Corticofugal control equates to the fact that as the pathway begins in
the cortex, this is the site where the sensory pathway that
it controls,
terminates. In other words, this feedback loop exists to alter, when
necessary, the threshold for different sensory signals. This equates to
the brains ability to focus attention on specific types of information
unconsciously and then take the appropriate action. Obviously an
important and necessary quality of the human nervous system function for
survival. This again can be likened to a small needle able
to signal the brain that
to survive, an increased sensory threshold must occur! And thus
"the acupuncture
practitioner actually, is affecting control of sensory threshold
in some individuals
(Neff 1982)".
In 1978 this examiner wrote on subjects, which
were not yet correlated in physiology textbooks of the day. I still
have my 1978 additions and my articles with comment from many of the
most famous physicians, investigators, and various governments and their
agencies. Up until my articles and similar
works in various physiology labs around the nation beginning around the
same time, muscle neurophysiology was based on the Sartorius Muscle of the Frog.
Sartorius Muscle Frog physiology was taught as human
physiology relative to anaerobic and aerobic energy mechanisms in the
exercising muscle. Thus, this
young student chiropractor postulated in the
Los Angeles College of Chiropractic library, that because
Humans were not spooned as tadpoles and could not live under water nor
rely on anaerobic glycolysis and its primary energy production
metabolism, human neurophysiology was quite different. This examiner
wrote two articles which for the first time in history validated
Chiropractic Medicine Scientifically, based on Neuroanatomy, Neurology, Clinical Neurology,
Physiology, Pathology and the like. These two articles created
a scientific movement within that profession. Rene Cailliet,
MD University of
Southern California School of Medicine, Department of Rehabilitative
Medicine, 1982 writes to the President of the California Council Against
Health Fraud, Inc, “His articles are extremely well written, well
documented and substantial in their neurophysiologic concepts.
I seriously congratulate the California Council Against Health Fraud,
Inc., and I compliment Dr. Scott David Neff and his intent. I
encourage you both to go further.”
Early in 1984 Dr. Cailliet wrote, "Dear Dr. Neff:
I read with a great deal of interest your paper, "The Walking Time
Bomb": and the copies of the articles, the Journals and references you
appended. I feel that occlusion of vertebral arteries has been
well documented in all of your references, or at least the references
stated in the journal, you appended... There are also evidence of studies
in which cerebral infarcts followed manipulation of the cervical
spine...To do research, of justifying that
rotation, the "Neff Test"
occludes or diminished the vertebral artery flow, would only be
reproducing what has already been shown. My advice, therefore,
would be to discuss this with the chief of a neurological service in one
of the major medical schools, UC Davis, UCLA, USC or UCFF and become a
co-author to an article in one of the major medical journals. This
would, in many ways, justify the care exerted in a diagnostic procedures
proceeding cervical manipulation; also, give more credence to the
scientific interest of the chiropractic profession and in their
continuing medical education. I will be more than happy to discuss
this with you further if you wish, by phone...
From this I wrote an additional article inclusive of Dr. Cailliet's
advances and analysis and contributions from the inventor of the Space Shuttle fuel
injector, the patent bought by Nasa Control, the honorable Nasa Rocket Scientist, holder of over 300
additional US military patents, co-founder and second President of the
American Academy For Justice Through Science and the InfoJustice
Journal, the
honorable Samuel Stein. That published article via assistance from DC
magazine, the article "Cervical Manipulation the Death Threat
Connection" presented the first Statistical evidence of 1 in 1 million
adverse events, which
was less
then established pharmaceutical standards and much in the way
of clinical and intensive scientific discussion.
Antithetically it
proved that absent the "Neff Tests" (Which this editor had named
Global Sustained Rotation Test", and then apply the same test with a
little extension called appropriately "The Global Sustained
Extension Rotational Test.") and often times MRI of the vertebral
circulation and circle of Willis, some forms of Cervical Manipulation
could be contraindicated for some patients. This author then
lectured for Dr. Cailliet at the American Back Society
in 1984 for medical physicians who received their yearly
continuing medical education (e.g., I was advised by the Medical
Accrediting Body that your editor was the first DC in history to do this...two
followed that day.) I would opine that my concepts have of course
been incorporated within research and science pursuant to scientific
progress. In fact if one looks at the
literature today, my groundbreaking articles, the "Walking Time Bomb"
and "Cervical Manipulation the Death Threat Connection" have been copied
universally absent being referenced. Perhaps it was that these
were published in the Chiropractic Literature of the early 1980's. Also
the new research demonstrates the ratio maybe higher then 1 in 1
million as there are many more cases then the 184 this researcher had
found in world literature back in the day. And thus
it is prudent to help bring out all that is good through early
such as this.
However after being exposed to Acupuncture and Herbology
( the Following 1982 Original Hypothesis postulated and
theory was presented for the National Council Against Health Fraud by
this examiner), I could not understand why these Oriental Medical
Arts and their practitioners, had not discovered how, or even why
acupuncture therapy may
have worked for pain control!
researched and found the known articles, which in truth still
had abandoned any
comprehension of the brain and its nerve branch function
from a researchers prospective. Once the scientist
studies this section, your “a ha” or that part of the human
consciousness which recognizes subsets of information and organizes
these subsets into the whole immediately or intuitively, will
re-correlate today's Scientific Oriental Medicine.
This article has nothing to do with claims other then some pain
management. And from this article and the Book this editor wrote
for my Oriental Medical School, I received a scholarship to attend, and
subsequently graduated with the degree, Masters of Oriental Medicine and
was presented at my graduation "The Oriental Medicine Pioneer's Award".
The human conscious brain
has the ability to
direct it’s attention to different segments of sensory formation such as
sensory information from the eyes, the ears, the taste receptors, and
all somatic receptors. This is due to the fact that all sensory
afferents save the olfactory nerve have connections through the thalamic
relay. This achieves the functions of facilitation or inhibition of
cortical receptive areas. Thus, built within the great human brain, are
complex yet easily dissected control mechanisms, which allow for harmony in a vast amount of differing
and simultaneous situational sensations and experiences. Much like
computer, once a form of access is acquired, (keyboard, modem, fax,
microwave and so forth) than, modulation or attenuation or increases
and decreases in
pain at the level of the brain can be controlled. This is not to eliminate
any other scientific manners of keying in or controlling the brain, or
Master Controller of the human body (e.g., Through
medical anesthetics/pharmaceuticals via the anesthesiologist or CIA
This examiner opines, that the Ancients,
through trial and error experimentation on actual human test subjects,
categorized neurological, sclerotomal, myotomal and to a lesser degree,
vascular and lymphatic channels as acupuncture meridians and
gained threshold control over those who have a low threshold to pain or
those of greater sensitivity to pain when injured or ill. This control
of the patient is through needling.
Much like Herbology, nonsense, egotism,
and often times power persons have denied acupuncture
pain control, which does not work on all folks as you will discover if
you study this article, scientific scrutiny
for political reasons. Further, as I indicated in the Forward,
of my book, once available here at the Journal,
culture, especially one which had been attacked since its birth by
westerners, protects its social mores if possible.
And in the case of Oriental Medicine, this
protectionist attitude has been the demise of scientific progress in
the profession since the invention and approval of the small acupuncture needles
by USFDA used
in the United States today, as opposed to the large bore needles used in
the Orient. As a scientist I
have no personal gain, nor political, ideological or philosophical barriers.
Yet this research is only that, and does validate or
advocate any care, which must be left up to the Licensed practitioner or
physician. In fact, because of what this
researcher calls the "invisible injuries", such as any damage to cervical
arteries or those in the Circle of Willis, or skeletal anomalies appropriate special study
(MRI, CT Scan, Angiography and even X-ray and nerve studies) is then
deemed immediately
appropriate by this researcher akin to medical scientific review for
Acupuncture pain control.
Therefore to review
the science thus far:
(1) Corticofugal control equates to the fact
that as the pathway begins in the cortex, this is the site where the
sensory pathway that controls terminates. In other words, this feedback
loop exists to alter, when necessary, the threshold for different
sensory signals. This equates to the brains ability to focus attention
on specific types of information unconsciously and then take the
appropriate action.
(2) The human conscious brain has the ability to
direct it’s attention to different segments of sensory formation such as
sensory information from the eyes, the ears, the taste receptors, and
all somatic receptors. This is due to the fact that all sensory
afferents save the olfactory nerve have connections through the thalamic
relay. This achieves the functions of facilitation or inhibition of
cortical receptive areas. Thus, built within the great human brain, are
control mechanism, which allow for harmony in a vast amount of differing
and simultaneous situational sensations and experiences
(3) The human brain can be likened to a advanced
computer which is understood by those that have
published original concepts in
neuroscience, and that the brain can be keyed relative to sensory
threshold through the use of microdamage to tissue via acupuncture
because the puncture is a microcosm of a large injury or disease with
very direct and specific nerve stimulation as in damaged tissue, the
release of bradykininn and lysyl-bradykinin because the needle makes a
small puncture and tissue
ruptures, pain, and healing about the microhole made
from the needle.
and again, understanding specificity relative to the
variables in the human brain gives us a complete understanding of the
processes involved. Thus, to continue, contralateral hemi-anesthesia of
the head, trunk and limbs is noted with pathology of the thalamocortical
fibers on route to the sensory cortex. This is seen in stroke patients
with vascular lesions in the posterior limb of the internal capsule. Hemianesthesia, hemianopsia and hemihypacusis occurs with lesions in the
posterior third of the posterior limb. (Carpenter:
Human Neuroanatomy, 7th edition, Williams and Williams Company, 1977,p.464)
Thalamocortical and Corticofugal fibers are within the internal
capsule. Remember lesions in this area produce more widespread
disability than lesions in an other region of the nervous system. Such
as thrombosis or hemorrhage of the anterior choroidal, striate or
capsular branches of the middle cerebral arteries (represents most
injuries to the internal capsule).
The posterior limb of the internal capsule
contains corticospinal fibers, frontopontine fibers, the superior
thalamic radiation and relatively smaller numbers of corticotectal,
coticorubral and coticoreticular fibers. The corticospinal fibers are
organized in a specific manner so that those closest to the genu are
concerned with cervical portions of the body, while succeeding, more
caudal region are related to the upper extremity, trunk and lower
extremity, respectively. Thus the internal capsule is composed of all
the fibers, afferent and efferent, which to, or come from, the cerebral
cortex. A large portion is dedicated to the thalamic radiations. The
remaining is composed of Corticofugal fiber systems (efferent cortical
fibers), which descend to lower portions of the brain stem and to the
spinal cord. These include the corticospinal, corticobulbar,
corticoreticular and corticopontine tracts, as well as number of smaller
bundles. Thus with these tracts involved, acupuncture application
anywhere around the body becomes centralized through the ascending
sensory fibers and is acknowledged by the cortex as sensation.
And because
the central reticular core must be recognized as a common system of
neurons with multiple relays, which are discharged, equivalently by all
sensory systems projecting collateral to it, this system is the
modulator for recognition of the acupuncture stimulation as a micro
tolerable pain which should cause the threshold to be raised. Such a
common system would not be involved in the conscious perception of any
one sensory modality, but utility would be afferent functions common to
all types of sensory experience, namely, altering and attracting
attention. Thus, it has been noted that the nonspecific sensory
impulses ascending in the reticular activating system would appear to
function by sharpening the attentive state of the cortex and creating
optimal conditions for the conscious perception of sensory impulses
mediated by the classical pathways. (Carpenter:
Human Neuroanatomy, 7th edition, Williams and Williams Company, 1977
page 392). And thus, anesthesia
and the anesthetic state produced by depressant drugs are due to these
two systems differential susceptibility as illustrated above.
Anesthetic states (due to ether and certain barbiturates) are due to
impairment or blockage of synaptic transmission in the multi-neuronal
reticular activating system. For example a diminished persistence of
impulses in the lemniscal systems and the blocking of impulses
in the
ascending reticular core (Carpenter:
Human Neuroanatomy, 7th edition, Williams and Williams Company, 1977
page 393). Pain sensibility to somatic
sensory area II are via key cells in the cortical area responsible to
noxious peripheral stimuli. This somatic sensory area II is connected
primarily to the spinothalamic system (or ascending sensory pathways
which conduct impulses in the antero-lateral position of the spinal
cord) for communication of the sensibility of painful noxious
stimulation. Of course these complex reciprocal connections are
relayed through the primary somesthetic area (Carpenter:
Human Neuroanatomy, 7th edition, Williams and Williams Company, 1977 p. 566)
of the cortex.
Obviously sophisticates in the neurosciences
understand that which I have delineated thus far and of course
research demonstrates that
Physicians offer reduction in pain in the following procedures based on
the above; cordotomy to relieve pain from spinal trauma which has the
side effect of Contralateral loss of pain sensation below the level.
Other surgical procedures which alleviate intolerable pain but often are
not helpful in chronic pain are nerve section, sympathectomy (for
visceral pain), myelotomy to section spinothalamic fibers in anterior
white commissure, posterior rhizotomy, anterolateral cordotomy,
medullary tractotomy, mesencephalic tractotomy, thalamotomy, gyrectomy
and of course prefrontal lobotomy. These are the surgical anti-pain
procedures. Medicinally, prostaglandin inhibitors such as Aspirin and
other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs inhibit the action of
prostaglandins and relieve pain; hypalgesia or analgesia.
Prostaglandin’s lower the threshold of perception of peripheral
nociceptors and thereby increase the sensibility to pain (hyperalgesia).
Other medicinal mechanisms are the artificial introduction of
Enkephalin-like substitutes such as Bayer’s Heroin, Morphine, Demerol,
Deladid, Laudanum and Codeine.
Even with today’s
scientific knowledge, these types of pain control are
offered by Licensed physicians and surgeons or Doctors of Chiropractic
in New Mexico.
Yet it has been this examiners experience that some
folks opt away from Orthodox care. Thus licensed Acupuncturists or
Doctors of Chiropractic licensed in Acupuncture use these methods and
is clear why the ancients
tried acupuncture, Herb’s and manipulation.
To review this second section, the specific
nociceptors described previously as primary affects of a total system
ending in the brain. These are free nerve endings of peripheral and
cranial nerves. Pain fibers in their periphery are of a small diameter
and are readily affected by local anesthetic. Poorly myelinated and
unmyelinated fibers make up the A fibers (convey discrete, sharp,
short-lasting pain) and the C fibers which transmit chronic, burning,
and often unbearable pain. From the activation of these fibers
central ascending pathways for sensation consist of the spinothalamic
tract and spinoreticulothalmic systems. When we discussed the laminar
organization to begin this discussion, realize that this extends to the
spinal cord in the way of gray matter cells of laminas I and II and some
cells in lamina V respond to noxious stimuli by way of the small
diameter afferent fibers. Laminas III, IV, and VI demonstrate a narrow
range of response to non-noxious stimuli via large-diameter afferents; lamina
V has a broad range of response. The large-diameter fibers prevent
the lamina V afferents from transmitting signals. “Stimulating
(rubbing) these fibers helps to suppress the sensation of pain,
especially sharp pain. Mothers from all
generations even those of the Ancients knew that small children seem to know this instinctively and
rub the injured spot, thus activating the large-diameter fibers
Human Neuroanatomy, 7th edition, Williams and Williams Company, 1977 p272).
Thus mothers often rub their children who feel the
relief. Obviously, then Acupuncture
would be the most direct way in stimulating the fibers when the point of
contact are tissues with the activation site. Further,
now with knowledge in focus, apply this to spinal or back pain and the
sudden relief associated with spinal manipulation (e.g., Not to mention
the sudden release of spasticity due to the traction of the muscle
attachments, realigning joint facets and weight bearing portions of the
spinal vertebra as well as a sudden release of local endorphins...).
Finally, Western
medicine according to Carpenter, formerly attempted to permanently implant electrodes to
electrically stimulate the dorsal columns to alleviated sharp pain.
Again, however, Chronic pain, and emotionally burdensome, deep,
“burning” pain was not relieved. Thus the knowledge was missing
relative to pain control from acupuncture or spinal
manipulative medicine for that matter, until today’s discussion
(e.g., Worth very little in this world where a lack of understanding
science generates volumes of money!).
tissue acupuncture and
subsequent nerve stimulation can activate the periaqueductal gray matter
of the midbrain (Of course a nerve is never needled
for the lay folks who may read this article.). This is the Enkephalin or endorphin receptor
region which contains opiate receptors, membrane bound proteins that
specifically bind opiate agonists (morphine, diladid etc.) or
antagonists (e.g., naloxone). The endogenous opiate like compounds
within the human body are enkephalin, beta-endorphins (beta-endorphin is
a fragment of the pituitary hormone beta-lipotropin) and others.
Peptides bind to opiate receptors in the brain and nervous system as
does external morphine introduction. These are chronic pain
relief. This does not cause sharp severe pain abatement.
Endogenous endorphin production is aided by a diet rich in tryptophan
(serotonin) which was made illegal in the United States to receive
absent prescription from a
licensed physician. Typtophan is the active ingredient in milk
which when warmed rotates the molecule into the L or Levo-rotatory
aspect which causes drowsiness. Again, something every mother in the
United States used to give children prior to the 1980’s medical
revolution or Business revolution (profit made on illness vs. care
giving because, deny access to preventative care by
alleging smoking did not
kill, damage the lungs, create a predisposition to
other disease and so forth making the cigarette manufacturing
industry much money world wide.) 
These morphine-like substances or
endorphins have a profound and long-lasting analgesic effect. “Several
lines of evidence suggest that analgesia afforded by acupuncture may
depend upon stimulation of the release of these substances, perhaps by
the pituitary gland (Marx, 1977 BT8-148). “There is a reversal of the
acupuncture analgesia with administration of naloxone, both in humans
and in animals. Removal of the pituitary in mice prevents decreased
response of the spinal pain pathways which otherwise occurs with
acupuncture stimulation.” (BT8-148).
One method used by Western
Medicine to treat unbearable pain is to implant electric stimulators in
the periaqueductal gray matter and connect them to a subcutaneous
inductor coil which the patient can activate as needed. This pain
relief is due to the fact that deep, chronic pain is relieved when
periaqueductal gray cells activate neurons in the midline pons (nucleus
raphes magnus) that are serotonergic. These neurons send
descending fibers to the spinal cord that end on laminas I and V of the
posterior horn and act to inhibit pain. This is activated by safe
and reproducibly effective Acupuncture. Further, acupuncture elevates
referred pain by breaking the viscous cycle of the brain misreading the
visceral pain signal. Cells in lamina V of the posterior column that
receive noxious sensations from afferents in the skin also receive input
from nociceptors in the viscera. When visceral afferents receive a
strong stimulus, the cortex may misinterpret the exact source. Spinal
segments that relay pain from the gallbladder also receive afferents
from the tips of the scapula and shoulder regions, hence the referred
pain due to gallstone colic or cholecystitis or
myocardial infarction radiates pain to the left shoulder and down the
arm because of the proximity of sensory nerve fiber tracts in the
posterior horn of the spinal cord. Thus
the referred pain of angina or pain from a myocardial infarct is due to
visceral sensory pain fibers which synapse in the thoracic dorsal root
ganglia, and the central nervous system thus perceives pain from the
heart as coming from the somatic portion of the body supplied by those
thoracic spinal cord segments. Simply put afferent pain fibers of
the heart enter the posterior horn of the human spinal cord at the same
level as the brachial plexus, yielding to pain perceived as being
located in the neck and shoulder regions. In much the same manner
pain in the heart caused by acute anoxia (myocardial infarct) is
conducted by fibers that reach the same spinal cord segments, where
afferents from the ulnar nerve synapse (Carpenter:
Human Neuroanatomy, 7th edition, Williams and Williams Company, 1977.p.273).
Thus the theories of convergence and facilitation of referred pain.
Anyone who truly is a sophisticate in neuro-physiological sciences
research should comprehend
reality immediately and clearly understand that which I have
presented "Validating
Good luck and God Bless
Scott David Neff,