In this section you will find my introduction to the
wonderful world of Oriental herbal pharmacology. It has been
practiced for over 4,000 years in the orient and many ideas for
medicines came first from herbs.
INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this article is to review the history of Oriental herbal pharmacology. Further, a small set of Golden State Approved herbal formulas will be presented, with western diagnosis joining hands with eastern diagnosis. Finally, the English nomenclature was used for the respective herb when listed as a component of a prescription. From reviewing the history section which is presented below, it will become perfectly clear that for many thousands of years, herbal pharmacology has been a mainstay of care for a large population of the world. Thus, we know very ancient oriental peoples used actual medical practitioner’s goals while prescribing natural herbal extracts and constituent derivatives which could be found in the Orient literally thousands of years ago. HISTORY AND CONTRIBUTION TO WESTERN MEDICINE: Chinese medical books, dating back to end of the 3rd century BC clearly delineate Oriental medical herbology. Far prior to that however, Chinese Folklore describes Shen Nung, the god of husbandry or the father of Chinese agriculture and leader of an ancient clan. He was the inventor of the concept of provings later re-described by a late 17th century medical doctor Samuel Hahnemann. Shen Nung’s provings tasted hundreds of herbs to test their medicinal properties (Han/Cold, Jeh/Heat, Wen/Warmth, Liang/Coolness), and established herbal medicine. Thus, knowledge about herbal medicine was passed on from generation to generation by word of mouth, since there were no written records at that time. The earliest Chinese writing, dating back to late Shang dynasty (1200 BC) were called the Oracle Bone Inscriptions which were found at the site of the last Shang capital near present-day Anyang, Henan province. The ancient Chinese used these bones as records of their hunting, warfare, weather, and daily selection of auspicious days for ceremonies. Thus acquired knowledge about herbal medicine was again, passed on from generation to generation by word of mouth, since there were no written records at that time. However the thought of “provings” in Chinese medicine was codified. Over the millennia, the Chinese used themselves as guinea pigs to continue testing plants for their medicinal properties (i.e., Provings). The accumulation of these provings strengthened the understanding on pharmacological category, toxicity, and lethal dosage of herbal medicine. The first written record about herbal medicine was compiled in 1065-771 BC. Wu Shi Er Bing Fang (Prescriptions for Fifty-Two Diseases) was discovered in 1973 during the excavation of Ma Wang Dui tomb at Changsha, Hunan province. Prior to this discovery, Shen Nung Pen Ts'ao Ching (Divine Husbandman's Classic of Materia Medica) had been the earliest Chinese pharmacopoeia. These texts mixed magic and herbs such as Prescriptions for Fifty-two Ailments (Wu shi er bing fang). This early pharmacology text book demonstrates the fact that similar minds think similarly, and that medical folklore is perhaps the oldest form of Tran generational communications and that man throughout the world, used the indigenous herbs, or those which interested the skilled practitioner of oriental medical pharmacology. This particular early work is a favorite of mine as it proves, beyond a shadow of doubt, that early Chinese medical physicians had not only categorized their own pharmacopoeia materia medica but discussed no less than 250 medicinal remedies. The bases for the categorization were Herbaceous and woody substances, grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables, animal parts, substances derived from the human body, and minerals. Quite sophisticated. Historians have estimated that between 403-221 BC the Classic of the Mountains and Seas (Shuan hai jing), named over 120 substances of plant, animal, and mineral derivatives and their specific medicinal utility. In about 168 BC, a recording of the principles for herbal medicine first as a conversation between the yellow emperor and his minister, Chi Po were written down. They discussed medical philosophy in a book known as the Su Wen (Basic Questions), and medical practice in a book later named The Magic Pivot. The world’s second known medical textbook, The Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Internal Medicine (Huang ti nei ching su wen), was so named. Although this book has been noted as one of the earliest book listing herbal remedies, its emphasis is on acupuncture. Listing only 28 herbs, combined into 12 formulas categorized by the quality for taste. Yet what is most spectacular in interest in this book demonstrates that human knowledge outside of the categorization of science, moves in cyclic patterns and reality can be skewed ever today by practitioners of various disciplines. For example the mainstay of the theoretic reason for the success were the theories of energetic forces and the theories of elemental and humoral forces applied by understandings derived through clinical observation over many thousands of years. This is yet another of Oriental Medicines contribution to western medicine as practiced today. And thus, it is clear that health care could be delivered to the masses with outstanding results from medicinal remedies even if parts of the person theory of the guild of the time, were flawed. This refers to the fact that time dictated to these early medical pioneers is based on the notion that magic was an accepted science of the time. And thus would of course be mixed into the reasoning quotient for how and why medicines worked. For example, the remedies were much the same as those found in our modern herbal pharmacopeias world wide. Yet the theoretical foundation was and in itself, fundamentally and vastly different than modern and scientific Oriental Medical Pharmacology. The magical component of this early medicine was much in the way of rituals with spells combined with the herbal prescriptions. Further the diagnostic work up based various forms of disease matched with particular malevolent spirits, ghosts, and demons. Again these imaginations of the early medical mind were dispelled by the combination of the incantations and so forth combined with a very accurate by today’s standard, pharmacological prescription. It is clearly described that the “aromatics” had smells which could cast away demons or a person’s own spiritual powers. And yet today, we understand that they only misunderstood the reason for the successes which had been documented over early millennia, and based on success. Famous herbs such as Cortex Cinnamomi Cassiae (rou gui), Fructus Evodiae Rutaecarpae (wu shu yu), and Folium Artemisiae Argyi (ai ye) are just examples. Amazing. Some of the less correlated but still a bit amazing in the ingenuity of medical practitioners, was the use of sympathetic or antipathetic magic (And the very words are used today, but with modern taxonomy assigned). Examples of these mental constructions are treating facial acne by grinding the cheekbone of a smooth-faced horse, preparing an ointment, and applying the right cheekbone powder to the right side of the face, and of course the left cheekbone powder to the lefts side of the face. Lizard bites were treated by the lizard’s natural enemy, the charred hide of a raccoon-dog. Again, consistent with the development of herbal pharmacology within various cultures noted round the worlds was the fact that early champions of the Chinese herbal medicine were the Shamans of the community. Archeological remains depicting the dress of Chinese shamans all resemble the bird-like costumes of the Siberian shaman. Many historians believe that part of the Chinese character for “doctor” (yi) retains the archaic link and represents the magical cry of the shaman. Even Confucius noted that “A man without persistence will never make a good shaman or a good physician.” However, actually the words “materia medica” (ben cao) finally appear about 30 BC in the Book of Han (Han shu) and the prescriptions attributed to caregivers or specialists. These materia medica specialists are again found, as part of a larger group of “masters of methods” (fang shi). Joseph Needham called this occupation an “intermediate sort” between shaman (wu) and scholar (shi). It is also interesting to note that not unlike the early European medical practitioners of the early 1600’s, alchemy was an important influence on these early wu/shi medical practitioners. Another interesting correlation between the re-discovery of homeopathy by Dr. Hannaman, his later method of provings was used by these practitioners as early as the first century AD and the works of these unknown authors was reconstructed in several editions by the famous Taoist, Tao Hong-Jing (425-536 AD. The provings were relative to tasting “the hundred herbs” in addition to advocating and introducing agriculture and animal husbandry into oriental culture. The block buster of history however was the book, “Divine Husbandman’s Classic of the Materia Medica”. This text, devoid of magic or supernatural theories, listed 364 entries, with each herbs medicinal effect in terms of symptoms, methods of preparations for each herb, and gradations for which herbs nourished areas of the body divided into the three basics of upper, middle and lower and each was evaluated for taste (wei) and temperature characteristics (qi). Taste: sweet and slightly cold. Focuses on tonifying the five yin Organs, calming the essence-spirit, settling the corporeal and ethereal souls, stopping alarm and palpations, removing pathogenic qi, brightening the eyes, opening the heart, and augmenting wisdom. If taken for a long period of time it will lighten the body and lengthen one’s years.” The tastes of sweet, sour and salty are examples of the “five tastes” described in the Qin test Lu’s Spring and Summer Annals (Lu dhi chun aiu). Even the poisonous plant extract medications can be found in the Huai nan zi. Toxicity was also carefully discussed. However, it was this classic of herbal pharmacopoeia, the Divine Husbandman’s’ Classic of the Materia Media (Shen nong ben cau jing) and also known as “the Classic” of the material Medica which documented focused on actual descriptions of individual herbs, such as the name, family, where it was grown or found, when to harvest, it properties such as warming or cooling, acrid or aromatic and what energy channels were affected are examples of modern medicine applied justly. In the years from 25-220 AD, during a period called the Han dynasty when most of the Inner Classic had been compiled, the mainstay of causation was not attributed to what folks could observe and understand relative to he natural world, but that health and disease were subject to the forces and principles of natural order. For it was written in the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic that the universe is composed of various forces; the complementary opposites of yin and yang and the five forces are applied universally. Thus medical practice was the application of this knowledge and rules to the prevention or treatment of disease and the promotion of health. This work contained 12 more modern refined prescriptions based on 28 different substances. In about 581-618 AD, a comprehensive discussion of characteristics can be found in a book called Materia Medica of Medicinal Properties (Yao xing ben cao c. 600). A full listing of herb characteristics such as combination, reaction, taste, temperature, toxicity, function, primary clinical application, processing, and the preparations for dissemination of medications was discovered. Around the same time, about 589 AD a text Tang Materia Medica (Tang ben cao), became the official pharmacopoeia of the China’s Tang Dynasty. The book contained 844 entries and gathered its fame as the alleged first illustrated materia medica. By the time the Europeans were compiling their early works, in 1108 AD a major materia medica containing 1,558 substances was called Tang Shen-Wei’s Materia Medica Arranged According to Patters (Zheng lei ben cao 1108 AD). However, China’s most heralded materia medical Li Shi-Zhen’s Grand Materia Medica (Ben cao gan mu) included 1,892 substances derived from 1,173 plants, 444 from animals, and 275 minerals. This was translated into many languages and forms the basis for many of the European medical physician’s early writings and concepts on proving, remedies, creation of material medica’s and modern pharmacology as we know it today. Sun Si Miao (581-682 AD), was a famous doctor of the Tang dynasty (618-907 AD), whose specialty was diet and nutritional therapy. He composed his famous Qian Jin Yao Fang (Prescriptions Worth a Thousand Pieces of Gold) with thirty scrolls and later composed Qian Jin Yi Fang (Supplement to Prescriptions Worth a Thousand Pieces of Gold) with another thirty scrolls. His ideas about diet and nutrition have stood the test of time and still are omitted in part of the American diet today. Contrary to some factors in TOM who have claimed OM does not recognize all organs, has not studied Chinese history. In 1247 AD, Sung Tzu wrote Hsi Yun Lu (Washing Away the Wrong). This book is considered by many historians as one of the oldest systematic texts on forensic medicine in all civilizations. A systematic examination during investigation of a very suspicious death was presented. Pen Tsao Kang Mu (The Great Herbal), was by Li Shih Chen (1518-1593 AD). This book includes descriptions of 1,892 different kinds of herbal medicines. Because this pharmacopoeia had been translated into so many different foreign languages, and was widely distributed throughout the world, “Pen…Mu” is thought to have exercised a profound influence on East Asian and especially the European countries as well. But it was Wu Yu Hsing (1582-1652 AD) who most curiously published a book on the “Treatise on Acute Epidemic Febrile Diseases. Was Wu Yu Hsing the first author to advance the notion that certain diseases were caused by a “transmissible agent”? The list of contributing authors is actually quite a bit more lengthy then this humble review of Oriental Medical Herbal Pharmacology as an adjunct to the MD practice. But it is clear that unless an Oriental Medical advocate such as this Medical Acupuncturist/Herbal
Pharmacologist describe Oriental contributions to modern medicine, than the average new MD,
DO, or DC graduate might miss or steer away from elective courses on a powerful medicine capable of helping many folks today, and again absent synthetic medications with the increasing awareness of adverse reactions. ORIENTAL MEDICAL HERBAL PHARMACOLOGY: While in attendance at the College of Acupuncture and Oriental Herbal Pharmacology, we studied many formulas which had many positive results. To make this immediately functional, I have outlined some of the formulas I can recommend on the basis of personal success as taught in acupuncture medical school and textbooks of Oriental Herbal Pharmacology. For example a patient presents with a “cough & wheeze with water, copious sputum, a stifling sense in her chest & diaphragm, shortness of breath with marked labored inhalation & smooth exhalation". She has pain in her lower back & legs, extremities edema and fatigue. Her tongue had a white coat that’s greasy.” Bronchial asthma, cardiac asthma, Chronic bronchitis or emphysema. Exess above and deficiency below with Phlegm cold obstructing and lung and kidney yang deficiency (Cold Phlegm Retention in the Lungs with Lung and Kidney Yang deficiency). Recommendation: Perillia Fruit Decoction for Directing the Qi Downward. Actions: Directs the rebellious Qi downward, thus arresting the wheezing and stopping the cough while transforming the cold phlegm through warming properties. (Su Zi Jiang Qi Tang). Fr. Perillae Frutescentis 9-12 grams (Su Zi- Cough and Wheeze), Rz Pinelliae Ternatae 6-9 g (ban xia-warm and transforming), Rx Angelicae Sinensis 6-9 g (dang gui-Tone and Blood), Honey-fried Rx Glycyrrhizae Uralensis 3-4.5 g( Gan Cao Tone Qi), Cx Magnoliae Oficinalis 3-6 g (hou po-Aromatic Transforms damp), Rx Peucedani 6-9g (qian hu-Cool, transform phlegm-h), Cx Cinamomi Cassiae 1.5-3 g (rou gui-Warm interior and expel cold). Cinnamon Twig Decoction (Gui Zhi Tang): Upper respiratory tract infection, influenza, allergic rhinitis, angioedema, cerebrovascular spasm, eczema, and urticaria. Exterior Wind Cold leading to Exterior Cold deficiency condition. Taiyang Deficiency. Rl Cinnamomi Cassiae, Rx Paeoniae, Rz Zingiberis Officinalis Recens, Fr Zizyphi Jujubae, Honey-friend Rx Glycyrrhizae Uralensis. Mulberry Lear and Chrysanthemum (Sang Ju Yin) Upper respiratory tract infection, influenza, early acute bronchitis, acute conjunctivitis. Initial stage Wind heat with Cough. Wei Stage. Early superficial stage of febrile disease. Fo Mori Albae, Fl Chrysanthemi Morifoliii, Fr Forsythia Suspensae, Hb Menthae Haplocalysis, Rx Platycodi Grandiflori, Sm Pruni Armeniacae, Rz Phragmitis Communis and Rx Glycyrrhizae Uralensis. Honeysuckle and Forsythia Powder (Yin Qiao San) Upper respiratory tract infection, influenza, acute bronchitis, measles, epidemic parotitis, or meningitis. Severe stage Wind Heat. Wei Stage. Early-stage febrile disease which enters thru the nose and mouth and attacks the Lungs. Fl Lonicerae Japoniacae, Fr Forsythiae Suspensae, Rx Pltycodi Grandiflori, Fr Arctii Lappae, Hb Menthae Haplocalysis, Sm Sojae Praeparata, Hb seu Fl Schizonepetae, Hb Lophatheri Gracilis, Rz Phragmitis Communis and Rx Glycyrrhizae Uralensis. Bupleurum and Kudza (Decoction to Release the Muscle Layer Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang) Toothache due to Wind Heat or Severe Influenza. Tai Yang & Yang Ming Stage. Unresolved Exterior Wind cold which has become constrained & is transferred into heat. R Bupleuri, Rx Puerariae, Rx et Rz Notopterygii, Rx Angelicae Dahuricae, Rx Scutellariae, Gypsum, Rx Platycodi Grandiflori, Rx Paeoniae Lactiforae, Rx Glycyrrhizae Uralensis, Rz zingiberis Officinalis Recens, and finally, Fr Zizyphi Jujubae. Kudzu (Ge Gen Tang) Upper respiratory tract infection, influenza, stomach flu, acute cervical myositis, tendonitis or bursitis of shoulder or urticaria. Exterior Wind Cold at the Tai Yang Stage. Rx Puerariae, Hb Ephedrae, Rl Cinnamomi Cassiae, Rx Paeoniae lactiflorae, Rz Zingiberis Officinalis Recens and Fr Zizyphi Jujubae. Ginseng Powder to Overcome Pathogenic Influences (Ren Shen Bai Du San) Very early stage measles before rash begins to surface, Upper respiratory tract infection, influenza, early-stage dysentery, surgical infections. Rx et Rz Notopterygii, Rx Angelicae Pubescentis, Rx Ligustici Chuanxiong, Rx Bupleuri, Rx Platycodi Grandiflori, Fr Citri Seu Ponciri, Rx Peucedani, Ginseng, Sc Poriae Cocos and Rx Glycyrrhizae Uralensis. White Tiger Decoction (Bai Hu Tang) Infectious diseases; encephalitis, meningitis, lobar pneumonia, heat stroke, diabetes mellitus, and periodontitis. Blazing heat in the Yang Ming Channel or Qi Level. Gypsum Rx Anemarrhenae Asphodeloidis, Honey-fried Rx Glycyrrhizae Uralensis and Non-glutinous rice. Coptis Decoction to Relieve Toxicity (Huang Lian Jie Du Tang). Septicemia, toxic bacillary dysentery, pneumonia, UTI, encephalitis and purulent skin lesions. Severe obstruction of the 3 Jiao’s by Fire Toxin which pervades both the interior and exterior. Heat in the San Jiao…Rz Coptidis, Rx Scutellariae, Cx Phellodendri and Fr Gardeniae Jasmoinoidis. Ephedra, Apricot Kernel, Gypsum and Licorice (Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang). Upper respiratory tract infection, lobar pneumonia, bronchial pneumonia, bronchial asthma, pneumonitis from measles, bronchitis, pertussis and diphtheria. Heat lodged in the Lung where it obstructs the flow of Qi. Lung Heat…Hb Ephedrae, Sm Pruni Armeniacae, Gypsum and Honey-fried Rx Glycyrrhizae Uralensis. Gentiana Longdancao Decoction to Drain the Liver (Long Dan Xie Gan Tang). Migraine, eczema, gallstones, uveitis, conjunctivitis, corneal ulcers, suppurative otitis media, herpes zoster, herpes simplex, pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, pelvic inflammatory disease, orchitis and epididymitis. Shi Heat in the Liver and/or Gall Bladder channels. Rx Gentianae Longdancao, Rx Scutellariae, Fr Gardeniae Jasminoidis, Cs mutong, Sm Plantaginis, Rz Alismatis Orientalis, Rx Bupleuri, Rx Rehmanniae Glutinosae, Rx Angelicae Sinensis and Rx Glycyrrhizae Uralensis. Artemisia Annua and Soft-Shelled Turtle Shell Decoction (Qing Hao Bie Jia Tang). Advanced stage of infectious diseases, chronic nephritis, fevers of unknown origin and post-surgery fevers. Heat smoldering in the Yin regions of the body due to various etiologies provided that the signs and symptoms are primarily Yin Xu w/lingering heat. Yin Xu w/heat. Carapax Amydae Sinensis, Hb Artemisiae Annuae, Rx Rehmanniae Glutinosae, Rx Anemarrhenae Asphodeloidis and Cx Moutan Radicis. Major Order the Qi D…(Da Cheng Qi Tang) Severe constipation, flatulence, acute uncomplicated appendicitis, acute cholecystitis, acute pancreatitis, uncomplicated intestinal obstruction, post op constipation & distention, roundworm in bile duct, early dysentery, and pneumonia (especially in children).Rx et Rz Rhei, Fr Immaturus Citri Aurantii, Mirabilitum, and Cx Magnoliae Officinalis. Regulate the Stomach and Order of the Qi Decoction (Tiao Wei Cheng Qi Tang) Mild constipation due to Yang Ming Stage Heat. Rx et Rz Rhei, Rx Glycyrrhizae Uralensis, and Mirabilitum. Minor Bupleurum D (Xiao Chai Hu Tang) Upper respiratory tract infections, influenza, bronchitis, pulmonary TB, epidemic parotitis, jaundice, malaria, acute viral hepatitis, post partum fever, cholecystitis, lymphadenitis, intercostals neuralgia. Shao Yang Stage Disorder. Rx Bupleuri, Rx Scutellariae, Rz Pinelliae Ternatae, Rz Zingiberis Officinalis Recens, Rx Ginseng, Honey-fried Rx Glycyrrhizae and Fr Zizyphi Jujubae. Frigid Extremities Powder (Si Ni San) Gastritis, peptic ulcer, chlecystitis, Cholelithiasis, hepatitis, intestinal obstruction, mastitis and fibrocystic breast disease. Yang or hot type collapse (yang jue 22) which is most commonly due to heat entering the interior where it constrains the Yang Qi. Rx Bupleuri Fr Immaturus Citri Aurantii, Rx Paeoniae Lactiflorae and Honey-fried Rx Glycyrrhizae Uralensis. Rambling Powder (Xiao Yan San). Hepatitis, pleurisy, chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer, functional uterine bleeding, menopausal syndrome, pelvic inflammatory disease, fibrocystic breasts, optic nerve atrophy and central retinitis. Liver constrained with blood deficiency. Rx Bupleuri, Rx Angelicae Sinensis, Rx Paeoniae Lactiflorae, Rz Atactylodis Macrocephalae, Sc Poriae Cocos and Honey friend Rx Glycyrrhizae Uralensis. Pinellia Decoction to Drain the Epigastrium (Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang) Acute gastroenteritis, chronic gastritis, chronic hepatitis, early-stage cirrhosis, indigestion or gastric ulcers due to hypersecretion of acid. Stomach Qi disharmony due to cold-heat complex with an underlying Stomach Qi deficiency. Rz Pinelliae Ternatae, Rz Zingiberis Officinalis, Rx Scutellariae, Rz Coptidis, Rx Ginseng, Fr Zizyphi Jujubae and Honey-fried Rx Glycyrrhizae Uralensis. Five-ingredient Powder with Poria (Wu Ling San) Acute or chronic nephritis, chronic renal failure, congestive heart failure, ascites from liver cirrhosis, Meniers, infectious hepatitis, gastroptosis, gastrectasis, acute gastroenteritis, acute enteritis, genitourinary infections, neurogenic Bladder syndrome and hydrocele. Rz Alismatis Orientalis, Sc Poriae Cocos, Sc Polypori Umbellati, Rz Atractylodis macrocephalae, Rl Cinnamomi Cassiae. Arrest Wheezing Decoction (Ding Chuan Tang) Chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, and bronchiolitis. Wheezing caused by Wind Cold constraining the exterior and phlegm heat smoldering in the interior. Sm Ginkgo Bilobae, Hb Ephedrae, Fr Perillae Frutescentis, Rx Glycyrrhizae Uralensis, Fl Tussilaginis Farfarae, Sm Pruni Armeniacae, Cx Mori Albae Radicis, Rx Scutellarae, Rz Pinelliae Ternatae. Warm the Menses D (Wen Jing Tang) Functional uterine bleeding, irregular menses, primary dysmenorrheal, infertility, polycystic ovaries, chronic pelvic inflammatory disease and menopausal syndromes. Deficiency & Cold of the Ren & Chong Mai together with obstruction due to Blood deficiency. Fr Evodiae Rutaecarpae, Rl Cinnamomi Cassiae, Rx's Angelicae Sinensis, Rx Ligustici Chuanxiong, Rx Paeoniae, Gel Corii Asini, Tb Ophiopogonis, Cx Moutan Radicis Japonici, Rx Ginseng, Rx Glycyrrhizae Uralensis, Rz Zingiberis Officinalis Recens, Rz Pinelliae Ternatae. Emperor of Heaven’s Special Pill to Tonify the Heart (Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan). Heart disease, menopausal syndrome, chronic urticaria, pathos ulcers, neurasthenia. Yin deficiency of the Heat and Kidney. Rx Rehmanniae Glutinosae, Rx Ginseng, Tb Asparagi Cochinchinesis, Tb Ophiopogonis Japonic, Rx Scrophulariae Ningpoensis, Rx Salviae Miltiorrhizae, Sclerotium Poriae Cocos, Rx Polygalae Tenuifoliae, Rx Angelicae Sinensis, Fr Schisandrae Chinesis, Sm Biotae Orientalis, Sm Zizyphi Spinosae, Rx Platycodi Grandiflori and Cinnabaris. Eliminate Wind Powder from True Lineage (Xiao Feng San) Urticaria, eczema, psoriasis, contact dermatitis, Schonlein-Henoch purpura, tinea infection and diaper rash. Wind Heat or Wind damp with pre-existing damp heat which trapped the pathogen in the superficial blood vessels of the skin. Hb seu Fl Schizonepetae Tenuifoliae, Rx Ledebouriellae Divaricatae, Fr Arctii Lappae, Ps Cicadae, Rz Atractylodis, Rx Sophorae Flavescentis, Cs Mutong, Gypsum, Rx Anemarrhenae Asphodeloidis, Rx Rehmanniae Glutinosae, Rx Angelicae Sinensis, Sm Sesami Indici and Glycyrrhizae. Gastrodia and Uncaria D (Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin). Headaches, Cerebrovascular disease, transitory ischemic attacks, essential hypertension, renal hypertension, hypertensive encephalopathy, focal disorders of the higher nervous functions such as apraxia, epilepsy and neurosis. Liv yang rising by internal liver wind. Rz Gastrodiae Elatae, Rl cum Uncis Uncariae, Concha Haliotidis, Fr Gardniae Jasminoidis, Rx Scutellariae Balcalensis, Hb Leonuri Heterophylli, R Cynathulae Officinalis, Cx Eucommiae Ulmoidis, Sang Ji Sheng, Ye jiao teng and fu shen (Poriae Cocos). Restore the Spleen Decoction (Gui Pi Tang) Neurasthenia or personality disorders, post concussion syndrome, myasthenia gravis, congestive heart disease, supraventricular tachycardia, and anemia (esp. from chronic disease, thrombocytopenic or allergic purpura, cervicitis and functional uterine bleeding). The Diagnosis can be treated. Restless Heart sprit, Qi and Blood Deficiency, and Inability of the Spleen to control the Blood.” Rx Ginseng (Ton qi), Rx Astragali (Ton Qi), Atractylodis Macrocephalae (Ton Qi), Sc Poriae Cocos (Drain Damp), Sm Zizyphi Spinosae (Nourish Heart), Arillus Euphoriae Longanae (Tonify Blood), Rx Aucklandiae Lappae (Regulate Qi), Honey Friend RX Glycyrrhizae (Tonify Qi and harmonize formulae), Rx angelicae Sinensis (Tonify Blood) and Honey fried, Rx Polygalae Tenuifoliae (Nourish and tonify the heart). Anelica Pubescens and Sangjisheng D (Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang). Atrophy disorders characterized by wasting of the lower extremities, Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic lower back pain, sciatica and sequelae of poliomyelitis. Painful obstruction with Liver and Kidney deficiency. Rx Angelicae (Dispel Wind Damp), Hb cum Radice Asari (Wind release exterior), Rx Ledebouriellae Divaricatae (Wind release exterior), Rx Gentianae Qinjiao (Dispel Wind damp), Rl Sangjisheng (Ton Yin), Cx Eucommiae Ulmoidis (Ton Yang), Rx Achyranthis Bidentatae (Invigorate Blood), Cx Cinnamomi Cassiae (Warm Interior, Dispel cool), Rx Angelicae Sinensis (Ton Blood), Ligustici Chuanxiong (Invigorate Blood), Rehmanniae Glutinosae (Cool Blood), Rx Paeoniae Lactiflorae (Ton Blood), Rx Ginseng (Ton Qi), Sc Poriae Cocos (Drain damp) and Honey fried Rx Glycyrrhizae Uralensis (Ton Qi and harmonize formulae). Abbreviations used for OM Botanicals in formulas presented above: Bu=Bulbus Cs=Caulis Cx=Cortex Fl=Flos Fo=Folium Fr=Fructus Gel=Gelatinum Hb=Herba Md=Medulla Pc=Pericarpium Ps=Periostracum Rl=Ramulus Rx=Radix Rz=Rhizoma Se=Semen Tu=Tuber
Good Luck and God
Bless.-Dr. Scott David Neff