One day since Obamacare of
March 21, 2010=
$12,405,962,943,990-US National
Eight days since Obamacare=$12,703,125,187,720,18
45 days since Obamacare=$12,835,321,207,657.37
49 days since Obamacare=$12,941,169,105,227.86
218 days since Obamacare=$13,623,275,060,280.12
663 days since Obamacare=$15,228,709,802,653
and climbing
say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of
romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never
past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience is a continual Christmas." Ben
Some want others money. Some want sex with the same sex.
Some want to weaken our US military. Some want any reference to
the lord out of the American way of life. Some want to destroy
Christians especially Catholics from conducting their lives according to
their conscience. And what has been the result? The situation
President Obama created acted like a vacuum which sucked in a sort of
folks which are DIFFERENT from those that came before.
Just today this editor was able to watch a once
loved Powerful California Senator and a suddenly cowering Republican
(In her presence one must guess) and
they both sounded so sure of themselves. Why their understanding
which by the way others don't share, was the only answer. The conviction
in which they speak is so powerful and in reality when you look at the
record of failure after failure for example above 13% unemployment in
parts of the Golden State, the QUESTION MUST BE ASKED, Does the Golden
State Senator really know something? She is powerful remember?
What? No its gun control? This gal has been in office so
long that with her conviction and absence of any humility or warmth is
seemed, California State Unemployment should be at the worst 6%, jobs
would be plentiful in her state, and the pay for hard hard work, driving
at times between 1 and 2.5 hours just to get to work in the horrible
traffic often due to unrepaired highways and under expanded for the
loads and so much more is proof to any intellectuals that we have fools
no matter how honorable you want to make them seem, as leaders.
Why fools? It doesn't seem plausible that they meant to promise us
hope all these years and then when one takes a look to see what's going
on, shazam, the states in shambles. Fool me once shame on
you. Fool me twice shame on me.
However what was most painful about our POWERFUL
GOLDEN STATE SENATOR WAS that she said they learned things from
No POWERFUL SENATOR we learned from 911-2001, and what your
hiding or simply once again missing the point due to hubris is that
Barack failed, Hillary Failed, Biden failed, everyone failed from
protections a six year old would have asked their parents for and
received for the lords sake, to wrongful reactions, wrongful allocation
of assists prior to the horror and during the horror or even after the
horror as the FBI claimed they could not even secure the crime scene for
months. In any event everyone failed and it is clear, and there
was a cover-up. And sadly, folks like the POWERFUL SENATOR able to
hurt SO MANY little folks in a single bound, and others have left the
lord and are bound for the endless abyss of nothingness along with the
rest unless and it sounds so odd, they repent. Cut spending and
save our budget. You see if any of these Senators was trustworthy,
either we would have had a Senate Budget four years ago or you would
hear cries like we have never heard before from said Senators POINTING
fired or change.
Well, things are so clear to the wise but to the many, our nation is
where we are because of a complete failure and absence of leadership
from both houses, the executive branch and appointments made by said
branch to the Supreme Court. Folks what you see around you is not
your failure. It is the failures of our elected officials.
Barack gave out raises when some folks could not receive gifts from
their families because they were too poor, can't even make rent at
Christmas because there are less work days due to the Holliday's, and
many went without much and under threat of losing their cars or unable
to pay the high registration fees and too much more under this economy
which pays some folks at the rate of the early 1990's when just five
years ago, the pay scales were normal within the Golden State! In
only five years pay for many who care for ill folks and the stress
therein are earning wages from again the early 1990's. No folks,
there is a coldness in the nation and emerging from folks around us.
The point is look around and you will find that BECAUSE SOME GROUP WANTS
THIS OR WANTS THAT, no matter how unethical or immoral, or even
illegal FOLKS LIKE the criminals WHO FUNNEL money FOR gun control to get
the upper hand, or outside of criminal but again unethical or simply
world wide Sodom and Gomorra like behaviors which are becoming Obama
endorsed and institutionalized. They want, and they want and they
want it so it makes it right.
Yes today with the bravado of our leftist leaders
and the weakness of our leaders on the right, combined with letting the
financial criminals off the hook each and every time and cover it up
with a bail out, or if their political colleague fails. Who went
to jail for crashing the world from Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae?
No-one. They were given hundreds of millions in bonus and left
those entities. No the fall guy was Madoff for as horrible as he
was and what he did was, can't you see how they went for the local yokel
and that stole the headlines, but no one of any political ties went to
jail. And Madoff didn't cause anything, he failed to tell the
truth and then after he failed he played a shell game with investors
money. In any event he didn't affect the world. No it was
the largest Banking Institutions many of whom went belly up but they
were tricked by Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.
Then because we were at war, we couldn't afford
the FRAUD, and rather then using known business techniques Bush, a
failed business man in his own right, panicked and listened to old ideas
such as Bail outs (History teaches us that
most all the Kings of Europe at one time or another thrived on Bail outs
and if they couldn't get them then went to war!).
This opened the spending gate and a very tiny but true amount of Bush
folks made out well. But his term had come to an end. Seeing
the open spigot of funds and with a milquetoast cowering Fed willing to
do the progressives biddings, went on to spend money taken from our
future which was all unnecessary. It was one method, and yet here
we are today with more and more tomfoolery with our economic matters,
our social matters, and our international matters. Which
factually, we get an F on for all three. Yet merrily some of our
neighbors go marching on. They all remind me of the Priest from
the original War of the Worlds were the Priest leftist thought, after
all the experience around him failed to understand the true situation,
and the priest ran out to the aliens to prove all their other mass
killings and murders were all a mistake and then he was disintegrated
for his crazy beliefs. You see his belief somehow overcame his
ability to simply understanding the situational psychology in play
around him, and his life was extinguished needlessly.
Look around you. Write this editor and tell
me what you see. If things don't seem right, our elected officials
can't stop spending or hurting gun stores or other businesses by one
poorly thought out foolish REFLEX ACTION TO AN EVENT, rather then having
gone out and made the good fight through debate, and once a consensus
was reached then actions occurred ALL AS A PROPHYLACTIC and thus
prior to any of the horrors which occurred. Note legislate foolish
ones debate and decide the best device and then write legislation.
Our Senate is run ass-backwards and
illegally some constitutional scholars believe because they failed to
have a budget which in and of itself is of the highest order of
unethical representation. All of our national
problems are due to our politicians; they failure to be prepared in an
obvious situation like Benghazi where only fools would have run things
absent proper protections, or their failures to react.
And then they covered it all up-A REAL LIFE COVER-UP! All of our
state problems are due to mishandling by our politicians. This
editor can't for the life OF ME understand how so many folks can become
lost in their lives and only pop up around voting time? When
things look bad around one they should take notice.
Well folks this editor is not advocating either
party and in fact must opine, the brighter folks don't vote for party or
defend party as the liberals HAVE, rather simply try to put the best
person in office. This did not occur with the last election but
rather it became an election between the Democrat machine vs. the
absence of a Republican machine but Romney fighting with truth but in
fact perhaps what made him a great candidate also removed him from
associations with real everyday folks, that somehow, it just wasn't
meant to be. Although if this editor would have been his advisor
or even someone famous like Dr. Krauthammer, he would be president
In review the liberals have promised the world to their constituents
and those promises are in the area of more sex involved insurance
payments for prevention or ending a pregnancy, promises for men to be
able to have sex with men as normal and customary as well as women
having sex with women, basically orgies would be next, then well we
can't deny a man from having more then one wife, and promises that there
will never be a box or rules for society which will trump the desires of
the id. And then we have the Republicans who kind of know what
they want, they almost know as a group what their issues are, they
almost agreed about something, but still don't have that CHARACTER of a
person, an Obama if you will, which will steal the hearts and minds of
so many. A heck of a lot of folks are deeply and emotionally tied
to him which is why there is so much bad decision making. In era's
gone by, we elected a President based on all the simple facts offered
which would guide our nation onward based on our principals.
Today, Barack has openly and now contaminated so many who haven't his
brilliance to compartmentalize things, and said contamination growing
and hurting our great Republic. Barack was only the wrongful
influence at just the correct time in history to change our nation away
from anything President Lincoln would have dreamed of or believed in, to
a Hodge-podge or make shift failed belief-policies, failed political
devices as well as support for the "Brotherhood", the single greatest
threat in the middle east outside of Iran, over the traditions which
often created, occurred with or followed the great achievements made by
our founding fathers, our forefathers, and all those that had left us
the Strongest, most Financially successful and well educated folks on
the planet, somehow ending and beginning some knew age experiment
journey since Barack and his motivated progressives said it is their way
or no way. Just ask their atheist supporters and see what kind of
warm and fuzzy feelings you leave that meeting with!
Folks the answers to all of our problems is to
first look within ourselves. Clean house if cleaning is needed,
make peace with your human mistakes of the past, but then look around
you and if you see spending when we need conservation, economic and
business stagnation when we need growth to grow the coffer so to speak
in order to allow spending, CHANGE FROM THE
If you see common sense situations around you which are out of whack it
is time to change you local, your regional, your state and federal
elected officials. And do not under any circumstances, think
Republican or Democrat. Close your mind to their traps and think
who will cut spending, who will balance the budget now, who caused the
senate not to pass a budget in 4 years causing all American to be
constitutional criminals, absent a budget and fix anything which
unbalances our budget and trade. Only look at the folks who
use simple common sense to explain what they are doing, and why?
Listening to our most powerful elected offices today proved once and for
all they can be very stupid people but still talk a lot and influence
folks with stupidity. For you see their power comes from you.
If they are seen to be undefeatable at election time, then they are
you may find we have to vote most folks in office today out of office
and look for some new faces to groom.
It is outrageous that we must listen to all
our elected officials pomp and circumstances when everything they
accomplished over the years can be seen by our crumbling freeways and
bridges, our disintegrating public plumbing and electrical grids, our
failed economy to the extent the Banks have become wardens over pennies
they have rather then the thinking, recognizing the good idea or person
to invest in mentality which made our nation great. We would still
have the Big 3. We would have a balanced budget, and no terrorist
would dare or could successfully pull off the type of super-successful
attack against our Benghazi consulate and murder our Ambassador.
Why we thought we solved that issues some thirty years ago.
In summary unless we elect new officials and move
outside the parties as guides although we may pick one of their candates
as a champion of truth, we will simply continue to relive all the same
old fraud schemes, financial failures, political failures resulting in
continuing economic failures with a concomitant rise in world violence
which has taken place factually over the last four years as real life
proof that all that is written here is true. Of course the Dem's
or the Reppy's will become upset, but by these points, Smart Folks are
looking for real leaders based on their shared views for our world
rather then the Princes' and Princesses of Senate powers that we have
created. You know the facts. The Democrats count 1
trillion dollars in reductions in spending increases as spending cuts
and you must put up with that smoke screen, you know that since Barack
spoke in Cairo, the brother hood has systematically destroyed much of
the middle east and Barack's boy is their leader, you know we have over
23 million reported folks out of work, and with the 17 million who
dropped off the charts into poverty, this caused food stamp recipients
to rise to 47 million from 32 million in only the last three years, you
know median house hold income is down over Four (4) Thousand dollars,
you known gas is twice as expensive in three years, you know milk may
rise to $7 dollars per gallon soon, you know US Beef has tripled in the
last three years, while corn per bushel has doubled in the last three
years with its cost estimated to go higher this next year. And you
know that with a $16 + Trillion dollar
up 29.6% during Obama's term alone, and that given all the tax increases
Barack has hammered the airwaves with for so long torturing the
knowledgeable, he will only get enough money to fund this present
government for 8 Days, AND with HIS LATEST OFFER TO RAISE ABOUT 800
POORLY FOR OUR GREAT REPUBLIC. "We the people" deserved better.
And he wants trillions more for his next four years while our budget
under Bush was $5.4 Billion and now its $1.2 Trillion; and Barack wants
more trillions! You see it is crazy and the only way to
solve our problems is through spending cuts
. To quote Polonius of Shakespeare
Hamlet, "To thine own self be true".
little guy
say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is
dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a
wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience is a continual Christmas." Ben
Well, this editor could not figure out why so many Democrats were bummed
out today? I would ask and even at the Bank (Die Hard Democrats
run the place like a prison-No fooling), folks were hanging their heads
low. I didn't know why. Finally returning to the office a
few patients let the cat out of the bag. Obama put out his plan
today and it had zero in the way of new spending cuts. California
Democrats were stunned. Now this editor is in the great Inland
Empire as it is called, but those Democrats may not vote Democrat in the
next election. I heard disheartenment about California Legislative
Democrats, I heard complaints today about California Senate Democrats
and about our Presidential Democrat and his appointees. Folks,
these are die hard Democrats
(I actually called the ladies Obama Girls to their faces but today those
faces showed betrayal and abandonment as unemployment in this part of
California is over
13% with a future looking less positive and
this is a Democrat controlled and thus run state!)
and for the first time they were open about their complaints. Some
even said they wanted to learn more about the Republican party
(Remember this editor advised early on during the
past election Democrats were out courting and making personal promises
to the folks and asked where the Republican get out the vote machines
were as they absolutely were not in the Golden State), which
this editor advised again I am not a Republican but looking at our
yearly deficit and national debt, our states who have poor employment
and thus poor pay pictures, with so many folks suffering while Barack
approves pay raises for Biden and Government Union folks, anything but
progressive democrat policies of today would be alright by me. To
the Democrat Bankers this editor visited, things looked bleak no matter
how Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Hillary Clinton, Joe
Biden or Barack Obama spins it.
If this editor were a Republican I would opine to
stay the course. Let Barack have his wins for he has demonstrated
so many times that his ideas only sound better then the rest but in
reality they were never fully thought out
and application after application back fires. Look at Benghazi.
Look at Solyndra. Chrysler was lost
foreign hands while somehow, TV and Radio Democrat pundits became dupes
who feel good about the outcome and are a living testament to the
amazing Barack Obama's propaganda machine
(Said pundits would tell a Republican they were crazy if the shoe were
on the other foot! So to speak...). Or
look at the Gun Control issues. What they don't tell you is that
from an anti-crime perspective, criminals will always have access to any
of the illegal weapons which is why great care must be taken when
restricting gun rights. History has proven that when ever we have
gone too far in restricting gun rights in the past crime went up.
Thus a cautious attitude with prudence is preferred over those
that rush to make political hay out of the issues only capitalizing on
said issues when there is some catastrophe to take advantage of which
brings in loads of cash for the senator proposing such ideas. Once
gun rights are restricted the only folks armed with the best weapons
will be the criminals.
Because Barack and company will for all intent and purposes get away
with his failure to protect our Libyan Ambassador and only the lord
knows who else to date, the folks that are judging them should be
impeached for not impeaching and calling for removal of all parties
involved. But that would be asking this Congress or this Supreme
Court for Justice relative to the standards of this great nation until
the last four years and folks, that's not going to happen. Thus
the point is, let Barack do his thing, say "Remember Benghazi", and if
left unchecked, the Republicans will win big in the next election.
Absolutely the Republicans will win if the little Democrat folks of
America gain insight into the scheme (Take the
money and give it to ones friends for the opportunity will never arise
again and be dammed the nation is heading for bankruptcy status).
Let me leave you with this truth. A die hard
Democrat who was mean during the election and gloated the most after the
election said today, "And I really thought Bush
was bad for our country because he spent too much money, and I thought
Romney was another Bush. Today I realized Barack is like the wrong
person winning the lottery and began to spend all the money as fast as
possible before lottery officials figured out who the true winner was."
And then she said something like "I
feel so deeply betrayed by my party...". She
went on but I didn't have time to write down her passing comments which
is what they were, and wasn't sure it made sense until I came home and
reviewed said comments.
Thus, Barack will do his own thing which is why
Republicans should take this incredible opportunity to stand their
ground and simply outline why they need to cut spending and get
the message out to the people. Why? Because during the next
election, the Republicans will be on the higher ground based on the base
they will build. Republicans have common sense on their side and
it is time for them to role up their sleeves, take off their ties, and
get out among the citizenry to share common
sense. That sharing will be easy because the entire
Democrat machine looks horrible, if folks were to take off their 3D
glasses. Were broke, our national Debt is at levels other
politicians promised Americans until the Barack era would never occur
during our lifetimes and that spending would never get as high as it is
(16 + trillion in debt-unconscionable if you
remember Benghazi). In fact Barack's government is
functioning exactly opposite to the promises he made during his first
What's the cry? Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell,
there is "remember Benghazi", and
"our nation with all our greatness, should
never be spending more then we are taking in! It is time to hold
all politicians accountable. We want our nation's finances as
healthy as our most successful Americans, so all Americans from the very
poor to all the rest, will enjoy such a wonderful economy that
employment will be full and healthy again, and pay for work will be
equal to the times we live in"-
little guy
say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of
romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never
past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience is a continual Christmas." Ben
The Board
of Directors and the members of the American Academy For
Justice Through Science wish the world, a Merry
Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and to all a very
happy new year.-
say that the age of
chivalry is past, that
the spirit of romance is
dead. The age of
chivalry is never past,
so long as there is a
wrong left unredressed
on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience
is a continual
Benjamin Franklin
Well this editor is trying to remain silent hoping
something wonderfully astonishing might happen to report on but reality
if not discussed gets out of hand. For weeks now an unnamed a tad
left of center Republican Conservative editor and pundit again claim
that the Republicans lost because absent much in the way of remaining
time they will be left with the original $250,000 and less. So
they must take the next cockamamie deal or they will completely lose.
On the surface it plays and sells well but no matter what happens, even
giving Barack every wild eye spending request he comes up with, nor his
placing a governor on the engine of wage and growth with his increases,
the real looser is the American people. No one will remember
anyone but Barack. He is the star of this show and the only reason
Gingrich became so famous, was that he separated himself from others in
history, to demand Clinton conform to the contract with America.
In other words Gingrich stood tall. Now this editor admits the
present speaker who has other special talents, is having a difficult
time deciding which way to handle stubborn President Obama.
Examine the left sides reasons for not having the
desire to cut the deficit and national debt, thus never infusing money
the way the system was designed rather Barack's stimulus which can be
likened to bringing oil the oil staved engine, but rather then placing
oil inside the engine where it belongs they went around and oiled all
the joints and so forth. Thus the oil or money is lost and our
nation continues to lose its great wealth. This editor calls this
point in history BARACK'S TRICKLE AWAY POLICY FOLLY. What a waste
of a trillion dollars the past bail outs have been. Chrysler is no
longer an American Company no matter how the left spin's it. And
it is paying all of Fiat's bills. Trickle away the money and the
national treasure/investment. Or all the wayward investor policy
of funding companies whose business proposal has been and continues to
be unsound though the funnel or green poultice transit is via GREEN
TECHNOLOGY. And then there are reports of such folks having
economic ties to those in power and it all makes your head hurt.
Which is why the left is just sooooooooooo successful yet leaves us with
Barack's Trickle Away Policy Folly.
History will judge all of this as successful or
not and the face that will come up will be Obama's. Unless he
listens which this editor admits is far from agreeing, his will be the
face associated with the most divisive President in this nations
history. Can you see the History Channel showing with scenes
thrown in of him speaking in Egypt, then riots which result in a
ENFORCED AS LAWS. This fundamental shift away from today's matured
civilized society could be viewed after Barack's speech with the killing
of our Ambassador and four other Brave Souls who became involved BECAUSE
save the day, and when they became under fire, now long after everyone
knew what was transpiring initially in Benghazi, our nation for all
intent and purposes turned its back on its own. Clinton, Obama and
all the rest can spin it their way or the way it is turning out but the
reality is just as the Roman Empire began to have financial problems,
it's bureaucrat continued to spend exactly as we have done for the last
four years, and just as the Roman's the first cuts were to their
military which then began the slow testing of its resolve. You see
the first attacks were at the ends of Rome's tentacles but in time the
test turned to a movement by one conqueror or another. In any
event Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton's actions are repeating very dumb
mistakes from history. Our nation is imploding. In other
words with the correct leadership, we could have avoided all of this.
But the election is more of a high school Prom King/Queen election, and
often what the many then get to experience is something other then what
anyone anticipated. And this editor thinks its safe to advise this
is true today.
Thus, when a Republican is true to his beliefs
which would by the way help the American people, and the President wants
to accelerate our slide down the fiscal cleft because the benefits to
his folks outweigh the benefits for the rest of the folks, those new to
"our pain" will finally take notice. And if the pain is great
enough, folks will suddenly and for the first time begin to back off
from the entire Administration and anyone associated with it. And
who will be the one who stood tall on the principals which any school
child can understand; that you can't spend more then you take in unless
your have a strong credit allowing a temporary loan expected to be paid
and so forth. But what we have is spending greater then what we
have and what we can borrow so we even print
more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Republicans simply
can't seem to explain it the way this journal has and they fail.
And then being correct or just in this world is anything but a guarantee
that the folks are with you! In other words we have to be even
more humble then we perceived in past years, for it is only through
example and comparison that eventually good folks could win the day.
Does that make sense?
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeell, it won't be long before the New
Year is upon us and perhaps if Barack can come back and shock his
supporters with some real compromise, we can get this economy moving, so
the flow of money within and throughout the states increases, which
could allow some to save which leads to increasing our credit. You
see we must move 180 degrees from the current fiscal Barack spending
fiasco (Barack is like that super cute or likeable son that his
parents can't say no to!) which wont happen, but if Barack will
compromise on some cuts, then his increases which truly folks don't
amount to a hill of beans when one designs his spending the way Barack
has, will not be so devastating to the economy. It doesn't seem to
make sense to raise rates and things of this nature during a recession,
it is contrary to any notion by anyone who had ever been accepted as
even a graduate level understanding of economics, but folks the one that
will be remembered is Barack.
The Trump Card. Folks let me make this
perfectly clear. When this editor advised Bush we could not afford
his long drown out design for a full two front war they laughed.
Today when this editor tells you that outside of all the wrongful crazy
spending, a large drain on our future spending power has ended, and
another soon to end. This is fundamentally helping our economy.
In other words everything the left has proposed is driving our nation
into further financial troubles, but almost invisibly, the drain that
made us vulnerable is diminishing. Why was this such a drain?
It was an unfunded two front war. If we would have done this
correctly, we would have made the necessary cuts at the beginning of the
war efforts and our structure would have been sound today. But at
the end of the Bush era he opened the flood gates of funds never touched
by politicians in the past, and rather then making policy as Barack had
promised, he simply jumped on the gravy train of the open flood gates of
spending and stimulus packages, leaving the actual mess to some
politician sometime in the future with the hope that they are much wiser
then he (Barack).
Thus, if Republicans can stand tall and take the
issues to the American people, we can overcome the so called fiscal
cliff, and we can actually begin to solve our nation financial errors
which result in the problems were in. Lets all root for a new
wisdom in the land for all of us in our up and coming new year.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays', and may you all have a Happy New Year.
little guy
say that the age of chivalry is
past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is
never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience
is a continual Christmas"-
Benjamin Franklin
The "Neff Theory" is that people can't forgive
themselves and therefore explains why over criticisms; too quick to
judge and bear false witness as it turns out or blatant lying and deceit
as a way to win one's day as a debate participant, a trial lawyer, a
pollster, a School Teacher, a Professor, a talking head's pundit and on
and on it goes. President Obama said "No Mas" and nothing happened
that was positive which this editor views as an inability by some on the
left to face their own inner demons. On the Culture SET AN
EXAMPLE FOR OUR YOUTHS FRONT, again Washington and New York
trash-oriented media turned the wonderful joy of a man who happened to
be born of rich color skin tones Tim Scott to an appointment to fill the
seat of the powerful Senator Jim DeMint as anything other then a sign of
the greatness of our nation. Somehow
because of the color of Tim's' skin, this in and of itself brought about
various and ugly false crises born out of the paranoia that the "Right"
is doing something correctly! Our nation is ill,
and it filters down to our children, and many wonder how to help prevent
horrible crimes which seem to be repeating themselves with a greater
frequency? It's simple, but folks must act responsibly rather then
irresponsibly with associated character assassinations, the bearing of
false witness before the facts are in, the denial of responsibility for
great tragedies which occurred because of our present governments
failure in preparedness, and failure to simply communicate such failures
as well as the list of failures which followed the absence of
preparedness which will someday prove horrible to our society if the WE
Here therein lies the rub folks, because just
day's after the promise of "no mas" in response to the ghastly horrors
of this past week, false accusations and sander were used in response to
a wonderful event. How the President can get these folks under
control is still yet to be seen? If a man of color can be
appointed to the highest positions within our nation, the credit could
be taken by the left and Obama it they were on the side of truth.
But the glory would have to be shared with the Republicans and THEY
CAN'T HAVE THAT! And again after my insight as illustrated and now
in the open forum of thought, they will but folks, can't you see the
hypocrisy of the left. During this cycle of the progressive
liberals to date they prototypically say horrible evil things about
others which has nothing to do with the truth or the issue, teaching our
young to be akin to the young of terrorists. Why? Even with
Barack saying "no mas" he has yet to prove the ability to pull back the
truly off the wall and thus wrongdoers on the left. Why even
Barack himself could not yet tame his inner beliefs and emotions as he
hardened politically rather then opening up to offer the necessary cuts
in spending. Thus the left SPENDING CUT DENIAL-GAME CONTINUES but
to what end? Folks can't forgive themselves to live peacefully
with those around them and done unconsciously and absent the decency to
simply work together, many on the left bear false witness as an almost
reflex reaction to events, rather then demonstrating an understanding of
issues and thus able to solve them. They can't yet forgive
themselves to solve their own personal issues which manifests in this
REACTIONS with unnecessary character assassinations.
Look these are issues illustrated before for
realization of where we are and not blaming anyone. In other words
the numbers are bleak for our nation as stagnation is our economic
situation as well as our reaction time or preparedness.
2009 with Obama Obama now
Middle East Stable
Obama Speaks in Cairo Middle East in Flames
Out of Work
Million 23+ Million out of Work
with ten's of Millions who have stopped looking/ignored by Obama
7.8% 7.8%
Food Stamps
32 Million 47 Million
Median House Hold
$54,983 $50,964
(Down 4 grand)
(Cost ↑)
$10.6T $16.+Trillion
up 29.6% - 4 years
South African Gold Krugerrand
(Double in 3 years)
US Beef cents per pound
(Up ~ 75% in 3 years)
Look even the issues which came out of the
original 911 commission were, we failed because we weren't prepared!
And here it is all these years later and under for all intent and
purposes a Clinton administration and realistically an Obama
administration and on 911 of all days, in the city most complained about
as degenerating by the Red Cross or the Britt's and in spite of the fact
the compound was hit only months before and absent even repair, we were
not only unprotected, but had zero in the way of a system to react
according to the latest findings which proves no one left in charge
should be left in charge of anything. They weren't prepared again
911, or so it would truly seem. Does that make sense?
It will all happen again and one of these times it
will be of such catastrophic nature, one wonders if our nation will ever
be the same. And yet the modus operand of our press and the left
is cover up anything they simply don't wish to discuss, tear the
opposition party down by slander and innuendo with also false witness
examples and yet, the left try to cover-up
their own inabilities to cope with horrific violence or even forgive
themselves for not being on top of the greatest issues which face our
nation today as they are in the majority in charge, and
this results again simply finding a device to distract such as gun
control. Of course rational and responsible regulations to cover
the issues by both sides are mandatory, but gun control is used as a
tool to give the appearance of caring while the PERPETRATOR OF THE CRIME
Well, it hasn't been two weeks but as predicted if
you notice, Barack went to the wonderful and gorgeous state of Hawaii,
and thankfully, and hopefully BECAUSE OF my criticisms of the right,
they are beginning to understand that to be true to themselves is the
greater calling. Nothing will be solved by the half hearted offers
by the left which by the end of the day produce little in the way of
real problem solving or spending cuts necessary to regain a AAA credit
rating (Here is a standard to Judge our
economic status if nothing else comes to those absent from their job at
the Fed or advising our president) and too much more.
Therefore what the left calls the economic cliff is really only the
first song from a someone who might copy the great one, Al Jolson and
say "You ain't heard nothin' yet". The song list has been written
and it is up to our elected officials to make changes to it which return
fiscal responsibly to our
American way of life. You see we are already falling off the
financial cliff, it is that on the way down the US economy has various
ties and stay's if you might which are cushioning the decent, but Barack
and his leftist progressive almost socialist pull, is cutting each
traditional support system, as we continue to spiral down. The
proof is
Well Barack has a wonderful Christmas that he
might somehow muster the inner courage to overcome his long held but
clearly tired out opinions and come back with cost cutting which works
with the Republicans who simply are trying to balance the budget and get
our fiscal house in order. And all the rest by all of the left
pundits and politicians is simply balderdash delivered through smoke and
screens. In other words the left goes so far past the mark of a
debate point that one wonders about the health of the nation in the
hands of folks who simply don't think things through, overcome their own
inner demons so to speak and forgive themselves so they then can EASILY
forgive others and end the era of leftist false witness practices
who is only the latest of a long list of
victims who simply have an opposing
opinion to the radical left!
Three cheers for the honorable Tim Scott).
Let us all hope that this almost magical time of
the year breaths new life and ideas into our politicians, so the left
can learn to actually compromise on issues they themselves used to
champion under the likes of John F. Kennedy. Truly the left is all
about "what can I think of next to ask my country to do for me", rather
then "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for
your country". And may the lord most high continue to bless and
keep America.little
say that the age of chivalry is
past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is
never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience
is a continual Christmas"-
Benjamin Franklin
Folks, our popular though clearly confused
President finally said "No Mas" and this clearly means he still either
personally or through sources reads the Journal. President Obama
is not content with the situation. And it's so odd but this
examiner does believe the mass killing of our children was something he
related with and came out swinging telling folks it must end. You
see folks Barack can't put his finger on the problem nor the solution
because he had zero experience. But with his on the job learning I
must opine we give him a chance. It is further quite clear why the
president didn't elaborate because his job would be enormous.
Somehow he has to reel in Pundit supporters of his that clearly and long
ago crossed the line of ethics, dignity and lost control of how the
message would be perceived by our younger citizens . In other words
children take things literally, and with the boob tube becoming the baby
sitter of today (Its a shame they lost all
those wonderful games and experiences with a baby sitter, but perhaps
the average Joe or Jane Doe America couldn't afford them in today's
economy...), many of our children have lost the ability to
relate to groups or even make close friends. This TV sitter and
Hollywood make believe world along with Video games rob our children
from the human side of friendship. Love is lost, empathy for
others is lost as well as concern for others or the concern for truth.
All of this removes some from taking responsibility for their actions.
For example in the Video Game they could start over but in real life,
well the dead are dead.
Study NBC MSNBC CBS ABC and many more, and find
the laughing hyena Pundits with phony smiles while lying and spinning
daily, calling the Republicans or anyone that is not a progressive
horrible things and saying horrible things about them (How about
WHAT MSNBC'sEd Schultzsaid about the honorable Vice
President Dick Cheney's heart while the poor soul was recovering from
his 5th heart attack folks; that he would like to"rip it out and kick it around and stuff it
back in him.") He actually said this with millions
of listeners and he didn't care if there were any children or mentally
ill folks listening. He and his daily way's as well as others
illustrated in the article below did and continue to tell children and
the wayward it is ok to attack the ill, the weak, the helpless, the
disabled, those recovering from a perilous surgery, or indeed simply rip
someone's heart out. This editor can't go on as my reader's
understand right from wrong. Save one horrible but true example
which comes to mind. Recently at a rally to gain re-election
President Obama asked his supporters to vote revenge! Revenge and
that day this editor wrote as we all remember that someone will copy
that notion and the outcome would be horrible. Revenge in some way
or another can become a power evil which can overtake some as has been
demonstrated thousands and thousands of times throughout mankind's
history. Albeit a bad choice of words for such a clever statesmen
as Barack but desperation and the realization that Romney Brought more
to the table then Barack on every front, this editor would opine it
somehow slipped out. But this is the prima facie or first best
example of where Barack even openly errored and added to possible
misconceptions of our youth either during their carousing behavior
years, or sadly to our children and toddlers.
Thus, President Obama said enough is enough but he
must be awfully embarrassed by those that support him even though
Christie was almost the shoehorn for the fit, Mitt's hesitation to take
the facts to Barack after the first debate when Barack began to fight
back, which to many demonstrated Mitt may have been wrong in the first
debate when in reality the second and third debates as well as the VP
debate on the Democrat side was full of balderdash relative to issues,
and fabulous Democrat politicking technique knowing when to fold and
when to fight. Thus by hook or by crook Barack is again our
leader, and if he and his advisors take seriously lessons about the
forensic science of anti-fraud fighting that your editor illustrated at
no cost to them, then Barack get's it. And with his talents, maybe
he could reel in his supporters who clearly take the fight of too high
taxes or too high spending which is the democrat position to heinous
character assassinations rather then explaining why their wrong actually
when ever anyone proposes spending cuts or maintaining the Bush Tax Cuts
especially for those making under $250,000 and which should be a
mandatory requirement for folks on fixed incomes. At the very
least fixed income or retirement aged working folks say, 55 and older
making $250,000 or less should still have the dividend tax cut on old
invested money.
Our elderly deserve dignity in the golden
years rather then political game changes which kill off the hopes and
dreams of such folks. One doesn't have to be a
child to have a goal or a dream. In fact to the elderly wise, it
keeps them young and they live much much longer and look much much
healthier in most cases.
Well, "No Mas" advised President Obama and this
editor say's lets give him a week or two, and see if the airwaves and
cable subscribers see a much more in the way of NORMAL NEWS AND ANALYSIS
then the hate speech rhetoric we have become accustomed to until the
election and through to the present where it seems monsters were
unleashed within some of the pundits, they lost sight of where the lines
were, crossed them, and too many children and the wayward received the
wrong messages. And if we see a change during the Christmas season
which is around us, then extend the couple weeks to months to see just
how normal or how much the ship can be righted. How about it
readers, lets give Barack some time on his new plan because from
the sounds of it, Barack is on the right track perhaps but hadn't
formulated his analysis yet on how he is going to right the ship OF
PUBLIC DISCORD so to speak?
Its' going to be tough because there is much cost
cutting which needs to be guaranteed before sequestration and the stress
on both sides of the isle must be increasing because they know the folks
want a balanced budget
(Although many of the folks don't know how to get there-You just can't
make this stuff up). Heck if you think about it, if Barack is
going to be successful in helping our children through single acts of
kindness every time a pundit takes on an issue rather then turn it into
some hate thing like a terrorist might, he is going to have to change
his way of working with the Republicans. And thus lets take a time
out and see where this all leads us. Perhaps to a serious group of
politicians who for once and for all begin to steer us to a course of
fiscal responsibility and some sort of advocacy for national friendship.little
say that the age of chivalry is
past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is
never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience
is a continual Christmas"-
Benjamin Franklin
Look around you and take stock of our reality.
Is our nation as good as it was say one year before the Bush era crash?
What is as good as to the average John and Jane Doe American? Of course
we can make things difficult or shall we discuss it as "the ease for the
lay civilian to make a buck"? Folks the work force today is
composed of pay for time rather then pay for expertise or wisdom.
And the wages offered at least in my present field of the medical
amalgam are those of the early Clinton era at best. Therefore
attempting to return to Clinton era economic tactics in a completely
different economic environment will almost tether our nation down and
hold our economy back and that's at best, to a continuation of the
gradual decline due to massive debt and thus less value to our monetary
system throwing our nation at the mercy of others. Further
ensuring a role in our world similar to a combination of France and
England. None of the protections we as Americans are used to will
be in force, and Unions will have to compete with new socialist
movements whose strategy is to always claim to represent the worker in
negotiations and so forth; competition for unions as they know it today,
although the right to work concept preserves the unions while proving
freedom of choice is mandatory rather then permissive as in a communist
When we used to look at futuristic fantasy films
they would portray times where religion's were a joke, Terrorists were
still madmen but come from many ilk's, the economies and governments
have difficulty functioning, and states merge or territories develop
again within the US. From Demolition Man to Escape from New York
to Starship Troopers Hollywood has illustrated numerous hits along such
lines. Heck I like Star Trek but that is dreaming folks, and
absent the funds to pay for all the changes being made, the nightly news
of Massacres common enough to occur almost yearly of late with an almost
radicalization of Union folks to the extent that the DENIED DROP IN
OBAMA ERA INCOMES ($4.5 thousand per single
earner household) is what the suffering is all about and that
increasing demands from the Unions on a Decreasing Employer earning
ability cause the inevitable crisis and then crash over and over again.
Look at national treasure Hostess Brands, as the unions in the end
brought the house down so to speak. It happened to GM and it
happened to Chrysler. The problems caused are never discussed only
other real facts relative to folks desire for incomes. And the
suffering has been shared by this examiner over the last several years.
Why was my pill in Medical School harder to swallow then anyone I met
save a Friend who someone fell in love with a Gal from Russia who was
wealthy (Internet Dating) whose father was a Diplomat and off he went
poor as a Church mouse in Residency today in Russia! So absent
funds in the US it isn't what you know or how superlative your training,
but how much you can build up as a backdrop (Monetary cushion).
And with the new Obama regulations or should we say the continuation of
the absence of actions and letting the clock run out of the sick, the
suffering, the poor, the weak, the disabled who are on fixed incomes and
live off Dividend investment. So out with fixed income folks when
the Bush Tax Cuts expire. What did this expectation do? Why
many one time great payers (Stocks) stopped paying the dividend or
reduced it, the values of such stocks dropped, and folks cushion
disappeared. Clearly only the superrich can prosper in the Obama
environment as who do you think buy's up all the cheep stock?
In any event, on an on things seem to be
degenerating on the home front, but if we look overseas, that just
doesn't seem stable as well. Let's see, Libya is credited with the
most heinous murders of US high ranking officials since....?
A heinous murder in any event. Ok we can't look at Libya.
Well the country every little boy wants to run around in Egypt, the home
of the great Pyramids, symbols of civilization from day's past.
Let's see the President seemed likeable enough, he seemed open minded,
and then he decided to end Democracy in Egypt for Theocracy truly from
the Dark ages, with Women again becoming property or treated as such
and... Oh gosh we can't look to Egypt. Let's see there was
always tough guy Syria. Sooooooooooooo, Syria is crumbling before
our eyes because its President didn't know who to trust, and now that
folks have become familiar with Syria, no one with a brain would trust
any of the sides but the smallest faction which then doesn't seem like
they could hold Syria once the US was disengaged due to the effects of
Sequestration and we will be absent because our Military for all intent
What about that great Oasis in the Desert, bastion of Freedom risen from
the sand Israel? Lets take a look and see what the heck is going
on. An election is coming, all of Israel's neighbors are
experiencing self mutilation with occasional attacks and murders of
innocents and possible annihilation from Iran or at least that's what
Iran tells the world in not so many words. Better tip toe out of
dodge AND NOT BOTHER these folks AS they are so busy we can't ask them
for help.
Let see Iraq is our new best buddy, that's it lets
go there...oh...we can't land the Airport just had a terrorist bombing.
Turkey needs our help, Russia is disgusted, China wants to replace the
US in world standing, North Korea wants to replace the White House with
their leader, France, England, and all the rest save Germany are headed
toward bankruptcy and Germany is too experienced to get involved in
others problems right now. Some in Central South America somehow
have moved left with China presumably to counter the giant Mafia
presence leaving free peoples ideas and values in the dust.
Hum...Canada hasn't been complaining about anything. OK we
can partner with our partner already, and they don't really get involved
in saving other nations in need, so how about Norway! That's it
will partner with Norway and the US and Norway can be the next saving
force in our world...Norway is moving left of Europe trying to preserve
capital and its traditions. Oh boy, is every nation struggling
financially? Well no but looking around the world and realizing
the situation should have caused everyone to cut spending and live like
"we the people" have to live. Of course this is a transition phase
which is why "we the people" will come out of it. But when we look
around at our Neighbors and Friends, folks on TV who never recovered
from Sandy, homes absent heat, and all the rest perhaps it is time to
demand rational and responsible actions on the parts of elected
officials rather then what is popular today. OK we better look to
getting our home game together and perhaps we can drag the rest of the
free world up again as we have for the last century!
Our elected officials look and act like their in
the Movies rather then going to work each day, and rolling their sleeves
up and handling the peoples Business. Who in their right
mind would listen to Harry Reid after he has not allowed a Senate Budget
in over four years? Tomfoolery by elected officials is real and it
affects all around us in negative ways. Why do folks even listen
to non-producing politicians? The pundits it seems are in it for a
game and the buck off screen, but who is in it for you? If anyone
was in it for you we would have a balanced budget. And that is the
truth. Look around folks and let this editor know what you see.
But if you ask this editor, one might advise that on the simplest issues
of either cutting or increasing spending, or increasing or decreasing
taxes, when hearing from the Democrats, one is always left thinking
about everything else but why our national budget is not balanced, why
we are not out of debt, why we would let ourselves continue to increase
our debt and associated problems such as the loss of credit ratings, the
absence of the flow of inter and intrastate capital, the absence of the
flow of credit, the devaluation of our dollars concomitant with
inflation of the prices for gas, food, medicine, and other accouterments
necessary for basic survival in our great nation.
Next time you hear someone trying to help cut the
budget deficits and cut spending see if you can help our nation and
point to the true obstructionists. And lets all join together to
stop all the spin and character assassinations to escape discussing how
were going to get out of debt sooner rather then some time in the future
for some unknown politician to face while finally finding ways to speak
kindly about each other, and find ways for us all simply to appreciate
our differences and grow wise together as a people.little
say that the age of chivalry is
past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is
never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience
is a continual Christmas"-
Benjamin Franklin
- "pond scum politics and pond scum journalism"
Folks, this editor predicted all of these shooting
deaths when this editor advised during Barack's first four years and
during the election that when Barack preaches hatred against good law
abiding Republicans the way he has, with his evil minions always using
racism as a tool, would like a virus filter down to the little folks and
they will copycat in their own ways. Yes every night, John Stewart
(Who I turned off long ago and in fact don't know anyone who watches him
will seek out ways to make evil commentary on Republicans rather then
using creativity to find ways for us to laugh. Any school aged
child can find way's to say things about folks their parents may not
like and make funny faces which is the level of intellect Stewart and
others offer. Tell the truth to yourselves folks, when Bill
Maher called Palin a “dumb twat” and dropped the
C-word in describing the former Alaska governor, what did that teach
your grandchildren, the neighbors little children and so forth? He
called Palin and Congresswoman Bachmann “boobs” and “two bimbos.”
said of the former vice-presidential candidate, “She is not a mean
girl. She is a crazy girl with mean ideas.” He recently made a
joke about Rick Santorum’s wife using a
vibrator. Readers/friends, are you telling yourself the truth?
To our children, the potential shooters of tomorrow, what has Maher
taught those that would not limit their hate
to an evil degree with only words? Maher by hook or
by crook teaches to hate creatively.
Now that we are all on the same
page, can you find a way to communicate how we all can get together to
move our nation forward; our economy, jobs, increased trade, energy
independence (Wow are we late; on this issue folks in power and on the
left are not only dumb but committing suicide.), funded national defense
so open the world would never test our military resolve and too much
more. Rather then being on the wrong side of history as our nation
is today, we must find a way to...oh thy neighbor. I
know here we go again but folks, its time to think rather then to be
defenders of party. We must fight for ways to be friends and
neighbors, which unites us as a thinking people. Then heck, the
fall by the wayside of intolerance and divisiveness for mankind.
Does that make sense?
The Republicans over the last four years had a
different opinion and that is all. They were not what Obama and
his minions made them out to be. Look at all the lies aimed at
Romney. Our President is lost and will never realize due to his
vanity that his failed leadership, always backing terrorists over
Israel, Catholics, Jews, and still backing Morsi once he caved and he
caved to his ties to the brotherhood at the precipice for history
(The guy failed himself and EGYPT-EGYPT
and so forth has caused the little folks to be confused.
Everyone wants revenge now and will take the law into their own hands.
Even PEACE officers have been late to the party often because of the
union conundrum. Their in a union so if the Union folks are
criminals the Peace officers were not on the scene in time recently;
(Which is why this Journal has always and continues to advocate some
legislative spending cut protections
(Ambulance and ER)
with increases in funding tied to an ethical fiscal index even during
times of hardship due to
and Federal fiscal mismanagement).
Emergency services must be protected
from Union influence. Nothing and no one should be above the law
and ethics.
Folks are acting the way the President and those
awful and evil pundits on MSNBC
(That entire network should be banned due to
hate speech), NBC, ABC, CBS and Comedy Central who fight for
Obama with slander and lies act, even if they are unconscious actions.
Learned behavior has been the way of history outside of our great
Republic prior to BARACK OBAMA's personal experiment with our nation.
Many in the nation (From Teachers to Union
Thugs, from Feces offering Occupy Wall-Streeters to American Institution
(Americana) attacking
Atheists to too many more from the left) are acting like a
bunch of crazy radicals because that is the RESULT OF Barack's failed
leadership. When those evil to the nth degree PROGRESSIVE pundits
were claiming racism every time there is a political dispute where in
truth the nation was divided almost equally, it became a falsely charged
racist event. When Susan rice lied to the American people
for whatever calling (As
it turns out she was aware of the truth now calling it classified and
openly admitting her propaganda was from that offered for release called
unclassified information known literally and factually as propaganda),
she was defended with the race card on network and cable by some in the
national media. "Pond scum politics and pond scum journalism".
And Barack who truly seems like a great guy was missing from
action as President nice guy? He is the one man who could
end any false racism charge or for that matter disclaim any desire to be
associated with misogynistic (Guilty of
misogyny against non-liberal women and their families for example)
or anti-US entertainers and time and time again, he is missing in
action as President nice guy? Politics today is too divided and
has become unhealthy for our nation.
Folks, from this examiners experience as a Fraud
Examiner, lying especially by lawyers in courts of law has broken our
legal system; lying and greed by Teachers and other union folks has
broken our public systems, and some in the Democrat party has broken the
nations backbone for truth. Today's horrific shootings of 20
children and too many more adults turning up dead are only the tip of
the iceberg relative to our nations future.
Unions calling for blood in
the streets and civil war due to their own failures are
only symptoms of the times, and teach our children or anyone who might
be listening what exactly? To kill! The Democrats nightly on
every station save Fox
(Well they do have a whopper on one show but
they have to live with that phony bombastic false charging blowhard; and
that's being kind) destroy the fabric of unity in our nation
and cause more and more folks to take sides. Democrats have and
continue to successfully divide the nation and the facts are many of the
little folks who didn't vote Democrat would never agree to Democrat
demands as they are killing our nation. Why even Feinstein and
Lieberman double speak the Benghazi incident to seem appalled but then
find ways to give cover for those involved who would all have been
impeached prior to Obama becoming elected. Heck, we are indeed
experiencing change! Democrats are party over nation, party over
their own religions, and party over truth, justice and American
Idealism! Lets face it. When the Democrat pundit is cornered
with the duty of debating their fiscal insanity of spending over a
trillion per year and increasing the debt by over 6 trillion in four
years when our entire debt by all presidents was 10.2 trillion,
they can't come up with winning spin, can't cope, and hate speech comes
out in a myriad of creative ways on the networks mentioned. And
worse while
their still spending and proposing more spending.
No, our nation is ill from within. Look at
the following video again.
If said video were communicated to the American
people during the election Barack would have lost. This video
proves there is much Barack wants which he will never admit and it is
this double identity of his and his minions and the ease at which they
destroy anyone, any institution, or any idea which is counter to their
own. Honest folks must look at who is speaking rather then anyone
who brings you the video. Our nation is evolving but into what?
Yes, until Hillary, Barack, Stewart, all pundits
on MSNBC and so forth are removed from the
daily public consciousness or drastically change their
malevolent ways DONE UNCONSCIOUSLY OR CONSCIOUSLY, their daily hate
messages about good folks who disagree with them on some policy, will
continue to teach hate, intolerance and the use of UNFOUNDED RACISM as a
tool to the extent that the wayward, the immature, or even those that
border on wrong doing will increase the wrong doing in our nation.
Today's murders are simply a sign of the times for those that are
truly intellectuals.
The American Academy for Justice Through Science
wishes our deepest felt condolences to the families and friends of all
the dead from today's 12-14-12 murder spree. Folks let us all pray
that the Lord continues to Bless America for it will take all of our
prayers, since this editor must opine, the lord is sick of all of the
folks mentioned as co-contributors to unfounded hate in response to
someone offering a different opinion on a political matter which faces
our nation. Simply put Democrats want to increase taxes and
spending and Republicans want fiscal rational and responsible actions
and ask for spending cuts and to endorse the Bush Tax Cuts which were
the some of the best Presidential Contributions to society as it turns
out in our nations history!
Shame, shame, shame on President Obama, Hillary
Clinton and all appointees of Obama's as well as John Stewart, Bill
Maher (The
challenge for real comedians would be to create humor which would unite
"we the people" know, comedian's with a brain so to speak!),
the evil MSNBC pundits, and the rest of the folks who nightly have
pointed to evil when in reality it was often either the Presidents or
their wrongful opinion's and actions which where disagreed with in the
first place. Nightly hate is taught by those networks and all that
has been mentioned in this humble article to point out the evil ways of
today's folks in power again done unconsciously or consciously. If
unconsciously, lets us follow the teachings of this Judeo-Christian
Holliday Season to forgive and unite for starters.
Together now, may the lord continue to bless
little guy
say that the age of chivalry is
past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is
never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience
is a continual Christmas"-
Benjamin Franklin
- "two
sides of the same coin"
Foolishness has become contagious and an absence
of critical thinking occurs whenever the Atheists, not content to live
free, must impose their religion on others. Factually Atheists
have gone too far. As boring as it is to some, Ninian Smart wrote
from an anthropological perspective and divided religion into seven
constructs which are narrative, experiential, social, ethical,
doctrinal, ritual and material. Clearly, when the Atheists go
beyond community bounds to erase the word G-D, or a lovely and
spiritually stimulating to anyone with a good heart Nativity scene at
Christmas and so forth, they are demonstrating the ritual of being an
Atheist. They are
malcontentswith our world, and claim they understand what
is beyond infinity. They comprehend the vastness of the Universe
and claim to understand what's just beyond the Universe. They seem
so dimwitted about such matters that smart folk avoid them, and most
folks fear them. Do they know something others don't know?
On the contrary, they simply are practicing their Religion. They
don't believe the lord most high exists. Why that's a narrative,
it involves the social and thus their personal ethical limits, they make
material changes in their lives due to their belief and they are
experiential in their pursuit.
In legal terms, they were just defined as a
Religion based on the same scientific criteria which would explain one
that believes in the lord most high. They are both simply BELIEF
SYSTEMS SCIENTIFICALLY (And since they are in
the minority the majority who wishes Christmas be called Christmas
win-two sides of the same coin). You see it is just the
other side of the coin. And thus, should legal experts wish to
spread the truth, perhaps all of us can live together in peace. It
is not only dopy but obsessive that one Parent cannot tolerate a child
of another Parent relating a true story where the Childs grandparents
prayed to G-D. This is in fact a real life situation which is not
only appalling, but the gutless and really dumb school district leaders
who are stealing the Childs freedom of speech especially when it tells a
true story, should all be removed from decision making positions.
Look folks, all of this foolishness is why
Republicans are losing. Unless folks stand up for the truth and
our constitutional rights, others that will make Barack look tame will
come along and it will be the end of the US as we know it. This
editor was advised from a long time friend from San Diego County that he
and many of his friends envision a war within the nation if things don't
change, where the folks who wish to work move to some states and those
that think they can make it in Barack's nanny state world move to
others. Clearly one goes bankrupt and becomes chaos and the other
would do just fine. And you can guess which would be which.
But how horrible. This editor doesn't see things ever getting that
out of control but how could we save the day? It's easy.
First and foremost it must be understood that ideas which are good for
our nation cannot come to fruition under the current situational
psychology in play. For example if someone understands the true
answer to our debt which is to cut spending, mentions cutting spending,
it's immediately a Republican idea and somehow becomes bad. If
some one thinks raising taxes on the rich which does bring us 80 Billion
coincidently the number Barack happens to want for his next stimulus,
raising taxes or raising tax rates is immediately a Democrat idea.
And when the pundits get together those two buzz phrases, raise taxes
and cut spending, immediately cause said pundits to fight on their
ideological grounds rather then simply solving the problem. We
live in foolish times. Think of it. You raise taxes when
they are too low or for the SITUATIONAL ECONOMY OF THE TIMES or you cut
spending dependent on the SITUATIONAL ECONOMY OF THE TIMES. Folks
Barack has spent almost 7 trillion in his short time as President and he
is headed higher. During these times where OUR debt has soared to
. Of course you can see
why some folks think he's nuts but crazy as
a fox and as likeable as a "Little Rascal". Thus
during these times of course you cut spending to balance the budget and
get our American economy on the move again. Most would agree
suicide is a sign of illness, yet by hook or by crook 51% of Americans
took the bait and our nation is committing fiscal suicide with the most
happy go lucky character acting as the leader of the free world.
The medicine is an informed public and thus the reason for the
Why they can't cut
spending even if it simply would cause all our problems to abate
because it is now linked as a Republican idea rather then a GOOD IDEA
And who has been the leader's for stupidity? Harry Reid and Nancy
Pelosi, who both are so powerful, well, they have branded ideas which
solve our problems as Republican and thus a Republican bill cant make it
through the Senate even if it solves our problems. Try telling your wife you like to
give all her money away to strange nations and causes and basically are
so bad at investing your in a debt higher then any debtor in history!
Welcome to Barack and companies USA.
And if we simply cut spending it would solve our
Yet look who the Republicans have as a
champion. Its a cry-baby folks with his supporters,
and then some wonder why the Congressional Republicans
always cave to Barack? Until the Republicans or
Conservatives and Independents can elect a Republican leader with spine
and conviction, our nation will be directed by the progressive democrats
toward complete fiscal failure; a Trillion dollar debt number economists
have yet to prognosticate. And while our nation approaches the
fiscal uncertainty of the Sequestration, our Popular president is
demonstrating his prototypical behavior of going on vacation in Hawaii
for three weeks, in the middle of a crisis. Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year.
Although something which won't occur but
prototypical of today's foolishness, Barack and his minions have even
requested eliminating
control of our debt and spending; they have proposed eliminating the
founding fathers system of equal branches of government to one where the
Presidency is more like
that of Stalin or Mao. Sounds
a heck of a lot like Morsi (Mohamed Morsi Isa El-Ayyat).
And folks "you just can't make this stuff up". If this editor
wrote a novel about this no one would believe it. Thus foolishness
comes from the highest levels of our way of life. And what's
really odd is that it appears that because folks are struggling so,
many, perhaps 51% (ha ha) never spent the time necessary to truly
understanding the financial issues, and that is why we are in the mess
we are in.
Well while it takes much in the way of faith for
an Atheist to believe there is no G-d and feel they lose nothing by
being anti-G-d, it also takes faith to believe in "all that is good" in
our Universe. Finally, relative to all the foolishness, most
religions folks are actually much less rigid AND TOLERANT then the
Atheists would have you believe for in Cor.4:5 it is written "Therefore
judge nothing before the time, until the Lord comes, who will both bring
to light the hidden things of darkness an reveal the counsels of the
hearts". Thus, most religious folks practice their Judeo-Christian
religions but are more open minded then the rigid truly know it all
(They know there is no Creator of the Universe as we know it!)
and obsessed-intrusive Atheists.
WHICH MADE THIS NATION GREAT. The religious folks believe, "judge
nothing before the time, until the Lord comes, who will both bring to
light the hidden things of darkness an reveal the counsels of the
hearts" vs. the atheists dumb argument that they can explain the
Universe and we must follow those nut-jobs as they destroy the land
which gave them birth. And may the Lord continue to Bless America.
little guy
say that the age of chivalry is
past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is
never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience
is a continual Christmas"-
Benjamin Franklin
Congratulations Barack Obama on your 2012 win for
the office of the Presidency of the United States of America
little guy ™
say that the age of chivalry is past,
that the spirit of romance is dead.
The age of chivalry is never past, so
long as there is a wrong left
unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience is a continual
Benjamin Franklin
Well folks, the proof is in. The last time an ambassador Adolf Dubs was
killed was in 1979 during the third year of Jimmy Carter's presidency.
Folks this editor but many others warned that our nation is making many of the
same mistakes Jimmy Carter made. It is a fact that Jimmy Carter and Barack
Obama now share the dubious honor of being President when our Ambassadors were
assassinated. However it appears that a wonderful soul, by all accounts
someone more positive about the future of Libya then most Libyans themselves,
was possibly killed by
smoke inhalation from our
burning consulate. There is more here then just al Qaeda
or a small group!
Further the timing of the attacks in
both Egypt and Libya as well as the
cover were timed for 911 with the
prototypical kind of distracter; some
video no one has seen or cares about.
The picture above shows evil incarnate
torturing a Beautiful American human
being. Folks George Bush and Dick Cheney
would never have allowed this to happen
first and foremost, and you have to
admit, they would know what to do if it
did. We can't say that
for either Barack Obama or Jimmy Carter!
In my heart of hearts this editor
believes that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan
would have prevented this from happening
and would know what to do. I can't
say that about the current administration who lets
events control him rather then
controlling events. With the
history of 911, they FAILED TO BE
PREPARED. Unconscionable.
Truly and factually unconscionable.
The video did not
just come out yesterday folks.
Neither was the killing of Abu Yahya
al-Libi. The hits were
pre-planned, Egypt had just been in
Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah were just
detained in Mexico shortly before 911,
al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri had
released his "go" video asking for the
people of Libya to seek revenge,
Egyptian attackers were chanting Bin
Laden's name, and only a moron would not
connect the dots. Thank the lord
that Hamas and Hezbollah were waylaid in
Mexico as you can bet dollars for donuts
something was planed for 911 within the
states. Yet are embassies remained
unprotected. Zero prophylactic
planning by this administration to
prevent just such acts on of course 911.
As the world
degenerates into Murder and heinous acts
of violence for the sole reason of the
extermination of anyone who is not a
radical of some unnamed hijacked
religion, Mr. Barack Obama, Mr. Joe
Biden and Mrs. Hillary Clinton fiddle
while the world burns. Please
folks, for the survival of our nation,
the Judeo-Christian religions, and the
free world, we must vote for change in
the White House. Progressive Democrats
be considerate of the majority..
little guy
say that the age of chivalry is past,
that the spirit of romance is dead.
The age of chivalry is never past, so
long as there is a wrong left
unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience is a continual
Benjamin Franklin
This editor had held
this back until it now has been
confirmed that our intelligence
community is wondering why president
Obama did not act once the message was
clear? It is imperative to realize
that Mr. Obama has not learned anything
from the lessons of
and again, those that were killed
originally were proved to be only the
first in what appears to be a long
string of failures and murders, which
began when Mr. Obama became president.
Just as Mr. Obama was bragging he ended
the War on Terror with the killing of
Bin Laden, reality
all American's in the heart on
on 911
folks, proving Barack Obama almost a
blowhard, rather then a leader.
Yesterday, on
Al Qaeda announced the death of their
number two man Abu Yahya al-Libi.
It is important for everyone to take
note that the announcement was from none
other then al Qaeda leader Ayman
al-Zawahiri the actual man who has taken
over for Bin Laden. And he said it
was for revenge, the code for al
Qaeda attack.
then acting on known intelligence and
protecting our embassy's, the Naive
executive branch and all of its
appointees, lead from behind, in other
words do nothing and see what
transpires, allowing Al Qaeda to
successfully attack and kill Obama's key
spokesperson in Libya. In other
words it was a planned hit, the signal
was given, and despite Obama's bull,
under his watch, al Qaeda successfully
hit America hard on our sovereign soil
again on 911,
and like the St. Valentines massacre,
the folks
targeted for the hit were killed.
Al Qaeda defeats one
Barack Obama on 911,
and beautiful Americans are dead!
Mr. Obama has severely placed all
Americans in eminent danger. And
after the
fact MR.
are sending ONLY 50 poor
brave Marines, to protect our Embassy!
Mr. Obama's naive incompetence in
unparalleled in US HISTORY!
say that the age of chivalry is past,
that the spirit of romance is dead.
The age of chivalry is never past, so
long as there is a wrong left
unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience is a continual
Benjamin Franklin
the naïveté' of Barack Obama is
boundless. Not one embassy around
the globe under this Obama naive
administration was under alert for
This is defenseless and a reason to
impeach Mr. Obama as he goes merrily on
his way to his next campaign stop.
Well, my feelings for Barack are shared
by too many to impeach him for his gross
negligence, but it is reason for
democrat pundits to begin to support Mr.
Romney. And if they don't, they
are exposed for harming
nation and all Americans around the
It was
just revealed that the American Embassy
personal in Egypt were sent home because
they knew this was going to happen on
And again, leading from behind sent the
marines a day late and a dollar short.
Outrageous folks. Knowing it was
and further knowing this was about pay
back for Bin laden and the reason given
was just a pig in a poke fraud, and
finally knowing other Embassies will be
in grave danger, neither Obama, Biden
nor Clinton stepped out in front to lead
and protect the lives predictably lost
in Libya. Folks, the argument
could be made that under proper
leadership, our Embassies would have
been protected, there would have been no
loss of American lives, and Old Glory
have been appreciated for what it stands
for rather then to be torn and spit upon
for failures made by the very folks
elected to protect US interests, and the
failures made by the Egyptians and
Libyans who murdered some wonderful
Believe it or not, rather then doing the
right thing, Mr. Obama is on the trail
again, campaigning as he has for his
entire term, making all his hollow
promises, rather then leading us to a
better life, and leading our world to
better lives which has been the
tradition of all presidents who came
before our Campaigner and Chief, Mr.
Barack Obama. It is perfectly
clear that Mr. Obama is the most naive
President relative to international
relations aka Foreign Affairs, that has
ever survived our election process and
accepted the responsibilities of the
President of the United States, which he
has failed so miserably. From lost
jobs and lost employment to new
additional lost American lives on
and our sovereign soil, to a doubling of
gas prices, corn prices, beef prices to
increasing our National Debt by 29.5 to
always treating our allies and
especially the Prime Minister of Israel
so poorly under his watch, proves Mr.
Obama is incompetent for the job folks.
Thus, Mr. Obama's naïveté is detrimental
to the survival of our nation and all
free world nations on our precious
mother earth.little
say that the age of chivalry is
past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is
never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience
is a continual Christmas"-
Benjamin Franklin
Well, first there was one person who tried to
defend lying and being wrong with racism and now a second. The
point is that not only are these folks evil, but to use the human minds
creative abilities to try to come up with such evil spin, and within our
nation, the great melting pot of humanity, should be sad to those who
understand the reality of the situational psychology in play. And
that Barack, a man of color did not come out to condemn such rhetoric,
even though he would be eliminating an evil but successful device among
many more reasonable devices to defend Susan Rice.
There should be a resolve that "we the people"
will not listen to such evil, and absent much in the way of an audience,
such evil will abate. This editor prognosticated that Susan Rice
would do again, what she did relative to Benghazi. And then did
you note soon after my prognostication, it was discovered that Susan
Rice had been the bearer of false cover exactly as she had for Benghazi,
but it was relative to the 1998 embassy bombing in Africa? Barack
actually sent someone out to give the contrived narrative rather then
the priority narrative which Susan did once before. Shazam folks.
You were the first again to be on the tip of the
iceberg of a national subject by simply reading this Journals humble
thoughts. Think of it. Our State Departments response to the
1998 embassy bombing in Africa was akin to the response to the Benghazi
attacks and both times Susan Rice was the bearer of false though
officially sanctioned information which offer THE AMERICAN PEOPLE HOPE
Folks, this editor doesn't doubt Susan's talents
or abilities. In fact, it is because of that respect from one who
has received even more in the way of higher and professional educated if
you want to count diplomas then she, and thus can't for the life of me
understand how she does this stuff. With her talent, ability, and
education, she has chosen to be the center of such controversies and
that she defends the wrong message vehemently until caught and then
apologies. Well apology accepted, but a repeat performance?
If Susan hired me and gave me the chalk for 5
minutes this editor would write, "Susan, this editor thinks with all
that you have going for yourself, great looks, great personality, great
husband, great American education and fantastic genes, you should come
out and condemn those that are using race to attack folks who are
honestly confused and probably so disappointed in your actions, that it
is understandable that they would wish some one other then you.
Face it, why not take the high road? Your hearings will be within
the senate where Dems have a known stranglehold. You would have to
lose every Republican and some Democrats. Thus, why not come out
and help America heal from within, outside of the circumstances of your
alleged appointment? It could serve you well
(Of course knowing although this editor could not vote for her, as a
professional I would chalk things out for her)". And
such evil manipulation of the race card bodes poorly for the health of
our American spirit. Please realize that when a heinous case of
racism is alleged, folks may hesitate because they became accustomed to
it being misused! This editor will reiterate out that no man or
women has the power to control what color, race or religion they were
born into. No man or women can thus be condemned for being a
Muslim, a Christian, a Jew, a White man, a Black man or a Hispanic etc.
by birth.
These issues should never be injected when sores lie so near to the
surface of folks.
In fact with such an understanding, we all should
condemn those that would try to hurt anyone on such racists grounds,
when real issues must be overcome, and the future of our Republic
depends on a unity of our peoples of any of our heritages; Hispanic,
Jewish, Christian, Afro-American, Oriental, Northern European, and all
the rest. We are a nation of the people, by the people and for the
people, we were not designed to have folks use MAKE BELIEVE creative
thinking along evil lines to disgrace our politicians. Heck the
apparent stupidity or ineffectiveness of both parties relative to
solving our nations issues is so apparent, our politicians don't need
any help looking foolish. Face it if the two parties had been
doing their job, this nation with our resources and make up would have
full employment and a booming economy!
Sadness and resolve must be our emotions as we
must look forward to rebuilding the greatest civilian nation in
mankind's experiential existence, the United States of America.
And may the lord continue to bless her.
guy ™
Dear Little guy,
President Obama has all the power and also has a plan. I
believe in my heart his plan is that he
wants us to go over the fiscal cliff
because this means more tax money coming in and
he can blame middle class increases on
the GOP. In other words the only way he and the
progressive democrats can rob the treasury is if we go into a
recession which will cause his followers to accept another stimulus
which again will go to any of his friends who apply for any type of
green technology permits even though they have a failed business
plan from the get go!
Obama needs the money to help his cronies garnish more money.
We will be in a recession, but he does not care. Sequestration
will go into effect and our military will be diminished. But
Obama will then get his recession/stimulus spending free ticket for
what you call "green poultice" (Bribe?) politics. And to boot,
I believe the terrorists are watching because they also know what
Obama is all about. Just like Afghanistan where the Taliban
have become international drug dealers to fund their future
terrorist plans, so will the new al-Qaeda operatives in North Africa
become the drug dealers for Europe from their South American
presence. Notice this is all being built under Barack and
Hillary's watch.
In the last four years I have watched Obama diminish the country I
know, destabilize the middle east and eastern Europe and allow our
nation to fall further and further behind in business and trade
because we are continuing to lose our work force in hopes of reaping
income from wealthy folks in Barack's income redistribution scheme.
And it appears most folks don't acknowledge that they get it.
Dear Southern California,
Thank you for writing the Journal. From
your email this editor finds perhaps you had to let the truth vent
as you actually did not ask a question. Therefore this editor
can only advice that I solute you for your fabulous inductive and
deductive female reasoning. It is this editors hope that other
lady's will think about your explanation of what's going on, and
perhaps you may find more and more folks sharing the same epiphany's
that you have (For the heck of it this
editor has withheld your name albeit if the government wants they
will know who you are).
Thank you for writing to the Journal and I hope
you continue to contribute.
little guy ™
Clearly it is the Democrats who have a war against women. And
its a war against intelligence. Look at Barack, he always
say's something his supporters like and then behind the scenes does
something else. And a perfect example is his claim the dopey
weak willed and panicky Republicans had a war against women when the
Republican's in reality support the spoken truth first rather then a
shell game of truth evidenced by Susan Rice; well she couldn't tell
the real truth because it was classified even though she knew the
truth and then she was approved to lie.
Today Morsi's new constitution is anti-women's
rights. Thank you President Obama. It is clear there is
a secret war to tear down anything the Jews or the Christians built,
and support the old 'Roman tenants to divide Israel'.
Palestine was never Palestine before the Romans killed over one
million Jews in its take over of Israel. And thus the UN acted
fraudulently on a factual
basis. And Yesterday, Barack gets to claim he voted against
the permanent division of Israel and
while it all occurred under his watch. What he says and what
results is so predictable to everyone but the fooled folks that
voted for him
Barack encouraged Susan Rice to do what she did. That's a war
against women. And now Barack's boy Morsi is out to control
and trap women into a backwards world of subservient slavery with
obviously the women being the slaves. Or look at Barack's
beloved United Nations. Israel has a hard time defending
innocent women and children from heinous broad based missile attacks
absent criticism from the UN and yet the UN has allowed Syria to
kill 40,000 folks absent the type of rhetoric you hear from the nuts
in our country or the UN when Israel tries to defend itself.
And finally, look at the UN trying to take over the internet.
Freedom under Barack's watch is disappearing, and just like in NAZI
Germany, loser nobody's or those that will put PARTY OVER RELIGION
(Just like NAZI Germany folks) who support the state are
nominated or on the list to be nominated the person of the year.
We are repeating the mistakes of the past as history is repeating
itself and only the few, brightest of the bright, actually see what
is going on. It is time to cut funding to the UN.
Well you can bet dollars to donuts that crazy yet
wilily old Barack will come out against Morsi's actions verbally but
will support him secretly. Look the senate just voted for
sanctions against Iran and Barack already made up a baloney story
about why he can't support it. Its a war against women's
rights, a war against what ever organized religions built over the
last 6 thousand years, and the outcomes prove that this editor has
prognosticated correctly. And you have to admit, during this
entire take over of our culture by Barack, he is happy as a lark.
Well only the latest shoe dropped when Morsi
attacked women's rights in his new constitution but insiders claim
our beloved Barack just ordered ten pairs of his favorite 100 shoes
and thus there will be many more shoes to drop, while his new budget
calls for more spending proving any promises of future spending cuts
is phony or hypocritical to say the least, and the miniscule 80
Billion he will collect from taxing the wealthy will be gone in a
new York minute. Probably to one of his favorite terrorist
nations. But you have to admit the folks love Barack.
If you notice a shoe dropping send this editor a
line, and I will include it in this wonderful expose of life in
America today. And may the lord continue to bless America and
all the good people of this world.
little guy ™
consciously or unconsciously, purposefully or accidently gave
Terrorist dogma a mouth to put it's foot in with Mohamid Morsi."
Folks this editor should have predicted President
Morsi's power grab, because Barack is our President. Anytime
Barack has made a promise or one of his spokespersons makes a
promise some sudden bad event seems to follow. And that is
with and without him keeping his promise. Folks that are
concerned about such matters need to ask themselves each and every
time Barack does a deal, "what did we give away now"? For
example, Russia wanted us to abandon those past nations of the
Soviet Union by never employing a missile shield. Russia asked
us to stay the heck out of Syria and we have. Barack preached
American weakness claiming our fight for their freedoms was somehow
our fault; for continuing to come to their rescue or bail them out
as we do every year. And a good example is Egypt
(Folks don't you think Greece and others
wish they were on this great American rip off gravy train?).
Egypt was always considered a friend by Republicans, but today
foreign policy is redesigned by the various whims and moods of
Barack Obama. But more concerning is the fact that often there
is some kind of a deal, dangerous folks in the middle east
gain ground, and "civilized" folks are hurt. The entire
inability for Barack to demonstrate any civilized standards for the
UN to stand with shows absence of a strong US Commander and Chief,
the world loses its balance and increased unfair play and behaviors
deadly to any civilized society begin, with pie in the sky hope for
the masses to cling onto
(Wealth Redistribution in time to save
who?) rather then working or schooling for work etiquette
or shared protocols essential for a healthy people.
This editor has been silent about the
following but perhaps it will help things pass. Long ago, my
fiancé had bet me that Romney would win
(A bet this editor would have been
pleasantly surprised but satisfied to lose!). And
win big. And I replied "from your lips to the lords ears".
Can you believe my money was on Barack? Yes all along,
throughout the process, this editor saw little in the way of a
complete understanding of the situation by the Republicans running
and of course every time the chips were down in Debate two or three,
Mitt passed as he was advised. After the first debate this
editor saw a BRIGHT glimmer of hope for Mitt. But I couldn't
write it. In fact this editor tried to have my lady friends
bet come to fruition, but again, the Republicans with all the
better cards dealt them during the process, never put the hands
together? It was so odd to watch. Think about it.
Times are near the election and if this editor hit Romney hard for
failing to bring up the horrific wrongs against fellow Americans now
dead in Benghazi, it could be detailed by the left as another
negative for Mitt!
In any event folks like Kathleen and the
others that prognosticated a huge Romney victory perhaps got over
the events quicker then someone like myself. Practicality to
the nth degree has little in the way of utility for progressives
today. No it is all about a pseudo interest in Liberal
matters, until the debate is twisted and filled with inappropriate
decision making, manipulation of the statistics, and absent much in
the way of traditional American processes save eking out a win in
the General elections. Once in office, all bets are off
because matters other then the major ones, minor
issues which plague the nation are addressed. And major issues
are only addressed after the event rather then spending the money or
time on such major issues in foresight and prophylactic protections
thus precluding horrific events. We as a nation have been a
dismal failure on foresight and prophylactic measures under Barack
but you must admit, for all his faults, Bush was the foresight
prophylactic designer for most of the protections today.
It's just Barack ignored his security meetings, he ignored most
stuff because he is a "cram student" expert, or so it seems.
Folks, please try to discuss the issues with
voters who love their candidate. Oh some progressives think
they can hang, but when they mention the math and you say good idea,
and present the facts, denial, resistance to almost a dumb-ing down
of critical thinking occurs and it always ends with "be dammed the
math" with plenty of progressive verbal rhetoric, but math on paper
is either absent, unable to complete, or a refusal to look at
matters and the deficit and debt continue to go up where no debt has
ever gone before in this world. There is a dumb-ing down of
our society under Barack Obama.
Dumb-ing down, weeeeeeeeeeeeeell, lets take
Susan Rice. This is sooooooooooo simple its mind boggling that
there is even a debate. But again its the super stupid media
where "dumbed down" has been their mantra. Susan for what ever
reason, done consciously or unconsciously, willingly or unwillingly,
did present long after the fact, false information! And
she fought hard with FALSE INFORMATION when someone who has
written to Barack, and they read this Journal, had from day one
called the attack what it was, a Terrorist Hit which was successful
and we failed to have ethical rational and responsible protections
in place, we failed in our response and we lied about it. No
matter what, if Rice was who she claimed, she would have looked into
such important matters before misleading or lying to the American
People. But the latter doesn't matter. The question is
not motives or even what happened. The fact is
an adult would opine, she did this once, it is her way, and we all
will be doomed to the probability that similar situations will
always arise with Susan! Thus no one needs to
point any fingers, its that she had her
chance big time, and presented false and misleading information
relative to four Murder investigations, making her statements
perhaps perjuries but in any event false. Thus
ethically she must recues herself due to Benghazi-gate as she is
either a participant or percipient. And in a similar situation
there is no doubt since she and Barack believe nothing wrong was
done which is inane if nothing else, she would do it again in a New
York Minute. How much of our civilians time must be
wasted on nonsense? Susan Rice in a sane and thinking
world would be all done. But Barack and 51% of the folks
advocate turning your back on the facts. And the majority
what? Let's hear it? Usually wins unless Barack never
intended to have his pal Susan be Secretary of State. She is
no Hillary Clinton.
And folks don't put your chips on the
Republicans because they want us to believe they are lost or
something. When someone calls John McCain a racists with great
ease that person is the racist. John McCain? At times he
bugs me because he projects great strength and then over compromises
with the left all too often. But anything other then a great
American is really some horrible stuff coming from some horrible
people. And the bigger their smile the bigger the racist
(Their phony). You see the Republicans could end
the debate by calling the jack-ass a jack-ass rather then to
continue debate with imbeciles with personality and charm. The
Dems don't grasp the big issues and as long as they can drag you
down to the gutter with them, the issues get so muddied, that it
becomes a hedge for evil, fraud or deception. And folks aren't
looking at the truth for what it is, they are moving truth out of
their way, to create a world for them to control. For example
look at the events leading up to Mubarak II. What in the world
was offered to Morisi? The status quo relative to Mubarak?
The facts on the ground prove nothing was gained by bringing down
Mubarak and much was lost as Terrorist dogma was given a mouth to put it's foot in with Morisi.
Barack's foreign policy is in shambles practically speaking and he
needs a George Shultz type, a Alexander Haig or even a Henry
Kissinger type as Secretary of State. Barack needs to do
the right thing for himself(Borrow some wisdom from the little guy) rather then
always picking folks to protect him rather then progress him.
Everything appears to be a game allowing
Terrorists to get a piece of the pie and they morph from Terrorists
to Politicians dragging our world down. America used to stand
for truth, and was a welcome change
in a world filled with deception since its
inception. Well Barack had backed Morsi all the
way, and what we received was a terrorist leaning Mubarak in Morsi.
Again, Barack consciously or unconsciously, purposefully or
accidently gave Terrorist dogma a mouth to put it's foot in with
Mohamed Morsi.
Well folks, the next time you notice an elected
official massaging the math or misleading folks, which should be quite
often, for the fun of it, check out the facts. And send your
findings into the Journal. And remember often with Barack no
matter the big event, some other hidden shoe will always drop as history
proves happened again and again with Obamacare, Solyndra etc and after
the most recent election, and now with Morsi's Christmas present which
this editor doubts any true Egyptians will ever appreciate.little guy
™ 11/27/12
Most folks can't imagine the hardships the
Pilgrims endured after arriving in Plymouth in 1620. But with the
help of the Squanto and other Wampanoag Indians who taught them how to
fish, grow corn and farm the land, they were able to create a new life
of freedom for themselves and a way of life passed down to us through
this very day.
By the end of their first year, the Puritans held
a celebration of the fruits of their farming labors called the "harvest
feast". The feast honored Squanto and the rest of the Wampanoag
Indians and was followed by three days of "thanksgiving" celebrating
their good fortune.
Folks, it is in this tradition, that we all
celebrate Thanksgiving. The American Academy for Justice Through
Sciences wish's all folks
a happy, healthy and thought provoking Thanksgiving Holliday.
little guy ™
say that the age of chivalry is
past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is
never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience
is a continual Christmas"-
Benjamin Franklin
In Barack's case perhaps he may have his first
positive foreign affairs gain and it couldn't have come at a better
time. How in the world can the people of Gaza tolerate Hamas?
Well, for now we at least can say happy Thanksgiving to Israel and the
people of Gaza.
Unprepared but come from behind Barack gets the
save and the result is peace as a great Thanksgiving day gift for
everyone. Lets hope Hamas has learned that launching death while
hiding behind innocents in and of itself is a great sin outside of being
the most cowardly form of murder.
In any event for now everyone looks smart as peace
has a way of doing that.
little guy
say that the age of chivalry is
past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is
never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience
is a continual Christmas"-
Benjamin Franklin
It would seem that Israel could have been
supremely protected under the Republicans whereas it is clear that under
Barack Israel will suffer for whatever political gains sick folks derive
from such occurrence. Clearly after the 2006 bombing terror attack
in Tel Aviv, Bush had set out to develop methods to preclude further
such horrors. This morning Tel Aviv was hit again and against
innocents on a PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION BUS. Folks these terrorists
are the worst of criminals and must be round up. Bush policy on
such terrorists was a great success until Barack took over as things are
now spiraling out of control. Under the hated President Bush,
after 911 we were safe and Israel was safe. The madmen of the
world would never have dared build nuclear weapons as Iran has or again
send missiles into Israel. And just like Benghazi, rather then
understanding our world and thus having prophylactic plans in place to
preclude the deaths in Benghazi or Israel, folks die needlessly and then
Barack reacts. Too little to late for the dead.
All of this could have been prevented if 1. The
American people understood the issues, and during this cycle, enough
folks (51%) failed to take the best the Republicans could offer and the
suffering continues. At least for now. (2). The
Republicans came up with a candidate who was sensitive enough and had
folks around him sensitive enough to the desires of all Americans rather
then ideas which would be great if used to lead, but absent the ability
to relate how folks are directly affected, caused folks to vote for
Barack causing important issues to fall by the wayside ready and able to
pop up as a disaster when ripe. The Republicans failed to explain
how folks votes could have changed the world rather then continuing in
the mess that developed outside and above any financial problems which
arose due to the war drain concomitant with the bank loan fraud, which
occurred at the end of Bush's eight years.
In any event, folks must try to understand the
issues. This week a wayward was on the air suggesting Israel was
fighting back disproportionately. In other words killing done her
way is good, but a fight which obviously could result in peace in the
Middle East was unacceptable. Evil has filtered into our nation
and airwaves under Barack's watch, and thus destabilization is occurring
which is a weakness European nations face, but we were smarter then this
just five years ago. Five years ago, because folks suffered from
the Bush crash, which has hurt their emotions, changed their thinking to
one of panic which is acceptance rather then taking the time patience
grants to think things through. Shooting match's on TV are being
turned off and messages are lost.
Unless folks draw this progressive enthusiasm back
some, they are progressively and exponentially increasing our course to
a debt bubble bust, and perhaps all out world chaos which would have
required the Bush military as mandatory and be left with a military
perhaps ready to fight aliens or moving targets in the sea or in the
air, but not ready to fight a ground war especially one on more then one
continent. Which is antithetical to the Terrorist plans. The
Terrorist plan is to engulf nations like ticks, suck their blood out and
destroy. Obama's military couldn't even fly a 45 minute Jet ride
from Italy. Yet the facts prove we have F-16's on a base at
Aviano, Italy. Experts opine it would take a half hour and change
to fuel and arm an F-16 and brief the pilots and another 45 minutes to
fly to Benghazi. And what about the other alleged cover-up?
Alleged because some intelligence folks have leaked a AC 130 Spectre
gunship capable of launching a variety of deadly options so
sophisticated as to almost extinguish the threat of collateral damage
was in the area. And the scuttlebutt is that the Gunship was sent
and recalled! Who recalled it or interfered with its deployment?
You see David Pateros was the perfect patsy and
next in line to fall for a disengaged Administration so far over its
head and out of step as Obama clearly rejected protocols and advice
which took centuries to develop, and trying to think as an attorney,
made a mess out of almost every part of our economy and our nation.
And for all intent and purposes "we the people" can only hope, that he
ends his go it alone far left leaning policies, and humbly submits to
the wisdom within the Republican party. United we could again
stand the tallest and be the beacon of hope for our world, but the
divide is ever widening with lost folks on a major network selling the
end of the United States as we know it and under Barack somehow becoming
the Antithetical President to Abraham Lincoln in every way.
Lincoln ended slavery to Unite our nation while Barack has wreaked our
nation so, we are being pushed into a wide division making it harder and
harder for folks on the left to embrace anyone right of them.
Almost a bending backwards for terrorists, communists or Marxists and a
pushing away of Catholics, Jewish folks, Libertarians for some reason,
and especially Republicans or anyone who thinks more conservatively then
they. A new era of stupidity claim its supporters, while
conservatives scratch their heads trying to find something to agree with
a progressive liberal about.
Some folks may never get it, and the trends
continue, my advise for the thinkers and the G-d fearing is to buckle
down, and try to work as hard as you can just in case Barack's way's are
not successful way's for our nation. And if by chance our economy
recovers properly and world tension abates you will be just that much
farther a head. To Quote a son of one of my mothers old mahjong
friends son's (Met him once when we were too
young to know too much other then he played the guitar and sang)
Come gather 'round people, Wherever you roam, And admit that the waters
Around you have grown, and Accept it that soon, You'll be drenched to
the bone, If your time to you Is worth savin', Then you better start
swimmin, or you'll sink like a stone, For the times they are
a-changin'.- Bob Dylan. Let's pray the lord continues to Bless
America and her traditional allies.
little guy ™
say that the age of chivalry is
past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is
never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience
is a continual Christmas"-
Benjamin Franklin
Folks this editor never wanted to be a politician
but perhaps this editor could never have been one. For Pete's
sake, why would the President dash off to a campaign event during the
Benghazi horrors and now why would he go to Asia when Israel is in need
of immediate emergency help? Leading from behind, from a distance,
is akin to allowing post Sandy victims to survive without power for up
to two weeks or more and then leaving the local power utility to blame
when they were also struck by the disaster which is why all factions
needed help from this president! Zero contingencies for the
important things and much rhetoric to either first say don't blame so
and so come to me. And when they did today, the White House
advised I don't know who changed the memo to a fraudulent representation
of the facts involving the death of courageous Americans!
Oh boy, did you hear the latest, after the fact
our White House didn't want al-Qaeda to know what they knew! Folks
al-Qaeda thought we know what they were going to do before they did it
under unwise-in business maters though ever the defender of America and
her allies Bush
(An oil company went bust when G W was their
President long before he was Governor of Texas!), but now
they don't care what we know! You mean they might get wind of a
retaliation when all such expectations were just that? Expected
before they hit us? Relative to my training under many many
different experts to attain a CFE in Government and Health care, it is
clear to me that Rookies run everything.
I received a communication today stating our CIA
and FBI are incompetent. This editor would like to answer Kathy by
saying, when our troops are afraid of crossing the commander and chief,
chaos theory proves all that could go wrong may go wrong rather then
having experience from the top try to understand the experts at all
levels of CIA or FBI? Get it? Folks don't how to operate
under Barack! Our current leadership is the anti-common sense
group who believe they are smarter and can do anything anyone else who
say learned over a 40 year period of education and experience could.
Which folks, just isn't even realistic. But it is what were
dealing with.
Don't blame our agencies, blame the inconsistent
leadership when it occurs and usually absence of leadership from our
executive branch concomitant with the best SPIN MEN ever to hold the
office of the Presidency and it's various appointments. They might
be smarter then the Republicans but what they have proven is to be
inconsistent, absent in common sense, absent any experience nor the
recognition that humility in the office guided by the experience before
things occur place INTO
the protections all Americans expect after 911, and well, we were
promised hope but on this issue, left in despair to not only relive new
9-11-12 horrors but then experience life under government propaganda
just like living in the old Marxist regimes.
I don't get it folks? Would you have left
for a fundraiser during the time our President should have stood hand in
hand with the American people to share reality, and would you leave for
Asia while our best ally in the middle east is under siege? If you
have an idea drop me a line because it is clear, that all is well and
manageable from Barack's perspective, but perhaps you also share the
view that prophylactic contingences against the most obvious problems
which could arise are always absent under Barack and we must go through
the worst of times in order to share his followers imaginary experience
with Angels and mirth rather then getting down to the hard reality of
problem solving and prevention before a Benghazi, and before any missile
were ever sent to kill innocents in Israel. This editor even
warned minutes after the debate that the Press Core was anything but and
failed to ask
My Question 11.
What contingency measures have you taken to support Israel now that the
middle east flames have reached Israeli borders
(And just like Benghazi, Barack
did it again)?
And then as if the Lord wrote my warnings on the wall for you, they came
Isn't at all odd to folks that our President is
out trying to make history for himself by visiting a nation he could
have visited anytime if he so choose at a time where Israel needed him
and our nation needed him? No, Barack is out trying to create a
legacy where it is doubtful folks will realize the world was burning
while Barack was out fiddling with 'History'.
isn't it wrong that this editor repeatedly is correct and the press is
absent when on duty as my illustrated call on Benghazi and Egypt moment
by moment throughout this entire endeavor! Isn't it wrong that the
"little guy" is one of the number one News Info-persons?! Its just
plane wrong! Folks, this editor
doesn't understand Barack, his supporters methods, nor the absence of a
real press within today's liberal media. Do you?
little guy
say that the age of chivalry is
past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is
never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience
is a continual Christmas"-
Benjamin Franklin
Well, for the first time in my life, a candidate
became president and immediately our economy, our international affairs,
world affairs, and the national defense was proven to be unstable.
How in the world can these voters who voted for instability show up and
look the cautious folks who were scarred to vote for Barack in the eye.
This editor is embarrassed for them as they are lost sheep, or so it
WOULD seem. They truly act so sanctimonious and all fronts, have
from the economy to the boldness of Terrorists, to teaching our children
from the bully-pulpit of the White House there is a time to LIE your way
out of most stuff, and they could find many supporters who will find
creative ways to spin things; again such teachings will increase fraud,
increase crime against humanity and against authority (Had a heinous Sheriff's Deputy shooting last
night in LA, and frankly this editor has not recovered from such a
horrific act as yet)which proves the beginning waves of
the effects from deception done consciously or unconsciously from the
top creates. And folks this editor advised that one of the
question which not only a must to ask at the Presidential news
conference, it was prophetic.
Question 11.
What contingency measures have you taken to support Israel now that the
middle east flames have reached Israeli borders
(And just like Benghazi, Barack
did it again)?
And that in and of itself proves the truth. Much of the
liberal media is dangerously foolish hurting our own nation for their
own personal egregious self aggrandizing political aspirations.
And with many spineless and foolish Republicans about, they seem unable
to unite the American public and thus Barack has proven the great
divider. What a mess folks,
what a mess.
Heck after Barack was elected, if his decision
making had made the world safer well this editor would be the first to
congratulate him. But he was reelected, and rather then anything
getting better, we continued down the obvious road we were on which is a
steady decline since 2009.
2009 with Obama Obama now
Middle East Stable
Obama Speaks in Cairo Middle East in Flames
Out of Work
Million 24+ Million out of Work
with ten's of Millions who have stopped looking/ignored by Obama
7.8% 7.9% Obama did nothing - Fail
Food Stamps
32 Million 50 Million
Median House Hold
$54,983 $50,964
(Down 4 grand)
(My Cost ↑ 2 Times)
$10.6T $16.+Trillion
up 29.6% - 3 years
South African Gold Krugerrand
(Double in 3 years)
US Beef cents per pound
(Up ~ 75% in 3 years)
US President & Israeli PM meet
When in same country Obama
Scheduling problems
Egypt was guardian ally with Israel Egypt does not talk to Israel
Bush builds world reverence for 911
Egypt storms US Embassy on
President Bush teaches terrorists there is no
place to hide. Libya storms US Consulate on
Before Barack, if a President again lied to the
People he would be out and after Barack the liberal media especially
MSNBC (Comedy central and others) has become the teacher of
nonsense, suppression of the truth and a manipulation of the truth to
serve their pundits own ego's over our nation.
President Bush teaches terrorists there is no
place to hide. Libya Murders US Ambassador in
most heinous ways possible, as two American Navy seals demonstrate why
Mr. Obama and his administration for what ever reason had hid the truth
from the American people before the recent election.
Folks Americans died and such
pundits have caused protection which will doom other Americans to die in
the future. These are the dumbest times this editor has ever lived
Over 50% of folks graduating with a degree cannot
find work in their chosen field.
Barack pundits get on the TV on every channel,
laugh and smile which is just plain phony folks, and like clowns they
will continue to clown around until some grown up place things in
perspective. And there is zero in the way of Adult acting folks in
Barack's Administration; Hillary was proved the buffoon to anyone who
tells the truth, Petraeus truthfully became Pinocchio Petraeus, followed
by all the rest, and they all make Watergate look like a picnic relative
to 4 dead, and outright lies to cover-up the responsibility. Who
cares why in the short term, the facts are four are dead, our nation was
shockingly unprepared, had not ability to think efficiently and
effective but rather absent a teleprompter and ability to memorize what
one is going to say, we are at best a nation who leads from behind or
Let us hope that things change, but absent the
truth on Benghazi, our nation is doomed for half truths and
PROPAGANDA from our OWN elected officials this editor would opine
appear to be violations as outlined in our constitution. In other
words most Democrats, for whatever reason, even when they admit our
nation is in trouble, WILL CONTINUE TO SPEAK ARTFULLY or in other words,
a bunch of phony-baloney cover-up stuff, where eventually the atheists
and pro terrorists will gather and rise to rule, and absent moral high
ground, our nation will be attacked by other world powers.
Everyone, even a child knows what the truth is. But as the truth
is abandoned in our reality which is becoming common place, so goes the
glue that holds our Republic together. And our children learn the
UNIMPORTANCE for telling the truth.
Next time folks, think about who would make the
most immediate changes for the better or Who would establish National
and world stability rather then the one who destabilized the world
(Folks this editor can prove that I have written
this over 39,000 times in professional audits over a 35 year period and
once again, this editor is proud to
O'Reilly has introduced my audit styles into his show after reading it
here at the Journal)
and could continue to do
Well today over 450,000 new unemployment
applications suddenly appeared in Pennsylvania and Ohio. Has
anyone noticed everything is happening just soon after the election?
Why even food stamp recipients rose three whopping million since the
election to 50 Million folks absent employ needing Food Stamps! In
any event two states would not listen to basic common sense and went
with their gut, and were rewarded today with local increases in
Now combine folks losing their jobs with the 700
point drop in the DOW since the election also caused folks 401K's and
Ira's to drop driving more and more folks into poverty. And
folks, you just can't make this 'horrible'
stuff up (On a personal note, in a state with
one of the worst unemployment situations, and in areas of 13 percent
unemployment, because of ALLEGED excellence in job performance for a tad
over a years time, this editor is now confident to announce a third day
has been added to my care for the ill and impaired schedule relative to
two cities and at other times in a third city (Down Town L.A.); from the
Desert to the
Sea. You can move slowly back
toward GO under
Barack although as this editor advised, it is akin to
this song and the following historical picture)."
little guy ™
say that the age of chivalry is
past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is
never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience
is a continual Christmas"-
Benjamin Franklin
After making time to hear the Presidents first
Press conference in some time, to this editor it seems like I am still
waiting. Milquetoast questions were witnessed and if someone
begins to get to something the President finds it offensive as a device
which must cause him much laughter when he is alone and off stage.
This press core is a failure. And of course on most of the
milquetoast questions he was masterful. But to what end?
Folks when it came to Susan Rice the President
said go after me! Obama is always lawyering and folks let him get
away with gross negligence. And he will get a way with it as he is
the master of the old shell game. After all the milquetoast
questions where Obama of course shines, the press shrink away from their
duties and tip toe around even their dumb questions.
Thus lets look at just a few of the questions this
editor opines
Murrow would have asked?
When exactly did you know Benghazi was an al-Qaeda attack.
Whose idea was it to spin the heinous attack in Benghazi on the crappie
nutty parody about Islam which admit, you knew it never had anything to
do with the Benghazi killings of our American Ambassador and true one of
a kind, American Heroes, our most valued resources and respected
When did you first know and was it true Muslim's were taken prisoner in
Benghazi and that was one of the reasons for the attack? To free
their terrorists comrades?
Why didn't you announce to the American people that Iran attacked US
property and why was there zero in the way of response? And don't
you think the American people deserved to know this before the election?
Yes or no. Is Valerie Jarrett conducting talks
with Iran or is your administration at ANY LEVEL CONDUCTING TALKS OR
Do you think the loss of a Stealth Drone during your first term to Iran
allowed them to increase their own technology which will lead to their
ability to shoot down our Stealth fighters? Remember under
Barack's watch mysteriously a stealth drone was delivered to the
Iranians and most probably they were testing what they had learned from
that gift. And Barack did not retaliate because further testing
will be required before they can defeat our stealth and non-stealth
drones which leads to the ability to kill our stealth bombers; another
As it turns out General Petraeus was known to be having relations
in Afghanistan, folks in the theater all knew about it, and now David is
claiming it occurred after his CIA appointment. Can you find any
reason to trust anything Pinocchio David has said and perhaps this is
the tip of the iceberg for a career filled with exaggeration? Do
you believe David when he claims that CIA did not turn down requests for
help on 911? In other words does Pinocchio David have any
responsibility in the failed prophylactic protections in place prior to
9-11-201, as well as a failure to support our folks under fire, and then
did he continue this ETHOS OR CULTURE OF CORRUPTION when he mislead
folks claiming 9-11-2012 was due to the U-Tube Video when everyone now
understands he knew otherwise? Finally, realizing CIA was not
ENGAGED as an intelligence agency with any preparedness for the attacks,
failed to listen to calls for reinforcements months continuing up
through the day of the 9-11-2012 attack, and thus proved to be the
version of an intelligence agency, what changes were being made to
completely restructure our leadership's understanding of what it takes
to have an effective and efficient Intelligence Director Central?
Did Pinocchio Dave's mistress reveal state secrets in speeches and in
writing when she revealed one reason for the attacks were that our CIA
absent military backing or even prison guards took three Prisoners at
the Benghazi Annex?
Realizing that two Generals have been compromised by sex and your Secret
Service was compromised by sex, have you made any efforts to change what
appears to be a real Culture of Moral Corruption in your ranks?
Don't you believe in your heart that this massive cover-up was at the
very least, the dumbest mess you could have gotten yourself involved in?
What contingency measures have you taken to support Israel now that the
middle east flames have reached Israeli borders?
Folks there are so many more questions which
should have been asked but the above was off the cuff. And it is
probable that my questions have once again Beat the Press which is a sad
indictment of our media. And thus this editor is still waiting for
a real Presidential Press Conference.
Well this editor must seriously congratulate
President Obama for once again, shazam, he came out smelling like roses
when everyone else he is involved with or even mentioned gives off a
fishy odor so strong, foreign countries are beginning to smell rotten
eggs/dead fish all while Barack remains one of the most amazing
individuals of our times.
Finally, can any of you actually believe Pinocchio
Dave's account of matters with the record now demonstrating far in a way
more then what Dave had been saying which then bodes we ask, is there
anything that Pinocchio Dave can say at the congressional hearings that
will be believable? Perhaps the cloak
and dagger game went to his head, and now like Barack he
maintains a chameleon character 24/7 relative to the realities on the
ground. Will his testimony be yet another prototypical Obama smoke
which somehow always ends up leaving his
supporters in a dream world filled with heavenly angles and mirth?
What a horrible mess while our media is causing our nation to look very
foolish to the world.
little guy ™
Well, this editor came home to a conservative
honey who turned off Fox! She is watching CNN and wont let me turn
on O'Reilly. She is sick of being disappointed and what ever
happened today on Fox and apparently the Five as well, fired her up
about how inconsistent everyone is. Apparently this editor missed
my favorite Burnett, and will be bailed out with a Lakers Game in two
hours (I will get the TV back).
But Oh boy, my love, a conservative Lady, was so turned off by
conflicting messaging from Fox this editor lost the remote.
Hopefully she will calm down by tomorrow for I know she likes Hannity
and finds O'Reilly intellectually stimulating.
Oh wait, I can hear O'Reilly so this editor better
run, and perhaps I can catch something on Fox. Heck this editor
wants to find out who the litigious folks at Fox were who want Petraeus
to sue the FBI, (News update: Greta
placed a time line of alleged Forensic protocol by our head law
enforcement agency and too much
time later a colleague for the Internet Press discovered revealing
information which helped clear the smoke screen and prove this editor
was the first on the internet to give you folks the truth based on
inductive and deductive reasoning applied to photo's and reports from
the Foreign Arab and Muslim Press, Terrorists announcements and
advisements to their members, and actual day one Libyan Government
President indicating it was an al-Qaeda hit. But further as this
JUST AS FAST AS OUR WHITE HOUSE....amazing Journalism...praise the lord)
as if our Government isn't broke enough! Law suit poppycock.
But based on Greta's reporting this editor must opine a unsatisfactory
view may prove prudent rather then unnecessary, and prophylactic to
prevent any future failure in either effort or protocol for a forensic
sweep of a crime scene, if the
upper echelon of bureau review
indicates was the case. Have to jump.
little guy
say that the age of chivalry is
past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is
never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience
is a continual Christmas"-
Benjamin Franklin
Folks it has only been one week since Barack was
re-elected and no matter who is wrong and who is right
on any of the almost unlimited new harebrained actions
on the parts of elected officials and their appointees
which has been revealed, it has occurred to this
examiner that we in store for FOUR MORE YEARS OF THIS
Well folks, it also occurs to this examiner that if the Republicans
can become consistent on their message, find a way to embrace some folks
this editor has been deeply associated with for some 30 years now, our
Hispanic American Community, our Oriental American (Remember this editor
also has a four year Degree in Oriental Medicine which is Acupuncture
and Herbal Medicine; MSOM, Masters of Science in Oriental Medicine)
community, and our Afro-American community, folks may wish to return to
the more tranquil times of a calm Reagan like experience.
Just think it has only been a week since Barack's re-election and
indeed, we are in store for four more years of the most harebrained and
wacky actions on the part of elected officials in toto
(which has occurred under Barack's watch)
that this editor can ever remember. And what is the heart of
today's memo? It appears that the loony farm gates have been
breached and the inmates are now running today's asylums.
Thank you Liberal Voters; not.
little guy
say that the age of chivalry is
past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age
of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong
left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience
is a continual Christmas"-
Benjamin Franklin
Inconsistency is the reason the Republicans can't
take back the White House and with Hillary running next, absent some
real soul searching, she may be our next president. Today my lady
called and indicated that several Fox pundits have moved far far left
passed Obama. This editor can't wait to hear about this
inconsistency. Again Clinton had to face impeachment hearings due
to the republican's ETHICS but if David Petraeus has an affair and fails
to outline such behavior prior to seeking the head of the CIA its not a
crime because the Republicans love Dave. Apparently some
Republican pundits are finding reasons for Mr. Petraeus to sue the
government because he decided to seek the highest office in the land
relative to secret investigations while compromised.
His affair if he were not in such an office is his
business. But when it occurs on the Tax payers dime, and when it
compromises the office even if only a possibility, it warrants
investigation. But apparently some loons who have zero experience
with anti-fraud or trench investigations and what it take to ensure zero
ability to compromise and thus ensure the success of our
investigations/missions, have been changing the topic from one of
national security breaches to the freedom to cheat on ones wife making a
mockery out of the institution of marriage. What is marriage to
these Republicans? Apparently liberals and conservatives think an
affair is O.K. as their entire focus is ALLEGING EMAILS WERE
THE RIGHT TO EXAMINE SAID EMAILS. Today's pundits make up attack
points on issues which remain unclear. For example what evidence
did the FBI have to investigate said emails. This remains unclear
but the very foolish pundits are now claiming email violations absent
facts. And to claim that an examination of emails
(Actually an issue for Social Libertarians)
is the big story while our CIA head was open to bribery
is so stupid its uncanny. We may never know but the way Petraeus
outlined the Benghazi attacks as due to the Video fraud device, may
already indicate that he was functioning under bribery attacks.
And there may be much much more Petraeus wrongdoing which has yet to be
uncovered or may never be uncovered.
Since national security was in jeopardy, the email investigation may
prove to be the only reason that we may eventually find out what
actually happened. And folks our Ambassador and our CIA heroes are
dead while the idiots find it important to attack our FBI rather then
the folks that are the decision makers like Barack, Hillary, Holder,
Panetta, Petraeus, and all the rest. Now if folks actually wanted
to get the Government out of our lives, they would have voted
Republican. And it is much much more then investigating email
which did uncover the fact that our CIA head open to criminal or foreign
Well if anyone wondered why the public is confused
let them understand how foolish Republican pundits are sometimes.
And the Democrats take advantage of every mistake. It's uncanny
how the republican pundits can blow the public trust. Now the most
important thing to a Republican pundit is to make sure folks emails
aren't investigated if they happen to be the head of one of our
investigative branches once compromised done consciously or
unconsciously. This editor knows that Fox was the first
to advise how the potential for bribery was opened with an affair.
And delivered on a silver platter another reason why Barack et al kept
the national conscious from knowing about the Benghazi Attacks.
And now from what was reported, others at Fox are now walking back said
progress, to defend infidelity by married folks. Hell if everyone
agreed that marriage is not a moral pledge we would indeed have anarchy,
and a nation consistent with Sodom and Gomorrah. Inconsistency is
yet another problem from folks alleged to represent the right and which
gives cause to continue to elect liberals. Get it? Some
republican pundits have now moved left on this issue so who needs them?
Exactly the same mistake made by Mitt in the third debate when he
continued to say he would govern exactly like Barack on many many
issues. Does this make sense to you?
Welllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, just another
foolish day, in what appears to be foolishness on both sides of the isle
all while the nation burns from the problems which face her.
Pundits from both sides of the isle are inconsistent and
while none of the issues which face the nation are addressed
; 23 million
unemployed, 17 million stopped looking for work and are on food stamps,
50 % of students can't get jobs in the fields their educated in,
unemployment is still just below 8%, median house hold income is
down 4.5 thousand dollars per household, gasoline and home heating oil
etc is almost twice as much as it was under Bush, our national debt is
up 29.6% under Barack, our national deficit is a whopping 1.2 trillion
while our national debt is increasing
as Barack has spent 6 trillion
in only four years while all presidents since the reset, some 42
Presidents left us a total of 10.5 trillion, Corn is over twice its cost
since Bush, Gold has tripled in value as the dollar slides, US
Beef has gone up 75% in 3 years, and we can't even protect our citizens
in Embassy's around the world, can't get our executive branch story
straight on anything evidenced by Fast and Furious and now the entire
Benghazi death debacle, the Petraeus debacle, we can't mount rescue
efforts any more even though we had fighter jets within 45 minutes (25
if they were launched absent a plan) strike range of Benghazi, we
continue to send our poor innocent CIA into Military operations absent
the military backing them, and we can't even create a FEMA agency or
system for rapid aid to our own citizens within our nations borders from
disasters and so much more, it would serve most elected officials right
if by the end of Barack's second term, they were all voted out of
Consistency was a
conservative value once and if its only Independents that demand
rational and responsible actions are the part of elected and elected
folks selections for offices, then it is time to vote everyone out of
office who is inconsistent. It may become time to clear them all
out, and folks, with only 45% of the folks backing one party, and 55% of
the folks backing another, it would seem mandatory rather then
permissive that elected officials begin to act like their working for
the American people and espouse old fashion American values. Why
again? Because there is no TRUE national mandate for either party
as the citizens are presently equally divided on most issues. And
absent a consistent message that resonates with most folks, this editor
can't see the Republicans making a comeback absent someone from their
side of the isle demonstrating all of the attractiveness and charisma
that Barack Obama brought to the table. Truly both parties are a
mess with the Republicans shrinking due to very dumb stands from
abortion to infidelity, all while Barack transforms our nation from our
American heritage to a model somewhere between the Marxist dogma and
little guy
say that the age of chivalry is
past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is
never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience
is a continual Christmas"-
Benjamin Franklin
Well the tally is in and the mislead, fools and
cockroaches voted for Barack. And why? Rather then
respecting him for what he had done and understanding him, they
understood neither and loved him. What is the proof? Well we
have the suppression of the truth while the truth was known, the
definition of Health Care Fraud, against the American people.
You were not allowed to know before the election that Benghazi was an
al-Qaeda attack.
You were not allowed to know that the crappie nutty parody about Muslims
had nothing to do with the Benghazi killings of our American Ambassador
and true one of a kind, American Heroes, our most valued resources and
respected citizens. 3. You were not allowed to know that
Muslim's were taken prisoner by our Presidents representatives in
Benghazi and that was one of the reasons for the attack. To free
their terrorists comrades.
You were not allowed to know that Biden denied the truth during the VP
You were not allowed before the election akin to 1-3
that the Iranians attacked US property while they were conducting talks
with Valerie Jarrett...perhaps a demonstration of Barack commitment to
Iran. Remember under Barack's watch mysteriously a stealth drone
was delivered to the Iranians and most probably they were testing what
they had learned from that gift. And Barack did not retaliate
because further testing will be required before they can defeat our
stealth and non-stealth drones which leads to the ability to kill our
stealth bombers; an almost Benedict Arnold act to some.
President Obama denied any talks with Iran were going on or were going
to occur and thus you were denied reality.
You were not allowed to know before the election that General David
Petraeus had an affair in Afghanistan, folks in the theater all knew
about it, and David and the President et al failed to reveal the truth
during his CIA clearing. Thus placing our entire nation in peril
as it is a violation of Military Law and Civilian law as David and our
nation was vulnerable to bribes and manipulation by foreign sources.
You were not allowed to know before the election that David's love
partner had state Secrets and was dealing them out in speeches and in
You were not allowed to know before the election that other Generals and
other women were involved and compromised but remained in command of our
Afghanistan Theater.
You were not allowed to know and realize that one by
one, Clinton, Dempsey, Panetta, Petraeus, and others from every
department in our nation, is taking a bullet or fall guy in disgrace
posture for this administration. And the next one to fall, which
is predictable, is not believable by this examiner. We have one
enforcement head that others before him and those retired from said
entity have been proud of for over 10 years. And yet somehow as
the investigation into the investigations continues, he is the next to
fall. And this guy's law enforcement credentials are above or
rival the accomplishments of David Petraeus. Out of respect for
the office and the entity, this editor will not offer his name.
Folks, how much more were you not allowed to know?
About our economy, our foreign trade, our military, our intelligence,
our energy dependence and so much more? And such folks who voted
for Barack are proud of their accomplishments as they actually, with the
evidence revealed live in a world wearing rose colored glasses with
their head in the clouds. And how did this happen?
Wellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, folks did not
respect Barack for the actions and results of his first term, but rather
felt they loved him for all the wrong reasons. Clearly, our nation
is compromised. And when looking at the election results, we can
see some folks were mislead, some were dunces and which were the
cockroaches? Well there the liberal talking heads which always put
their opponents down rather the discussing the issues. Cockroaches
don't discuss issues they invade and control if they can.
And look at Barack's latest action. His
offer to continue policies which Barack described in two campaigns as
created by the worst president in history, were created by poor innocent
President Bush. Infinite Hypocrisy and yet he hogtied his
followers again. His followers hate Bush and yet, they loved
Bush's ideas and polices on TAX CUTS when Barack continued them the
first time, and now he is offering Bush
to the middle class again! And the middle class folks who voted
for Barack who claimed they hated Bush polices again cheered our
president for his offer! Nutty folks when you clear away the smoke
screen. Why Barack in just four years and change has made
Hypocrites out of his supporters concomitant with getting them to cheer
his every idea and gesture. Barack and his group have outsmarted
everyone it would seem all while his new polices and regulations will
fundamentally change our nation away from what we were toward a European
Style of Government and weakness. And by the end of his term, no
matter what folks think of the transformation, it wont matter because
Barack will have had his way with America and her future. Barack
and his team continue to outsmart everyone and get all their hopes and
dreams realized rather then those wished for by for sure, the 45% that
didn't vote for him, and only the lord knows the make up of each and
every person that voted for him. Which was a heck of a lot of
folks from a diverse group of citizens. But guess what? The
continuation of the Bush tax cuts for folks making under $250,000 is a
policy albeit
not a comprehensive policy. Thus Barack has
hogtied his supporters and the Republicans again!
Well no matter what, come Hell or High water, and
we just experienced the high water on our East Coast with Barack's FEMA
once again proving to be a lame operation, Barack always come out on
top. And at least some folks are happy even though they are in the
dark about the most important issues which faced our nation, suppressed
before the last day's of our Presidential election WHICH INDEED PROVED
lack of preparedness which is outrageous after all we have experienced
since the original 911,
a lack of response or humanity for our dead
comrades in Benghazi, and well folks, there is every
indication that Barack supporter's will remain in denial until Barack
retires with all his happy misguided followers supporting him forever
and a day.
And that's the voice of the Independent's albeit
it appears Independents don't have much in the way of a political voice
and the Republicans, well something seems to have been lost in the spine
and back bone area of that party, and some common sense
(Lets say a Women is raped by a monster with two
heads filled with fangs and several tongues, nine hands and hundreds of
feet, do you really believe that was the lords wishes? Morons
folks, actual morons are allowed to engage on the grounds of religion
which the lord would never agree with; the creation of more
multithreaded monsters that can stand upright?) again leaving the
Independent voices, absent representation and with the self evident
truths discussed to fall into Barack's grab-bag of suppressed knowledge
never to be realistically enjoyed or even heard by the masses. And
folks, once again you have to give some credit to Barack because by the
end of the day, he seems to always get his wishes to come true.
little guy
"The Public has a right and
a duty to demand unimpeachable integrity from its public servants - J
Edgar Hoover
Well folks have you ever heard
it is lonely at the top. Well if you have the right attitude, and
love life, it can be fulfilling. And thus lets examine some of the
new truths which have come to light. Before the third Debate this
editor advised about the relationship between Mr. PLOUFFE and the
Iranians and there would be a story about the US working with Iran for
the election. And once it came true this editor wrote about it
again and that evening the President said there was no such relationship
and it was all fools gold from the Press. However now we learned
that Valerie Jarrett has been talking like a parrot to the Iranians and
they have learned so much during the talks the Iranian's tried to shoot
down one of our drones. And not only was this hidden from the
American people which is unheard of, it was done just days before the
election. Soooooooooo, we did have talks with the Iranians.
The Iranians were so bold they tested the concept that they
allowed to try to hurt Americans absent any retaliation? What does
this mean? A secret pen pal? A secret plan? What does
this mean? What is a tad over 1/2 the public's President up to?
And to what end? Will he continue to make the 45% unhappy, or will
he find a way to make most folks, say 80% happy?
Folks we haven't even began to
investigate the failed duties to inform the Public that we were hit on
9/11 of this year, and now we find out that we were shot at, and we were
holding talks with the Iranians although Barack denied it during the
third Debate. This editor is trying not to pay any attention
to such matters as of course it became clear to me that in life, the
greater percentage of the folks are not as bright as a lesser percentage
of the folks. And that lying, suppression of the truth while it is
known are considered passable if such members of our society like the
candidates personality. Their likeability. In other words,
this adult finds the greater percentage of the folks are operating at a
High School level, and never understood the fact that on top of the bad
left by Bush so to speak, Barack Obama added 230 million to the
unemployed list, 17 million folks who became unemployed could not find
work and stopped looking while falling into the poverty range and now
require food stamps in addition to the poor from before Obama. It
is a fact that all the Presidents since Jackson, some 42 presidents
spent 10.5 trillion and in only four years Barack managed to give
away/spend 6 trillion! Even folks that are injured workers, trying
to rehabilitate themselves into a new labor market who voted for Obama
cut off their noses to spite their faces. Unemployment rose last
month and unless something is done within less then two months, once all
the tax cuts since 2001 expire, every economist advised unemployment
will increase as employers must pay out more and have less to pay a new
worker. Especially one that was injured over someone who never had
any injury. Folks, from every walk of life there are foolish folks
whose light bulb only burns brightly in their own minds. Had some
likeability factor brought them money rather then actually ever having
to be correct to earn it? And look at the revelations witness in less then a
week after the election!
Now combine the revelations
(Secret "love-in's" between Jarrett and Ahmadinejad
while Ahmadinejad shot a missile at one of our drones and remember while
the meetings were opening Barack said it was fools gold from the
press-pant's on fire folks) with the Obama sell off which is what Smart Money folks have
advised this editor, as although we all like Barack, thinking folks know
that this nation just passed up the greatest opportunity it has had
since its inception, to have a leader of the Business World who was also
a Governor, bring a prosperity to this nation, that it had never
experienced before. A true Obama sell off also proving egg on the
faces of Obama voters.
Finally if you believe anything believe you must
not take what you hear as the truth from anyone who was or becomes
associated with this administration. And David Petraeus has now
crossed the line and who was President? Barack Obama. How
badly did we abandon our Libyan Ambassador et al on 9-11-2012? Egg
on the faces of some Obama Supporters. Folks lets hope it ends
with eggs!
This editor would like to say a
bit about how Republicans or how Conservatives and moderates could at
least pull to 50% of the folks. It's not through conversion but
rather through the hard work of sending representatives to all the
neighborhood especially Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, and
Afro-Americans, and break all the facts down so everyone can understand
them. If many many of the folks who voted for Barack actually
understood the situation rather then voting for the likeability of a
candidate, liberals would vote more in tune with moderates and many
conservatives. As an Independent it is easy to see the failure of
bringing folks into the Republican family. Look in reality this is
family earth, and it is the sick folks no matter how they hide it that
must divide us, must kill one race or religion, must kill someone
because of the color or absence of color in their skin and of course the
Terrorists and for the most part the Iranian Regime are evil folks even
if Barack Obama submits the middle east to the Iran for his term.
Fool me once shame on you, but
fool me twice shame on me. Well anyone who voted for Romney can
hold their head up with pride, as the deeds of the day somehow have
caused Barack to start off badly. The time since the election has
already proven egg on the faces of everyone that voted for Barack.
On the other hand, this editor still dreams that perhaps Barack will
move to the center and try to work with folks, but thus far, the only way folks are finding out the facts is by a few heroic reporters as it
turns out and of course they seem to never come from any of the liberal
media outlets. Why is that? Well, lets hope Barack can find
a way to make us all happy somehow. This editor truly hopes so, at
least for the 55 percent or the folks that voted for him.little
Folks did not vote for Barack
because of change. They voted for Barack because they like the way
things are (Heck these folks never lived...) and believe Barack can make
their lives better especially with Government handouts if one can get
one! There was a heck of a lot more however, none of the facts
matter as our Presidential Election has turned from an intellectual
examination by the folks and media on views espoused to one of a
Laissez-faire attitude for economics now spread to Government as well.
Peculiar twist to socialism granted but by the end of the day, or as
time goes by, our nation has to pay the piper. And many of his
followers once comfortable inside their box with Barack leading could
not think outside the box for even better or brighter horizons. It
was gung ho status quo when it comes to beating an incumbent.
Barack has taken home energy
off the table, made it less attractive to operate within the US
and even a call center spokesperson advised today that foreign call
centers do better under Barack then ever before, and he actually has the
audacity to invest our nations dollars on friends involved in
technological ventures in the area of Wind or Solar, and every business
plan was bad before meetings were held. Further with all tax cuts
since 2001 expiring in less then two months, the Presidents' on the books
proposal cutting 1/2 trillion from defense with Sequestration cutting
another 1/2 trillion creates a massive downsizing in man power and
unemployment goes from a moderately severe illness to a severe
catastrophe for our nation.
Well enough, perhaps a tad over
half the public voted to keep things the way they our and never listened
to any of the new ideas. The Political mechanism witnessed was
obnoxious, but this editor blames Romney's loss entirely on poor Mr.
Romney. After the first debate rather then being himself, he chose
to be overly diplomatic on Libya and the heinous events of
911/912/913/914...2012 where over 30 of our Embassies were attacked and
well, Romney was akin to those old British officers from the
movie the Bridge over the River Kwai. It was viewed as stuffy by
those that voted for Obama rather then wise even though hge was being
wise to those that shared his reality. But he needed all folks.
Obama supporters wanted to
see a walk down drag down debate and Romney said he wasn't playing, but
then voters worried about him being too tough (They advised he may look like he wanted to go
to wars...) then too weak, and all the rest that came at the last minute
which was hog wash advice and Romney set up Barack on a silver platter
as it where.
Then when Hurricane Sandy came, and Governor Christy called Barack the
second coming of Jesus Christ, and Barack never delivered evidenced by
how prepared these numskulls are for the Nor'easter! In any event with
Christy now saying he saw Barack walk on water himself, well, the nation
was abuzz and all the last minute change folks, changed back to Obama
because they knew him for four years. And Mitt, well he didn't
fight enough in their mind during the second and third debates, and
because the folks that voted for Barack are a different group of folks
from the strong right. Thus, if Mitt wanted everyone, as Dr.
Krauthammer and this editor opined he could get if
(Remember the only differences was Dr. Krauthammer thought he missed
an opening during the Economy Debate and this editor felt Mitt was going
to hit Barack hard during the foreign affairs debate which never
occurred...pity that was the beginning of the public's re-softening for
Barack...If Mitt's that forgiving well then the average Obama supporter
or leaning Obama should too. Get it!) he went after
those that were sympathetic to our nations still open gaping wounds from
9-11-2012. And Obama Supporters equated Mitt's absence of fighting
for them on that issue weakness, and felt more comfortable and safe with
the status quo. Mitt had the opportunity to expose disaffection
and outright absence of good judgment in preparedness for national
disasters whether man made or climate driven, an absence in proper
decision making during the situation and an absence of proper decision
making after the disaster. And since Mitt didn't bring it up
he had gained most all folks confidence FROM the first debate, they
took his advices and dropped the matter, which combined with the timing
of Sandy, and Mitt continually agreeing with the President during the
third debate taking away the NEED FOR CHANGE, combined to place the Romney advances in cardiac arrest.
Thank the lord the election is's over and we can go on trying to improve our own lives
without hearing the daily adds about one candidate or another. But
this editor would opine that many of the new immigrants and the younger
folks held pat rather then understanding the issues, almost like going
with a known winner rather then going through the trouble of critical
thinking on all the math and statistics presented which do face our
nation and require attention last year. Sequestration is a product
of what we have today. And with the vote coming out the way it
has, nothing has changed, and it is as if there never was a 2012
election as the House became more Republican, the Senate more Democrat,
and Barack is Orchestrating the music of his choice. At this
point, it is almost as an amazed spectator just rediscovering our world
all over again. Let us hope we all can have a new grand beginning
without any worries from my warnings about the absence of storm and
disaster preparedness and response, our wasteful overspending, and
almost childish view of the Middle East, China and Russia and now you
can add Northern Africa, the end of all Tax cuts enacted since 2001
ending at the end of this year. combined with Barack's
targeted tax cuts for those over $250,000 and well you do the math, it
looks like a formula for economic chaos but this is a time to celebrate
the re-election of the man the caused and will further come up with
cockamamie ways to entangle our economy more with less of a military as
he is who he is, and Barack has set a pattern for what interests him.
Who knows, perhaps something good in some unexplained way will come from
it all, and this editor wants to be optimistic for now and just focus of
helping those folks around me who come in for care for mysterious
impairments in function accompanied by pain usually arising out of the
course of or during the course of their employ or had some other
situational failure which resulted in biomechanical trauma. Good
luck folks. little
Lying rides upon debt's back (BF)....The
trust of the innocent is the liar's most useful tool (SK)...He who
permits himself to tell a lie once, finds it much easier to do it a
second and a third time till at length it becomes habitual (TJ)...Through
clever and constant application of propaganda, people can be made to see
paradise as hell, and also the other way round, to consider the most
wretched sort of life as paradise (AH) =
National Debtand
climbing, 17 million more folks on foods stamps because they were the
employed who became unemployed and then dropped off the map-17 million
lost workers, gasoline has doubled, median household income has dropped
$4,500, greater then 50% of students graduating college find zero in the
way of jobs or employment, with 15% of Americans in poverty, price of
corn doubled, ground beef up 75% with 23 million folks unable to find
work who have not dropped off the radar yet proves
- Benjamin Franklin -Stephen King, Thomas Jefferson,
Adolf Hitler -
A wise man will listen and will add to
his wisdom and the intelligent will gain leadership
-Aramaic Bible
Ignaz Semmelweis also known as Ignác
Fülöp Semmelweis, was born at Budapest Hungary on the
1st of July 1818, and was educated at the universities
of Pest and Vienna. He graduated with his M.D.
degree at Vienna in 1844, and was then appointed
assistant professor in the maternity department, under
Johann Klein.
Ignaz became a famous obstetrician
through his brilliant observations and implementation of
procedures deemed mandatory in today's hospital care and
surgeries. Unfortunately he had to suffer under
the egocentric hubris and lack of gratitude of his
supervising professor. For example deaths from
puerperal fever were ominous. While employed as
assistant to professor Klein of the maternity clinic at
Vienna General
Hospital in
Austria in
1847, Semmelweis introduced hand washing with
chlorinated lime
solutions for interns who had performed
autopsies. This immediately reduced the
of fatal puerperal fever from about 10 percent (range
5–30 percent) to about 1–2 percent. Further while
working in Johann Klein's department, between October
1841 and May 1843, of 5139 parturient women 829 died,
yielding the terrible death-rate of 16%, not counting
those of patients transferred to other wards.
During Ignaz matriculation through clinical clerkships
he observed that certain patients would die in rows,
others escaping and that women delivered before arrival,
or prematurely, would escape such fates.
Ignaz tells us that the final clue came
from the death of a colleague from a dissection wound,
and in his words "unveiled to my mind an identity" with
the fatal puerperal cases and through inductive and
deductive reasoning believed that the causation was due
to septicemia. In May of 1847 the mortality stood
at 12.24% in Klein's ward. On his own initiative
Ignaz again prescribed his ablutions with chlorinated
lime water and before the end of the year the mortality
rate had fallen to 3.04% and in the second year to 27%!
He had earned the title the "saviour of mothers"
by discovering that the incidence of
puerperal fever,
also known as
childbed fever
could be drastically cut by use of
hand washing
standards in
Skoda and other eminent physicians were
convinced by these results. Semmelweis' hypothesis, that
there was only one cause, and it was relative to
cleanliness, was extreme at the time, and was largely
ignored, rejected or ridiculed. The hubris Klein
his supervisor apparently blinded by jealousy and
vanity, (Still an experience to some research inclined
medical students today), pontifically dismissed him from
the hospital and caused the medical community in
Vienna to force him to move to Budapest in 1849.
Fortunately, in the following year he
was appointed obstetric physician at Pest in the
maternity department which had been as terribly
afflicted as Klein's wards had been. Again Ignaz
begot utility of his methods and during his six years
tenure of office he succeeded, by his antiseptic
methods, in reducing the mortality to 0.85%. Yes 0.85%.
Sadly Ignaz albeit tender-hearted and
irascible, was an unmotivated author, and thus there is
no doubt his opinions would have become in vogue much
earlier in our medical development. Ignaz
was outraged by the indifference of the medical
profession to the concepts of cleanliness and scrubbing
before surgery and began writing open and increasingly
angry letters to prominent European obstetricians, at
times denouncing them as irresponsible murderers. His
contemporaries, including his wife, believed he was
losing his mind and he was in 1865 committed to an
(mental institution). Ignaz died there only 14 days
later, possibly after being severely beaten by guards.
Ignaz' principles and
practice only earned widespread
acceptance years after his death, when
developed the
theory of disease
which offered a theoretical explanation
for Ignaz' findings. Ignaz is
considered a pioneer of antiseptic
Thus, obstetrician
Iganz Semmelweis MD
will forever be remembered for being the first physician
and surgeon to demonstrate a 5-fold reduction in
puerperal sepsis by hand washing between performing
postmortem examinations and entering the delivery room
and a reduction in the death of patients from 12.24% to
that of 0.85% from pathogenic contaminations.
Thank God for the early "heroes of health care",
especially "Ignaz Semmelweis MD", and all those that in
some way progressed science, the learning of others, the
advancing of new inventive methods of medicine which
improved our health, welfare and
our entire way of life. Obstetrician
Ignaz Semmelweis MD
say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of
romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as
there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience
is a continual Christmas"-
Benjamin Franklin
Well folks there you have it,
Barack's world revolves around revenge. He said to his emotion
driven supporters "don't is the best revenge".
Revenge for...the lord advised through the prophets "Beloved,
never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is
written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord
(R-12:19).” Barack is the anti-Christ in that
Peter taught "Do not repay evil for evil or reviling for
reviling, but on the contrary, bless, for to this you were called, that
you may obtain a blessing."
Folks, outside of ethics or
moral character, what Barack has taught is that HIS FOLLOWERS SUPPORT
HIM FROM THEIR EMOTIONS. Which is why you can't reason with them.
Usually sensible folks so in love with Barack from his last first run,
never can follow logic. If you say to them the first 42 presidents
spent 10.5 trillion but Barack spent 6 trillion, almost 1/3 of the total
funds ever spent by our nation, they don't get it? You see they
do, but they are blocked emotionally. Barack has them mystified;
the human condition.
If you say to a Barack
supporter, Barack promised to rebuild our infrastructure, and now after
Hurricane Susan, his failure and broken promise came back to bite Barack
and all our loved ones lost or suffering on our East Coast especially
poor New Jersey, they don't get it. Emotion becomes an opinion and
yet their denial is rationalized and they then claim them as facts.
Self imposed mind loss and it is occurring at our highest levels of
entertainment and news. It is a fact that Barack's bailout of
Chrysler included sale to a foreign nation. Chrysler is not an
American company. And when the g-d fearing Mitt Romney advised the
truth, Chrysler came out and said it wasn't true, it wasn't true it was
owned by a an Italian company whose own cars don't sell and Chrysler
profits now pay all their bills. Da........folks. That was a
green poultice statement. And then that youngster of intellect
John Steward called Romney a liar. Shame, shame, shame on Johnny,
but he is blinded by his love. And folks its tough to dislike
someone who is foolish for love.
Thus Barack kind of has our
nation hog-tied, all the while he seems to be getting away with the
greatest cause for impeachment hearings, that this editor had witnessed
in my lifetime. Barack and his lifestyle of vengeance now revealed
make poor Richard Nixon look like he was made the fool especially the
way he stepped down unnecessarily. But Nixon's heart was broken by
folks not understanding his one mistake, but he was and still is
considered the greatest foreign policy thinker of any President.
Barack is obviously anything but an expert on anything it turns out
other then great Charm, great Wit, great speaking abilities and many
many more. But he is not a leader by virtue of his very make up as
an advocate for revenge thinking. What are the limits when he uses
revenge and is he vengeful for every comment. If he wins, he will
attack everyone that once supported him, saw the light and wrote as this
editor has? Barack can't manage either. He isn't even a
manager. 23 million folks looking for work, 17 million folks
dropped out of the work force and are on food stamps, a lost credit
rating for the United States of America, unthinkable but true under
Barack Obama and were headed lower, in congress immediately after the
election were confronted with a budget stalemate which will hasten
another recession, a divided congress, growing boldness by Terrorist
Criminally insane groups united in a War for the insane against
international truth, justice, freedom of thought and religion, and
coming in two months, tax increases and spending cuts which will
kill the American economy. Remember at the end of the year which
could not have occurred if it weren't for Barack's harebrain attempts at
political dogma as it turns out, all tax cuts enacted since 2001 are set
to expire. Barack's folks refuse to face the truth that the
average American Household tax burden will increase by $3,500 according
to the non-partisan Tax Policy Center. Wow, folks truly this
editor does try to forget this stuff but inaction by elected officials
in our highest offices demand that citizens impose rational and
responsible requirements on the parts of our elected officials.
And the Military lie or O.K.,
suppression of the truth was revealed when Barack's own Defense
Secretary Leon Panetta (This guy is falling
from do these guy's get set up for the Sword of Damocles)
advised the defense cuts would threaten the nations
security. Now combine that with the lackadaisical management of
our nations preparedness around the globe or truthfully evidenced by
9/11, 9/12, 9/13 all of 2012 when our Embassy's in over 33 countries
were savagely attacked, and of course the greatest presidential blunder
in our nations history, the preventable loss of our Libyan Ambassador
and our other lost heroic brothers in life murdered under Al-Qaeda
terrorist attack, Russia's influence to maintain a southerly free water
port in Syria, destabilizing the middle east
concomitant with the vacuum of leadership created by Barack Obama in the
middle East with his lead from behind which is ignore unless attention
demands it approach to foreign policy.
No, Barack Obama supporters are
so emotional on these issues, it doesn't matter what the truth is, as
this editor opined early on, perhaps 9 months ago, astounded that Barack
didn't seem to care or care as this editor would think a normal
President would, and wrote something like Barack supporters would rather
be lied to then have him leave them. Akin to a lovelorn fool in an
abusive relationship. And it holds. And now with the
vengeance is yours teaching by Barack, it is safe to say if he is
reelected, his way's will filter down like a virus to our children's
way's and chaos and anarchy, would be reasonable predictions for a
public lost in its own self arrogance and a madman mentality for
Look atheists state they don't
consider the Christen prophets prophets, but rather philosophers.
The claim is that absent the reality that it is probable the lord is
sitting back watching and waiting for just one worthy soul to elevate as
he has in the past, that even atheists claim they can be just as moral
followers of those philosophers ideals.
Then Jesus said to him, “Put your sword back into its place. For
all who take the sword will perish by the sword. Do you
think that I cannot appeal to my Father, and he will at once send me
more than twelve legions of angels? But how then should the
Scriptures be fulfilled, that it must be so?(M26:52-54”).
You see if one would wish to employ in their life the idea that
no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the
sight of all
(R:12:17), listening to the actual philosophy of Barack so
injures the American psyche and soul, one wonders how simple things such
as right and wrong would become defined? Barack's thinking
is dangerous and wrong. The HOPE AND CHANGE candidate is
revealed to be the REVENGE candidate. Can you see the
hypocrisy yet? Does this make sense to you? Mr. Hope and
Change is revealed by his words to be the Revenge Motivator.
What's it going to take for all of us to re-unite under the mutual
tenants of common sense? Mitt Romney seems the most plausible
answer to problems which face our nation from without, and from within.
It seems the national emergency is truly to elect Mitt Romney as
Indeed, the 2012 election is
simply about recovering the ground all Americans lost during the last
four years. Your right to Freedom of speech. Do you really
think if someone made a Video about Jesus akin to the Video about
Muslims, they would be hunted and paraded before the international
news cameras and jailed indefinitely? This could happen to someone
in the press during a second term! This editor kind of thinks
freedom of speech was lost somehow and it wasn't a matter of national
security. What about the freedom to practice ones religion in the
manner which most folks would feel practically acceptable within our
society. That was ripped away. Now Catholics for all intent
and purposes its seems, allowed to practice their little religion in
private, but not allow it to be received by any private Catholic entity.
Outrageous. But it is thrown in with the innate desire of folks to
have sex. And the real problems of women go unredressed.
Today I spoke to a long time
friend of mine from Torrance California, a survivor of several severe
breast cancer horrors, that under Barack and even today, now again in
fear for her life, the costs for women as a co pay, even though she is
fully insured and you can guess who the big insurer is in the Golden
State, none other then that proposed to be who you will deal with in
Obamacare, generally means the sale of her home again after she just was
trying to recover, thus divorce, and too weak to work the second job
this time as she is four years older. Folks, nothing was managed
correctly under Barack but they spin things so it seems like folks are
getting support but not on important things. You see the most
important women's issue to Barack is sex. Folks, some guy's want
to puke right about now, but I guess I better ask my significant other,
if its in vogue, "dear"?
What a mess. Why even
yesterday, Barack's Vice President said 'there's never been a day in the
last four years I've been proud to be his VP'! Of course meaning
Barack's Vice President! Let's say G-d Forbid Barack is reelected,
and lets say G-d forbid something happened and Barack became absent,
Biden would be President! Folks that's like handing the
Presidency over to someone with advanced Alzheimer's! It's
unthinkable! And remember Barack picked Biden thus demonstrating
his decision making prowess or actually the absence therein.
Barack supporters are functioning on emotions rather then their thinking
caps, and appear to be hurting our nation through said support for
Barack. Barack openly and universally
opined the use of revenge as a motivation for any unmotivated act.
My heart cry's for Barack but also our nation. We need change
folks, or so it seems. And Mitt is much more of an average guy
then you think. This editor would be proud to call a fellow like
Mitt a friend absent any of the presidential stuff. It is as clear
as day to this examiner.
Well out of the mouth of babes,
Barack advised how to look at stuff.
Revenge is the greatest motivation so saith Barack Obama.
Folks this editor kind of liked “And if you faithfully obey the
voice of the Lord your God, being careful to do
all his commandments that I command you today, the
Lord your God will set you high above all the nations of the
earth. And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, if
you obey the voice of the Lord your God. Blessed
shall you be in the city, and blessed shall you be in the field. Blessed
shall be the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your ground and the
fruit of your cattle, the increase of your herds and the young of your
flock. Blessed shall be your basket and your kneading bowl
(Deuteronomy). ... or perhaps "you shall not
take vengeance or bear a grudge against the sons of your own people, but
you shall love your neighbor as yourself; I am the Lord (Leviticus
my favorite "Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but
rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is
mine; I will repay, saith the Lord".
Gosh folks, how does one stray
on such simple stuff as teaching vengeance is the motivation to be
heralded as Barack Obama did this week. Think about those honest
moments one has with themselves and this editor feels the points that
needed to be made by this Barack Obama event in history, will be self
evident. Have a great weekend EVERYBODY.little
guy ™
My, my, my, my very second
complaint about Barack during the early part of his presidency was that
he broke the promise that this editor had written as a road map for
success which is rebuilding our infrastructure. During the entire
Bush years this editor hammered as it turns out "the good" President,
because his were success years until the last nine months, and during
those success years rather then spending money on infrastructure or at
least begin with the electric grids and our city plumbing around the
nation, he focused elsewhere. Barack grabbed onto this and ran
with it and this editor might add it was soon after I wrote to him to
advise he not listen to anyone in Congress and leave to visit his
grandmother while she was still alive (She had fallen ill). And
when he returned he wrote me advising in essence how much love he
received from his mother and grandmother and heck, he sounded like a
good guy.
However, once he began to
govern, it was as if that supposed now removed 2012 Democrat platform
specifically against Christianity and also Jewish folks because both
believe in G-d as well as removing G-d from every platform, document or
tower of the Democrat world as well as tremendous support with a letter
of thanks from the Atheists, in other words the broken promises and then
polices to bail out the GM unions rather then GM (Sure GM got a free
ride but so did the Unions because in a better bankruptcy, one which is
actually much healthier, was to begin a new with new contracts which
made fiscal sense rather then dooming GM to make short cuts like
eliminate their best selling cars because other cars in Pontiac, Saturn
or even Olds for that matter left the company with a far lower total
earning potential. Sure lean but also much much less.) per say
and in lieu of folks, in lieu of rebuilding our infrastructure.
And of course our East Coast
Grids have been considered as long back as this editor was an member of
the National Criminal Justice Association member number 5413 and studied
at their conventions and spoke there before the Secret Service. A
fellow had been trying to kill President Clinton with a gun built into a
camera. We had films of him in the crowd on many occasions and it
wasn't until accidently someone noticed the odd reflection from the
camera, that the case was unraveled saving President Clinton. Well
the FBI had there PhD know what, and he wrote a book and
was their profiler claiming the wood be presidential Killer was this
sane guy because he could plan a crime. Outraged and sitting
with my then fiancée Phi Beta Kappa, Suma Cum Laude UCLA PhD fraud
auditor for the Measurement Group and Vice President of the Academy, I
began to give my talk which went something like this. "One time on
a visit to an Upper State New York asylum for the Criminally Insane,
famed News Paper founder William Randolph Hurst, was taken through all
of the wards. And when he came to where the lunatics were kept, he
noticed that oddly they were not in straight jackets, the armed guards
were absent, and they were allowed to room free in their locked ward?
Of course William asked "What happened to the guards and restraints?"
And the superintendent advised "Lunatics can never unite in group.
In a group their harmless. Its when their own that they become
Then your editor said "Get it",
"Hello"...and several Secret Service folks especially from the forensic
labs (FBI and Secret Service Labs)
stood up and began a slow applause which continued until everyone stood
up and Dianna was cheering like a cheer leader. This editor can't
say who, but an important Secret Service person took Diana and me aside
to understand the facts. He said something like, "so an insane
person can plot, or plan a detailed crime and make a calculated murder
attempt at the end as long as he acts alone? This editor advised,
yes but the category would be a lunatic. He got the message and
dismissed the "Paperback Writer" who had been courting the Bureau on
that issue. And of Course Diana was a Psychologist who had the
distinction of being considered either the first or second TOP expert in
the nation on Alcoholism
(She studied SOLO for two years behind the
Iran Curtin in Russia herself when it was the Solvent Union and well, my
Dianna was one of a kind...G-d rest her soul). Thus it
was wonderful having a Phi Beta Kappa Suma Cum Laude UCLA Psychologist
to explain the intricate nuances of psychology that only a Doctor and
expert could relative to the category of the criminally insane
subdivision Lunatics. Which she did.
But the real point of my
experience illustrated was that there were folks lecturing about the
susceptibility of our old outdated power grids on the East Coast as well
as a new device which can detect a gun in a car thirty yards in front of
a police care equipped with such devices, a device which can be placed
on any rail road car or periodically through strategically through a
city etc which could kill all cell phone detonation signals if a bomb
was detected as well as new....well this editor doesn't know what is
still considered stuff which should be discussed but we have a weapon
like no other which makes missiles and bombs kind of obsolete but this
editor has noted the device to detect guns or mines was not deployed in
either the Iranian or Afghani Wars and this editor has only heard of one
test of the weapon since those days albeit it was within recent years.
Thus, folks that worry about our nations security have thought the power
grids were in need of repair/upgrade for many many years now and Barack
although actually promising to repair during his run for the Presidency
then abandoned this all important program.
Well folks it's hello again
because Barack never spent any of the over 6 trillion he spent
(it took 42 Presidents to build up our 10.5
trillion debt when Obama took over and he spent 6 trillion almost 30
percent of our nations history of spending in just four years)
on infrastructure. And today, to witness all the folks without
power, gasoline, food or shelter because of Sandra; the absence of
electric power, proves with a thoughtful
president, our power grid would have been rebuilt before Sandy just as
are Embassy's and Consulates should have been on full alert with full
protection on any 911 of any year. And when you
consider the amount of warnings with the Red Cross and the British
pulling out long ago because known al-Qaeda groups had moved there and
perhaps infiltrated some parts of the Libyan government,
proves after all that both disasters would
have been been much less severe if we had a President who was aware of
the needs of the Nation rather then his creating problems
to fix which by the end of the day send our money to failed companies
who had plans for failure but were contributors to Barack including the
GM Unions.
Thus, the broken Eastern
outdated energy grid should have been rebuilt during Barack's first four
years just as our Embassies and so forth should have been protected.
And folks, sadly, "you just can't make this stuff up".
say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of
romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as
there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience
is a continual Christmas"-
Benjamin Franklin
From the invention of the wheel
to the automobile, man has always had a can do mentality. Of
course there are some things that are out of our control with little
chance to succeed with today's application of technology For
example this editor has always felt (Just a hunch that this editor had
when given the opportunity to respond on this issues some years back at
a National Justice Meeting) we should launch a satellite into
space with both hot and cold laser's to apply to a huge hurricane far
out at sea to see if we could change its molecular activity and thus a
far greater protection from the damages of death defying Hurricanes.
However, national disasters
caused by man are avoidable. After 911 "we the people" were taught
that our guard would never be down again. Of course we never
wanted to believe, and indeed as George Bush coined, bad people who have
HIJACKED Islam, and are using its disguise to simply kill anyone who
support progress, elimination of starvation, elimination of disease,
equal rights, the rule of law and frankly many parts of love itself such
as freedom of religion! In any event, this year man caused a
national disaster for the United States of America. You can bet
your life on the fact that every American believed that our Government,
especially after George Bush killing those that Hijacked Islam's but
save Bin Laden, who by then was in retirement living as the madman he
was loving only his own self-esteem never realizing he was insane.
And then everyone thought that since Bush had retired from his eight
years, and a hope and change vote was in office, that everything would
get better including national security.
This year, on 9-11-2012 one of
the greatest national disasters that has ever happened to our nation
occurred. And folks it was man made. Man made! There
is no excuse for what has occurred relative to the deaths of four
outstanding Americans, far far away from home, living as if every moment
meant survival, sent their by our President, and at the first sign of
trouble, it was as if our nation did not exist! This man made
tragedy, is so heinous in every respect. It was deemed put near
impossible by the American people. Yet on 9/11/2012 of this year
we were hit, then lied to by our own, with the truth suppressed and
erased and replaced and brought back and walked back again by this
administration, and to this very day, it is being handled poorly (F-
flunking grade). During this entire national Disaster President
Obama was almost missing in action as if he really was the campaigner
and chief.
Now that a natural disaster was
forecast, and folks were happy as a lark the President noticed and said
stuff expected of a President, and suddenly, he is almost too consumed
by something his authority grants as time goes on and the first
responders and locals do what they can to rebuild from the ground up in
some cases. In other words our Presidents must be multitasking and
Mr. Obama is proving once again that he can't. When he had a full
majority what did he do? Disregard for all intent and purposes all
bills, Immigration reform, eliminating the deficient so we could balance
the budget and then pay down the shrinking debt. Shrinking because
polices put in place by those who are fiscally responsible would also be
increasing our economy producing greater revenue so we could stop
borrowing. Which is the first stop that Obama always avoids
mentioning. And on and on it goes.
But for purposes of the lesson
learned, at our current level of evolution, we can do little in the way
of preventing a Hurricane from coming. However, we could have
prevented folks coming for our Embassy's and Consulates if we would have
simply had our finger on the pulse of society within the various nations
involved. Clearly, our administration proved BLIND, DEAF AND DUMB
when it came to understanding the realities on the ground in well over
33 countries around the globe! And then to be unprepared. To
have nothing in the way of defense for folks sent into harms way as
referred above, is Deaf, Dumb and Blind again. And then to have
become the story rather then reporting events as they happened, is the
utmost violation of any trust in the affirmations taken to uphold our
constitution and our rules of law. We should have and could have
stopped our Embassy in Egypt and our Consulate in Benghazi from being
attacked, should have and could have protected our folks in grave danger
and later to succumb to our response incompetence, and should have and
could have simply advised what happened from day one rather then the
world wind tour our administration took us on and is handing behind a
disaster may would suggest.
Only Barack could mess this
second example up. He had the opportunity to act Presidential.
He came out of the blocks well, but must resist politicizing and grand
standing. And the lesson demonstrates Barack and his
administration complete incompetence even in our economy a follows:
2009 with Obama Obama now
Middle East Stable
Obama Speaks in Cairo Middle East in Flames
Out of Work
Million 23+ Million out of Work
with ten's of Millions who have stopped looking/ignored by Obama
7.8% 7.8% Obama did nothing - Fail
Food Stamps
32 Million 47 Million
Median House Hold
$54,983 $50,964
(Down 4 grand)
South African Gold Krugerrand
(Double in 3 years)
US Beef cents per pound
(Up ~ 75% in 3 years)
US President & Israeli PM meet
When in same country Obama
Scheduling problems
Egypt was guardian ally with Israel Egypt does not talk to Israel
Bush builds world reverence for 911
Egypt storms US Embassy on
President Bush teaches
terrorists there is no place to hide. Libya
storms US Consulate on
President Bush teaches
terrorists there is no place to hide. Libya
Murders US Ambassador in most heinous ways possible, as two American
Navy seals demonstrate why Mr. Obama and his administration are wrong
for America; on
President Bush
tells crooks there is no place to hide,
and Obama allows Fast and Furious to
occur either due to complicity or complete
disengagement from his duties as president.
And finally over 50% of folks graduating with a
degree cannot find work in their chosen field.
As there are man made disasters
and natural disasters, and getting an F- on either one proves the why
the change that is needed for our nation is in the office of the
little guy
Let us prey. Oh Lord
guard our borders and gates from evil, and allow our souls to be humble
and forgiving unto all. If there be but one good citizen, let our
nation's sky's shine. And if there be more, then let us be.
Prayers "below" and now for the second time this year saw a Hurricane
hit our nation, with a prayer from the home office of the Academy
witnessing ISAAC and now Sandra dissipate from Hurricane to
Horrible Storm. Oh Lord, king of the universe, you are one and you
are g-d, please understand that your magnificence is still beyond our
evolution, and your winds too strong. Please help to protect all
those that may suffer from situations arising out of Sandra, as well as
to please continue to bless us and keep us. Here O Universe, the
Lord is G-d the Lord is One.
That's two to zero for the
forecasters. Let us hope that our second prayer is accepted, for
50 million folks need to be made safe, and are on course for "all that
is good" with the exposure of what we call Benghazi-gate. And
perhaps there will be enough to be judged on one side or another, but
let our people live on to new clear sky's so beautiful, that we realize
the true value of life, liberty, friendships, neighbors and loved ones.little
Since this election cycle has put a microscope on
everything because of the lack of transparency in our current
administration, it would be faire to note that pre-Sandra President
Obama was out advising Governors that full resources are ready to
assist. If this comes true, it is grand to say Mr. Obama was
leading from the front for once, and perhaps if we all prey that the
Storm once combined with the icy front moving toward Sandra to the East
is much less in the way of destructive predictions we have heard thus
far, that we will be spared some.
Isn't it grand to see both candidates telling us
to be prepared for Sandra. First Romney and then our President.
It's nice to see some positive gain during a potentially dangerous
situation such as Sandra.
But you know folks, you have to give the
meteorologist credit for at least we have had warnings enough to
motivate all our inhabitants to prepare. May the lord Bless
America and keep her safe from Sandra.little
cold shoulder was turned when our folks in Benghazi cried out for help".
Folks, this truly
bothers this soul. For over four years we have witnessed Barack
snow over or rationalize any mistakes and his followers find it
satisfactory. However day one the President should have gone
before the America people and said, "Cry's for help were heard from our
folks in Benghazi, and we failed them". Our folks were hit again
today, and my administration completely failed in all aspects. And
I will get to the bottom of this".
Who is Barack
Obama? Who is Hillary Clinton? Who is Joe Biden? Who
is Humpty Dempsey? Who is Leon Panetta that they could first do
the unthinkable, and then say all that they have said? What kind
of people are these? Folks so you can read it your selves, here is
proof for example that our
Marine Corp does not believe in leaving folks behind. Even
though it is out of context perform a search on the internet for all the
armed forces and you will see, that no matter how, a cold shoulder was
turned when our folks in Benghazi cried out for help.
How many movies
were made on the possibility of GI's held in Viet Nam and how this
nation would never allow the situation again. Yet here we have far
worse, and anyone who would not decry their outrage, and claim it is a
politicization when it was a basdardization of American policy which
such inactions resulted in the heinous death, and unnecessarily of our
brothers and sisters, sent into harms way by this Administration, and
forgotten to the extent that all of this could occur.
The Ambassador and
those lost hero's demonstrate a lack of attention and thus a failure of
our government. These Senators and others out to protect Obama
rather then prove by their statements, that these things could not have
happened if they were in charge, is a damming condemnation for other
liberals! Get it. From what it appears, the negligence and
the attitude for negligence is wide spread. Thus the backlash that
is building momentum is undeniable.
That anyone would
at this point in time continue to spin things out to the future for the
obvious investigations is doing wrong. President Bush was out
almost immediately telling the American people exactly what happened.
And then policy developed. In this case no one other then Obama
insiders were told what's really going on and thus a failure to
communicate with the American people occurred, and the liberals who
support Obama's actions are claiming policy now MAKES UP FOR FAILURE TO
Folks this is
horrible. This editor truly feels sorry for Barack and others but
a horrible side of these folks was revealed, and what is most
disturbing, is after all the heinous errors, the cover-up which equals
all the time in the world to think about the correct course was abused,
and spin is the answer forthcoming from this Administration and anybody
who continues to cover for Obama.
Ambassador Stevens and the rest
of our heroes were not grated such cover.
It is a sad day when American Hypocrisy is witnessed. This editor
cannot think of a greater failure made by any President, Vice President,
Secretary of State, their fall guy General, and all of the rest of the
What parent of a
son or daughter in the Armed Forces or Serving in our Embassy's, our CIA
and so forth would feel safe knowing, that if the call for help is
given, there children may be scarified for rhetoric? Scarified for
rhetoric is what is being witnessed, and Democrats who seem to be
supporting the notion of delay tactics and failing to admit the greatest
blunder of our times resulting in the heinous loss of our loved ones
lives, UNNECESSARILY, are being noted for their own impeachment in the
minds of the American people.
Why did the
honorable Mitt Romney not attack during the third debate? Now we
know. The failures were so heinous, THEY WERE SELF EVIDENT, SELF EVIDENT
FOLKS AND THUS, there was never
and should not ever be a reason for him to be involved. This was a
monumental Obama administration failure resulting in a dereliction of
CULPABLE IN THE DELAY TACTICS. Impeachable stuff or high crimes
and misdemeanors against the American people is a possibility, not
involving the Republican Presidential candidate. This is your
America, this is your fight, this is your time to stand as an ethical,
rational and responsible citizen who should demand answers. The
Media should demand answers. This is bigger then the election in
some way's and thus impacts the election. Do you want a repeat of
everything you have gone through trying to simply understand what
happened? The entire handling of these matters from obviously
anticipating attacks which this administration
failed to do,
but then respond, at least give it the old college try, and fight for
the lives of our Ambassador and the other heroes as well, and come clean
with the time line of events day one. No, we had to wait for folks
like this editor who hammered out that INCONSISTENCIES ABOUND AROUND THE
whistleblowers and a great Journalist who demonstrated
that we
are the guardians of the public trust rather then anyone in the Obama
Administration. Fantastic/astonishing!
This editor cannot
tell you how disappointed I am in Barack, Biden, Hillary, Humpty
Dempsey, Panetta and then all foot soldiers for despair. Barack
ran on promises of hope for the American people and left Ambassador
Stevens, our InfoJustice Hero of the Year Tyrone Woods and another of
the Academy's heroes Glen Doherty (who now will be remembered
forevermore), and others and left them in despair and the fight of
their lives until they died needlessly on 9/11/2012. Obama
promised hope and left our representatives sent into a hostel world in
despair and doomed to die. And there are some outside of the group
mentioned who are hiding the truth by granting continual cover rather
the simply asking our President to stand up and give us a forensic
document with the time line and answer the ever echoing and ever louder
questions on why there was no protection in place, why requests to help
or for help fell on deaf ears with orders to stand down and die, rather
then coming to the rescue or attempting a rescue
(We are the United States of
America and it is absurd to rationalize that our Military as
strategically placed as it were, may not have been able to pull off such
a simple mission! Absurd and at best or even to be kind in wrong
and in bad taste.), and
then why all the rhetoric rather then a simple SHARING WITH THE AMERICAN
Folks, did you hear that Hurricane Sandy
may stop early voting on the East Coast? Well you have to give
Obama credit for expediency because he has already made a Presidential
Executive order that the Hurricane be labeled a Racist!
Have a great weekend
little guys 10/27/12
say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of
romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as
there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience
is a continual Christmas"-
Benjamin Franklin
My, my, my, how the wheels of Justice are leaving
tread marks for all forensic
examiners to point out some facts.
And the results are each day that
goes by, what had appeared to be
only our President and his team
(Clinton, Biden, Humpty Dempsey,
and all the rest of the appointed
talking heads)really stepping in it day one, has become
In this editor's view, based on being brought up in America with all our
war heroes, Sergeant
York, Audie Murphy,
General Patton, and all the rest opine, there is no difference between a
Captain who abandons his ship with women and children still on board and
a President and his administration who knew Americans lives were hanging
on that Presidents decision and he abandons them to become reelected or
hides the facts of said abandonment, does not act, remains in denial and
uses delay tactics to this very day. In fact who is worse, the bad
Captain or the bad President?
President Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Humpty Dempsey and all of
the rest of the appointees save apparently Dave Patraeus appear to be
directly involved in the denial of help, un-American orders given, and
then demonstrate the ability to go to sleep that evening of 911 knowing
our brothers and sisters could be dead when they awake! Dead due
to their INACTION!
Dave came out and said his CIA had nothing to do with the abandonment of
our folks who were then killed because "we the people" were held back
from unleashing everything and anything which may, may this editor
reminds you have saved the day. And folks with our men and women
of the armed forces, unleashed they would have saved the day!
Folks, Audie Murphy and Alvin York went back and saved literally
hundreds and hundreds of Americas during world War 1 (Alvin York saved hundreds and hundreds and
fighting as only a home
born American could fight, several hundred enemy combatants himself!),
and during World War 2 (Audie Murphy saved many).
And from these great heroes came our
American way
which is antithetical to Obama/Clinton/Biden/Dempsey and all the rest of
the involved coconspirators to deny or delay these truths from being
revealed to the American people in a timely manner. And that there
is an election makes it stink all the
stinks to high heaven folks.
Navy Seal Tyrone Woods is named the best man of the year and our
InfoJustice Man of the Year. Did you know that once Tyrone Woods
was denied help from the Obama Administration on his own, being a real
(Real American's all are Hero's...hero's for our way of life prior to
the antithetical Barack, Hillary and Biden. Why wasn't he given
our highest award during the funeral? This stinks folks, just
stinks and there must be accountability or we sacrifice The
American Way), he left the Annex and drove to the
consulate and before he died back on the rooftop of the CIA ANNEX some
four hours later due to mortar fire he had the laser on for our Air
Force to take, our all-American hero rescued/saved over 30 people who
would be dead if it was up to the Obama Administration! It
is a sad day when "we the people" have to find out the truth on our own,
absent the normal channels of the President making an announcement to
our nation due 9-11-12 and at the very latest 9-12-12, that he had
abandoned our brothers to die so he could be re-elected rather then on a
mission for our country or even his spin. What a horrible set of
Folks Hitler did this to his own, Stalin did this to his own, but our
nation was built on never leaving any American behind and Barack Obama,
Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Humpty Dempsey and others not only told
folks it had sent into harms way they could expect the full support of
our nation, yet once in trouble they left our Ambassador and the
InfoJustice Man of the Year, Tyrone Woods, to die needlessly while
Obama, Biden, Clinton, Dempsey and others first watched in the safety of
the White House or State Department and then slept to wake up to the
inevitable because of their absence of action. The United States
of America was not there for the people it promised it would protect
while they served us heroically. They were told to die folks.
And what is this type of malpractice called when it involves the
Commander and Chief? A dereliction of duty! A failure
to prophylactically have in place protection against such contingencies,
a failure to respond with our special forces and F-16's which were in
the area during the 7-9 hour window (Even greater considering Egypt
experienced problems earlier), and then a failure to disclose the
actual events in a timely manner. This editor opines these are
issues to be reviewed.
As a decent human being how in the world could anyone turn their back on
the most important issue of our times as some in the media have?
We must call out the anti-patriots for what they are. The truth
must be told
the health and future health of our great nation. Or are those
that have suppressed the truth while the truth is known, a definition of
health fraud by the way, perhaps not decent people although your not
allowed to say the truth because it could be insulting! Folks the
Obama administration is insulting to humanity...insulting to all decent
Americans....insulting to the Father of one of the greatest heroes of
our times, InfoJustice Man of the Year, Navy Seal Tyrone
Woods...insulting to "all that is good"....this is a wrong which must be
Thus, there is no difference between a Captain who abandon's his ship
loaded with women and children and what our current Administration and
appointees have done. This administration abandoned our
Ambassador, Hero Tyrone Woods, and as time evolves, this editor opines
we will find more and more folks who were abandoned, and may indeed have
been All-American Hero's themselves. And what makes it all the
more horrible is that this entire truth is being suppressed by our media
and our leadership.
Betsy Ross was born January 1,
1752, to Quaker immigrants who had moved to New Jersey one year before
founding father William Penn founded Philadelphia in 1661. Betsy's
great (Andrew Griscom) grandfather then went to join Penn's "holy"
experiment and moved to Philadelphia. Her father purchased
495 acres of land in the Spring Garden section north of the city of
Philadelphia (the section would later be incorporated as part of the city),
and received a plot of land within the city proper. And it is
interesting to note that both Andrew's son and grandson both have their
names inscribed on a wall at Carpenters' Hall in Philadelphia, home of the
oldest trade organization in the country. A hall they both built as
early carpenters. Then Griscom's grandson Samuel helped build the bell
tower at Independence Hall, the Pennsylvania State House.
Griscom's grandson Samuel married Rebecca James and their eighth
child, a now fourth generation American was named Elizabeth (Betsy)
Griscom. Betsy became a famous seamstress and furniture
upholster and later fell in love with another apprentice
upholsterer, John Ross, who was the son of an Episcopal assistant
precher at Christ Church.
Less than two years after Betsy and
John married, the couple started
their own upholstery business.
On Sundays one could always find
Betsy at Christ Church sitting in
pew 12 with her husband. Some
Sundays would find
America's new commander in chief,
sitting in an adjacent pew!
War soon came to Philadelphia but founding father to be in January
of 1776, and while living in Philadelphia published a pamphlet that
would have a profound impact on George Washington and the young
Colonials. Tom Paine wrote "These are the times that try men's
souls" in his work Common Sense which would inspire rebellious
hearts of the young patriotic Americans and sell 120,000 copies in
three months; 500,000 copies before war's end. Business became
slow and
John Ross joined the Pennsylvania militia. While guarding an
ammunition cache in mid-January 1776, John Ross was mortally wounded
in an explosion. Though his young wife tried to nurse him back to
health he died on the 21st and was buried in Christ Church cemetery.
Our young nation had Tom Paine's work which became our bible but
lacked a symbol for all to rally around. Thus
n late May or early June
of 1776, Betsy had that fateful meeting with the Committee of Three:
George Washington, George
Ross, and Robert Morris, which led to her
of the first American flag; Old Glory. The great stars and
strips Ross design flag went on to inspire American's to this very
day, mostly bringing tears to an eye of true
Betsy Ross, tailor to President George Washington and designer and
creator of the first American stars and stripes,
died at the age of 84 on January 30, 1836 and was buried in three
different locations with her final resting place on Arch Street in
the courtyard adjacent to the Betsy Ross House
Thank God for the early "patriots and heroes of human creativity,
science and health care", and all those that in some way progressed
science, the learning of others, improved our health, welfare and
our entire way of life. One of our great
and the
say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of
romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as
there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience
is a continual Christmas"
Benjamin Franklin
This editor had to go out of
his way to find something positive by the Obama White House. To
that end, an email was received from the White House asking me to review
some developments relative to disable folks
(within 6 hours of this editor posting a free add
on the difficult task of finding jobs for Disable Americans which must
come down sooner or later as it is unfair to my paying advertisers).
This editor wants to seriously
congratulate Obama US Office of Management for in its report, it is
clear that this administration is recognizing the great difficulties we
have in finding employ for folks with birth disabilities to our return
disabled Vets.
Further its clear from my own
experience the job market is crazy. I have been stuck in a twice a
week job for too long. Your editor responded to an add by a Naturopath
and Acupuncturist looking for a Doctor of Chiropractic. I sent my
short form (Must leave out the most important
cases and things I did for US Gov etc. until each case is older then
twenty years...Thus 3/4 of my life's work is left out yet it shows my
vast education-7 different University Degrees)
Curriculum Vita and this was the response I received two days ago.
"Hello Dr. Neff....Are
you familiar with Blank Lakes? This is a
small town situation... This is what you
applied to...a community of 7000 around 2 lakes and a golf course.
Your extensive CV shows that your more of a fast pace doctor. If
you are looking to develop a small practice...please respond.
Thank you
Blank". How in the world is being far more educated then those
looking for help indicate the kind of paced doctor one is? Folks
this editor is surrounded by idiots and they are hiring. Would you
want to work for such folks?!
Folks, from the bottom of my
heart, and with my entire soul, the comments you read at this journal
are my attempt to fight back for you, whether your a honest Democrat,
Republican, Independent, Libertarian, Liberal, Moderate, or
Conservative. This Journal is meant for you. Join me won't
you in future editions of the InfoJustice Journal where the little guy
fights back for you.
Scott Neff
little guy
say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of
romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as
there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience
is a continual Christmas"-
Benjamin Franklin--"do
you wish to repeat the mistakes of the last four years or have a fresh
new start for America with Mitt Romney"?
Well the facts are in and it
turns out that this Journal was spot on from the moment I began
reporting that the 9-11-12 hit was by an al-Qaeda affiliated group and
that the White House knew about it in real time as it was happening.
Please review this email
find that our government knew the US Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi was
under attack as reported by the regional security officer and by your
editor day one (1)! The White House knew that approximately 20
armed people fired shots; explosion were heard and that Ambassador
Stevens was trapped in the safe haven (A steel
gate lock enclosed room within the consulate.
Please note the time was 4:05 PM September 11, 2012.
Thus on 9-11-2012 our White House knew the attack had nothing to do with
any video. In fact there is no mention of a video is there?
Nor is there any mention of the fact that they watched it real time for
seven hours and did nothing. Does that sound like the United
States of America? Multiple strategies had to be reviewed and
expedient action to at least attempt to save our own. Outrageous..
But what is even more insulting
was that
VP Biden misinformed with the zeal of a madman as it
turns out (Who among you could ever trust what Joe Biden say's in the
future especially with emphasis?!) at VP Debates and claimed neither
he nor the President were aware when we "now" know that the White House
situation room
(The redacted email address is the
White House Situation address)
received this email as well as every involved government agency.
The entire administration's knew Ansar al Sharia was behind the attack
in Benghazi and what is the most painful is the fact that the Video
propaganda from this White House and our Ambassador to the UN was just
that, propaganda aimed square at the American people. Something
now Administration in history has done when it involved the death of our
citizens. Can you imagine that immediately after Pearl Harbor the
President would have not only made up a dog and pony show he would take
it on a world tour and make TV adds about it for Pakistan. Folks,
this editor must opine that this administration has gone too far.
Again, unless someone is unhealthy and believes in self-mutilation.
Well folks knowing that you
have been lied to for political gain by this administration and then
voting for them again is tantamount amount to believing that self
mutilation is healthy? It's time for the truth and vote for Mr.
Romney most assuredly would be a vote for change, a vote for hope, and a
vote for a future of truth. And this editor might add Romney would
have had prophylactic protections in place for 911 and would have
listened to the requests for additional protection and none of these
types of things would happen. And finally, he would have given the
order to rescue our Ambassador and our heroic navy seals etc. This
editor opines they would be alive today! The future is up to you
folks. Do you wish to repeat the mistakes of the last four years or have
a fresh new start for America with the honorable advocate of the Red
States and the Purple states, the "uniter" and chief, Governor Mitt
Presidential review by Congress
was Hillary's answer for President Nixon and well if its good for the
goose (Hillary) is it good for the gander? What say you folks
because innocent folks who believed in Obama and Biden let alone all the
many many others were kept in the dark by a deceptive device, or at
least harebrained nincompoop methods combined with the impeachable
decision to abandon our brothers and sisters when they called for help
that 911, 2012, and thus "we the people" deserve a full confession and
acceptance for the FAILURES.
Of course they claim to have
put new security matters in place post 9/11/2012, but the point is they
should have been in place pre-9/11/2012 and too much more! little
guy ™
say that the age of chivalry is past,
that the spirit of romance is dead.
The age of chivalry is never past, so
long as there is a wrong left
unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience is a continual
Benjamin Franklin
This editor predicted
this! Around the world, no one is
afraid to attack our sovereign soils.
Two attacks in two different countries
on 911 folks, on 911 prove Obama
weakness in foreign affairs has caused
those with evil intent to make a mockery
out of our great nation, and coordinate
attacks on two of our Embassy's,
sovereign soil under every president
save Barack Obama. Further, If
someone as strong as George W. Bush had
been president none of this would have
Look at Libya.
Here they murdered four of our folks and
Obama's reflex was to apologize to the
murderers. Folks, have the
supporters of Obama lost their minds?
Libya has been sending troops to
Afghanistan to fight us for a long time
yet Obama lead from behind during their
uprising. That means he never
lead, its just his tricky rhetoric which
works on the weak of mind. What in
the world is our nation to do when the
most heinous of attacks against our
Embassies occurs and our man in office
say's I'm sorry for freedom of speech?
Obama rhetoric had
folks to believe that Egypt and Libya
were new bastions of freedom and
democracy. Yet the primary tenant
of any free and democratic society is
freedom of speech absent threat of
MURDER. Well, destruction and
murder did happen and it occurred on
911. Obama's polices HAVE
AND NORTH KOREA. And now, Obama
Polices have emboldened terrorists to
attack our Embassies on
WATCH! Obama polices are
undoing all the good that President Bush
had made. Factually, no one is
afraid to attack our nation under Obama,
and with his horrific policy relative to
our Border agents being killed by our
own weapons proves, it will not be long
before some horrible attack will occur
within our nation by those that sneak
across our border.
This editor wishes to
offer my condolences to the family and
friends of the distinguished Ambassador
to Libya, Ambassador J. Christopher
Stevens by a mob of heinous murders who
attacked our U.S. Consulate. Let
me remind you that this editor advised
some time ago that no one will go into
the trenches (Undercover wearing a wire
and risking their life for a man who
cannot protect US interests and whose
first response is always to make
apologies for American greatness...And
he leaves our folks behind; Pakistan-CIA
Doctor, Brian Terry as only two examples
out of many for Obama. Mr. Obama's
first reactions are always to apologize
before understanding what's truly going
on, which is an embarrassment for all
previous Presidents. And don't let
the Clinton's fool you as they are
integral parts of this administration
which looks puny, foolish, unrealistic,
and un-worldly to the rest of inhabit
tents of this earth.
Shame, shame, shame
on Obama
undoing all the good done by those men
and women who served our military to
redress the acts of 911. For on
this 09-11-2012, we were attacked twice
adding four more deaths to the 911 death
count. It is with a heavy heart
that this editor writes this article,
for only a fool would have dismantled
our military the way Obama has and cut
already 400 billion from those that
would protect us, adding an additional
trillion in cuts unless the Democrats
wake up and join the Republicans who
wish to protect our nation and you, the
folks of our nation. No matter how
Obama spins it, on 911 our nation was
attacked again under his watch, and he
is a failure. Just think, our
nation was attacked on 911 again!
And it was no accident. This was a
message sent to the world that America
is weak, Obama is weak, Clinton is weak,
and under their leadership they are
insuring that our nation will never
again be able to protect herself the way
President George W. Bush protected our
homeland, our men and women of the armed
services and our interests around the
These attacks on 911
prove Obama too weak to lead America,
and the folks that support him are
repeating the same mistakes the Jewish
folks of Germany made during the years
of NAZI influence. Wake up America
or we will be doomed to repeat the
horrific mistakes of our past.
The American Academy
for Justice Through Science wishes our
condolences for Ambassador J.
Christopher Stevens extraordinaire as
well as to the family and friends of the
other three Americans'
whose names have yet to be released.
say that the age of chivalry is past,
that the spirit of romance is dead.
The age of chivalry is never past, so
long as there is a wrong left
unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience is a continual
Benjamin Franklin
Since this is a day
which illustrates the importance of
remembering our lost loved ones and
remembering History so that we never
repeat mistakes of the past, and prevent
such blindness of the way's of our world
again, let's say Barack Obama is
re-elected, the atheists are swinging
from every ceiling, the
anti-Judeo-Christian armies are on the
march, and every time there is a 911
ceremony, any reference to G-d is
removed. Every funeral, every
church will be punished as they are
beginning to be now, and will not be
allowed to use the banned word G-d.
29.6% increase in the national debt
under Mr. Barack Obama if the numbers
below are used, and by the time he is
finished a 59.2% increase, causing most
folks to be forced to be on food stamps,
causing more folks to seek out federal
relief, more businesses and
entrepreneurs leaving America, and left
with a failed government akin to the
European models. Does this sound
like the America you were brought up in
or would wish for your children?
If Barack is elected again he would have
spent as much in his 8 years as this
nation had since it's inception!
Folks, if Mr. Barack Obama is
re-elected, don't say you were blind to
the facts.
This is a robbery of
the wealth of this nation. Our
nation has proved it can recover from
any war. And it would have
recovered from Mr. Bushes two wars by
now if Mr. Obama had not declared a
different type of war on our nation.
No one can pin it down for sure, but a
29.6% increase in our nation debt in
less then four years, the anti-G-d
movement is stronger then anyone thought
as it actually was able to rear its ugly
thousands of heads at the Democrat
convention, and to have made it on the
Platform at all, even for a period of
time, would tell intellectuals, Barack
done consciously or unconsciously is BAD
for this nation. But what we have
today on the left are true talking heads
who must re-examine their souls.
South African Gold Krugerrand
$1,804.42 (Double
in 3 years)
US Beef cents per
188.00 (Up ~
75% in 3 years)
US President &
Israeli PM meet
When in same country
Obama Scheduling problems
Egypt was guardian ally with Israel
Egypt does not talk to Israel
Bush builds world reverence for
storms US Embassy on
President Bush
teaches terrorists there is no place to
hide. Libya
storms US Embassy on
President Bush
teaches terrorists there is no place to
hide. Libya
Murders US Ambassador on
World learns from President Bush to
never doubt US
apologizes to Egypt on
Picture in your minds
eye, this 911 day sometime in the
future, and how cold, shallow and shrill
the speakers would be absent the Lord
most high. There would be no hope
for the downtrodden, no hope for those
who could eventually again become in
bondage, as our government becomes the
overseer of all mans rights and powers.
It would be a government akin to those
this nation had fought so vociferously
against, and defeated.
It is beyond shame
that we have allowed anyone, even an
opportunity to surround themselves with
so much evil, to influence platforms and
thus policies and legislation.
When the Lord is completely gone from
medicine, tell me anyone looks to a
higher power then the almighty dollar.
Tell me police and fire will be happy to
be outgunned and outmanned when they
abandoned the Lord, with out courts
banned from having the witness place his
hand on the Bible, and well, again, look
at Syria. Look where Mr. Barack
Obama has lead us. Tyranny, murder
in the streets, rape and incest occur
daily in Syria, and the forces of
darkness like what they see, while the
good folks are helplessly held by a
Government which turns its back on such
heinous acts, because Barack has his own
agenda, and to achieve this he can't
interferer with Russia or China's
private interests. The world is
turning cold, and one could predict the
return of the Soviet Union first to
eliminate the West and in the end when
were not a factor the end of existence
with a war between Russia and its states
and China and its states.
Where were the signs
to tell us the world was this mixed up
so we could have predicted 911?"
Today the signs of tyranny and
oppression are everywhere, but our
President has spent the last four years
making his friends super wealthy, while
the rest of us suffer. He has
spent the last four years attacking the
Republicans, and nothing moves through
congress under this President.
Murder has suddenly become good under
Mr. Obama, as anyone anywhere in our
nation feels its like Bin Laden, if ones
grief is enough, then its going to work
to kill folks.
Well the Minds' eye
blind are leading this nation, and there
may not be enough good folks, to save
the day. All it takes is for good
folks to say lets end the bickering
between parties, look who spent all the
money and left our nation with the
largest National Debt in world history
with even China decreasing its holding
of US debt over the past year.
Everyone in the world can see the
handwriting on the wall but Barack Obama
and those who wish to re-elect him.
Folks it is up to you
to spread the word, speak honestly with
our fellow Democrats or liberals, that
we must work for a world where goodness
wins and not evil which we see occurring
around the world and even attack our
nation through cyber wars, intellectual
patent and copyright theft
(This editor
invented the word
look at the other websites that have
stolen my copy written and patented idea
for a News Medium, with little in the
way of recourse absent spending a
fortune to win as they reside outside
our country). Everything
this nation creates is stolen. And
Barack is missing in action making all
the wonderful promises.
Lets us all take a
moment out on our own to pray for the
lost souls of 911 and say strongly, "I
will not forget".
It is my sincerest
hope, that no matter who wins the 2012
election, that folks look at reality and
not the candidates rhetoric, and fight
for goodness in our nation, goodness in
our health system, goodness in our
government where no man or women would
ever continue to run up our debt when
everyone knows if it was easy to fix, it
would have been done. We need to
elect folks who show a talent for such
fixes, and if they fail, out with them.
Anyone who would reduce our US military
in a world as dangerous as this must be
a bit crazy. Yet crazy seems to be
what is desired.
who runs this site, lets take a moment
of silence to pray for all Americans and
ask the lord to continue to bless our
citizens, and these United States of
say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of
romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as
there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience
is a continual Christmas"-
Benjamin Franklin-"Obama
makes our nation HIT-PRONE"!
To make a long story short, to cover-up Mr.
Obama's dereliction in duty (Duty of the Presidency is not important to
many liberals in the press, news and in the field of very dumb comedy),
and in real fear of losing the election, apparently by actions
witnessed, our White House and its minions, put out the false narrative
that a riot caused the death of our Libyan Ambassador rather then a hit.
Well, this editor was correct from day one, and research backed my
observations as a trained auditor of thought's placed into a record.
This editor wrote below on the day of the event, "It is a fact that
Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama now share the dubious honor of being
President when our Ambassadors were assassinated. However it
appears that a wonderful soul, someone more positive about the future of
Libya then most Libyans themselves,
was dragged through the streets of Libya itself. There is more
here then just al Qaeda
or a small group! The picture
above tells ten thousand words and shows a type
of control which took much in the way of time, organization, and a large
force to control this outcome! They knew who they were
looking to TORTURE
and KILL, and
IDENTIFIED the honorable Ambassador
with cell phone in mouth which probably had his picture. THIS WAS
Well to back up the facts that the pictures show
control, organization, and a force to control the outcome, this editor
swears under penalty of perjury that when this editor was being trained
as a CFE, to my immediate left was a head of the CIA and to my immediate
right was the youngest Inspector General of the Army (29) in our nations
history. We were proud to study together and had fun during the
tedious process of didactic learning and study. The course that I
studied holds true today but the fact of the matter is our Military has
Inspector Generals, Secret Police Science Experts and the whole nine
yards which is why Obama using a pre-911 mentality by sending our brave
FBI rather then our Military Forensics experts or a team effort, is why
he has doomed to wear the distinction of having our nation attacked
again by al-Qaeda on 911 under his watch, and will continue to cause our
nation to relive the most horrific experiences of our history; OBAMA
MAKES OUR NATION HIT PRONE! Yet, rather then have others trained
in forensic medicine, again the Justice Department which eliminated our
colors, Red, White and Blue for the color of the original Muslim war
flag, Black done consciously or unconsciously, again will simply produce
results similar to those it has produced in the past. This should
have been handled by our elite Military as it was a Terrorist Attack
against our nation, under Barack Obama's watch, on foreign protected US
sovereign soil, and therefore it is a military investigation.
In any event, in testimony before the Congress,
top Officials with some expertise in these matters advised the hit was a
Terrorist attack. In fact if any of you would simply have taken my
advice and reviewed the reports on the ground for foreign news services,
you would have known our White House had a three day warning in Libya,
two day in Egypt, it wasn't prepared because it was
"911 prone", and it let it's Ambassador go on a mission
absent protection. And hours before their deaths, both our
Ambassador and one of the Navy Seals advised folks are taking pictures
of the compound looking like a hit is in motion, they had not enough
security and no one ran up the red flag. This is beyond outrageous
and is the real reason a prominent Comedian called Fox News a BS
network but used his potty mouth and mind actually yelling of those
words repeatedly enough that he had successful turned us off during the
first few minutes of his too many it seems consecutive programs.
These folks know Obama is failing, and as such, continually attack a man
for anything but job performance which is the criteria. Got it,
the ones most worried about the Romney victory are all those who are
saying the worst things.
Bad job performance has forced this subject as
Barack Obama
has demonstrated a gargantuan increase in
our National Debt, Deficit, unbalancing the budget more
than the first 42 presidents in row. So in reality he gets an F on
the economy. 230 million folks are out of work with untold
millions who have given up out of PERSONAL DEPRESSION. Our
Ambassador was killed and sexually assaulted by Muslims who this editor
thought felt homosexuality was a sin. Where is the outrage by true
Muslims. Where? They are just as scared as the White House,
trembling in its shoes that they may not have bowed to the Terrorists;
as if that would help. Since Barack simply doesn't get it as the
world continues to burn and is releasing his own Movie which is sure to
raise eyebrows gets an F on Foreign Policy. And folks relative to
Did you know the Obama Administration representatives were just kicked
out of Russia for Voter Fraud! Russia advised the U.S. Agency for
International Development was aimed at undermining President Vladimir
Putin's hold on power by using its money to influence elections.
Thus poor Mr. Obama gets an F for Voter relations
not only in our nation where he is suing folks for using an ID to prove
who they are and simultaneous, we now have to live with the claims by a
large foreign power that Obama is involved with voter fraud in his
country, or voter fraud under his watch.
Frankly, you could down the line on the issues and
Mr. Obama gets an F grade. Thus, as referenced above, because the
Republicans are sending up an A student for such matters, the student is
being picked on and bullied for issues which are not relative to the
horrific mess Mr. Obama has made out of everything, but most of these
folks on TV have enough personal income to sustain themselves through
another Obama Presidency and in fact it is they that will face the
Judgment of the Lord when they pass, for the poor have gotten poorer,
the upper middle class has failed to the levels of the poor or lower
middle class, Obama is shrinking the middle class and upper class, which
is the reason the number to be graded on for a President, such as the
amount of folks who must and need Food Stamps. Romney is not
saying anything back about those folks. It's a dumb assessment.
He is trying his best to tell you that with his plan or for that matter
the Republican plan, as he cuts the debt and credit is reestablished,
money begins to flow and all employers begin to hire, which is the way
of the world. With the greatness of our Nation as proof of this.
Please again review just a few of the Statistics
below, and you will see those that do care the most for the poor, those
who are illegal aliens, or new to our land, those on fixed incomes or
are too ill to make healthy contemplations about our economy or our
foreign affairs, as Mr. Romney straightens everything out the numbers
below improve.
2009 with Obama Obama now
Middle East Stable
Obama Speaks in Cairo Middle East in Flames
South African Gold Krugerrand
(Double in 3 years)
US Beef cents per pound
(Up ~ 75% in 3 years)
US President & Israeli PM meet
When in same country Obama
Scheduling problems
Egypt was guardian ally with Israel Egypt does not talk to Israel
Bush builds world reverence for 911
Egypt storms US Embassy on
President Bush teaches terrorists there is no
place to hide. Libya storms US Embassy on
President Bush teaches terrorists there is no
place to hide. Libya Murders US Ambassador in
most heinous ways possible on
World learns
from President Bush to never doubt US
Obama apologizes to Egypt on
My final warning is do not rush to
judgment on our Governments"top
catch" as it would be inconsistent to assume nothing less and everything
else within inductive and deductive reasoning. The hit was such a
success, that one may wish to also catch the folks pictured.
Hello! Lets be very cautious when considering intents to bring a
fall-guy for a rapid conclusion to a mastermind attack, as the command
and control of the hit demonstrated basic military precepts in an
operation of its nature. This editor would opine we are in a War,
while our government
whiles its actions were a propellant for so many nations
to be on fire.
And sends in the greatest police service in mankind's experiential
existence but this needs, Special Forces, CIA, back up prepared ground,
sea and air surveillance rather then another exercise in fragility
the limit of an agencies practiced scoop. A
multipronged team approach would have been considered mandatory rather
then permissive under logic tenants to base the foundation of our
nations defense against Terrorism no matter who is identified. And
if a Terrorist attack occurs outside of our nation, experts in such
matters be employed, or enjoy a team approach with our traditional
enforcement laboratories, personnel, or people power.
Thus, zero rush to judgments on
the mastermind of this successful operation. In some ways more
sophisticated then the original 911 because it ran with surgical
Think of the takes to actually sodomize and re-dress and drag
through the streets or what ever!
The time line ratcheted through
each phase of the operation with Military Time Clock precision.
To solve this case, it will take a team multipronged approach with CIA
and US Military leading the way. Absent such occurrences, we must
enjoy any rounding up of further Terrorists, but would opine that
holding them for interrogation, such as
Bin Laden; just think of the
information INTEL we could have RETRIEVED,
and as such, with the facts in hand. prudence, caution with optimism
because our Nation has the resources, which this administration just
seems to avoid. Lets see how many, who, and the complete outline
for the mission so we can prevent such actions again. On 911 makes
zero sense folks, every man and women on the planet would assume a
presidency would have been prepaid! Shocking! "Lucy!
You've got some spaning
to do!" Now do you see why it is so horrible, truly humanly
horrible to be attacking Mr. Romney when our administration has things
to answer for? Does that make sense folks? Unless we focus,
and together, Republicans, Democrats Independents and Libertarians, we
will be the weakest national fabric in any war in history. And
this Terrorist war with today's weapons, an global international
assignations of American interest brought such scope and military war
against the US, situational circumstances definitions the acts as war.
Finally, Mr. Obama should acknowledge the gravity of the successful
Terrorist attack
personal national defense failure, if nothing less.
In conclusion a little guy like this editor was
correct on the Hit on our Ambassador and the most powerful man in the
free world was wrong and his minions were wrong. Folks, join with
me won't you, as you will only get the truth here at the Journal as this
editor has no axe to grind. In fact perhaps I will put up a
donations button for those who may enjoy zero bull, and only the facts
no matter who they fail. Readers come here as they know that
somewhere within a small continuum an arrow is pointing to a group of
answers, and together we simply get the arrow to point at the relevant
facts which will help our nation, and thus help "we the people".
Lets continue to share the truth folks and may the eternal continue to
Bless and Keep, America and all Americans where ever they are around the
Guy ™
say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of
romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as
there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience
is a continual Christmas"-
Benjamin Franklin-"you
never heard one speech to we the people from Obama about the heinous
killings of our soldiers by Afghani police and trainees...shot in the solutions from this White House"
Remember when this editor opined, "If this
examiner didn't know better, after reviewing Mr. Obama's reactions to
the events of the day, they appear odd...oddly eerie as if everything is
going according to plans"...? And just today to become the
Hypocrite President, on CBS he stated in relation to Mr. Romney
explaining that he is more attractive to those that don't want to work,
and then through out a factual figure on those that don't pay taxes,
Obama implied Romney has to be president of all the people! What a
farce! Is that like president of the Blue States and Red States
and then immediately beginning a war against Republicans, Catholics,
Israel, and creating class warfare politicks? Looks like the
actions witness suggest some sort of plan as this is the perfect example
of what we have today with our popular President. Let's look at
profiles as an exercise to keep us sharp.
Wellllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, did you notice
that the Modus Operandi for Muslim Terrorists is something right out of
the movies. They infiltrate and LOOK YOU OR THE VICTIM RIGHT IN
AN AVENUE OF ESCAPE THEY KILL THE FRIEND...or what the non-terrorist had
believed prior to their death. Further did you notice the land Mr.
Obama called home when he was speaking in Cairo of how he learned about
Muslims, is rioting, burning our flag over and over, many
simultaneously, and now Indonesia
as if its signal was given?
Did you know Iran's terrorist head of Hezbollah,
Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah said today that he accuses our spy agencies of
being behind events that have unleashed this current wave of
anti-Western sentiment in the Muslim and Arab world? Folks, we
have many Arab friends as well as Muslim but what he is warning them is
that this entire event is a "tail that wagged the dog" scenario combined
with a "mouse that roared". In other words, Obama started the
entire affair as he is moving our nation into anti-Christian and
anti-Semitic avenues with a favoritism for Muslim life no matter what it
brings; all the good but also all the terrorists (TERRORISTS WOULD
As if Barack Hussein Obama is preparing the
way!!! But that is only what it seems and we know better.
Why even Fox News the once proud network has proof
the DOJ conspired against international law and they must be sued while
Billy O'Reilly joins with obviously one dupe which will hurt Romney in
the end increasing Obama's chance. It kind of is all about making
money. For example last night on Stewart's program this man had
made a complete smear campaign against Mr. Hannity of Fox News.
But it was all manipulation and thus lies and spin as they would quote
Hannity about his hopes for Iraq from a past when our economy was
booming, and then morph his consistent and heroic attempts to talk about
events today in a middle east which is lost and burning while we have
more folks on food stamps and a national debt so large it boggles the
greatest minds on how long it will take to return our nation to a AAA
credit rating and solvency? The Young Hannity was as an American
helping his country in a war with hopes and dreams for a democratic
future for Iraq and the Mature Hannity is making honest
about a war against our people especially the Jewish and Christian folks
our President is not involved and in fact is
in denial for the dangers that face us strategically, militarily, and
economically. He is aloof to our problems and great
at creating distractions for his foolish and other then being fooled,
good American Democrats. Mystifying yet a fascinating reality.
Of course we know better, but from what the events
seem like, there is a conspiracy to destroy Fox who is chickening out, a
conspiracy to destroy Romney as he is a truly religious man, a
conspiracy to give Iran the bomb and let them take out Israel, while the
Jews at home, are not the Jewish folks this editor was brought up with,
that wouldn't ever forget (Yes my father was a
Canter in the Orthodox branch, but when we grew into teens and his
business grew outside his religious pursuits, we became conservatives
and he left the
singing up to yours truly), and this editor can only
imagine that once folks begin to lose their roots, get caught up in
society, their own ego's predispose them to repeat the mistakes of
Germany prior to and within the WWII days. Accept this time
Christians are on the chopping block, and well, folks care more about
winning an election then our Republic, her roots, her heritage, her
freedom for religious pursuit....unless Obama is saying something
wonderful about folks involved with the current news cycle of hate for
America. And folks, "you just can't make this stuff up"!
Terrorists hit American interests around the globe
and Mr. Obama and most of the media is OBSESSED with harsh reactions
toward Presidential candidate Mitt Romney, and don't care if
were headed for bankruptcy as a nation, they don't care that our
military is being reduced so low even Obama's past Military Secretary
advised today Obama moved us past the dangerously weak point. The
media doesn't care that Obama has failed to have polices which protect
even them, and then watch Obama with very little in the way of remorse
for the death of his own Ambassador, the fact that now a week later over
33 countries are rioting, and its becoming a daily event to chant DEATH
TO AMERICA while they prove they mean it and burn our flags.
They know Obama has zero stomach to lead the American people to
victory from FEAR ITSELF. -
"you never heard
one speech to we the people from Obama about the heinous killings of our
soldiers by Afghani police and trainees...shot in the
solutions from this White House"-LG
This editor loves America and has too many Democrat
friends in the Golden State, who have been urging me to
continue, to state anything but this warning. The
continuation of the Progressive movement in our nation
is antithetical to the health of our Republic but
consistent with the anti-American movements outside our
nation occurring on a daily basis.
A heck of a lot
of folks are giving up on their faiths, as the winds of
anti-bible, anti-ten commandments, anti-Christian,
anti-any organized religion, forced thoughts by thought
police beginning in the California School System and
others, that an atheist must be in a leadership
position, in a Christian Group, a Muslim Group, and
although they are silent now they will come for the Jews
(Look at Israel),
Christians and the Libertarians as well. The
Republicans are the first to be attacked.
As these
Progressive force folks to feel they must hide their
PERSONAL beliefs in the lord or "all that is good", they
weaken our nations resolve. However the movement
toward the lord under the name of Allah is growing as
these folks have no hope, and to believe is their hope,
which makes them strongly filled with hate or the devils
workshop. And what is particularly significant is
that apparently this hiding of ones true beliefs until
they can kill someone who may be the best person on the
planet but is of a different religion, is a forced
acceptance in today's world.
They camouflage everything
which coincidently is the message from our government.
"We the people" must uncover what's really going on.
After viewing the Sunday programming,
it is mystifying yet fascinating that Mr. Obama who had
the worst week of any President in recent history, with
rioters slandering his name, burning him in effigy,
blaming the US for everything Obama wrote for them in
his 2009 Cairo speech, BURNING OLD GLORY IN 33
COUNTRIES, an animal like killing of our Ambassador, 33
nations around the globe saying anti-Obama pro-Osama
lines, failing to realize from recent hits within the
Terrorist theater would cause Terrorists to be active
and on fire for 911, and having been warned 48 hours in
advance by folks on the ground in Egypt of impending
attacks and 36 hours in advance in Libya, his appointees
making anti-freedom of speech apology for a very short
video no one has seen, folks in the Terrorist theater
mad with anger and violence acting like animals at the
call of the al-Qaeda leader on 911, Libya's Government
admits it was an al-Qaeda authorized or al-Qaeda light
planned hit while our Government say's "oh look its a
movie", with Egyptian government officials telling us
they gave our government actionable intelligence so they
could defend their Embassy and too much more, leaves Mr.
Obama in first place around the globe albeit
now ours is the most hated country on said globe!
And yet, Mr. Obama and our entire Government's narrative
for what occurred is a bland message that only a tiny
short crappy snippet of a movie at best that no one has
seen or cares to see, is the cause of all the woes.
Outrageous thinking folks, outrageous!
In other words it's as though the false narrative by the
Obama administration, that all the hate for our nation
and Mr. Obama from the terrorist supporters was do to
said snippet no one can find, and no one this editor
knows has viewed, was the cause of all the HATE.
Get it? Its crazy,
but what is scary and motivates this warning was that
even the Fox folks this morning were akin to milquetoast
reporting and questioning
(No Sherlock Homes types left?
They are having dificulty separating what is important
and what is trivial; a direct result of the Obama almost
Svengali-like forpolitics), and
frankly nothing like the day's of old when they were a
hard hitting truth seeking network. It is as if
folks are resolved to allow a naive, constantly
espousing a false narrative President, to score another
touchdown and become re-elected.
I Love America...this editor Loves America, but it's
no longer the America we knew. Barack Obama, love
him or leave him is the messenger for a very dangerous
change which will push the center of power to the
Bankers of the World, all under the guise of progressive
movement. Remember this Progressive International
Banker take over began a century and a half ago, to try
to recapture the singular wealth and control of the
Kings of old. In this editor's opinion, absent
spending any of the money on the bail outs, if there
would have been a leader like a Winston Churchill, a
Reagan, a Lincoln, or a Washington, that single minded,
and dedicated focus to the very principals which this
nation was founded on, and advanced such notions to
advise calm, and a look at the cyclic history of our
economy rather then the rush to judgment which was
witnessed, our economy would have recovered long ago.
None of the citizens investments ever came back to the
levels they were. Yes the Markets came back but
who owns the stocks now? Not the average Joe and
it could all happen again, because nothing was solved,
money was pumped into the system to SIMULATE A GOOD
ECONOMY, but this only works if one continues forever
relative to bail outs, and as were out of money, and
have to borrow our NATIONS FUTURE from nations who would
like us to fall into a subservient international role,
our nation is being picked to the bone as we have lost
religious freedom as an absolute, individual rights to
assemble in groups and organizations of our choice
absent someone forced into such organizations, our
children are taught to not compete because someone might
lose creating a group of losers ending the individuals
desire to reach the highest heights in any of the test
endeavors which used to be experienced by our students
up until the last twenty years or so.
In the past, competition in all areas presented in grade school eventual
allowed the student to blossom as they discover their own talents in some area
of life. Today, many of our kids are like chubby zombies in that they are
focused away from true and healthy maturation, with thought police appearing
everywhere. We must reverse course and save ourselves from some sort of
continuing permissiveness to terrorists outrage, yet some sort of forced or
mandatory suppression of Christian practice in American life, and an attack on
Jewish folks although hidden in a almost anti-Israeli action.
It is as if Obama wants Iran to have the bomb, and wants Israel
to shrink from existence insidiously, brick by brick, until the entire middle
east becomes an
of evil.
editor would opine that we need Mr. Romney, the Republican
candidate to step forward with a series of speeches.
Beginning with Foreign policy and then onto our economy.
In fact If Romney's team would simply study the issues as
outlined here at the Journal, there is his foreign policy
speech, and his economic speech. Thus, it is
mystifying how the Conservatives are made impotent by a
childish almost dumb and this editor thinks Obama planned
attacks by some in the media against Mr. Romney and
fascinating how the Liberals pull off the greatest spin and
bull machine this editor has ever witnessed.
And folks this bodes poorly for
our nations future unless your expectations for our
nation are as low as Mr. Obama and his minions have set;
a very low bar. It's almost bizarre waiting in
anticipation of a shoe in victory for the conservatives
if they stayed on message, but it is as if they are
afraid to be heard. This allows the liberals to
throw up their smoke screens and get away with what ever
they want. At this point this editor must opine
Mr. Obama could be implicated in a Bank Robbery,
and his minions would spin it to a late night pick-nick
at a Bank where they wonder why everyone didn't show up
for the party, folks will be invited if Mr. Obama has
time to party again, the Bank owner sends a request to
be invited to the party at the next bank, and the entire
media attacks some normal and human off
remark/implications by Romney who ends up going to jail
for the CRIME. In other words it is
as if we have finally found the Teflon Don Mr. Obama.
And if he is under cover and the Teflon Don President it
only proves he is playing in the major leagues while the
rest of the Republicans are playing in the old ethcial,
honest, straightforward, simple truth league.
Wait and see, Black panthers will be reducing the amount of white
folks who vote, the absence of ID in a world where terrorists could
sneak into the country and vote will ensure Obama
supporters will be voting multiple times at multiple voting places,
there will be phony counts by Progressive infiltrators, and the mess
will just continue. Mystifying
yet fascinating how the conservatives are off message and the liberals
destroy all the work Presidents have accomplished before them creating
the greatest national debt, the weakest military, the train wreck
economy ready to happen at some future date to go over the cliff, which
progressives hope they will be out of office so they don't really care.
That would explain why Obama nor his government ever notices the world
going up in flames or his horrific economy and largest debt in world
history. And how is this done?
Our Teflon Don President Obama can make some folks feel positive about
their emotions rather then positive about the true state of our economy,
our military, our trade, our losses in patent and copyright protection
and frankly painting a lovely picture over the actual horrors which face
this nation. It is as if Mr. Obama truly has a
Dorian Gray Picture of himself in the most secure place in history.
Well, if things don't change soon, say bye bye to the Judeo-Christian
religions and peoples as their needs will fall on deaf ears while this
nation becomes a Muslim nation with all the types of anarchy witnessed
around the world. It is as if folks simply can't see the forest
for the trees, and perhaps we have the greatest actor of them all as
President. On the other hand, the Progressives are happy they can
hurt the rest of the folks, enjoy hurting anyone that doesn't agree with
them, and if you think the attack against Romney will be forgotten if
Barack is re-elected then you too are a fool. Yet life goes on
doesn't it? The world
will still turn
although it seems to be spinning left
then right which by the end of the day reverses our poles and probably
ends life as we know it on this beautiful planet of ours. The
fools rule! Or so it seems to date. Many the lord bless our
Republic. little
This editor has been noticeably silent of late and
this is because on Saturday night, some friends and I went to see Obama
2016. Folks, everyone in the theater was freaking out, women of
all ages were shaking their heads at the horror we destroyed our great
nation by electing Obama. To this editor the movie was tame as it
not only verified everything this editor has been writing, but it
explained in depth why Mr. Obama is destroying our nation. And he
is destroying the United States of America, Israel, and all of our
Folks you will never hear the
truth and heck that is why the following facts are ignored:
2009 with Obama Obama now
Middle East Stable
Obama Speaks in Cairo Middle East in Flames
South African Gold Krugerrand
(Double in 3 years)
US Beef cents per pound
(Up ~ 75% in 3 years)
US President & Israeli PM meet
When in same country Obama
Scheduling problems
Egypt was guardian ally with Israel Egypt does not talk to Israel
Bush builds world reverence for 911
Egypt storms US Embassy on
President Bush teaches
terrorists there is no place to hide. Libya
storms US Embassy on
President Bush teaches
terrorists there is no place to hide. Libya
Murders US Ambassador in most heinous ways possible on
World learns from President Bush to never doubt US
Obama apologizes to Egypt on
The very day our Ambassador was
it was revealed that he himself wrote in his diary warning there was an absence of
security but more importantly his body guard called to warn the police
and guards left and while
the last one was leaving he was taking surveillance pictures
and was worried an inside job/hit was about to occur.
And Obama and his minions did
everything to hide the fact that we were hit again on 911
ONLY this time with
Americans tortured and sodomized
so they would die horrible deaths being
dragged with their anus full of
garbage realizing America let him DOWN.
Think...think folks what thoughts would have been going through your
This editor feels
like Moses asking for the good folks to stand near this humble soul is only one man, one little guy, asking folks
to join my movement to restore our Nation, for others to wake up and
smell the roses of American greatness and join us
and well
and the
And to prove the childishness of
some plans has the lap dog networks over 9 days later run/ran around saying
"oh it
could be an inside job"! Fox was made the fool relative to this
very issue. The networks are lead around by their noses rather
then having any real inside news!
Thus, rather then addressing the
nation to comfort us knowing what happened day one,
pretended we we're all seeing Mary Poppins and he ran to a fund raiser
chasing the
Golden Calf
rather then facing "we the people of the united States of America" which
allowed Mr. Barack Obama
to kill all that is good
in our world
by ignoring
the reality of the day, producing a smoke screen which has allowed the
murders to flee to other nations,
and frankly too much
Every time my friends and I hear
Mr. Obama speaking about this or saying Mr. Romney or Mr. Ryan did that,
we look at each other, share eye contact and begin laughing.
Everything that comes out of Obama's mouth other then some pleasantries
are made up illusions to make a make believe false narrative Obama
guesses his father Barack Sr. would have dreamed of!
And in his very mixed up and lost mind, it is his task in life to make
his fathers dream for Americas position in our world a reality. No
matter how outdated Obama seniors ideas were especially considering they
are far out of time and place for our world, Barack's misguided loyalty
to that goal, superseded any confessions or sharing you might think you
have with Mr. Barack Obama Jr.. It's either America first or
Obama's Father's
Marxists/socialist nanny state dream.
And it is up to the voting public to defeat this madness, and simply
allow normal humble servants for "we the people" absent any crazy
upbringing, no folks like you and this editor for petes-sake, brought up
in this wonderful land with our wonderful shared kindergarten,
elementary school, Jr. and Senior High within our nation always sharing
our American experience become President like Romney and Vice President
like Ryan. It would be easy for them to right the ship and work
with all the Democrats because we all speak the same language, from the
same experiences, Summer camps for some, Girl Scouts, I was a Cub Scout
and Boy Scout, I worked for the Boys Club of Fountain Valley as well as
having awards from the Lyons and Elks Club for speaking on Freedom and
its responsibility and then be their Judge for their participating
youths, and our American culture back in the day
(Awards in storage)to right the ship. We all shared stuff like that even 4H Clubs in
rural farm lands and state fairs where we all come together as Americans
sharing our American Experience. Obama has none of this as he is
consumed by his fathers dream and those he choose to be around rather
then Elks Club on the importance of Freedom for meeting with Bill Ayers
and all the rest of the now documented evidence. Baracks American
experience is not your American experience. Baracks is one who
sought out some world class evil folks rather then attending Romper Room
like Americana, if you know what I mean (Jelly Bean?)...never went
fishing for Walleyes, croppies or sun fish on Lake Wapogasset and Bear
Trap lake outside of Amery Wisconsin, or went water tubing down the
apple river? Maybe he didn't go to Woodstock, Kickapoo creek or
the Stevens Point Rock Festivals. Perhaps he did not attend the US
festivals. Perhaps he didn't go to Church regularly for his entire
life? In other words the wide range of important events all around
the nation from yearly State Fairs, to participating in plays, or
orchestras...whatever makes up the entire normal American experience. But this editor bets you dollars for donuts that you did
something similar in your areas when you were growing up! No Obama
was obsessed attending courses on how to destroy our constitution in
lieu of a Marxist revolution as he was mentored by one such expert in
college (This is for later editions or please see Obama 2016 for the
short course). . This editor would opine Barack is a
very mixed up soul,
creating a narrative for
his fathers dreams from Kenya which are
antithetical to
apple pie and white socks memories for America.
And remember he spent much of his youth in Indonesia or outside the
norms for true AMERICAN IDEALISM.
If Obama supporters would limply listen!
Unfortunately this editor is the trademarked little guy for a reason.
I am one of you, nothing more and nothing less. And It takes big money
and good politicians to champion a truth so powerful as ours. We
must all work together or we shall surely parish from Obama's
Obama will make his dads dream come true; that of
a Marxist/socialist outdated idea, removing any military power as well
as strength of America through debt spending. This editor has
remained silent and will continue to meditate on this as it is
outrageous that everyone with intelligence knows about the Obomination
of America aka the Obama Revolution against our nation and our allies,
and yet this editor had been fighting so hard to get the word out.
Many folks know, it is just those that have been fooled, and those that
are slightly catching on still expect him to come clean. It will ever happen.
What does this say about Obama supporters?
The kindest thing this editor can think of to date is that they have
been a generalization of course. It's down with the
Christians, down with the Jews, down with the Mormons, down with the
Seventh day Adventists, down with the Sikes, down with the protestants,
down with the Baptists, and down with the Buddhists etc.., and up with
the Atheists, the cold of soul, up with the Marxists/socialists, for it
is Obama's revolution, SECRET REVOLUTIONS to bring his fathers idea to
fruition. Even though he only met his dad once when he was
vacationing in Hawaii, and then ran out and had children with two other
women. Meanwhile Obama Sr. spent most of his formative years outside
of the United States.
Think about things folks. You can either be
which is easy it would seem to me
or you can be a
cause of the
Obama Revolution. And what does this editor opine. Welllll,
join me wont you and lets sing
"You say you
(Obama)want a revolution Well, you know, We all
want to change the world, You tell me that it'sevolution Well, you know We all want to change the world,
But when you talk about destruction, Don't you know that you can count
me out?..." Hip Hip Horruh for America
Count this editor
, my readers and friends out
Mr. Obama, no matter if you win or lose, there will be American patriots
on call. Much much more later as this was just a note to explain
my absence. This editor is attempting to mentally collate Obama 2016 with my research, as
the truth will set us free! - “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” John
8:32little guy ™9/24/12
This editor has a question.
Did you think 911 celebrations are an unspoken national
holiday? Did you think it came and went as you would have
anticipated? And once you saw for your self what happened, and
could read the papers, once you realized everything you heard from the
Government was baloney, did your President handled the current and
ongoing international crisis well?. Said situations beg for
questions to be asked about preparedness in the light of this years
911 Catastrophe! Do you feel that 9/11/2012 demonstrated rational
and responsible actions on the part of elected officials in not only
prophylactic preparedness, but in rapid responses and analysis.
Heck our folks, President Obama and his team were sooooo wrong, sooooo
long, that you must ask if a simple every day gal or fellow, had been
elected President wouldn't have done a better job? And in light of
his good judgment now with info only the President gets, would then make
the correct decisions which could have easily folks, easily have
prevented these tragedies. You see folks if there are some
tragedies we care about and some we don't, well that means we're on the
wrong track.
Do you feel that Mr. Barack
Obama was prepared this 911? Do you feel that he handled anything?
Or do you get the impression he always has lead from behind, is
successful reading the polls and his best judgment from there, and that
we deserve a better effort if nothing else. You deserve better no
matter your party. Yet on and on the times of change suggest
almost a turning point to true conservative principals fiscally and
internationally, or we accept the degeneration of our Military, quality
of Medical Care and Diagnosis, quality of life and loss of freedoms,
burdened by enviably higher and higher taxes as the engine which drives
innovation is removed yet roads bridges still need repair, and clearly
from what just happened, more susceptible to Terrorist Attack.
Terrorist prone seems to be our posture under our popular president.
In other words do you feel from
the experience of this years 2012 election, that Mr. Obama should be
elected. Or do you feel that Mr. Romney and the Republicans would
do a better job in protecting your lives from the random violence of
guy ™
say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of
romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as
there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience
is a continual Christmas"
Benjamin Franklin-
One by one, slowly but surely,
one Democrat pundit or Democrat Newsperson has turned to realize that
what they are a part of is an Obama Revolution
(Obama now has our Navy
Strength equal to the early 19th century as Obama has discontinued
funding which means they are short on spare parts as it turns out)
which is against everything our Founding Fathers dreamed of and
built for "we the people".
How about those Afghani police and other's in training firing on our
Soldiers in the back and becoming almost a weekly occurrence? This
demonstrates that Obama's ways have no hope of keeping our nation safe.
And never a mention but always the motivation to campaign. Our
campaigner and chief.
Whether one can blame many of the news outlets as
anti-American tradition or not is yet to
be seen. But it feels all wrong. It feels as if the Obama
administration will do anything for Muslim terrorists but has little in
the way of help or hope for Christians or Jews. Thus, on 911 when we were hit "knowing"two day's in advance
US State Department had credible information 48 hours before mobs
charged the consulate in Benghazi, the embassy in Cairo
and other Embassies, that
American missions may be targeted"-Obama now call's that un-ACTIONABLE
intelligence just like this White House knew nothing about Fast and
Furious...Thinking folks we have seen this all before!) something was up,
Obama acted as if we learned nothing from the original 911 so
there was no need to be prepared; knowing before the attacks about the non-contributory
video as they apologized for what was going to happen, and six hours
later the Egyptians and several hours after that the Libyans attacked,
proves perhaps this White House is engaging in "tail that wagged the
dog" tactics as well. Most folks would review the
history of criminals and openly state to release such an "Apology" before
we were hit, proves they COULD BE preparing a scapegoat or alibi. Lets
review the last piece of evidence. Al Qaeda itself asked its
followers to act and later that day, TURNING A DEAF EAR TO THE FOLKS
THAT CARRIED OUT THE FIRST 911, Obama et al claim non-actionable
intelligence and we were hit as if 911 never happed; inconsistent and
Lets say none of the three
examples existed, anyone with a BRAIN, would be prepared on 911.
Period. Democrats have been hustled, their party hijacked, and
folks who are actually being participants to traitorous deeds, continue
to do so, as dupes for the soul purpose of re-electing one Barack Obama.
It is as if his presidency has made our nation apathetic.
Lets face the facts folks, our problems are institutionalized.
We have a
national news blackout! For the last several days while the world
burns, this editor has simply examined CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, and others
and found absent Fox News and of course all FAMOUS international news
channels which can simply be viewed by downloading a Vettle Movie and
News browser and
then checking out European as well as Islamic News, as there has been a conspicuous
news black out of
our world burning within our nation,
the United States of America. This editor thought
that ours' was, and forever would be, the land of the
rather then the land of FILTERED MANIPULATED NEWS (MSNBC, NBC,
Real time News and truthfulness
in the News is absent from the Networks identified to one extent or
another. Thus, Obama has created an
anti-American Revolution done consciously or unconsciously. Even
Bernanke is playing the game for another pseudo-build up of our economy as a
debt device designed to make the economy feel good while it fails and
the device in reality makes our nation economically sicker
(Increases the National Debt, makes the dollar
less valuable and decreases interest rates folks on fixed incomes
received from CD's, and so forth...)! This Fed borrowing or increasing the National Debt to
lower interest rates again makes our nation poorer although insidiously
(Not so insidious once the Debt passed 13
Trillion). When this editor reviews the folks who have
sent me mail, telling me how afraid they are as they can't pay their
bills, they have lost their savings, the prices of goods and services is
unapproachable, and more and more folks are forced to seek out food
stamps and further relief to record US levels considering Mr.
Obama borrows
57 cents on every dollar he spends (OUR NATION
that the Obama Revolution caused pain all Americans feel and live with
rather then simply the original fear folks anticipated when then Senator
Obama attacked President Bush. Anyone who continues Mr. Obama's
robs our children and their children.
Well here's one back at you Mr.
Obama for always blaming President George W. Bush and the distinguished
Vice President Dick Cheney. Compared to President Bush, your a
failure on national security or simply being able to maintain the
Bush strategies already set up for you, which are the most monumental national
security failures since Benedict Arnold. Again done consciously or
unconsciously. Mr. Obama has emboldened Terrorists around the
After the original 911 there
was never anything as horrific as the 2012 911. Forensic experts
now advise our Ambassador was sexually abused in the rectum akin to the
day's of Sodom and Gomorra when the men of that place wanted to take the
Angels for sex. Remember those that study the bible? The
very first definitions for us to learn about evil, is that forced
taking of a human being for evil in another's mind enough to cause such
destruction of the victim human beings emotions, life experiences, and
anticipations as one with inalienable rights and an American with our
hopes and aspirations for life and this world was
and INSANE. Why can't any of you Obama
supporters realize the horrors which just occurred? And then the
Ambassador was dragged through the streets. And Mr.
Obama was so
sad to bad for those that caused or participated in any manner with
destruction of our Embassies around the globe. And after his
apologetic attitude he rushed off to Campaign in Las Vegas.
There are no words to advise just how horrible that was and he was.
Any real President and for that mater, any real
would have rushed back to the White
House. Obama even
failed to take his morning security briefing again.
From this editor's view we all
have been Hustled as there is no way everything could be so horrible in
our nation and now our nations sovereign soils absent a complete
acceptance for all that has gone wrong under Barack Obama's
policies and watch, and that he should step down for the sake of our
nation. This is no longer a race between candidates from our side,
but a race to save our Nation from Barack Obama's revolution, and a race
for sane folks or those that are just waking up to save us from the
traitors from within. And unless you wake up, and that doesn't
mean leave the Democrat party Democrats, it means keep your thoughts
under your hat so to speak, and when its time to vote, vote anything but
Barack Obama. And well, the rest of us, will just hope and prey,
we can be delivered from the jobless economy and international
hopelessness/bondage of Obama polices, when we prey to the Lord that
Obama, must "set our people free".
little guy
™ 9/15/12
- "Freedom
from fear and injustice and oppression
will be ours only in the measure that men
who value such freedom are
ready to sustain its possession-to
defend it against every thrust from within or without."-President Dwight
D. Eisenhower.
Folks, the terrorist mafia's so to speak know
right from wrong. It doesn't matter what speech Mr. Obama or Mrs.
Clinton deliver, and in fact they are insulting to the intelligence of
all these evil folks who have set fire
to the globe
while Obama and Clinton
Fiddling. These
terrorists Muslim mafias only respect strength. As under Bush
Cheney for example. Once evil which has no ethical precepts to
stand on under review, yet understands their make believe enemy have puny feeble abilities, the United States of America,
you will find exactly what we have today. And what is most
troubling is that the Democrat party under J.F.K. knew this and defeated
Russia because of said standards. You see those that attack us
today are failed
civilian nations and they are lost absent our teachings from our
experience. Thus Obama was a FOOL relative to foreign policy and
international terrorism. It wasn't that he needed to kill folks
with drowns, it was his very poor posture reducing our military,
reducing our private sector business strength, and apologizing TO
Medicare, gut our Military, and place all Americans with the largest
personal debt as $140,189.00 per those lucky enough to earn gainful full time
employ and even each infant born owes $50,989.00 as well as those on
fixed incomes or the poor! Those Muslims terrorists know this and
attack what they perceive as a weaker nation as follows:
2009 with Obama Obama now
Middle East Stable
Obama Speaks in Cairo Middle East in Flames
South African Gold Krugerrand
(Double in 3 years)
US Beef cents per pound
(Up ~ 75% in 3 years)
US President & Israeli PM meet
When in same country Obama
Scheduling problems
Egypt was guardian ally with Israel
Egypt does not talk to Israel
Bush builds world reverence for 911
Egypt storms US Embassy on
President Bush teaches
terrorists there is no place to hide. Libya
storms US Embassy on
President Bush teaches
terrorists there is no place to hide. Libya
Murders US Ambassador in most heinous ways possible on
World learns from President Bush to never doubt US
Obama apologizes to Egypt on
need a fresh start after the mess, and its a massive and horrible mess Obama made, and two level headed guys
like Mitt Mr. Business and International Sports expert Romney and Paul
Mr. numbers cruncher supreme Ryan would first and foremost be
nothing like Bush Cheney because the events and times are different, and
thus cost cutting, reduction of the deficit until we have positive
revenues to calculate the percentage of national debt per year was
achievable to reduce our debt, concomitant with rebuilding our military and our
infrastructure which are most of the problems we face.
1/4 the money
earmarked for Egypt must be cunt immediately to demonstrate "we the
people " took notice of them, and if they become team players, the money
would return. Or more would be taken away if they continue down
the road to world destruction.
Immediately my
Energy Independece in 5 years
be initiated to create instant cash out of our dirt!
Drive Russian Gas stations that are presently charging $9.00 dollars a
gallon out of our nation, by our own cheep fuel. How do we
maintain cheep fuel?
We build a national consensus on where the new REGIONAL oil refineries would be
built, and excess profits must be paid back to the states to send a
check to its citizens. Thus creating the era of Big US
profits and something coming back to each citizen of an oil/shale, coal
and natural gas producing state. AAA credit rating is on the
horizon with such plans.
We can handle or return the burning middle east to
peace through strength. The old adage holds, we can achieve peace
through strength. And on their own, the ones who of course know
right from wrong, will think again facing our strength, as they do the
right thing. And in time more and more folks will focus on making
our world a better place in which to share and live together rather then
Obama's world where the terrorists hold 1/3 the planet, and China and
its states as well as Russian and its states holding the other 1/3.
The traditional American plan prior to Obama
brings the world together. Under Obama America appears week,
toothless, naive to the point of outright stupidity to the terrorists and
remember peace through strength. Thus all military cuts under
Obama's term in office must be placed on hold for ethical statistical
Let me end this with a vision. Remember in
your minds eye when the Priest in the Original War of the Worlds movie, ran
out to advise the Martians that he understood them, he was raised
dreaming of them, and as he ran out from the Bunker
the Martians
disintegrated him with a ray gun. That person today this editor
must opine is one Barack Obama naïveté extraordinaire. And if
we're not careful some will follow him right into the
disintegration ray of heinous terrorism. It is now advised that
our Ambassador was sodomized before he was dragged into the streets.
Where is the outrage? There is very little from our press who
presents propaganda for our citizens like the old Soviet Union as it
would be a bother or could interfere with a Obama's reelection.
This is all true indicating that we must end the Obama revolution
against our nation, and return us to the most powerful nation in
mankind's experiential history, for the health and welfare of our
citizens and the world.
little guy
™ 9/15/12
President Obama created a
diametrically opposed policy for the Middle East when he came into
power, went around apologizing for good deeds, freedom and democracy,
and now proves helpless to control events like a real leader could visa
vie Ronald Reagan in this same position. President Obama appears
completely helpless in bringing our nation and our world into harmony
and in fact no matter what he does it seems to make everything far
Was Jimmy Carter this helpless?
Barack appears distant, weak, aloof, and helpless to protect our
citizens absent any prophylactic protections employed for folks he
himself sends into harms way. President Obama is partially
responsible for the deaths of our Americans as it turns out they were
warned day's in advance, they had the Al Qaeda warning, and left our
Embassy's pitifully helpless proving Obama naïveté. President
Obama left us open to attack on 911 of all day's and now this absence of
proper procedures, absence of governing properly always focusing on his
campaign, shows our nation to be unprepared for everything which has
On Obama's watch the United
States was hit twice on 911
and all the deaths or even breaches could have been avoided.
And that's a fact folks. Its the hard cold truth. Thus
President Obama appears helpless when facing national crises.little guy™9/13/2012
say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of
romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as
there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience
is a continual Christmas"
Benjamin Franklin-ANOTHER
If this examiner didn't know
better, after reviewing Mr. Obama's reactions to the events of the day,
they appear odd...oddly eerie as if everything is going according to
plans. Terrorists hit American interests around the globe and Mr.
Obama only has harsh reactions toward Presidential candidate Mitt
Romney, who only did what he is supposed to do, which is to point out
Obama's blunders while our nation is under fire WHICH EXEMPLIFY THEIR
Obama has failed to have polices which protect and then watch him
blunder absent very little in the way of remorse for the death of his
own Ambassador. As if the Ambassador let him down by dyeing on
camera proving a heinous death, which Mr. Obama never needed.
Folks the facts are you saw more crying (Set ups all) listening to
Barack Obama then witnessed relative to the two hits on 911 this year.
And finally in this vein, the
emotions witnessed feel all wrong!
It is as if everything is going
according to some Terrorist conspiracy against real Christians and Jews,
allowing Terrorists a piece of the international pie. Almost a pie
divided up by Russia and its states, China and its states and then the
Terrorist Mafias if you will. It would explain much but could Mr.
Obama be that smart as to be outsmarting his followers which seems clear
but then outsmarting the Republicans and everyone else? Our
economy and jobs picture headed south, our foreign affairs heading
south, and national debt rising faster under Obama then any President in
history and in only four years! And Barack goes merrily on his way
campaigning. When he indicated today that Egypt may not be an
ally, is this just another open mike-like two faced speak with the
Russians? A nod and a wink (Folks after
this editor called the Obama Bluff, their policy turned to allies means
something other then the standard meaning,
to Egypt was once again an ally!
The polls told this administration that their bluff was called, the wink
and a nod failed because folks are beginning to understand Mr. Obama and
his position changed for the third time this morning back to
with nothing accomplished save Obama administration rhetoric, hot
air while our Embassy in Egypt is in mortal and structural danger, as
well as multiple Embassy's and American's throughout the Middle East!
Mr. Obama is missing in action and appears helpless).
Just think for a moment,
everything is going according to plan such as a rally of Atheists who
then send letters of "we've made it" when G-d was removed from the
Official Progressive Democrat Party, and with all our massive problems
they focus on little Israel to declare Jerusalem was not part of Israel
creation; inconsistent. When you realized relative to all the
problems that face anyone who is not rich on a daily basis, always
worrying how their going to make it, can't find ANYTHING MORE THEN PART
TIME WORK AT THE WAGES RECEIVED 20 YEARS AGO, can't sleep at night as
the worrying continues about finding a job in Obama's Progressive
Economy and would feel dead if they had to go on welfare, yet the
Democrats thought the debate about existence and the capital of Israel
were the two most important battles our nation faces! What kind of
a plan are we witnessing?
Folks no one gave a speech as
George Bush did when we were hit on the first 911.
And with two hits on 911 this year, one would think you would hear such
a rallying call to our hearts and minds, our condolences to those that
died for our nation, and the absence of such a speech alone about the
poor defenseless and most honorable Ambassador and then another about
the two hits. But what we see is campaigning. It is as if
there is no President leading our nation, but there is a man called
president campaigning. Is everything going according to a plan?
We are headed for a grand total of 1.5 Trillion in military cuts when
you look at how Obama has already gutted our military
(450 billion) and since he is missing in action, sequester
cuts will equal the other trillion. This is either proof on a
total lack of wisdom, insight, vision, or prophylactic preparedness from
a naive blunderer or everything is going according to plan.
Turn on your TV sets and witness what one
Barack Obama is disarming for. His words are more truthful then
your own lying eyes. Not this editor folks, not this editor.
Something doesn't ring true.
Barack's not that smart is he?
Well, of course this editor knows better. But how about you?
little guy™9/13/2012
say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of
romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as
there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience
is a continual Christmas"
Benjamin Franklin
This examiner must opine the Ladies have it again.
With all the lies aimed at Republican women, it takes an admitted
Independent Gal to sum up the truth
succinctly. The President can say " you elected me
to tell the truth" and spin anything but the Independent Ladies ask,
"well then, why didn't you tell the truth, why didn't you cut the Debt,
why did you add to the actual problem
by a Whopping 29.6%!...Why didn't you do it when
you had the power?". The Ladies have it folks. It's all just
that simple. If we didn't have a national debt, when the problems
hit, the auto industry and financial markets
would have been solvent and not an issue. In fact credit would
have been so free flowing, that perhaps only a tad of trouble would have
been noted and the banks could have taken out loans.
During your four years you turned your back
on the real problem which has
caused all our other ills to be
magnified! From the first President of our nation up to
President George W. Bush, our total national debt was 5.73 Trillion.
Obama's National Debt for all intent and purposes
equals the total debt of the first 42 Presidents!
Disgraceful folks, simply and factually outrageous.
As this editor pointed out below, the
true problem facing
our nation is running away from the Debt
rather then ending it!
Outrageous folks, simply outrageous.
Depending on how vein one was, lets say Clinton who yes,
loves himself more then anyone else, flooded the country so it seemed
like everything was alright but did add to the Debt during his first six
and three quarters years. All the presidents before Clinton were
less vein and thus only used the Debt vehicle to pseudo-help the economy
in far more restrained ways.
In other words Obama set the record for vanity running up over 5
trillion in less then four years. He didn't do anything new.
Just abused the office more then anyone and if he had kept his promises
to cut the debt by 1/2 in his first term, this economy would be flying
high, we would have our AAA credit rating and more, and manufacturing
would move home for the boom. But no. And
with his pesudo-proposed budget already out, it clearly will add to the
Debt some 5 Trillion more. It will not cut the Debt any in 10
years once you screen the numbers. "Why didn't you help to
eliminate the true problem (National Debt) during your entire term Mr.
President"? You raised the National Debt 29.6% in only four
years! Outrageous Sir. Outrageous.
Thus, the Ladies can make Mr. Obama and his
minions stories short, by simply asking, "Why didn't you do all your
wonderful promises when you had one of the largest majorities in
history; the Senate, the House, and the Office of the Presidency?"
Thus the truth is Obama failed by his own standards, so hush now Mr.
Obama, Mr. Romney should have the full stage of hope and should simply
tell us what he is going
to do if we give him a first term? "Cut the deficit
spending how, then move to balance the budget how, and cut the Debt
how?" "Increase new trade agreements how,
bring home manufacturing how, and make us energy Independent
and How?" "What is Mr. Romney's plan to reform the Tax
code?" "How will all this help rebuild our middle class and help
to eliminate all the poverty? The increase in food stamps prove
the largest increase in poverty since the Great Depression, all
occurring under Mr. Obama's watch! How will Mr. Romney's plans help lift
the poor out of their burden's and debt? And so forth.
Mr. Obama hush now, you had four years to talk and
talk and promise and promise, so we know you, your parties platforms
spoken and unspoken, and its plans and your plans. What we need to
know is what are Mr. Romney's plans? Don't distract folks Mr.
Obama you had your turn, now thinking folks want to hear what the new
folks plans are. While Mr. Obama needs to explain why he failed to
keep all his first term promises and absent childlike "its someone
else's fault" stuff (Mr. Obama Increased our
National Debt 29.6+% folks in less then four (4) , which equals the debt
incurred by the first 42 presidents! Outrageous indeed),
while Mr. Romney has to tell us what his promises are. And that's
today's memo on the fact that Independent Ladies have it.
little guy
say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of
romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as
there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience
is a continual Christmas"
Benjamin Franklin
Folks wouldn't you love to end
the political tomfoolery that sooo injures our nation? Ever since
Clinton left us with a $6 Trillion dollar debt which was kicked like a
can of debt down the line insidiously to pay for his pseudo-good economy
(Bail out politics camouflaged), it was inevitable we would
eventually experience a crash.
Only a complete admission that the way
statistics are heralded in our nation are misleading and
must end, will we as a people, save this great nation. If
Reagan and Bush (Papa) would have balanced their budgets, we would have
been at a zero debt again, and Reagan/Bush could have been heralded as
one of the greatest economies of our history. Sadly, since the
Democrats have always believed in Debt spending, and the Progressives
drove the great Depression and essentially recreated the concept of
increasing the National Debt to pay for everything while placing the
POLITICAL HEX on ever mentioning the debt
(Bush ended the Bull and called raising the Debt
to pay or kick the can down into the future a "bailout"),
said national debt has become the albatross hanging around the neck of
our nation and holding this nation in political and economic bondage.
However the lord spoke and
advised, only now after all folks, Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians,
Progressives, Liberals, Independents and Conservative's have witnessed
the Democrat Platform and Convention where not one speaker did anything
but celebrate Pinocchio politics, it is easy for the aforementioned to
envision government accounting is a manipulation of the statistics to
make you think someone was great, but they have never truly balanced the
budget with zero national debt, and thus the economics they thought they
knew was the cause of all our ails! Get it? Hello. Said
Presidents are not as great as they think they are!
They (Today's Progressives)
will bare some statistics but not emphasize other statistics always
leaving our nation to vulnerability. 6 Trillion in debt was the
vulnerability that Clinton left, which injured Bushes plans and in fact
caused many of his programs to fail. All because no one studied
history, none of them read my article teaching them the difference
between our FOUNDING FATHER AMERICAN HERITAGE, and have fallen to some
extent or another to Progressive
Keynesian and
economic tomfoolery. Let this humble Patriot to the
propositions created by our founding fathers and even Abraham Lincoln
Because our nation
was saddled with WAR DEBT (Remember in
the end, Washington was broke and if it had not been for a group of
Rabbis' who collected enough money to secretly help to win the war
absent asking for any payback...well, there may not be a US today as all
other debtors held poor Washington to the fire), President
Washington aided by his Brilliant
(First creator of a method to create
the flow of government money) Treasury secretary Alexander
Hamilton, passed the first U.S. credit creation program called the
Whiskey and Tariff tax to generate the revenue to help retire our war
debt. Thus zero debt was the goal of the founding
President Washington
discussed credit and debt in his Farewell Address (Warning) to avoid "the
accumulation of vigorous exertions in time of peace to
discharge the debts which unavoidable wars have occasioned, not
ungenerously thrown upon posterity the burthen which we ourselves ought
not bear." In other words folks, just as the little guy warned Mr.
Obama, you must run your government like you would run your families
budget. Washington was warning the folks of his era to pay
off the national debt.
Washington's Farewell address
comments on ending the National Debt continued through the first Seven
Presidents until our fourth great
President James Madison
the "Father of the Constitution", actually
lived to see a heck of a lot of debt
based on percentages eradicated, and by his death in
1836, the United States was running a surplus and actually a balanced
budget (If debt is not a consideration in a
truly balanced Budget where your debt is zero and your cash is in excess
for your living needs! Not zero debt and zero cash)
relative to today's accounting methods albeit with relatively a far
greater surplus of cash.
Remember when Clinton claimed
he had the best economy and no President knew as much as he and could
balance a budget and then, this editor listed two (2) economies far
better then his, Jackson and Coolidge? Well this editor discussed
Coolidge and his remedies but now lets look at that war hero and great
man, President Andrew Jackson who said, "It appears to me, that the most
safe, just, and federal disposition which could be made of the SURPLUS
REVENUE (No deficit and no National.
Debt folks, only
surplus of money
which built our great industrial revolution), would
be its apportionment among the several states according to their ratio
of representation". Get it? Surplus money was shared with
the states. Thus, in my
Energy Independence in Fiver Years plan it is thus easy to
envision states who become filled with surplus revenue from shale,
natural gas and oil recovery could send a check to each citizen who has
lived in said state for x amount of years. In any event our
founding Papa, President George Washington's dream of a creditworthy and
revenue excess nation, became a reality.
Did you know that the least
favored presidents by the Liberal pundits, Coolidge, Pierce,
Grant, and Harding secured budget surpluses in each of their 20 total years as
presidents? Each and everyone of them was
dedicated to the proposition set forth by George Washington to maintain
a balanced budget with surplus revenues
(paid down the debt)
as one would run their family. But each of these presidents
(Republican or Democrat) has been and
continues to be attacked for bring down the debts rather then continuing
a method of manipulating our public economics, and our public culture.
President Washington's warning about paying off any future National
Debts which always occur from Wars (Revolutionary
war debt paid off until the Civil War created a new national debt,
War of 1912, WWI, WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War, Iraq War and Afganistan
War have not been paid off! It is time to pay off the debt as a
national goal).
Now Obama ("If
you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made
that happen"-Barack Obama)
and Clinton always bring up the dead and misuse their
lives for political manipulation. For example the number one cause
historically for major national debts are wars. And thus Lincoln
is always besmirched for running up the debt
(Obama opined he is Lincoln like; so
wrong!) to pay for the Revolutionary War. But
it is so unfair as Mr. Lincoln, as Washington stated, "debts which
unavoidable wars have occasioned", will happen, and Lincoln ran on the
proposition in his second term he would pay for the War that united
America, and before Abraham had time to even truly celebrate his
re-election, he was assassinated. If Lincoln, the man of witnessed
integrity said he would balance the budget and create a surplus he would
have. Thus shame, shame, shame, on anyone who claims to be
Patriotic and would
disavow the self evident truths, our
founding fathers taught on debt and becoming debt free with surplus
revenues. As Papa Washington said, "unavoidable
wars have occasioned, not ungenerously thrown upon posterity, THE
economy like you would run your personal families economy.
"Lets run our government like a business with a heart rather then having
government run business like our government"- little guy
Who running for President made
his person economy the best and was most successful at it? Mitt
Romney. And if he say's he will do what he did for his family, for
our nation, he will because he can! Or as President Kennedy said,
"Ask not what your country can do for you
(Progressives teach GOVERNMENT dependence to our citizens/folks so they
can act like a small child), ask what you can do for your
country(And Obama's blatant turning of his
back on the Debt in his first term has shown in our ever increasing loss
of folks looking for work! It just showed up as our nation has now
dropped to 7th place in Global Competitiveness which is four (4)
straight years in a row! Common folks lets face the truth together
rather then run from it, or burry it in the ground to hide it!). -
If you shut up truth and bury it under the ground, it will but
grow, and gather to itself such explosive power that the day it bursts
through it will blow up everything in its way. - Emile Zola
Look from the get go, Romney
and Ryan have opined the elimination of our national debt. If
Romney can re-create the enthusiasm for patriotism that Washington
created, if nothing else star a new Presidential push which the folks
would expect the next and future presidents to continue, we Weill be
first in all categories of success from our business to our
philanthropic pursuits, so that this nation, under G-d, and Indivisible
again, will be the rated throughout the world as the greatest place in
which to live.
Folks it is time to teach our children how adults run economies.
We must once again attribute the goals of our patriotism with the goals
of our reality.
We must end the bastardization of our American heritage by radicals who
have infiltrated the Democrat party called Progressives
(The Chameleon is out and the kill-G-d
from human conscience
and other anti-American goals have been witnessed by
the DEMOCRAT PARTY Anno Domini-in the year of our lord, 2012),
so that even our children who are looking up the truths on what they
heard at the Democrat convention will realize, winning through lying is ALWAYS WRONG,
and striving for truth supersedes winning wrongfully, as so many
Progressive Democrats do today. We must again strive for the goals
for a true balanced budget which means the debt is now zero, the
revenues are positive, and we can afford to spread the wealth or
allocate the wealth to the states for their disposition to our peoples,
as was the only way it occurs absent economic depression or recessions. Bail outs are Bull folks.
The truth is self evident, but being truthful or the absence thereof as
witnessed by today's Democrats at their convention, is much of the cause
of our great Republics ills!
Therefore, unless a President cuts the debt by 1/3 or 1/2 minimally
during his terms, he was a failure. Clinton left 6 Trillion in
debt, and we have never recovered. Yes he cut the Debt a tad, but
by the time economic debts are in the multiple trillions, the interest
accumulates so fast, that one can grant the ILLUSION OF A TEMPORARY
SUCCESS which leaves all the woes of nature to their children
and their children.
Thus, only truly patriotic folks, dedicated to the propositions set
forth by the father of our country, President George Washington, and
then became the dedicated truth of the next 6 presidents, all founding
fathers, was leave us was zero national debt and excess national
revenues which then can be used, as they were used for all the
philanthropic hopes of all citizens, rather then the blatant BAIT AND SWITCH economic politics advocated by today's
Progressivespromising everyone the Government can forever fund their existence,
which will TRUTHFULLY leave all citizens in the eventual despair of depression,
joblessness, homelessness, and a shortened life.
Folks what this
editor is asking, is for you to join me in a movement to make all
government accounting and statistics crystal clear or transparent, so
that those who stop looking for work because there isn't any or have
dropped of unemployment compensation lists be counted as unemployed, and
that we create the movement for the elimination of our National debt as
the number one priority for our President, and future presidents, so
that in any case, the goal can be achieved as this is an achievable
goal. The benefits that come with common sense fiscally
conservative economic principals are not only things "we the people" had
become accustomed with in the not so distant past, but would bring the
wonderful life to all citizens and eliminate the poor, and make life for
all classes akin to today's upper class as anticipated by the Founding
Its up to you folks, run our country's economy like we would run our own
families economy as President Washington and the Founding father
Presidents taught, or be doomed to live life almost stupidly blind to
the truth of knowledge, historical facts, and blind to the best benefits
of the heritage of being an American. Its' all up to you.little
Scott Neff 09/08/2012
say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is
dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a
wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28: "A
good conscience is a continual Christmas"
Benjamin Franklin
If Romney wanted to ace this
thing, he would pick someone with an R (REAGAN-From
Heaven the Gipper
may ask for some manna from heaven for us
folks...If anyone could do it, it would be Ronny! And like Reagan,
Romney will free Hispanic Americans to LOVE their new home that heard
"let my people go", but this time, with Republican experience to guide
him, he will deliver a comprehensive immigration program which is
simple, everyone can understand, and no one will be left behind, sure
stop deportation for 6-16 y/o's yet those they fought to survive the
American Way, contributed to our Churches and Synagogues, contributed to
our tax base, or may be too old to leave after a life of giving,
or too ill; A
Compressive Border Security and Immigration Plan for all)
in his last name. Rubio. Ryan. A Romney-Rubio
or Romney-Ryan ticket. Either of those two tickets
is so solid, folks would want to join their campaigns. Both men
are super presentable, both are respected within the conservative and
tea party movements, both a liked by Independents and both are
considered future Presidential candidates. A perfect VP. It
would be like Reagan and Bush all over again save this is the year of
the R.
And to those folks who wish to claim Rubio is too good to bring along
this early, folks when you have a Stud, he win's the TRIFECTA like
Secretariat, and in the VP position, there is no better on the job
training for President (TRIFECTA). PERFECT...! Thus no Vice
President ever was a rooky coming into the Presidency. And the
White House could use some of the youthful quick thinking of a Marco
Rubio which will attract college students like all get out if an appeal
is made! This
editor would argue the we need a ticket with some youth, vigor, vitality
concomitant with such great talent in someone so approachable as the
most honorable Marco Rubio extraordinaire.
Therefore never over think something so important as the VP spot.
And there is no better on the job training for the office of the
Presidency. And if Mitt is as loved as this editor
pictured when he began his campaign this year, the public would want a
beloved VP to follow a beloved President (An actual President who wants to be from the middle Republican party
for the Purple States)
and carry on such successful policies. Democrat's love those
kind of Republican Presidents.
Mark my words, Romney probably
will pick someone else, and it could be fatal for his campaign.
Remember this is win or go on to make policy or
lose/fatal/go home with nothing resolved. It is this editor's
prediction that if Romney picks either Rubio or Ryan, Romney pulls in
front. Lets face it, Barack is the only thing that ticket has
going for it and most folks feel the VP drags the ticket down. And
either Rubio or Ryan would destroy our VP Biden.
Let's hope Mitt picks someone
exciting and dynamic rather then the status quo or usual pick
(uninteresting...) and if were lucky his last name will begin with an R.little
guy 6/20/12
An old woman is upset
at her husband’s funeral. "You have him in a brown suit and
I wanted him in a blue suit" The mortician says "We’ll take
care of it, ma’am" and yells back, "Ed, switch the heads on
two and four! "
II bet the main reason the
police keep people away from a plane crash is they don’t want
anybody walking in and lying down in the crash stuff, then, when
somebody comes up, act like they just woke up and go, "What was
that?!" (Jack Handey)
After 12 years of
therapy my psychiatrist said something that brought
tears to my eyes.. He said, "No hablo ingles."
(Ronnie Shakes)
Have a
great week folks.
little guy 04-23-2012
you know, the Obama administration decided last week to deny
TransCanada’s application to ship crude oil via the Keystone XL
pipeline from Canada to the Gulf Coast. Valero has planned to be a
shipper and purchaser of that oil since 2008, and obviously we were
disappointed in the decision. We issued a statement in response to
questions from the media, and I wanted to share it with you in case
you get questions from friends or business partners, and so that you
would know why Valero supports the Keystone XL pipeline. This is the
Despite the uncertainty and political fighting over the Keystone XL
pipeline, Valero has continued to invest in its U.S. refining
operation. In 2011 we spent nearly $3 billion on projects, and for
2012 our capital expenditure budget is over $3 billion. These
expenditures are keeping our employees on the job and putting
additional people to work. To reference two of our refineries, at
Port Arthur, Texas, we have
1,600 contractors working on an expansion project, and at St.
Charles Parish, Louisiana, we have another 1,000 contractors working
on a separate project. We need this kind of economic activity to
accelerate to help all Americans.
This illustrates why the federal government’s rejection of the
Keystone XL pipeline is so absurd. There are pipelines in every
neighborhood all across America. The administration’s decision was
not about pipelines, it was about the misguided beliefs that
Canadian oil sands development should be stopped and that fossil
fuel prices should increase to make alternative energy more
attractive. Instead, we should be impressed with how well the oil
sands engineering and recovery technology has advanced, and the
economic benefits this development brings. Having more oil available
in the marketplace has the potential to lower prices for consumers.
As an independent refiner, Valero buys all of the oil we process.
Due to the administration’s misguided policies, refiners like Valero
will have to buy more oil from other sources outside the U.S. and
Canada. Consumers will bear the additional shipping cost, not to
mention the additional greenhouse gas emissions and political risks.
With all the issues facing our country, it is absolutely
unbelievable our federal government says no to a company like
TransCanada that is willing to spend over $7 billion and put
Americans to work on a pipeline. The administration’s decision
throws dirt into the face of our closest ally and largest trading
Editor's note,
please re-read this article if you have to and contemplate President
Obama's statement about bringing home manufacturing.
little guy
I became wordless by President
Obama's Speech at the Democratic Convention. He promised most of
the same things he promised in 2008. So my question is why hasn't
he achieved all these matters during the four years he has had the power
to do so. Flabbergasted that anyone would believe him.
I will bet you that no one in the crowd thought about it this way.
Diminishment of the intellectual level of
the content of literature, film, education and news
during the last four years makes me think perhaps
a third of the population of this
country has dumbed down so much that they do not know how to think any
more. Do all these people watch the wrestling channel and think it
is all real? I am sorry but it is apparent to me that the
Democratic platform proclaims the desire to have someone else to do the
thinking for them!
So they blindly follow a
President that has done NOTHING to create jobs. Think about it.
When have we ever had 23 million people out of work? When have we
ever watched a presidency just sit by and ignore the problem.
Never before! When have we ever had a president that continues to
make regulations that stifle small business and industries.
Virginia, the mining state, can no longer work in the mines. Obama
closed an industry! And no one is saying anything about it.
President Obama did that to them for his radical emphasis on green
energy. We are not there yet so he is trying hard to take away the
energy that we have now so we will have no choice. And the results
is throwing away billions and billions of dollars. Sorry folks but
this man has way to much power to act as powerless as he has. He
has stood by and watched the Senate do nothing these last four years.
If any of those people are re-elected I will scream. No one is
reporting this either. But they are collecting their salaries.
FOR WHAT? They have not even tried to do a budget and we have not
heard from them for four years unless it is a derogatory comment about
the Republicans. That is all we have heard from them. The House keeps
passing bills and they all sit in the Senate and put them on the shelf.
And why does Reid have too much power? Something is wrong with
Senate rules to allow Reid to deny a budget, and then all of the rest of
the real business that comes along. How can one man stop the
progress of an entire country? Where is the pride in nation in the
Democratic party?
I have never seen a President
lie as much as this one has. And people just watched his speech
and cried. He just re-promised the same things and people believe
him. This literally scares the heck out of me. I usually don't
send these kind of messages but I feel like someone needs to say this.
I don't want four more years of this and do not understand why so many
Our country is slipping into
the void. We are losing the America I grew up in. Still no
one reports this as the story of the century. Now when I think of
a journalist I think total manipulation of what American's hear and
read. Please HELP!!!!!!!!!
Dear Kathleen,
Perhaps you
have done more to help yourself then you know. You have
contributed to the internet conscience, and a chord has been struck
which resonates between you and most Independents I am sure, and perhaps
many conservatives and truthful liberals; and you deserve
congratulations for sharing the same reality.
Have faith.
Folks couldn't prey for a better Miracle then to have witnessed the
Democrat Platform reveal itself that it is a plausible epiphany that
atheist, radical and anti-bible folks have vastly multiplied and are
flourishing in the Democrat party. To even suggest that and then
have for a time the reality that G-d was removed from their platform as
well as being against Jerusalem and Israel proved to the world
everything this Journal had reported. They made my case.
Will wonders never cease? Truly, more and more folks are agreeing
with your epiphany's and views.
The Democrat
Platform, their national meeting of the minds, and defended by their
speakers, the denial of the lord, banned from their thoughts
forevermore. Forevermore is a short time for a masterful
actor/politician as the polls showed real damage to the Democrat brand
from the top down, and of course the Polls are the rulers of the
Democrat Universe, and now we are to believe it never really happened.
Halleluiah girl. Things are brighter then you think. And
even if the Pinocchio's (the word used today in polite company) win,
well it gives four years of great risk for our nation but proof everyone
must work harder.
Heck, after
witnessing the mess the Democrats made however, and now their pundit
foolish acting voices shield themselves in denial, this editor must
opine, it is easy to envision most folks getting this stuff.
Just after
Obama was to speak in Ireland in 2011 when a volcano in Iceland, threw a
plume into the sky's causing rains and dust so vast Obama had to get
out of dodge (Ireland) so to speak and return to Washington DC.
Around a year earlier Obama again tried to speak in London and a volcano
in Iceland blew its plume ( disrupting_Irish_air_traffi...May
17, 2010 –
plume of ash streams southeast out of Iceland earlier this week,
cancel on Tuesday flights, forcing president Barack
Obama to...Europe: 1,000 flights affected
due to volcanic
ash 2010-05-18...)
of dust was so vast, and storms were mixed in, that Obama was forced to
hightail it back to the US of A. Thus, when it was to rain and
thunder, this editor knew Barack would change venues and he did, just as
Biden hightailed it out of Florida, because no matter what you call it,
the Lord most high, he got the Hebe Jibes, or believe their side show
rhetoric, religious folks knew he would get out of dodge. Finally,
remember this editor predicted Isaac would come strong and vast, but
would dissipate from a devastating hurricane, to a massive rainstorm,
and then spread to drought areas, and it did. This editor admits,
after being a young student of Newton (Achieved A in Pre-med
Physics II at the University of Minnesota while working full time as my
father, g-d rest his soul had passed), one can't help appreciate
how he believed in studying such matters and making such predictions.
If nothing else we share kismet in these matters and the experience is a
wonderful witness for extreme coincidence. Fascinating fun in any
case and always keep up the faith.
remember behind those cloud's again comes the wonderful beam's of sun,
in our beautiful, from sea to shinning sea, and over our majestic
mountains sky's, to bring a little shine to all of our lives.
Thank you for your note, and keep reading the Journal for this editor is
fighting for everything you shared.
Scott Neff 09/10/2012
say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of
romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as
there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience
is a continual Christmas"
Benjamin Franklin
Obama promises the world to folks and he does it well. And it's so
sad because if you hadn't caught on already, then you too could have
your head in the clouds, looking at the world with rose colored glasses
on, and be sappy yet happy, tears in your eyes never wanting to say
goodbye to Obama, and well it runs of course "Some
of America reminds me of the most beautiful women in the world who is so
enamored with Barack Obama that she would rather be ripped off and lied
to, then lose him" - S. D. Neff
And Democrat
folks just cant' get a bead on him,
cant "catch him if you can because
there he goes again", making all those promises he made during his first
campaign that he never fulfilled nor considered, and well, his ability
to make up some false charge on his opponents, and then follow it up
with a demonstration of how the false charge is proves the opponent
empty in ideas, and thus tricks his listeners somehow into thinking they
kind of understood the false charge. Barack seemed
better then Clinton for the bits and peaces this editor heard, but
again, the false promise there is money for folks who train for an MD
(Not "True earned mine despite the government who cancelled my loans mid
stream because I was too old AS THEY wanted the money for younger
students, although after all the exposure this editor has given to this
situation, the loans for foreign Medical School older students are
coming back, albeit two years to late for this Student-Medical Doctor as
I had spent my life savings on my last two years and two weeks of
Clinical Clerkships and living expenses in Chicago to graduate with my
Doctor of Medicine degree and there are still no loans to take the
Boards-So Barack and Michelle did leave some good folks behind),
or that he would give tax breaks to manufactures who come home or hire
Americans, because I sent him those ideas in 2010 and he had PLOUFFE
advise me to send my stuff to Chew and then all they did was extend
existing Bush Oil permits, but nothing new.
And when he talks about energy, he is promising you what I sent him in
2010 meaning none of its going to happen. His response for our
great Republic subsequent to sending him contributions was when I caught
on as your editor witnessed the antithetical directions Barack took on
oil independence...always saying he would but never implementing
anything. Hopefully enough of you will catch on, and actually vote
for the man that can deliver hope and change in a short period of time
Mitt Romney.
But its
Barracks night so congratulations, he hit those folks with so
many promises
per minute (3
perhaps 4)
their heads were spinning, were always several promises behind
Obama and being overwhelmed cried
because it felt right not because they comprehended the
situational psychology in play. And this is what he did on his
first run soooo, for one of his patented speeches, it was a good one.
Have a grand evening folks and many the lord truly continue to bless you
and our great Republic.
the little guy
to a poll by National Geographic, 65 percent of Americans said President
Obama would better handle an invasion by space aliens than Mitt Romney.
Well sure, once the aliens landed they'd see there's no jobs and they'd
go home".
- Jay Leno
Well, it's
been a long time since this Journal has had the honor of hearing from
this group, and their creativity is presented in their own classy way
absent all the rhetoric which one hears or reads in other Newspapers, or
the Democrat Convention. Please note that the Democrat convention
Platform against G-D and Israel proved what this editor had been
presenting in my short lived but reader pleasing series. You can
still find those under past issues of
Little Guy
3rd quarter. This editor again took the high road to give
those folks a chance, and yet too many find it important to attack the
Lord most high, and hack folks. And for that, even though they
have again dressed in their chameleon
garb, this funny was brought back.
say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of
romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as
there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience
is a continual Christmas"
Benjamin Franklin
Sorry folks, Website was hit by crooks and it took time to locate the
tool that was allowing some remote control editing of this page, and
then my removal of the program and HTML re-write Tool! Pity they
beat today's best security software and got in!
During the Commercials from the
great battle between the World Champion New York Giants and the Dallas
Cowboy's who proved the critic's wrong as
Dallas was fabulous,
during the second half commercials, this editor was able to turn to
Clinton and listen to him, and listen to him, and as more commercials
occurred, he was still there talking and talking. This editor must
opine that his math was so bad that my lady friend was correcting him
and begging me to turn him off each time a commercial occurred, and he
was still talking, and pointing. Heck when he said "listen to me
now", and then opined that no president before him and not even he
(Clinton's and Obama for that matter were not brilliant like Thomas
Jefferson or any of the founding Fathers and so many more, but clearly
William's ego is off the scale) could
have turned the economy around, it was clear he thinks he walks on
water compared to the rest of us, and his audience was willing to spread
the word he did walk on water! Truly fascinating. Remember
folks at the end of President Clinton's presidency, the
national debt was about $6 trillion. Now, after
you have witnessed the Democrat Platform and Convention where not one
speaker did anything but celebrate Pinocchio politics, it is easy to
envision government accounting is a manipulation of the statistics to
make you think someone was great, but they have truly balanced the
budget with zero national debt! Get it. They will hair some
statistics but not emphasize other statistics always leaving our nation
to vulnerability. ^6 Trillion in debt was the vulnerability that
Clinton left, which injured Bushes plans and in fact caused many of his
programs to fail.
There has never been a man who
loved to hear himself talk as Bill Clinton. But he is a new Bill
Clinton who has abandoned any credit for balancing the budget, as the US
itself, recovered under him because of the Republicans contract with
America and then getting Clinton to move to the center. It's the
only explanation as this Bill Clinton was not truthful with his numbers,
and given his outline, if Mr. Obama is reelected, the spending will
continue. What this editor learned is that
"to be a successful Democrat politician, one must be a great actor,
bright, good looking, a masterful liar, and one who understands their
audience and knows how to speak to them". In
fact Clinton confirmed George Burns theory that a good politician is
"someone who comes home with lipstick on his collar and makes his wife
feel bad for doing a lousy job with the laundry"!
Clinton and Obama personified!
From my view it appeared as
though the Democrat audience was depressed, and when Clinton came on, he
was like some glimmer of hope for the party they had been supporting,
and were almost overly excited, about almost anything he said or
gestured. We as a nation are in greater trouble then I had
realized. These folks are lost, and again, in the name of our
nation, and in the name of the Democrat party, they must elect Mr. Obama
again. With no comprehension of the size of Debt, the meaning of
our debts, and frankly, with the truth having very little in the way of
importance to the folks that spoke, as so goes the new Democrat party.
Never considered 16 Trillion in Debt, 713 Billion robbed from Medicare
and like the shell game
the money for Obamacare, robbing the elderly to give to the young.
And clearly Clinton doesn't know what he's talking about relative to
Health Care. I tried it, and it wont be different for you.
Please read the truth in articles referenced below. But lets go
over the math one more time.
Finally, Clinton
mislead his listeners done consciously or unconsciously when he said his
was the best economy in our nations history. Facts follow: Andrew
Jackson and Calvin Coolidge orchestrated far better economies.
Look at
Coolidge, who was the last President to
run a surplus, meaning zero debt
and massive savings as well as he first
reduced the national debt by reducing the size of
reducing government spending
and reducing the top tax rate from 73% to 25% which
increased revenues twofold. The
unemployment rate became
1.8%, the lowest
non war level ever, before or since. And finally
real wages
increased over 20% across the board in
just a few years.
There were three Presidents with better records then Bill Clinton
although Clinton's economy would be heavenly when compared to Obama's
bungled economy we live in today. Write this editor and let me
know if you know who the third President is?
Folks, Iran is stronger under
Obama, North Korea, Russia and China are stronger under Obama, and our
nation owes China almost 5 Trillion more so they can have the largest
peacetime military build up in world history. Obama has cut our
navy, army, and weakened the posture of our nation. After viewing
the parts of this years Democrat convention, this editor must opine that
I have never been so worried about our nation and her future, as I am
tonight. And that's tonight's memo on Mr. Clintons' grand ego, his
almost gregarious Pinocchio messages, and witnessing his abandonment of
conservative fiscal principals for a progressive financial disaster in
the making. It's all really to sad.little
™ 09/05/2012
say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of
romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as
there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience
is a continual Christmas"
Benjamin Franklin
Sadly what Mr. Hargraves was saying can be
equated with the Democrat convention Platform
is all about BIG GOVERNMENT,
over "you". To continue in the Progressive Big Government
Scheme is to continue spending when our nation is out of money.
When Obama took over folks were scared because we spent more then we had,
and caused the problems to be noticed.
Obama and the Progressives cure was to spend twice as
much additional money, which we didn't
have. And now that the national Debt is spiraling out of control
exponentially, it will continue to grow by itself absent any spending.
But Mr. Obama's answer is spending more.
Barack Obama was elected
to stop
over-spending which was the only mistake
Bush made, but Obama has spent twice as much as
Bush (8
Years) did in his (Mr. Obama's)
four years,
and didn't have two ground wars to fight!
This editor agrees with Mr. Hargraves that Obama
and his senate are spending your children's children's money now, and if
reelected, will continue until the greatest depression ever experienced
will occur, and Mr. Obama can simply leave office. Please notice
how much faster the debt clock.national debt
moves, the more money we owe! We are speeding toward the
cliff and into the abyss
Only a fool would spend more money then, as Mr.
Hargraves put it, a Drunken Sailor. little
Well, at about 2:49 pacific
time, the votes were taken on whether or not the Dems
should bring G-d and Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel back into the
platform, and clearly, after recording it myself and placing it on my
signal strength oscilloscope, although the no's were louder and had
wider signal and band width, the vote counter held the I's had it, and
returned "all that was good" back into the Democrat Platform. But
just think, if the leadership brought it back, they wanted it to pass.
That's the good news. The bad news was that they did not listen to
the delegates who overwhelmingly were saying no, which demonstrates the
horrific types of characters which make up today's hijacked Democrat
Look folks, they saw America
and especially every Hispanic in the nation think, they were going to
vote Republican. Every Hispanic almost, and many many Jewish
leaders, finally, after all their denial and their still in denial
because of over 215 years and especially the last 50 years of blood,
sweat and tears they put into that party. Folks, things are bad in
the Democrat party, and if you allow Barack to have four more years, the
good liberals will not be able to take their party back. But if
Mitt is voted in, this will cause most of these new age terrorists
undercover, to leave the party, and form some party of their own.
And if that is the case, we may yet again have two patriotic parties in
this nation. The Democrat party has some pretty savvy pundits, but
no one wants to listen to them, no one wants to know them, and most folk
simply go out of their way to avoid such pundits. Their noise is
Elect Mitt Romney and solve the
ills in both parties in one fell swoop. And that's today's memo on
the tortuous turnaround by the most mixed up Democrat party in this
nations history.
little guy
2:49 P.M.
Pacific time 09/05/2012
Have a great
week folks and don't miss the start of Football tonight. Enjoy.little
say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of
romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as
there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience
is a continual Christmas"
Benjamin Franklin
Well this editor turned off the
Democrat Looney Tunes Convention for the old movie High Society with my
crush of age 6
Grace Kelly, with Louie Armstrong, Bing Crosby who win's her back in the
end, and Frank Sinatra. What a great movie. My fiancée and
of course my heart swelled with the grandness of the movie. Grace
was divorced from Bing
(I used to be able to sing until I was a victim of medical
malpractice due to Obamacare), and was going to marry a boob.
Frank Sinatra saved Grace who was drinking Champaign and thought she
might have slept with him. Bing, tried to cover everything up
because he was a great guy, but it turned out that Frank was a
gentlemen, who after a swim together put her to bed innocently.
Meanwhile her boob of a Husband to be was angry for nothing but couldn't
overcome his ego, and trying to tell the folks who came for the wedding
it was over, Bing told her what to say, and they were Married.
Folks the swing songs with
Louie Armstrong, Bing and Frank singing together were better then
anything you will ever hear on American Idol or the other foolish things
folks like today, with the degree of difficulty of simply copying what
is in vogue, but takes little in the way of true talent. The bar
is so low today, that folks, Hollywood is in the gutter evidenced by how
crude our movies and Television have become. In any event, the
lord held something special for those that could not stomach the
hypocrisy of the Democrat Looney Tunes convention where if you believe
one thing their saying, have forgotten all the broken promises by
Barack, and well, to be kind, this editor must opine, folks, "you
just can't make this stuff up".
See you at the Football game
tomorrow for the long awaited opening of America's National League
Football season, which begins tomorrow. For just a little bit of
truth in our lives, I hope you share the Dallas Cowboys and world
champion New York Giants. Are you ready for some Football...?
Have to go because Frank is singing, thus Kathy must have found another
great one. Have a wonderful evening folks, and let's enjoy some
guy ™
say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of
romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as
there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience
is a continual Christmas"
Benjamin Franklin
Well folks, the anti-lord forces are revealing
themselves. But you can see it in how they govern. The lord
was officially taken out of the Democrat party with a letter hailing
their decision by the Atheists. That's enough to make any true
patriot puke. It certainly is antithetical to the founding
fathers. And what makes it horrible is that Mr. Obama is on
the record saying he totally supports this Democrat Platform. Thus
any time Mr. Obama or these Democrats bring up the lords name it is to
use you by "bait and switch". Please witness Mr. Obama's
true self now!
Next the Democrats made it official that Jerusalem
will never be the capital again. Democrats are playing political
football with the Jewish people around the world, denying their
existence as written in the Bible, and working feverishly to kill the
hopes and dreams of Jews around the world and in Israel. What a
negative anti-American establishment. Remember Clinton claimed
when he was moving to the center that he was the reason there was a
balanced budget never telling the truth that it was a Republican idea
and platform in the Republican contract with America, and now in his
commercials and tomorrow he will again be saying Mr. Obama's work to
unbalance the budget as much as possible and spend as much as possible
is what he did; inconsistent and untrue. That is consistent with
the denial of the lord most high and then attacking the nation and the
city of the Bible.
Further, when the Democrats brought back the Mummy
to attack Mitt Romney indicating it's not Kool-Aid folks, the Despot
Democrats are smoking Tannin leaves! Lets face it, their Mummy of
Chappaquiddick caused the death of
Mary Jo Kopechne, Clinton had an affair in office, anytime a Lady
disagrees with this Democrat Platform they are slandered on HBO, NBC,
MSNBC, now Nickelodeon etc., and thus this Democrat anti-women party in
disguise proved disgusting in every way. How can any of you
believe an Actress Crying when she is reading a prompter? Now to
prove Obama and his followers hypocrisy, Mr. Kennedy's signature
legislation was HIPPA which protected the patients rights to privacy.
Obamacare has eliminated those rights so that the records are
immediately computerized for anyone in the field to review.
Remember, this editor was dyeing
because Obamacare or United Health Plan of Minnesota refused me
antibiotics or a chest X-ray when I presented for care for pneumonia in
Minnesota. The quack doctors would not spend the money.
Within a week with a 105 fever and a collapsed lung, on my own I sought
out private care as I was dyeing, and when I arrived they looked in
their computer and said I was diagnosed with a virus and antibiotic's
would not be given. When I asked where they got that quack stuff,
they pointed out their computer was tied into the United Data base as
Minnesota has already begun Obamacare. I never signed or gave
permission to release my records and it was explained to me that United
is already up and running as it is the primary carrier for Obamacare.
I made the doctors a deal. I said, "if you take a Chest X-ray
which was standard for the last 50 years in these circumstances, I would
allow them to rerun the urine and blood tests. Did I leave out the
Quacks at United called to tell me my findings after your editor
complained they never gave me my results and that I am dyeing of
pneumonia, and told me I had Clue Cells. When I advised
I didn't have
a Vagina, yet it proves I had a bacterial infection, the Quack MD
said, how do you know what Clue cells are? I advised I hade just
graduated Medical School. The Doctor asked me if I had a pee pee
infection (His worlds), and I said "doctor, I presented with a lung
infection and you examined me. Further clue cells are diagnostic
for Bacterial Vagninosis with Gardnerella Vaginalis. So your wrong
again Doctor. And this tells me that your blood and urine tests
were contaminated, as in mixed up with other peoples tests and probably
a women"! He said,
"it appears you were quite a medical student (!)" but
advised to wait another day as he thought I had viral infection (!)",
that night my lung collapsed. To make a long
story short, after the tech took my X-rays he said he wanted to take
them again because he could find my right lung! I asked if I could
read them and he agreed. As I rolled my wheelchair up to the X-ray
view box your editor pointed out my collapsed right lung and that fluid
levels in my left lung were worse then any textbook picture of lung
x-rays I had ever seen, or patient I had ever examined
(Remember the last Clinical Clerkship in Medicine I took at the
Accredited hospital in Chicago was Radiology-X-Ray's/MRI/CT-Scan/Echo
Cardiograms reading etc...) and I had an X-ray supervisor and
operators license earned after matriculation through Chiropractic
College back in 1981.
The new doctor at United's
Competition in Minnesota,
(A foreign Medical Doctor graduate from the very country my Medical
School is from and was much better then the In the States Quack Graduate
Physician who tried to save United Health Plan Money rather then save my
life! I so testify....)
accepted my
challenge, and when the radiologist read my x-rays, he burst into the
room, told the doctor and nurse that he can't for the life of him
understand how I was breathing as my right lung was collapsed, and my
left lung was completely filled with fluid and was collapsing. He
said I was going to die within the next few hours absent immediate
intervention. I then had to undergo two weeks of injections in in
my butt, on both sides concomitant with intravenous antibiotics and oral
antibiotics. After a month that, I still had to take oral
antibiotics for an additional three weeks. All because Obamacare
is such a failure
(They will cut costs even if your life is on the line-Tried to cut
costs by making a diagnosis and then treat me without Radiology or
pharmaceutical utility). When my Fiancée confronted
United Health Plan, they suddenly admitted wrong doing, eliminated
(wrote off) my bills, and advised them that because
I considered myself a Graduate-Student Medical Physician albeit
unlicensed and unable to practice until I could work again to earn money
for my boards, I would let them slide. Although California
Attorneys I have been working with who special in healthcare have
advised I could have owned United and caused the physician and surgeon
who was cost cutting by not allowing the chest x-ray I requested
and was denied antibiotics in an obvious case of severe Pneumonia, to
lose his license. But the point is United shared my private
information in violation of Kennedy's HIPPA which will happen to you if
Obamacare is not repealed. For Obama and the Democrat convention
to use Kennedy the way they did was blasphemy, tasteless, and the cause
for the humor for the Mummy. But my lungs are scarred for life,
and my susceptibility to lung infections is now a lasting medical error
and lung disability
(Increased susceptibility to lung
infections, and must be EXTRA-careful when caring for ill contagious
patients, as they have caused this examiner much suffering since)
I have to live with and perhaps will shorten my lifespan.
Even more Hypocritical because
Obama called THE CONVENTION (Republican)
something from the past, like watching a Black and White TV with
rabbit ears which could be taken many negative ways, and then brought
back the Mummy (Absent letting Mr. Kennedy remain in peace)!
Democrat hypocrisy, knows no bounds. And when you combine their
Hypocrisy, their Democratic anti-the lord eternal, anti-Catholicism, and
anti Jewish interests, while spending us into oblivion now over 16
national debtproves they are
anti-America's future, and anti the future hopes and dreams we all
shared for our children and our children's children. All they want
is to win the election over what is good for this great Republic!
Finally, did you folks notice all the
empty seats in the very small hall the Democrats rented? If they
win this election, it is because the fix is in and absent a picture ID,
criminals voted multiple times which is the only common sense reason to
allow unidentified folks to vote in our Presidential Election.
These Democrats have the founding fathers rolling over in their graves
against everything this Democrat platform stands for.
Well these are the facts thus far in their
commercial and thank the lord Football begins tomorrow. Perhaps
this editor can find something else to watch this evening as the
convention at this point 5:03 Pacific time is ugly to the core of
American and Judeo-Christian values. The Democrat convention
is an ugly divisive event, insulting much the worlds beliefs as well as
denying "all that is good". I have turned it off. And may
the Lord continue to bless you and all Americans and the United States
of America.little
guy 09/04/2012
say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of
romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as
there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience
is a continual Christmas"
Benjamin Franklin
After listening to Mr.
Clinton's commercial endorsing Barack Obama, it is clear that "we the
people" are in real trouble. This editor has been writing about
these Presidents for many years. To prove the facts, this editor
has brought back some pages
(Friendly Fire Politics, The Fight For Goodness and Archives)
from yesteryear going back as far as 1998 for your review which prove
the points. You will see when Clinton was facing Impeachment, this
editor who never voted for him, began to support him, which created an
avenue for him to come back. Why didn't this editor vote for him?
I knew he would have an affair in office as he did as Governor
(8 Affairs and what does that say about Hillary...She wants power).
And sadly, I was correct. However because he could work with Newt
and the Republicans who were demanding a balanced budget, when Clinton
caved and moved toward the middle during his impeachment hearings, our
economy took off because Clinton ran up the debt leaving us a 6 Trillion
dollar national debt which he had paid down a tad during his impeachment
hearings. The fact is the Mr. Clinton only achieved a surplus of
revenue (Tax's) under the pig and a poke definition of a balanced
budget. But a true balanced budget or fully balanced budget has
the debt paid off with a surplus of revenues. Only the truth folks
as the Democrats have successfully re-written history.
However today, the George Soros
money has given Progressives
(There not Liberals folks, their socialists in hiding...)
the ability to hijack the Democrat party away from the liberals and Mr.
Clinton wants some of that action for Hillary. While he is being
loyal to his wife's future attempts to become President to bring him
back the power he wishes for, he is sacrificing our nation for such
egregious pursuits.
The proof of such a disaster
can be seen on today's
Nation debt clock
(Again 6 Debt Clocks by
Independent Forensic Auditors indicate were over 16 Trillion and only
Obama's Dept Clock indicates were approaching 16 Trillion in debt).
This editor has been monitoring this for years, and notice how much fast
our debt is climbing than when it was at when we were below 15 Trillion.
You see now that we hit the feared 16 Trillion dollar mark or are even
close to 16 Trillion, we are going deeper into debt at an exponential
rate due to the incredible hole Barack has thrown our nation into.
Our government doesn't have to spend or do anything and before you know
it, we will be 17 Trillion dollars closer to bankrupting the largest
economy ever to go bankrupt.
shame, shame on Mr. Bill Clinton, for just as he chased after a
child-like girl in the White House,
he cannot control himself again,
and this time he is chasing after the Money Tree for self-aggrandizing
and egregious POWER pursuits. And it's such a pity as this editor
has supported him through thick and thin because he moved to the center
and proved he could grow. His moving to the far far left is a very
disturbing event, and makes folks not trust the Clinton's as they were
trusted prior to abandonment of the truth.
If you
read some of the articles on those past pages, Friendly Fire Politics,
The Fight For Goodness or our Archives, you will see that this editor
exposed Mr. Bush for spending too much money. And like Shawn
Hannity who predicted the witnessed outcomes by Mr. Obama, this editor
predicted the crash would happen. And it did. Unfortunately,
because Mr. Obama stepped in and took over the outrageous spending
polices, he is destroying the financial and social fabric of this nation
from the ground up. If Mr. Obama would have kept his promises to
eliminate our national debt so we could create a "lock box" of excess
funds because the budget would be balanced, then we would be on our way
to a great future for our Nation, our children and ourselves.
If you
want ever higher prices on food, gasoline, with lower values for our
property and homes, vote for Mr. Obama. But if you want a balanced
budget just as Newt Gingrich and his Republicans did during the Clinton
era which forced Clinton to look good, we must vote for Governor Romney.
Just watch the national debt clock's exponentially increase debt
relative to our past, and you will find this editor solely is making
these comments because I am correct, history is repeating itself, and
absent a change in national leadership, we will hit a economic crash
that makes the one under Bush look like cake walk. And if we try
to borrow the money from China for more bailouts which simply make Mr.
Obama and his friends super wealthy, it will destroy our nation from
please look at the numbers and you will see the Mr. Obama is making Mr.
Bush look like a penny pincher.
The facts are as
referenced above, and this editor is not supporting Mr. Romney because
of some personal political gain as Clinton or Obama is. No my
warnings are because the health of our nation is first and foremost on
my mind. And this editor must opine and truly believes that I care
more about "you", no matter if your a Liberal, Moderate or Conservative,
then Mr. Clinton or Mr. Obama do.
Let us hope that
thinking America's are reading the Journal or are allowing common sense
to ring true for these self evident truths, will bring about the
greatest prosperity to our nation since Calvin Coolidge who was the only
President to not only balance the budget, and run a surplus. How
did he do it? President Coolidge
reduced the size of government, reduced government spending and reducing
the tax rates! This caused the unemployment rate to become 1.8%.
Sounds like the Romney plan doesn't it? 1.8% unemployment folks.
Even real wages increased over 20% across the board in only a couple of
years of such polices.
Thus history proves we can
either accept the facts that the Romney plan is sound based on the
facts, or we can fail to learn from history and live a repeat experience
of the crash prior to Mr. Obama's bumbling and fumbling and broken
promises which this New Bill Clinton supports. Don't be fooled
again, and vote for your nation rather then the rethoric. -"Some
of America reminds me of the most beautiful women in the world who is so
enamored with Barack Obama that she would rather be lied to, then lose
run our government like a business with a heart rather then having
government run business like our government"
Scott Neff
little guy
Have a great week
folks. little
say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of
romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as
there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience
is a continual Christmas"
Benjamin Franklin
Well folks, President Obama and his minions have
been saying horrible things which the facts indicate are not true.
No matter how you cut it,
Mr. Obama looks horrible compared to the man who promised, promised
us folks that he would unite the Blue states and the Red states or in
other words, the Republicans and the Democrats. It was
at the Republican Convention that Clint Eastwood told everyone how
wonderful the Republicans and the Democrats are, but the problem is the
President who has failed both parties and thus all of America.
Sad, and you want this to continue for four more
years? This is truly Obama over America rather then lets do what's
best for America first and foremost as the candidates are nothing
compared to our nation. Thus, lets share some facts that prove the
point. And folks, according to the Department of Labor there are
25 Million out of Work not 23 Million. The following table
demonstrates the painful truth. It compares when Bush left office
and today.
We are clearly,
unequivocally and
undeniably far worse off then we were four years
ago. Six Debt Clocks indicate
were over 16 Trillion. The only one which is lagging is Obama's
Debt Clock indicating many folks don't even trust Mr. Obama's numbers.
Inconsistency and an absent of trust permeates our nation for the first
time in history.
And finally folks
the Obama administration does not count unemployed folks after they stop
collecting unemployment and thus there are many many more folks
unemployed then the 25 million number. In any even, if you look at
the amazing chart below you will find that under Bush folks remained on
average unemployed for less then 5 weeks. Yet under Obama we have
peeked at greater then 6 months and then they simply stop counting if
unemployment runs out. In other words during Bush a little over
35% of the folks remained out of work for less then 5 weeks, but under
Obama over 45% remain unemployed for over six months. Outrageous.
In conclusion, for the life of the editor, I
cannot understand how the man who ran as President Obama the first go
round who was Mr. Positive and spot on with his statistics, can be the
Mr. Obama who is running now as
Negative with Pinocchio
This editor cannot wait until this election is over.
If you shut up truth and bury it under the ground,
it will but grow, and gather to itself such explosive power that the day
it bursts through it will blow up everything in its way. - Emile Zola
little guy
Hip Hip Hurrah
Hip Hurrah...Mitt Romney
most Presidential speech of the decade causing many to realize, the
honorable Governor Mitt Romney is one of the most talented
All-American's to ever run for the office of the Presidency.
Mitt asked "Just
consider some of the challenges I discussed at your last national
convention:Since then, has the American economy
recovered?Has our ability to shape world events been
enhanced, or diminished?Have we gained greater confidence among our
allies, and greater respect from our adversaries?
And, perhaps most importantly, has the most severe security threat
facing America and our friends, a nuclear-armed Iran, become more or
less likely"?
Folks you could hear the
epiphany in the audience as folks gasped realizing Barack has failed
relative to the aforementioned issues. This editor has to
tell you that I was personally moved by the speech, and let's review in
a nutshell some of my favorite passages. "There must be full
suspension of enrichment in Iran"..."People of Israel
better then what they have received"..."In the end it is strength that
keeps the peace"..."US is willing to help Egypt attain peace and
prosperity". Folks, Mitt was moving and he words range true.
This editor loved when he said " I am an unapologetic believer in the
greatness of this country. I am not ashamed of American power. I take
pride that throughout history our power has brought justice where there
was tyranny, peace where there was conflict, and hope where there was
affliction and despair. I do not view America as just one more point on
the strategic map, one more power to be balanced. I believe our country
is the greatest force for good the world has ever known, and that our
influence is needed as much now as ever. And I am guided by one
overwhelming conviction and passion: This century must be an American
Wow...great stuff. This is
the Mitt Romney we have been waiting for. Listening to him made me
forget that he wasn't president. Heck when he said, "Like a
in the night, we must remain at our post – and keep guard of the
freedom that defines and ennobles us, and our friends"...this editor
gave him the thumbs up, as if he could even see me. But folks need
to listen to Mitt's warning when he said, "This is not the time for the
President’s radical cuts in the military. Look around the globe. Other
major powers are rapidly adding to their military capabilities, some
with intentions very different from ours. The regime in Tehran is
drawing closer to developing a nuclear
weapon. The threat of radical Islamic terrorism persists. The threat
of weapons of mass destruction proliferation is ever-present....And yet
the President has chosen this moment for wholesale reductions in the
nation’s military capacity. When the biggest announcement in his last
State of the Union address on improving our military was that the
Pentagon will start using more clean energy – then you know it’s time
for a change".
But this editor especially felt Mitt was
superlatively positioned to be the President of the Purple states when
he advised, "the President’s first secretary of defense, bluntly
addressed another security problem within this administration. After
secret operational details of the bin Laden raid were given to
reporters, Secretary Gates walked into the West Wing and told the Obama
team to “shut up.” He added a colorful word for emphasis. Lives of
American servicemen and women are at stake. But astonishingly, the
administration failed to change its ways. More top-secret operations
were leaked, even some involving covert action in Iran...And
yesterday, Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein, Chairman of the Senate
Intelligence Committee, said, quote, “I think the White House has to
understand that some of this is coming from their ranks.”
And then Mitt asked, "Exactly who in the White House betrayed these
secrets? Did a superior authorize it? These are things that Americans
are entitled to know – and they are entitled to know right now. If the
President believes – as he said last week – that the buck stops with
him, then he owes all Americans a full and prompt accounting of the
facts". This editor would have said,
it appears he owes each and every American a Buck!
However Mitt summed things up nicely when he said, "This is very simple:
if you do not want America to be the strongest nation on earth, I am not
your President. You have that President today...The 21st
century can and must be an American Century. It began with terror, war,
and economic calamity. It is our duty to steer it onto the path of
freedom, peace, and prosperity." Folks
Mitt's speech was so terrific please hit this link now, and listen to
the complete speech yourself. And let me take this opportunity
to say, and may the lord continue to bless America.little
guy 7/24/2012
Since Barack has been our leader, China made a
DEAL with Cuba and is angle drilling and extracting oil from our Golf of
Mexico and Florida waterways. China bought up the Panama Canal
with the blessing of Jimmy Carter and now we can't buy from the north or
ship from the Southeast to the East absent making money for China.
The Progressives Democrats have boxed our nation in during "our"
lifetimes. And what is worse is that Intelligence sources reveal,
our government new of China's desires long ago. Thus, did our
nation bow to the Chinese giving them a new Oil Cartel World Power,
while we bowed to Russia giving them back urges to go into Poland and
other Eastern European nations as well as the green light they had in
What do you think? Was it smart to
discourage the Canadians by turning down the keystone Oil idea when we
did? Do you really want to make China richer by now agreeing to
buy the Canadian Oil owned by China? Well, already absent study
the margins are being drawn by the pundits, but remember this editor was
the first to author "Energy Independence in 5 Years" and even was
advised as you know to send it by White House advisors to Energy
Secretary Chu and well, if you read the Journal you know the story and
it's over. But the fact is, if we just became patriotic Americans
again, we can become Energy Independent. However, now China is
prepared for the day we may begin to use our own oil, by being in a key
position to hinder our own ability to withdraw and use our own energy.
Shame, shame, shame on President Obama
in this editors opinion, we are now far worse off then when this editor
first proposed Energy Independence in 5 years, and well, it is as if our
Executive Branch is giving away the farm severely
our natural abilities, all as O'Reilly claims the motivations are Social
Justice and yet the weaker and weaker we become, the less we can afford
to care for the poor or those most in need of remedy, and become
dependent on foreign nations simply to exist. This is the one
world government failure we are being lead to. And it all began
with Barack's election.
Folks, not to sound scientific, but with these new
events, this examiner must restudy the issues as buying from Canada but
actually paying China, needs study. And because of the fact that
if you can't finance your military, you can't have the best military,
this editor must ask you-all a question? Who thought, and raise
your hands, the US was the strategically placed to be the greatest
military might under Bush? Raise your hands...come on be honest?
And who believes we are strategically placed to be (Must be able to
finance and produce weapons systems within ones own nation or the nation
ceases to exist as an Independent Source of Freedom) the greatest
military might under Obama? Come on... We had the two ground
war solution and under Obama cast it out so we could not win a war
coming at us from both the East and the West. We are not funding
new airplanes for our air force or new weapon systems for space to
protect us prior to attack, we have crippled the easy road to success
for our nation in my humble opinion under Barack done consciously or
unconsciously. And with the new oil deal, if some thought you
could drill oil and pay off our debt, remember if you buy it from the
Canadian pipe line, you will never get out of debt because you will be
making China rich in order to fund our resources. And just when
Barack gave up on oil for harebrained schemes which made folks rich and
protected by bankruptcy, while China uses common sense knowing they must
have the oil now, and will have all other technologies as well.
China listened to this editor's council when Barack had it first.
On and on it goes, good news for all other nations
daily, and bad news for the US under Barack.little
guy 7/24/1
It was the day of the big sale. Rumors of the sale
and an Advertisement on the net were the main reasons for the long Line
that formed in front of the store long before 8:30, the store's Opening
time. A small man pushed his way to the front of the line, only to
be pushed Back amid loud and colorful curses. On the man's second
attempt, he Was punched square in the jaw by an irate grandmother and
knocked Around a bit, then thrown to the end of the line again. As he
got up the second time, he said to the person at the end of the Line:
"That does it! If they hit me one more time, I won't open the
As a little girl climbed onto Santa's lap, Santa
asked the usual question, "And what would you like for the holidays?"
The angry girl stared at him open mouthed, horrified for a minute,
gasped and then blasted at Santa, "Didn't you get my E-mail?"
New York now leads the world's
great cities in the number of people around whom you shouldn't make a
sudden move. (David Letterman)
Have a great week
guys 7/23/12
Our planet Earth is populated with plenty of bizarre and astonishing
creatures without the need for resorting to fiction.
Some are rare; some are on the verge of extinction.
Here are
16 of the most peculiar creatures known to mankind. Enjoy.
little guy
™ Scott Neff
Remember folks someone must watch the kids this weekend and thus
please study the Labor Day article below. However some folks may
wish to go Golfing, thus let this humble soul opine as a contributor to
society, a demonstration for science in any of the forms of
Biomechanical trauma (Obviously Work Place
Injuries included), but on this particular day,
Golf Injuries.
Please allow one such seasoned didactic graduate in Biomechanics and
Trauma, ergonomics and work hardening demonstrate the best of the best
(I wrote a similar article published for the American Academy for
Biomechanical Trauma when I was their editor for three years)
for your personal pleasure and safety. Again at no charge or
personal gain.
Please hit the following link now so you can stay informed and injury
free. G-d Bless.
little guy
Please have a safe and happy holiday
And may our troops abroad come home safe and soon. Obama announced
his pull out dates which is the same as surrender, so either bring them
home now or elect someone who can manage such difficulties. Who
would have thought when we elected Obama who promised to unite the world
ended up dividing our nation, eliminating peace in the middle east for
radical anti-peace forces and thus divided the world to allow China and
Russia to bring in a new era of Kill
folks at home exemplified by Syria. Folks you just
can't make such horrors up!
all of Obama's expensive ideas which
expanded government and caused oil and commodity prices to go endlessly
higher never sent one dime to you or "we the people", which now
exemplify this day FOR LABORERS (A depressing
day for the unemployed). Because of that fact, our
president and his followers failed most folks ideal view of leaders who
work tirelessly for a pittance to progress our nation. They work
for us advised the honorable Mr. Clint Eastwood, Actor and Director
extraordinaire. It's so very sad that Clint had to remind us!
In any event, Happy Labor day and
parents remember,
this is the last
holiday before school starts, and children are prone to head and neck
injuries sustained by the motivation to swim, dive, surf, and so forth
one last time before the weather changes. Usually the injury is
sustained by a child running along the sides of a pool or diving falling
head first into shallow water.
Watch your children and lets be prepared so that through vision and
hope, you will surely have a wonderful Labor Day Holliday.
Isn't it odd that we as a nation have
preserved Labor day to celebrate the social and economic contributions
of workers when our workers cant find jobs? For many millions of
Americans the day after tomorrow is a day to remember that many Democrat
leaders in Congress and so forth have had their opportunity to lead,
especially the Democrat majority Senate which for the first time in our
history did not pass a budget during Obama's term and SAID OBAMA TEAM FAILED to make Labor day
a day of full employment.
So remember War! Huh-Yeah, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing
say it again y'all, Oil & Commodities huh-Yeah are higher what is it
good for absolutely nothing, say it again....
It is time to develop a vote meter
which determines who you will vote for by virtue of the fact that such
an elected official can prove they have a HISTORY OF INCREASED JOBS IN
STATEMENT, the honorable next President of the United States, Mitt
Romney. We want to increase our national economic production,
decrease our national debt, have created a balanced budget, vote the
failing incumbents out of office and give the job to folks who have
created jobs in the private sector. We need new ideas and new
directions for our Republic to ensure our citizenry will always have a
great chance at finding gainful employ. If the elected person
serves and we don't move forward, they should be voted out.
In any event, may all Americans have a
happy, safe,
thought provoking and fun Labor Day Holliday.
Well folks if you missed Clint Eastwood at
the Republican convention, clearly one of the most entertaining, single
minded, common sense, superlatively logical explanations of why its time
to wave "Bye Bye Birdie" to Obama was witnessed by the entire world.
And if Mr. Eastwood say's it, its gospel for many folks around the globe
as it makes folks day.
Clint was the talk of Hollywood
today, as most entertainers in their heart of hearts know, Clint
Eastwood was the brains behind his success as an actor rather then most
Hollywood folks, who are only as good as their scripts. Of course
the hyper nervous types from the left made up reasons to not like a
genius, but that's because they themselves were not geniuses.
Their too nervous to listen to an elder statesmen like Clint no matter
how brilliant he was, which is why they fit in with the fidgety, hyper
nervous wrecks Progressives who have hijacked today's Democrat party,
aka the "Demobrats". Demobrats are progressives whereas Democrats
today are simply liberals in hiding.
Folks, no fooling, Clint Eastwood was the talk of
the town and there were ton's of women who wanted to jump up and comb
his hair and share a night with him if HE SO PLEASED. And "you
just can't make this stuff up". Hat's off to Clint Eastwood as
this editor never knew he was "such a genius". Gosh, this editor
learned much about humility from Clint last evening, and sure wish I
could have known him personally.
Hat's off to Clint Eastwood, and clearly his death
nil for the Progressives like Barack Obama. And thus without
further ado, please watch Clint Eastwood
, make your day.little
™ Scott Neff 8/31/12
Well, the flood waters in
Mississippi, Louisiana and others have just about been seen by everyone
but President Obama. Campaigning is clearly more important than on
the ground or in the air inspection of the damage so proper aid can be
rendered. Who tested Obama? Well, we do know mother nature
did and by all accounts, President Obama
was found campaigning and saying negative things about the Romney's,
Republicans, Independents, Catholics, Clint Eastwood and Vets rather
then his job duties. Frankly this editor doesn't get it?
Obama has now set the record for abandoning Hurricane Victims.
Yes far later then reaction to Katrina. Clueless
This morning Mitt Romney flew
to Louisiana to get a first hand look at the storm disaster, and will be
trying to come up with ideas to help.
Yet it is Mr. Obama who is President and well, he is very disappointing
to the folks of the South, and all folks who would find this mandatory
Obama's job duties rather then his permissive nature on this 31st day of
August, 2012. Come on President Obama you can do so much better
then you have. Just because Louisiana has a Republican Governor is
no reason to turn your back on your nation. Come, give it a try,
at least for the Gripper (As he was also a
President yet he was always first on the scene and first to help)!
little guy
™ Scott Neff
say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of
romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as
there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience
is a continual Christmas"
Benjamin Franklin
These holes are
not only amazing, but some are really terrifying! The sheer scale of
these holes reminds you of just how tiny we are.
Hit this link now
and see the fascination
of a life time. Enjoy.
little guy ™Scott Neff
say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of
romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as
there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience
is a continual Christmas"
Benjamin Franklin
are in love this evening with Mitt Romney. He looked in all of our
eyes, he said exactly what needed to be said, almost as if the lord's
hand had written the speech, and well, "we love Mitt"..."We Love Mitt".
If folks spin this one, you know evil is afoot, for after Mitt's speech
this evening, "we the people" can see a greater future for you, for all
Americans, and for the United States of America. "We love Mitt".
Thus, the speech was so wonderful, it will take time for our love of
that great man, his great wife, and all of our hopes and dreams to
settle in, for tonight's Republican acceptance speech was one of the
most wonderful speeches in this nations history. Hip Hip Hurrah,
for Mitt Romney. Hip Hip
for Mitt Romney, for we
are on the precipice of perhaps one of the greatest Presidents of them
all. Let us pray that the eternal continues to bless America.
little guy
™ Scott Neff
say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of
romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as
there is a wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience
is a continual Christmas"
Benjamin Franklin
Folks, can't you see the
pattern? One white Democrat pundit after another tries to uses the
honest innocent black folks as weapons. My fellow beings who
happen to be dark, don't you see how you are being used? Biden,
and now begin the video to view the evidence!
"They, the lovely breast cancer survivor and suffer of
MS who showed the world what a great lady sounds like, and her innocent,
honest, decent superlatively successful Husband
(And he did it the American way proving the American dream is
Alive...Mitt Romney symbolizes the American Dream for all our children)
Mitt Romney were accused of; "They are happy to have a party with Black
people drowning". It doesn't matter that this despicable shell of
a man was fired, for he and many others have turned to the evil side of
life under Barack Obama's watch, and none of this would have ever
happened absent Barack Obama as President.
Listen again to this racist,
class warfare Progressive Democrat as he is a sample of the Progressive
Democrat party. Do you want to continue to live under this
atmosphere of Progressives hate for anyone who is not a progressive and
the rest of the folks simply trying to solve all our problems?
Folks don't you want kind folks, understanding folks, empathetic folks,
hard working folks, and sane folks running our nation? "We the
people" deserve much better. It appears more and more that we
deserve "Mitt Romney as President".
The 2012 Election is right
around the corner and it appears evil is most often heard by
Progressives who can't handle the fact that the issue is their ADDICTION
PRESIDENTS COMBINED BEFORE HIM . Honest folks as they say, take
that to the bank, and vote for anything but the mixed up, 1/2 truth
telling for purposes of manipulation, change the subject manipulating
progressive Democrats, and lets vote for the Romney's if for nothing
else, to end the class warfare once and for all. Listen to the
aforementioned creature above again and let this editor know what you
think (Please only send one email and not
several. This editor does get around to them but 4,000 emails was
too much this morning...). And may the lord continue to
bless and keep all of you and of course bless the United States of
Scott Neff ™ the little guy 8/30/2012
say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is
dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a
wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28: "A
good conscience is a continual Christmas"
Benjamin Franklin
Did anyone pray for rain in our
nation? Does anyone think the Lord works in small ways?
Along with the greatest political convention to date, tonight's
Republican party, came the long needed rain for our drought states, as
time passes and the rain moves to other states, the most necessary rain
since the Dust Bowl
days, has begun to arrive to our coasts. And the rains will carry
far and wide. Take Shelter everyone in the wake of the Lord, for
even the very small and always negative Democrats left Florida, so as to
allow "all that is good" to be seen by the world. Yes, from Mrs.
Romney's speech, which was the most superlative speech this editor has
ever heard by a political wife, to Chris Christie's down to earth
connection with all folks with a good heart, folks are calling, saying
they loved it. They loved Rick Santorum's common sense message of
American unity and tradition, and everyone was taken with Mia Loves
positive message of true hope and change, and we all can share.
Mia's message proved the Republican party has the biggest heart, the
warmest wishes for America, and an almost universal appeal, far
exceeding anything any lady from either party exhibited other then Mrs.
Romney herself. Yes Rick Santorum reached everyone tonight, and
Mia Love's message was we can do it, "we can return our economy to
number one in the world.
Antithetically, this editor did
turn to CNN which without Lou Dobbs, only has Candy Crowley left, and no
matter whom else they hired, they were as negative and foul mouthed as
MSNBC. Yes this editor even tried to listen to their (MSNBC)
ALWAYS NEGATIVE AND FOUL criticism, but like CNN, only lasted a moment,
as this citizen, this "little guy™", will not listen to such fouled
rhetoric again. And as each speaker could only TRY to find
negative things to speak about, did you notice the large smiles on the
faces of other pundits, because their GAME is to see who is the most
negative never realizing that the folks, find them all quite boorish
(Never short for words which are always negative) and dumb.
Below you will see an email received from the First Ladies mailings, and
it was placed at the Journal the day it was received, to test the waters
of goodness. But just as the Pharos's negativity to the Jewish
Slaves of Egypt so spoiled "all that was good" in our world, and Moses
parted the Red Sea and brought storms close enough to cause devastation,
the good were left untouched, and the evil ones were hit with an equal
negativity to that which they had been putting out. This is what
happened this evening. But it is clear, many today use the "Claim"
that they have religion in their hearts, but use that image as a weapon,
which more and more folks are realizing. The truth is the size of
our NATIONAL DEBT, which is antithetical to the almost meaningless
deficit, as deficit spending is a tool, but the NATIONAL DEBT IS THE
Show this editor one other nation with a debt like ours. The
Democrats can't, because they are making CHINA RICH by our borrowing,
and our nation, more vulnerable.
As this editor listened to the
negative pundits on CNN and MSNBC, never do they face the truth or tell
the truth to the American people. There was not one statement
offered, which was good for America, while all the Republicans plan for
is a better America then was left us by Barack Obama. Yes Barack
took over our nation at a time where the global failure of Socialism was
simultaneously occurring with Barack's bank buddies ripping off America.
No matter who win's the 2012 election, the very fabric of our nation,
the hatred of one group against another is so great, that combined with
our beyond belief debt, our nation is far more worse off then it has
ever been in our history save the Great Depression.
Let us all pray, that the best
folks for our nation survive to win the day, and good will filter down
to all folks. The dumb have taken over, and perhaps for the 2012
wrinkle in time elections, smart folks could be elected to LEAD our
nation out of any NATIONAL DEBT, so we can focus our money on all the
most philanthropic dreams any of us ever had. For if the nation is
rich again, we could afford such dreams. But with Obama and the
democrats love of the Debt and spending, and thus we are poor in wealth
and spirituality, such poverty of spirit and cash, can never afford the
lies you hear by the Democratic party and its pundits today. Its
actually all quite sad, isn't it?
When were all gone and buried,
wouldn't it be nice to leave an American debt free, so our children can
spend their money's on philanthropy? Or do you want to toe the
Democrat line, spend us into poverty and ever rising debt, impoverishing
any FUTURE HOPES AND DREAMS, of those we leave behind. Selfish
Democrat policy, or philanthropic due to worldly Independent/Republican
fiscal conservatism? It is all up to you. Democrats from the
times before Obama were wonderful folks. Thus, many of you are
still out there. Perhaps in the solitude of the voting booths of
American, you will fool everyone as your vote is private, and elect Mitt
Romney to save our nation.
In summary, buckle down and
prepare for the worst, with winds and rain to
come, but in the end, when the sun's beams part the clouds for beautiful
American sky's, notice the lands will be healthier, and their could
be new and truly experienced LEADERSHIP on the horizon as well.
This editor truly believes the Lord is with the Republicans this 2012
election, and it sure would be nice, if we all could do something nice
for our neighbors, do something nice for our friends, and do something
nice for our children and their children, by electing the man who will
balance our national budget, eliminate our national debt, rebuild our
military and the very fabric of this great melting pot, where Hispanic
Americans can finally join hands with all Americans from the rest of the
Countries of this planet, so true brotherhood among all folks can be
experienced once and for all. And it's all happening in America
May the lord continue to bless you all, and may the eternal continue to
bless the United States of
little guy ™
Folks it's hard to keep a straight
face when famed comedian Marty Fidelman is speaking. Your editor
just spoke with Mr. Fidelman today beginning a new series for the
Journal: Some humor by Marty on 101WAYS TO TELL YOUR MARRIAGE IS OVER!
On Valentine's Day she hires a cupid to
shoot you with a real arrow.
Your marriage is so dead that you have a
She requests that you wear a condom even while you're sleeping.
back next Wednesday for more Humor to get you over the hump by Marty.
say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is
dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a
wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28: "A
good conscience is a continual Christmas"
Benjamin Franklin
Hello --
Tomorrow is going to be a special day at the White House, and I
wanted to make sure you got a chance to be a part of it.
At lunchtime, 54 kids from all over the United States will join
me in the East Room for the first-ever Kids' State Dinner.
Each of these young people worked with their parents to create
an original lunch recipe. We asked them to design a dish that
was healthy, affordable, and tasty -- and which met the
nutritional guidelines set up by the U.S. Department of
Agriculture. A panel of judges from the groups who partnered
with us on this project -- the Department of Agriculture, the
Department of Education, and Epicurious -- chose these 54
recipes as their favorites.
So now, the kid chefs and
their parents are on their way to the White House, and tomorrow
we'll all enjoy a meal together and take in a musical
performance from Nickelodeon's Big Time Rush. You can watch the
whole thing as it happens on our website -- will you join us
As a mom, I know that parents are always looking for new
ideas to make sure our kids are eating right and staying
healthy. That's part of why we launched the Let's Move!
And it's why we're working with the
Department of Education and Epicurious to share a free printable
and downloadable cookbook with the winning recipes that these
young people created with their parents.
You can learn
more about our work to solve the problem of childhood obesity so
that all our kids can grow up healthy at
And tomorrow, I hope you will join in the fun of the Kids'
State Dinner.
Well just when a popular pundit was arguing that
shootings were down and yet this editor responded proving shootings were
up for the year in at least 3 major cities, one day later a student
starting school today
another student. And if the guidance councilor and a teacher had
not been heroic and acted immediately, there would be more deaths.
Notice the trend folks, and stop bragging about hit
(Liberal)from the White House and all
the other things which tell the misguided that some believe killing for
revenge is tolerated. It is a pity thatconservative
pundit missed the boat so very badly, but
let this be a lesson.
There can be no hints that something bad like Rape
or murder has any way of tolerance or support within this nation.
And let this be a lesson to
popular pundit that this editor does his homework before submitting
something at the Journal. I hope this tragedy will be a lesson for
the pundit who claimed murders were down (one
Day later, a youth shot another youth, in a high school and it would
have been another mass murder save heroic folks were there to save the
day). And that's today's memo.
little guy
Without further ado, start this video and have super great fun and hardy
Now just click on one of the pictures above and another
superlative Comedy News short will start.
Have a great week
folks. little
FRIDAY MAY 14, 2010
Socialism in
general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual
could ignore or evade it...Socialism is the doctrine that man has no
right to exist for his own sake, that his life and his work do not
belong to him, but belong to society, that the only justification of his
existence is his service to society, and that society may dispose of him
in any way it pleases for the sake of whatever it deems to be its own
tribal, collective good...The function of
socialism is to raise suffering to a higher level...To
take from one, because it is thought that his own industry and that of
his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare others, who, or
whose fathers have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate
arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to every
one of a free exercise of his industry, and the fruits acquired by it.
Sowell, Ayn Rand, Norman Mailer, The President Thomas Jefferson.
the late 1930's, Dr. Charles
Richard Drew MD pioneered the concept and construction of the worlds
first blood bank. He
recalled seeing a man's life being saved via blood transfusions, which
was the trigger for him to develop the notion of the long term
preservation of blood.
Dr. Drew
MD, proved that plasma kept longer than whole blood. His
concept and ideas revolutionized the medical profession and saved many
lives continuing to this very day. Dr. Charles Drew MD,
constructed and operated his blood plasma bank at the Presbyterian
Hospital in Hew York City, NY, becoming the model and inspiration for
the Red Cross' system of blood banks, of which he became the first
Thank God for
the early Doctors (Physician and Surgeons-MD), and all those that in
some way progressed science, the learning of others, improved our
health, welfare and our entire way of life. Charles Richard Drew
™ 8/10/12
Editor's note:
come back next Wednesday for101WAYS
™ 8/8/12
A Journal reader sent in
this series; referenced text "Disorder in the American Courts". It
has to be hard to keep a straight face sometimes as a court reporter.
This series will contain things folks actually said in court, word for
word, taken down and now published by court reporters that had the
torment of staying calm while these exchanges were actually taking
place; our Judicial system at its best. And thus without further
Ado, let us examine
example which would make it Hard to Keep a straight face as a
Court Reporter.
ATTORNEY: Doctor, before you performed the
autopsy, did you check for a pulse?
ATTORNEY: Did you check for
blood pressure?
ATTORNEY: Did you check for
ATTORNEY: So, then it is
possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy?
ATTORNEY: How can you be so
sure, Doctor?
Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar.
ATTORNEY: I see, but could the
patient have still been alive, nevertheless?
Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law.
Have a great week folks.
little guy
say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is
dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a
wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28: "A
good conscience is a continual Christmas"
Benjamin Franklin
Why are the folks who support
Akin disapproved of by Independents? Because it proves those folks
are no better then the "Progressive" Democrats, because they just want
to win over what is best for the nation. The Repys are saying they
aren't better then that? Does that make sense? The Reps
should be able to come up with a candidate who can beat the wacky
"Progressive" Democrat running! Indeed.
Folks this is as goofy as
Stewarts argument that since there is very little in the way of policing
voter fraud, records show very little in the way of voter fraud!
OK, everyone expects Stewart to be goofy, its his field, but accurate,
that's not necessarily his field. If the anti-Voter ID folks had
things were their way, Medicare Fraud would have never been detected.
In fact all of us would be subjected to around the clock crime.
Goofy folks, just plain goofy.
Well, as a true representative
of, by and for the little folks, this little guy™
must opine it appears that the multiple gaffs and bias by the famous
Southern right leaning pundits balance off the Barack White House Press
Core Pinocchio, thus there will be no need for the little persons
Mr. Obama
Let us all enjoy tomorrows Sunday
blessings in peace. However, as illustrated by the referenced
Bamopoly, it doesn't matter who speaks for Mr. Obama, and it doesn't
matter that he seems like a nice guy and all, but the facts remain Mr. Obama never had one meeting with
his Jobs Council and it shows in the economy
. Folks, Mr. Obama has spent most of his Presidency either
delegating his job to others such as Obamacare actually handed over to
Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and his minions to develop, and it shows, to
spending most of his four years campaigning for another term
(Almost hundreds of fund raisers), not to mention well over
golf trips or other
vacations where he and his wife flew separately
on your dime for their convenience over the convenience of our
Barack has never shown the
capacity for understanding and handling the economy. First and
foremost if Barack would simply stop everything he is doing, our economy
would eventually heal on its own. Our nation is greater then the
leaders we elect. Secondly, only an idiot would think someone who
launched Staples, Sports Authority and too many more great businesses
which have become, and excuse the pun, Staples of our society, like
President Romney (Opps...), would not turn our economy around faster
then Mr. Obama did and could. It's really that simple.
Then if we look at our military
and Mr. Obama's horrible treatment of US Military Vets, something all
folks who serve will face under Mr. Obama because they to will age and
become a Vet (Free to think their mind and say
their peace juxtaposed to Mr. Obama trying to silent the experience of
our Vets), as well as eliminating our two ground war
capabilities, his un-funding of new Planes for our Air force or Weapon
Systems for our Army, and his un-funding any new Ships for our Navy all
while China builds all of those aspects, proves Mr. Obama, no matter how
kindly he is, has destabilized our world, our trade, our military, and
our economy to this point in his Presidency. And he hasn't much
time to stop politicking and start being President.
Let us hope that the American
people will save the day for our nation, as we have saved the day for
most of the free world whenever a war has broken out over the last 150
years. Hip hip hurrah for Americans, and may the lord continue to
bless the United States
Often the blind lead the blind and just this morning, one
commentator claimed we are safer now under Obama then we were under
Bush! Since the statistics on 2012 are not out yet, this editor
put a toe in and looked at
Chicago, the home of our President, New Orleans,
and El Paso Texas;
cities which never received the federal crime aid they should have under
Obama. Well,
2012 Chicago Murder Rate exceeds 2011,
2012 New Orleans murder Rate exceeds 2011,
2012 El
Paso Murder Rate exceeds 2011. These examples bode
poorly for our nations future as folks copy folks and this is a fact of
crime. Further this very same
man from the South felt that his pal Todd Akin was the perfect man
for the senate race.
this editor must opine that
unless we set the example from the top,
such as a President Romney (Opps...)who will unite this nation
from the get go, there will be more and more awful fights,
Murders and Rapes rather then
simple disputes
or exemplary behavior within our society.
Look at the women who is pictured with Obama who then spat in the face
of a Romney supporter because she was simply discussing Romney
successes. Is this the type of examples you want our children to
observe? Do you want your children to grow up first and foremost
seeing Murder's rise in Chicago,
New Orleans
of all places and El Paso,
major cities in our North and our South? Do you want our children
to think shoot
first in a fist fight, rather then sending your children to seek out
perhaps a Kenpo Studio, so fights can become neutralized as the "perfect
weapon" need only show the Tiger and stop disputes, walk the offender
around in circles until law enforcement arrives, or do you want your
children to only know the side of the Dragon as was the case in the
Trayvon Martin Shooting. This has nothing to do with the facts of
the case, as this editor is not privy to them but, things may have been
different if neither were packing or Trayvon could have announced he was
packing as well. Perhaps both would be alive today!
Everyone should own a gun and learn to shoot and enjoy them if they
wish. However to be armed before any conflict, knowing that you
could simply kill your way out of a conflict should one arise, brings a
different attitude into a dispute, where one side may think a fair fight
would be in order
(When fighting is never
in order if we were perfect beings),
and the other side knew in advance they were "packing".
This is a conundrum which requires teaching folks how to discuss
disputes first rather then fighting right off the bat. Examples
must be set. Setting a good example must be on the minds of
adults, so we can influence our youth properly.
Society under Obama is degenerating, Religious freedom is
degenerating, economic earning freedom has degenerated at least to this
point, international relations has degenerated to the state that evil
nations are uniting and have no fear that "Truth is packing" or that the
US has the resolve, the troops or the weaponry to defeat them if they
start wars.
Finally, in the day's of old you could occasional count on Lou Dobbs
or even O'Reilly for the most part to offer sound logic on the events of
the day. Well Lou is on the Fox Business Channel which is not a
part of the normal package under most cable providers unless you pay
extra, and O'Reilly is rarely on his show anymore. Yes he has good
replacements, but none of them, none of them, can have two
Liberal Progressives on as guests with no
Conservative guest to balance events, and make a good show.
Yes O'Reilly could pull it off, but his guest replacements can't and
folks are turning his show off because they can't stomach the very
irritating wrongheaded rhetoric which goes unchallenged "equally".
The Progressives always get the last word in, make the last point
usually wrong but goes unanswered as if it is right, and too much more.
Either folks want four more years of all of
this, or you don't. Either Romney Wins or Obama must change 180
degrees a
those early hopes seem to dwindle. Obama now has his champion
as an Adulterer while in the White House.
Anyone who would commit adultery against his own wife, the one who
supports him the most, could never again be counted on for anything for
folks he doesn't know!
Yes much like Obama, it appears for years the Dem's may have been saying
and claiming one thing, but the truth reveals something else.
Lets fight for a safer America, and join the little guy
in fighting crime. It has become a fact that you cannot trust
any statistics this government of the last four years has produced.
The auditors one by one have come to this conclusion. And thus,
let's all speak out against violence when it happens, and when a man
finds a way to support the Rapist done consciously or unconsciously, he
needs to be called out. Shame, shame, shame on
anyone who
the facts on the rate of Murders,
the bad trends which are developing
some of our
little guy ™ 8/25/2012
Well, President Obama answered questions to the
White House Press Core which today is antithetical to the original
purpose of the core, but the man said his campaign never said Mitt
Romney was a felon although they did and were proved wrong!
Barack's Stephanie Cutter said it and thus Barack
Obama is back meaning this editor will have to come up with a theme for
this weekend. President Obama could not go two day's without going
out of bounds proving the most dastardly, mean spirited, lying
presidential campaign in history. And he is proud of it!
That's what hurts so. Therefore our popular President and the
Progressive Cult
is built on lying, smear and selling
Even the Presidential Debates are fixed. The
fix is in folks. The Moderators asked to participate in the
debates are all super liberal Democrats of some ilk, and zero
Independents, zero Moderates and zero Conservatives. Thus with the
Fix in, and our nation degenerating militarily, economically,
politically, in health care, eliminating much of the health insurance
industry for Obama's select few, destroying your future with this
massive debt and deficit, proving the most important election in this
nations history as Barack is leading our nation astray, is up to the
American people. And this editor is putting his bet on the
American people.
But let me point out super stupid discussion by all pundits,
Democrats and Republicans. Today when this examiner came home, my
significant other advised that some man named Todd Akin had said bizarre
things about rape victims. This
editor wrote the book on this. In day's of old, I used to take my
writings and droop them off on FBI agents desks. I am better
known then you could ever imagine. Thus in an area of expertise;
love it or be stupid. My Fiancé opined how could this man make
such a blunder. I had just drove over 2 hours
home from Wilshire LA after a difficult day's work, and I thought
she was very serious and I advised, well some bone-headed men are
not too swift about women, and the gaff is relative to the fact
that he probably tried to get his wife pregnant and found out that
their are times of the month that it would not happen.
With this tiny experience he then, now far removed from the experience
tried to state what was just illustrated, but said the truth like a
He made a joke of himself as his stupidity on women's reproduction
systems is unrivaled! But it gets worse.
Rather then other bright people
laughing at him
MANY REPUBLICANS PANICKED, and actually has a point although
one of zero value to a rape victim
unless luck was involved and thus wrongdoing was noticed on both
sides of the isle and frankly folks, we are living in times where the
stupid have the biggest mouths, talk the most but say very
little, and that's part of the reason Obama was able to bait and
switch everyone. Everyone wants to support the rape victim
with such harsh laws no one would dare do it to any women again with
full care for the women prolyactically, ongoing acute and chronic
Folks are too fast to kill and far to slow to analyze.
Progressives are looking for anything that happens to be misconstrued as
a meteorite taking our Africa to change the subject away from the fact
that we are worse off then we were four years ago, our debt and deficit
is proof Obama needs to takes his toys and go home and leave our economy
up to folks who have worked in the economy building no less then Staples
or Sport Authority to name only a couple out of hundreds. In any
event, this is proof positive the radical destructors of this nation
will be running the debates, they are therefore fixed, and its all going
to be up to the great American people to demonstrate our worth.
Obama wins and well the dopes win. Romney wins and the thinking
folks win. Its become that simple. In conclusion relative to
the debates we were all longing for, well their like the fixed elections
themselves where folks will be allowed to vote absent any I.D.,
before they run to twenty other polling place to vote as many times as
they can under as many alias as they wish to again, fix the 2012
In Summary Todd Akin proved an F student in reproductive medicine,
and an F- on understanding women and how their body functions
work. Chris Christie opined he should just get out of politics. I
would say, "just
go away"! But
more importantly is what Akin wasn't. What wasn't a subject
demonstrating major catastrophic events which would take folks attention
REPUBLIC. Get real folks or become a third rate nation brought to
you as a service of Barack, Barry, Harrison or any of his aliases, whom
ever he is. Any one is as good as another to destroy this nation
from within.
Remember before Obama all our voters hated were terrorists-Under Obama
all our citizens hate are each other
and its getting worse day by day thank you very much Mr.. whoever
you are...Obama. It is up to the voters. Romney for a class
a AAA credit rated US of A, moving to full employment and national
wealth for all, or sit in the rut of Obamaville
(The Nanny
failure state)
absent any pride as how much pride does a bum get living in a nanny
Smart folks beware, unless you rise up in unity and purpose for our
nation, evil will triumph this time around and that will be detrimental
to the health, welfare and viable longevity for our Great Republic.
And that's tonight's "off the cuff and right out of the car" memo for
the slow thinkers in both parties. Eggheads.little
guy 8/21/12"We,
the people, are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts;
not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow men who pervert
Abraham Lincoln
I went to the psychiatrist, and he says "You're crazy." I tell him I
want a second opinion. He says, "Okay, you're ugly too!"
A lady at a party goes up to Winston Churchill and
tells him, "Sir, you are drunk." Churchill replies, "Madam, you are
ugly. In the morning, I shall be sober."
A father is
explaining ethics to his son, who is about to go into business. "Suppose
a woman comes in and orders a hundred dollars worth of material. You
wrap it up, and you give it to her. She pays you with a $100 bill. But
as she goes out the door you realize she’s given you two $100 bills.
Now, here’s where the ethics come in: should you or should you not tell
your partner"
Jokes by
Rodney Dangerfield,
Bob Hope, Henny Youngman.
Have a great week
It has been postulated that
Mrs. Clinton may be posed to make a run at the VP spot. Of course
SPIN is everywhere. First and foremost from my view, Hillary for
what ever reason, has not governed as this editor would have been led to
believe. Look, it gives my heart and spirit an extra boost to give
a Black man a chance to be president, as it does to have a women become
President. Why? If fulfills the hopes and dreams of the
founding fathers who this editor could envision playing chess with Ben
Franklin in heaven (And remember I had to play chess against author of
Whiplash when we had down time in Clinic all those years ago...), teach
the game of Risk to George Washington and perhaps play a few games
touch football, and so forth; if I were to dream of Heaven....
Antithetical to such hopes
became odd events where both the sometimes "wonder-puzzling-ful" and
sometimes blindly foolish Mr. Clinton and the truly lovely beaming Mrs.
Clinton proved factually hypocritical to a type of a Southern/Mixed
Democrat all folks loved, but became anything but. And if you have
read this journal before you know the issues rather then the informed
few its seems, and Mrs. Clinton, although she lost this editor, would
markedly and undeniably help the now clear Dorian Gray (Barack)
Presidency although his true "union of identities picture" remains
elusive to most all folks according to the forensics. Thus, Mrs.
Clinton would vastly improve the ticket, but she is undeniably,
indisputably viewed by folks outside "I love you because your a
progressive women" group, as a wounded candidate for the presidency as
it is. She will be called to the carpet in a run which puts the
spot light on her handling of the Iraq/base issues AND TOO MUCH MORE, no
matter how it will spin
then back to Barack. Yes they will blame Barack for the
invention of the Devil just as he had so blamed poor President Bush.
But she's wounded, her husband ruined the only legacy he had, one which
had him light years smarter then Barack, but now proved progressive
dogma was inside him all along and what appears to be a fact, that he
caved to his pollster's pressures and worked with Newt to balance the
budget all those many important years ago.
"acts are stubborn things;
and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our
passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence"
First US Vice
President and 2nd President of these United States-the founding father
John Adams extraordinaire.
Honestly this editor doesn't
give a hoot about anything bad for anyone if that issue is discussed,
but historically, and factually the Clinton's gave up their clout, their
oomph, their trust-ability, and some pre-granted acceptance, for Barack
Obama done willingly or not to their best judgments, consciously or
unconsciously, or half a sleep when a bad decision was made. And
if further problems such as those created by the progressives i.e. all
Conservative Women are very bad names, select practice of Catholicism is
disallowed officially in government programs, having monetary sponsors
say the worst things about opposition candidates wives and children, to
the degree of being despicable, such as making a heinous false
charge/association with a lie toward a good human being that they were
the murderer of ones wife, well it appears the progressives may go the
way of the Dodo Bird. Again if you read the journal you know the
facts. That was a NAZI like propaganda hit, and did not go
and has been witnessed by those that think that there is more to
this reality, something perhaps equal to infinity this editor would
opine, in the hearts and minds of observers around
the globe.
Hillary would improve the Obama ticket, but could
destroy the time she must want for memories to grow dim, for other
events to foreshadow the memories, and allow events to unfold which
could turn one way or another rather then becoming more intimately tied
to Barack Obama. However with her decisions witnessed serving our
President, one MUST give little in the way of trust in what these
progressive candidates advice.Some
of America reminds me of the most beautiful women in the world who is so
enamored with Barack Obama that she would rather be
lied to, then lose him"little
say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is
dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a
wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28: "A
good conscience is a continual Christmas"
Benjamin Franklin
Folks, for those few of you who
now know just who Barack
is, and what this poor guy had to go through to get to where he is,
proves he and his minions never had the right stuff to keep our nation
safe and "I'm crying". Patriot Bush set out to bring
forevermore reason, hope and change to the people of Iraq so we would
have brothers and sisters in our world. Then the "know it all's"
came into power and proved "they knew nothing". Barack, Biden and
Clinton failed in negotiations to have a quality base in Iraq as was our
100 year history of prophylactic leadership rather then leading from
behind or nowhere. Barack, Biden, and Clinton are "experts texper
choking smokers don't you think the joker laughs at you (Smokers
referring to their actions are akin to someone stoned out of their
brains on opium like the Afghan sellers! They never brought real change
to the region like opium eradication!)? See how they smile
like pigs in a stay see how they snide
I'm crying".
Progressive Democrats do snide
at everything and yet from foreign affairs to jobs, from trade to
manufacturing, from the rising costs of food to our loss of credit, from
gutting Medicare by 7.31 billion to launder it to Obamacare
(equals a net nothing which is antithetical to hope for senior health
care and leaving them taxed once for Medicare payments their entire life
and now taxed again for Obamacare...Outrageous bait and switch...)
anything Obama and his minions touch ends up ruined. Over
estimated Americans wounded in Iraq and 4488 men and women of our armed
forces dead in Iraq to never come home to be with their
families again, proves meaningless to Obama visa vie the outcome of his
handling of foreign affairs.
348 Journalists killed in Iraq. All for nothing as it is all
starting over again. Because Obama and Clinton knew more then even
a simple History book would have taught, Iraq is assisting Iran launder
money and oil. And it is at the highest levels of Government.
One Barack Obama and one Hillary Clinton pulled out of Iraq as they did
for political gain rather then intellectual understandings of the
issues. Does that make sense? Iraq is laundering oil and
money for Iran while they build their
And it's all about oil folks. Yet Obama, Biden and Clinton claim
they have attacked our oil deficiencies when in reality they wasted
their entire term doing harm to foreign affairs, oil independence, and
the ever rising
of gasoline.
By the time Obama is done,
meaning well or whatever his reasons, he has turned the middle east into
a tinderbox and increased the eventuality of our 3rd World War, Russian
influence is embedded in Syria, China
influence to our north in Canada, to our South in Panama, and off
our shores angle drilling, Obama and Clinton, the one world progressive
advocates signaled consciously or unconsciously, they act tough in talk,
but there is a special deal just for China, Russia, Iran, Iraq, Syria,
and North Korea behind the scenes. And the loser? The
American People.
All the dead Americans, all the
wounded Americans, all the suffering loved one's who would do it again
for patriotism and country but might not due it again for anyone who
would pervert the constitution and the outcomes of our wars.
Shame, shame, shame on Obama,
Biden, Clinton and all the rest involved albeit they would never
understand shame as their own ego's have proven to supersede love for
them, support for them, and antithetically have proven they should never
receive support again by any thinking free citizen of this great union
again. "Expert texper choking smokers don't you think the joker
laughs at you? See how they smile like pigs in a stay see how they
snide...I'm Crying"-Beatles-"Before
Obama the only folks our citizens hated were terrorists-With Obama the
only folks our citizens hate are EACH OTHER!"little
This editor has to opine that
when "normal" folks
TV today, it is a global turn off. Fox is tough to watch save
Hannity and can you beat that? For a man of conviction for truth,
he has a lot of patience.
Progressives put party over
Freedom, party over Democracy, party over love of G-d and the USA,
progressives put this next election over our children, put this election
over our massive insane spending which leaves nothing but debt (debt)to your children unless your so rich you can survive.
Let me give you a prototypical example. Today while attempting to
watch Fox one Progressive Liberal Democrat loon (You will see-loon) made
the argument that improving energy recovery and production in our nation
is foolish because the profit margins are so slim. He opined thus
the reason for buying foreign oil so our nation will be free to make
money other ways with better margins and let the foolish foreigners work
on slim margins! And he stumped everyone! But anyone who
thinks should have said, "your party has eliminated any of the other
sources of income which is why we're in the state we're in! Those
oil, coal, natural gas and shale margins are the best free natural
resources left which increases the flow of money into our nation
(North Dakota Oil Strike thus 3% UNEMPLOYMENT for example),
creating cheep energy to attract manufacturing back for the said cheep
energy, which increases the revenue base, increasing funding for
roads, bridges, public plumbing increases those jobs changing the cycle
from a Government subsidized world, to a fully flourishing unencumbered
free trade economy once again, eliminating the national debt, balancing
the budget through the natural flow of increase revenue concomitant with
lifting the burdens of government off the backs of the America people,
and returning our nation to its proper role in the economies of the free
world, while concomitantly being able to afford to invest in any new
technology we wish
(The Democrats always rob
Peter to pay Paul for example 731 Billion from Medicare to fund
ObamaCare...masters of deception known as the shell game).
But you see how the progressive democrats spin
everything for glory (To momentarily win a debate against SLOW
THINKERS) over nation? It's just that simple folks.
Our rights come from nature
and the lord most high and not from progressives and they hate that.
They're control freaks who wish to spend us and drain our wealthy
Americans so the only wealth left in the US disappears just like the
Progressive Democrat run MF Global. And notice the person overseeing the money, a Progressive Democrat
and past advisor to Obama goes FREE-no jail time folks!
Isn't that convenient or
unfair founded in evil, crony anti-Justice?! Does that make sense?
The money seems to disappears
under PROGRESSIVE LEADERSHIP and first and foremost lines their pockets
through money laundering on an international basis in my view and then
this editor further opines goes to other nations and the global bankers
who are trying to make a one world government so they control all the
wealth. When progressives are called out for being in the same
party and cause with those that run heinous and evil ad's they compare
that to a true add that was hard on Obama and then
the media allows the comparison and says both sides are bad.
That proves they are stupid and folks who share my reality demand
rational comparisons proving Progressives are like worms for they burrow
deep, and like evil, it is then hard to turn to the side of good,
justice, forgivingness, fairness, taking the high road and so forth.
Look at the Clintons.
Here Mrs. Clinton called Obama out for his lying evil ways and what did
she do? She joined him. Does that make sense?
Progressives are hypocrites supreme, because its all about the prize
disguised in what they will do for you. Look at Mr. Clinton.
He claimed to be pro-balanced budget, pro-deficit reduction, pro-work
for folks who either can't find jobs or are applying for welfare and
what does he do? He joined Barack and his drunken stupor spending,
his anti-balance the budget even giving the green light to his
progressive controlled senate to violate the rules and regulations of
the Senate and never put up a budget during Obama's entire term and also
stonewall all attempts at achievement from either the House or Senate.
Does that make sense? Progressives are all about the prize
for themselves over what's good for you, what's good for your
neighbor, what's good for the poor, the disabled, those on fixed
incomes, those too ill to chase Insurance programs
when they paid into Medicare their entire lives longing for the day the
promise of Medicare would be their safety net if needed.
Now the elderly folks who are too ill to make such contemplations must
judge programs they are now taxed for in Obamacare
(Taxed Twice for the same
Insurance; inconsistent but true) they might want, with the
knowledge that because of Obama, a board of 15 bureaucrats have been put
into place for the soul reason to cut Medicare spending on our elderly
or Obamacare spending on our elderly and that means you won't get your
transplant as you are judged LIKE A MACHINE
rather then the person you are, born under the lord, indivisible
from the highest of aspirations for mankind, and that these self evident
truths have been robed from you by the goal to make a movement, the
Progressive Democrat movement the priorii of importance for all energies
rather then the common sense desire to help all Americans in the best
thought out plan in mankind's experiential existence; the plan set forth
by George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock,
Abraham Lincoln and all the rest.
Progressives argue for their
cause while normal folks don't give a hoot about childish at best
high-schoolish dedication to progressives dogma, and simply want to run
our country like we would run our own lives. Thus we need jobs and
unemployment at worst 5%, we need new manufacturing, we need to be the
energy leader and seller to the world, we need to shore up our borders
physically, and through the airwaves, through computers, and make this
nation secure from Chinese espionage, Chinese patent theft, and
espionage from any entity to include fear from Iranian or other
Terrorists Atomic threats.
Progressives are ashamed of our
Stars and Stripes evidenced by Obama's Justice Department throwing out
our heritage and trademark
to speak for Black to look cool! Even Obama's Bus has not one
image of our pride to be Americans. It's all horrible folks, just
horrible and you can make our nation whole again. Remember
Progressives are dreamers which sells but only want the prize for
themselves and their cronies. Thus, Progressives argue for their
cause while normal folks argue for America. Please remember folks,
"Before Obama the only folks our citizens hated were terrorists-With
Obama the only folks our citizens hate are EACH OTHER! And that is
Saturday's memo-"Lets
run our government like a business with a heart rather then having
government run business like our government".little
WEEKEND WORDS-08-17-2012
Always listen to experts. They're tell you what
can't be done and why (Obama/Biden). Then do it....Of all the
anti-social vested interests the worst is the vested interest in
ill-health....A man's health can be judged
by which he takes two at a time -- pills or stairs....Be careful about
reading (Obamacare legislation) health books. You might die of a
Heinlen, George Bernard Shaw, Joan Welsh, Mark Twain Extraordinaire
I can’t think of
anything worse after a night of drinking than waking up next to someone
and not being able to remember their name, or how you met, or why
they’re dead.
They say animal
behavior can warn you when an earthquake is coming. Like the night
before that last earthquake hit, our family dog took the car keys and
drove to Arizona.
TV commercials now show
you how detergents take out bloodstains, a pretty violent image there.
I think if you've got a T-shirt with a bloodstain all over it, maybe
laundry isn't your biggest problem.
Laura Kightlinger, Bob
Hope, Jerry Seinfeld.
little guy
say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is
dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a
wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28: "A
good conscience is a continual Christmas"
Benjamin Franklin
Folks need to understand the Sarah Palin
conundrum. There were two relatively new rising stars in the 2008
election cycle and they were Barack Obama and Sara Palin. They
were very similar but diametrically opposed on ideas. What threw
everyone off was the fact that Sarah ran as herself and none of us ever
anticipated Barack was running a chameleon life and thus a chameleon
campaign. Barack ran as a centrist when in reality he is as far
left as one can be waking the line of Socialism and often crossing into
Socialism. Why folks didn't even understand that his mother
married two socialists as you will find out on my next Sunday's almost
shocking truths about Barack, and that he even changed his name to Jr.
(His first father's has the exact name he uses now!). Jr. fooled everyone
who wanted him to be almost the Jesus Christ of Black folks, which was
his game, but his actions seem anything but Christian. In fact he
has attacked Catholicism and stopped all Christian practitioners from
living their faiths, and this editor must opine has severely weakened
the strength of "all that
is good" in the Middle East. We do not know WHY he
NEEDED TO change his name to sound Muslim concomitant WITH making his
rounds at Church (Barry Soetoro became Barack
Hussein Obama done for whatever reason!); almost an inconsistent modus
operandi it would seem.
Again Sarah ran completely as herself and thus
when the campaign began, no one was ready for one of the most abusive
campaigns to date. Looking back and comparing what Barack and his
chameleon minions did then and now revealed, he and his minions
including our press became as abusive as anyone arrested for using abuse
on a women or children. And while Sarah was trying to stay on
message as a young two year governing rising star with real leadership
background at the local levels, Barack absent anything in the way of
government leadership, again always the chameleon, destroyed Sarah's
spirit through low ball unfair play against her and her family and she
only began to mend when Barack sent his first salvo attacking her during
this election cycle.
Has anyone noticed that as each week goes by, she
even looks prettier, has some style with her new glasses and well,
truthfully in my heart believe she was relatively lost due to
undiagnosed depression/adaptation
reaction time latency
from the abuse she suffered, and during
the 2012 cycle, simply tried to support her men Newt and Rick because
she did not receive the proper support when she ran as a conservative.
However as this editor predicted she would be cast out by her awful
words used to support her men. But this editor is very familiar
with abuse as a in my past I did Social Security Disability Evaluations
for one of their Attorneys, the most honorable Jonathon Wexler Esquire
extraordinaire (Letter of Recommendation on file) as well as treat Rape
Case Victims REFERRED directly to my LA Wilshire office some eight years
ago by the LA District Attorney's office. Further my study
in Psychiatry in (Also B.A. Psychology University of Minnesota) Medical
School and six weeks in Clinical Clerkships in Psychiatry gives this
examiner a vast exposure to the science. In any event, you can't
take experience from the man, and abusive folks disappoint their victims
concomitant with the abuse that it takes time to recover from
(And this editor will provide a link to one case where my audit saved
her career and life as she puts it, and my expert witness testimony
brought her a new life; all from an ABUSIVE BOYFRIEND).
Now Sarah is marching to her own drummer
and seeing Mitt Romney in action, and now with his choice of Paul Ryan,
as this editor predicted, she feels left out, but has pulled herself
together as time can heal most wounds with proper steps taken, and she
again is a rising star with a following of her own. Therefore, is
it not our way, the Judeo-Christian way, to find avenues to forgive and
create a teamwork no matter how difficult it is to overcome the HUMAN
Are all the heinous wrongs done to her by the 2008 campaign redressed?
Of course not so it is easy to forgive intellectually, but it takes time
for the heart and spirit to heal and catch up with the intellect.
Look at the most heinous campaign tactics of this nations entire history
trying to claim Mitt who had left Bain two years before they could save
another steel company where an odd man lost his poor wife seven years
later, never telling you she had a more secure job then he, supported
him for those seven years and had her own insurance until she was laid
off five years later, her cobra etc ran out, and she was no longer
insured for care to a disease often fatal as their is no real cure.
And then if you listen to Barack's minions, they spin
everything when the lies are revealed proving these folks must be
defeated before they destroy the very fabric of the nation which was
based on the idea of truth. Shame, shame, shame on the Progressive
Democrats all. Democrats conveniently don't tell you over 1
million military service jobs end because of Barack ending our two
ground war strategy and much much more, and this will throw our
(These two put politics over nation)
nation into the greatest recession ever experienced. Sequestration
will cause the loss of over 1 million jobs. So the contactors are
looking to lay off massive amounts of people on Jan. 1 2013, as has not
been seen since the great Depression, causing perhaps an additional
twenty to forty thousand laid off office support workers. In order to do
this they have to send out notices to the people that will be affected
which means that they will go out BEFORE the election in November.
Soooooo, the Obama administration is now telling them that they do not
have to send out the notifications as it could HURT THEIR POLITICAL
THE RULES! Which leaves EMPLOYERS subject to law suits!
Progressive Democrat politics overturn all that is good within our
motto it seems is nation be dammed in order to
re-elect Barack Hussein Obama and our loony, overly
emotional/unstable, gaff ridden and prone Joe Biden.
Remember Joe Biden wanted to divide Iran into three separate nations
(This man has serious issues folks!)
proving he is the most wrongheaded
foreign affairs influence in this nations history. And it shows in
the Middle East Mess. Barack has been derelict in his duty to
contain Iran and last week we found out over $100,000 was taken by his
White House advisor just prior to beginning work. Does that sound
like influence peddling to you? And Iran
almost has the bomb!
Is Iran closer to
having the ability to destroy the world now then four years ago?
Are we safer then we were four years ago. This editor must opine
the answer is absolutely and definitively NO!
Sarah Palin is ready to get out there and again
demonstrate an almost Margaret Thatcher dedication to PATRIOTIC PRINCIPALS.
And if my man Mitt listens as I know he does, we could heal Sarah once
and for all, and with the experience she has gained which is beginning
to show right now, we could unleash a rising star as a Cheerleader for a
cause more important THAN the personalities involved. Barack also
reads this Journal. And as soon as this editor advised Mitt to
remain the gentlemen he is, Barack disappeared and has been trying to
copy my advise for Mitt although the
"smoke has
the fog has dissipated, the cloud shrouding Barack and his minions are
abandoning him
and in the light of the lord, our planets own Sunshine on the problem
our Emperor Barack has no
for traditional
And Sarah the Patriot, reminds me of "little old me" in that this editor
put up this website over 17 years ago, and can you believe it, all of
the Fox news stars as well as Lou Dobbs back in the day, Stewart, and
the rest (consciously or unconsciously) copied the design of this web
How do you think it made this life long patriot FEEL, evidenced by my
building this web site and maintaining it through thick and thin over
the many many years when Barack threw down our Stars and Strips for his
Justice Department Black and even his bus, to Black, which signifies
anything but patriotism, but does demonstrate the desire to look Cool?
That is not what a great nation needed. We don't need cool, we
need a balanced budget, we need to eliminate our nation debt and control
our deficit over two years ago now, and we need programs that rebuild
the American spirit toward business and jobs, tell folks of religion
they are welcome to practice their faiths in the good old US of A, and
we need to regain control over our trade policies, build the greatest
energy producing nation in world history, and again become not only the
shinning beacon of light for hope in our times and our world, but yes
again become the Business leaders of the Free World which everyone was
accustomed to prior to Barack, and remove the shadow of distain on
American Business and creativity which Barack Obama has cast upon this
and the Dems have become the spin
masters of all time. They are truthfully Chameleons
hiding their true nature whereas Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are REAL,
DEPENDABLE, TRANSPARENT, good folks. There is an economic storm on
the horizon due to Barack's dereliction and recklessness, Harry Reid's
dereliction of duty and recklessness never bringing a Senate budget to
the floor during Barack's entire term, with now four major cites
going bankrupt signally more city bankruptcy's around the corner due to
our Barack Obama induced spending debt and deficits, which prove the
Progressive Democrats have nothing to offer other then negativity and
manure proliferation (BS which is why more and more folks are calling
our present president Bankruptcy Barack!).
Lets invite Sarah, another "little gal" Paul
(Yes this editor sees a
heck of a lot that we both share in common), and get the gals
of this nation fired
to be free to earn more money
a business man if she has the right stuff, and teach our little female
children that if they do learn to compete and develop the right
adjustment along the way, they could become anything they wish in this
rather then a dull
life of nothingness because the Government runs' everything,
sends money to folks so they can loose the concept of achievement and
self improvement. Yes we need to change the Psychology of this
nation back to the ideals of the founding fathers
patriots of old, as there is a new FIRE BURNING IN THE HEARTS
continue to ABUSE her and many female conservatives, as Barack and the
Progressive Democrats have and continue to do daily, YOU WILL BE PROUD
TO KNOW yet there is
a new period of
wealth creation for all citizens on the horizon of the Mitt Romney
Thus, lets not leave anyone who wants to build a
more patriotic America behind. For the fight will be difficult
because just as in the movies, as Barack and his minions have clocked
themselves so you see what they want you to see rather then "all that is
true and all that is good" in them and our world. This is a fight
for the stars and strips, for the founding fathers whose monuments stand
in hypocrisy in Washington DC under Barack Obama who apologized to the
world for the great folks lives and deeds. This is a fight to
bring Truth and a Justice which is self evident back to "we the people",
because Social Justice
which Barack and his minions preach is antithetical to our blinded lady
of Justice holds the balance to truth in her hands.
We must get around to every corner of this nation, and to every island
and territory to which we love, and rally and make all citizens welcome
to join the true Conservative movement which recognizes the value of the
centrist and all those liberals who see the wrong in this Progressive
movement Barack Obama has infected this nation with, and therefore,
Sarah Palin and anyone who wishes to contribute to this great cause,
must be accepted as equal brothers and sister for the restoration of the
greatest citizen nation, in mankind's experiential existence;
this great plot of
land between sea to shinning see, from the borders of the North to our
deep South, whose mountains SHINEwith
the majesty of real hope, with this lands great lakes, and deserts, from
our busy cities to our gorgeous suburbs and hinterlands, to the great
folks who make up the heart land of this nation, to all the folks from
Minnesota to Texas, from Pennsylvania to California, from Arizona to New
York, and from New England to the Idaho, and from Hawaii, to Porto Rico,
and everything thing in between, as loved as much as Ben Franklin,
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Abraham Lincoln and all
the rest
And that's today's memo folks, for Sunday, August
12, 2012. And may the eternal continue to Bless America and all
Americans forevermore.little
guy ™
Has anybody noticed it seemed
like for every anti-terrorism step this nation has taken against the
world state leader in terrorism, Iran, that our nation has also taken
greater strides backwards in leaks, allowing Iran to be nuclear as the
title of this article proves Iran has been advised on how to go around
the sanctions and our preparedness and much much more. Well now we
know what this editor would opine as filthy money, was taken by David
managed Mr. Obama’s
campaign in 2008 and joined the White House staff
in January 2011. Can you beat that?
Just a short time ago Plouffe accepted the Iranian money from an
affiliate of MTN Group, a South Africa-based telecommunications firm,
for two speeches in Nigeria. If we were to use
the Harry Reid method established on the floor of the Senate, one is
free to imagine that, just prior to running to the White House Plouffe
could have said "did I do good Mr. can I have the job
now"? Does that make sense? Well we will actually never know
but what we do know is that the dirty money taken has been
reportedly linked to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps
and this
White House has
leaked like a sieve information which helped Iran and injured Israel
(For example out of the blue Barack openly announced When Israel was
going to attack alerting Iran which killed any freedom Israel had to
protect itself during that time period which is only one example!).
No wonder it grandly appears
our White House appears to secretly have Iran on some favored status
list as sanctions can't work as long example which follow are found.
The so called sanctions appear to be a hoax to some extent. Why?
It has been firmly reported that the Standard Charter Bank has been
illegally washing then
moving Iranian money
through banks in the US to launder back to Iran of course with Iran
paying a premium. There you have it. International Banking,
Barack Obama's friend
(Remember the video
below which linked Obama to throwing the bailout money into banks which
transferred the wealth out of the US causing us to lose our AAA credit
rating as we no longer can pay our own bills as city by city within the
states goes bankrupt).
Thus, Bankruptcy Barack. In any event, sanctions mean nothing when
international bankers violate the sanctions and move Iran further.
Folks if you were watching a
movie and a new man was elected to a power nation and then went around
the middle east telling them we switched sides and will back the take
over of all nations which surround an ally, and just for arguments sake
Israel, and it was noted the most evil nation on the globe
Iran is becoming able to fulfill their promise to kill, maim and
destroy an entire race of people,
the sign of intolerance seen by that leaders minions say, Harry Reid,
Nancy Pelosi, Emanuel, Barack Obama and his inner appointees, you then
would conclude it was all a set up to destroy said nation
(Israel-but folks were speaking about a movie...). Of course that
is if you were watching a movie. In fact you would obviously
conclude that the leader, say Barack for illustrative purposes only, was
trying to weaken his own nation so it cannot come to the rescue of say
Israel if a second ground war were to break out as Barack actually
has eliminated our two ground war capabilities! And folks,
we didn't have to make this stuff up!
Pity and a tenuous tragedy for the United
of America. All do to the well thought out plans of Barack Obama
and his minions.
The White House fix appears to
be in pro-Iran and anti-American and anti-American allies, which is why
even England took swipes at the US of late. These weak nations,
are worrying about themselves and jumping on the bandwagon of kick the
it appears down. And this attitude was witnessed by statements
reportedly made by representatives of Standard Charter Bank, and even
Barack going around the world apologizing and bowing to what he
perceives as his leaders. An American president feel's these
leaders are superior to himself.
Well, the list of atrocities
continues and yet, Democrats, rather then saying "I fight for truth,
justice and the American Way" are saying
"I am so clever how I
spun everything to get Barack re-elected".
Folks this editor has never witnessed so many Benedict Arnold slimy
types in this nations history.
It is time for good Americans to rally for change back to our roots
and support the candidate that will balance the budget, eliminate
the national debt and reduce the deficit, bring Black folks, Hispanic
folks and White folks together as well as all citizens together no
matter their color, creed, race, religion or political affiliations.
And it begins with prosecuting the Iranian pay for influence scandal
which is beginning to unfold.
little guy
™ 8/7/12
guy 7/24/12
Perhaps historians will not
call these the "idiot times" but aren't most pundits idiots or
comedians slow on the initial uptake if they have not acknowledged
FACTS illustrated in front of their eyes? Well, from this
editor's observance, these are the idiot times. Lets look at
our very popular President. When he was running for office, he
was everybody's dream neighbor. He could only say nice things,
paint a KIND and TOLERANT personality, and one who would unite us.
Today we have a completely different person running; as if these are
two different people completely. Today our very popular
president paints a picture of HEINOUS HORRORS arising from 30
percent of the population; the Republicans, always paints a picture
of divisiveness, class warfare, forced behaviors on religious folks
(in the past the backbone of reliable folks when the chips were
down) and complete intolerance to American's who believe other then
what he opinions while super tolerant and understanding of Iran,
Russia (just sold to Russia key Green Technology which our taxpayers
paid for which was allowed to go bankrupt to support Russia!), North
Korea and truly too much more. It is as if there were two
completely different folks PLAYING THE PART of our popular
president. Now that takes...?...talent?
This editor will refrain
from rendering an opinion on the reasons for the "Tale of Two
Obama's" as this editor wishes to remain positive. However it
is proof positive that we had one fellow run as Barack Obama on Hope
and Change, kindness and understanding of all with strength against
the nations of China, Russia, Iran and so forth, and another fellow
today running as Barack Obama on Union divisiveness, intolerance to
the other side of isle, forced behaviors on religious folks such as
the Catholic Church and it's ministries, and acceptance of nations
such as China, Russia, Iran and so forth while demonstrating a
personality which doesn't offer empathy when the issue is from a
moderate or conservative all the way to and including some pretty
mean and untrue speak when it comes to his opposition. What
you see is often not what you get with this "Tale of Two Obama's".
It's so confusing if your paying attention. In fact the first
Obama was out to impress everyone while this Obama is out seeking
every democrat or liberal tolerant folk.
There truly is too much
more on this "Tale of Two Obama's" and thus more to come if this
editor has positive feedback from my readers.little
guy 4/28/12
Nancy Pelosi and
Harry Reid wanted the government to shut down so they could go to a
resort. But the resorts are full of all the other Democrats.
So they decide to go camping together. After dinner and a lot of
the most expensive Champaign, they retire for the evening and fall into
a deep sleep. Some hours later, Reid wakes up and calls to his
confidant. "Nancy, Nancy, wake up and tell me what you see."
"Oh Harry, I see millions and millions of stars." "What does that
mean to you?", Harry Replies. Nancy goes into deep thought for a
moment'. "Harry, it tells me that there are billions of
galaxies and trillions of planets and meteorologically, I suspect that
we will have beautiful day tomorrow. And theologically, I can see that
the Lord is all powerful and that he is calling to you and me."
"Why Harry, what does it tell you?" Reid mumbles to himself then
cries out, "Nancy you are an idiot." "Someone has stolen our
Well folks, we do know that our
popular President and Hillary will do just about anything for gun
control. We know that the United Nations is studying plans to ban
all firearms in the United States and rumor has it Barack and Hillary
want the same. The plan, which is only some brain storming by
these folks as nothing as even been written down yet to the best of my
knowledge, would be for the UN or other's make a trade agreement with
our nation, and hidden within the trade agreement, would be a force gun
control by a complete ban on all weapons for us citizens. And many
believe that signing such a document would again cause a congressional
and supreme court crisis which folks don't trust.
As this editor stated, I don't
believe anything has been written or signed as yet, but lets look at one
prominent pundit, past advisor for Clinton and the one who many believe
is the only reason Clinton caved under Republican pressure and balanced
the budget. Something Clinton clearly is not in favor of as
cheerleader for Obama's runaway spending and 16 trillion dollar deficit.
Thus without further ado, please review the following video:
Now with this information at
hand, it is not too far a stretch to imagine that this administration
was trying to use fast and furious as a spin method of saying, "see
gun's are out of control so we must regulate", never realizing the
magnitude of this error in judgment and prophylactic protection of our
citizens as well as Mexican citizens. And thus absent further ado,
please review the next video which offers real dollars for any
information in this regard. Please watch:
Well folks often say follow the money, so for
now, let's see what happens. As this editor has stated this
article is to let you know about what the varying opinions are on
why our President became involved with something he stated he never
knew anything about. It is all so curious isn't it? Well
stay tuned so you can stay informed, and may the lord continue to
bless the United States
guy 7/18/12
Folks, what ever is possible
can be possible under Barack and Hillary. Therefore even though
Iran vs. the US is much like the movie the Mouse that Roared, with
Barack in office and with an election coming up, don't put it past
Hillary or Barack to create a "Tail that Wagged the Dog" Scenario.
As folks have witnessed to date, Barack is amazing coming up with all
the whacky stuff he has, and then it is even more amazing that his
minions take the taking points verbatim with nary a whisper of doubt.
Thus, lets watch our middle east relations very closely over the next
few months just to make sure there is no manipulation of the American
people because as Barack advised the Russians, deals could be made with
foreigners which Barack's deems more important then deals he made at
home. Does that make sense?
guy 7/17/12
There are two saying's which
now are the hallmark of Barack Obama's Presidency and they are, "We have
to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it"-Nancy Pelosi and "If
you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made
that happen"-Barack Obama.
These folks sure did offer
change from common sense, inductive and deductive reasoning, honesty,
truthfulness and openness to say the least. And we finally have
the hope that they would all just go away and leave "we the people
alone" for G-d's sake. And folks, "you just couldn't make this
stuff up", as its better then the most creative author in mankind's
experiential existence who offered up a novel on bad politicians.little
guy 7/17/12
I know a guy who called up the Home Shopping
Network. They said "Can I help you?" and he said "No, I'm just looking."
(George Miller)
A woman gets on a bus with her baby. The bus
driver says: 'Ugh, that's the ugliest baby I've ever seen!' The woman
walks to the rear of the bus and sits down, fuming. She says to a man
next to her, "The driver just insulted me!" The man says, "You go up
there and tell him off. Go on, I'll hold your monkey for you."
A woman has twins, and gives them up for adoption.
One of them goes to a family in Egypt and is named 'Amal.' The other
goes to a family in Spain, they name him Juan'. Years later; Juan sends
a picture of himself to his mum. Upon receiving the picture, she tells
her husband that she wished she also had a picture of Amal. Her husband
responds, "But they are twins. If you've seen Juan, you've seen Amal."
Have a great week
guys 7/9/12
say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is
dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a
wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28: "A
good conscience is a continual Christmas"
Benjamin Franklin
Well folks, with all the
promises of brilliance, hope and change, the man "we the people" voted
for absent having any experience but simply believing in the man has now
demonstrated severe envy and jealousy that Mitt Romney has a record of
brilliance at Bain Capital which simply proves Mitt IS A LEADER OF
BUSINESS at the most fundamental level, from start-up to fame. Because
Barack has no record, and in fact any Idea that folks like of Barack's
he took from Mitt and did things poorly.
Since this is Sunday, a day
folks are supposed to at least realize is the day derived from the
celebration of Jesus Christ and all he stood for, this editor begins a
new series to air on Sunday's. Absent the abilities for such noble
beyond human abilities, this editor begins this week's series with two
short video's. One simply on the truth relative to Barack and
companies entire most un-noble and really the stuff of which floats on
ponds absent oxygen "politics", and then one to remind us how Barack
learned about the principals of Jesus Christ and how he would implement
such universal truths. Absent further ado, since my Original
audience began in the Golden State back in 1984, absent browsers and
sending out Blogs, through the early Internet Blogs for California and
later the world, this editor brings you a Mitt Romney campaign add "we
the Golden State people" subset of "we the people" have not seen on the
Compelling isn't it folks.
Well let's stay above the fray of the most crummy to witness
Presidential election in my lifetime, and witness another production
from Barack's only itty bitty record. And absent further ado,
please listen to Barack on the application of Christian principals.
guy 7/15/12 -
And he said,
"Whoever finds the meaning of these sayings will not taste death."Jesus
Truly, out of the blue, the most honorable and
distinguished Jessie Jackson Jr. wrote this Journal to advise his
approval of some issues
(Stopping Dubai etc. from buying our Ports and
Rail hubs in the Ports) this editor had been fighting for. And
folks, often if this examiner contemplates right from wrong, over and
over again Jessie comes up in the back of my mind just as a young and
quite lovely Maxine Waters
(As a young anti-fraud fighter based out of
Lawndale CA, on several occasions
was honored to have council albeit on the phone with Maxine, and on
several occasions she sent Joshua (?) Mr. Washington down to brain storm
with me as she was the peoples DISTRICT representative in those early
days...) and others remind me that no one be left behind, and
all should be treated equal, before my final commentary.
Please get well Jessie, the burden of stress in
Washington DC, if one is an good person is overwhelming and painful, but
no matter what, you have a good
and "we the people" welcome, perhaps need you back as soon as you feel
appropriate. Get well soon my friend.little
guy 7/12/12
African-American's are great
sports fans and as such, they respect a man, with all odds against
him and treated quite poorly and absent much in the way of class via
all the lies spread by Barack and company, that for him to show up
with his wonderful personality and style, and he consistently told
them what would eliminate poverty in parts of their communities
which both the VP and our President only paid lip service to,
kicking the can down to some future president all while the black
community reaches a horrific 14.5 unemployment based on
still looking and what some opine is actually some 21.9 percent
including those that never could find work and since their
unemployment benefits ran out, under Barack they are no longer
counted. In other words black unemployment as a problem to
solve was absent from Barack's' priority list. Outrageous
which is why folks are signally this examiner they were proud to
have Mitt Romney come to the NAACP, and in their private voting
booths, may give him the nod.
Look folks,
suddenly Barack came out and said some pretty hollow
claims about Mitt's alleged failures during his
wonderful speech before the NAACP, but heck in
private black folks are saying, Mitt came and told
us how to fix our woes even though we don't like the
medicine, and Barack turned his back on speaking
before the NAACP. And the folks are confiding
that no-one knew what the VP was talking about.
This editor would opine
he sounded like a terrific cheerleader for a debate
team whose rhetoric most folks see through and well,
the cats out of the bag, and it's not pretty.
He talked about things but offered zero in the way
of fixes or help for the community relative to
Mitt's almost explosive fact filled narrative on all
of the changes which need to be made to right the
ship, America.
Congratulations Governor Mitt
Romney, for you hit one out of the park, and the standing ovation at the
end demonstrated class and appreciation for your time, effort,
motivation, enthusiasm, and ideas directly focused on solving the
unemployment conundrum which faces this nation. Something clearly
Barack and company has failed to fix.
Barack can throw money
at problems which is akin to throwing money up into a wind storm hoping
the right folks will receive the cash! And everyone
knows Barack can spend like a drunken soldier but ideas, forget it.
Thus, Mitt Romney proves once again, that showing up and standing tall
on conservative principals will win the day. Especially against
the very flighty, unstable, often irrational "progressives" who can lie
a good game, but fair poorly in the real world of fact checking.
With all things now relative, Mitt Romney won the day at the NAACP, in a
far better fashion then most folks predicted save this editor who has
been urging Mitt to get out and meet the people for he is a NATURAL when
it comes to leadership.little
guy 7/12/12
Animals may be our friends. But
they won’t pick you up at the airport.
(Bobcat Goldthwait)
Last year, I deducted 10,697
cartons of cigarettes as a business expense. The tax man said, "Don’t
ever let us catch you without a cigarette in your hand."
(Dick Gregory)
I had a cab driver in Paris. The
man smelled like a guy eating cheese while getting a permanent inside
the septic tank of a slaughterhouse.
(Dennis Miller)
Have a great week
guys 7/9/12
Thomas Jefferson, one of the most brilliant persons in
history, often goes unrecognized as the father of the "US Patent
Office". While he was Secretary
of State, he
inherited the Patent Office.
first felt that patents granted a monopoly and was worried they would
slow the progress of the new trend for mankind,
However, once he thought it through, pondered in classic Jeffersonian
style, as only a true
could have done, he realized
that it would take a special type of office to oversee such devices.
He then set out the very difficult task of creating a structure for the
patent office system. Today, the system he invented remains as the
structure, rules, and guidelines which under pin the very workings of
the office.Jefferson
felt that
and invention were the most certain means of advancing social
progress and human happiness, for his goals were essentially
humanitarian in
as they were in all aspects of his life.
to Jefferson was an extension, a tool, to help bring about his
political philosophy
and a way in which to lead his life. Jefferson visualized science
and invention as essentially utilitarian. His sight focused upon the
benefits that they could bring humanity.
It was
his interest in inventions, along with Ben Franklin which drove science
in general within the United States, which became the ultimate practical
application of scientific discoveries for the good of all of mankind.
Thomas Jefferson even insisted on testing
many of the inventions himself as Patent office head; not just reading
the specifications or examining the models. He once brought in several
chemists to test a devise that claimed to turn salt water into fresh.
Even though it showed promise, a patent was not granted because it did
not work as expected.
Our great forefather, Thomas
Jefferson, was first a scientist, first a little guy, first for
scientific medicine, first for a scientific republic, first for success
in business and a successful
life advocated for all Americans which would eventually lead to
All based on scientific principles which propelled the United States of
America to the status she is today. Let all those that are not
scientific in all that they do, be put aside. Let Quackery be
silenced, and citizens protected at least in the health and science
marketplace... as the Library of Congress began with Thomas Jefferson's
own personal library to which all of us, one time or another, have
received copy write. Finally President Jefferson left us a
plethora of quotes and sayings which have helped define the American
spirit, our idealism, quest for freedom and our
way of life.
God for the early "heroes of human science and health care", and all
those that in some way progressed science, the learning of others,
improved our health, welfare and our entire
way of life. Our Great President, Secretary of State,
author of the
Jefferson.-"little guy"-7/8/2012
In order to get elected
in 2008 Barack Obama made a litany of campaign promises which he may
never had intended to complete. Barack is almost through with his
first term and never came through on over 200 campaign promises.
Folks who voted for Barack were proud to cast their vote because he made
commitments which to this day were never fulfilled, further betraying
the public trust in what he and "progressive" democrats promise.
Thus, this editor thought it might be refreshing for folks who strive to
always tell the truth, who hold kindness on their sleeves as a way of
life but were left holding the bag of poverty because promises they fell
for were used as bait, but were switched out of the mix when it was time
to deliver policy to the American people. They call it
"progressive Democrat" politics.
Thus without further ado,
lets revisit these truth's which beyond a shadow of a doubt were
absolute promises made by a campaigning Senator Barack Obama, but once
elected turned his back on. The aforementioned first 15 follow:
1. Open Heath Care Debates early on and
throughout the process on C-Span where he said, "To achieve health care
reform, I'm going to have all the negotiations around a big table. We'll
have doctors and nurses and hospital administrators. Insurance
companies, drug companies -- they'll get a seat at the table, they just
won't be able to buy every chair. But what we will do is, we'll have the
negotiations televised on C-SPAN, so that people can see who is making
arguments on behalf of their constituents, and who are making arguments
on behalf of the drug companies or the insurance companies. And so, that
approach, I think is what is going to allow people to stay involved in
this process."
2.Allow five days of public comment before
signing bills. "will not sign any non-emergency bill without giving the
American public an opportunity to review and comment on the White House
website for five days."
End income tax for seniors making less
then $50,000. "I will eliminate all income taxation of seniors making
less than $50,000 per year. This will eliminate taxes for 7 million
seniors -- saving them an average of $1,400 a year-- and will also mean
that 27 million seniors will not need to file an income tax return at
all" (Barack
cut 500 billion out of Medicare which harms 27 million seniors).
4.Cooperation for
bi-partisan discussions on all Congressional policy making.
5.Public option for health care.
the Secretary of Health and Human Services to conduct a comprehensive
study of federal cancer initiatives.
7."We are not democrat
or Republicans, we are Americans", when everything he has done has
been Democrat decision making only!
Tougher rules against
revolving doors for lobbyists and former officials. Look at the
largest bribes in US history going to the few states where all states
will suffer paying for the others. For example all states must pay
forever the Medicaid for Nebraska which alone could bankrupt California,
Texas, Arizona, Colorado and New York states. "No political
appointees in an Obama-Biden administration will be permitted to work on
regulations or contracts directly and substantially related to their
prior employer for two years. And no political appointee will be
able to lobby the executive branch after leaving government service
during the remainder of the administration."
Double funding for afterschool programs " Will double funding for the
main federal support for afterschool programs, the 21st century Learning
Centers program, to serve one million more children."
10.Allow bankruptcy
judges to modify terms of a home mortgage.
Pay for the national service plan absent increasing the deficit! "Will
maintain fiscal responsibility and prevent any increase in the deficit
by offsetting cuts and revenue sources in other parts of the government
(to pay for a national service plan that will cost about $3.5 billion
per year when it is fully implemented). This plan will be paid for in
part by cancelling tax provisions that would otherwise help
multinational corporations pay less in U.S. taxes starting in 2008 by
reallocating tax deductions for interest expenses between income earned
in the U.S. and income earned abroad. The rest of the plan will be
funded using a small portion of the savings associated with ending the
war in Iraq."
12.Create a $3,000 tax credit for companies
that add jobs "During 2009 and 2110, existing businesses will receive a
$3,000 refundable tax credit for each additional full-time employee
hired". Under Bush unemployment was ranged between 4-7 percent and
in only one year of office Unemployment has grown to and remained steady
at 10%.
13.Allow penalty-free hardship withdrawals
from retirement accounts in 2008 and 2009.
14.Recognize the Armenian genocide "Two
years ago, I criticized the Secretary of State for the firing of U.S.
Ambassador to Armenia, John Evans, after he properly used the term
'genocide' to describe Turkey's slaughter of thousands of Armenians
starting in 1915. … as President I will recognize the Armenian
End no bid contracts
over $25,000. "We will ensure that federal contracts over $25,000 are
competitively bid".
Folks just think what
would happen if you made such promises running for office
and failed to produce. You would be run out of town and in the
day's of old, you would have been tarred and feathered. This
proves the "progressive" democrats have no problem playing the shell
game with the American people, and must ask why none of the Democrats of
old, the J.F.K. Democrats would tolerate such matters? Clearly
Barack has a leg up on winning with such a program of finding out what
promises "we the people" want, and then say them without any intent to
follow through. Or so it most honestly seems. Let this
editor know what you think.
free in a free land, able to study and grow but then
take every opportunity to hurt our nation by taking
issues long past and dead to elevate themselves
making the world all about them in their most
chameleon and thus disguised self-aggrandizing,
hubris and egregious pontifications".
In our nation, there have always been some who
like a NAZI or evil doers, would blame
innocent folks for what someone else did. Isn't that the same as
racism, blaming someone for some thing on the bases of the color of ones
skin? To those that are evil but hide in sheep's clothing, its
normal and customary as they have the devil in them no matter how
pretty. For example there were always some who would attack an
American whose skin was white because SOME people, not related in any
way, some 300 years ago had slaves. Thus if Barack was a good man,
and "we the people" voted for him, he would prevent us from being
attacked ever again. What happened since Barack has been in power?
Well, look at our 4th of July.
This is the birthday of the Declaration of
which was the beginning of shedding any influences from Europe such as
the slave trade, taxation absent honesty when creating a tax, and truly
too much more. Yet on MSNBC one of their official news
anchor/devil guised in sheep's clothing attacked our nation by sending
her love to each of us innocent folks on our nations Birthday
(A day this editor was married on some 30 years ago) that " The land
on which they formed this Union was stolen; the hands with which they
built this nation were enslaved; the women who birthed the citizens of
the nation are second class.” “But all of this is our story,” she
continued. “Each of us benefits from the residuals of oppression and
each of us is harmed by the realities of inequality..." This was
from people
"born free in a free land, able to
study and grow but then take every opportunity to hurt our nation by
taking issues long past and dead to elevate themselves making the world
all about them in their most chameleon and thus disguised
self-aggrandizing, hubris and egregious pontifications".
Only idiots would elevate such a person but no one
said attacking innocents just as the terrorists did on 911 was what this
bigoted biased loon did. Wasn't she nice and thoughtful so we all
could share in the glory of our nation on her Birthday? No taste
and no class. Thus, Barack Obama promised the hope of unity and
that his people would love us if we were innocent, and wanted to be
loved by black folk, and yet today, white folks are hated more openly
then anytime in history. Its horrible, its insensitive, its
barbaric, and all because "we the people" wanted to prove we were
innocent and if we elected Barack it all would stop/improve!
Barack betrayed
trust. Thus reason number one to vote for Barack in 2008, to
prevent attacks against
innocents that had nothing to do with horrible things which happened
literally 300 years before they were born or 200 years before ones
family ever came to America, has now been proven to be foolish, and
those folks won't make that mistake again.
In our nation, there have always been some who
like a NAZI would claim that today's American folks who were born
innocently with light skin, somehow hold back Black folks from reaching
the top. Thus, to prove to their brothers and sisters in this
world that they would never hold one back and in fact would elevate them
to the top, they voted for Barack. Yet what was the outcome?
Barack has blamed so many non-liberals for every evil under the sun,
wanting dirty air for they and their children to breath, wanting dirty
water to drink and die from, would throw their own grandmothers off a
cliff and too much more of the types of stuff GOOD FOLKS would have no
part of. Thus folks who voted for Barack to eliminate that from
happening again were betrayed by Barack as innocents are routinely
blamed for Barack's imaginary propaganda. And it happens on the
streets of American today. Those folks will not vote for Barack
There are folks that voted for Barack because he
openly campaigned that he would end lobbyist control of the White House
and Congress. Yet Barack has more Lobbyists in his White House
then any president in history and thus he betrayed folks who voted for
him on that basis.
will not be voting for Barack.
In our nation
there have always been some who like a NAZI would try to tell the
world that America, the home of the free, the home of the brave and
the home of "all men are created equal" have been attacked if they
happened to be born with light skin by claiming they were racists.
Thus some folks voted for Barack to prove to the world that America
is color blind and wonderful under G-d. Barack betrayed all of
those folks as today, our nation is OPENLY more divided then ever
before with our press being no better then the NAZI press
makes up reasons for liberals to hate the other 2/3 of the
There were some folks that voted for Barack because
he CLAIMED he was going to unite us, be President of the Purple
states, and today, he has caused the greatest division among our
citizens in the modern era. Those folks won't be voting for
Barack again.
In our nation there have always been some who like
a NAZI would rather tell the world that innocent Americans who happen to
have light skin and wanted voter freedom and to never have
someone act like a thug
outside of a voting area to scare them away, don't deserve a clean,
unbiased, unencumbered voting experience. And the first thing
Barack did was to drop the case against the Black Panthers who appeared
outside of voting areas to intimidate those incents who happened to have
light skin. Barack betrayed those usually elderly grandfathers and
grandmothers who never did a thing against Black folks, and those folks
will not vote for Barack again.
In our nation there have always been some who like a
NAZI would attack folks for not believing in one race superiority.
Thus when folks voted for Barack Obama for hope and change, what did we
get? We received more anti-light skin
(having much to do with living in cooler climates absent as much sun
intensity) sentiment then anytime in history. As if
Barack did a spin purposely to injury some white folks if they have
opinions other then he. Folks are scarred and worried about their
safety under these circumstances. Those that voted for Barack for
hope and change, will not vote for Barack again.
There were some in our nation who voted for Barack
(This ones a bit odd but true and thus included) because he openly
stated he would end discrimination against the decriminalization of
marijuana. Yet all of the states that had voted to decriminalize
MEDICAL Marijuana were betrayed as his group has been raiding those
place more then anytime in our history. Barack betrayed those
folks and it is doubtful they will vote for him again.
There were some folks who voted for Barack because
he seemed to exemplify a sort of kindness and wonderfulness which seemed
refreshing and folks hoped it would filter down to the people and our
nation would be in total peace with their neighbors no matter their
color, creed, race, religion or political views!
Well, Barack single handily created a
horrible horrible left which say's just henious
stuff about other folks, causing a blow back which consumes most all
of our news and sociopolitical air time, and there is a real fear of
intimidation for "crackers" should they have lived in a
mixed area and have to vote, to real and horrific anti-American lobbying
on the far left Pundits. Barack
betrayed "all the good intentions for a
peaceful loving and neighborly nation", with finger
pointing and folks lost in the heinous biases of literally 100's of
years ago. Barack has created an atmosphere of fear within the
Those loving, openhearted, color blind gentle souls will never vote for
Barack again.
Barack Openly said he would close GTMO, and would
return all of our civil liberties as he opined the Patriot act was too
broad. Yet GTMO remained open, Obama only increased civil
liberties for captured Terrorists, and reduced citizen freedoms so an
American citizen can be detained indefinitely if the King alleged they
were terrorists and in fact can now simply kill an American absent due
process if they are suspected of being a terrorist. All based on
allegations. And finally before Obama you could not stop a US
citizen unless there was PROBABLE CAUSE, and now the law of the land as
of his pal's in the Supreme Court ruled which reduced to an INKLING or
reasonable suspicion
suspicion is a legal standard of proof in United States law that is less than probable cause,
the legal standard for arrests and warrants, but more ...Reasonable
suspicion is the legal standard by which a police officer
has the right to briefly
detain a suspect for investigatory purposes and frisk...
Folks all one needs is a hunch
and unparticularized suspicion or 'hunch"'s pure PROFILING to the
nth degree]! A standard used in
criminal procedure, more relaxed
probable cause, that can justify
less-intrusive searches. For example, a
reasonable suspicion justifies a
stop and frisk, but not a full
Barack betrayed those folks and those that voted for him to return our
civil rights will not be voting for him again.
Many voted for Barack because he claimed President
Bush was unpatriotic for asking to raise the debt limit and not
balancing the Budget. And as soon as Barack came into office he
spent more money then all Presidents combined before him and has asked
for several unpatriotic, in his words, raises in our debt limit.
Barack truthfully betrayed those folks didn't he? Tell me if that
statement is wrong and this editor would love to change it.
There were some folks who thought President Bush used Cowboy
diplomacy and
wanted the killing to
stop. Barack has
hit lists and openly kills folks like the Ten
Commandments say's its OK! Barack betrayed those voters and
they wont be voting for him again.
There were folks who believed his promise that he
would create a single payer health plan, and yet he delivered one with a
Tax on the poor who cannot afford any insurance, as well
as over 28 other Taxes for the middle class hidden in Obamacare.
Barack betrayed
folks. They will not be voting for him again.
Nothing written in this article is anything but
the truth. Thus, If you are wise then it should be easy to
envision just how many folks who happed to be born with light skin, at
no request of their own, now live in our nation with broken hearts,
because Barack betrayed them. The hope and dreams of these
light skinned folks were shattered by Barack (Is this only the
beginning if light skinned folks become the minority), MSNBC which
is a constant reminder of their intent to divide our nation and all the
rest. Does anyone think the folks that voted for Barack for the
reasons referenced above a happy? On the contrary, these folks are
because none of these reasons Barack campaigned on were truthful and in
fact our nation is far worse off then simply having a financial crisis.
Under Barack there is a Separation of Church and State Crises, a Crises
between folks who happen to have different colored skin
which is super dumb
but true on the left, as well as a fiscal crisis, a Marriage Crises,
a debt crisis, and deficit crisis, an energy crisis, a crisis in Syria,
a crisis in Iran, a crisis in Afghanistan, a Real-estate crisis, poorest
relations between the US and Pakistan in years, a trade crises, a
absence of manufacturing and new business crisis, an unemployment
crisis, a Credit Rating and Credit trade crises, a Crises between the
"Progressive" left and the rest of the people which has caused, a Barack
do it my way or take the Highway Congress, and a military weakness
crises created by Barack Obama. Frankly there is too much more
such as going around the world apologizing for all the good things this
nation has done. He destabilized the Middle Ease, he destabilized
Eastern Europe, and by his overspending has bankrupted the free world
causing the crisis in Europe and elsewhere.
Of course he still has a 50/50 chance of winning. Folks,
during the Republican debates and the campaign Mitt Romany was
kicking the butts of the other candidates. To date he is
rarely on TV, rarely countering Barack, and in fact to date
this editor has not seen one TV add attacking Barack.
On the contrary, in California this editor see's almost daily a TV
add attacking Mitt. What happened?
is a
and his handlers have him only seen occasionally. Now that's a
way to continue to meet and influence new people! Folks, even
with all the good and beautiful folks listed above that voted for
Barack for all the most humanitarian and
philanthropic reasons one could have, will not vote
for him now
as he
is left with ONLY policy to run on, and no family could survive by
spending far more then it takes in, as his administration has and
honest folks are beginning to tell the truth and join hands with
their brothers and sisters for truth and yet, he leads in most
polls! Which is why Mitt needs to make as many friends as he
can in the time he has left.
Thus Barack may be our next President, our nation
may go the way of Russia as we are moving that direction, and in fact we
may have to be subservient to Russia and China
(They snub us already in almost every international action our nation
undertakes-AND WHY NOT? BARACK
PEOPLE ABOUT"...Barack never explained what he meant and he
scarred rational folks again...)
in the next four years if something isn't done. And even with
all the best of the best listed above not voting for him, he still leads
in the polls. Please think about this article and perhaps submit
why you would vote for Barack in 2012. This editor and most
rational conservative folks have open minds. It's just that the
reasons to re-elect Barack seem to allude most intelligent folks today,
and we need your input, if it actually exists. Unemployment is
over 13 percent in the city this editor lives in, yet Black unemployment
under Barack was listed as 14.5 percent on a NATIONAL BASIS just today.
Black unemployment was 12.2 under Bush and folks that number was horrible (That's
millions of more innocent Black folks out of work because of Barack's
inexperience and having to suddenly learn business on the job and now
proving inadequate and in spite of that,
running again;
All the folks that voted for Barack to turn Black unemployment around
are stunned, that he betrayed his own people and they will vote for him
again because BIAS supersedes goodness and well, let this editor know
what you think. With the realization of 14.5 Black unemployment,
how does that bode for the rest of the folks? If Barack is the
right man for the job tell us why so we can enjoy your input and perhaps
share your dream. However as the aforementioned truths reveal,
there are a lot of reason folks are broken hearted over the results
delivered by President Obama to date.
On the
bright side of things is our own personal behavior. This
editor enjoys the folks I meet along life's journey and folks
respond in kind. As long as "we the people" maintain the
American spirit, those chameleon's who wish to drum up trouble
rather then working with the good we find in life, will eventually
fall by the wayside, if enough people are treated kindly. In
this vein lets enjoy a little humor together as often a picture is
worth ten thousand laughs.
guy 7/7/12
"Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our
inclination, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the
state of facts and evidence."
our second President and Founding Father.
Folks it should be clear that absent a proper
education on who we are as a people,
the "progressive" liberals succeeded in delivering in poor education,
the kids grow up to believe what our elected officials preach.
When this editor was young our nations youth were highly educated on our
great history, and rebelled via youthful carousing behavior to make this
nation all that it could
Today the kids are bought up to appreciate Stalin,
Mao and all the rest, and absent grounding our young in the early years
with the formation of our nation, and the celebration of the great folks
that make it all possible, we are sacrificing this nation to fall to the
wayside of Europe. When you vote in 2012 keep it in the back of
your mind that you are voting for the future of America
and all that she has stood for.
The "progressive" liberals outsmarted themselves
and unleashed a confusion on our nation that must be reversed.
Why? Well, because today you have the Patriots being the
Republicans and most Independents and the loyalists being the
"progressive" Dem's loyal to Obama above our nation. Patriots
believe that jobs, the deficit, paying off our national debt, building
our nation to provide for our security and the best health care as we
have had it are a matter of national security. The Obama loyalist
"progressive" Democrats believe spending far more then we take in,
taxing the American people for any cockamamie Idea Barack gets, and
destroying our quality of medicine in order to insure Obamacare lives.
Democrat liberal "progressive" media such as MSNBC
to name one believe it is a matter of national security to re-elect a
Democrat. Conversely Fox News for example tries to be fair and
balanced and thus no network supports the Reppy's as a matter of
national security. And with the world tilted on its axis for
Obama's view of life, our children become brain washed which will ensure
DYSFUNCTIONAL GOVERNMENT as it exists in Europe, Asia, South American
and the Middle East.
Republicans had better wake up, or what they
believe will be an easy victory, may place Barack Obama and his
anti-patriotic colors(remember his Justice
Department eliminated the Red, White and Blue colors of patriotism from
its Justice Department to the absence color or patriotism BLACK)
will rule another four years. And the kids could ensure Socialism
because they were not taught the examples of Americanism and all the
good this nation has done for the world. Heck with a weak US as it
is under Barack, the Middle East has gone Rogue, Russia has gone Rogue
and China not only remains Rogue but is vacuuming up all the world
patents and folks original ideas as if the world belongs to them, all
ideas in free nations belong to them, and who knows, perhaps Barack will
get his way and Mao will be the leader most praised in our liberal to
the point of insanity educational system.
Well, here is another 4th of July,
the day this editor was married on as a young man, a patriotic day,
robbed from this Journal. Do you really believe its all just a
coincidence or is a failing infrastructure, a failing highway, bridge,
electrical grid and too much more a consistent sign of the times with a
turn by some away from American idealism, to the Obama form of life,
prime for a creating a nanny-state mentality.
Let us hope the all American's were able to enjoy
our 4th and instill those historically American patriotic qualities
which had help to create the first Stability this world has had.
Yes, any President other the Barack would have saved the Syrian people
long ago, but like the open mike truth under the lord most high, he will
offer the Russians one message and another to "we the people".
Which is of course the reason we have the Syrian policy we have.
In this vein, and you can't make this stuff up folks, in a casual
conversation yesterday (Yes 2.5 hour drive to and from work due to
the holidays') a Hispanic American specialist in work hardening and
functional capacity testing opined out of the clear blue, he feels our
nation in copying Russia rather then simply being the nation we were
just four years ago. He further worries about what the Schools are
teaching his children.
Folks, lets make a special effort to bring back
the re-enforcement for our children on our precious heritage which is
uniquely American. If we at least do that, this great nation will
have all the hope we need, absent false promises from even the best
talkers/salespersons/conmen this nation has seen to date.little
guy 7/4/12
OF JUNE 2012
"Some of America reminds
me of the most beautiful women in the world who is so enamored with
Barack Obama that she would rather be lied to, then lose him" - S. D.
to a poll by National Geographic,
65 percent of
Americans said President
Obama would better handle an invasion by space aliens than Mitt Romney.
Well sure, once the aliens landed they'd see there's no jobs and they'd
go home." - Jay Leno.
As an editor's note
Jay proved why he still is
the King of Late night Comedy; Brilliant people, simply Brilliant.
know folks, other comedians
in vogue today have to
work hard to
find reasons to defend Barack and insult Mitt and all his supporters for
truth, honesty, transparency, and real
bipartisan work. But the facts
if Barack wasn't creating
situations which needed their defense,
only then would he
have been the candidate their pitching.
And folks, "you just can't make this stuff up".
little guy 6/230/12
Folks, this editor received this from
citizens who did identify themselves but asked not to have their
identities revealed. Thus this letter was brought back from 2010
because Obamacare is a real fear of folks. In 2010
this editor wrote relative to folks asking me to not mention their
names, "I guess freedom of speech is concomitant with fear
from our government?
Doubtful because under new law they can check everyone's email".
But without further Ado, from Tea Party folks under the title of the
"Best Sign and 'T
Yet" please note the following:
Editor's note: Personally, I consider Mr. Obama a
distant Friend albeit the advisor's he chose, I would opine, drove him
to break many of his campaign promises. I have deduced this from
listening to their speeches and compared them to President Obama's
speeches when he was a Senator and while president. So to add to
what the Tea Party folks sent in, below please find a very cute picture
sent into this editor by the "Friends of the Constitution".
A government big
enough to give
you everything you want, is
big enough to take everything you have
President Thomas Jefferson
This editor thought it might be
a good idea to collect questions to ask Obama and Romney during the
debates. The first question is for President Obama and follows.
If Egypt now under the leadership of the Muslim brotherhood, attacked
Israel, what side would Barack Obama be on? If you have a good
campaign question please send it in and it will appear in this new
Column. Again, If Egypt attacked
what side would Barak Obama be on? Let this editor know
what you think?
guy 6/27/12
say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is
dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a
wrong left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28: "A
good conscience is a continual Christmas"
Benjamin Franklin
Folks, some of the stuff that
is happening politically is much like Watergate because "we the people"
are not legislators or attorneys trained to analyze this outrageous
stuff. Absent the documents/evidence, how in the world can us
"little folks" decide how to help the Terry Family. Also "we the
people" are madder then hell that Brian Terry's murder, and the solving
therein is less important to some then poor Trayvon Martin death, or the
effects on his parents. On the other hand, unlike Watergate, the
entire Democrat party appears to have gone rouge against the
American Way unless some step forward, and indeed it is difficult to
get to the bottom of things when folks are endorsing Brian Terry's
murder going unsolved. It's un-American.
Thus, with all this going on,
some have forgotten another new bizarre event. The abandonment of
Arizona. Look, whether Arizona was right or wrong, none of the
issues has anything to do with the fact that Arizona is a part of the
American State Family. Folks are nuts today, doing all kinds of
heinous stuff, but when one cuts off a part of their own body, at that
point are proven insane. It is insane for the Fed's to not respond
to calls from Arizona law enforcement which affects the routine of daily
enforcement. It is creating a sink hole for criminal gun and human
drug cartels,
kidnappers and evil and diabolical terrorists, to disappear into!
Let us hope that cooler heads prevail and ICE steps up to the plate and
simply does its job.
This editor is bringing back an
article written a couple years back for your review. This story is
eye opening and proves Arizona's need for Federal Help. Thus,
without further
Ado, please hit this link now. Folks what this proves is that
we now have a portion of the nation abandoned. And it will create
such a national disaster that one must say, let bygones be bygones, and
let's help Arizona create the types of security that most reasonable
folks would deem prudent. Let this editor know what you think.little
guy 6/27/12
Yesterday President Obama spoke
before a high school in New Hampshire and hurt our nation in his
prototypical way; insidiously. How and why?
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell, our nation is failing in education compared to the
Baby Boomer Generation and everyone knows it. My heart cry's out
to improve our educational system so our children have a leg up on world
competition. Did President Obama give a fantastic motivational
speech so kids keep their mind focused on their studies and achieve?
Nope. The crux of his speech was to tell them to think about SEX
in school and that they should ponder contraception and support Planned
Parent Hood!
He opined there is a war against women. Kid's can't keep their
mind on the subject as it is, as concentration develops with age.
How many kids do you think had math, physics, chemistry or grammar on
their minds? No their minds were on bedrooms with other children
and the President will be a positive re-enforcement for sex rather then
their studies!
In other words the massive failure was
topics. When in the world will we have the chance
to have the President himself champion math, chemistry, zoology,
English, perhaps a second language and too much more. Not sex
education and the war against women.
It seems that the kind of
stuff that is on our
popular presidents mind is not what any of you would wish for
if you had a chance to send the President of the United States to a
School to help education. For some reason or another, and most
folks thinks its about his total focus on re-election and be dammed our
Nation, whether its Occupy Wall street to public School lectures, or
even talking about the death of poor Trayvon but turning his back on
Brian Terry's death and in fact is standing in the way of the
investigation, or his going upstairs in the White House for Lunch not
inviting the Israeli President and leaving the poor guy to wait starving
during lunch time, motivating terrorist
groups to take over Egypt almost as if our nation was pro-terrorist,
destabilizing Iraq when we had it stabilizing, bungling Afghanistan,
causing Pakistan to go rouge, causing the worst increase in possible
terrorist acceptance in local communities according the England's
Première homeland Investigation officer (Two Days ago no less), removing
our nations two war capabilities while cutting the Navy, our Air force,
and our Ground Troup supply's such as new ships to compete in this new
world, no new Airplanes for our Air force once the top Bird in the
Skies, and reducing our Army size while tearing down our relationships
with Eastern Europe by eliminating our missile defense treaty which
signaled Russia that they were now free to finally get that warm water
port they fought for during the old Soviet Union, and in a Syria making
folks wonder just who is doing all the killing
(This is just like when Russia tried to
take over Afghanistan but this time, the man in charge is smarter then
those before him, and he is doing it in chameleon way), and
on and on which made our nation weaker, making folks ponder just what
our popular president is doing. Just think, we are now almost 16
trillion in debt. A number if not
reduced will destroy our nation from within. Yet
Barack's focus is condoms in public School, Condoms and contraception to
be purchased by the Church, and truly too many more wacky and crazy
directions for our nation as lead by the Captain in the White House.
And our Captain is doing loony stuff!
Well, yesterday President Obama
did it again, and blew a great opportunity to speak candidly and openly
to students in a public school setting on education, and being the
motivating influence in their lives that made them study more often and
for longer times, perform better on tests and subsequently prepare them
to compete in our world. But what did Barack do? He made the
news lecturing to kids on the use condoms and contraception, the war
against women
(Make believe no less)
and support for Planned Parent Hood. And folks, I wish I had made
this up but as it stands, "you just can't make this stuff up".little
guy 6/26/12
This editor is sorry
that readers have had to be chomping at the bite for this article but it was
originally written for some in a political position to bring this to the people
of America and the floors of congress, and this editor wanted to wait to see if
any implementation was forthcoming. I would congratulate our President for
praising the Wind Power utility in Pennsylvania and so forth, however we need
energy independence within the next 5 years rather then waiting until some time
so far in the future, that no one could predict if such a far off program would
ever be implemented. We need our elected officials to act now since we
have the means and now the road map to energy independence detailed so that
anyone could understand what we are doing, why we are doing it, and what the
outcome would be even before we begin.
So, without
further ado, below hit this link to find the Road Map for Energy Independence in
5 years now!
A Polish immigrant went to
the DMV to apply for a driver's license. First, of course, he had to take an eye
sight test The optician showed him a card with the letters.
'C Z W
I X N O S T A C Z.' 'Can you read this?' the optician asked. "Read it?" The
Polish guy replied, "I know the guy."
say that the age of chivalry
is past, that the spirit of
romance is dead. The age of
chivalry is never past, so
long as there is a wrong
left unredressed on earth."
Charles Kingsley,
Vol., II, Ch 28:
"A good conscience is a
continual Christmas"
Benjamin Franklin
Lets say that those
paid by the Incandescent light bulb industry get (Huge Lobby) their way
and the new energy efficient light bulb is placed in every high rise, every
home, simply everywhere in the nation. Well, let's think about this, it
will save funds earmarked for energy. Yet did anyone have an forethought?
Clearly this has been the problem over the last 10 years. First we had
Bush who claimed to be conservative but this editor did not think he governed as
one save his military strategy. Now we have Bush Heavy (as apposed to Bush
light), which advocates many of the things President Bush did.