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Statue of Liberty





















Patriotic Songs from the "little guys"



The  American Way

To hear less than half of The American Way simply hit the following link.- The American Way


American Girl

Folks, to hear less than half of American Girl, hit the following link. - American Girl 




          by Scott David Neff (Song Writer, Guitars, Vocals, Orchestration...).


Pricing: $1.00 per copy or $2.00 for both American Girl and The American Way.  Simply provide email and will ship  directly to your email box. Thank you.

To Order:

We would love your support and know you will love the ambiance.  Contact for your address, and print out the form below or a similar note and mail it, with your payment.:



YES! I would like to receive:

_____ copies of The American Way.  For each song I am enclosing $1.00.  Send check or money order, no cash or C.O.D's, please.

Name:   ______________________________________


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"Freedom from fear and injustice and oppression will be ours only in the measure that men who value such freedom are ready to sustain its possession-to defend it against every thrust from within or without."  Dwight D. Eisenhower

P.S.   I would personally like to take this opportunity to thank all of the folks around the nation and the globe for your acquisitions.  Enjoy American Girl  and The American Way.   And God Bless.  lg

Thank you for your order!

© & TM 1998 American Academy for Justice Through Science. All rights reserved.

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