views and subjects they discuss.  We need facts that are beyond question; Biblicism .

Well if you believe the peoples vote must count and be the mechanism which holds those in Washington accountable for handling the peoples business while the people are too busy with their own daily lives, then join the movement to take back America for "we the people" and end the progressive nonsense, return us to a system based on our Conservative and Liberal Principals, and expose the commi loving bastards for what they are, so America can step back up on top of the heap to be that shinning light for all the world to see Truth, Justice and the American way has not only been resuscitated by the American people which in and of itself proves to the world that we are again the most powerful nation in history, but also the model of hope and freedom for all countries, so that one by one, hand in hand all nations of the world will join together in the perfect harmony thus able to grant their own citizens great economies and easy ways to bring up their families and able to afford anything necessary and at least some fun stuff rather then asking the taxpayers of America to give up all their moneys which in any case would evaporate quickly, leaving the world poorer and in a posture of darkness filling areas of life, causing the struggle to become far harder then ever imagined.  Forget the foolish dreamers, and lets get back to what works, what has proven to work by our founding fathers and their experiment with government which made us the most successful nation in history thus able to help the world as we have since our inception as a nation.  Lets open with Energy Independence for example.  This is a now an evidence based system which returns states to close to full employment and brings the cast out (vast I might add) laid-off or out of employ workforce back to employment causing a huge joy and improved economic times for a new millennium renaissanceFrom this renaissance American philanthropy will again flow freely.  Join with me won't you in creating the path for our new millennium renaissance?

Think, what can you do for your country, rather then what can your country do for you (Take off on The President - JFK).  Stop procrastinating and lets go to work, and together we will again make our nation the greatest place in history in which free peoples flourished, business flourished, trade flourishes, and from our great success make it a greater point to help the poor unto a road of deliverance where every person is empowered to contribute to the limits of their endurance but within a comfortable zone, so that everyone feels they worked but earned the feeling of success in their own right, and in their own wayThere is nothing grander then the feeling of accomplishment!  And from this brotherhood will again come to the minds of folks, rather then all the hate against folks of religions, jealousy of anyone who has one cent more then another, to expose the idiocy of those who now use race as a weapon as has been the case during this cycle of the last six years, often calling out the innocent unjustly with all the horrors that entails, now working together to establish the high road, and expose those progressives who obviate the truth.

Lets start fresh this week, forgive all, start over, but hold the self evident truths of our founding fathers as the roadmap back to success.  Lets all have a great week folks. the little guy 5/11/14



Certain laws cover most employees today who are injured while in the course of their employment.  Injured railroad employees are covered and protect by a Federal Law, entitle the Federal Employees Liability Act, also known as FELA.  The Jones Act is the only other federal law and it covers maritime workers.  Most other workers are covered for injuries, which they incur during the course of their normal and customary work duties, by State Compensation laws, especially in California.  This is a "no-fault" system covering injuries, which arose out of employment or during the course of employment (AOE/COE).

Furthermore, under the auspices of FELA, there is no formula to calculate monetary compensation or to define for a jury what the limit is in terms of the value that may be award for injuries.  Because of these pitfalls, many injured workers have found that they can wreak a goldmine from the courts for work-related injuries.  This is not to say that there are not many injuries which indeed deserve heavy compensation relative to the losses which have been incurred by workers, but it is to say that many workers have found it all too easy to exploit the system and bring home the gold, even thought they are still clearly able to work and the injuries that they have incurred are minimal.

The next section focuses on injury cases involving the railroad.  Approximately 90% of the cases handled by the railroad actually involve railroad workers themselves.  Other cases involve civilian bystanders who are incidental to the injury-causing accidents.


The following cases do not all involve railroad workers but many do.  Of the current railroad inventory of cases some 90 to 95% involve injures to their own employees with a portion relative to civilians.  These employee cases reflect judgments and settlements involving the Federal Employees Liability act (FELA).

There are two critical addenda to the FELA, which are known as the Boiler Inspection Act & the Safety Appliance Act.

The Boiler Inspection Act covers ladders, handholds, brakes, safety appliances, lighting and the cleanliness of the locomotive engine. The Safety Appliance Act covers sill steps, ladders, handholds, brakes, and other safety appliance and coupling mechanisms, and all other safety appliances on railroad cars.  If there is a violation of either one of these acts a judge in a courtroom would instruct the jury to consider the railroad 100% negligent and the only decision for the jury is how much monetary damage to award.  The only defense the railroad has is to prove the plaintiff is faking or is involved in a fraudulent claim if one of these acts applies.



The railroad has a B&B department, which stands for Bridge and Building.  This department is charged with maintenance and construction of railroad trestles and small shanties and storage buildings.  An assistant foreman had climbed up a ladder to do work in a shed and he fell from the ladder injuring his neck.

He retained an attorney and brought a lawsuit. After a long period of time he finally returned to work claiming he had to wear a cervical collar while working on the job with the restriction of light duty.

On a Friday he accompanied the foreman in a large gang truck and they took the gang to a work site on the railroad.  Around lunchtime the assistant foreman, wearing his cervical collar, got into the truck with the foremen and drove away from the site.  They were to return by 3:00 P.M. to pick up the gang and return to headquarters so they could start their weekend off.  They did not show up and the gang had to call in for another truck to take them into headquarters.

It had been learned the following Monday that the original truck had been observed parked under a railroad trestle by a police officer.  When he walked over to the truck, he observed the assistant foreman performing an act of oral copulation upon the foreman and arrested both of them and took them to jail where they spent most of the weekend.  I did not learn whether the assistant foreman was still wearing the cervical collar while performing the sex act.  However, when I notified his attorney of the facts the case settled very cheaply.

In addition, the railroad held a formal investigation on both employees. They both testified that they had simply gone to the trestle to observe the work that would be necessary for an upcoming job, when they were unexpectedly arrested.  When asked why they were observing a Santa Fe Railroad trestle rather than a Southern Pacific trestle they stammered and had no answer.  They were both dismissed from service.


I would like to mention several other experiences, which do not involve the railroad but may be of passing interest to the reader.  Following are a few of the more humorous and interesting events of my lifetime.


In 1988 I took a trip to Russia with my wife, stepson and daughter-in-law. This was part of a German group tour that first went from West Germany to Schoenfeld Airport in East Berlin.  At that time East Germany was a communist satellite country and Gorbachev was taking over as the new leader of Russia.  My eyes were really opened to the communist way of life during this trip.

We rode a bus from West Germany to Schoenfeld and upon arrival found a scene of mass confusion.  No one helped with luggage and we had to carry our own to a line, which was supposedly to fly to Moscow.  After standing in this line for about two hours suddenly the sign changed to Budapest and another line was formed for Moscow.  These changes occurred several times during our wait.

The ladies wanted to use the restroom facility but found that you must have East German coins to enter.  I told them I would get change and walked to a nearby Kiosk.  A Kiosk is a small newsstand.  I was told that I would have to go upstairs to the cashier's office to get change.  When I got there all I wanted to do was exchange several West German marks for East German coins.  I had to show my passport and wait about ten minutes while a clerk typed out a long form, which I had to sign, and I then got the change.  By the time I got back down stairs the ladies were gritting their teeth.

We finally were told we could go to the plane and we had to walk across the tarmac carrying our own luggage.  I will never forget the cordon of about twenty armed guards standing at parade rest with AK-47s (Kalashnikov Assault Rifles).  We finally got on the plane and flew to Moscow where we arrived at about 3:00 A.M.  We then went through Russian customs and when the officials saw that I had an American passport, I was taken to a separate room and grilled by KGB officials as to what I was doing with a group of Germans and why I had come to Moscow. They were finally satisfied and let me pass through and get on the bus.

We arrived in downtown Moscow and went to our hotel.  When we got into bed my wife pointed to the ceiling and I looked up and saw two microphones clearly mounted in plain sight on the ceiling. I still don't know what the Russians wanted to gain from our conversation but they heard a lot of snoring.

The following morning, we sat in the hotel lobby for a short time to people watch before starting our tour activities for the day. The KGB were out in full force, and were very obvious being dressed in trench coats and fedora hats just as depicted in Hollywood movies.  There were also numerous native Africans dressed in multi-colored robes.  Most interesting was a large group of Chinese Mongolian soldiers, all over 6 ft tall, and dressed in full winter uniforms of fur hats with red stars in the centers and jackboots.  These were by far the meanest looking soldiers I have ever seen.

One of the highlights of the Moscow section of the trip was a visit to the GUM department store, which was run by the Communist government.  Most of their merchandise was pure garbage, such a brief cases and suitcases made out of cardboard that looked like they would fall apart in the first rainstorm.  I did select some scarves as gifts.  The clerk would not accept any rubles from me but told me that I had to go to the cashier's line, after she spent about ten minutes writing out a ticket.  I then had to wait in the cashier's line to make payment and get another ticket, and then had to go back and present it to the clerk who finally gave me my purchases.

Another highlight of this tour was a trip to Zagorsk, which is the center of the Russian Orthodox Church and was quite interesting.  A problem was the restroom facilities, which were filthy.  My wife and daughter-in-law were looking for a cleaner facility and we walked to an Intourist store, which sells merchandise to non-Russians, and payments must be made in western currency or credit cards.

Outside of this facility two KGB operatives wearing trench coats made a proposal to my wife to go into the store and buy some cigarettes, and they would then pay her double the price in rubles.  She told them that if they could point out a clean restroom to her she would give them a pack of cigarettes each.  They had no response for this and quickly left.

We next went to Leningrad, now known as St. Petersburg, which was far more relaxed than the capitol of Moscow.  We stayed at a beautiful old hotel known as the Europa.  This hotel had originated in the Czarist regime and had been very well maintained.  Our room was fabulous with hand woven carpets, original alabaster statues, and oil paintings.  There was also a writing desk with ornate Russian bears on top.  As you entered the room there was a separate foyer with a cabinet, which held complete tea settings.  In the middle of this room was a baby grand piano.  The windows were very high and had curtains, which had to be moved with a rod.  There was a beautiful balcony in which one could stand and look over the down-town section.

We also took a trip to the Czar's summer palace, which had been damaged during the German siege of World War II.  The Russians were painstakingly restoring the palace, one room at a time.  It was truly a beautiful relic of early Czarist Russia.

I still remember leaving the Leningrad airport for our return tri to East Berlin.  As we were waiting in the customs line I was speaking to my stepson in English.  A young lady walked over and politely asked if I spoke English.  Suddenly a door opened and two KGB operatives in trench coats rushed over to the lady and had a hectic conversation in Russian.  She then pulled a letter from her purse, which they opened and looked at.  Following this they took her back into the room and I never saw her again.  I realized that she was going to ask me to take the letter out of Russia and mail it for her.

I will never forget this eye-opening trip to Communist Russia.

   Stormin Norman Udewitz  

Editor's note:  Folks, "you just can't make this stuff up"!  Come back next week for some of the most humorous injury cases in recent experience as well as devastating injuries to employees of the railroad and other involved persons. Many of these cases were brought before state and federal judges involving claimants who were represented by attorneys, and the reader will get a view of what can occur during the litigation process, especially involving large dollar cases as well as unique defense verdicts. You will be amazed and entertained by the actual process involved in the resolution of these matters.  Next Week, one case from the section called Cases and Incidents, "Olive Breath" and one case from the section called Railroad Legends known as the Legend of the  "Fiesta Foreman".  the little guy 5-10-2014

EVEN POLITICS ARE A MESS FOR OUR SUNDAY PONDERINGS "Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin

Lets all take a time out and ponder how our actions could lead to a United Peoples of the United States again.  This will go very far in healing the wounds of distrust created under the Progressive rule.  Questions like "how we could make life more stress free through more jobs, which of course moves money through all the folks hands increasing the neighborhood economies dragging up the cities economies dragging up the states and regions economies dragging up the nations economies occurs which are all so positive in a world where you were told simple things like this could not be achieved unless Big Brother became Behemoth Monster Brother as it exists today!  Just out of control in too many venues, loss in privacy or the expectation to have some privacy in life within our grand nation.  Loss in Economic stature around the globe.  Massive loss in military size and resolve evidenced by Benghazi.  Loss in national credit rating due to the largest debt in US History.  Loss in international confidence for American resolve on the world stage as evil so often popes up its evil head to do wrongs to folks around the globe.  Loss of interpersonal relationships for we the people.  Look at the great Golden state 5TH LARGEST ECONOMY IN THE WORLD UNDER REAGAN, better then China etc and today a lowly 15th and falling.  Just Friday one of my old Corporate favorites as the President of along with many from the executive officers were patients and even Dr. Toyota himself was a patient, that perhaps Corporate head quarters for Toyota USA will move to Texas.   And life is more difficult today then just ten years ago. 

Energy Independence in 5 years is a normal rational and responsible goal relative to the circumstances which exist today.  To repeat my appeal to your collective consciences, for too many years now folks have fought the notion of ACHIEVING ENERGY INDEPENDENCE; it has produced little hope there are enough sane folks around to bring back the American Dream.  There is so much LORD GIVEN energy within the homeland, "we the people" could bring forth a flood of quality Energy to be sold to our allies first and foremost freeing them from the TYRANNY OF RUSSIAN DEMANDS while simultaneously becoming a platform to bring home world manufacturing to our grand nation for our outstanding new energy push and system; come home to enjoy the benefits of US new building and renewal programs from all the excess money coming into the government coffers from the Free Market Energy Industrial Complex so to speak or as President Ronald Reagan would have called it.  When times are good there is no need for a OBESE GOVERNMENT allowing government to shrink as it is the dunsel often placing over demands on the system, and the free market capitalist system which of course created the atmosphere necessary for the founding in our nation, which was fought with every fiber created by the founding fathers which gave our nation all the greatness it needed to be number one in philanthropic deeds which still calls out to all folks around the globe who come here simply to be free people, to live in the free land she was prior to these last many years.  The American Beat Goes On!

Politics is a horrible mess.  The world, the entire world knows folks that the Progressive Democrats lied on a world win tour advertising Benghazi was due to a YouTube Video no one had ever seen, and because the world knows the Progressive Democrats open lie using the method of lying and having so many others lie, the humble truth is simply not heard; Foreign powers get the device.  And the world knows many of the media outlets complicit in the fraud, are becoming guilty of violations of Journalistic ethics unprecedented in our glorious news outlet American history and experiences. "You must pass the bill to know what's in it" is the rally cry for all that are sane to point out who are not stable, realistic and thus bad for our grand nation like a Nancy Pelosi.  Democrat voters must peal themselves from the notion that it is ok for someone you like and elect to lie to you as long as they won't leave you.  Outrageous but that is what is expected out of a democrat voter today.  And its reached a turning point back to an America based on balance and stability, experience and thus wisdom over what sounds so good but is too impractical and unrealistic to waist precious moneys or time from folks short lives way from capitalistic pursuits which eventually earn money to re-reach the American dream.  Not the dream of almost communist sympathizers from the Democrat party allowing Putin to achieve horrific gains on the blood of innocent Ukrainians simply trying to live a Ukrainian dream EQUAL to the AMERICAN DREAM.  Politics is a horrible mess today where lies and then more lies from the left cloud the daily view of reality in the homeland today, with old distrusts forced into the limelight when none exist, and when the nation does rally like the color blind nation as a NORMAL REFLEX as evidenced by the most recent "Clipper - World" disaster, those very folks who use Race as a weapon against the innocent were silent to comment on what a grand land we live in.  We need complete antithetical political leadership change, and much time to care for each other, help each other, to rebuild the relations we had just a few shorts years ago.  Politics' and what it has taught our children relative to lying their way to get a-head as well as for purposes of cover-ups antithetical again folks to the affirmations taken to step into the offices and positions "we the people" employ servants of society to function in the seats of political power in the land.

Lets all find it a goal to join together to bring light to all lies and cover-ups and ensure such behaviors are precluded from ever possibly affecting the American electorate relative to the choices they make in the election booths.  Lets ensure we have American quality elections and not that of some nightmare from the genius of one of our Sci Fi authors today.  Lets ensure we have job-excess today rather then some pie in the sky promise that if we all become communists, that the less all must accept in life and continue to accept in a negative exponential direction as no new moneys are created concomitant with the fact that the demands of taxation take the breath away from creativity and innovation, and starve all nations that have tried it to death.

The way to join together in the begining is over the concepts of "thou shall not lie", and begin to hold folks to the laws of the 10 Commandments and of the founding ideals of the Constitution, our Declaration of Independence and so many patriotic lawmakers of eras gone by.  And from Government once again becoming the image of truth absent these last many years, then becomes the example for the downtrodden, and gives hope to the hopeless, raises up the spirit through the sharing of fair play once again allowing folks to focus on the simple pursuits which bring up all folks status and feelings; a nation built on the greatest on notions in mankind's experience existence, the American melting pot notions of the founding fathers.  Lets begin next week.  Complete transparency on all aspects of life historically and politically.  Have a great week folks. little guy 5/4/2013



Certain laws cover most employees today who are injured while in the course of their employment.  Injured railroad employees are covered and protect by a Federal Law, entitle the Federal Employees Liability Act, also known as FELA.  The Jones Act is the only other federal law and it covers maritime workers.  Most other workers are covered for injuries, which they incur during the course of their normal and customary work duties, by State Compensation laws, especially in California.  This is a "no-fault" system covering injuries, which arose out of employment or during the course of employment (AOE/COE).

Furthermore, under the auspices of FELA, there is no formula to calculate monetary compensation or to define for a jury what the limit is in terms of the value that may be award for injuries.  Because of these pitfalls, many injured workers have found that they can wreak a goldmine from the courts for work-related injuries.  This is not to say that there are not many injuries which indeed deserve heavy compensation relative to the losses which have been incurred by workers, but it is to say that many workers have found it all too easy to exploit the system and bring home the gold, even thought they are still clearly able to work and the injuries that they have incurred are minimal.

The next section focuses on injury cases involving the railroad.  Approximately 90% of the cases handled by the railroad actually involve railroad workers themselves.  Other cases involve civilian bystanders who are incidental to the injury-causing accidents.


The following cases do not all involve railroad workers but many do.  Of the current railroad inventory of cases some 90 to 95% involve injures to their own employees with a portion relative to civilians.  These employee cases reflect judgments and settlements involving the Federal Employees Liability act (FELA).

There are two critical addenda to the FELA, which are known as the Boiler Inspection Act & the Safety Appliance Act.

The Boiler Inspection Act covers ladders, handholds, brakes, safety appliances, lighting and the cleanliness of the locomotive engine. The Safety Appliance Act covers sill steps, ladders, handholds, brakes, and other safety appliance and coupling mechanisms, and all other safety appliances on railroad cars.  If there is a violation of either one of these acts a judge in a courtroom would instruct the jury to consider the railroad 100% negligent and the only decision for the jury is how much monetary damage to award.  The only defense the railroad has is to prove the plaintiff is faking or is involved in a fraudulent claim if one of these acts applies.



The railroad furnished drinking water and ice for the train crews and this is kept on the locomotive.  A 40 yea old brakeman named Ray alleged that he became extremely ill from firing the bottled water furnished by the railroad and he had symptoms of food poisoning and was off work for several weeks.  I received a report from this doctor that advised that he did have a type of food poisoning.  I called the doctor and asked him if the bacteria that caused the food poisoning could survive in water.  The doctor told me it could not and could only live in air.

Ray came into the office and wanted to settle his claim and I asked him if he was sure that he became poisoned from drinking from drinking the water on the locomotive and he reported that he was absolutely certain that the water caused the poisoning.

I then told him he had no claim and I wood not pay him anything as his own doctor had advised that the bacteria that poisoned him could not exist in water and he must have eaten something that caused the food poisoning.  He then left the office an unhappy man.  Word got out about this matter on the railroad and he was forever more known as Bad Water Ray.

I might add that railroaders spend a lot of time together and talk a lot to each other.  There are virtually no secrets on the railroad, and talk and rumors seem to spread with the speed of light.


Around the railroad there are many legendary characters and their wide spread reputations grow with each telling of the story.  The following is another legend that I remember.


Boss Hog was a railroad trainmaster who was well known for illicit activities.  He was rewarding his workers that went for a period of time without a personal injury with television sets and microwaves.  This all came to an end when he took one of the microwaves home and his wife sent in the warranty card.  The manufacturer's computer showed the serial number on the microwave to have been among those stolen from a railroad boxcar.  When word of this got out televisions and microwaves started showing up all over the railroad property, obviously from employees who did not want to be involved with stolen merchandise.

Boss hade a way of obtaining full loyalty from all of the supervisors that worked for him and most of them were also involved in ill-gotten profits.  One of the supervisor's wives operated a restaurant.  Whenever there was a derailment the railroad would provide box lunches for the workers.  The lady would prepare the meals and send them over to the derailment scene.  She would then submit a bill for two to three times the meals she had actually provided and Boss would approve it for payments.  They would later split the fraudulent money.

Boss' activities were investigated after the discovery of the "hot" microwave at his home.  His illicit activates came to an end when he was terminated from employment.  He later brought lawsuit against the railroad for improperly firing him.  The matter went to trial and he lost.

   Stormin Norman Udewitz  

Editor's note:  Folks, "you just can't make this stuff up"!  Come back next week for some of the most humorous injury cases in recent experience as well as devastating injuries to employees of the railroad and other involved persons. Many of these cases were brought before state and federal judges involving claimants who were represented by attorneys, and the reader will get a view of what can occur during the litigation process, especially involving large dollar cases as well as unique defense verdicts. You will be amazed and entertained by the actual process involved in the resolution of these matters.  Next Week, one case from the section called Cases and Incidents, "Olive Breath" and one case from the section called Railroad Legends known as the Legend of the  "Fiesta Foreman".  little guy 5/3/14

ONLY THE BLIND CAN'T SEE THINGS ARE A MESS "Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin

From high above the fray facing a huge burden created by the Government and Bank-Housing Fraud during the end of the Bush era, to a broken and almost bankrupt Government forced into self-mutilation as has been seen to the US Military, the US Industrial Complex, NASA, to any remaining wealth in the US with daily "madmen" shootings or stabbings, hate speech used as a device to defraud yet win some temptation in the minds of the Progressives who have coined such utility today, where almost every sector of life is a mess due to the well meaning intervention of a government out of control, a government who has lost control, government that should never have violated the constitution in so many ways as to try to take control where such methods indeed are unconstitutional and thus in violation of the most honored and deep rooted laws which underpin our very way of life; violations of our US Constitution, it has been a rocky road for all the little guys and galls of America.

No matter the blunder if you will, health care is a mess, health insurance is a mess, auto and no-fault industrial insurance is a mess, government imposed supervision into healthcare, energy, picking winners from industry which has not only failed each time but lost massive amounts of treasury dollars, an ending of the US Military Industrial research, development, and production maintenance due to military cuts causing loss of huge numbers of jobs due to all the support industries and mom and pop shops which develop around such industry as support, and again for NASA with the same regional and national loss in production and dollars, chasing businesses who could afford to leave to avoid the highest corporate tax relative to all other nations around the globe, and an atmosphere where folks simply feel it is all so dumb; spying, listening, taking our emails, in this shot gun approach to spying while the Benghazi's occur and the Terrorists get off Scott-free, The Boston Marathon Terrorism, Fort Hood Terrorism, Russia acting like a Terrorist Regime of Late almost emulating Syria which truthfully is poisoning Russians image now in Eastern Europe as well s the Middle East as an evil empire which can only turn the world to whomever replaces Barack Obama.

Foreign affairs a mess.  World affairs a mess.  US Economic health a mess.  US Industrial growth and production a mess.  US Energy production a mess and causing an unaffordable drain away from all other needs in life.  US Energy grid a system a mess.  US infrastructure a mess through neglect.  US Health Care a mess.  In lieu of freedom which eliminates stress we have a forced option system while the system is broken and surrounded by massive costs antithetical to its implementation.  But hey its a beautiful country. 

Politics is a mess.  The world, the entire world knows folks that the Progressive Democrats lied on a world win tour advertising Benghazi was due to a YouTube Video no one had ever seen, and because the world knows the Progressive Democrats open lie using the method of lying and having so many others lie, the humble truth is simply not heard.  And the world knows many of the media outlets complicit in the fraud, are becoming guilty of violations of Journalistic ethics unprecedented in our glorious news outlet American history and experiences. "You must pass the bill to know what's in it" is the rally cry for all that are sane to point out who are not stable, realistic and thus bad for our grand nation like a Nancy Pelosi.  Democrat voters must peal themselves from the notion that it is ok for someone you like and elect to lie to you as long as they won't leave you.  Outrageous but that is what is expected out of a democrat voter today.  And its reached a turning point back to an America based on balance and stability, experience and thus wisdom over what sounds so good but is too impractical and unrealistic to waist precious moneys or time from folks short lives way from capitalistic pursuits which eventually earn money to re-reach the American dream.  Not the dream of almost communist sympathizers from the Democrat party allowing Putin to achieve horrific gains on the blood of innocent Ukrainians simply trying to live a Ukrainian dream EQUAL TO TH AMERICAN DREAM.  Politics is a horrible mess today where lies and then more lies from the left cloud the daily view of reality in the homeland today, with old distrusts forced into the limelight when none exist, and when the nation does rally like the color blind nation as a NORMAL REFLEX as evidenced by the most recent Clipper World disaster, those very folks who use Race as a weapon against the innocent were silent to comment on what a grand land we live in.  We need complete antithetical political leadership change, and much time to care for each other, help each other, to rebuild the relations we had just a few shorts years ago.  Politics' and what it has taught our children relative to lying their way to get a-head as well as for purposes of cover-ups antithetical again folks to the affirmations taken to step into the offices and positions "we the people" employ to function in the seats of political power in the land.

Lets all take a time out and ponder how our actions could lead to a United Peoples of the United States again.  How we could make life more stress free through more jobs, which moves money through all the folks hands increasing the neighborhood economies dragging up the cities economies dragging up the states and regions economies dragging up the nations economies.  Energy Independence in 5 years as a goal.  For many years now folks have fought the notion of so much energy within the homeland, it would flood forth to be sold to our allies becoming a platform to bring home world manufacturing to the US for our outstanding new energy push and system, come home to enjoy the benefits of US new building and renewal programs from all the excess money coming into the government coffers allowing government to shrink as it is the dunsel often through over demands on the system, and the free market capitalist system, founding in our nation, fought to be created by the founding fathers which gave our nation all the greatness it needed to be number one in philanthropic deeds which still calls out to all folks around the globe who come here simply to be free people to live in a free land she was prior to these last many years.

Lets all open up our eyes, forgive others and see again if do unto others as you would have them do unto you could hold true and try again, lets not first call others names and lie about others to win elections as the Progressive example has taught, let us all take a breath and ask ourselves what can we do to make things fair for all folks.  Not only fair for Folks of color vs little skin folks, Gays and Lesbians vs Straight folks, or eco-terrorists vs most everyone else, the methods in play today are divisive and hurt the progress of mankind.  Lets work on things which help the many rather then the few, and use that as a guide to remain on course working to help the many.  In our system its not trickle down.  Its that as wealth is created and spent, the increased circulation of money especially in economies created by new job systems similar to the effects which arise around yet out of my Energy Independence in Five years Plan also know as "The Plan".  Lets work on projects which have been proven to lower unemployment in states who have implemented my plan as such evidence proves all folks from all walks of life demonstrate upward mobility which then eliminates most of the messes we see around us.  It even eliminates those who use hate first to win any argument as folks who feel good about life become sensitive to the more subtle or hidden wrongs; become enlightened.

Lets work on any plans which help all folks absent any of the name calling or low life low road rhetoric of these last few years.  Walk away from those that try to hit for example conservatives by using our grand garment once known as Big Brother as a Weapon; exactly one of the reasons our founding fathers created this nation of ensure the government could never be used as a weapon against our own people for self aggrandized, hubris, pontificating claims of those that indeed abuse the power and the affirmation they promised when they took their elected offices.  Walk away from such folks and hand and hand, together we will again make this the greatest nation in mankind's experiential existence; simply stand on the shoulders of the founding fathers and you will see new horizons of greatness for all of us and our own United States of America.

Have a great weekend citizen brothers and sisters.  Have a great weekend America. the little guy 4/26/2014


The author apparently likes to kid our President.  Have a great week folks. little guy 4/21/2014



A List of Republican Budget Cuts reveal Social Security and Military programs are NOT on the following list.  These are all the programs that the new Republican House has proposed cutting.
Please read to the end.

* Corporation for Public Broadcasting Subsidy -- $445 million annual savings.
* Save America 's Treasures Program -- $25 million annual savings.
* International Fund for Ireland -- $17 million annual savings.
* Legal Services Corporation -- $420 million annual savings.
* National Endowment for the Arts -- $167.5 million annual savings.
* National Endowment for the Humanities -- $167.5 million annual savings.
* Hope VI Program -- $250 million annual savings.
* Amtrak Subsidies -- $1.565 billion annual savings.
* Eliminate duplicating education programs -- H.R. 2274 (in last Congress), authored by Rep.   McKeon , eliminates 68 at a savings of $1.3 billion annually.
* U.S. Trade Development Agency -- $55 million annual savings.
* Woodrow Wilson Center Subsidy -- $20 million annual savings.
* Cut in half funding for congressional printing and binding -- $47 million annual savings.
* John C. Stennis Center Subsidy -- $430,000 annual savings.
* Community Development Fund -- $4.5 billion annual savings.
* Heritage Area Grants and Statutory Aid -- $24 million annual savings.
* Cut Federal Travel Budget in Half -- $7.5 billion annual savings
* Trim Federal Vehicle Budget by 20% -- $600 million annual savings.
* Essential Air Service -- $150 million annual savings.
* Technology Innovation Program -- $70 million annual savings.
*Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) Program -- $125 million annual savings..
* Department of Energy Grants to States for Weatherization -- $530 million annual savings.
* Beach Replenishment -- $95 million annual savings.
* New Starts Transit -- $2 billion annual savings.
* Exchange Programs for Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and Their Historical Trading Partners in Massachusetts -- $9 million annual savings
* Intercity and High Speed Rail Grants -- $2.5 billion annual savings.
* Title X Family Planning -- $318 million annual savings.
* Appalachian Regional Commission -- $76 million annual savings.
* Economic Development Administration -- $293 million annual savings.
* Programs under the National and Community Services Act -- $1.15 billion annual savings.
* Applied Research at Department of Energy -- $1.27 billion annual savings.
* Freedom CAR and Fuel Partnership -- $200 million annual savings..
* Energy Star Program -- $52 million annual savings.
*Economic Assistance to Egypt -- $250 million annually.
* U.S.Agency for International Development -- $1.39 billion annual savings.
* General Assistance to District of Columbia -- $210 million annual savings.
* Subsidy for Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority -- $150 million annual savings.
*Presidential Campaign Fund -- $775 million savings over ten years.
* No funding for federal office space acquisition -- $864 million annual savings.
* End prohibitions on competitive sourcing of government services.
* Repeal the Davis-Bacon Act -- More than $1 billion annually.
* IRS Direct Deposit: Require the IRS to deposit fees for some services it offers (such as processing payment plans for taxpayers) to the Treasury, instead of allowing it to remain as part of its budget -- $1.8 billion savings over ten years.
*Require collection of unpaid taxes by federal employees -- $1 billion total savings. WHAT'S THIS ABOUT?
* Prohibit taxpayer funded union activities by federal employees -- $1.2 billion savings over ten years.
* Sell excess federal properties the government does not make use of -- $15 billion total savings.
*Eliminate death gratuity for Members of Congress. WHAT???
* Eliminate Mohair Subsidies -- $1 million annual savings.
*Eliminate taxpayer subsidies to the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change -- $12.5 million annual savings. WELL ISN'T THAT SPECIAL
* Eliminate Market Access Program -- $200 million annual savings.
* USDA Sugar Program -- $14 million annual savings.
* Subsidy to Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) -- $93 million annual savings.
* Eliminate the National Organic Certification Cost-Share Program -- $56.2 million annual savings.
*Eliminate fund for Obamacare administrative costs -- $900 million savings.
* Ready to Learn TV Program -- $27 million savings..
* HUD Ph.D. Program.
* Deficit Reduction Check-Off Act.
*TOTAL SAVINGS: $2.5 Trillion over Ten Years.

My question is, what is all this doing in the budget in the first place?!  Maybe this is why the Democrats are attacking Paul Ryan?

Editors note:  Norm.  Let the readers have at it because I don't feel they will be as kind as you and may want more eliminations if the debt could be eliminated and our nation could establish good credit for itself which then spreads as easing credit restrictions so all folks can share in a fair credit system again.  This combined with the remaining military programs creates the flow of cash.  During World War II the great wealth accumulation began through spending on military technologies.  Today we would have to limit it to US made to accomplish the same goal but that combined with improving Republic credit which also manifests into easing credit for consumers, combined with The Plan for Energy Independence in 5 Years, combined with easing restrictions on new business, tax incentives for foreign and domestic manufacturing outside of the US to return home along with the powerful attraction of cheaper Energy and so forth would rapidly rebuild our nations coffers which then allows the necessary spending on infrastructure such as repairing our roads, bridges, freeways, national energy grid, national plumbing systems and such all creating demand for jobs leading us back to full employment as a nation and a citizenry of folks with money to spend absent the types of squeezes most folks today have become accustom to in one way or another. 

Let the readers spread the word and thank you for supporting the InfoJustice journal. little guy 4/20/14


The resurrection and the light for all who have faith to see.  This is the time for remembrance of Jesus Resurrection and the spread of his Church and growth of the Christian Religion.  Happy Easter. the little guy 4/20/2014

HAPPY EASTER AND HAPPY PASSOVER SEASON "Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin

Folks absent bias and misunderstanding of history, these two Solemn Holidays, absent feasting and dancing, historically became intertwined WITH Jesus last supper on earth AS he shared Passover/HIS FINAL SUPPER with his disciples. 

Constantine on the one hand did the world a great service changing pagan warring peoples into the lambs of the lord for understanding and wisdom.  But on the other hand, he created a great disservice to humanity when he denied the reality that Jesus was celebrating Passover as well as making some of his final Christian teachings during his final supper; A SIMPLE FACT OF HISTORY. 

Today when we look around at the Progressive Democrat party and even Atheists, such evil presents when they lie to call a Republican a racist when the person or generalization is anything but true or for Atheists to try to convert others to their religion or belief system by forced thought or say evil things about Jesus or Christians belief systems, that "we the people" experience evil often guised in one of its chameleon costumes.  Why would a good person want their words to kick a person that believes in "all that is good" in the stomach, as some Atheists continue to do against symbols of our history, or most often simply folks Christian beliefs.  Again part of the Judeo-Christian belief system which made this great nation of ours, the nation all folks from around the globe wish to come to, successful and open enough to allow the crazies a debate bully-pulpit until and unless evil or even death is the result of such actions.  But if "we the people", look for the truth, face the truth and embrace the truth, often we can expose such evil, and "all that is good" becomes a shared experience for all folks in every corner of the nation. 

Even the employer who lures prospective employees far from home for employ which was really only employer greed with nothing for the employee (I have had cases of folks working 16 hours per day absent any overtime and did'nt know they were being used as they could not speak English) to further their own cause through such employ, are evil practices, and such practices must end.  The offices absent the ability to employ multidisciplinary medical practitioners offering exercise physiology absent the ability to offer proper medication or MANIPULATION AND PHYSIOLOGIC THERAPEUTICS "INSTANTLY" which often then allow the next step of exercise.  ABSENT MULTIDISCIPLINARY SETTINGS MAY instantly cause worsening tendinitis, accelerate arthritis (i.e. Traction spurring-spurring caused by the repetitive pull of ligaments due to Wolfs Law of Orthopedic Medicine-EXERCISE APPLIED TOO SOON, TOO MUCH, TOO MUCH TOO SOON, TOO OFTEN, TOO OFTEN TOO SOON, TOO OFTEN TO MUCH AND/OR TOO SOON TOO MUCH TOO OFTEN), INCREASES myofascitis EFFECTS, effects from disc herniations, strain and thus lengthened stroke rehabilitation, lengthened amputee rehabilitation, lengthened heart attack rehabilitation, those with type II diabetes and lengthened neuropathy rehabilitation, INSIDIOUS DELAY EFFECTS AS IT TAKES TIME FOR NEW INDUCED INFLAMMATION AND NEW SWELLING TO OCCUR IN SUCH SITUATIONS, and all the rest must be once again recognized as quackery as often it is the insurance carrier in a broken system who has the power to take the patient from the multidisciplinary setting and send them to ISLAND (Island practitioners business structure causes a delay in proper care, a delay in proper diagnosis, a delay in proper healing as IN THE BEST CASE SCENARIO any "correct" epiphany must be followed by request to Insurance carriers, carrier assignment to be judged by their CLAIMS HANDLER WHO OFTEN SENDS paperwork to their doctor, and if allowed followed by paper work to the carrier and then paper work sent to the Island Practitioner, OR IF DISALLOWED THEN OFTEN REQUESTS FOR A QME-QUALIFIED MEDICAL EXAMINER and examination; IF HE AGREES PAPERWORK TO THE CARRIER AND THEN TO THE ISLAND PRACTITIONER BUT IF HE DISAGREES OFTEN THEN PAPER WORK TO THE PATIENT, ISLAND PRACTITIONER AND TO THE AME-AGREED MEDICAL EVALUATOR and examination back to the carrier with letters to inform the QME, the Island Practitioner and the patients, where in a multidisciplinary setting such maters are handled in a NEW YORK MINUTE; THE BUSINESS STRUCTURE OF THE ISLAND PRACTITIONER IN SUCH MATTERS IS A SIGN OF UN-UNETHICAL OR AT BEST INAPPROPRIATE BUSINESS STRUCTURE AND THUS UNETHICAL-BUSINESS PRACTICES and should be understood for any NO-FAULT Industrial Medicine System) PRACTITIONERS, which has caused so much delay in the healing and resolution of Industrial injuries as is the case within the Golden State today (When THIS CERTIFIED FRAUD EXAMINER-TRAINED AUDITOR OF SUCH MATTERS left California statistics proved uncomplicated cases resolved in six months to eighteen months AS AN AVERAGE and now today's' overly costly situation of such cases lasting years and years and years FILLED WITH SYSTEM WASTE!  And talk about unnecessary massive costs associated with such WAIST ).  In the name of a false cause used as camouflage for a real cause, be it TODAY'S progressive democrat, a misguided powerbroker carrier in a broken system, Russia in the Ukraine (Will the Ukrainian peoples be concurred and eliminated from reality again by Russian tyranny?), Syria, Iran, North Korea, Al-Qaeda, Hamas, and all the rest, much wrong is demonstrated under such false criteria, in lieu of scientific and/or ethical principals in practice for the purist pursuits of justice for all.  Look at our own mighty of mighty governments actions against a poor only somewhat misguided soul, trying to "eek" out a living as a Sheppard of cattle, in Nevada today.  Harry the blank Reid has proven the poster boy for all that is wrong in our world today.  Should THE MIGHTY EMPEROR HARRY REID make a mistake, do you think he would expect sanity about the issue or should he and his loved ones in this one chance to live freely on earth, be surrounded by snipers, and have his flocks stolen, and prize ("difficult to replace") bulls or deliverers of life from the cows be shot dead!!!!!!  As they were!  Death is often the result and proves beyond a shadow of a doubt how wrong those in power are today, and how we could all learn from the practices of those that celebrate and most humbly apply the teachings from the "Easter AND/or the Passover Experience" to daily life.


This week has proved much thoughtfulness pondering how the notions and experience of the Jews held in bondage as slaves to the Egyptians and their escape back to the promised lands for free expression of religion or beliefs might affects us, pondering how those Jews felt, or how the DISCIPLES of Jesus, experienced the last supper, how that last supper and what followed affected them; how the resurrection of a man fractured the intellectual reality of so many folks, giving so many many alive today and in history the hope and comfort during their short lives relative to the history of the universe, that there is more, so much more possible. 

In my view, the day mankind ends the foolishness and evils spread by the Russia's of this world; Syrians, Iran, North Koreas, Progressive Democrats and the like of today; when we as a race of beings ends all bigotry, racism, need to openly hate folks of religion and we can live as sane members of the human experience, then we will have matured to the point, where the lord will grant the epiphany of science or the recreation of how our reality exists, THUS ending death as we know it, and perhaps allow the dead to live with the living in a reality worth living forever and evermore.

But again, Easter and Passover grant the time to allow us to ponder all the possibilities for us as peoples of this reality which stem from the real life experiences of the Jews escaping the bondage of servitude in Egypt and their grand exodus to discover the Ten Commandments in their way and their experiences to find the promised land for religious freedom.  Or the experiences of the Apostles after they followed the great Jesus Christ through his trials, tribulations, healings and resurrections as had never been seen by any folks before or since in mankind's experiential existence.

Happy Easter and Happy Passover folks, and may these holiday's be the inspirational messages which will cause you to spring forth your own personal epiphanies for truth, justice, and good will to your fellow man.  May the lord continue to bless America. the little guy 04/19/2014



Certain laws cover most employees today who are injured while in the course of their employment.  Injured railroad employees are covered and protect by a Federal Law, entitle the Federal Employees Liability Act, also known as FELA.  The Jones Act is the only other federal law and it covers maritime workers.  Most other workers are covered for injuries, which they incur during the course of their normal and customary work duties, by State Compensation laws, especially in California.  This is a "no-fault" system covering injuries, which arose out of employment or during the course of employment (AOE/COE).

Furthermore, under the auspices of FELA, there is no formula to calculate monetary compensation or to define for a jury what the limit is in terms of the value that may be award for injuries.  Because of these pitfalls, many injured workers have found that they can wreak a goldmine from the courts for work-related injuries.  This is not to say that there are not many injuries which indeed deserve heavy compensation relative to the losses which have been incurred by workers, but it is to say that many workers have found it all too easy to exploit the system and bring home the gold, even thought they are still clearly able to work and the injuries that they have incurred are minimal.

The next section focuses on injury cases involving the railroad.  Approximately 90% of the cases handled by the railroad actually involve railroad workers themselves.  Other cases involve civilian bystanders who are incidental to the injury-causing accidents.


The following cases do not all involve railroad workers but many do.  Of the current railroad inventory of cases some 90 to 95% involve injures to their own employees with a portion relative to civilians.  These employee cases reflect judgments and settlements involving the Federal Employees Liability act (FELA).

There are two critical addenda to the FELA, which are known as the Boiler Inspection Act & the Safety Appliance Act.

The Boiler Inspection Act covers ladders, handholds, brakes, safety appliances, lighting and the cleanliness of the locomotive engine. The Safety Appliance Act covers sill steps, ladders, handholds, brakes, and other safety appliance and coupling mechanisms, and all other safety appliances on railroad cars.  If there is a violation of either one of these acts a judge in a courtroom would instruct the jury to consider the railroad 100% negligent and the only decision for the jury is how much monetary damage to award.  The only defense the railroad has is to prove the plaintiff is faking or is involved in a fraudulent claim if one of these acts applies.



Bull was a 52 year old brakeman who lived on a small ranch near Coachella, California.  He was quite a character on the railroad and he had previously lived in Oxnard California and worked for the railroad there.  While in Oxnard he had gone through a disputed divorce and had become greatly disenchanted with his wife's attorney.  On the day that the divorce became final in court, he waited outside the courthouse and when the ex-wife's attorney walked out he jumped him and started beating on him.  This attorney later brought charges and Bull had to leave town with the assistance of the railroad trainmaster, who helped make arrangements for him to go to work in the Indio Yard which is near Coachella.

Bull injured his back in the Indio Yard when he attempted to line a switch that was stiff.  The switch handle hung up on him part way through the move causing him to twist his low back.

Bull did not retain an attorney and I had been visiting him during his disability period and helping him with medical attention and other matters.  He learned that I was coming to see him and invited me for dinner at his ranch.  Bull employed a housekeeper, who was also a cook at the ranch, to take care of him.  The housekeeper had been a former chef at one of the luxury hotels in Palm Springs and was a very good cook.  This was my first experience eating peacock, which is a real delicacy, and in my opinion very good eating.  Bull raised the peacocks on his ranch and we also had fresh asparagus spears, which were picked from the roadside.

The headquarters of the railroad claims department in San Francisco decided to start a policy wherein the claims manager would have to go to the home of an injured railroad employee along with the actual claim agent that was handling the case, and the next time I went to see Bull I was accompanied by the claims manager.  Bull was very outspoken and let it be known that he immediately took a dislike to the claims manager, and in fact asked him to leave the ranch.  As we started out the door Bull took a hold of my arm and whispered in my ear to come back later and see him in private.  I told him I would.  As we walked out the claims manager told me I would never settle the injury claim with Bull and I told him I thought he was wrong.

Meanwhile, Bull returned to work and I continued to see him without the presence of the claims manager and happy to say we did settle the case.



This gentleman was an electrician at the locomotive maintenance facility who was not particularly well liked.  He was also an avid homosexual and had been rumored to have exposed himself to children in parks and schoolyards.  He sustained a minor back injury and even though he had returned to work in a short period of time he retained an attorney and filed a lawsuit.

Before the lawsuit came to trial, the police came into the locomotive facility and arrested the electrician for exposing himself to children.  When his lawyer found out about this he dismissed the lawsuit.  The electrician never did return to work but remains on the railroad as a legend.    Stormin Norman Udewitz  

Editor's note:  Folks, "you just can't make this stuff up"!  Come back next week for some of the most humorous injury cases in recent experience as well as devastating injuries to employees of the railroad and other involved persons. Many of these cases were brought before state and federal judges involving claimants who were represented by attorneys, and the reader will get a view of what can occur during the litigation process, especially involving large dollar cases as well as unique defense verdicts. You will be amazed and entertained by the actual process involved in the resolution of these matters.  Next Week, one case from the section called Cases and Incidents, "Bad Water Ray" and one case from the section called Railroad Legends known as the Legend of "Boss Hog".  little guy 4/16/2014


What do cats like to eat for breakfast?  Mice Krispies. - Hannah  

What Do You Get When You Cross A Chicken And A Pit Bull?  Just The Pit Bull. - Alexander

What happens if you eat yeast and shoe polish?  Every morning you'll rise and shine. - Kylie

Thank you Hannah, Alexander and Kylie for sending in your jokes.  Have a great downhill run folks and then a grand weekend. little guy 4/9/14

THE ONLY THING EVIL NEEDS TO ACHIEVE VICTORY IS FOR GOOD MEN TO DO NOTHING "Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin - "It is the absence of new funds which is the cause of our nations ills". -lg 03/31/14

Folk part two in my audit on reality begins with a review of part of the article below.  I wrote "You see "we the people are the ship", and "the government is often simply the rudder" to move us as a whole into the calm and peaceful seas if possible while being so strong it would be obvious for all other nations to be our allies rather then anything else." 

With that in mind, readers asked "why is the world so weak under Barack?"  Folks lets examine Russia.  Russia is acting like NAZI Germany causing unprovoked war and concurring neighboring countries claiming they have a large contingency of folks who speak their language?  Exactly like NAZI Germany did?  The answer to why this occurred is due to the fact that the only thing evil needs for victory is for good men to do nothing!  Russia got its warm water port in Syria and now it gained another.  That folks smacks of world conquest.  And that goes beyond regional conquest (Eastern Europe and the Middle East thus far).

How did Syria get away with killing its own people via WMD's?  Because all evil needs to achieve victory is for good men to do nothing!  Why is Iran getting the bomb while the world knows it will attack Israel and give a bomb to terrorists?  Because all evil needs to achieve victory is for good men to do nothing!  Like in Benghazi!  What is the Democrat Foreign policy, allow evil its victories because good men do nothing!  The Democrats view of what good men do is not only severely flawed, it could kill us.

Further in the article below I wrote, "Everything is wrong and getting worse in our society, and thinking folks better get off their duffs and start spreading the word before it becomes too late to change our course back to prosperity which then breads love for all.  The stress of simply not making enough money to pay ones monthly rents, cable, phone, insurance, gas, food, cloths (And we still have had zero fun outside of the love of life) becomes damaging to the folks, and to some, well they turn to the wrong side of the tracks". The very morning (2 a.m.) I posted this, later in that very same day, there was another shooting at Fort Hood.  The only thing evil needs to achieve victory is for good men to do nothing.

This audit of today's US policy is not to point fingers at anyone.  But to bring free men and women to the doorstep of understanding and sanity which will again unite us under principal, rebuild our military, reset the quest for freedom, grant us energy independence, rid our nation of poverty through an overabundance of jobs and eliminate tyranny in our world by once again creating the missing shield to protect our nation and allies from any kind of a threat from within and from outside our shores and borders.  It is time to act like Americans once again.  Thus evil will never achieve victory AGAIN once good men act the little guy 4/3/2014 12:54 AM

YOU READ IT HERE FIRST BUT OF COURSE UNREFERENCED AS USUAL IT WILL BE USED "Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin - "It is the absence of new funds which is the cause of our nations ills". -lg 03/31/14

Our society began its fall when the media legends one by one copied by design this Journal and then all my sayings and ways absent ever giving this "little guy" the credit.  Look at the word InfoJusitce. I originally coined it here at the Journal and then was the original owner of and .net.  However after copy write, and being a small Journal, I let those extensions go and today my word InfoJustice has been taken advantage of by others.   And it continues today; not enough class or originality to simply reference the source.

Just last month I received an email from China saying "I will own".  You see China wants to put CN for China and then .com, .org and so forth as I was contacted directly from one of their representatives asking if the fellow mentioned in the sentence above was affiliated with my group.  Of course I said no and received alleged manipulations of Chinese law allowing one group to rip off/steal the ORIGINAL intellectual ideas of others even if patented and trademarked!  Everyone knows once the US gives up internet oversight, all the corruption you see from Russia, Syria, Iran, North Korea, the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, Hamas, and all the rest will commence.  I believe the individual who wrote me from China has every intent on eliminating all US representatives of .com addresses.  They think its just a matter of time until again our grand nation gives up its control over one of our "patents or products", this time in the form of web addressing; the new Millennium world MAIL SYSTEM and Sales media!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Outrageous once understood but lamebrain congresspersons and others of this new Democrat ilk, are pushing to give away anything patriotic or American.  In this case web address assignment controls.  Thus, attempts at ripping off everything and anything creative from this site continues unabated.

In any event, the answer to all our woes as a nation begins with knowing the facts of life for income equality for all Americans and understanding Barack and the Democrats folly.  We can still love Barack and categorically and unquestionably disagree with him, by standing for the TRADITIONAL American Way; truth, justice, and innovation unencumbered by BIG GOVERNMENT.

The US became number one in the world because "we the people" created more "new money" then most all the nations of the world combined.  Barack and the progressives, never understanding reality and thus not as bright as they claim nor as bright as the majority believes the answer to everything is spreading around "OLD MONEY".  Old money is money already made, siphoned up by the government in all its way's and spent.  Because this runs out they have printed it to make it seem like new money but its not as it was not created by innovation, by an entrepreneur, by the little kids down the street selling lemonade, by the factory workers and by the products produced by new factories.

What do Benjamin Franklin , John Hancock, Elias Hasket Derby, Stephen Girard, Stephen Van Rensselaer, John Jacob Astor, Cornelius Vanderbilt, William Henry Vanderbilt, Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford, Andrew Mellon, J. Paul Getty, Daniel Ludwig, Sam Walton, John Werner Kluge, and Bill Gates have in common?  They were some of the greatest innovators in history.  Because Government had nothing to do with their success these are the richest Americans in history who all created "NEW MONEY" which began in US circulation.

You see folks the Democrat model is a failure as it universally hurts Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians and all the sane folks, the Independents.  Universally it hurts us all as old money gets thinner and thinner and new printed money absent the NEW innovations, manufacturing and thus productivity, simply DEVALUES THE DOLLAR BIT BY BIT AND BRICK BY BRICK.

Even the Democrats pick the winners attempts in business is wildly unsuccessful because only the free market system spurs innovation.  You see folks the lord made reality or reality is free.  From there man finds all kinds of ways to mess things up.  America was the symbol of the benefits of freedom, and Barack has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, that experiences like his, Mao, Hitler, Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels and now ours sadly, is simply inconsistent with nature and reality.

Thus we struggle daily, toiling long hours, putting in massive amounts of critical thinking in the goal of helping the sick, the suffering, the poor, the weak, the helpless, the disabled, up onto the rest of us for little in the way of take home pay after the government levy's "your only time in this existence; this one chance to live", this one and only chance to try to flourish from good and honest hard work.  Heck folks if we didn't die, perhaps some of this government stuff would make sense. 

When I was very young , one day while running out of the house excited to play little league baseball (I was on the Champion Tigers-home run hitter and odd outfielder because I was always caught swatting away the Mosquitoes-the State Bird of Minnesota), my wonderful Mother Mollie Neff said, "Why are you so excited?".  I hollered back as I was running out the door, "Ronald Reagan just said "One way to make sure crime doesn't pay would be to let the government run it."   Folks I got that and ran to tell my other little friends and folks, "You just can't make that stuff up".  And that memory is precious to me.  The real meaning is that government cannot solve all the woes of society.  Society must unite and get along and together eliminate all of our woes.  You see "we the people are the ship", and "the government is often simply the rudder" to move us as a whole into the calm and peaceful seas if possible while being so strong it would be obvious for all other nations to be our allies rather then anything else. 

Everything is wrong and getting worse in our society, and thinking folks better get off their duffs and start spreading the word before it becomes too late to change our course back to prosperity which then breads love for all.  The stress of simply not making enough money to pay ones monthly rents, cable, phone, insurance, gas, food, cloths (And we still have had zero fun outside of the love of life) becomes damaging to the folks, and to some, well they turn to the wrong side of the tracks.  Editors note.  - The very day I posted this there was another shooting at Fort Hood. 

Want to eliminate crime, want to bring back brotherhood and brotherly love, bring back new invocations and new manufacturing, new modes of transit, new modes of communication, rebuild NASA, rebuild our military by only buying made in America accoutrements, create energy independence because its soooooooooooooooooo easy and soooooooooooooo natural which in and of itself eliminates unemployment or creates the atmosphere of low unemployment as exemplified by our energy Independent states?  Sell the oil and gas to Europe, create that massive influxes of new money into the United States which will attract foreign and domestic manufacturers from around the globe, which will also employ folks creating a deficit of folks looking for work.  Once employment becomes easy, money begins to flow and this absence of stress causes the Human mind to begin new innovations.

It's all so simply really, but most folks you meet today talk and talk, but are wrong.  Maybe television has created a motor mouth society but in any event what is factual is the way to success is through NEW MONEY created within these grand United States, and not by thinning out the heard so to speak by spending all the Governments DOLLARS, and then further devaluing the dollar by printing absent a strong economy/sound credit, and stop idiotically throwing the peoples money at problems which as it turns out is the Democrat mantra for the quick and failed fix rather then the permanent fix of creating new money through private sector INNOVATION within these GRAND United States as outlined in this simple audit.

Let me know what you think, and may the lord ("all that is good") continue to bless America. little guy 04/02/2014

CIA'S MORELL MASTURBATES IN CONGRESS "Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin - "It is the absence of new funds which is the cause of our nations ills". -lg 03/31/14

Did anyone hear and see our crap CIA director Morell masturbate before congress today?   It was an immoral testimony with clearly whitewashed talking points.  But by the obvious complete and utter failure of Morell and his associates to act rationally during the Benghazi crisis first and foremost indicates they must all go to jail for murder.  They acted indolently, foolishly, and in an un-American manner.  No matter the whitewash with the facts known, their cover-up caused the unnecessary deaths of our Ambassador and our brave men who died needlessly in Benghazi.  Sent in unarmed and unprotected, left unaided during the attack and then the complete whitewash tour around the globe days, weeks and months after the Benghazi failure indicates all folks involved must be fired immediately and face charges of negligence which lead to murder.

How long will this congress allow folks to place a lovely decoy on the cause of the deaths of our brothers, a decoy on the failures during their deployment, failures to be prepared for any contingency, failures to heed the calls for help from our Ambassador and others, fail to aid our dead brothers in Benghazi, and now the complete whitewash.

Honest folks would have gotten up today and thrown themselves to the mercy of our best conscience rather then the BS Whitewash talking points we all have heard since day one.  And heinously heard again today.  Shame, shame, shame on Morell et al and let us all hope they are indicted for leaving their posts concomitant with charges of dereliction of duty.  This Benghazi failure is just a sample of the types of weakness Russia, Syria, China, North Korea and all the Terrorists are motivated by.  This Benghazi failure is the fuel for future attacks on our nation unless they all are immediately removed from office, face the music, and the terrorists who attacked our Ambassador are brought to Justice.  They were never brought to Justice folks.  A heinous failure.

Yes Morell and others of his ilk like to masturbate in public and I hope it felt good for him today because to the rest of the thinking world he is the image of gross dereliction in duty and must be indicted for spreading a lack of truth WHILE THE TRUTH WAS KNOWN.  This crime was indeed as vial as Benghazi itself.  This was just another sad day proving falsehoods often trump the truth in our nation today. little guy 04/02/14


Have a great week folks. little guy 03/31/14

ONE MAN'S DREAMS CAN BE A NATIONS NIGHTMARE AS WELL MEANING AS ONE MAY HAVE BEEN "Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin - "It is the absence of new funds which is the cause of our nations ills". -lg 03/31/14

When dreams become greater then reality, we give up building our industry, building new bridges, highways, repairing our highways and bridges, repairing our nations plumbing systems, as if creativity becomes a thing of the past in lieu of dreaming.  This editor is not going to point any fingers but say that it appears our leadership and many many folks on the left live in a dream world and while trying to turn the realities of our world into their dreams they have caused a decline in all aspects of progress.  Division is all that one hears from some quarters on the left. 

The result of listening to the unrealistic and lovely storytellers is leadership by unrealistic dreamers.  This has resulted in the weakest United States of America relative to other cycles in our history; weak economically, weak industrially, weakened in health care with the best of the best care givers often left out of a totalitarian administrative system, weakened militarily, weakened diplomatically, and viewed as weak and ripe to be tested by all those powers who fall prey to the evils of temptation

And how did this all occur?  Because folks fell for a love of a person whose dreams were implemented over reality, we are losing everything including our American way of life.  Did you know that today, fully employed, I would opine it is ten times harder to earn an average income  then in the 1980's?  The same important job caring for folks.  We must bring back manufacturing by moving toward energy independence so NEW money can circulate first within the energy producing states and then filter to the neighboring states eventually increasing the free flow of NEW funds throughout the nation.  "It is the absence of new funds which is the cause of our nations ills".

We may even lose the internet because the lost souls, lost in their own dream world FEEL THEIR HAREBRAINED IDEAS supersede common sense AND DEMONSTRATE A LOSS OF NATIONAL PRIDE.  They chose to live in a world of illusion, while the rest of us must face reality every day.  The poor still get poorer, the middle class fall lower, the upper class drops to middle class while the super rich only get richer.  8 folks today have the wealth of almost 1/2 the world.  Isn't it time to get back to humble and "ethical capitalism", join the quest to tap our resources and create the largest monetary boom in US History?  This brings home manufacturing for the cheep oil.  Once our manufacturing comes home, evil nations like Putin's truly Adolf Hitler molded Russia, Syria, Iran, North Korea and all the rest fall apart because they simply can't compete with the reality of our creativity, industry, monetary boom, and could never fight the sprit this breeds in our citizens; the American sprit.

It's all up to you folks.  Reality as tough as it is, or a dream world which seems to only help the super liberal democrats. Reality which eventually helps everyone in our nation by simply CREATING GAINFUL EMPLOY FOR FOLKS, rather then the dreamers illusionary world which in point of fact weakens our nation so, that we could be attacked and left a barren waste land.  I chose THE TRADITIONAL American Way, what say you?

Don't get me wrong, if Barack didn't have a rose colored glasses heart, the shock would be too much for me.  But realize he sent Susan the fairytale-fibber supreme Rice with John Kerry (Attacked our nation during the Vietnam WAR) over to negotiate with Russia!  Of course Russia will get what it wants from those two for first and foremost Russia knows that nothing Rice say's has any meaning or relevance after her world wide fairytale-fibber claims on the horrors and failures of our Government relative to Benghazi, and milquetoast Kerry, proving WHY our nation is being maneuvered like a little kids radio controlled sail boat on a windy day.

For the first time this editor can remember Farrakhan generalized to claim all white folks were...weeeeell I can't glorify such hate so copycat bad guys are precluded from getting any new evil ideas.  But this points to why Barack can be so overly tough with folks at home relative to his inability to be himself overseas.  He is so inexperienced relative to WORLD POLITICS concomitant I must opine with being almost lost in a dream world Barack was able to escape to his entire life, the two simply don't jive.  Thus he took over a financial mess (National Debt a whopping 10.5 Trillion) and is creating a deeper financial hole national debt, producing an injured military, interfering progress on energy independence, and removing all US influence from nations around the globe.  One mess prior to the elections and now hundreds of messes.

But hey, Barack is a super success visa vie being a two time President of this grandest of nations.  I think we love Barack and love has made his supporters blind, dumb and unable to cope with reality as they have become swept up in a dream world which only hurts the American economy, hurts our chances at being Energy Independent, hurts our chances of attracting home US manufacturing as well as foreign manufacturing who would come here for our cheep energy, hurt our health care system and the health of our nation (Why Barack and the Progressives have the Obamacare notions at such a high anxiety debate pitch this in and of itself has stressed out everyone antithetical to the Hippocratic Oath I swore to at my Medical school Graduation, causing an unhealthy division in our communities further causing packs of 100's of youths to ravage our cities of late, and truly too much more), put us all in such a high state of debt that poor folks and humble folks who have avenues to come back to a healthy state, find hurtles thrown at us from all sides rather then the helping hand of either folks or the government. 

I know Barack wants to help the poor.  But the mass hysteria in the Afro-American community which in truth I never knew existed as the hatred for non-involved White folks is unacceptable, horrible, but real.  A smart person would think playing the race card would be the last tool in a real situation rather then today's trivialization of such subjects because innocents are accused almost weekly by some person in power right off the bat rather then the evidence demonstrating such a reality for all to witness.  Thus it may be more difficult for Barack to bring his dreams to the rest of the folks even with all the great talents he has.  Again, he is one of the greatest orators today as long as he speaks at home, but once he leaves the homeland, he has proven to be unable to move the world no matter what the issue is.  Who would have figured?  I guess the lucky (Isn't it lonely some times at the top of the thinking world?  Inexperience, inexperience and not enough time in life to learn on the job which is so all encompassing for a Presidents mind.  Which is why I have always said, "I wouldn't want to be President".  And why I often bend over backwards to understand a President of these grand United States-The Presidents job is a tough.) few.  Which also explains how we can disagree completely with Barack yet want him to be as successful as he can be.  For the sake of America.  Thus it is sooooo horrible everything seems to be moving in the wrong directions.

I hope this expose' has given understanding to how and why Barack and the Democrats dreams become greater then reality, and thus why we gave up cutting or debt, balancing our budget, building our industry, building new bridges, highways, repairing our highways and bridges, repairing our nations plumbing systems, repairing and adding the known needs for an unassailable energy grid, why we are letting our military fail by standards needed in today's ever increasing evil society, why we have failed to build a pipe line to bring water from overexposed states to states in need of water, why we fail to build our energy pipe lines and truly too much more.  Yes ever increasing evil world because too many wrongdoers like Iran and thus Syria, North Korea and Terrorist groups are all close to having nuclear destruction capabilities.   And did someone salt the Indian Ocean with plane parts and bodies, perhaps even a black box to steal a plane to hit us with a nuclear weapon?  Only a fool or foolish nation would fail to be prepared for every contingency.  Terrorism knows no bounds.  Did you predict 911?

No matter what, our nations spying has been on the wrong targets, and in this day and age should have clearly had satellite surface capability to know exactly what happened so future crimes or tragedies could be precluded prophylactically‎ rather then the entire world actually being blind, leading from behind and relying on LUCK!  Why the whole thing is un-American or un-American by standards set forth prior to this RESET WORLD OF THE PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRAT PARTY.

Face the facts.  Never in history has so many Terrorist groups and Terrorist nations been so close to having Nuclear weapons which is perhaps one reason Putin feels he needs to take a page out of Adolf Hitler's plan for Russian global conquest (The more land stolen heinously from the innocent the greater insulation from total Nuclear annihilation) etc., as if creativity becomes a thing of the past in lieu of dreaming and wasting everyone's time trying to bring unrealistic imaginary dreams to fruition in a world built on the backs of the weak and the helpless or in our nations case prior to Barack, standing on the shoulders of Giants and Geniuses of world history (John Adams, John Hancock, Paul Revere, Ben Franklin, George Washington, Tomas Jefferson and the rest of the architects for the Declaration of independence and our US Constitution).

It is my hope that there can be good for all Americans and let us pray the lord continues to not only Bless our great land, but keep the United States of America.  Best Wishes for ALL Americans. little guy 03/29/2014

OPPORTUNITY "Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin

I want to thank the lord our G-d and reiterate to the universe that the lord is one.  Thank you, thank you, thank you lord, for bringing opportunity to all folks, yes even the lost who make profit saying you don't exist, as they know not what they do.

Thank you lord for my daily bread, something I wanted to write but this world makes fools out of the best of us on occasion, and even the most important things on our list, I humbly submit become delayed in this reality you created.  Two days ago, Dr. Krauthammer extraordinaire said what this editor has been writing since, weeeeeell, prior to the last Presidential election. 

Fascinating how long it takes for the "word" to spread, for the truth to be realized, for said truth to be shared, and sadly how long it takes for the truth to be understood, and if were lucky it seems, to be understood by the majority.

Thus, this is to say thank you Lord, important in my heart to say thank you King of the Universe.


A Chiropractor met a fairy who said she would grant one wish. 

"I want to live forever," advised the Doctor.

"Sorry," said the fairy.  "That is the only wish I can't grant".

"OooK" said the Chiropractor.  "I want to live until Congress gets its head out of its ass!"

"Crafty Bastard," said the fairy. 

Have a great week folks.  little guy 03/24/2014


During the 1930's, Ida Henrietta Hyde developed the first method to stimulate living cells with pin point accuracy and precision while simultaneously recording the electrical activity within that cell. In order for her to be the first person in history to perform this feet she first had to invent the "microelectrode".  Yes that little device used by neurologists, physical therapists, Doctors of Chiropractic, musicians, audiophiles and indeed at some point in time each an every one of us.

Ida Hyde was the first woman to graduate from the University of Heidelberg, the first woman to do research at the Harvard Medical School and the first woman to be elected to the American Physiological Society (Thinking men everywhere must have a bit of a crush on Ida).

Thank God for our early Lady Scientist Physiologist, Ida Henrietta Hyde,  and all those that in some way progressed science, the learning of others and improved our entire way of life. Ida Henrietta Hyde is this months most interesting person in time.  little guy 03/18/2014


For over one thousand years the Irish have celebrated this day.  Yet when it comes to the St. Patrick's Day Parade, this day, its parade and its heritage are celebrated by all patriotic Americans.  Heck, maybe you did not know that the first St. Patrick's Day parade took place not in Ireland, but "right cheer" in the good only US of A.  Back on March 17, 1762, Irish soldiers serving in the English military marched through New York City.  Along with their music, the parade helped the soldiers to reconnect with their Irish roots, as well as fellow Irishmen serving in the English army.  From 1762 through the early 1790's Irish patriotism among American immigrants flourished, prompting the rise of so-called "Irish Aid" societies, like the Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick and the Hibernian Society. Each group would hold annual parades featuring bagpipes (which actually first became popular in the Scottish and British armies) and drums.

Finally, in 1848, several New York Irish aid societies decided to unite their parades to form one New York City St. Patrick's Day Parade. Today, that parade is the world 's oldest civilian parade and the largest in the United States, with over 150,000 participants.  Each year, nearly three million people line the one-and-a-half mile parade route to watch the procession, which takes more than five hours. Boston, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Savannah also celebrate the day with parades including between 10,000 to 20,000 participants. 

Further St. Patrick was one of the first successful missionaries which has set faithful missionaries on a path of study to learn how St. Patrick dealt with his trials and tribulations prior to setting out on their own quest to bring the "word" to the people.  Of course St. Patrick is most famous for eliminating all the "snakes (evil ones)" from Ireland and much much more.  Patriots especially appreciate that the value our founding father placed on St. Patrick. For on March 17, 1776, the day that British forces under General Sir William Howe evacuated Boston during our American Revolutionary War, the password of the day at General George Washington's Continental Army encampment was "Saint Patrick"!  "And you just can't make this kind of stuff up." 

"Top of the morning to you all", and may all folks have a terrific, thought provoking, and happy, St. Patrick's day. 

little guy 3/17/14


It is hard to believe that a sport with the beauty and grandeur of Golf can be hazardous to the uninformed. When we look at the beautiful greens, the lovely estates and wonderful club houses, the thoughts of good safe exercise such as walking, all join together to form a quite innocuous appearance to the sport of golf. It is interesting to note however, that fifty (50) percent of touring professionals have sustained an injury that requires them to stop playing competitively for an average of three to ten weeks.  The golf professional usually hits more than 300 full shots/putts for several hours and plays a full round of golf which requires no less than 10 hours of continuous activity per golf day. Folks today's expert's in biomechanics and biomechanical trauma recognize the implications of how proper Chiropractic principals and practice either eliminate injuries because folks are prepared or speeds the rehabilitation process because of knowledge.

Recently, I had the opportunity to treat folks in a retirement community near a golf course. Ignorance rains. It is as if there were no medical doctors in our society or that whomever folks seek out for advice gives them bum information dooming herniated disc sufferers to continue to suffer or reinjure themselves needlessly.  The few that listened and came in for my care improved their game, improved their golf experience and their enjoyment for life increased.  Therefore let us review the human biomechanics of golf from a Chiropractic perspective.


The lower back is tied with the left wrist relative to the most common injuries sustained by the professional male and female golfer.  However, in the amateurs, the elbow is the most common area of injury for females, whereby the male population is consistent with professionals in that again the lower back is the most common area of injury.

It is easy as a graduate with a Masters Degree in Biomechanical Trauma, ergonomics and work hardening to understand how golf done improperly could easily entail lower back complaints. A golf swing, in and of itself, involves a momentous rotatory torque of the torso requiring both shoulders to move through a wide and unusual range of motion and at very high velocities.  It has been reported that a significant portion of golfers mention that lower back pain occurred while putting or chipping. These apparent low-stress activities, that require the player to bend over sharply at the waist may increase the static stresses of the lumbosacral spine and musculature (lower back).

Neal, Gall, and Hassa to name only a few medical sport investigators, have proven that, high torque placed on the lumbar discs during a golf swing has been shown to contribute to the high incidence of low back injuries in golfers.  Fifty-two (52) percent of recreational golfers, according to McCarroll and Mallon, complained of lower back pain.

It has been proven however that with biomechanical postural changes made by the golfer, a reduction in reported complaints after an initial injury can be achieved. It has been suggested that to reduce spinal torso torque on the fairway, the golfer with back pain may try one of the following swing modifications.

1. Reduce the torque of the swing as described below.
2. Stand upright.
3. Shorten the swing as noted below.

The "classic" swing requires less torque in the back muscles. While performing the "classic" swing the hip and shoulder turn almost equally with the player often rising up on the left (or lead) toe.  While performing the "modern" swing, a large shoulder turn and minimal hip turn create excessive torque in the lower back muscles.  Usually the left foot is kept relatively flat on the left (or lead) toe. In a shortened swing the right elbow is kept close to the body, preventing the collapse of the wrist. Although the turn of the shoulders and hips is not shortened, the back swing of the club head is reduced, which is less stressful for the golfer reporting low back pain.


Although seldom thought of by the layperson, golf injuries involving the shoulders are quite common. These injuries are generally divided into two types . That of the Impingement or instability. Golf patients with shoulder impingement problems, generally present with the chief complaint as inability to elevate the shoulder. It has been suggested that golfers in this classification benefit from shortening their swing and flattening the swing plane, to minimize elevating the left arm.

Golf patients who present with shoulder instability problems may report a sensation of looseness or slipping when the shoulder is in certain positions and with certain movements.  These conditions must be assessed by your own sports medicine practitioner. In any event golfers with either impingement or instability symptoms during their golf swing may benefit from using the shorter "classic" swing which places less stress on the muscles about the shoulder.  The hips and shoulder turn almost equally, reducing stretch and torque about the shoulder girdle.


Most lay persons also find it difficult to believe that elbow injuries are sustained in golf. Or for that matter any sports.  Yet, it is the repetitive nature of the causation which is directly akin to workers compensation injuries of the cumulative micro trauma category.  For example, tennis elbow or lateral epicondylitis is the most frequent elbow problem in athletics. Golfer's elbow or medial epicondylitis has also been called "medical tennis elbow" because of its direct correlation to the repetitive and specific demands of the task.  And thus medial epicondylitis is an overuse syndrome often associated with golf whereas lateral epicondylitis is associated with tennis in the classic medical literature. Yet sports medicine investigators have clearly demonstrated different correlations with medial and lateral epicondylitis via statistical probability.  For example McCarroll and Mallon have reported that lateral elbow pain was almost three (3) times more common than medial elbow pain in golfers.  What was surprising was that this suggests that lateral epicondylitis is more common among golfers than golfer's elbow and occurs predominantly in the lead arm. It was also suggested that lateral epicondylitis occurs in the lead arm as a result of pronation, and medial epicondylitis in the opposing elbow as a result of supination required at the time of and following the impact of the ball.

Further taking a divot or the knocking of a piece of turf loose with the club head puts a tremendous amount of stress on the wrist and forearm musculature.  A golfer may need to change his swing to follow a more elliptical line, with the club head coming less deeply into the ball so the ball is swept off the turf absent taking a divot.  Not keeping the left arm straight, places less excessive stress on the lead forearm musculature and elbow.

Relative to equipment, it has been suggested that a low compression ball and club with more flexible shafts may also lessen the stress occurring in the forearm and elbow by absorbing some of the shock of various impacts endured.


It has been firmly established that it is the repetitive nature of the sport and overuse of tissues which are the etiology of most golf injuries. Wrist injuries are no exception.  Most wrist injuries are caused by overuse and involve tendonitis and possible triangular fibrocartilage tears.  Fractures of the hook of the hamate, albeit rare, occur almost exclusively in the sport golf advocates. In the absence of a fracture or cartilage derangement, most injuries about the wrist involve soft tissue inflammation due to repetitive microtrauma, overuse and strain.


It is now clear that although injuries occur in Golf they can not only be managed, but through changes in the plategrade biomechanics of the golfer, improvement in performance and enjoyment can be achieved.  It would be considered prudent to seek out advise from a qualified Golf instructor to make sure that your fundamentals are correct or for that matter the way you grasp you clubs to your stance and swing.  Further, if you are unfortunately injured, and rehabilitation is ongoing, modifications through advise from an expert (No certifications; real College didactic and in University Professional Master's Degrees in Biomechanical trauma post doctoral degree-a Processional degree is one which requires many eliminators with one being that the student must be an MD/DO/DC/DMD) could be beneficial as it has been for the professional golfer.

Finally, if we combine the data on the professional and armature golfers, we can conclude that the left wrist and almost equally the lower back are the most common sites of golf injury.  With far less frequency, the left hand, shoulders and knee were the next most commonly injured areas. Amateur golfers demonstrate that the lower back was the most commonly injured area among men, followed by the elbow, hand and wrist, shoulder and knee.  Among the amateur women, the elbow was the most commonly involved site followed by the back, shoulder, hand and wrist, and knee.  The lateral elbow or the condition known as "tennis elbow" was more frequently found to be a source of injury than the medial elbow or so called "golfers elbow" by a ratio of nearly five to one. Have great luck in your future golf endeavors.

by Dr. Scott Neff, DC DABCO MPS-BT DABFE FABFE FAABT FFABS-the little guy
Graduate from the University of Antigua School of Medicine and MPS-Masters Degree in Professional Studies for Biomechanical Trauma, University of Boca Raton, and University of Miami School of Medicine, Department of Engineering, USA. Dr. Neff lectured at the Miami Medical School for that department as visiting professor in 1993-4 on a series of courses related to Biomechanical Trauma. Video's of lectures by request.


Most folks are outraged at the horrible plan Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid came up with and by now, it should become apparent to even the President whose name is associated with this worst thought out and written legislation in our nations history, that he will have to find a way to save face.

In the meantime, if you think you have a valid question here is your opportunity to ask our President what his opinion would be.  Please hit this link and follow the instructions.  If your question is picked be sure to send me a note.  Best of luck and may the lord once again bless the United States of America.


How do you know when your too drunk to drive?  When you swerve to miss a tree then realize it was your air freshener. 

Teacher: "Anyone who thinks he's stupid may stand up!"  *Nobody stands up*
Teacher: "Im sure there are some stupid students over here!!"  *Little Johnny stands up*
Teacher: "Ohh, Johnny you think you're stupid?"   Little Johnny: "No... i just feel bad that you're standing alone..." 

Daughter: Mom, I'm pregnant!
Mom: I thought I told you when a guy touches your boobs, say don't, and when he touches you vagina, say stop.
Daughter: But he kept touching both, so it came out,"don't, stop, don't, stop. 

Have a great week folks. little guy 3/10/14


Hey doc, have the folks check out this YouTube link for the Most Amazing Dog ever.  Have fun.

Editors note:  Thanks norm for sending this in. little guy Dr. Scott Neff DABCO 3/8/14

WHOM TO BEWARE OF IN LIFE "Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin “You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks.” - Winston Churchill-" The manufacturing revenues fund the local tax bases and thus flood society with money correctly rather then foolishly throwing general fund money by the trillions (stimulus) at our economy which is simply all then lost because of the absence of focus and control.  General Fund Money frittered foolishly away!  And self-mutilation is a sign of illness."-lg

Tonight after being very disappointed with Fox programming after a trying day at work, and then moving back and forth between ABC and CBS (Pleasantly surprised) we turned back to view Hannity.  On his show he had a congressperson who demonstrated those to ignore during the next "enlightened" cycle.  If he was asked a question, he would speak about what ever message he wanted to blurt out, again rather then sanely discussing the issues.  This type of madness has been going on for many years now, but more and more folks are becoming enlightened and have learned how to overcome a boor.

Many leaders from the Progressive Democrat side of life are guilty of such boorish actions.  And on a daily basis.  Its not a color thing as some Progressive Democrats want folks to believe (divide and concur mentality rather then brotherhood and sharing) because most offenders are not folks of color.  Who in their right mind would say "you must pass the bill to know what's in it"?  A moron?  Yippie ki-yay Kemosabe.  And what is truly super cool is the fact that well over 1/2 half of American's see's the light.  Because all folks want to be smart, as the light of truth spreads neighborhood by neighborhood and then from city to city, all realize folks that can't address the issue of a debate, must change the subject and inject their self important self aggrandizing biased hypocrisy usually speaking while others speak (Classless and rude absent any manners), and thus must be ignored.  Is it painful to watch?  You betcha but folks, it is the only way the wayward manipulators will see the light of truth, and wish they themselves would pursue and become part of the better shared common good. 

Thus the message is salvation for even those who have hurt this nation so badly during this Progressive Democrat change over from "all that was good" and "pure Americana" to the views on government and governance held today for example by Russian Leader Putin and others wishing to turn time to a government controlled world, massive government, no bill or rights, no constitution, socialist pull everyone down to the bottom level rather then the goal's of traditional American Society/Capitalism which is to pull everyone up to the top level.  Yes salvation even for those that have caused the self-mutilation of our way of life and America, her military, her veterans, her police and intelligentsia, and a failure of utilization of our resources which obviously would make our nation super rich again within a five year period The oil independence will cause almost full employment or very low unemployment in states with energy resources, and the cheep energy will draw manufacturing back to the US concomitant with a time controlled tax incentive for relocating to the US with a tax incentive for hiring American workers; again to bring manufacturing home and spawn new manufacturing.  The manufacturing revenues fund the local tax bases and thus flood society with money correctly rather then foolishly throwing general fund money by the trillions (stimulus) at our economy which is simply all then lost because of the absence of focus and control.  General Fund Money frittered foolishly away!  And self-mutilation is a sign of illness.

Thus during the current cycle there will be those that must be almost ignored if you will, so that the more quite and humble truth can again shine from our nation as that beckon of hope we have been for the world these last two hundred and fifty years.  And Historians, this is the evidence that change is occurring beginning from the bottom up rather then the horrible lesson folks have learned since government has run wild over the little guys and gals for the last many years; top down change; forced change, change because of PROMISES WHICH WE NOW KNOW NEVER HAD A CHANCE OF COMING TRUE. 

It won't be long folks and this editor see's a united America again, good harmony between our citizens of diversity and an economic boom which was held hostage by those who oppose success and offer the dream of a hand out world but produce a world absent jobs, international weakness, and back door deals which benefit the government and not the folks.  Yes this editor sees a great new hope on the horizon for America.  And yes, it is traveling through the nation like wild fire. little guy 3/6/14  “You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks.” - Winston Churchill

SANITY RINGS IN THE SENATE TODAY OR ROBOCOP FANS ARE BACKING THE NEW SENATE ALLIANCE "Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin "If I could advise our  president I would ask him to consider moving closer to the center.  With his talents and abilities, it could be a prudent strategic move"...WHY AGAIN..."have manufacturing revenues fund the local tax bases and thus flood society with money correctly rather then foolishly throwing general fund money by the trillions (stimulus) at our economy which is simply all then lost because of the absence of focus and control.  General Fund Money frittered foolishly away!"- lg

Real hero's place cop killers in a special category of the most heinous of murderers .  So all you hundreds of millions of Robo Cop the Movie fans, who loved Robo Cop when he called one of his arrestees, a "cop killer", rally round, rally round. 

Sanity rang loud as the Freedom Bell in the hearts and minds of folks who lean toward "all that is good" today in the US Senate when "Thinking Democrats joined with the Republicans" to ensure cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal's legal henchmen Debo Adegbile was NOT GRANTED THE HONOR to head the Civil Rights Division of the DOJ.

Everyone one who is sane realizes community protection begins with our Peace Officers.  This simple failure to realize and share this belief with most Americans is causing a greater and greater divide between the sane citizens and our elected and appointed officials in Washington.

In a powerful pole reported on by the media today 33% of the folks think Barack improved the image of our GREAT NATION.  WHY OUR NATION IS BIGGER THEN A SIMPLE SOUL LIKE BARACK OR ME.  That means almost 60% or 3/4th of Americans think he did a bad job and has made OUR GREAT NATIONS IMAGE WORSE AROUND THE GLOBE. 

Folks some elected officials are very out of touch with the new millennium thinking moving through the nation and folks like Cummings, Reid, Peters, Pelosi will be folks to ignore for the "health and safety" of our nation.  Their bias hypocrisy knows no boundaries.  They have made our nations image and the reality of daily life worse.  Almost 60% of Americans think Barack has failed to create jobs.  54% of all Americans disapprove of Barack's job performance.  Folks its growing and just like Putin, Barack has become tone deaf but dedicated to his cause even if a majority of Americans are moving over to the change camp; the change our nation back to who she is, the greatest citizen nation in mankind's experiential existence.  And its too bad and too sad for the Progressive Democrats who many believe have and continue to ruin our nation.  "If I could advise our  president I would ask him to consider moving closer to the center.  With his talents and abilities, it could be a prudent strategic move".

But the glory belongs to the US Senate.  Of course you have to keep any eye on Barack because as soon as the senate is out of session trouble could be a brew-in.  Or just maybe some folks will take stock of the situation and realize honest folks have been trying to help, and perhaps its time to listen and pivot toward the center of American life, and takes us away from the far left edge of American life which Barack and others wish to force on the majority.

Hip hip hurrah for the US Senate.  Historians, the US Senate for once in the last decade has acted like the honorable body in which it was designed to be by Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, George Washington, John Hancock and all the rest of the founding fathers.  Hip hip hurrah for the US Senate for in this one small wrinkle in time, they managed to perform the peoples business rather then the Progressive Democrat bias business which is destroying our nation today.  Congratulations US Senate. little guy 3/5/14 - "If you are responsible & put in the effort you can succeed. There’s no limit to what you can do." — President Barack H. Obama

ILLINOIS SMALL BALL "Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin "have manufacturing revenues fund the local tax bases and thus flood society with money correctly rather then foolishly throwing general fund money by the trillions (stimulus) at our economy which is simply all then lost because of the absence of focus and control.  General Fund Money frittered foolishly away!"- lg

Our president never dreamed correctly of what the job of the President of the United States was.  Thus, for every issue which faced our nation, Barack reacted as if he was the President of Illinois and not of our nation.  And frankly, this examiner never thinks he will. 

Did this editor predict all of the problems which are arising?  How in the world did I get things right.  As a fraud examiner my brain training honed in immediately on what reactions across the board we would receive around the world and over time from Barack and the far worse progressives like Reid the enemy of anything which is not to his own outdated and wrongheaded BIAS who is joined by Gary Peters as enemies of cancer and leukemia patients everywhere.  In fact they make Barack the Angel he isn't.

Progressives and Democrats will always defend all of the wrongness of our leadership because of their bias.  Look at the Russian horrors of this week.  Clearly Putin is lying about everything.  No one was under any attack from anyone.  But akin to what this editor tried to teach you about an X-KGB agent was that he will try to get revenge for what the great extraordinaire President John F. Kennedy did when he backed the Soviet Union down and the great extraordinaire President Ronald Reagan who reshaped the world tearing down the wall in Germany and then the Soviet Union and focused on the peewee league Progressive Democrats playing factious theories vs. realizations of world history. 

Barack and the Progressive democrats are lost.  Look at Quacks Reid and Peters attacking an actual victim of failed medicine (We have failed to discover the lords bread crumbs as yet and cure the cancers once and for all) in a failed system for medical utilization.  They are Quacks.  A quack is an untrained person pretending they have the knowledge of a Medical School graduate.  This editor was a cofounder of the Quack Buster movement in the US originally, and as a founder am most qualified to call a quack a quack.  And it is a heinous crime against humanity to have attacked a victim of first and foremost a heinous disease which usually ends life confronted with simply trying to tell her story with Obamacare failures, and then to be attacked by POWER GRUBBING ELECTED OFFICIALS USING THEIR POWER TO FURTHER INJURE AND PLAGUE "REAL LIFE" VICTIMS OF A CANCER!  Impeach I would opine, VULGAR ACTING Harry Reid and Gary Peters before failed care through a failed system comes to any of us should we become victims of a dreadful and dastardly disease.

Well folks, you can continue to listen to the small ball in experienced unrealistic and often a bit crazy Progressive Democrats, or you can seize the moment and back a party which will fight for things which affect all of us.  And by expanding energy into my programs as sent to Barack those four years ago and then to have Chu write me with their decisions telling me I failed but am still correct, and rebuilding our infrastructure through bringing home manufacturing with tax incentives, for the low cost energy of energy independence, and thus have manufacturing revenues fund the local tax bases and thus flood society with money correctly rather then foolishly throwing general fund money by the trillions (stimulus) at our economy which is simply all then lost because of the absence of focus and control.  General Fund Money frittered foolishly away!   We must rebuild our nation by the blue print of our past success rather then re-event the wheel for Barack's new world order which in fact is a repeat of the Priest in the first and original "War of the World" who runs out to tell the Martians he understands only to be disintegrated.

Folks, its time to bring back our Missile Shield program ASAP, begin rebuilding our military budget, refunding our veterans and so forth, take back the trillion from Obamacare for Medicare, disassemble Obamacare to refund the trillions back to the treasury, and enact a law to prevent Insurance discrimination against pre-existing injuries, remove insurance discrimination against those who become very ill via cancer or heart disease while insured and must continue to insure, allow full competition in the Insurance Industry across state lines, create an insurance reward fund for the most competitive company each year, demand Iraq allow us to bring in one military base, Afghanistan to allow one military base, 100 percent support to our allies or anyone who wants freedom like the folks in Iran Barack abandoned and to the freedom fighting folks of the Ukraine.  I say we back Putin down like the mad dog his is emulating.

Let me know what you think because as opinions go, it is only through an open and free dialogue that we as a nation will progress which is 100 percent antithetical to nut ball sayings like "you must pass the bill to know what's in it"; dog poop of these last six years.

Lets join together with anyone but the Progressive Democrats; conservatives, moderates and liberals, and we will right the great Ship America, and we will enjoy the greatest growth and expansion of our economy in our nations history and great life's for all Americans. little guy 3/4/14


What do lawyers wear to court?  Lawsuits.  - Connor

What do you call a fake noodle?  An Impasta. - Colin

What do you call a fat psychic?  A four chin teller.  - Maria

Thank you Connor, Colin and Maria for your jokes and as always folks, have a great week. little guy Dr. Scott Neff DABCO 03/03/2014

THE  LORD WAS WILLING "Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin

With a large and tiny slotted screwdriver, one Philips, Soldering gun and a pliers, I opened the German made finest Interferential therapy device in the world/Siemens medical device and took it apart.  I unscrewed the two glass bottles inside and cleaned all the rust out and firmly but gently screwed them in (the threads were counterclockwise to how we do it in America, and of course everything inside the device was written in the language I studied at the University of Minnesota for four years, German!?), I opened and removed the vacuumed unit and took it apart, cleaned it (Must have been assembled by a machine because it was like solving a Rubik's cube for the first time), reassembled it and reattached it to the unit, cleaned all the contacts, all the potentiometers and attenuators, checked all the circuit board welds and re-soldered some after cleaning all contacts, made sure all transistor boards and transistor connections were cleaned, cleaned all the many small hoses inside, and reassembled the unit, put in a new fuse and shazam patients received superlative care today relative to that portion of their rehabilitation.

The lord was willing and for that time, absent a blue print, instructions, and with a twenty-five year old memory observing Herman Henning extraordinaire repair an identical unit I had (Traded it up for one of the large Siemens medical devices years ago), he made my little pea brain Einstein-like for about fifty minutes, and what was claimed to be impossible by the manufacturer, was made possible this 28th day of February in the year of our lord 2014.  May the lord continue to bless America. little guy 2/28/14

OBAMA GIVES GREEN LIGHT TO PUTIN, ANTI-CHRISTIANITY AND NOW ANTI-SEMITISM "Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin

When our president draws a red line that means "hike" to Putin.  The world knows Russia voted yesterday for all intent and purposes to be able to retake old Soviet Union Nations to become simply Russia; guised first as a retake of the Ukraine.  And the very next day President Obama proves that he has done more damage to our nation, then all the terrorists and communist could have ever done.  The man is in a dream world. This very next day President Obama said he would join with the other feckless impotent nations to condemn Russia.  Hang the Russian flag outside folks because all that support Barack are foolish just as he is.  Maybe 150 years from now castration of our nation along with all of Barack's other views possibly could be realistic enough to have some utility.  But none of the Democrat ideas now proven by Barack and the progressives are realistic.  Eccentric, unrealistic and a bit wacky!  It is sooooooooo clear.

Barack just announced the reduction of our Military to pre-World War II levels.  Japan was able to kick our butt for a while until Americans proved their military industrial complex could manufacture new weapons and weapons systems fast enough to become able to fight those who attacked us; after over 9 months.  Thus all Democrats and their supporters are foolish to relive ALL the mistakes of history.  We are being taken back to an indefensible position; our nation is being taken back to being defenseless and open to attack by foreign powers.  SELF MUTILATION IS CRAZY FOLKS.  Remember these progressives are eccentric, unrealistic and a bit wacky.  Now if we were the only nation that was not in wonderland singing Kumbaya, then perhaps we could let our guard down.  But under Obama and the Democrats leadership, UCLA and other universities are having movements to condemn Israel for being the only bastion of hope in the Middle East.  Its OK to cut off folks heads, wrists, genitalia, eyes and so forth for minor violations in Muslim GOVERNED countries but it is not ok to fight for freedom, justice and equality as Israel and the US do.  Notice this is all occurring after they have weakened Christianity within the homeland and Christians are being massacred absent US intervention around the globe. 

All we hear is whines and whining from some minorities and yet the actual ones under attack by evildoers/wrongdoers, don't speak up and take the high road in hopes someone might take notice and join the the path of "all that is good".  Yet even they are foolish if they support the Democrat party during this cycle and the next cycle.  We must right the ship America before we allow dreamers to fiddle around with our nation, our constitution, our laws and make laws protecting basic religious tenants rather then forcing all folks to be atheists.  In other words the progressive democrats and Barack are fiddling while the nation burns .

Wake up America because your spied upon, your lied to, and many of you have been lead to a dream world which could easily be attacked and too many would die simply getting our nation on course.  Obama is not truth through strength, he is submission to the bully nations, submission to terrorists, submission to Iran, Syria, the Taliban, al-Qaeda, while simultaneously creating a nation of folks who cant think for themselves and thus become so lazy that it becomes too difficult to become sane and able to find a job or better themselves as all folks in history have until Obamaland.  Obamaland is anti-mental health and bad for the human spirit.  Obamaland teaches freedom is stay home, abandon the work ethic, and degenerate intellectually. 

Anti-Semitism, weakening of our nation militarily and financially with a national debt now over 17 trillion dollars.  But if folks wanted to know the truth its easy to find.  It's just that the liberal press and liberal news networks better wake up soon, or we will create a nation shrinking the power of the congress and elevating our presidents to that of a dictator.  Eventually, the outcome would be catastrophic as there would be no news networks but the Government run network.  But heck, I never read a text book which indicated the world might not be filled with foolish folks.  Anyone that thinks or indicates you must pass a bill to know what's in a bill is a "nut".  Lets call it like it is.

Join the new millennium in crowd, the hip crowd, the knowledge based crowd, the sane crowd, the common sense crowd, focus on change and bring our nation to the best she can be rather then the weakest militarily with the weakest national defense and most in debt she could be riddled with unemployment and the progressive democrat inability to create new jobs though THE CULTIVATION OF THE HUMAN SPIRIT BY THE COLLEGES OF HARD KNOCKS thus simply learning from experience and eventually raising the income level of the soul, the neighborhoods, the communities, the cities, the states and thus our entire nation.  Spread the word, and find a world with full employment, cheap fuel, and the ability to afford "all that is good" for all folks and fulfill the hopes and wishes anyone ever dreamed of . the little guy 2/28/14

THE END OF AN ERA OR NEW BEGINNINGS "Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin

For years my methods of care have been superior to others in the same field.  Today, my Siemens Amplitude Modulated Frequency Interferential broke, and what this examiner found out is mindboggling.  You see I never met another Doctor of Chiropractic with a Siemens Unit and in fact never met a physical therapist or anyone other then a Physiatrist in a Hospital Physical Medicine Suite use one.  I remember back in the day when the President of Toyota Motor Corp would fly in to see me (Flew in from Princes Diana's wedding with the British Ambassador and others) for care by me.  Mr. Togo advised he sat next to Elizabeth Taylor and she had to take pain pills which made him focus on his problems.  He told those that would listen that I was the answer to such Back problems and they flew in after the Wedding Dinner (Can you imagine meeting the British Ambassador at 4:30 a.m. Pacific Time to treat the group at my LA office?  But I was young and spunky.).  There were many others but I always offered therapy which worked light years better then the toys found especially today.

When my machine went down I called my bosses Physical Therapy Repair person who out of the blue remembered me twenty-five years ago!  He remember all the highly technical research enlarged on the walls of my office explaining scientifically how to eliminate various problems (Dr. Nemec's MD's Research).  He in fact remembered his boss selling me the machine!!!!!!!!!!!  He advised he was the young tall and thin fellow who accompanied my offices device technical engineer.  He advised my unit was made by Siemens and the Surgical Company El-Med placed their label on it.  He was the first person who openly admitted what we find today is junk and doesn't do what my machines did relative to a rapid rehabilitation of soft tissues after trauma.  But get the skinny.  I inquired why these machines are no longer in use and why all the crap found in PT, DC and MD/DO offices today.  He advised that around the time I left Chiropractic for medical school, some folks decided to bill the vacuumed electrode as massage and also bill for the nerve block and tissue repair properties of Amplitude Modulate Frequency Interferential separately (Triple Billing for one Superlative Medical Device-and thus the good masses were injured by the fraudulent few).  In other words much fraud was billed and the Insurance industry put its preverbal foot down, and lumped anything which is electrical as "stim", even non-therapeutic tens units into the same low paying basket.  Because Physicians and Therapists could no longer get paid for the ethical therapy because of double and triple billing which was also misleading and fraud by some in the health care field, Siemens and Nemec (Inventor of Amplitude Modulated Frequency Interferential-who sold the patent to Siemens) stopped production.  And when the best of the best stopped building cutting edge medical devices, that edge became a cliff leading to nothingness, and all we were left with was the poor man's excuse non-amplitude modulated frequency interferential units found around the nation today.

The bad news, no parts although I am going to call El-Med in Illinois and Siemens in Germany.  The good news was that while he was explaining why he could not repair the vacuum pump which he thinks is blowing out the fuse, I remember Herman taking apart one in front of me and repair it all those years ago.  I just put a screw driver, Philips, tiny screw driver and pliers in my tot bag as I am going to take Rubik's cube so to speak apart.  I was told folks today know how to take them apart but can't put them together again.  But I remember seeing it done once in my office when the problem arose back in the day.  If the lord is willing, lets see if I can take a part, clean and put humpty dumpty together again; solve the Rubik's cube quickly rather then making it a unacceptable project.  If so some of the best care in California (One with real Olympic Stickers from my treating Olympic Athletes -  treated Peter Elliot of England and shazam he won the Olympics just to name one who sent me a personal thank you letter which I cherish to this day) continues.

The end of an era or new beginnings if I can get the unit repaired or repair it myself.  Of course I have other tools but remember no matter what, we must eliminate inflammation, swelling, pain, toxic metabolites within the damaged tissues, cause repair of the tissues, restore tissue plasticity, flexibility and strength as well as normalized human biomechanical function.  But it is interesting to note what happed to the best therapy within our nation relative to pain control and tissue repair is outrageous.  Abandoned because some frauds had to rip off the money tree.  Everyone must suffer because of the few.

Just thought this was an interesting discovery. - 02/27/2014

UNITED WE STOOD AND UNITED WE STAND "Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin

Well folks, all it took was a small effort by editors and bloggers around the nation to halt the heinous violation of our constitutional heritage by the placement of Federal Monitors in News rooms and editors offices. 

This editor hopes that this was a wake up call for all folks no matter where they stood politically a week ago; that our nation is on the self destructive pathway the Progressive (Socialist/Atheist/Terrorist Representatives Dems etc) have set us on.  Realize that insane proposals come from the highest offices in the land.

All citizens received a big win, the Gold if you will this week when the FCC reversed itself on its proposal to send monitors to US News and Media Outlets.  That's sure one for the Gipper and the good old US of A. little guy 02/22/2014 - "One way to make sure crime doesn't pay would be to let the government run it."-President Ronald Reagan.

NAZI'S IN THE NEWS ROOM HAPPENING NOW "Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin

Any Government or Government official that would even suggest they enter the news room for any reason other then a criminal investigation proven and authorized by a judge which can be reviewed, are heinous evil individuals as "we the people" are then only 1 breath away from CENSORSHIP.  Yes it is all right this time to call this exactly what the Nazi's did in Germany.  Exactly.

The reason this could be possible and our nation is ripe for the picking is that the Progressive Democrats have the rest of the folks scared to call a NAZI action a NAZI action or a NAZI individual a NAZI.  With that situational psychology firmly in play, we are now reliving the exact psychology that was in play in NAZI Germany which allowed the NAZI's to take over.

Look at Bill O'Reilly in the tank for Obama as more and more folks are seeing, "Oh what can Obama do" cries that last fool in a long list of fools piously known as big time News and Commentary Pundits.  Now you see why Obama agreed to the O'Reilly interview and why Obama was beaming like he did when he was a Senator.  Obama was the most comfortable during the O'Reilly interview then I have seen him since his glory days' as a fast rising Senator.  This has no ill reflection on O'Reilly but demonstrates how many in the press were taken by Hitler and never rose to protect the conservative voices in Germany during the NAZI  years.   They would rather be lied to by Barack then to have him leave them; a subset of Stockholm syndrome combined with being Star-struck.. 

Of Course overall we have not become a Nazi nation but this notion of government entering the news room is what the Nazi's did, and it is outrageous.  Folks our nation is rip for the picking as the progressive democrats which used to be code for Socialist/Atheist anti-business, anti-free market, anti-constitutional or anti-bill of rights advocates in lieu of Government in charge of everything.  And once in place we would be only an election away from having a Progressive who is militant and suddenly we become a threat to the world rather then the beaming beacon of hope and leadership for our world.  Basically our role since the late seventeen hundreds.

Censorship of the press or the threat of it during my lifetime, in the good old US of A, would have been unbelievable to me only six years ago.  However this editor had been expecting the announcement after Baracks first three years in office so when the announcement was made, I almost didn't give the Independent considered Moderate by many or Conservative by the rest commentary.  However today at work, the press asked why I had not commented, and thus this is only a toe into the situation psychology the Progressives are trying to build within our for now free nation.

Folks you better start donating to Fox News, Hannity, Levin, Limbaugh and the rest of the actual remnants of our nation and who stand for the ideals this nation stood for from its inception until Barack Obama and the Progressives took over.  You know it is blasphemy to take the lords name in vain.  But it was alright to say G-D America and then call it a Church Sermon.  Hello.  Folks fool you once shame on the "fooler" but fool you twice, it is shame on you.  But the point is in my situation, I am writing less and less as I take on more responsibilities caring for more and more folks with biomechanical problems.  Thus it will be Fox News, Hannity, Levin, Limbaugh and such that you as a nation must look to for help.  Let us all pray that their newsrooms will always be free as envisioned by Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Hancock, John Adams, George Washington and the rest of our founding fathers.

Well this is the state of affairs historians this 20th of February in the year of our lord 2014. And folks, "you just can't make this stuff up". little guy 02/20/2014


Well folks, when Government can't lead us out of trouble they must find ways to take in revenue.  Governments that demonstrate leadership increase the employ base while those that fail must raise fees.  Look at the lengths California had to go to January 1st 2014, in order to compensate for the absence of jobs (increased fees)

- Driving without driver license: $214

- After 10 days changing of address without notifying DMV: $214
- Driving without car insurance & having car accident: $796 with license suspension for 4 years
- Run Red Light: $533
- Run over 2 yellow double solid lane: $425

- Forbidden U-Turn: $284

- Exceeding Speed Limit (from 1-15 miles): $224

- Exceeding Speed Limit (from 16-25 miles): $338
- Driving too slow: $328
- Do not stop at Stop Sign: $284
- Over pass Transportation Bus when light flashing: $675
- Using hand phone while driving (first time): $160
- Parking in Bus reserved area: $976

- Do not turn light on when it is dark (30 mins): $382

- Cover car to block sun while driving: $178

- No Seat Belt while driving: $160

- Kids without Seat Belt or Car Seat by law: $436
- Wear head set on both ears while driving: $178
All of the above tickets require "Traffic Violator Class" .

 After completing class, record will be kept for 18 months. 

Do they ALL seem reasonable?  During this cycle we are told they are necessary.  This editor would like to thank the community watch folks for sending this into the Journal. little guy 2/18/14

JUST SIX YEARS AGO TRUST WAS THE NORM "Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin

Heck folks, it seems like eons ago when in reality just six years ago folks could watch the news with a modicum of trust.  In the future because of all the false cover for Barack, which of course enabled him to do all of the things he said were horrific when he was a Senator, a growing number of folks expect NBC, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and CNN to be manipulative and wrong.  There are groups of folks who will be expected to be manipulative and wrong before they begin speaking because wisdom has taught us what such folks stand for.  Only a fool or a traitor to the ideals this nation was founded upon, continue to support the Progressive block within the Democrat party.  Again wisdom precludes being taken again.  You must pass the legislation before you can read the legislation demonstrates the extent evil has infiltrated folks.  You see true evil can often not be detected because lying and subterfuge bring folks into temptations and designs which are antithetical to the health of any free nation.

Just six years ago, we could believe our leaders and media, but today forget it.  Last night even a Fox Star stated Barack Obama performed less executive orders then George W. Bush as if that was the issue with Barack's unusual executive orders and appointments while the Senate was still in session.  The number of executive orders is not the issue its the number of far over-reaching unconstitutional appearing (White House Writes the Law Bypassing Congress and the Constitution) executive orders!  Just six years ago that would not be the reality we shared.

Where are the Republicans in all this?  Its like the Progressives are crazed mad bulls in a China shop while the Republican's speak much bluster with their head in the sand like ostriches.  How in the world did we let things get so out of hand in the nation which brought the shining beckon of hope and truth to folks around the globe?  Look at Afghanistan.  Complete and utter failure entirely do to Barack Obama.  Mistakes were made by Bush, but all folks make mistakes along the way to progress.  Barack abandoned Afghanistan long ago, and soon, absent Saddam the mad man in Iraq, Afghanistan and Iraq will again become the strongholds for the Taliban and Al-Qaeda.  Realize that and add to the fact that Barack Obama codified the fact that Iran will get their bomb. Disaster you say.  Well, further add that to Christian genocide and massacre outside of the US, with much anti-Christian legislation from our executive branch which for all intent and purposes drain belief (faultlessness) and good nature from our world.  See the big picture.  See the forest and know each tree!

Last night two fools were trying to disprove religion.  Yes the fools used the creation story literally rather then as it was intended, thus taking the Wisdom out of the bible for evil purposes.  Of course the world is not ten thousand years old.  But the years in the old testament were simply modified by the bibles authors so they and the folks could relate to the history taught to them.  It was written by the folks and not passed down by invisible men!  Yes at almost every turn the quest for the progressives comedians and talking heads has negative evil intent.  When was the last time you heard positive commentary about anything other then spin on Obamacare or spin for  President Obama?  Never.  Isn't that interesting and revealing?  What Liberal Comedian spends even equal time creating the more difficult positive joke?  Weak comedians upon analysis but in vouge.

Can't trust progressive comedians up front, cant trust many talking head pundits up front, can't trust NBC, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, CNN and other media outlets up front, because the quest for power, popularity, money, fame and glory trump the quest for a perfect superpower US, absent debt, absent deficit, with full employment, with a military new and second to none, increased benefits for those that served our nation, a return to employer based health insurance and other Cadillac benefits of a good job, a return to manufacturing at home, and complete energy independence making us the fastest growing monetary nation in history and truly much more. 

The ridiculousness of today's debates and the situation our nation is in is our elected officials faults first and foremost, but then must be controlled by a nation which has learned from the mistakes of listening to progressives in today's world of increased taxation with false representation.  Our leadership has brought our nation full circle in just six years from where we were when we declared our declaration of Independence.  It is time for our people especially our new millennium youths to learn on their own the trials and tribulations of today's' world based on the actual greatness of our nations history which was more then this new era parenting could bear, and youths were not taught the greatness of our nation, and why they can achieve great things standing on the shoulders of the greatest thinkers in mankind's experiential existence; Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, George Washington, John Hancock, John Adams, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, Samuel Adams, Benjamin Harrison, John Penn, Benjamin Rush, and the rest of the signers of the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution, two of the three greatest documents ever written.

Our future depends on our citizenry becoming as aware as possible of the issues which face our nation, and how simply we could solve everything by keeping the issues simple akin to a more conservative philosophy.  And today, with the 60's baby boomers being the majority of conservatives, issues which held us back in the past are moot today, as yesterday's liberals absent any change in philosophy often are found somewhere within the conservative continuum today.  But all folks need to rally around change.  And you know folks, things were pretty good in our nation before the progressives took power, and rather then reinventing the wheel which is the Progressive Democrat mantra, if we simply turned homeward to the teachings of our parents and the good will and good nature of all generations prior to this almost heading for Sodom and Gomorrah like liberalism, within two years we could correct our nations direction and get her back on course.  After all, all the horrors of today simply began only six short years ago.

Let me know what you think and have a wonderful weekend. little guy 2/15/14


3 New Navy Ships:


Seeing it next to the Arizona Memorial really puts its size into perspective... ENORMOUS!

When the Bridge pipes 'Man the Rail' there is a lot of rail to man on this monster: shoulder to shoulder, around 4.5 acres.  Her displacement is about 100,000 tons with full complement.


Top speed exceeds 30 knots, powered by two nuclear reactors that can operate for more than 20 years without refueling
1. Expected to operate in the fleet for about 50 years
2. Carries over 80 combat aircraft
3. Three arresting cables can stop a 28-ton aircraft going 150 miles per hour in less than 400 feet


1. Towers 20 stories above the waterline
2. 1092 feet long; nearly as long as the Empire State Building is tall
3. Flight deck covers 4.5 acres
4. 4 bronze propellers, each 21 feet across, weighing 66,200 pounds
5. 2 rudders, each 29 by 22 feet and weighing 50 tons
6. 4 high speed aircraft elevators, each over 4,000 square feet


1. Home to about 6,000 Navy personnel
2. Carries enough food and supplies to operate for 90 days
3. 18,150 meals served daily
4. Distillation plants provide 400,000 gallons of fresh water from sea water daily, enough for 2,000 homes
5. Nearly 30,000 light fixtures and 1,325 miles of cable and wiring 1,400 telephones
6. 14,000 pillowcases and 28,000 sheets


The USS William Jefferson Clinton (CVS1) set sail today from its home port of Vancouver , BC

The ship is the first of its kind in the Navy and is a standing legacy to President Bill Clinton 'for his foresight in military budget cuts' and his conduct while holding the (formerly dignified) office of President.

The ship is constructed nearly entirely from recycled aluminum and is completely solar powered with a top speed of 5 knots. It boasts an arsenal comprised of one (unarmed) F14 Tomcat or one (unarmed) F18 Hornet aircraft, although they cannot be launched on the 100-foot flight deck, form a very menacing presence.

As a standing order, there are no firearms allowed on board.  This crew, like the crew aboard the USS Jimmy Carter, is specially trained to avoid conflicts and appease any and all enemies of the United States at all costs. An onboard Type One DNC Universal Translator can send out messages of apology in any language to anyone who may find America offensive. The number of apologies are limitless and, though some may seem hollow and disingenuous, the Navy advises all apologies will sound very sincere. In times of conflict, the USS Clinton has orders to seek refuge in Canada .


Details are vague.  But don't worry..........he has a plan

Editors Note:  Thank you Wyoming (nom de plume).  I know you like to kid the President. 

Have a great Weekend Folks little guy 02/14/14


To whom it may concern:

The following data I gathered compels me to call our President a dictator who needs to be impeached.  For the SHOCK of your life, take 1 minute to comprehend what you read below.

During our lifetimes, all Presidents have issued Executive Orders. For various reasons, some have issued more than others. These things will directly affect us all, in years to come. Question is:  Do YOU care enough to send this, 'shocking info,' to people you love and others?  My shocking data follows:


Now look at these executive orders:
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10990 -- allows the government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995 -- allows the government to seize and control the communication media.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997 -- allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998 -- allows the government to take over all food resources and farms.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000 -- allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11001 -- allows the government to take over all health, education and welfare functions.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11002 -- designates the registration of all persons.  Postmaster General to operate a national registration.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11003 -- allows the government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004 -- allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11005 -- allows the government to take over railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11049 -- assigns emergency preparedness function to federal departments and agencies, consolidating 21 operative Executive Orders issued over a fifteen year period.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051 -- specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11310 -- grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute industrial support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the President.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11921 -- allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution, of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money in U.S. Financial institution in any undefined national emergency. It also provides that when a state of emergency is declared by the President, Congress cannot review the action for six months.

Folks, feel free to verify the "executive orders" at will.....and these are just the major ones.  I'm sure you've all heard the tale of the "Frog in the Pot"... Watch Obama's actions, not his words!  By his actions he will show you where America is headed.

Obama has issued executive orders that seek to "harmonize" U.S. Economic regulations with the rest of the world. These executive orders are yet another incremental step that is pushing us closer to a North American Union and a one world economic system.

Obama used the stage at the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King's I have a dream speech to announce two new executive orders infringing on your second amendment rights.. The first bans the importation of antique military firearms for sale to sportsman and collectors.. He intentionally mislabels them military grade weapons to deceive, but make no mistake . . . the order was written specifically to ban the importation of surplus M1 carbines, M1 Garands, 1903 Springfields and other antiques coveted by collectors and sport shooters. This order is the death knell for the civilian marksmanship program.  Congress had previously passed the sportsman protection act in 1986 which among other things guaranteed that the importation of the historic relics for collectors and the CMP would not be impeded by unreasonable regulations.. But Emperor Obama does not bend to the will of the people or the rule of law.. He will impose on his subjects what he wishes, when he wishes.  Kind of like Papa Joe Stalin or the short Austrian with the funky mustache!

Unfortunately, most Americans have absolutely no idea what is happening.  The American people need to understand that Barack Obama is constantly looking for ways to integrate the United States more deeply with the rest of the world.  The globalization of the world economy has accelerated under Obama, and this latest executive order represents a fundamental change in U.S. economic policy. Now federal regulators will be required to "harmonize" their work with the international community.


Dear Lloyd et al,

The numbers you submitted relative to Executive orders turned out to be invalid and your article has been edited.  Because of such errors in the future should you submit work to one of my colleagues', your status has dropped to level 2 where your data will be checked rigorously creating more time between submission and publication.

From my experience today's working folks or those who want to work are hurting more then any time since the great depression.  Working much harder for much much less (NO EMPLOYER PAID CADILLAC HEALTH INSURANCE-PERIOD and too much more) pay or pay offered years ago.  The most bizarre negative is that the divide between Obama and his high finance friends and normal working folks has grown exponentially under him.  This quest to redistricted the wealth has made the "IN FOLKS" wealthier and all the rest poorer.  It is just that Obama supporters are blind head over heals in love with Barack, and as I stated during the last election, would rather have Barack lie to them, then have Barack leave them. 

Finally look at all of the changes in Obamacare by executive order which is absolutely and positively creating and writing new legislation from the White House which is unconstitutional as it is the responsibility of the congress.  Just a pattern.

Thank you. little guy Dr. Scott David Neff, InfoJustice internet editor 1993-AABT/1996-present-AAJTS .


Why did the chicken cross the basketball court?  He heard the referee calling fowls.-Lucy

What happens if you eat yeast and shoe polish?  Every morning you'll rise and shine.-Kylie.

What Do You Get When You Cross A Chicken And A Pit Bull?  Just The Pit Bull.-Alexander

Thank you Lucy, Alexander and Kylie for your jokes and as always folks, have a great week folks. little guy Dr. Scott Neff 02/09/2014


Dr. Neff,

This following idea/note is circulating with the little folks of America.  It is clearly outside the reality of those who were elected to represent us or hold our attention on cable or network news.  Why?  They all have become so insulated and isolated from the wishes and dreams of the folks, they live in ivory towers with expert brownnosers surrounding them further supporting this method of becoming out of touch with America.  During the O'Reilly Barack Obama interview this reality is exemplified by the fact questions were asked of a wall.  Questions were asked.  But presented against a wall.  No Tim Russert pinning folks down on who they actually are rather then allowing the master artist of manipulation to sit back and paint the interview like a Picasso Masterpiece.  Which is what the President did.  Completely full of beans, but what does that say about that guy sitting next to you who loved him?  Get what I mean jelly bean?

In short we are only 3 states short!!!  The message Mark Levine has been talking about; a constitutional convention by the states to get back to the laws of the Constitution.  This idea is circulating the emails of the little folks to advise we have 35 STATES SO FAR.....IT'S GROWING.

To continue in this venue, Governors of 35 states have filed suit against the Federal Government for imposing unlawful burdens upon them.  It only takes 38 (of the 50) States to convene a Constitutional Convention.

Further, for far too long we have been too complacent about the workings of Congress. Their latest stunt is to exempt themselves from the Healthcare Reform that they passed ... in all of its forms. Somehow, that doesn't seem logical.  We do not have an elite ruling class that is above the law.  I truly don't care if they are Democrat, Republican, Independent or whatever. The self-serving must stop.

Finally, the Proposed 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution: "Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators, Representatives of Congress; and, Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and/or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States ..."

Editor's note:  Thank you "Southern California", for sending in this important action which faces our nation.  And I agree.  It must bubble up from "we the people" and most assuredly be brought to the doorstep of each and every home in America, so that its truth cannot be buried by the masterful elitists who legislate and the cable/network out of touch talking heads who more and more seem further and further away from helping to aid the nation which allowed them all to be so successful.  Further and further away they drift from main stream/heartland America.

Thank you for your submission.  You know you can count on this Journal and our associates, and perhaps a few kind and patriotic folks who stop by this web site for their intellectual stimulation, to join the causes set forth and referenced above. little guy 02/08/2014


Bill O'Reilly was literally destroyed by President Obama.  O'Reilly came out like a milquetoast little boy too shy to be there.  It was pathetic.  But the President made clear that all the woes of the world were the fault of Fox News and its stars, according to President Obama and O'Reilly never laid a glove on him while Obama came off like Mohamed Allie vs. the local bully who had nothing to back up his bluster.

The fans were losers as the half time entertainment was a joke.  The Guitars and Bass were not plugged in.  It was lip sink heaven if you like that type of phony entertainment.  It was a bad joke.

Finally, this editor seriously congratulates one of my picks, the new World Champion Seattle Seahawks.  I had picked both teams to go to the Super bowl during the pre-season, and although I thought the Broncos would make a better showing, no one thought the Seahawks would destroy Denver the way they did.  The Seahawks and the President performed in kind just as Denver and O'Reilly performed in kind.  It was fascinating.

All in all it was a very surprising evening which proved who the winners were and who the losers were.  Congratulations to the winners. little guy   02/03/2014


A father buys a lie detector robot that slaps people when they lie.  He decides to test it out at dinner one night. The father asks his son what he did that afternoon.  The son says, "I did some schoolwork."  The robot slaps the son.  The son says, "Ok, Ok. I was at a friend's house watching movies."  Dad asks, "What movie did you watch?"  Son says, "Toy Story."  The robot slaps the son.  Son says, "Ok, Ok, we were watching porn."  Dad says, "What? At your age I didn't even know what porn was."  The robot slaps the father.  Mom laughs and says, "Well, he certainly is your son."  The robot slaps the mother.  Robot for sale. 

As she lay there dozing next to me a voice inside my head kept saying, "Relax, you are not the first doctor to sleep with one of his patients." But another voice kept saying, "Howard, you are a veterinarian." 

Subject: Philosophy. 

If a man states an opinion and there is no woman to hear it, is he still wrong? 

Have a greatweek folks. little guy  2/4/14



Certain laws cover most employees today who are injured while in the course of their employment.  Injured railroad employees are covered and protect by a Federal Law, entitle the Federal Employees Liability Act, also known as FELA.  The Jones Act is the only other federal law and it covers maritime workers.  Most other workers are covered for injuries, which they incur during the course of their normal and customary work duties, by State Compensation laws, especially in California.  This is a "no-fault" system covering injuries, which arose out of employment or during the course of employment (AOE/COE).

Furthermore, under the auspices of FELA, there is no formula to calculate monetary compensation or to define for a jury what the limit is in terms of the value that may be award for injuries.  Because of these pitfalls, many injured workers have found that they can wreak a goldmine from the courts for work-related injuries.  This is not to say that there are not many injuries which indeed deserve heavy compensation relative to the losses which have been incurred by workers, but it is to say that many workers have found it all too easy to exploit the system and bring home the gold, even thought they are still clearly able to work and the injuries that they have incurred are minimal.

The next section focuses on injury cases involving the railroad.  Approximately 90% of the cases handled by the railroad actually involve railroad workers themselves.  Other cases involve civilian bystanders who are incidental to the injury-causing accidents.


The following cases do not all involve railroad workers but many do.  Of the current railroad inventory of cases some 90 to 95% involve injures to their own employees with a portion relative to civilians.  These employee cases reflect judgments and settlements involving the Federal Employees Liability act (FELA).

There are two critical addenda to the FELA, which are known as the Boiler Inspection Act & the Safety Appliance Act.

The Boiler Inspection Act covers ladders, handholds, brakes, safety appliances, lighting and the cleanliness of the locomotive engine. The Safety Appliance Act covers sill steps, ladders, handholds, brakes, and other safety appliance and coupling mechanisms, and all other safety appliances on railroad cars.  If there is a violation of either one of these acts a judge in a courtroom would instruct the jury to consider the railroad 100% negligent and the only decision for the jury is how much monetary damage to award.  The only defense the railroad has is to prove the plaintiff is faking or is involved in a fraudulent claim if one of these acts applies.



A 34 year old lady started out with the railroad as a clerk. She later requested to be trained as a locomotive engineer, which she did, and then started to work.

She had quite a history of affairs and marriages.  She had married two different railroad employees and divorced them shortly afterward, taking large parts of their assets in the settlements.  The word had gotten around the railroad about this and she was not well liked.  She had also had two other marriages outside the railroad as well as being rumored to have been in numerous affairs.  Because of the word of her actions in the railroad employee's divorces she was unable to find any witnesses to support her injury claim. 

She reported to work at Talylor Yard in downtown Los Angeles, at 2:00 A.M. for a shift as an engineer on a local switching crew.  At 6:00 A.M. when the crew went on their lunch break, she called the trainmaster and reported she had injured her knee.  She alleged that she had slipped on water and debris on the floor of the locomotive thereby twisting her knee.  The trainmaster immediately went to the engine to make an inspection and he found no water or debris on the floor and it was perfectly clean and dry.  There was drinking water in a bottle supplied by the company, but was it not leaking.  A report of injury was filed and she later retained an attorney and brought a lawsuit against the company.  She had undergone three meniscus operations to her knee.

The case came up for trial in federal court in front of a judge who was very much formal and by the book.  The plaintiff testified there were old newspapers and water on the floor of the locomotive when she reported for duty, and as she was walking to the locomotive seat she stepped in this mess and twisted her knee.  She then testified that because she liked to be a good housekeeper she cleaned up all the water and debris and that is why the floor was clean before the trainmaster arrived to inspect it. There were no witnesses to the incident.

We brought the engineer to court that had worked on the locomotive just prior to her shift.  He testified that he had left the engine approximately 15 minutes before her arrival and the floor was perfectly clean with no water or debris. We also brought in one of her ex-husbands on the railroad who testified about her activity and  actions before their divorce.

I had learned in the investigation of this case that the yard superintendent had seen her after her surgeries walking with her leg in a cast.  He said that he thought she was a good employee as a clerk and he walked over and asked her to come back to work as a clerk, and he would have a good job for her at a desk where she would not have to put any pressure on her knee. This superintendent had a reputation for being quite a womanizer.  She refused the job as a clerk, and we brought him into court to testify about this job offer.

When the defense attorney called him into the courtroom she frantically started whispering into her attorney's ear.  The attorney then asked to approach the bench and talk to the judge out of the presence of the jury.  He went to the side bar of the judge's desk along with the defense attorney.  During this discussion the judge's mouth dropped open, as did the mouth of the defense attorney and the judge made a ruling.  The defense attorney then walked back to his seat at the counsel table and as he walked by me he whispered out that she was claiming that the superintendent had been having an affair with her.  This of course bought chuckles from the two railroad witnesses who were waiting to testify.

The superintendent then testified only about the offer of the job as a clerk had made for her.  It was obvious that the judge had ruled that he could not ask any questions about an affair, ass it would have been irrelevant to the case.  This was a proper ruling and did not affect our defense since we had no intention of asking these types of questions anyway.

After his testimony the judge called a recess and we all went out into the hall. The superintendent came up to me and asked what was the conversation at the judge's side bar about.  I told him about the affair and he became upset and said schwas a lying bitch and he was going in to have a talk with her.  I grabbed him by the arm and told him that his testimony was over and I did not want to have our case fouled up and asked him to leave the courthouse, which he did.  This lady received her just reward when the jury returned with a defense verdict. 



A railroad police supervisor decided to carry his pistol in a holster that fit under his armpit, with the muzzle pointed at the armpit.  One day he walked over to the desk sergeant in the lobby of the railroad office building and bent over to place some papers on the desk.  The pistol discharged and the bullet entered his armpit.  The sergeant called me in a very excited voice and I went down to the lobby.  As I arrived the ambulance was just leaving with the injured supervisor.

This supervisor was so embarrassed over the incident that he wanted to make no claim and wanted to keep the incident as quite as possible.  Even thought I handled the matter per his request, the word got out among all the railroad police officers and he became another legend.    Stormin Norman Udewitz  

Editor's note:  Folks, "you just can't make this stuff up"!  Come back next week for some of the most humorous injury cases in recent experience as well as devastating injuries to employees of the railroad and other involved persons. Many of these cases were brought before state and federal judges involving claimants who were represented by attorneys, and the reader will get a view of what can occur during the litigation process, especially involving large dollar cases as well as unique defense verdicts. You will be amazed and entertained by the actual process involved in the resolution of these matters.  Next Week, one case from the section called Cases and Incidents, "Bull" and one case from the section called Railroad Legends known as the Legend of "The Weenie Waver".  little guy 02-01-014


In articles past I wrote "Just a little reminder that as American's we all begin to share the good traditions of one an other.   This was referring to the fact that Eve was born on a Friday evening, and that Jew's celebrate the bringing of the female spirit into this reality of ours each and every Friday evening.

To celebrate such positive tradition this week and for fun lets review one of Lee Brace's latest poems, That Friday Feeling and one by Lisa Edmonds called appropriately, Friday.


My friend says she's got "that Friday Feeling" but what does that actually mean?
No work for two days? A 'hello' to next week? A 'goodbye' to the week that's just been?

Could it mean "Let's work hard till the end of the day?" Could it mean that the weekend is dawning?
Does it mean finish work early and head for the pub? Does it mean you'll feel rough in the morning?

What happens when Friday is over? Is 'that Friday Feeling' then dead?
Is there a 'Saturday Sense' or a 'Sunday Sensation'?  Does a 'Monday Mood' happen instead?

Is this 'feeling' contagious? Like a cold or the flu? And should I go see my GP?
"I'm afraid Mr. Brace, you've that feeling again!"  "It's the same every week!?"  "So I see!"

So why have this 'feeling' called 'Friday'?  I can't really see the appeal.
If anything it's just inconsiderate... after all, how does 'Friday' feel? - Lee Brace


Finally we sigh Friday is here,
Rags to riches it's all the same,
Into the weekend we all give a cheer.

Don't squander or waste the time that awaits,
Always embrace each moment you have,
You deserve a break it's not a debate. - Lisa Edmonds

Have a great weekend folks. little guy 01/30/2014


''There are rumors that there is a John Edwards sex tape.  People say it's twenty minutes of Edwards caressing and stroking...And that's just the part where he fixes his hair.'' — Craig Ferguson 

''Liz Cheney said on Fox News that her father, former Vice President Dick Cheney, should run for president ....  In fact, that's apparently in the Mayan calendar too, you know.  Cheney becomes president, and then the whole world ends. That's exactly what happens.'' — Jay Leno

''President Obama says he will not support a healthcare plan where the government gets to decide whether to, quote, 'pull the plug on Grandma.'  Apparently, Obama's plan calls for the much quicker pillow option.'' — Conan O'Brien

Have a great week folks. little guy 01/27/2014

FINALLY A FEW IN THE PRESS GET IT AND NO ONE EVER SAID IT WAS PRETTY "Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth." Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin

Recently, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said in a radio interview that if “extreme conservatives” are “right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay,” then “they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are.”  FINALLY the best in the conservative media got it.   This Democrat party is do it my way or take the highway; Intolerant of anything but Progressive Socialist Dogma.

How in the world can folks share my reality and yet never realize that the last six years have been all about turning conservative ideals into a hated religion or color.  It is anti civil rights against conservatives.  To be a conservative has been illustrated with the same feelings of an evil Ku Klux Klan person attacking someone for simply being born black, or akin to the anti-Catholic actions which are growing in our government.  Many believe the progressives won't be content until we have a civil war over Freedom vs. Progressive Dogma.

It is fascinating that Republicans are so far behind the curve as a group; they still don't understand the stakes, or what it would take to save our nation from the Socialism/Communism/Fascism, any of the "ism's".  It seems like the left declared war on the right long ago, and the folks elected to represent the right at best amount to a milquetoast effort in simply espousing traditional American values vs. tools of sex such as condoms or birth control pills.  A lady may demonstrate abstinence until appropriate times which shouldn't be anybody's business. 

The American people must be the ones to give their opinions.  And until such opinions demonstrate rational thinking in these times of the Progressive irrational pie in the sky imaginary world "device" sold to many citizens, like other pawns of history, they line up for the "ism" cause which in reality creates the opportunity for a rapid domino effect toward economic ruin and calamity allowing the Government to take over akin to the old Iron Curtin.

What today's liberals bring to the table is very much in the way of what the Red Coat British had to offer which caused the revolutionary war.  And the Blue Coats or Americans such as George Washington are very much in the way of today's conservatives.  You see these Liberals love a dream of theirs for America to become a very socialist nation run by a strong government but absent the kind of national defense we grew up with, the great health care we grew up with, the true freedom we grew up with knowing what we think or say privately remains private.  Absent basic unconscious freedoms, the human mind becomes moldable to horrors such as Jim Jones of Jonestown, David Koresh, Charles Manson & the Family, Youngsang ("Everlasting Life") Church, Jeffery Lundgren, The West Memphis Three and too many more manipulators of the masses. 

Look folks when they eliminated Dodge Ball, when they made winning bad but forcing all to be milquetoast alleged to be good, allowing a mixed up boy child to go into the girls bathrooms, allowing for intolerance to religion, intolerance to military funerals once in the homeland by the dead veterans parents, when it became acceptable to allow ones choice for the Presidency and once president to openly lie and deceive even if its for some imaginary greater good, when it was deemed acceptable for the majority power to use instruments of the government as weapons used on the minority, and when it became acceptable to send our ambassadors into harms way with zero in the way of protection and then find it acceptable to fail in even mounting an against all odds rescue attempt which this nation was known to do and almost always pulled it off, and when it was deemed acceptable to rob folks of any accumulated wealth to give to the sink hole of unpredictability, and when it was deemed acceptable to funnel huge funds from the treasury to Solyndra like companies with zero in the way of hope for success with such bad business planning, and it was deemed acceptable to Run Guns into other nations literally arming and creating an army within the Mexican Mafias for silly small time gains, or it became acceptable for our Border Guards to die needlessly, or it became acceptable to lie to Parents of heroes lost in Benghazi about the true cause of the heroes death, or it became acceptable to go on the global stage and actually go on tour lying to the world about the cause of Bengasi and then prosecuting a lowly movie producer who produced at that point for all intent and purposes an unknown and unseen crap video, which is evidence of killing FREEDOM, then everyone should have gotten the message that it was time to rally around traditional American values and end the 17 Trillion dollar folly and move on to the productive avenues for a great life by the people, of the people and for the people.

But there is a new hope in the land.  Today, while pondering the world and starting antibiotics for a cheek/upper jaw neuropathy of all things (Severe pain wow-Dental after a bout of pneumonia), which came out of the blue, I heard Star Parker on Hannity cut to the chase on the very issues this editor is advising folks about, and absent seeing what she looks like, for that moment in time, I loved her.  Not sex, not any thing titillating, simply a recognition that for once a pundit addressed the issues succinctly and most accurately, and that sharing of our common reality (Our, my future wife, myself and Star) brought the realization of hope alive and that perhaps top thinkers in the land are joining the movement I have noticed from my millennial patients in regards to demanding rational and responsible actions on the part of elected officials including fiscal responsibility which is fiscal conservatism.  Fox News this editor must opine should find more folks like Star.  Heck this editor was going to suggest we need a new network which is openly conservative because often times, even though Hannity is developing into today's orator's orator, he and others nightly have two progressives and the shows star, and its too much to handle.  At this point I have to turn off most shows when the progressive speaks.  Not out of anger but BS is BS and adding to the open steering of our great nation, AWAY FROM THE PRECEPTS SET FORTH IN THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, OUR CONSTITUTION AND OUR AMENDMENTS, FROM THE TRADITIONAL VALUES WHICH ARE KNOWN AROUND THE WORLD AS AMERICAN with BS added like frosting on a cake, is too disturbing to listen to.

Folks just last week a internet business registration company based in China contacted me to ask if so and so was representing your editor as I made up the "word" InfoJustice and Trademarked it.  This company was trying to register my  Then the individual contacted me personally telling me he is going to do it with other .so and so's I used to pay for prior to my making Trademark.  In fact two other websites which I used to own prior to trade mark have been stolen, buy my attorney advised to wait until they have plenty of money before suing.   Now here is a third entity.  Let me just say that we the people have been abandoned by our government in lieu of the ILLUSION OF PROTECTION.  Why if Tomas Jefferson was around or any of the presidents' president (Yes a presidents' president) our government would be soooo known as going to bat for the little guy thus no one would dare fiddle.  Realizing the situation, I even mentioned to the individual to make me an offer as the disappointment with my protections on this front have opened my mind to a sale.  But I think they want to prove they can steal this web site.  Even if I am wrong and a quality offer is made, it is the failure of our nation's stature in the world, which has emboldened foreign competition and cause the creative little guy or gall to sell out. 

Well if you think it was wrong to give the Obamacare website job over to the unqualified, if you agree that the left is INTOLERANT of the right rather then simply opining they have a different view (But what they are doing is a personality pathology seen in the NAZI's, Stalin and others which is bad...), if you agree our government is shrinking our military putting us in harms way, if you agree our government has and continues to spend far to much money which is putting us in harms way, if you agree the healthcare system is a form of forced bondage insurance rather then an option which competes with the FREE markets, and if you agree our nation has become the most divisive in our history since the Civil War or Revolutionary War, then we have a lot of work cut out for us.  Not to change the world or our nation.  No.  But to bring back common sense indicative and deductive reasoning which was the backbone of this nation, prior to Barack Obama and the Progressives coming to power, which of course would bring happiness back to the people at a conscience and unconscious levels.  Let me explain. 

At least twice a week I witness folks living the life Obama and the progressives espouse.  For example one young man who looked a bit like Barack, with a wonderful personality and speaking ability walked into my office, laid three cards down on the table as if to say, big money is coming to your practice, and advised he wanted to have an exam and treatment.  When I looked at the three cards (Remember he came in alone but presented cards for THREE) they were Medi-Cal and I had to advice him that my employers don't accept Medi-Cal.  He  then went on to explain how disappointed he was coming to my city.  I asked him where he was from and he advised Texas.  He went on to advise that he saw a bill board saying come to my town to live on California welfare and section 8 housing.  I was stunned.  We have 17% unemployment in this area.  But it all is true (Other patients advised that a so called slum lord had put up similar billboards around California to bring those that won't work in lieu of welfare into our city and you can see these folks wondering about during the day as things are spread out in the Desert.  We wondered if it was the same person or other's of a similar mold).  When the recession hit the high Desert beginning with all the military cuts (1/4 of my patients come from the nearby military base, or the companies which are launching folks into space as a business - aerospace and the military) continuing to this week when it was made known that many folks are being forced into early retirement from the military because of a new mandatory pay cut paying less then required to live.    In any event the young man then said, "Why don't we go in business together.  I have a lot of great ideas".  I said "like what" and he said "landscaping for example".  I though in the high desert where it would cost a fortune to water and maintain quality landscape during the largest recession since the great depression!  Well he eventually left but what does this prove?  Putting someone on welfare allowing them to live absent a job, causes the person to degenerate into depression which in time combined with learned laziness, creates a setting for overeating, weight gain, high blood pressure and heart disease, thus frankly a shortened unproductive life.  Every week some poor soul wonders in with the same signs of depression and disillusionment with life or the value of life.

I don't get Barack.  Folks ought to be able to disagree with each other and walk away friends.  And folks ought to be able to forgive each other in most circumstances.  Folks ought to be able to make our world better through the American values our own parents taught us, rather then values made up on the fly based on communist/socialist/fascist models of the past. 

Let us hope that more folks will speak like Star Parker spoke this evening on Hannity.  For if enough folks at least get the message of truth out to compete with the progressive agenda, little folks like me, could then again focus solely on issues which are heart warming, and positive.

Lets hope the Republicans go out and find some folks to run who have some spine.  And let us hope the Independents can form an amalgam which can fiancé a quality candidate, and perhaps it is time to let all of the Congress go, and create term limits like the Presidency which would stop the horrible elitist pay they receive which in and of itself rips off the peoples money.  Let me know what you think and may the lord continue to bless America. little guy 1/23/14


Something about this doesn't seem quite we note this picture is worth $678 million:

Michelle Obama's Princeton classmate is a top executive at the company that earned
the no-bid contract to build the disastrous Obamacare website.

Toni Townes-Whitley, Princeton class of '85, is senior vice president at Canadian company CGI Federal, which earned the no-bid contract to build the so far costing $678 million Obamacare enrollment website at
Townes-Whitley and his Princeton classmate Michelle Obama are both members of the Association of Black Princeton Alumni. Toni Townes, Pricenton '85, is a onetime policy analyst with the General Accounting Office and previously served in the Peace Corps in Gabon, West Africa.

George Schindler, the president of the CGI Federal's Canadian parent CGI Group, became an
Obama 2012 campaign donor after his company gained the Obamacare website contract.

Let's see if we can connect the dots here ...

1.) No American companies considered for building Obamacare's website;
2.) CGI Federal was chosen by God knows which criteria and hired;
3.) CGI Federal was given a NO BID contract worth $93 million;
4.) A top executive at CGI Federal was a Princeton classmate of Michelle Obama;
5.) Previous company's experience was building a gun registry for the Canadian government;
6.) CGI Group was fired by Canadian Government for overruns that cost Canada $100 million;
4.) CGI has continued its practice of overruns as the Obamacare enrollment website has gone
from $98 million to costing U.S. tax payers $678 million, and it's still going up.

Does this bother anybody else besides me?

Dear Stormin Norman,

Momentum for truth is building.  Emile Zola pegged today's Progressive Socialist Democrats well when he advised, "If you shut up truth and bury it under the ground, it will but grow, and gather to itself such explosive power that the day it bursts through it will blow up everything in its way. ".  All the lies from the most famous Democrat politicians in the world today all are experiencing their lies, one by one blowing up in their faces.  Can you imagine what this world would be like if folks that made sense and demonstrated indicative and deductive reasoning and never lie like simple conservative values teach were in the majority?  Heads would roll, jails would fill with politicians, and there would be a feeling of real accomplishment in our nation. 

Yes I do think this bothers more and more folks exponentially-linked to the continual passage of time.  It is like a huge slow ripple slowly moving outward, impacting other ripples and sending an exponential count of such ripples to cover over the unpatriotic rhetoric of the progressive democrats.  Heck they are patriotic to an America which doesn't exist, and is a dream they are trying to create while causing a nightmare to all other Americans and most all Americans that had ever existed!

Hypocrisy is the progressive democrat game.  The problem is will the majority of our citizenry get the truth, and have the motivation and enthusiasm to rally around the flag and rebuild our great US OF A, The American Way? little guy 1/20/14


Editor's note: Cynthia Lee Myers wanted to share the truth of what happened over in Libya to our Ambassador Stevens and the other 3 who died on 9/11-12/13.

Can you reprint this again.  CBS, ABC and NBC are beginning to look at this horrific failure of our Government as a result of a new millenniums push for truth over popularity with a sound regard for conservative fiscal policy when it comes to our nations finances.


"Here is my story.

A week out the Embassy in Tripoli began receiving multiple tips about an Al Queda cell in the area planning an attack on 9/11 in response to the killing of Bin Laden. For the next several days, the State Dept and White House were asked for a security force and were denied at least six times. Ambassador Stevens and his team were given the all clear that The Consulate in Benghazi was safe and there was no need for a security force other than his 3 personal guards (One being my cousin) and a few Libyans who were not armed.

Then the attack and murders occurred. Immediately the WH claimed it was a protest gone bad over a you tube video. Obama made a quick speech in the Rose Garden on Sept.12 before catching a plane to Vegas to campaign. He made a generic statement at the end of his speech after placing the blame on an overheated protest over the video. He said "No act of terror will shake the resolve of America.

Later that day and over the next 2 days, the media began saying Ambassador Stevens and the other 3 men died of smoke inhalation. This was not the case. Out of respect for my cousin, I'm not going to be specific about his murder.

However Ambassador Stevens was brutally murdered. His genitals were cut off, he was sodomized and beaten and cut and stabbed and burned. He was dragged thru the streets and left for dead. This is eyewitness testimony of a local Dr. who found the Ambassador in a ditch and tried to save his life. He had no idea who he was. The other 3 men, including my cousin, met similar fates.

And deaths due to smoke inhalation is a 100% fabricated LIE. The next week I drove my aunt and Uncle and 2 others to DC to receive his body. We met with Hillary, Panetta, and Susan Rice. ALL of whom apologized and said it was a protest gone bad over a video and exited the area. Next Obama entered with the same story and didn't apologize and wasn't sympathetic.

My aunt cried to this man and all he did was hand her flowers and walk away. I tried to get his attention, but didn't. I got upset and yelled liar to him, he kept walking. Then a secret service agent grabbed my arm and led me to a room where I was held till the proceedings were over.

America, I saw firsthand how cold this man is. What kind of liar he is. Most of you haven't a clue about this tyrant and yet you support him and act like every word he says is Gospel. These murders and the fast and furious cover ups make Watergate look like, a kid who told his bff's secret to the class. We must stop this man..."


Betsy Ross was born January 1, 1752, to Quaker immigrants who had moved to New Jersey one year before founding father William Penn founded Philadelphia in 1661. Betsy's great (Andrew Griscom) grandfather then went to join Penn's "holy" experiment and moved to Philadelphia. Her father purchased 495 acres of land in the Spring Garden section north of the city of Philadelphia (the section would later be incorporated as part of the city), and received a plot of land within the city proper. And it is interesting to note that both Andrew's son and grandson both have their names inscribed on a wall at Carpenters' Hall in Philadelphia, home of the oldest trade organization in the country. A hall they both built as early carpenters.  Then Griscom's grandson Samuel helped build the bell tower at Independence Hall, the Pennsylvania State House.

Griscom's grandson Samuel married Rebecca James and their eighth child, a now fourth generation American was named Elizabeth (Betsy) Griscom. Betsy became a famous seamstress and furniture upholster and later fell in love with another apprentice upholsterer, John Ross, who was the son of an Episcopal assistant precher at Christ Church.

Less than two years after Betsy and John married, the couple started their own upholstery business. On Sundays one could always find Betsy at Christ Church sitting in pew 12 with her husband. Some Sundays would find George Washington, America's new commander in chief, sitting in an adjacent pew!

War soon came to Philadelphia but founding father to be in January of 1776, and while living in Philadelphia published a pamphlet that would have a profound impact on George Washington and the young Colonials. Tom Paine wrote "These are the times that try men's souls" in his work Common Sense which would inspire rebellious hearts of the young patriotic Americans and sell 120,000 copies in three months; 500,000 copies before war's end. Business became slow and John Ross joined the Pennsylvania militia. While guarding an ammunition cache in mid-January 1776, John Ross was mortally wounded in an explosion. Though his young wife tried to nurse him back to health he died on the 21st and was buried in Christ Church cemetery.

Our young nation had Tom Paine's work which became our bible but lacked a symbol for all to rally around. Thus in late May or early June of 1776, Betsy had that fateful meeting with the Committee of Three: George Washington, George Ross, and Robert Morris, which led to her sewing of the first American flag; Old Glory. The great stars and strips Ross design flag went on to inspire American's to this very day, mostly bringing tears to an eye of true patriots.

Betsy Ross, tailor to President George Washington and designer and creator of the first American stars and stripes, died at the age of 84 on January 30, 1836 and was buried in three different locations with her final resting place on Arch Street in the courtyard adjacent to the Betsy Ross House

Thank God for the early "patriots and heroes of human creativity, science and health care", and all those that in some way progressed science, the learning of others, improved our health, welfare and our entire way of life. One of our great  "patriots of America, and the American spirit"; Betsy Ross.   little guy 01/15/2014


Hello Dr Neff,

We are delighted to note that whilst going about your business over the past year, you have completed another circuit of 942,000,000 kilometres around the sun.  Happy birthday from the JREF Forum!

If you haven't visited us recently why not drop by and see if there is anything that catches your attention? We can be found at the usual place,

Dear Randi et al.,

Thank you thank you thank you.


Women might be able to fake orgasms.  But men can fake a whole relationship.

''My therapist says I have a preoccupation with vengeance.  We'll see about that.''

A woman has twins, and gives them up for adoption. One of them goes to a family in Egypt and is named 'Amal.' The other goes to a family in Spain, they name him Juan'. Years later; Juan sends a picture of himself to his mum. Upon receiving the picture, she tells her husband that she wished she also had a picture of Amal. Her husband responds, ''But they are twins. If you've seen Juan, you've seen Amal.''          

Have a great week folks.  little guy 01/13/14


Editors note:  Thank you California for giving me the opportunity and tools to continue my 33 years of service to those who suffer from human biomechanical trauma with and without disease, or those seeking a healthier life style.  Together, we continue to make this world a healthier place in which to live. 



Certain laws cover most employees today who are injured while in the course of their employment.  Injured railroad employees are covered and protect by a Federal Law, entitle the Federal Employees Liability Act, also known as FELA.  The Jones Act is the only other federal law and it covers maritime workers.  Most other workers are covered for injuries, which they incur during the course of their normal and customary work duties, by State Compensation laws, especially in California.  This is a "no-fault" system covering injuries, which arose out of employment or during the course of employment (AOE/COE).

Furthermore, under the auspices of FELA, there is no formula to calculate monetary compensation or to define for a jury what the limit is in terms of the value that may be award for injuries.  Because of these pitfalls, many injured workers have found that they can wreak a goldmine from the courts for work-related injuries.  This is not to say that there are not many injuries which indeed deserve heavy compensation relative to the losses which have been incurred by workers, but it is to say that many workers have found it all too easy to exploit the system and bring home the gold, even thought they are still clearly able to work and the injuries that they have incurred are minimal.

The next section focuses on injury cases involving the railroad.  Approximately 90% of the cases handled by the railroad actually involve railroad workers themselves.  Other cases involve civilian bystanders who are incidental to the injury-causing accidents.


The following cases do not all involve railroad workers but many do.  Of the current railroad inventory of cases some 90 to 95% involve injures to their own employees with a portion relative to civilians.  These employee cases reflect judgments and settlements involving the Federal Employees Liability act (FELA).

There are two critical addenda to the FELA, which are known as the Boiler Inspection Act & the Safety Appliance Act.

The Boiler Inspection Act covers ladders, handholds, brakes, safety appliances, lighting and the cleanliness of the locomotive engine. The Safety Appliance Act covers sill steps, ladders, handholds, brakes, and other safety appliance and coupling mechanisms, and all other safety appliances on railroad cars.  If there is a violation of either one of these acts a judge in a courtroom would instruct the jury to consider the railroad 100% negligent and the only decision for the jury is how much monetary damage to award.  The only defense the railroad has is to prove the plaintiff is faking or is involved in a fraudulent claim if one of these acts applies.



This case involves a 38 year old carman, who alleged carpal tunnel syndrome from nerve injury in both wrists, which were caused from repetitive movement of his wrists while repairing railroad cars.  Computer operators who type on keyboards claim this same type of injury.  He had wrist surgery and claimed he could no longer work as a carman.  We placed surveillance on him and obtained two days of film of him installing a sprinkler system in his yard and doing a great deal of repetitive wrist twisting with wrenches.

The client was obsessed with the macho image and after viewing the film, berated his own attorney for allowing the railroad to obtain these pictures.  The attorney who was a sharp individual asked him who the young lady was that accompanied him to the shopping mall in the latter part of the film.

He finally stammered the answer that this was his daughter, which was not true, since she was not young enough to be his daughter.  The attorney then asked him if he would want his wife to view the film before he made the decision to settle, as the railroad had offered very little money and not about to offer more.

He immediately blurted out that would not be necessary and accepted the offer.


Around the railroad there are many legendary characters and their wide spread reputations grow with each telling of the story.  Following are a few of the legends that I remember.


Don was an engineering supervisor at the Long Beach Harbor and had access to gondola car loads of scrap metal.  The railroad started losing not only some of the loads of scrap metal, but the railcars themselves were disappearing, and it was later found out that Don was getting them onto ships going to Japan, where the scrap metal and the cars were melted down and resold.  He did not turn any of this money over to the railroad.

Don's career came to an end when it was learned that he ordered a large amount of mainline rail.  This aroused the curiosity of the railroad police since there was no mainline yard and industry tracks, which are a lighter steel rail.  Of course this ended Scrapiron Don's career and international activities, but his legend lives on.


   Stormin Norman Udewitz  

Editor's note:  Folks, "you just can't make this stuff up"!  Come back next week for some of the most humorous injury cases in recent experience as well as devastating injuries to employees of the railroad and other involved persons. Many of these cases were brought before state and federal judges involving claimants who were represented by attorneys, and the reader will get a view of what can occur during the litigation process, especially involving large dollar cases as well as unique defense verdicts. You will be amazed and entertained by the actual process involved in the resolution of these matters.  Next Week, one case from the section called Cases and Incidents, "The Black Widow" and one case from the section called Railroad Legends known as the Legend of "The Armpit Holster".  little guy 01/08/2014


Well, this editor in the past had reported on the fact that most all folks I have met the last four months can't for the life of them understand Obama or any crazy progressive for that matter.  But to give equal voice to the statistics, today this examiner had two patients who seem to truly care for me because of my help in rehabilitating their RSD concomitant with herniated discs (I work very hard for my patients), advise they support the socialist Obama progressive agenda and feel it is fair game to not discuss the issues but simply make the false claim that if you disagree with anything Barack Obama does then its an anti-Black issue.  They even agreed how wrongheaded their argument was but advised, that is the way the game is played today and will be played for as long as the progressives hold the majority.  Humbly this examiner submitted then true justice has been lost by our nation.

In any event to make the statistics correct, two patients in the last four months have come forward to opine their support for Barack Obama. little guy 1/8/13



Cash for Clunkers and our elected officials just keep ripping off the American people unfairly. 

The person who calculated this bit of information is now, and has been a professor at the University of West Virginia in Morgantown for the last forty some years.  He says that A clunker that travels 12,000 miles a year at 15 mpg uses 800 gallons of gas a year.  A new vehicle that travels 12,000 miles a year at 25 mpg uses 480 gallons of gas a year.  So, the average Cash for Clunkers transaction reduced gasoline consumption by 320 gallons per year.

The government claims 700,000 clunkers were replaced so that is 224 million gallons saved per year.  That equates to a bit over 5 million barrels of oil. 5 million barrels is about 5 hours worth of US consumption. More importantly, 5 million barrels of oil at $90 per barrel costs about $450 million dollars.  So, the government paid $3 billion of our tax dollars to save $450 million.  They spent $6.67 for every $1.00 they saved.  We've been assured, though, that they will do a much better job with our health care.  OF COURSE THEY WONT!

Think about the following:

Salary of retired US Presidents .............$180,000 FOR LIFE

Salary of House/Senate ......................$174,000 FOR LIFE - This is stupid.

Salary of Speaker of the House .............$223,500 FOR LIFE!  This is really stupid

Salary of Majority/Minority Leaders ....... $193,400 FOR LIFE! Ditto last line.

Average Salary of a teacher .............. $40,065

Average Salary of Soldier DEPLOYED IN AFGHANISTAN....... $38,000

Think about this.  Nancy Pelosi will retire as a Congress Person at $174,000 Dollars a year for LIFE.  She has retired as SPEAKER at $223,500 a year.
PLUS she will receive an additional $193,400 a year as Minority Leader.
That’s $803,700 Dollars a year for LIFE including FREE medical which is not available to US...the taxpayers?  She is just one of the hundreds of Senators and Congresspersons that float in and out every year! 

I think we found where the cuts should be made!

Dear Schiller VIP,

Of course you are correct that the American people are ripped off yearly by our elected officials as well as for all their years of retirement.  Clearly if they get such funding for retirement it must be made law that all folks who retire receive the same types of benefits.  You have pointed out just another hippocras created by our alleged leaders who play internet poker when they should be legislating, or simply bloviate while leaving us in debt to the tune of 17 trillion dollars. 

Your expose' on cash for clunkers also proved our elected officials pulled the wool over the American peoples eyes again!  Thank you for your submission and please continue to contribute to the InfoJustice Journal.  little guy 10/8/2013


Well folks, rather then creating an interesting question and answer session as I have in the other Corners in Healthcare review, please find my Indications for Surgery and Fluid Management in the OR.  Since interesting and novel questions have been submitted to this complementary care practitioner of late, I will in time include other of my works for my Clinical Clerkships in Medicine. Please hit stop to study each of the slides if this stuff is fun for you. When I assisted during the surgeries for my Core General Surgery (Honors in General Surgery) Rotation or my Elective in Vascular Surgery Clinical Clerkships in medicine Rotation, I loved to write up the after Surgery report for my Attending and make the patients fluid calculations.  If you don't know how, you will after studying the fluid calculations in my Indications for Surgery & Subsequent Fluid Management in the OR MSIV Lecture.  Please hit stop to study each slide if this is enjoyable for you.  Have Fun.  Please hit this link now.   little guy 9/5/13

DOLPHIN ASSISTED CHILDBIRTH RAISING EYEBROWS AS THE DOLPHINS DON'T DELIVER THE BABY Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead.  The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."  Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas." 

Well folks, of course Dolphin assisted childbirth would be the next anticipated Barack Obama era medical procedure.  Don't believe it?  Press play now. In fact one couple from Charlotte, Heather Hana age 27 and Adam Hana age 29, have signed the dotted line for this dolphin-assisted form of childbirth with the Sirius Institute in Hawaii.  Adam Hana advised in the following video that "We want to really be pioneers of sorts to really kind of open more people up to this, like it's already meant to be.  Star Newland for the Sirius Institute stated as you will hear, "Dolphins are very much about living in harmony and we feel we can learn a lot from them and pass it on to people".  Have fun and please hit play now.

My hope is the people don't bug the Dolphins and the newborn doesn't get an infection!

Well folks if that's not hot info on Medicine under the Barack Obama era nothing else is.  This editor can't wait for the next great revelation.  And folks, "you just can't make this stuff up". little guy 5/31/13


This editor is sorry that readers have had to be chomping at the bite for this article but it was originally written for some in a political position to bring this to the people of America and the floors of congress, and this editor wanted to wait to see if any implementation was forthcoming.  I would congratulate our President for praising the Wind Power utility in Pennsylvania and so forth, however we need energy independence within the next 5 years rather then waiting until some time so far in the future, that no one could predict if such a far off program would ever be implemented.  We need our elected officials to act now since we have the means and now the road map to energy independence detailed so that anyone could understand what we are doing, why we are doing it, and what the outcome would be even before we begin.  So, without further ado, below hit this link to find the Road Map for Energy Independence in 5 years now!


Well folks, you will love this stuff, and it proves that old talent can be as great as young talent if given a chance, without further Ado, please hits this first link to launch and then enjoy this second link I know you will love them and the experience.


A Polish immigrant went to the DMV to apply for a driver's license. First, of course, he had to take an eye sight test The optician showed him a card with the letters.

'C Z W I X N O S T A C Z.' 'Can you read this?' the optician asked. "Read it?" The Polish guy replied, "I know the guy."                                                            

THE PHYSICS OF FOLLISHNESS OF ANOTHER INCONVENIENT TRUTH - A MUST READ ARTICLE FOR FOLKS AROUND THE GLOBE Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead.  The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."  Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas"  Benjamin Franklin

Lets say that those paid by the Incandescent light bulb industry get (Huge Lobby) their way and the new energy efficient light bulb is placed in every high rise, every home, simply everywhere in the nation.  Well, let's think about this, it will save funds earmarked for energy.  Yet did anyone have an forethought?  Clearly this has been the problem over the last 10 years.  First we had Bush who claimed to be conservative but this editor did not think he governed as one save his military strategy.  Now we have Bush Heavy (as apposed to Bush light), which advocates many of the things President Bush did.

Suddenly a 9.0 earthquake hits off the coast of the western  sea board.  From Washington to Northern California things looked just like Japan.  Suddenly millions and millions of bulbs break in homes that remained, in buildings that remained, and of course where all the damage was.  And then a Tsunami... To read the rest of this acclaimed article please hit this link with consumer tips that could save your life. little guy


Folks to get us refocused and away from our crazy Democratic party past and of course today's similar Michel Moore, Atheist hater of the Quran HBO's Bill Maher, Sean Pen and all of the rest who would let any women and children and the aged of any color, creed, race or religion be mutilated and terrorized prior to their deaths; yes Arabs, Muslims, Christians, Germans, Swiss, Libyans what ever, let the good folks of our great Republic appreciate the American Armed forces once again. Lets examine some of the really tough places in our world to land a plane.  First of all look at the airstrip off the coast off of Malaysia called Tioman Island.  Wow!

To see the incredible Tioman Island airstrip and the rest of these amazing photographs with the mesmerizing finish hit this link now!now! 


What in the World Happened to honest Immigration?

Back in 1900 when there was a rush from all areas of Europe to come to the United States, people had to get off a ship and stand in a long line in New York and be documented.  Some would even get down on their hands and knees and kiss the ground. They made a pledge to uphold the laws and support their new country in good and bad times. They made learning English a primary rule in their new American households and some even changed their names to blend in with their new home.  To read the rest of this fascinating article with its fantastic pictures please hit this link now!


Folks it's hard to keep a straight face when famed comedian Marty Fidelman is speaking.  Your editor had spoken with Mr. Fidelman and we began this series for the Journal:  Some humor by Marty on 101 WAYS TO TELL YOUR MARRIAGE IS OVER!

She is so determined not to have children with you, she ties her own tubes.  

Her favorite belt is her chastity belt. 

She refers to you as "The defendant".

Editor's note:  Please come back next Wednesday for 101 WAYS TO TELL YOUR MARRIAGE IS OVER by Marty. little guy 3-07-2012


FRIENDS OF THE CONSTITUTION RECAP 2009 UNDER PRESIDENT OBAMA Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead.  The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."  Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas"  Benjamin Franklin

The "Friends of the Constitution" have sent this editor their recap of 2009 under our Popular President Obama.  Thus, without further Ado, please hit this link to find the  expose called "Recap of 2009 under President Obama.

EL BAMA THE 4TH AMIGO Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead.  The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."  Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas"  Benjamin Franklin

With the absence of border protection while asking our soldiers to protect the borders of Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan and more, the nth degree of Hypocrisy has been reached as our Democrat Majority claims that "we don't need no stinking' border laws."  Again a group of my readers asked that this Journal print the following article.  So without further Ado, hit this link to find the "EL BAMA, THE 4TH AMIGO" by the new group "Friends of the Constitution".

THOSE WACKY LIBERALS DON'T WANT TO HAVE FUN Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead.  The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."  Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas"  Benjamin Franklin

The United States Air Force has discovered how to eliminate "Bird Strikes" on their aircrafts.  However the Communist Chinese have already begun a direct copy of the device to fit on their aircrafts.  And you can bet dollars for donuts that the Russians are not far behind.  A further problem is how to come up with the funding to fit all US aircraft with the new device and yes, the Journal has received a special "Beat the Press" viewing of said device.  However be forewarned that this device scares the heck out of most everything.  To view the device hit this link and "good luck".

FROM DEATH COMES TAPS FOR ALL SOLDIERS AND WARRIORS Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead.  The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."  Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas"  Benjamin Franklin

Everyone should know the history of Taps.  It is a song that brings tears to our eyes, and causes us all to ponder on what had been, the glory on earth of the life or lives lost, their time on earth, and what will be the inevitable future for all mankind.  Do you know the words for Taps?  Did you know its riveting history?  Well, without further Ado, please again find the elusive answers to the difficult and often hidden truths unveiled here at the InfoJustice Journal.  I know you will enjoy, ponder, and move on a better person after you review the history and legacy of Taps.  Hit this link now.  

WORLDS LARGEST ENTITIES - TAKE YOUR FAMILY FOR A TOUR OF OUR WORLD WITH THESE SPECTACULAR PICTURES WITH SPECIAL THANKS TO THOSE MEMBERS AND READERS WHO WOULD SHARE Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead.  The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."  Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin

To view these spectacular sights hit this link now!  Enjoy. little guy  

ENJOY ACADEMY PHILANTHROPY THROUGH TROMPE L'OEIL (TRICK-OF-THE-EYE) 3D MURALS BY AMERICAN ARTIST JOHN PUGH Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead.  The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."  Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin

Enjoy fabulous and spectacular 3D Trick of the Eye Murals by hitting this link now!little guy

RECOVER FROM 911 MOURNING WITH THE MOST AMAZING 5 HOLES IN OUR UNIVERSE Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead.  The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."  Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin

These holes are not only amazing, but some are really terrifying! The sheer scale of these holes reminds you of just how tiny we areView the largest and most terrifying holes in our Universe.  Hit the preceding link now and enjoy!

GREAT STORY YOU WILL FIND ONLY HERE AT THE INFOJUSTICE JOURNAL Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead.  The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."  Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin

Read the story of the World War II American Ace with pictures of his shot up B-17 and his true adventure with the German Ace pilot over Germany, and their reunion years later.  Hit this link to read this fantastic story with actual Ariel photographs now.. little guy  

TOTALLY MAGNIFICENT PICTURES JUST IN FROM STORMIN' NORMAN - ACTUAL AWESOME SKY'S & OCEAN  BEFORE KATRINA STRUCK ONLY HERE AT THE INFOJUSTICE JOURNAL Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead.  The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."  Charles Kingsley, Vol., II, Ch 28: "A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Benjamin Franklin  little guy

To see these mangificent pictures hit this link now!

   Read past articles by "little guy" Dr. Scott Neff, BA BS MSOM MPS-BT DC DABCO DE IDE CFE ABDA FFABS FAABT DABFE FABFE FFAAJTS-IAPS-2010 graduate of the University of Health Sciences Antigua School of Medicine, West Indies aka the little guy

Little Guy InfoJustice Back Issues since 1996 by request.

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